MUS 1101 - Music Theory I

MUS 1101 - Music Theory I
1. List and define the four elements of music: pitch, intensity, duration, timbre.
2. Read and write standard music notation, including pitch and rhythmic notation, using all clefs
and time signatures.
3. Write and identify key signatures in major, minor, dorian, phrygian, lydian, and mixolydian
modes. . [Subp.3.A(7)knowledge, practice]
4. Determine key and mode of given musical excerpt. [Subp.3.A(7)knowledge, practice]
5. Write, play, identify aurally, and identify usage in melodies of modes above, including three
forms of minor scale, plus whole tone, pentatonic, and chromatic scales. [Subp.3.A(7)knowledge,
6. Describe, perform, and notate rhythms in simple or compound; duple, triple, or irregular
meters; beat may be divided, but will not be subdivided.
7. Write, play, and identify in writing and by hearing all intervals and triads.
[Subp.3.A(7)knowledge, practice]
8. Conduct in 2, 3, 4, and/or 6 while reading the rhythm or singing a melody and, in doing so, to
demonstrate one appropriate physical response to music.
9. To identify in writing, by function and inversion, all diatonic triads in 4-part chorale or keyboard
style. [Subp.3.A(1)knowledge, practice]
10. To identify, verbally or in writing, nonharmonic tones of all kinds in a given musical excerpt.
[Subp.3.A(1)knowledge, practice]
11. To identify cadences in a given chorale. [Subp.3.A(1)knowledge, practice]
12. Describe common harmonic progressions. [Subp.3.A(1)knowledge, practice]
13. Realize, using correct voice-leading, a given figured bass with a soprano line using diatonic
triads and their inversions in a 4-part chorale style. [Subp.3.A(1)knowledge, practice;
Subp.3.A(5)knowledge, practice]
14. To harmonize a phrase of a chorale melody using diatonic triads and their inversions.
[Subp.3.A(5)knowledge, practice]
15. To harmonize a folk melody at the keyboard using primary triads in root position, with
appropriate harmonic rhythm, given approximately 15 minutes to analyze and practice the
melody. [Subp.3.A(5)knowledge, practice; Subp.3.A(7)knowledge, practice]
16. Sightsing a melody in either major or minor, in either simple or compound meter, which uses
stepwise motion and leaps in the tonic triad, using moveable “do” solfege and conducting.
17. Perform I-IV-I-V-I and I-IV-V-I progressions in major or minor mode at the keyboard in four
parts using correct voice leading in any close position. [Subp.3.A(3)knowledge, practice]
Original Date: 09/2004