
Don Hickather
Justin Mauzey
This project involving linear algebra and discreet mathematics to predict the path
a projectile will follow through a star field, with a graphical representation of this data.
Programmed in Python with the use of the numeric, random, math, and Tkinter libraries.
Meant to fulfill final project for MATH 201 – Linear Algebra. Also has implementation
of applied physics as well as calculus techniques.
The Conceptual Ideas behind this game:
I played an old video game in the late eighties and early nineties called Vectwars.
This program was probably made in the early sixties, however research indicates that it
was around in the late sixties or early seventies. The game was relatively simple, it took
place in a two dimensional star field. The game allowed one to control a ship that was
confronted by multiple opponent ships. The only control one had over the ship was to
launch a projectile. The projectile’s inputs were velocity and launch angle. The gravity of
the stars in the star field tried to pull the projectile towards them. The trick was to get
their gravity to hook the shot into one of the opponents. I’ve thought about this game
numerous times over the years, even tried recreating it when I was in Junior High but
failed. My math skills and critical thinking abilities where not strong enough to
accomplish the task. When faced with a project dealing with vectors I thought it would be
an interesting project to revisit. There are at least two ways to solve this problem: one
way is to find a continuous equation that represents the path the projectile will take with
multiple gravitational forces acting upon the body, the other solution was to do it as a
non-continuous equation in discrete time intervals. The second method is only an
approximation, so error can be calculated. If I have time in the future I will revisit this
In order to solve the problem of what forces are acting on a projectile I had to use
applied physics. Since I chose the discreet method approximation, I needed to evaluate
the forces in stages. When I pictured this process I thought of a flip page animation scene
that I would make in real time. The idea sounded simple enough but the math that goes in
to it becomes increasingly difficult as the number of stars increases. The ability of a
computer to crunch this information is utilized. The initial way I set up this problem was
such that I had three variables: the velocity of my projectile, the position of the projectile
relative to the stars and the opponent’s ships, and the direction of my projectile’s path
relative to a reference angle.
Assumptions Made:
The stars and ships are fixed objects. The density of each star is a constant. A
star’s gravitational pull is proportional to its mass according to Newton’s Laws of
Attraction. The ship’s mass is insignificant compared to that of the stars so its force
vector is not calculated.
Setting up a free body diagram for the projectile
using a three star example to calculate the resultant force.
Calculate the forces acting on the object by the stars:
Label them Fgm1, Fgm2, and Fgm3. Where Fg  G 2
M = mass of the star
m = mass of projectile
G = the gravitational constant
r = distance from the projectile to the star
Since ‘r’ is a distance, a vector is constructed and the
norm of that vector is substituted into the Fg function
for ‘r.’ In order for this to work correctly the unit vector
had to be multiplied in to the function as well to make
the resulting force pull in the correct direction.
GM n m v n
F gn 
The equation above calculates the force acting between two bodies. Since there are
multiple stars that are acting upon the projectile, Fgn will have to be calculated for all
stars. The individual forces Fgm1, Fgm2, and Fgm3, will then be added together and a resultant
force will be calculated. The resultant will be the overall net force acting upon the
projectile, F final   F gn , where n is the number of stars. Once the resultant force is
known the acceleration of the projectile is calculated using F = ma, solving for ‘a’
Using: v(t )  v(t  1)  at ; this will calculate the new velocity based upon the old a  F final
velocity and the final resultant acceleration. However it does not tell how far the
projectile will travel in a straight line. Using: x(t )  x(t  1)  v(t ) * t  (1 / 2) * a * t
this vector quantity is the next point to graph and from which the next set of calculations
will be based off on.
Theory to Reality:
With the mechanics laid out it came time to make this project become reality.
After some research and consulting the Python language was chosen. Python is an
interpreted language, meaning it does not have to be compiled to run. It has a wide rand
of compiled libraries, to ease computation on the program. It also has efficient garbage
cleanup, which help prevent memory leaks. An example of preventing this would be:
Programming in Python:
curPos = 3
curPos = curPos + 2
Programming in C:
new oldPos = 3
new curPos = oldPos + 2
delete oldPos
new oldPos = curPos
delete curPos
Two line versus five lines. It allows for a shorter program as well as a more
natural flow of writing the program. In a simple example such as this it’s not as apparent
as adding vectors to arrays and such. By the end of my program it became much more
apparent how useful this feature is. Through all of my experience in programming I had
never dealt with a GUI before. Python’s default GUI is TK based off from TCL. The
creator of the Python language did it as an under graduate project to prove that thirty
percent of all programming languages were what he called ‘Sugar Coated Syntax’ and
were not needed. In Python there is no ‘Then’ keyword or block statement syntax
because it’s inferred in an ‘If’ command that something is done. Due to this fact indent
level notation is critical. I am becoming more comfortable with the mechanics of the
language itself. Like everything else familiarity comes with understanding and practice.
The highlights of implementation of linear algebra in the program uses vectors,
transforms, scalars, rotations, and operators such as the norm and dot products.
The program:
The program consists of three parts: a view, a model, and a
controller. The view is what is actually visible to the human eye. The
inputs from the view have to go through the controller before making
it to the model. When data is entered in to the view, it is just raw data
that has to be interpreted. The model wants vector quantities for its
calculations, so the purpose of the controller is to change the input
values from the view in to floating point numbers and construct a two by one matrix out
of the data before passing the information to the model. The model does the calculations
based on the physics listed above and outputs a two by one matrix. The matrix then needs
to be reinterpreted and made in to integers for graphing purposes. A computer’s display is
only able to graph pixels at predetermined integer locations. So the new point to graph
needs to be rounded to whole numbers.
The view does take care of
some things such as an initial
transform and scaling. In TK the
point (0,0) is located in the upper left
hand corner of the window and as
you go right the ‘x’ value increases,
however as you go down the ‘y’ axis
the values of ‘y’ gets larger. In order
to reposition the (0,0) coordinate to
the lower left hand corner and force
the display into the ‘first quadrant’ from a mathematical view, a transform matrix was
used. At the same time of implementation I have it scale the window as well. The
physical dimensions of the window are 800 × 600 pixels but one can graph any size
window and it will scale to the initial area.
The rotation of the ship is actually a property of the ship itself. When the fire
button is pressed the view erases the ship and passes the angle of launch and the ships old
position back to the ship. The ship in turn runs its old coordinates through a translation
matrix moving the center of the ship to the origin. The Ship then converts the angle in to
radians, and runs the numbers through a rotation matrix. Then the new rotated points get
fed back in to the translation matrix and passed back to the view. The view then redraws
the ship. This is the only time the model talks directly to the view, all other
communications go through the controller.
In the old Vectwars a projectile
was able to loop around the screen. The
‘x’ maximum and ‘x’ minimum are the
same points, when graphed they are the
same points on the surface a cylinder. The
‘y’ minimum and ‘y’ maximum share the
same set of points as well. When the two
orthogonal cylinders are graphed in a three
dimensional space the resulting shape is
that of a donut, called a torus.
Implementation of the torus function went
well. The point of implementing this is
that if the projectile leaves the bottom of
the star field it will reenter the top of the
star field with the same ‘x’ value, causing
the projectile to loop around the screen.
Other uses of linear algebra are in the physics engine, listed above.
Implementation of unit vectors to determine the direction of my forces. An array in the
Python language is basically the same the same thing as a matrix. In Python you can edit
the dimensions of a matrix on the fly. Python also allows you to reference information
from a matrix from the bottom up with a negative reference as well as a standard positive
reference. An example would be A(-1, : ) would reference the last row and all columns,
this allowed me to add my projectiles points into a matrix and access the last one for my
next set of calculations but also store them for future analysis. In the torus function when
the projectile looped it was necessary to reset the line to a new point, resetting the line. I
could have created a matrix of matrices but chose to keep them independent, the down
fall to this is that a single shot can be comprised of more than one line but it allowed for
easier error calculations.
Trying to evaluate the error in my projectiles trajectory is a more difficult process.
The limit as Δt approaches zero is going to be the true function that represents the
projectile’s trajectory. Shortening the time interval and comparing the corresponding
points caused the program to crash when the lines differed in length, which was just
about every time. Comparing the end points from the two different lines with the same
initial conditions but different time intervals gave an idea of the error but not a very
accurate representation of the error. Unable to solve this part of the problem, I chose to
store the points for future calculations.
The most important application aspect I took from this endeavor was the accuracy
versus time of the simulation. The program can become more accurate but the sacrifice is
speed, and visa versa, the program can run faster but it becomes less accurate. This is due
to how many times it reevaluates the problem in the simulated timing. If the time interval
becomes large enough the projectile can shoot right through a star or an opponent before
the intersect routine is reevaluated. So the question gets raised how accurate should the
simulation be. Analyzing the problem in order of magnitudes, there is very little
difference between a time increment of 0.01 and 0.1 but a huge difference between 0.1
and 1.0. The time increment chosen for the program was 0.1 because it was ten times
faster than 0.01 and had little visible error.
Concluding Statements: This program has been the most challenging and
rewarding thing I have encountered in college so far. This is the first real life application
I have been able to apply such a large skill set to solve a problem. It took knowledge
from physics, calculus, linear algebra, and programming to accomplish. I always wanted
to make computer games for a living and making it this far feels good. This is my fist
step to accomplishing that goal. As it stands there are a few things I want to finish on the
program, but I think I will wait until my skill set is even stronger. I tried the error analysis
but was unable to quantitatively produce results since it requires the usage of discrete
mathematics. Last time I tried to undertake this project I failed. This time around I didn’t
fail but I didn’t fully succeed. I don’t feel bad about it because this idea is more
developed than last time I walked away from it, I will just come back to it as time and
skills permit.
Justin Mauzey