Üds-Kpds Hazırlık Kitabı

Önce seçeneklere bakın ve eğer seçenekler kısa ise tümcede eksik olan bölümün ne
olduğunu görün. Seçenekler uzun ise zaman kaybetmeyin. Soru tümcesini okuyun.
Soru tümcesini okurken, tümcenin temel unsurlarını (Ö+Y+N ve ana tümce ile yan tümce)
belirlemeye çalışın. Bunlar dışında kalan ve tümcenin uzunluğuna katkı sağlamaktan başka bir
işlevi olmayan unsurları ayıklayın.
1. Ö+Y+N yapılı tümcede eksik unsur.
¨ Basit tümcede:
Tümcenin Ö+Y+N yapısını kontrol edin. Basit tümce zannettiğiniz bir yapı bileşik
tümce olabilir.
A. Eksik olan özne ise:
Yüklemin tekil ya da çoğul olmasından yola çıkarak tekil ya da çoğul özne arayın;
..... is an animal of great concern to scientists.
A) That the giraffe
B) The giraffe
C) These giraffes
D) Giraffes
E) Those giraffes
Nesnedeki it(s), his her, him, them.. sözcükleri yolu ile özneyi saptamaya çalışın;
..... will always be remembered for its sinking on her maiden
A) This ship
B) That the ship
C) These ships
D) Ships
E) Those ships
Tümcede, özneyi niteleyen unsurları göz önünde bulundurun:
Determiner: Article (a, an, the), demonstrative (this, that, these, those), possessive
adjective (my, our, your, his, her, its, their)
Adjective: Common (old, yellow, ..), participal (interesting, bored, ..), nominal (plactic,
glass, ..)
Quantifier: Cardinal number (one, two, ..), ordinal number (first, second, ..), indefinite
quantifier (some, many, few, ..)
Adverb: Adverb of approximation (almost, about, nearly, ..), adverb of strength and
intensity (completely, extremely, quite, rather, very, ..)
B. Eksik olan nesne ise:
Öznenin tekil ya da çoğul olmasına göre it(s), his,her, him, them, .. arayın;
Tüm tümce bağlamını inceleyin ve tamamen saçma gözüken seçenekleri eleyin;
Yukarıda değinilen (a) adı nitelendiren yapılara dikkat edin.
C. Eksik olan yüklem ise:
Öznenin tekil ya da çoğul olmasına göre yüklemi saptamaya çalışın;
Öznenin animate (canlı) ya da inanimate (cansız) olmasına göre yüklemin etken mi
yoksa edilgen mi olması gerektiğini belirleyin;
Tümce içindeki zaman gösteren yapılar yardımı ile yüklemin hangi zamanda olması
gerektiğini saptayın.
¨ Bileşik tümcede
Tümce Tamamlama ile ilgili bölüme bakın.
2. Tümcede clause marker eksik.
He was terribly disappointed with the decision of the
committee, ..... he gave in his resignation.
A) since
B) however
C) yet
D) in case
E) so
Bileşik tümce yapıları çok iyi tanımanız gerekmekte.
Seçenekleri yok varsayarak tümcenin anlamını çıkarmaya çalışın. Tümcenin zaman,
neden, sonuç, kıyas gibi bileşik tümce yapılardan hangisine ait olduğunu bulun.
Seçenekler içinde, saptadığınız bileşik tümce türüne ait yapıları arayın.
Seçenekler içinde uygun olan birden fazla yapı varsa (although ve despite gibi), yan
tümceyi inceleyin. Seçeneklerden hangisinin yan tümceye uygun olduğunu belirleyin.
3. Tümcede phrase oluşturan yapı eksik
..... acute shortages of food in many countries, the delegates
voted to increase programmes and services in weather
reporting and research needed for greater production of
A) By way of
B) Contrary to
C) According to
D) In view of
E) As far as
Ana tümce ile yan tümce arasında ne tür bir ilişki olduğunu belirleyin: karşıtlık, neden,
sonuç, ..
Seçenekleri eleyin.
Birden fazla seçenek kalırsa, önce yapı, sonra da anlam açısından uygunluğunu
4. Paralel yapıda eksik unsur.
..... you can get the experiments completed ..... you can get the
report written up.
A) As soon/as soon
B) The sooner/the sooner
C) The sooner/sooner
D) As soon/The sooner
E) Sooner/the soonest
Tümcenin bir bileşik tümce olduğundan emin olun. Bunun için de bileşik tümce
yapıları çok iyi tanımanız gerekmekte.
Bu tür sorularda seçenekler her ne kadar birbirlerine çok benzer gibi görünse de,
bazıları tümceye oturtulması dilbilgisi açısından hatalı olmaktadır. Bu şekilde
seçenekleri eleyin.
Uygun seçeneği bulmakta zorlanırsanız, seçenekleri tümcenin genel anlamına
uygunlukları, ana ve yan tümcelerin her birine uygunlukları açısından sınayın.
5. Tümcede tag question eksik
Prior to taking up this appointment, he used to work for the
government, .....?
A) wasn't he
B) did he use
C) didn't he
D) did he
E) didn't he use
Tümcenin ana yükleminin hangi zaman yapısını ya da yardımcı yüklemi içerdiğini
Tümcenin öznesinin tekil mi yoksa çoğul mu olduğunu saptayın.
Some of the articles in the Criminal Code will have to be
amended, .....?
A) will they
B) won't they
C) haven't they
D) won't it
E) will it
Tümcenin, tag question açısından istisna oluşturacak yapıları içerip içermediğini
inceleyin. Bu yapıları Dilbilgisi Açıklamaları içinde bulabilirsiniz.
6. Diğer yapılar
a. Zamanlar
At tomorrow's concert the orchestra ..... by Carl von Braun.
A) will have conducted
B) will conduct
C) has been conducted
D) will be conducted
E) is going to conduct
Zaman belirten yapılara dikkat edin (örnek soruda tomorrow sözcüğü).
Bileşik tümcede zaman uyumuna dikkat edin. Bu konu ile ilgili notlar Dilbilgisi
Açıklamaları içinde.
Tümcenin etken/edilgen yapısını inceleyin (örnek soruda by sözcüğü edilgen olması
gerektiğini göstermekte.)
b. Edilgen
You ..... pleased to learn that Mr Lawson ..... chairman.
A) have been/appointed
B) will be/has been appointed
C) are/is appointing
D) have been/was appointed
E) were/appointed
Yukarıda a. Zamanlar için verilen notları inceleyin.
c. Ettirgen
Do you think you will be able to ..... him to lend his car?
A) get
B) have
C) let
D) permit
E) allow
Dilbilgisi Açıklamaları içinde işlenen ettirgen yapıları iyi bilmeniz gerekmekte.
Bu tür sorularda ettirgen yapının geçmekte olduğunu hemen farketmek her zaman için
kolay olmamakta. Tümcede esas yüklem dışındaki eylem yapıların (örnek tümcede
lend) past participle (V3) ya da infinitive (to+V) şeklinde kullanılmaları söz konusu
ise, dikkatli olun! Karşınızda bir ettirgen yapı bulunabilir.
Aşağıda örnek olarak 32 dilbilgisi sorusu verildi.
Yanıtlar bütün sorulardan sonra gelmekte.
1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become ..... controversial that the people
running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term.
A) too
B) as
C) such
D) so
E) more
Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I ..... a complaint with the Consumers'
Rights Office.
A) will not have filed
B) may not have filed
C) would not have filed
D) was not filing
E) may not file
He is diplomatically qualified ..... to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed forces in the
A) enough
B) though
C) as well as
D) not only
E) also
As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and none of
the members attempted to persuade him to, ..... .
A) also
B) too
C) as well
D) either
E) yet
They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to ..... at regular
A) the other
B) each other
C) themselves
D) the others
E) one other
Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled ..... continued increases ..... retail food
prices, have curtailed consumption.
A) with / in
B) through / through
C) by / for
D) at / about
E) within / over
In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation have
transformed much of the country's highlands ..... bare landscapes, all but destroyed .....
A) above / of
B) for / with
C) into / by
D) in / under
E) to / at
When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to help .....
who could do nothing for ..... .
A) that / himself
B) them / their
C) those / themselves
D) these / themselves
E) us / yourself
Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the
operation ..... he was the most senior of the officers available.
A) whyever
B) whether
C) even though
D) whenever
E) so that
Why can't you admit that, ..... hard he works, he will never manage to achieve what his elder
brother has achieved?
A) unless
B) whatsoever
C) though
D) whenever
E) however
Clifford Goertz, probably ..... famous anthropologist in the world today, has revolutionized the
way anthropology is taught on campuses.
A) more
B) most
C) the most
D) the more
E) a
Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate ..... they had known in advance
who the principal speakers were.
A) if only
B) while
C) since
D) after
E) until
13. In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations ..... by a growing number of countries.
A) will have been questioned
B) was questioned
C) had been questioned
D) would be questioned
E) has been questioned
It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of the bridge
..... by the Ministry.
A) would have been announced
B) would be announced
C) are being announced
D) will have been announced
E) have been announced
They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish they .....
A) had not done
B) have not done
C) would not do
D) would not have done
E) never do
I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year ..... he had
A) such as
B) even so
C) in case
D) just as
E) so far as
We ..... no problems whatsoever with the dam since it ..... forty years ago.
A) had / has been constructed
B) have had / was constructed
C) had had / had been constructed
D) are having / is constructed
E) were having / was being constructed
It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact ..... I think about it ..... I regret it.
A) as much / so much more
B) the more / as much
C) much / as much
D) the most / so much
E) the more / the more
The scheme has been ..... consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it will ever be
put ..... effect.
A) under / into
B) within / through
C) for / to
D) in / off
E) over / over
It was ..... his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks ..... the principle of
economic cooperation.
A) by / through
B) over / for
C) through/ on
D) with / at
E) without / from
There ..... many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success ..... .
A) were / had been achieved
B) had been / has been achieved
C) have been / has been achieved
D) are / was achieved
E) may be / will have been achieved
22. Evaporation ..... the process by which a solid or liquid ..... into vapour by heat.
A) had been / resolved
B) was / had resolved
C) has been / was resolved
D) may be / has resolved
E) is / is resolved
The Etruscans, who ..... a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., ..... from Asia Minor.
A) had colonized / originally came
B) colonized / had originally come
C) were colonized / have originally come
D) have colonized / originally come
E) were colonizing / might originally come
The orders were that we ..... the area within hours to prevent further loss of life.
A) had evacuated
B) have to evacuate
C) will have evacuated
D) had to evacuate
E) shall have to evacuate
He ..... his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race ..... by transfers of cultural
and technological advance from one civilization to another.
A) concluded / had been marked
B) concludes / would have been marked
C) has concluded / was marked
D) had concluded / is marked
E) will conclude / was being marked
The advance in the steel industry has been marked ..... a progressive increase ..... size,
complexity and capital outlay.
A) at / of
B) with / to
C) over / from
D) by / in
E) under / through
The answer to the question ..... great art can exist independently of religion will, ..... depends
on society's moral and aesthetic values.
A) what / in the same way
B) even if / in due course
C) whether / to a large extent
D) so that / in short
E) since / now and again
Thailand has lost half of its forests ..... its population has ..... doubled in recent decades.
A) as / more than
B) just as / mostly
C) so as / soon
D) in case / quite
E) because of / much
Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know ..... it was, and added that it was
not ..... .
A) which / him
B) whose / his
C) who / her
D) whom / us
E) that / theirs
The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was ..... early to propose amendments in
the legislation concerning industrial relations.
A) as well as
B) just so
C) just as
D) as soon as
E) as yet too
31. Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards their
objectives, ..... merely putting forward an action programme.
A) in order to
B) rather than
C) as far as
D) in that
E) so long as
If our delegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries
..... .
A) would be, too
B) wouldn't have, either
C) had not, either
D) have had, too
E) would have, too
1. The very idea of establishing a literary "canon" has become so controversial that the
people running the Library of America have wisely avoided using the term.
so + adjective + that. Yanıt D.
Had they apologized for deliberately overcharging me, I would not have filed a
complaint with the Consumers' Rights Office.
Third condition, devrik yapı. Yanıt C.
He is diplomatically qualified enough to negotiate for a mutual reduction of the armed
forces in the region.
adjective + enough to + V. Yanıt A.
As he was not satisfied with the contents of the document, he declined to sign it, and
none of the members attempted to persuade him to, either.
Olumsuz özne (None of the members). Yanıt D.
They haven't met for twelve years or more, but I understand they still write to each
other at regular intervals.
Tümcenin öznesi çoğul. A seçeneği tekile değiniyor; C seçeneği kendilerine, D
seçeneği de başka kişilere yazdıklarını anlatıyor; E seçeneğinin one other + noun
olması gerekir. Yanıt B.
Economic recession and rising unemployment, coupled with continued increases in
retail food prices, have curtailed consumption.
couple + with; increase + in + nesne. Yanıt A. increase + in yapısı 26. soruda da
In Ethiopia, primitive farming practices and uncontrolled clearing of natural vegetation
have transformed much of the country's highlands into bare landscapes, all but
destroyed by erosion.
transform + into. Yanıt C.
When the relief workers reached the scene of the disaster, they immediately began to
help those who could do nothing for themselves.
Boşluk sonrasındaki whosözcüğünden ötürü boşluğa insan(lar)a yönelik bir sözcük
gelmeli. A seçeneğinde that + man/woman/.. olmalıydı; B seçeneğinde their yanlış
çünkü iyelik taşıyor; D en yakın çeldirici, ancak these sözcüğü şu an yakınlarda
olanları ("bunlar") gösterir, oysa olay çoktan bitmiş; E seçeneğinde us ve themself
uyumsuz. Yanıt C
Under these circumstances he should never have been allowed to take charge of the
operation even though he was the most senior of the officers available.
"He should never have been allowed ... he was the the most senior officer". Çelişkili
durum anlatılmakta. Yanıt C.
10. Why can't you admit that, however hard he works, he will never manage to achieve
what his elder brother has achieved?
however + adjective/adverb + tümce. Yanıt E.
Clifford Goertz, probably the most famous anthropologist in the world today, has
revolutionized the way anthropology is taught on campuses.
Bir başka kişi ile kıyaslama yok. Yanıt C.
Many more people would doubtless have attended the debate if only they had known
in advance who the principal speakers were.
Third condition. Yanıt A.
In recent decades the efficiency of the United Nations has been questioned by a
growing number of countries.
Tümcedeki recent sözcüğünden ötürü present perfect. Yanıt E.
It seems likely that by the end of the week, the costs involved in the construction of
the bridge will have been announced by the Ministry.
Tümcedeki by zaman gösteren sözcüğünden ötürü ana tümcede past perfect veya
future perfect olmalı. Yanıt D.
They set up a liaison office in East Africa for marketing their goods but now they wish
they had not done so.
Pişmanlık. Third condition gibi olmalı. Yanıt A.
I was forced to admit that there was a drop in sales towards the end of the year just as
he had predicted.
En yakın çeldirici E. Yanıt D (Similarity Clause)
We have had no problems whatsoever with the dam since it was constructed forty
years ago.
since + simple past; tümce present perfect. Yanıt B.
It was foolish of me to turn down such an offer; in fact the more I think about it the
more I regret it.
Üzerinde düşünme arttıkça pişmanlık artmakta. Birbirine bağımlı kıyas. Yanıt E.
The scheme has been under consideration for a long time now, but I doubt whether it
will ever be put into effect.
put + into + effect. Yanıt A.
It was through his efforts that the two sides finally agreed to hold talks on the principle
of economic cooperation.
İlk boşluk açısından en yakın çeldirici A, yanıt ise C.
There has been many efforts to eradicate racism, but very little success has been
Tartışmalı bir soru. Zaman gösteren hiç bir yapı olmadığı için A seçeneğinin ve C
seçeneğinin doğru olduklarını söyleyebilirsiniz. Dilbilgisel açıdan bu doğru olsa bile
anlamsal olarak C doğru yanıt. A seçeneğinde ikinci bölümün past perfect olması
hatalı. Burada was achieved gerekirdi, çünkü önce çaba sarfedildi, sonra başarısızlık
Evaporation is the process by which a solid or liquid is resolved into vapour by heat.
Herşeyden önce, by heat yapısından ötürü edilgen yapı gerekir. Seçenekler içinde bir
tek C ve E seçeneklerinde edilgen var. Tümce doğal, her zaman gerçekleşebilecek bir
durumu anlattığı için yanıt E.
The Etruscans, who colonized a great part of Italy about 900 B.C., had originally come
from Asia Minor.
Etrüskler önce Asia Minor'dan (=Anadolu) geldiler, sonra Italya'nın büyük bir
bölümünü kolonileştirdiler. Yanıt B.
The orders were that we had to evacuate the area within hours to prevent further loss
of life.
Bir noun clause tümce. Ana yüklem simple past olduğu için boşluğa gelecek yüklemin
de past olması gerekir. B, C ve E seçenekleri elenir. Tümcenin öznesi emir ve bir
zorunluluk durumu da D seçeneğinde var.
He concluded his paper by saying that the entire history of the human race had been
marked by transfers of cultural and technological advance from one civilization to
Tümce bir noun clause. İlk boşluğa past tense bir yüklem gelirse, ikinci boşluk da past
olmalı. "Entire history of human race" henüz sona ermediğine göre, bu kişi şu an
konuşuyor olsa "Entire history of human race has been marked by ..." derdi. A
seçeneği, bu tümcenin aktarım (= reported) hali.
The advance in the steel industry has been marked by a progressive increase in size,
complexity and capital outlay.
Tümcenin yüklemi edilgen. Bu durumda ilk aranacak sözcük by olmalı. Yanıt D.
increase + in yapısı 6. soruda da geçmekte.
The answer to the question whether great art can exist independently of religion will,
to a large extent depends on society's moral and aesthetic values.
Tümcenin ana yüklemi depends on. "The answer to the question" bölümünden sonra
gelen bölümün, bu sorunun ne olduğunu açıklaması gerekir. Bu durumda da ilk
boşluğa gelecek sözcük bir soru sözcüğü olmalı. Bir tek A (what) ve C (whether) soru
sözcükleri taşımakta. Bunun ardından anlam açısından bir niceleme yapılması
gerekir. Yanıt C.
Thailand has lost half of its forests as its population has more than doubled in recent
İlk boşluktan sonra bir tümce gelmekte. Bu durumda C ve E elenir (so as + to,
because of + noun/-ing). D seçeneği anlamsal olarak yanlış, bir koşul durumu yok. En
yakın çeldirici olan B seçeneği tümceye yerleştirilirse ikinci boşluğa gelen mostly
sözcüğü ile doubled sözcüğü uyuşmamakta, çünkü mostly = often. Yanıt A. (as =
because / when)
Holding a yellow umbrella in his hand he said he didn't know whose it was, and added
that it was not his .
Şemsiyenin sahibi soruşturuluyor. Yanıt B.
The Deputy Prime Minister announced today that it was as yet too early to propose
amendments in the legislation concerning industrial relations.
too + adj./adv. + to + V. Yanıt E.
Activists are these in a political movement who insist on taking active steps towards
their objectives, rather than merely putting forward an action programme.
Seçenekleri eleyerek gitmek en iyisi. Boşluktan sonra Ving gelmekte; burada insist on
taking .... (insist on) putting yapısı mevcut. A seçeneğinde to + V gerekir. C
seçeneğinde as far as + tümce. D seçeneğinde in that + tümce. E seçeneğinde so
long as + tümce. Yanıt B.
If our d
elegates hadn't shown themselves willing to come to terms, those from other countries
wouldn't have, either.
Third condition. Yan tümcenin yüklemi olumsuz olduğu için en yakın çeldirici olan E
seçeneğindeki too yanlış. Yanıt B.
Zamanlar Present, Past, ve Future sırası ile ele alınmaktadır. Ele alınan tense başlıkları:
will / be going to + V
was / were + Ving
am / is / are + Ving
will be + Ving
had + V3
have / has + V3
will have + V3
had been + Ving
have / has been + Ving
will have been + Ving
2.1. Simple Present Tense
a) Her zaman olan / olabilecek olaylar için kullanılır.
The earth rotates around the sun.
Dünya Güneş'in çevresinde döner.
You should apologise when you ..... him.
A. saw
B. will see
C. see
D. had seen
E. were seeing
b) Bir olayı naklederken, özellikle hikaye dilinde kullanılır.
Rosencrantz flips a coin. (Bir tiyatro oyunundan)
c) Her zaman olan, olabilecek ve bir sıklığa sahip olayların anlatımında kullanılır.
I always / sometimes / rarely brush my teeth.
Because the office is too busy these days, I ..... find time for
A. hardly
B. always
C. often
D. usually
E. almost always
Simple Present'ın bu kullanımları (A-C) Türkçe'ye aktarılırken "yüklem + -Er/-Ir" yapısı kullanılır.
d) Geleceğe ait kesin bir olaydan söz ederken kullanılır.
We set off after lunch.
e) Normalde VERB konumunda Ving yapısı ile kullanılmayan bazı yüklemlerle birlikte kullanılır:
astonish, belong to, believe, concern, consist of, contain, depend on, deserve, detest,
dislike, doubt, feel, fit, forget, guess, have, hear, hate, imagine, include, impress,
know, like, love, need, owe, realize, recognize, regret, resemble, remember, satisfy,
see, seem, smell, sound, suppose, taste, think, understand, want, wish
feel yüklemi "fikir sahibi olmak" (- I feel he is right) anlamında "-ing" almaz;
"hissetmek" anlamı (- How are you feeling today?) taşıdığında "-ing" alabilir.
have yüklemi "sahip olmak" (- She has three children.) anlamında "-ing" almaz";
"..almak / yemek" anlamı (- They are having lunch.) taşıdığında "-ing" alabilir.
hear yüklemi alışılmadık durum belirttiğinde (- I'm hearing things. / Gaipten sesler
duyuyorum.) "-ing" ile kullanılabilir.
see yüklemi alışılmadık durum belirttiğinde (- I'm seeing double) "-ing" ile kullanılabilir.
smell yüklemi "koku salmak" (- It smells nice.) anlamında "-ing" almaz; "koklamak"
anlamı (-She is smelling the flowers.) taşıdığında "-ing" alabilir.
taste yüklemi "tadı olmak" (- It tastes nice.) anlamında "-ing" almaz; "tatmak" anlamı (Why are you tasting the soup?) taşıdığında "-ing" alabilir.
think yüklemi "fikir sahibi olmak" (- I think he is right.) anlamında "-ing" almaz;
"düşünmek" anlamı (- What are you thinking ?) taşıdığında "-ing" alabilir.
Simple Present'ın bu kullanımları (D-E) Türkçe'ye aktarılırken "yüklem + - Er/-Ir" ya da çoğu kez
"yüklem + - Iyor" yapısı kullanılır.
f) Emir vermek için kullanılır.
Stop !
Please ..... smoke before you see the red light off.
A. not to
B. no
C. do not
D. to
E. not
2.2. Present Continuous Tense
a) Şu anda gerçekleşmekte olan olaylar için kullanılır.
You are reading a sentence.
I'm afraid you can't speak to Tom now because he ..... a
A. has
B. had
C. is having
D. was having
E. would have
b) Şu aralar olmakta olan olaylar için kullanılır.
I am reading a wonderful novel.
c) Geleceğe yönelik kesin planlarda kullanılır.
What are you doing tomorrow ?
d) Konuşmacıyı tedirgin eden ve sık tekrarlanan bir olay için always ile birlikte kullanılır.
She is always complaining about my dog.
Present Continuous'un bu kullanımları (A-D) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -Iyor/-mEktE" kullanılarak aktarılır.
Genelde şu zaman sözcükleri ile kullanılır:
now, at present, at the moment
2.3. Present Perfect Tense
a) Az önce tamamlanan bir olay için, genelde just ile kullanılır.
I have just drunk a cup of tea.
He ..... only just ....., so he should be tired.
A. did / come
B. was / coming
C. will / come
D. had / come
E. has / come
b) Zamanın belli olmadığı ya da önemli olmadığı durumlarda kullanılır.
Peter has been to the States twice.
c) Geçmişte yapılmış, şu anda ya da gelecekte yapılabilme olasılığı var olan olaylar için kullanılır.
He has won 3 Oscars.
d) Sınırları kesin olmayan bir zamanla [1], ya da, zaman diliminin sona ermediğinde [2] kullanılır.
The population has risen dramatically lately. [1]
They haven't had a holiday this year. [2]
This is the largest car that I ..... whole my life.
A. have seen
B. saw
C. will see
D. had seen
E. am seeing
So far, we ..... only a part of the project.
A. will complete
B. completed
C. complete
D. have completed
E. were completing
We ..... an enormous number of tourists this summer.
A. had
B. have had
C. had had
D. would have
E. were having
Apparently, she ..... her homework yet.
A. didn't do
B. won't do
C. doesn't do
D. isn't doing
E. hasn't done
Yet sözcüğünün farklı kullanım ve anlamları:
be + yet  daha, bir de, üstüne üstlük.
olumlu eylem + yet ever.
Tümce başında yet, fakat anlamındadır.
I ..... here since 1983.
A. have lived
B. am living
C. lived
D. live
E. will live
Since ve for sözcüklerinin kullanımı:
Since + eylemin başlama zamanı.
For + dönem.
Since + simple past.
Since the day he ..... ill, he ..... a lot of reading.
A. is/did
B. was/does
C. was/did
D. is/has done
E. was/has done
Present Perfect'in bu kullanımları (A-D) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -DI", çeviri metni resmi bir dil taşıdığında
da "yüklem + - mIştIr" yapısı ile aktarılır.
e) be yüklemi ile birlikte, nitelik, yer, vs. belirten yapıların oluşturulmasında kullanılır.
I have been a teacher for 7 years.
Bu kullanım (E) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -DIr" yapısı ile aktarılırsa da -DIr takısı genelde düşer.
2.4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
a) Present Perfect'ten farklı olarak, daha süreli bir eylemi kapsar.
I have been writing since ten this morning.
He ..... very hard every day for the last week.
A. studies
B. will study
C. is studying
D. studied
E. has been studying
b) Kimi zaman, olayın kendisi bitmiş olsa bile etkisi sürmektedir.
You look terrible. Have you been fighting ?
Judging from the wet streets, I can say that it ..... very heavily.
A. is raining
B. rains
C. will rain
D. was raining
E. has been raining
Present Perfect (Continuous) genelde şu zaman sözcükleri ile kullanılır:
recently, lately, so far, by far, since, for, yet, already
Present Perfect Continuous Türkçe'ye, eylem sonuçlanmamış ise (A) "yüklem + -Iyor/-mEktE", eylem
sonuçlanmış ise (B) "yüklem + -DI" ile aktarılır.
3.1. Simple Past Tense
a) Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda bitmiş bir olay için kullanılır.
He left a minute ago.
Where did the accident happen ?
Simple Past'ın bu kullanımı (A) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -DI", daha resmi yapılarda ise "yüklem + mIştIr"
kullanılarak aktarılır.
He ..... about to resign when they offered him a better position
in the firm.
A. was
B. is
C. will be
D. would be
E. had been
b) Geçmişe ait bir alışkanlık için always,
He always wore a hat.
never, vs. ile kullanılır.
Simple Past'ın bu kullanımı (B) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -I/ErdI" kullanılarak aktarılır.
3.2. Past Perfect Tense
a) Geçmişte önce olan olay için Past Perfect,
sonra olan olay için de Simple Past kullanılır.
When the police arrived, the burglad had escaped.
b) Past Perfect temelde Present Perfect'in past halidir.
He had won 3 Oscars.
We met at a party yesterday, but we ..... each other by sight
for years.
A. had known
B. know
C. knew
D. have known
E. will know
Past Perfect Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -mIştI" ile, ya da, pek sık olmasa da, ""yüklem + - DIydI" ile aktarılır.
3.3. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous yapının past
I had been writing since 10 this morning.
You looked terrible. Had you been fighting ?
He ..... carefully when he had the accident.
A. didn't drive
B. doesn't drive
C. wouldn't drive
D. hadn't driven
E. hadn't been driving
Past Perfect Continuous Türkçe'ye " yüklem + -Iyordu / -mEktEydI / -mIştI" kullanılarak aktarılabilir.
3.4. Past Continuous Tense
a) Geçmişte bir süre devam etmiş olan olayların aktarımında kullanılır.
She was earning quite a lot of money.
b) Ani ve daha kısa bir eylemle karşılaşan/o eylem tarafından kesilen bir eylem için kullanılır.
When she heard the explosion she was having bath.
When I last saw him, he ..... English.
A. studied
B. studies
C. will study
D. is studying
E. was studying
While I ..... my bike, Tom arrived.
A. mended
B. mend
C. am mending
D. have mended
E. was mending
He gave the promise that he ..... the city in a day.
A. has left
B. leaves
C. is leaving
D. would be left
E. was leaving
Past Continuous Türkçe'ye "yüklem + -Iyordu / -mEktEydI" ile aktarılır.
3.5. Infinitive yapılarda past
He's Scottish.
They're working.
She died here.
 I know that ...
 It is known that ...
... he's Scottish.
... they're working.
... she died here.
... he's Scottish.
... they're working.
... she died here.
He's known to be Scottish.
They're known to be working.
She's known to have died here.
Infinitive (to + yüklem) İngilizce'de to have + V3 ile past hali alır.
He is believed to have a big fortune. PRESENT
He is believed to have lived in misery. PAST
Ancient Egyptians are known ..... unbelievably complex
A. to build
B. building
C. build
D. to building
E. to have built
3.6. Gerund yapılarda past
Gerund (Ving) yapısı Ving ya da having + V3 kullanılarak past yapılabilir.
Having completed/Completing the task, the students had a break.(= After they had
completed ... )
Bu yapı present nitelik de taşıyabilir.
Having completed the task, the students will have a break. (= After they have
completed .... )
..... some money, he didn't need to work any more.
A. Having made
B. To make
C. Make
D. Having to make
E. To have made
4.1. will
a) Bir plan ya da kesinleşmiş amaç olmadığı durumlarda kullanılır.
Don't worry. You'll succeed.
I hope I ..... it.
A. found
B. will find
C. am finding
D. was finding
E. will be finding
Bu kullanım (A) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - EcEk" ile aktarılır.
b) Sonuç kesin / doğal olduğunda, kimi zaman da bir inatlaşma söz konusu ise kullanılır.
When it is wet, this paint will give a terrible smell.
Don't insist. She will say no.
Bu kullanım (B) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - I/Er" ya da "yüklem + - EcEkDIr" ile aktarılır.
4.2. be going to
a) Bir plan ya da kesinleşmiş amaç olduğu zaman kullanılır.
Don't worry. I'll help you.
b) Bir eylemin gerçekleşeceğine ait kesin iz, belirti varsa kullanılır.
She looks very pale. I think she's going to faint.
According to my schedule, I ..... my dentist tomorrow.
A. see
B. will see
C. would see
D. saw
E. am going to see
Bu kullanımlar (A-B) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - EcEk" ile aktarılır.
c) was / were going to yapısı yapılması amaçlanan ama gerçekleşmesine olanak ya da gerek
kalmayan eylemler için [1] - ya da bunun tam tersi olarak gerçekleşmesine gerek yokken gerçekleşen
[2] - olaylar için kullanılır. Dilbilgisi kitaplarında Future in the Past olarak da ele alınmaktadır.
I was going to call him. He called me. [1]
They weren't going to visit the ancient church but they did so while they took shelter
there during the rain. [2]
I ..... you the other day, but I had visitors.
A. will visit
B. visited
C. have visited
D. had visited
E. was going to visit
Bu kullanım (C) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - EcEktI" ile aktarılır.
4.3. be to
a) will (definitely) anlamında kullanılır.
The Queen is to visit New Zealand.
Bu kullanım (a) Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - EcEk" ile aktarılır.
b) should anlamında kullanılır.
You are to do your homework.
All of us ..... the meeting if we want it to be influential.
A. attended
B. are attending
C. were attending
D. are to attend
E. will have attended
Bu kullanım (b) Türkçe'ye should gibi aktarılır.
4.4. Future Continuous Tense
Gelecekte sürüyor olacak eylem için kullanılır.
This time tomorrow, I'll be sleeping.
Most probably, people ..... for water by the year 2050.
A. will fight
B. fight
C. have fought
D. had fought
E. will be fighting
Future Continuous
Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - Iyor / - mEktE olacak" ile aktarılır.
4.5. Future Perfect Tense
Gelecekte bir zamanda tamamlanmış olacak eylem için - genelde zaman belirten by sözcüğü ile
birlikte - kullanılır.
This time tomorrow, I'll have gone to bed.
Hemen her zaman by ya da by the time ile kullanılır:
By the time + present tense, future perfect
By + zaman gösteren ad, future perfect
In a fortnight's time from now, they ..... their exam.
A. have taken
B. are taking
C. had taken
D. took
E. will have taken
Future Perfect Türkçe'ye "yüklem + - mIş olacak" ile aktarılır.
Future Perfect Continuous yapı fazla kullanılmaz.
By the time he finishes his assignment, he will have been working on it for twelve
Kimi modal verb yapılar ad ya da yüklem olarak taşıdıkları anlama (can (n) = teneke kutu, have (v) =
sahip olmak, May (n) = Mayıs, must (n) = gereklilik, will (n) = irade; vasiyetname) dikkat etmek
Modal verb yapılar abece sırasına göre ele alınmıştır.
2.1. be (= am / is / are) able to
"Bir şeyi yapabilmek" anlamını taşır.
I am able to run a mile.
Ben bir mil koşabilirim.
They will be able to complete the project on time
She was able to say a few words.
We haven't been able to understand it.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + - EbIl- " ile aktarılır.
2.2 can
a) bir şeyi yapabilmek
Can you speak German ?
b) olasılık
He can be here any moment.
c) izin, rica
Can I leave early ?
Can you turn the volume down ?
Bu kullanımlar (a-c) Türkçeye "yüklem + - EbIl-" ile aktarılır.
Can sözcüğünün farklı kullanım ve anlamları bulunmakta:
can't stand = katlanamamak, hoşlanmamak
can't help = kendini tutamamak
can't stand / can't help + Ving
d) Olumsuz sonuç çıkarma
It can't be her. She is much taller.
e) Geçmişe ait olumsuz sonuç çıkarma.
She can't have left earlier.
2.3. could
a) Geçmişte bir şeyi yapabilmek.
I could swim across the lake then.
Tom ..... read and write when he was only 4 years old.
A. can
B. must
C. have to
D. could
E. should
b) olasılık
Perhaps she could answer all the questions.
c) izin, rica
Could you do me a favour ?
d) teklif
Could we meet at around 12 tomorrow ?
e) Sonuç çıkarma
He could be at home. He could be sleeping.
f) Gerçekleşmemiş, geçmişe ait olasılık
I could have passed the test.
2.4. dare
a) Cesaret etmek
She daren't do it.
b) Sadece I daresay yapısı ile, olasılık
I daresay you are tired.
2.5. had better
Tercih, "olsa iyi olur"
Hadn't we better start rightaway ?
I'd better keep it in a box.
You ..... better see a doctor; you look awful.
A. may
B. would
C. had
D. must
E. should
2.6. have (got) to
a) Konuşmacının gerçeklere dayanarak ilettiği zorunluluk.
She has to leave immediately. There is a phone call.
b) Gerekmezlik (= needn't )
You don't have to study at all.
She won't have to go.
We didn't have to buy anything.
Kimi zaman have = sahip olmak yüklemi, have to ile benzer bir şekilde kullanılıyor olabilir. Tümcenin
anlamını yanlış anlamamak için dikkat etmek gerekir.
This book has a lot to say. (= This book has a lot of things to say.)
Have to ile sık karıştırılan bir yapı:
have to do with = have connection with
The wound has healed now; you ..... wear that bandage any
A. ought to
B. will need to
C. don't have to
D. could
E. should
Because of a diversion on the road, they ..... another road
while they left the town.
A. had to take
B. have to take
C. must have taken
D. need to take
E. should have taken
2.7. may
a) Olasılık
We may never see that comet again.
b) İzin, rica
You may go.
c) Gelecekte tamamlanması olası eylem.
Many species may have died out by then.
d) Geçmişe ait olası eylem
He may have missed the bus.
e) Geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş olasılık
They may have won the match. They played terribly.
f) may as well = had better
Ayrıca may well kullanımına dikkat! Bu yapıda well sözcüğü pekala, neden olmasın anlamını taşır.
g) Dualar may ile olur. May özneden önce gelir.
May God be with you.
h) Rağmen anlamı
2.8. might
a) zayıf olasılık
veren tümcelerde (=Concession Clause), devrik yapıda may kullanılabilir.
This medicine might have some side effects
b) izin isteme
Might we suggest something ?
c) gelecekte tamamlanması olası eylem
By the year 2.000, you might have died.
Olasılık söz konusu olduğunda dikkat edilmesi gereken bir özellik:
can/may/might + have + V3 bağlama göre past ya da
future olabilir.
d) geçmişe ait olası eylem
He might have tried to contact you.
e) geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş olasılık
They might at least have apologized.
f) might as well = had better
Buy a ticket; you ..... the grand prize.
A. might even win
B. could even have won
C. even won
D. need even have won
E. must even win
Farklı anlam ve kullanımlar:
might as well = had better
may / can / could / might well  pekalâ, neden
2.9. must
a) konuşmacının zorunlu gördüğü, kendi fikrine dayalı zorunluluk
I don't want her here. She must go. / Onu burada istemiyorum. Gitmeli./Gitmesi şart.
We ..... hurry, or we will be late!
A. must
B. had to
C. should
D. ought to
E. can
b) çok kuvvetli olasılık
There must be a mistake. Check it again.
He must be sleeping. I can hear his snore.
Olasılık söz konusu olduğunda, must sözcüğü açısından bir özellik:
mustn't yerine can't
mustn't be + Ving yerine can't be + Ving
mustn't have + V3 yerine can't have + V3
Your umbrella is wet; it ..... raining outside.
A. must be
B. was
C. can't be
D. might be
E. should be
The lights have gone; a fuse ......
A. will have blown
B. can blow
C. must have blown
D. might blow
E. should blow
c) Yasaklama
You must not take any pictures here.
d) Geçmişte gerçekleşmiş olması olası eylem
He must have missed the bus.
2.10. need(n't)
a) Gerekmezlik (= don't/doesn't have to)
You needn't worry.
He ..... come with us if he doesn't want to.
A. needs to
B. needn't have
C. didn't need to
D. needn't
E. needs to
b) Gereklilik
Need I sign it ?
c) Geçmişte gerek olmadığı halde yapılmış eylem.
We needn't have brought our tent; his tent is large enough.
2.11. ought to
a) Öğüt, tavsiye
It ought to be cleaned every two months.
b) Geçmişte gerçekleş(me)miş olasılık.
She ought to have been more careful.
2.12. shall
a) Gelecek. Resmi kullanım.
When shall we announce the results ?
b) Sadece Shall I ve Shall we ile, öneri.
Shall we go out ?
Soru formunda shall yalnızca iki şekilde kullanılmakta:
Shall I ......?
Shall we ..... ?
2.13. should
a) Yükümlülük
He should work harder.
b) Şu anda gerçekleşmesi gerekirken gerçekleşmeyen - ya da bunun tam tersi - eylem.
You should be at home now. You should be studying.
c) Why veya How ile, tedirginlik ve öfke ifadesinde.
How should I know it ?
d) Olasılık
He worked hard. So, he should succeed.
e) Geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş gereklilik
She should have seen her mistake.
The flower is dead; I ..... it twice a week, but I forgot.
A. ought to water
B. ought to have watered
C. should water
D. must water
E. ought to be watered
f) Bazı yüklem ve sıfatlarla
I advise that she should resign.
g) Second conditional yapıda, devrik tümce oluşturmak için.
Should he come, give him my message.
2.14. used to
a) Geçmişte olan ve artık devam etmeyen durum / alışkanlık.
I used to exercise regularly.
When I was a child, I ..... a torch with me to bed so that I
could read when everybody at home was sleeping.
A. was taken
B. was taking
C. used to take
D. must take
E. must have taken
b) Olumsuz yapıda, geçmişte olmayıp sonradan oluşan durum / alışkanlık.
She didn't use to smoke.
He never used to leave the office early.
Her ne kadar used to ile doğrudan bir ilgisi olmasa da, karışıklığa neden olabildiği için be used to ve
get used to yapılarına da değinmek yerinde olacaktır. Be used to "alışkın olmak", get used to ise
"alışkanlığı kazanmak" anlamlarını taşırlar ve modal verb özellikleri yoktur.
"Your neighbours upstairs are making a lot of noise." "I'm used to it."
When I first moved to Ankara, life was difficult. Then I got used to living here.
Used to ile sık karıştırılan yapılar:
be used to = alışkın olmak
get used to = alışkanlığı kazanmak
be/get used to + Ving
be/get used to = be/get accustomed to
get used to = become used to
Are you used ..... late?
A. having slept
B. sleeping
C. to have slept
D. to sleep
E. to sleeping
Bazen, use eyleminin edilgen yapıda kullanımı (This is a tool [which is] used to cut glass) used to
olarak algılanmakta ve hata yapılmakta:
(be) used (in order) to
Used to ve would farkı:
Used to  eylem uzunca bir süre tekrarlandı / sürdü,
artık sürmüyor.
Would  bilerek ya da amaçlı eylem; eylemin
gerçekleştiği zaman genelde belirtilir / ima edilir.
Would sözcüğünden sonra bir durum anlatan live,
work gibi eylemler kullanılmaz.
2.15. will
a) Geleceğe yönelik durum, eylem
I will come with you.
Next month, we'll be opening a new branch.
Next month, we'll have opened a new branch.
b) Rica, istek
Will you please leave the door open ?
c) Geleceğe yönelik kesin ve doğal sonuç
She is so stubborn. She'll refuse it.
2.16. would
a) Geçmişte alışkanlık. Used to yapısından farkı, bu alışkanlığın bitmiş olmasının gerekmemesidir.
He would drink a glass of wine after dinner. / Akşam yemeğinden sonra bir bardak
şarap içerdi.
b) Rica, istek
Would you send the brochures as soon as possible ?
c) Geçmişte zorunluluk, kimi zaman inatlaşma taşıyan eylem.
I begged him to help me, but he wouldn't.
d) Geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş eylem.
We would have stayed longer but the weather changed.
e) Second condition türü kullanımda
If you had not been so lazy you would be studying at university now.
2.17. would rather
"Tercih etmek, yeğlemek" anlamını taşır.
I'd rather keep silent.
Tercih söz konusu olduğunda than kullanılır.
We'd rather starve to death than eat it.
would rather + tümce durumunda tümcenin yüklemi Simple Past Tense ile oluşturulur, ama anlam past
I'd rather you went first.
Would rather yapısının kullanımında dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar:
Tercih söz konusu olduğunda than kullanılır.
would rather = would sooner
would rather + Özne + simple past
I ..... go to the cinema than study English.
A. had better
B. needn't
C. should
D. have to
E. would rather
Az kullanılanlar:
would rather + have + V3
would rather that + özne + simple present
would rather that + özne + simple past
would rather that + özne + past perfect
İngilizcede passive yapı be + V3 yapısı ile olur. Be yüklemi tümcenin zamanına uygun olarak am, is,
are, was, were, be, been hallerinden birini alır. Türkçede ise edilgen yapı "yüklem + -Il/In" yapısı ile
Simple Present
English is spoken in many countries.
İngilizce bir çok ülkede konuşulmakta.
Present Continuous
The house is being decorated.
Present Perfect
She has been informed.
Present Perfect Continuous
The research has been being done. (Kullanılmaz!)
Simple Past
I was informed.
Past Continuous
I was being followed.
Past Perfect
He had been misunderstood.
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been being questioned for hours. (Kullanılmaz!)
It will be completed on time.
going to
They are going to be invited.
You will be being informed soon. (Kullanılmaz!)
It will have been opened by next week.
Modal verbs
had better
have to
can + be + V3
could + be + V3
had better + be + V3
have to + be + V3
may + be + V3
might + be + V3
need to
ought to
used to
would rather
must + be + V3
need to + be + V3
ought to + be + V3
shall + be + V3
should + be + V3
used to + be + V3
would + be + V3
would rather + be + V3
Compulsary military service can be abolished in the near
A. Askerlik yakın gelecekte zorunlu hizmet olmaktan
B. Yakın gelecekte zorunlu askerlik hizmeti kaldırılabilir.
C. Zorunlu askerlik hizmeti yakında kaldırılacak.
D. Zorunlu askerlik hizmeti yakın gelecekte kaldırılabilmeli
E. Zorunlu askerlik hizmetini kaldırılması yakın geleceğe
She ..... better instructions about the project; then, she
wouldn't have made these mistakes.
A. must gave given
B. ought to be given
C. should have been given
D. was able to give
E. was given
Bazı yüklemler, tümceye göre, passive anlam taşıyarak kullanılabilirler.
Your report reads well.
The new Ford is selling badly.
It is a nice material, but it doesn't wash.
Şu kullanıma dikkat:
prove possible/difficult/.. = be + proved
Örneklerde de görüleceği gibi, active bir tümcenin nesnesinin bir clause olması durumunda
People believed (that) the witches communicated with the devil.
bu tümce çeşitli durumlarda passive yapılabilir.
It was believed that the witches communicated with the devil.
The witches were believed to communicate with the devil.
That the witches communicated with the devil was believed.
Bu tür passive tümcelere bir diğer örnek:
Nobody knew whether he was telling the truth.
It was not known whether he was telling the truth.
Whether he was telling the truth was not known.
5.1. be to + passive
a) Gereksinim
These carpets are to be cleaned regularly. (=should be cleaned)
This form is to be filled in in ink.
There is a lot of work to be done.
Mars is the first planet ......
A. to discover
B. to be discovered
C. was discovered
D. been discovered
E. to be discovering
b) will anlamında
An offer as generous as this one is not to be refused.
5.2. be + to be seen / found / congratulated
He was nowhere to be seen.
The dog was nowhere to be found.
5.3. be + to blame yapısı be + to be blamed anlamında
Nobody is to blame for the accident.
5.4. anything / nothing + to do / to be done
There is nothing to do.
There is nothing to be done.
5.5. supposed to
I am supposed to be at home
gibi bir tümce iki tamamen farklı anlam taşıyabilir:
[1] = Everyone supposes that I'm at home.
[2] = I should be at home now.
Uygun anlam "bağlam" yolu ile anlaşılabilir.
5.6. to have been + V3
to have been + V3 yapısı perfect / past anlam taşıdığından
I would like to be invited
tümcesi Türkçeye
Davet edilmeyi isterim. / Keşke davet edilsem
şeklinde aktarılabilirken,
I would like to have been invited
Davet edilmiş olmayı isterdim. / Keşke beni davet etselerdi
şeklinde Türkçeye aktarılabilir.
Mr Anderson is thought to ..... because there is no apparent
reason why he should commit suicide.
A. be killing
B. kill
C. have killed
D. have been killed
E. have been killing
5.7. get + (nesne) + V3
İngilizcede edilgen yapıda be + V3 yerine get + V3 kullanılabilmektedir.
How did the window get broken ?
His money got stolen.
İngilizcede passive yapı be + V3 yapısı ile olur. Be yüklemi tümcenin zamanına uygun olarak am, is,
are, was, were, be, been hallerinden birini alır. Türkçede ise edilgen yapı "yüklem + -Il/In" yapısı ile
Simple Present
English is spoken in many countries.
İngilizce bir çok ülkede konuşulmakta.
Present Continuous
The house is being decorated.
Present Perfect
She has been informed.
Present Perfect Continuous
The research has been being done. (Kullanılmaz!)
Simple Past
I was informed.
Past Continuous
I was being followed.
Past Perfect
He had been misunderstood.
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been being questioned for hours. (Kullanılmaz!)
It will be completed on time.
going to
They are going to be invited.
You will be being informed soon. (Kullanılmaz!)
It will have been opened by next week.
Modal verbs
had better
have to
need to
ought to
used to
would rather
can + be + V3
could + be + V3
had better + be + V3
have to + be + V3
may + be + V3
might + be + V3
must + be + V3
need to + be + V3
ought to + be + V3
shall + be + V3
should + be + V3
used to + be + V3
would + be + V3
would rather + be + V3
Compulsary military service can be abolished in the near
A. Askerlik yakın gelecekte zorunlu hizmet olmaktan
B. Yakın gelecekte zorunlu askerlik hizmeti kaldırılabilir.
C. Zorunlu askerlik hizmeti yakında kaldırılacak.
D. Zorunlu askerlik hizmeti yakın gelecekte kaldırılabilmeli
E. Zorunlu askerlik hizmetini kaldırılması yakın geleceğe
She ..... better instructions about the project; then, she
wouldn't have made these mistakes.
A. must gave given
B. ought to be given
C. should have been given
D. was able to give
E. was given
Bazı yüklemler, tümceye göre, passive anlam taşıyarak kullanılabilirler.
Your report reads well.
The new Ford is selling badly.
It is a nice material, but it doesn't wash.
Şu kullanıma dikkat:
prove possible/difficult/.. = be + proved
Örneklerde de görüleceği gibi, active bir tümcenin nesnesinin bir clause olması durumunda
People believed (that) the witches communicated with the devil.
bu tümce çeşitli durumlarda passive yapılabilir.
It was believed that the witches communicated with the devil.
The witches were believed to communicate with the devil.
That the witches communicated with the devil was believed.
Bu tür passive tümcelere bir diğer örnek:
Nobody knew whether he was telling the truth.
It was not known whether he was telling the truth.
Whether he was telling the truth was not known.
5.1. be to + passive
a) Gereksinim
These carpets are to be cleaned regularly. (=should be cleaned)
This form is to be filled in in ink.
There is a lot of work to be done.
Mars is the first planet ......
A. to discover
B. to be discovered
C. was discovered
D. been discovered
E. to be discovering
b) will anlamında
An offer as generous as this one is not to be refused.
5.2. be + to be seen / found / congratulated
He was nowhere to be seen.
The dog was nowhere to be found.
5.3. be + to blame yapısı be + to be blamed anlamında
Nobody is to blame for the accident.
5.4. anything / nothing + to do / to be done
There is nothing to do.
There is nothing to be done.
5.5. supposed to
I am supposed to be at home
gibi bir tümce iki tamamen farklı anlam taşıyabilir:
[1] = Everyone supposes that I'm at home.
[2] = I should be at home now.
Uygun anlam "bağlam" yolu ile anlaşılabilir.
5.6. to have been + V3
to have been + V3 yapısı perfect / past anlam taşıdığından
I would like to be invited
tümcesi Türkçeye
Davet edilmeyi isterim. / Keşke davet edilsem
şeklinde aktarılabilirken,
I would like to have been invited
Davet edilmiş olmayı isterdim. / Keşke beni davet etselerdi
şeklinde Türkçeye aktarılabilir.
Mr Anderson is thought to ..... because there is no apparent
reason why he should commit suicide.
A. be killing
B. kill
C. have killed
D. have been killed
E. have been killing
5.7. get + (nesne) + V3
İngilizcede edilgen yapıda be + V3 yerine get + V3 kullanılabilmektedir.
How did the window get broken ?
His money got stolen.
Normal koşullarda (yani, devrik yapı vs. bulunmayan durumlarda) en yalın şekli ile tümce iki unsurdan
Özne + Yüklem / (Subject) + (Verb)
Türkçede özne çoğu zaman yüklemin sonuna bir "kişi eki" olarak eklenebildiği için açıkça
kullanılmasına gerek kalmayabilir.
(Ben) geldim. / (Sen) nasılsın ?
İngilizcede böyle birşey - çok sınırlı da olsa bazı konuşma durumları dışında - söz konusu olamaz.
* (I) came. / * How are (you) ?
Çoğu zaman basit tümcede bir ya da daha fazla nesne / tümleç de bulunur.
1.1. Subject + verb
Türkçe bir basit tümcede şu yapı her zaman için geçerlidir.
Mehmet öğretti.
İngilizce bir basit tümcede de, nesne bulunmadığı durumlarda, bir farklılık görülmez.
Mehmet taught
1.2. Subject + verb + object
Türkçe bir tümceye nesne eklendiği zaman, sıralama şöyle olur:
Mehmet oğluna öğretti
İngilizce bir tümceye nesne eklendiği zaman, Türkçe tümce yapı ile arasındaki ilk temel fark ortaya
Mehmet taught his son.
2.1. Subject + verb
Türkçe ve İngilizce basit tümce yapıları sadece özne ve yüklem söz konusu olduğunda bir farklılık
göstermediği için, çeviri konusunda yapı açısından bir sorun çıkmamaktadır.
Mehmet geldi.
Mehmet came./has come.
2.2. Subject + verb + object
Nesne söz konusu olduğunda Türkçe ve İngilizce basit tümce yapıları birbirinden farklı olduğu için,
çeviri işlemi sırasında da tümceyi oluşturan unsurların dizilişinde değişiklik yapmak gerekecektir.
Mehmet bacağını kırdı.
Mehmet broke his leg.
Bu tümcelere yer, zaman ve durum belirten sözcük ve yapıların da eklenmesi durumunda her iki dil
arasındaki yapısal farklılıklar iyice belirginleşecektir.
Basit tümcelerin yapısı konusu çeviri açısından - kolay göründüğü için - önemsenmeyebilir. Ancak,
SVO (İngilizce) / SOV (Türkçe)
yapısının, karmaşık tümcelerin çevirisini yaparken sürekli göz önünde tutulması gerekecektir. Bu konu
ileri konularda ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmakta.
İngilizcede ve Türkçede tümceler birbirlerine basit bağlaçlarla bağlanabildikleri gibi, çeşitli tamlamalar
yapılarak da bağlanabilirler. Bu yapılar İngilizcede Clause Sentence, Super Structure gibi adlar alır.
Ana fikri taşıyan ve mutlaka tam bir yargı oluşturan tümceye "Baş / Ana Tümce" (= Main Clause), her
türden diğer bileşene ise "İkincil / Yan Tümce" (= Secondary / Subordinate Clause) denilmektedir.
When I met him, he was in the army.
Yan tümce
Ana tümce
Tümce içindeki görevleri "özne" [1] ya da "nesne" [2] yerine geçmek olduğunda ikincil tümceler basit
tümce yapısının özne ya da nesneleri olarak kabul edilebilir ve Türkçeye rahatlıkla aktarılabilirler.
Relative Clause ve Noun Clause bu tür yapılardır.
The sentence (that) I am reading is a complex clause sentence. [1] (Relative Clause)
They say that it is easy to make a noun clause. [2] (Noun Clause)
Comparison Clause ve Adverbial Clause yapılarda ise bir tümcecik / yan tümce + ana tümce durumu
söz konusudur ve çeviri işlemini de buna göre yapmak gerekecektir. Bu durum biri Noun Clause [1]
diğeri ise Adverbial Clause [2] olan iki tümcenin çevirisi ile açıklanırsa:
Tom claims that the a child stole his vallet. [1]
Tom claims (that) a child stole his vallet.
şeklinde bir yapı mevcuttur.
İngilizce bir basit tümce (S + V + O) Türkçeye S + O + V (Ö+ N+ Y) şeklinde aktarılabileceğine göre,
önce kendi içinde bir basit tümce yapısı taşıyan "nesne" Türkçeye çevrilirse:
.. (that ) a child stole his vallet.
.. bir çocuğun cüzdanını çaldığını
Bu nesne tüm tümceye eklendiğinde,
Tom claims that a child stole his vallet.
Tom bir çocuğun cüzdanını çaldığını iddia ediyor
çevirisi ortaya çıkacaktır.
Oysa bir adverbial clause olan
Because he was late, he missed the bus.
tümcesi incelendiğinde ise,
Because he was late, he missed the bus
Yan tümce
Ana tümce
yapısı ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu durumda da çeviri işlemi,
Because he was late, he missed the bus.
(O) geç kaldığı için (o) otobüsü kaçırdı.
şeklinde olacaktır.
Relative Clause yapı bir ad ve o adı niteleyip ada genelde who, which, that, where, .. gibi sözcüklerle
bağlanan bir nitelikten oluşur:
The ring that/which was stolen has finally been found.
Türkçede bu tür bir yapı, İngilizcenin aksine, önce nitelik, sonra da nitelenen ad şeklinde
Çalınan yüzük sonunda bulundu.
Nitelik Ad
Bu örnekten de anlaşılacağı gibi, çeviri yaparken nitelik ile adın yerlerini değiştirmek gerekmektedir.
Türkçede ayrıca yükleme "-En" ya da "-DIğI" eklenir.
2.1. who/which/that
Nesne adları için which ya da that kullanılır.
Tom didn't like the computer which they recommended.
Tom, önerdikleri bilgisayarı beğenmedi.
Kişi adları için ise who
ya da that kullanılır.
The man who killed the leader is being questioned.
Peter does not know the name of the man ..... borrowed his
bicycle yesterday.
A. whose
B. which
C. whom
D. who
E. of whom
Bağlayan sözcüğün (who, which, ..) hemen arkasından bir yüklem gelmesi durumunda bağlayan
sözcüğün kullanılması zorunludur.
The car which was parked there was towed away.
Bağlayan sözcüğün (who, which, ..) hemen arkasından bir yüklem gelmemesi durumunda (ad +
[who/which/..] + ad/adıl) bağlayan sözcüğün kullanılması zorunlu değildir.
The man my sister loves is an engineer.
Ad +
İngilizcede kimi yüklemler ve sıfatlar bir preposition ile birlikte kullanılırlar (look at, listen to gibi). Bir
Relative Clause yapıda bu türden bir preposition olması durumunda yüklem ya da sıfata ait preposition
who / which sözcüğünün hemen önüne alınabilir.
He didn't tell me who he shouted at.
He didn't tell me at whom he shouted.
The game ..... I am interested is called water-polo.
A. in which
B. with which
C. which
D. whose
E. that
Bu yapıda prepositiondan sonra kesinlikle that kullanılamaz. Who yerine de whom kullanılır.
All that ... yapısında "-En/DIğI herşey" anlamı vardır. Dikkat edilmesi gereken nokta, kimi zaman iki
yüklemin birbiri ardına gelmesidir.
All (that) I own is yours.
I will give you all you want.
None /All / .. (of) those / the people /.. .. who /whom /.. yapısı "-EnlErIn tümü / hepsi / .." anlamını taşır.
All those who want a ticket should go to the entrance
anything / nothing /.. to + yüklem yapısı aslında anything / nothing /.. which someone can / will / .. +
yüklem yapısıdır.
I can't find anything to say. (= anything I can say.)
Relative Clause yapılarda what sözcüğü de - the thing which anlamında - kullanılabilir.
The gained first position in what is the most important competition of the year.
The man ..... wife died a year ago is in a hopeless mood.
A. who
B. that
C. of whom
D. which
E. whose
2.2. Ving clause
Bu tür tümceler who/which ile yapılan tümcenin bir tür kısaltması niteliğindedir. Örneğin,
I like the girl (who is) studying over there.
Bu yapıda genelde yükleme continuous anlam yüklenir. Bu nedenle de, örneğin,
* The boy bringing the milk has been sick in bed for some time,
tümcesi yanlıştır. Buradaki mantıksızlık, oğlanın hem sütü getiriyor olması (The boy [who is ] bringing)
hem de bir süredir hasta yatıyor olmasıdır. Bu tümce,
The boy who brings the milk has been ill for some time,
şeklinde düzeltilebilir.
People ..... in flats above the second floor complain about
water problem.
A. live
B. lived
C. living
D. have lived
E. have to live
2.3. Past Participle (=V3) Clause
Bu yapıda adı izleyen ve past participle durumda kullanılan yüklem, edilgen (= passive) özellik
The purse (which was) lost has not been found yet.
Soldiers ..... at the battlefield were all taken to the nearest
hospital tent.
A. to wound
B. wounded
C. wounding
D. who wounded
E. whose wound
2.4. Prepositional Phrases
.. the man who is waiting over there.
.. the man waiting over there. 
...the man over there. 
Bu yapı çeviri açısından bir sorun oluşturmaz.
2.5. Cleft Tümce
Tümcenin belirli bir parçasını vurgulamak gerektiği zaman, Türkçede vurgulanacak bölüm yükleme
yaklaştırılmaktadır. İngilizcede bunun yazı dilinde yolu vurgulanacak bölümün altını çizmek ya da o
bölümü yatık harflerle yazmak, ya da bazı yapılar için devrik yapı kullanmak; konuşma dilinde ise sesin
yükselmesi ile vurguyu belli etmektir.
Relative Clause özelliği taşıyan cleft tümce, vurguyu sağlamanın bir diğer yoludur. İki tür cleft
tümceden söz edilebilir.
a) It is/was/.. who/that..
My mother threw an egg at the President yesterday.
It was my mother who threw an egg at the President yesterday.
It was an egg that my mother threw at the President yesterday.
It was at the President that my mother threw an egg yesterday.
It was yesterday that my mother threw an egg at the President.
b) What ... is / was
What my mother threw at the President was an egg.
My left leg hurts.  What hurts is my left leg.
I like her charm.  What I like in her is her charm.
Bu yapıda kesinlikle that kullanılmaz. Tamlayan bölüm bir tür fazladan bilgi verir konumdadır ve bu
yüzden de ana tümceden virgül yolu ile ayrılmaktadır. Non-defining relative clause bu özelliğinden
ötürü Extra Information Clause olarak da tanınır.
3.1. , who(m) / which
John, whom you know well, is totaly crazy
whom you know well
bölümü, aynı Defining Relative Clause yapılarda olduğu gibi, kendisinden önce gelen adı
nitelendirmektedir. Bu nedenle, çeviri esnasında aradaki virgülleri yok saymak yeterli olacaktır.
John whom you know well is totally crazy.
The doctor, who was rather disappointed with the operation
results, didn't know what to tell the patient's relatives.
A. Doktor hasta yakınlarına ameliyat sonuçlarından hayal
kırıklığına uğradığını ve ne söyleyeceğini bilemediğini söyledi.
B. Ameliyat sonuçlarından ötürü hayal kırıklığına uğrayan
doktor, hasta yakınlarına ne söyleyeceğini bilemedi.
C. Doktor ameliyat sonuçlarının kendisini hayal kırıklığına
uğrattığını söyleyince, hasta yakınları ne diyeceklerini
D. Doktor oldukça hayal kırıcı ameliyat sonuçları karşısında
hasta yakınlarına ne diyeceğini bilemedi.
E. Doktor, ameliyat sonuçları karşısında hayal kırıklığına
uğrayan hasta yakınlarına ne söyleyeceğini bilemedi.
I liked your neighbours, ..... I met at your New Year party.
A. that
B. when
C. where
D. which
E. whom
Aristotle, ..... natural science dominated the western thought
for centuries, was a Greek philosopher.
A. that
B. which
C. of whom
D. who
E. whose
3.2. , where / when
Who, which ve that yerine where ve when sözcüklerini kullanmak da mümkündür. Bu yapı defining
relative clause için de geçerlidir.
Edinburgh, where I was born, is a beautiful city.
Where / when sözcüklerinin defining ve non-defining relative clause içinde kullanımı:
when / where + tümce
when / where = preposition + which
I'll have to go back to the place ..... I probably dropped my
A. that
B. when
C. where
D. which
E. whom
3.3. all / none / both / .. of whom / which
He has three sisters, all of whom are students.
tümcesi aynı bir Defining Relative Clause gibi ele alınabilir ve bu şekilde Türkçeye aktarılabilir. Ancak,
en iyisi virgülden sonra gelen bölümü ayrı bir tümce halinde aktarmaktır.
Üç kızkardeşi var; üçü de öğrenci.
Bir başka örnek bunun nedenini daha iyi açıklayacaktır.
Tim invested all his money on four companies, three of which went bankrupt in a year.
tümcesi tek bir tümce halinde Türkçeye aktarıldığında ortaya çıkan
* Tim bütün parasını üçü bir sene içinde iflas eden dört şirkete yatırdı,
tümcesi hatalı bir anlam aktarıyor olacaktır, zira, bu durumda Tim üçü zaten iflas etmiş dört şirkete
parasını yatırmış olmaktadır. Oysa virgülden sonra gelen bölüm ayrı olarak aktarılırsa,
Tim parasını dört şirkete yatırdı; bunlardan üçü bir sene içinde iflas etti
tümcesi ile anlam tam ve doğru olarak aktarılmış olmaktadır.
Kurt Vonnegut, one of ..... books I had translated, wrote his
best novels during the 80's.
A. his
B. those
C. which
D. whom
E. whose
3.4. Sentential Relative Clause
Sentential Relative Clause diğer relative clause yapılardan farklı bir özellik taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle
de çeviri esnasında büyük dikkat gösterilmesi gerekir. Defining ve non-defining yapılarda ortak olan
nokta tamlayan bölümün kendisinden önce gelen adı nitelendirmesidir.
Sentential Relative Clause yapıda ise tamlanan virgülden önceki tümcenin tümüdür.
He died young, which was a pity.
Around 40,000 people bought tickets for the stadium concert, which was more than
was expected.
The rain has finally stopped, ..... is to say that we can go out
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. this
E. for which
Noun Clause bir tür basit tümce olarak ele alınabilir ve çeviri işlemi de buna göre yapılabilir. Tümce ne
kadar karmaşık yapıda gözükürse gözüksün, aşağıdaki bölümlerde yer alan örnek tümcelerden de
anlaşılacağı gibi, aslında bir S+V+(O) yapısı bulunmaktadır ve bu yapı Türkçeye Ö+(N)+Y şeklinde
Zaman uyumu:
Ana tümce - Present / Future ise Yan tümce Present / Future / Past
Ana tümce - Past ise Yan tümce - Past
2.1. Reported speech
a) Normal tümceler
Ann told me that Tom liked beer.
Ann bana Tom'un biradan hoşlandığını söyledi.
b) Emir / İstek tümceleri
We told the boys to keep away from the cake.
Before the start of the final test, we told the students .....
dictionaries or grammar books.
A. didn't use
B. don't use
C. not to have used
D. not to use
E. not using
2.2. be + that
Be yükleminin ardından, öznenin niteliğini açıklamak için that ile bağlanan bölüm kullanılabilir.
My assumption is that inflation will remain a problem.
2.3. realise / see / .. + that
Bu yapıda notice, realise, understand, see, hear, imagine gibi yüklemlerin ardından that ile başlayarak
bu yüklemin nitelediği unsur anlatılmaktadır. Çeviri ya da kullanım açısından diğer Noun Clause
yapılardan bir farklılığı yoktur.
I noticed that he was telling the truth.
2.4. Ad, that ..
The report, that he will take measurements, justifies me.
Don't you think it is significant .....?
A. in case so many people would have marched in protest
B. if the resolution had been passed
C. how quickly they had cancelled all the flights
D. whether they were re-elected
E. that 26 people have resigned since Mr Fairfax was
appointed manager
I doubt ..... she will pass the test.
A. as
B. how
C. that
D. when
E. why
2.5. That ...
That the budget deficit will increase is obvious
türü bir tümce çeviri açısından sorun oluşturabilmektedir. Bunun nedeni de tümcenin başındaki That
sözcüğüne aldanılıp "Bu ..." ile çeviriye başlanmasıdır. Böyle bir çeviri, yukarıdaki örnek tümce
açısından, iki yönden yanlıştır.
Birincisi, That sözcüğü that book / pen / man gibi yapılarda olduğu gibi kendisinden sonra gelen adı
niteliyor olsa, bu durumda örnek tümcedeki the sözcüğünün kullanılmaması gerekirdi. İkincisi, tümce
"Bu" sözcüğü ile başlanarak aktarılacak ise bu durumda tümce incelendiğinde,
That the budget deficit will increase is obvious
durumu ortaya çıkacaktır. Yani tümcenin sonunda yer alan is obvious bölümü ortada kalacaktır.
Bu tür tümceler
That the budget deficit will increase is obvious (S( THAT +S+V+O) + V + O)
yapısı taşımaktadır ve tümcenin başındaki That Türkçeye "yüklem + -DIğI / -EcEğI" şeklinde aktarılır.
Bütçe açığının artacağı ortada(dır).
That ile başlayan tümceler It ... that ... yapısı ile de oluşturulabilir.
It is obvious that the budget deficit will increase.
Who(m/se), which, where, when, why, how (much / many / far / tall / .. ) gibi yapıların kullanıldığı
..... how they can expect to make any profit at all.
A. We were puzzled
B. They didn't assume
C. I don't see
D. It has already been
E. They had been denied
3.1. Reported Speech
Konuşan kişinin sorularının aktarımıdır.
Peter asked where they had put the box.
3.2. WH .. + be + (WH ..)
Why he didn't call the police is a mystery.
What I gave Tom was not what he wanted from me.
3.3. be + WH
Be yükleminin ardından, öznenin niteliğini açıklamak için WH ile bağlanan bölüm kullanılabilir.
The problem is how the children find the way.
3.4. realise/see/.. + WH
Bu yapıda notice, realise, understand, see, hear, imagine gibi yüklemlerin ardından WH ile başlayarak
bu yüklemin nitelediği unsur anlatılmaktadır. Çeviri ya da kullanım açısından diğer Noun Clause
yapılardan bir farklılığı yoktur.
His wife cannot understand why Peter refused the offer.
3.5. Ad, WH
Your question, why Max didn't tell it, is interesting.
3.6. WH + to
WH sözcüğünü izleyen bölümde should ya da ought to kullanılması durumunda bu yapı,
WH + to
olarak kısaltılabilir.
I don't know where I should go / to go.
It is surprising ......
A. so that his chilhood was not spent very profitably
B. that she had given in her resignation so suddenly
C. where such accurate and detailed information had come
D. how much attention even the more serious newspaper will
have given him.
E. how few people have ever seen an original Van Gogh
4.1. Reported Speech
Konuşan kişinin bir soru sözcüğü (WH) kullanmadan oluşturduğu soruların aktarılmasıdır.
My lawyer asked me if / whether I had sent the form.
..... whether estimating future manpower requirements is
definitely desirable.
A. From the ongoing discussion, it is not obvious
B. We were extremely concerned
C. The manager wondered
D. It had been under discussion for a long time
E. The committee was asked
4.2. whether to
Whether sözcüğünü izleyen bölümde should ya da ought to kullanılması durumunda bu yapı,
whether to
olarak kısaltılabilir.
The boss doesn't know whether he should believe his excuse / to believe his excuse
4.3. If ve whether farkı
Kullanım açısından if ve whether çeşitli farklılıklar gösterirler. Whether daha geniş bir kullanım alanına
a) Whether + tümce + V + (O) yapısında if kullanılmaması önerilir.
Whether he would pass the test was doubtful.
b) be + whether yapısında if kullanılmaz.
My problem is whether I will get a pay rise.
c) preposition + whether yapısında if kullanılmaz.
Everything depends on whether they will come on time.
d) .., whether yapısında if kullanılmaz.
You have yet to answer my question, whether I can count on your vote.
e) whether + to yapısında if kullanılmaz.
I don't know whether to stay.
f) whether or not yapısında if kullanılmaz.
He didn't tell us whether or not he will be staying with us.
He didn't know what a great chance he had missed.
It is incredible how fast he can run.
Bu yapı kimi zaman iki ayrı anlam taşıyabilir ve doğru anlamın çıkarılması için tümcenin geçtiği metnin
içeriğine bakılması gerekebilir.
I told her how late she was.
(a) Ona ne kadar geciktiğini söyledim [saatten haber verdim].
(b) Ona ne kadar da geciktiğini söyledim.
They didn't know what mistake they had made.
They didn't know what a mistake they had made.
Türkçeye "yüklem + -mEk" şeklinde aktarılabilir.
6.1. Ad, to ..
Your ambition, to become a lawyer, requires hard work.
Bu yapının benzeri, It .. ile sık olarak kullanılır.
It is natural for them to be together / that they are together / that they should be
It would be unwise for you to marry her / if you were to marry her.
6.2. Noun Clause Benzeri Diğer yapılar
6.2.1. To ..
To join the army was his only dream.
6.2.2. To ..+ be + to ..
To challenge him is to risk your life.
6.2.3. .. nesne + to
My father didn't want me to argue with Tom. /my arguing ...
Türkçeye "yüklem + -mEk" şeklinde aktarılabilir.
7.1. Ad, Ving
Her thesis, studying cognitive factors, takes up all her time. (S(NOUN, -ING+O) + V + O) /
Bilişsel unsurları incelemek konulu tezi tüm vaktini alıyor.
7.2. Noun Clause Benzeri Diğer Yapılar
7.2.1. Ving ..
Watching TV has been his only enjoyment.
7.2.2. be + Ving
His first job had been selling computers. (S +V + O(-ING+O)) / İlk işi bilgisayar satmak
7.2.3. .. my/his/..(=Possessive) + Ving
I am against their digging the area.
7.2.4. My/His/..(=Possessive) + Ving ..
My forgetting her name was a great mistake.
7.2.5. There ... no /any + Ving ...
Bu yapının Türkçeye aktarılması için her zaman kullanılabilecek bir yol önermek olanaksızdır.
There was no / wasn't any mistaking that voice.
There is no / isn't any knowing what they will do next.
8.1. Ettirgen Yapı (Causative)
Ettirgen yapının özelliği:
Ettirgen yapı, İngilizcede yüklemin ikiye bölünüp
nesnenin araya girdiği iki yapıdan biridir (diğeri
phrasal verb).
have + nesne + V
get + nesne + to + V
have + nesne + V3
get + nesne + V3
make + nesne + V
(They put the fire out. Phrasal Verb)
a) have + nesne + V = birisine birşeyi rica ya da atama yolu ile yaptırmak.
We had the waiter clean the table.
Finally, they've had to have a locksmith ..... the lock for them.
A. open
B. to open
C. opening
D. to be opening
E. opened
b) get + nesne + to + V = birisine ikna yolu ile birşey yaptırmak.
Can you get your father to lend you the car ?
He is very stubborn; it is almost impossible ..... him ..... with
A. getting/agree
B. having got/agreed
C. to have got/being agreed
D. to get/agreed
E. to get/to agree
c) make + nesne + V = birisine birşeyi (zorla) yaptırmak.
I'm not guilty ! They made me do it.
Make ile oluşturulan ettirgen yapının edilgen hali sorun oluşturabilmekte:
Edilgen hali = be + made to + V
As we didn't have an official invitation, we were kindly made
..... the Celebration Party.
A. leave
B. leaving
C. left
D. to have left
E. to leave
d) have / get + nesne + V3 = birşeyi yaptırmak
She has had her hair dyed.
Even though her diamond ring was stolen, she was lucky as
she had got it ..... only a few days before.
A. being insured
B. insure
C. insured
D. to be insured
E. to insure
İngilizce ettirgen yapıların çevirisi esnasında sorun oluşturmasa da, yanlışlıkla eklenecek bir "t" harfi
yanlış anlam ile sonuçlanabilmektedir. Yani, hatalı olarak "yüklem + -DIrmEk" yerine "yüklem + DIrtmEk" yapısının kullanılması. İkinci yapının doğru olarak kullanılması aşağıdaki örnekte açıklandığı
şekilde olmalıdır.
I've had the car cleaned. ETTİRGEN
I've got someone to have the car cleaned.
Will you please get the vacuum cleaner ..... while I'm away?
A. repair
B. to repair
C. to be repairing
D. repaired
E. to have repaired
d) let + nesne + V = izin vermek
Will you let me ask a question!
As a teacher, I never let my students ..... mother tongue in the
A. having used
B. to have used
C. to use
D. use
E. using
Let sözcüğünün bir diğer anlamı:
let alone = ... bir yana
8.2. but / except
İstisna belirten durumlarda but ve except sözcüklerinden sonra gelen yüklem to almadan kullanılır.
She did everything but come to the point.
1.1. ... than yapıları ( = Comparative)
Sıfata "daha" niteliği kazandıran -er ve more eklenmesi ile oluşan yapılardır.
sıfat + -er / more + sıfat + than
She is more intelligent than she looks.
Göründüğünden daha zeki.
This year the political situation is ..... complicated than it used
to be.
A. more
B. most
C. the most
D. so
E. as
Bu yapı Türkçeye "... -dEn daha + sıfat / belirteç" şeklinde aktarılır.
Comparative yapı the ile ve than sözcüğüne gerek
olmadan da kullanılabilir.
Actually, both these cars are wonderful, but I can't decide
which one is ..... of them.
A. as beautiful
B. beautiful enough
C. so beautiful
D. the more beautiful
E. the most beautiful
1.2. rather than + sıfat / ad
Bir kıyaslama tümcesi olmamasına karşın bu kullanım sık sık karıştırılmasından ötürü bu bölümde ele
I'd call her hair chestnut rather than brown.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "-dEn çok/ziyade" yapısı ile aktarılır.
1.3. more and more / -er ... -er
"Gitgide", "daha da" anlamını katmak amacı ile kıyaslama yapısının tekrarlanması gerekmektedir.
It is getting colder and colder.
She is becoming more and more aggressive.
1.4. more + ad
More sözcüğü her zaman bir sıfatı nitelemez. Bazen bir adın niceliğinin belirtilmesinde de kullanılabilir.
More people than ever leave their villages for a major city.
In general, I have _____energy in the evening ..... in the
A. as / as
B. enough / than
C. more / than
D. so much / that
E. the most / as
1.5. most ve -est yapıları ( = Superlative )
Sıfata "en" niteliği kazandıran most ya da -est yapılarının eklenmesi ile oluşturulur.
the/my/.. + ad + sıfat + -est / most + sıfat
My biggest contribution is this monument.
As far as I am concerned, he must be just about ..... notorious
lawyer we've ever had to deal with.
A. so
B. more
C. most
D. such
E. the most
Bu yapı Türkçeye "en + sıfat + ad" şeklinde aktarılır.
1.6. most + ad
Ad ile kullanıldığı zaman most sözcüğü bir kıyaslama niteliği getirmemektedir.
Most people do not care about the dangers of pollution.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "çoğu + ad" şeklinde aktarılır.
1.7. The + comparative, the + comparative
The sooner you come the better (it is).
....., the more you realize how complicated it is.
A. The more you think about the problem
B. The less importance you give to your health
C. The more remarkable his achievement was
D. The longer it has taken them to complete the dam
E. The fewer the people who are involved
Bu yapı Türkçeye "ne kadar ... o kadar" ile aktarılır.
2.1. as + sıfat / belirteç + as
He is as tall as I am / me.
The new accountant we have recruited is not ..... efficient .....
the previous one.
A. such/as
B. so/that
C. as/as
D. either/or
E. both/and
Bu yapı Türkçeye "kadar" kullanılarak aktarılabilir.
As yapısı birden fazla anlam için kullanılabilir. Ayrıntılı bilgi için parantez içinde verilen bölüme
bakılması gerekmektedir.
as well as
He can't dance as well as me. (Comparison)
She is clever as well as (being) beautiful. [=yanısıra]
as long as
My hair is as long as his. (Comparison)
I'll work as long as I live. (Time)
He can come as long as he is sober. (Condition)
as soon as
I'll come in as soon as five minutes. (Comparison)
As soon as she saw him, she fainted. (Time)
as far as
I went as far as Istanbul. (Comparison)
As far as I know, she is a vet. (Comment)
İlginç bir kullanım:
so/as ... as yerine that + sıfat/belirteç
(He is not so intelligent as he seems  He is not that
2.2. the same + ad + as
He earns the same (money) as me / I do.
Bu yapıda mutlaka the kullanılmalıdır.
When I joined the cocktail party, to my surprise, there were
three other ladies wearing dresses with ..... colour ..... mine!
A. as / as
B. more / than
C. so / as
D. such / as
E. the same / as
3.1. Sıfat / belirteç + enough (for so.) to + yüklem
The water is acidic enough to scare people.
The new staff we have recruited are, as far as I am
concerned, qualified ..... to tackle this sort of crisis.
A. enough
B. fairly
C. so
D. so much
E. such
Bu yapı Türkçeye "- EcEk / - EbIlEcEk" ile aktarılır.
3.2. too + sıfat / belirteç (for so.) to + yüklem
It is too heavy for me to lift.
I am ..... to do anything.
A. as tired
B. much tired
C. the most tired
D. tired enough
E. too tired
Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + - EmEyEcEk kadar" ya da "yüklem + - EbIlEcEğIndEn çok / fazla" yapıları
ile aktarılabilir.
İngilizcede kıyaslamayı güçlendirmek amacı ile comparative yapının önüne çok ya da biraz anlamı
taşıyan sözcükler yerleştirilebilir.
Bu yapılar kendi başlarına kıyas oluşturamazlar. Yani,
* He is much experienced than the rest of the applicants
tümcesi hatalıdır. Doğru tümcenin
He is much more experienced than the rest of the applicants
şeklinde olması gerekir.
Bu yapılardan much, far, a lot, even, all the Türkçeye çok ile, a little ve a bit ise biraz/ bir parça ile
5. SO ... THAT / SUCH ... THAT
So ... that İngilizcede
so + sıfat + (that) [1]
so + belirteç + (that) [2]
so + sıfat + a(n) + ad + (that) [3]
so + many/much/few/little + ad + (that) [4]
such ... that ise
such + sıfat + ad + (that) [5]
şeklinde oluşturulur.
The problem was so difficult that we couldn't solve it. [1]
He spoke so eloquently that everybody congragulated him. [2]
It was so difficult a problem that we couldn't solve it. [3]
He has so many books that he can't remember how many. [4]
He gave such a wonderful speech that we were astounded. [5]
The storm broke out with ..... strength ..... it caused great
damage within a few hours.
A. the same/as
B. as/as
C. more/than
D. such/that
E. so/that
The plan he proposed at the annual meeting was .....
humiliating ..... I couldn't help protesting.
A. as / as
B. so / that
C. such / as
D. such / that
E. too / to
Bu yapılar Türkçeye "o ... kadar ki" şeklinde aktarılır.
Time Clause yapılarda zaman uyumu kuralına dikkat etmek gerekir. Bu tümcelerde, ana tümce ile yan
tümcede kullanılan tense uyumlu olmalıdır. Yani,
I never forget to pray before I go to bed.
She will be there when I arrive at the airport.
When we got there, the film was over.
Time Clause yapılarda zaman uyumu kuralına bir tek since uymamaktadır.
I have known him since I left school.
2.1. Until/Till
until/till + ad / tümce / Ving
yüklem + -EnE / -IncEyE kadar [1]
ad + -E kadar [2]
He worked patiently until he completed polishing. [1]
Cilalamayı tamamlayana kadar sabırla çalıştı.
Until the war, they didn't know any poverty. [2]
Until ve by sözcüklerinden hangisinin kullanılacağı konusu çeviri ya da İngilizce yazma/konuşma
esnasında bir tereddüt konusu olabilmektedir.
Until belirli bir zamana kadar süren bir olay ya da durum için kullanılır.
I have to keep writing until the end of next year.
By belirli bir zamanda ya da o zamandan önce oluşan bir olay için kullanılır.
My book will be finished by the end of next year.
Burada belirtilmesi gereken önemli bir nokta da, by sözcüğünün zaman yapılarında bu tür
kullanımında hiçbir zaman bir conjunction olarak kullanılamaması, yani, ardından bir S+V+(O)
yapısının gelememesidir.
I hadn't liked Spielberg's films ..... I watched his masterpiece
A. after
B. by the time
C. in case
D. until
E. while
The sailors decided that it was better to wait ..... .
A. as they have heard the weather forecast.
B. by the time the mist settles
C. since the time the weather conditions changed
D. until the sea was calmer
E. whether their boat is thoroughly ready for sail
2.2. Before
before + ad / tümce / Ving
yüklem + -mEdEn önce
yüklem + -DEn önce
They left before the door was opened.
Before the geological age of a fossil can be established, ......
A. theory of evolution was not fully understood
B. movements within the earth's crust have been measured
C. the necessary equipment has been provided
D. the measurements were not sufficiently accurate
E. the evolutionary significance of the remains must be fully
2.3. By the time
by the time + tümce
yüklem + -EnE kadar
They will have gone by the time we arrive.
Kullanım özelliği:
by the time + present tense, future perfect (continuous)
by the time + simple past, past perfect (continuous)
By the time something ..... to save them, whales ..... extinct
before it is too late.
A. had done/would have gone
B. has been done/will go
C. is done/will have gone
D. was done/had gone
E. will be done/have gone
By ile by the time farkı:
by + tümce
3.1. As
(just) as + tümce
(tam) ... -(i)ken
As she was walking down the road, she was hit by a lorry.
3.2. As long as / So long as
as long as/so long as + tümce
yüklem + -DIğI sürece/müddetçe
I'll love you as long as I live.
3.3. While/(Whilst)
Bu sözcüklerden whilst çok resmi yapılarda kullanılabilir.
while / whilst + tümce [1] / Ving [2]
yüklem + -(i)ken
They came while I was sunbathing. [1]
While walking, he stumbled and fell. [2]
The secretary took notes ..... I explained her how to use the
new software.
A. before
B. by the time
C. in case
D. though
E. while
3.4. When / Whenever
when + tümce [1] / sıfat [2] / Ving [3]; whenever + tümce [4] / sıfat [5]
(her ne) zaman ... -sE
yüklem + - DIğI zaman/-E/Ir(i)ken/-DIğI(n)dE/-IncE/ -DIkçE
When I sleep I always snore. [1]
Please do your exercise when(ever) possible. [2]
Be careful when lifting this bag. [3]
She visits her parents whenever she finds time. [4]
When I last ..... Peter he ..... to be transfered to the firm's new
A. was seeing/had hoped
B. have seen/hoped
C. saw/would hope
D. saw/was hoping
E. see/will hope
Yan tümcede present perfect tense mümkündür.
When I ..... my last exam I ..... for, I plan to have a long
A. had taken/studied
B. have taken/have been studying
C. take/study
D. took/had been studying
E. will take/am studying
3.5. Now that
now that + tümce
-DIğI için
(Hazır) ... yüklem -DIğI [(n)E] göre
Now that everybody is here, we can start the meeting.
3.6. Ving
He came in shouting.
Bu yapıya benzer bir yapıda hiç yüklem kullanılmamaktadır:
He came in drunk. (= When he came in he was drunk.)
3.7. During
during + ad
During the storm, a lot of people hid in the cinema.
4.1. After
after + tümce [1] / Ving [2] / ad [3]
yüklem/ad + -DEn/(mEsIn)In ardından/sonra
After he had seen the murder, he couldn't sleep whole night. [1]
After finishing his meal, Peter went to bed. [2]
After the riot, everything is calm and quiet. [3]
You will be responsible for the whole project ..... I've left, so
now listen carefully!
A. after
B. during
C. for
D. since
E. while
4.2. As soon as
as soon as + tümce [1] / Ving [2]
yüklem + -Er yüklem + -mEz
As soon as she saw the poster, she burst out a laughter. [1]
As soon as leaving work, he rushes to the bar. [2]
Bir eş anlam:
as soon as = the minute
4.3. Directly/Immediately
Bu iki yapı da sık kullanılmaz.
directly / immediately + tümce
yüklem + -Er yüklem + -mEz
She smiled immediately she heard the news.
İki eş anlam:
directly / immediately = the moment / the minute
4.4. Once
once + tümce [1] / Ving [2]
Bir kez .. yüklem + -DI mI/-mEyE görOnce I make make up my mind, nothing can stop me. [1]
Once signing this contract, you will have to obey the rules. [2]
4.5. Since
since + tümce [1] / Ving [2] / ad [3]
yüklem + -Den beri/bu yana
He feels much better since he completed his exams. [1]
We haven't gone out since visiting you. [2]
I've been typing since 12. [3]
I haven't had a single accident ..... I got my driving license
almost ten years ago.
A. after
B. as
C. before
D. for
E. since
Present perfect konusunda da belirtildiği gibi ...
since + simple past
4.6. When / Whenever
Kullanım ve çeviri açısından yukarıda Same time başlığı altında ele alınan when / whenever ile
4.7. Now that
Kullanım ve çeviri açısından yukarıda Same time başlığı altında ele alınan now that ile aynıdır.
4.8. No sooner ... than
No sooner + had + Subject + V3 + than ..+ Simple Past
Daha yeni/Henüz ... yüklem + -mIştI ki ...
No sooner had he left than he heard the explosion.
Çok önemli özellikler:
No sooner + had + özne + V3 + than ..+ simple past
No sooner ... yapısında mutlaka than kullanılır.
No sooner ... yapısının tümce başında yer alması
durumunda, mutlaka devrik yapı kullanılır.
4.9. Hardly / Scarcely ... when
Kullanım ve çeviri açısından No sooner ... than yapısı ile aynıdır.
Çok önemli özellikler:
Hardly/Scarcely + had + özne + V3 + when ..+ simple
Hardly/scarcely yapısında mutlaka when kullanılır.
Hardly/Scarcely yapısının tümce başında yer alması
durumunda, mutlaka devrik yapı kullanılır.
4.10. On, upon
Ving başlığı altında (aşağıda 5 numaralı başlık) ele alınmaktadır.
4.11. (only) to ...
Geçici bir durumu göstermek ve durumun ortaya çıkardığı sonucu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
I rushed to the door to discover it was locked
tümcesinde to discover yapısı in order to discover anlamı taşımamaktadır, zira bu anlamı taşıyor olsa
kapının kilitli olduğunu bile bile kapıya gitme söz konusu olacaktır.
* Kapının kilitli olduğunu keşfetmek için kapıya koştum.
Bu yapının gerçek karşılığı
... to discover = and I discovered
yaklaşımı ile
Kapıya koştum ve kilitli olduğunu farkettim
şeklinde olacaktır.
I woke up one morning to find myself on the floor.
She turned the corner, to find the car gone.
The curtain parted, to reveal a market scene.
4.12. yüklem + to + yüklem
Aslında yüklem + and + yüklem şeklinde kullanılabilecek bir yapıdır ve uzunca bir süreye bağlı bir
sonucu ifade eder.
She lived to be 100. (= and she became 100.)
The show went on to become a great success.
5. Ving
5.1. Same time (= When)
Returning to the village, I met an old friend.
(On/Upon) receiving the letter, you should reply immediately.
Vingyapısı ile time ve reason anlatıldığı zaman, ana tümcenin ve yan
tümcenin öznesinin aynı olması gerekir.
When I returned to the village I met an old friend. (= Returning to the village I met an
old friend.)
..... us that the flat was in perfect condition, the estate agent
asked us if we would like to see the flat.
A. Tell
B. Telling
C. To be told
D. To tell
E. Told
The applicants, ..... for the interview all morning, looked very
bored when they were finally allowed in.
A. being waited
B. having waited
C. to have waited
D. waited
E. waiting
5.2. Time after (= When / After)
Having + V3
ya da -ing yapısı ile oluşturulur.
Having completed his study he submitted it to the committee. (= After he had
completed ...)
5.3. (By) + Ving
Bu yapı zaman belirtmesinin yanısıra neden de (= reason) belirtebilir.
By taking advantage of the darkness, he escaped.
5.4. ..., Ving
He rose to his feet, spilling coffee on his pants. (= When he was rising to his feet, he
spilt coffee on his pants.)
Çok önemli özellikler:
Edilgen özellik taşır.
Past Participle ile time ve reason anlatıldığı zaman, ana
tümcenin ve yan tümcenin öznesinin aynı olması gerekir.
(When it is) taken as it is, the sentence will mean nothing.
1. IF
1.1. First condition
Şu an ya da geleceğe ait gerçekleşmesi mümkün olasılık anlatır.
If + Present, Future / Present tense
(Eğer) ... -I/Er ise, -EcEk / -I/Er
If nothing is done about high rate of population growth, world population will have
doubled by the year 2005.
Should you see her, give her the message.
If you ..... to a doctor straight away as I advise, you ..... a
great deal of discomfort.
A. would go/would have been spared
B. have gone/were spared
C. had gone/would have been spared
D. were going/have been spared
E. go/will have been spared
If ile başlayan bölüm (= yan tümce) ile ilgili önemli bir not:
If + will / may / might ... , ....
1.2. Second Condition
Şu an ya da geleceğe ait gerçekleşmesi pek mümkün olmayan olasılık anlatır.
If + Simple past, could / would (be able to) / might
(Eğer) ... -sE(ydI), ... -I/ErdI
If you were a man, I'd slap you here and now.
Were you a man, I'd slap you here and now.
Would you accept the offer if you ..... in my shoes.
A. are
B. can be
C. were
D. had been
E. should be
Was yerine were kullanımı önem taşır:
If I / she / you / it / they / ... WERE ....
Ayrıca şu yapılara dikkat:
Would you mind ...?
Do you mind ... ?
Kim: I urgently need an envelope for this card.
Tom: Do you mind if I go and buy you one?
Kim: .....
Tom: I'll be back in a minute.
A. Yes, and buy a pen as well, please.
B. Yes, this would be lovely.
C. No, not at all; most appreciated.
D. I'd better have an envelope immediately.
E. Actually, what I need is that one.
Progressive / Continuous kullanıma dikkat:
Would be + VingSecond Condition
She must be earning a lot. Otherwise, she ..... such a
luxurious life.
A. couldn't have led
B. hasn't been leading
C. isn't leading
D. wasn't leading
E. wouldn't be leading
1.3. Third Condition
Geçmişe ait ve gerçekleşmesi artık mümkün olmayan olasılık anlatır.
A. If + Past Perfect, would /could / might + have + V3 [1]
B. If + Past Perfect, would / could / might + V1 + (now) [2]
C. If + would / could + have + V3, would / could / might + have + V3 [3]
(Eğer) -sEydi /-mIş olsaydı, ... -I/ErdI
If he had known the result he wouldn't have been so happy. [1]
(Eğer) -sEydi /-mIş olsaydı, (şimdi) ... -I/ErdI
If you had been more careful, you'd be earning more. [2]
(Eğer) -sEydi /-mIş olsaydı, ... -EbIlIrdI
I could have helped him if I could have swum. [3]
Had he been more careful, he could have won.
If I ..... you were coming I ..... you a lift.
A. knew/can give
B. know/have given
C. had known/could have given
D. have known/gave
E. will know/would give
1.4. If + should
Az gerçekleşme olasılığı gösterir.
If you should see him, let me know.
1.5. If + happen to
If + should yapısı ile aynı anlamdadır.
1.6. If + were to
Were to yapısı gelecekte gerçekleşme olasılığı az bir olayı anlatmada kullanılabilir.
What would you do if a war were to break out ?
Were to yapısı zorlayıcı bir öneri ifade edebilir.
If you were to move your chair a bit, we could all sit down comfortably.
If Turkey ..... to withdraw from the NATO alliance, certainly it
..... a global crisis.
A. had/will cause
B. was/would have caused
C. will have/causes
D. were/would cause
E. would have/had caused
1.7. If it weren't for
Bu yapı olayın bir başka olayı değiştirdiğini / etkilediğini göstermede "olmasa" anlamında kullanılır.
If it weren't for his wife's money, he'd never be a boss.
1.8. If it hadn't been for
If it weren't for yapısının geçmiş zaman halidir.
If it hadn't been for your help, she could have gone to prison.
1.9. But for
If it hadn't been for yapısı ile aynı anlamı taşır.
But for you, I could have given up long ago.
1.10. If only (= I wish ...)
A) If only + Past tense
If only I had more money, I could buy a drink.
If only you hadn't told Jackie the truth, everything would have been all right.
B) If only + would / could
Bu yapı istek / amaç belirtir.
If only she wouldn't speak all the time, she'd make a perfect guest.
If only he wouldn't snore !
If only we ..... more money on us, we wouldn't have got so
embarrassed at the supermarket.
A. had taken
B. have taken
C. took
D. would have taken
E. would take
If only you ..... in my affairs that much! I really don't want to
offend you.
A. don't interfere
B. hadn't interfered
C. haven't interfered
D. won't interfere
E. wouldn't interfere
as long as, so long as + tümce
- DIğI sürece/takdirde
She can come in as long as she promises to keep silent.
You can leave the room ..... you promise to tidy your things.
A. unless
B. as long as
C. although
D. however
E. before
assuming/provided/providing/supposing + (that) +
Assuming/supposing -DIğInI varsayarsak/varsayınca
Provided/providing -mEsI koşulu ile/-DIğI takdirde
Assuming that the journey is likely to take a full day, we may except him any minute.
You can borrow the car provided that you promise to drive carefully.
You can use my computer ..... you are careful with it.
A. as much as
B. even if
C. expecting
D. in case
E. providing
in case + tümce
-sE diye
Buy another bottle of vodka in case more people come.
We should have the car checked before we set out for our
holiday ..... something goes wrong.
A. although
B. before
C. by the time
D. in case
E. while
Bu yapı in (the) case of + ad/Ving ( ... "durumunda") şeklinde de kullanılabilir.
In case of a fire, use the side doors.
In case of meeting him, do not offer to shake hands.
Just in case kullanımı ise "ne olur ne olmaz" anlamını yansıtır.
"Why do you always carry that umbrella ?" "Just in case."
in the event that + tümce
just so (that) + tümce
on condition (that) + tümce
-mEsI durumunda/-DIğI takdirde
In the event that the police ask you your address, you are not legally bound to give it.
unless + tümce
-mEz ise/-mEmEsI durumunda
I'll quit unless I'm given a pay rise.
This boy of yours will be very spoilt ..... you stop treating him
as if he were a baby.
A. as though
B. if
C. in case
D. unless
E. when
given (that) + tümce
olsa, -mEsI durumunda
Given that x = y, then n(x+a) = n(y+a) must also be true.
Given yapısı "rağmen" anlamını taşıyan tümce (Concession Clause) olarak da kullanılabilir.
Dilek belirten bir yapı olarak I wish / He wishes / .. çeşitli zamanlarla birlikte kullanılabilir. Bu zamanın
seçimi elbette tümcenin oluşturulduğu duruma bağlıdır.
(Simple Present)
I'm not rich. I wish I was/were rich.
I don't earn a lot. I wish I earned a lot.
She talks a lot. I wish she didn't talk a lot.
(Present Continuous)
It's raining. I wish it wasn't/weren't rainining.
She is studying. I wish she wasn't/weren't studying.
(Simple Past)
She didn't come. I wish she had come.
(Present Perfect)
He has lost it. He wishes he hadn't lost it.
You will always complain! I wish you wouldn't complain.
He will sing all the time! I wish he wouldn't sing.
wish + simple past / past continuous / would / could =
Second condition
wish + past perfect = Third condition
I wish they ..... to the party with us tomorrow.
A. can come
B. com
C. could come
D. had come
E. would have come
I wish nobody ..... of hunger in our present day.
A. is dying
B. died
C. dies
D. had died
E. has died
Bu yapılar Türkçeye "keşke" olarak aktarılabilir.
where + tümce
yüklem + -DIğI yerde
Where I come from, this is called injustice.
wherever + tümce
(neresi olursa orada)
yüklem + -DIğI her yer(d)e/yerin
They went wherever they expected to find work.
1.1. Although / Though
yüklem + -mEsInE rağmen / karşın; -DIğI halde
Although he is young, he is not inexperienced.
Devrik yapı ile de kullanılabilir.
Careful though/as she was, she couldn't prevent the accident. (=Although she was ...)
Although ve though farkı:
Though, tümce içinde ve sonunda however anlamında
1.2. Even if / Even though
Türkçeye çevirisi although ile aynıdır. Even if "-sE bile" olarak aktarılabilir.
He borrowed my jacket even though I'd told him not to.
You have to be on time even if the lesson starts very early.
1.3. Whereas
Türkçeye although gibi ya da "... ise de", "... iken" ile aktarılır.
Whereas he has plenty of money, he has no-one to trust.
1.4. While / Whilst
Türkçeye although gibi aktarılır.
While he is quite nice, sometimes he is a menace.
1.5. Despite / In spite of / Regardless of / Notwithstanding / Irrespective of +
the fact that
Türkçeye "...( gerçeğin)e karşın / rağmen" ile aktarılırlar.
Despite the fact that he is rather nice, sometimes he is a menace. (=Although he is ...)
1.6. As
Devrik yapı durumunda "rağmen" anlamı taşıyabilir.
Tired as I was, I went on walking. (=Although I was tired ...)
Change your mind as you will, you will gain no support. (=Although you may change
Bu yapı Reason veya Similarity Clause olarak da kullanılabilir.
As sözcüğü yerine that kullanıldığı da görülür.
Fool that he was, he made no mistakes.
1.7. As ... as
Bu yapı ender olarak kullanılır.
As widespread as his fame may be, he is not well-known in this part of the country.
(=Although his fame may be widespread, ...)
2.1. Despite/In spite of
despite/in spite of + ad [1] / Ving [2]
yüklem + -mEsInE rağmen / karşın
ad + -E rağmen / karşın
He came in spite of his illness. [1] / being ill. [2]
He still chooses to play with his plastic toy gun despite the
many electric toys he has.
A. Although he has many electric toys, he prefers to play with
his plactic toy gun.
B. Due to the number of his toys, he's having difficulty in
choosing between his plastic toy and electric toys.
C. He has electric toys as well, but today he is playing with
his plastic toy gun.
D. He may choose to play with his plastic toy gun, but his
favourite is his electric toy.
E. In spite of playing with his plastic toy gun, he still has some
electric toys as well.
2.2. Irrespective of, Regardless of, Notwithstanding
irrespective of / regardless of / notwithstanding + ad /
ad + -E rağmen / karşın
yüklem + -mEsInE rağmen / karşın
göz önüne almaksızın
Regardless of whatever he may say, do it as you please.
2.3. ..., still / yet
..., still/yet + Ving [1] / tümce [2]
yine de, ancak, fakat, bun(lar)a karşın
He suffered a lot, yet never giving in. [1] / he never gave in. [2]
3. Given (that)
Yerine göre koşul anlamı da verebilen bu yapı pek sık kullanılmamaktadır.
Given her charm, she is alone. / Given that she has charm, she is alone.
4. For all
For all his efforts, he failed.
Aşağıdaki farklı kullanıma dikkat:
For all + tümce = as far as
Dilbilgisi kitaplarında ayrı bir başlık altında yer alsa da yapı olarak Concession Clause ile aynıdır.
Whereas, while, whilst ile oluşturulur ve Türkçeye en basit olarak "oysa" sözcüğü ile aktarılır.
1.1. Because, As, For, Since
Türkçeye "yüklem + -I için / -IndEn ötürü / dolayı", "yüklem + -mEsI nedeniyle / sebebiyle" şeklinde
Because he worked so hard, he deserved a holiday.
As sözcüğü devrik yapıda kullanılarak da Reason Clause oluşturabilir. Aynı yapı Concession Clause
için de geçerli olduğu için hangi anlamın çıkarılması gerektiğine dikkat edilmesi gerekir.
Tired as she was, she went on walking. [Concession]
Tired as she was, she stopped walking. [Reason]
..... the prices are very high, I have to find a second job to
make ends meet.
A. Even though
B. In spite of
C. Unless
D. Because
E. Even if
I reckon he'll be a great asset to the firm, ..... he really does
have a good eye for business.
A. although
B. for
C. therefore
D. lest
E. thus
1.2. Because of / Due to / Owing to / On account of + the fact that
Türkçeye "[gerçeği(nden)] ötürü / yüzünden / sayesinde" şeklinde aktarılırlar.
Owing to the fact that Tom didn't know any French, they were able to speak
comfortably in his presence.
..... a heavy rain, the game had to be stopped.
A. Because
B. Owing to
C. Regardless of
D. In spite of
E. Provided
1.3. As long as
as long as + tümce
- DIğI sürece / müddetçe
As long as he doesn't disturb me, it is okay.
1.4. Inasmuch as, Insomuch as
Because anlamı taşıyan bu yapılar resmi durumlarda kullanılır.
Thomas is also guilty, insomuch as he knew what they were going to do.( ..., because
he knew ...)
1.5. In that
in that + tümce
-mEsI açısından/yüzünden, -DIğI için
The evidence is invalid in that it was obtained through illegal ways.
1.6. Now that
Time Clause yapılarda ele alınan Now that ile aynı anlamı taşır.
1.7. (The reason) why
(The reason) why + tümce + be + because/that ...
-mE("kişi eki")In(In) nedeni/sebebi ... (-dIr)
The reason (why) they lost is that/because they did not know the rules.
She won't tell me the reason ..... she is leaving me!
A. how
B. when
C. which
D. whom
E. why
1.8. While
while + tümce
hazır ... olduğuna göre/-mIş iken
While you are in the kitchen, can you bring me a knife ?
2.1. Because of, Due to, Owing to, On account of
because of / due to + owing to + on account of + ad + (Ving) [1] / + my / his /.. + Ving [2]
Türkçeye because ile aynı şekilde aktarılırlar.
Because of rain the rescue operation had to be stopped. [1]
Owing to his trying to save the situation, a scandal was prevented. [2]
2.2. Ving ...,
Önemli bir özellik:
Ving ile time ve reason anlatıldığı zaman, ana tümcenin
ve yan tümcenin öznesinin aynı olması gerekir.
In any election campaign, we see that all the candidates
promise to bring all essential facilities to the area, ......
A. bearing in mind the fact that it has a potential vote
B. in that they were quite successful in bringing service
C. that has always been neglected by local politicians
D. which actually needed almost nothing other than a sewage
E. whose political career depends on the leading party's
Seeing that it was likely to rain, he stayed in. (=Because / When he saw ...)
Knowing their tastes, she was able to bring a good gift. (=Because she knew ...)
Having completed the task, they had a break. (=Because / After they had completed
2.3. Past participle (= V3)
Önemli özellikler:
Bu yapı edilgen özellik taşır.
Past Participle ile time ve reason anlatıldığı zaman, ana
tümcenin ve yan tümcenin öznesinin aynı olması gerekir.
Constructed according to my specifications, the building was able to withstand the
earthquake. (=Because it was constructed ...)
2.4. With
with + ad + Ving [1]
with + ad + to + yüklem [2]
"var iken", -mekte iken, -DIğI için, -DIğIndEn ötürü
With the exams coming, we have no time for a social life. [1]
With so many children to support, they both have to work. [2]
2.5. What with
Yukarıda ele alınan With yapısı ile aynıdır.
1. (In order) to, so as to
in order (not) to / so as (not) to + yüklem
yüklem + -mEk için
To open the lid, turn it left.
They left the door open in order for me to hear what they were talking about.
She has to hurry in order not to be late.
So as to yapısının aşağıdaki örnekte görülen kullanımına sık rastlanmaktadır.
He never stayed in one place so long as to be recognised.
He has been studying ..... fail again.
A. to
B. because of
C. in order not to
D. in spite of
E. even if
2. In order that
in order that + tümce
yüklem + -sIn diye / -mEk için
The school closes early in order that the children can get home before dark.
3. For fear that
for fear that + tümce
yüklem + -mEk /... olur + korkusu ile
They left early for fear that they'd miss the train.
4. Lest
Resmi (= formal) nitelik taşıyan tümcelerde kullanılır.
lest + tümce
yüklem + -mEmEk için / -mEsIn diye
They checked the list again lest they should leave something behind.
1. So (that), Such that
so (that), such that + tümce
böylece, bu yolla, öyle ki, -sIn diye
We announced the test results immediately so that those who failed wouldn't have to
They had considered all the possibilities in preparing the leaflet, such that even the
most inexperienced would be able to inform the candidates of the requirements for
Çok önemli bir özellik:
So that ile oluşturulan yan tümcede hemen her zaman
bir yardımcı yüklem olur.
2. Thereby
thereby + Ving
böylece, bu yüzden, bu yolla, sonuçta
Because he was so young and fiery, he drove the sport car at top speed, thereby
deserving three different traffic tickets.
1. (Just) as
(just) as + tümce [1] / it is/was/.. [2]
Kimi zaman as yerine the way kullanılabilir.
She is a fine singer, just as her father used to be. [1]
In autumn, as (it was) in spring, there were floods. [2]
Bu yapı resmi (= formal) nitelik taşıyan anlatımlarda devrik yapı (= inversion) kullanılarak
He was Catholic, as were most of his friends.
He believed, as did all his colleagues, in the supremacy of the institution he worked
..... it was expected, Peter won the game.
A. The same
B. As
C. Likewise
D. Similar
E. Contrary
Dikkat edilmesi gereken kullanımlar:
be that as it may = öyle oldu ki
such ... as
I had never had ..... terrible time ..... I had in that seaside
A. as / than
B. so / that
C. more / that
D. such / as
E. the most / as
2. Like
like + ad / him/her/... ; like + tümce ( AmE)
gibi, benzer
My sister isn't much like me.
Many tropical climate animals are facing the danger of
extinction, ..... the panda.
A. as
B. as if
C. even if
D. like
E. similar
As ve like farkı:
as =olarak
like = gibi
I gave her a ring ..... a birthday present.
A. like
B. as
C. as if
D. such as
E. that
3. As if, as though
as if, as though + tümce
(sanki) ... (-mIş) gibi
You look as if you are about to cry.
We know that it may be wrong to treat a child as if he ..... an
A. had been
B. has been
C. is
D. were
E. will be
As soon as I entered the room, I noticed that it looked ..... it
hadn't been lived in for a very long time.
A. although
B. though
C. because
D. even if
E. in case
1. But (that)
Resmi (= formal) nitelik taşıyan anlatımlarda kullanılır.
but that + tümce [1]
but for me/him/.. to + yüklem [2]
dışında, haricinde
Nothing would stop them but that the President (should) make a speech. [1]
Nothing would stop them but for the President to make a speech. [2]
2. Except (that), excepting (that)
except/excepting (that) + tümce
ama, fakat, ancak, haricinde, dışında
We would most happily help you, except we are in need of cash.
3. Save that
save that + tümce
dışında, haricinde
The company has lost almost all its possessions, save that they still hold a small
share in a vast piece of land.
4. Only
Günlük konuşma dilinde kullanılır.
only + tümce
fakat, ancak, ama
I'd love to come, only I have no time.
1. Tanım
Tümce içinde paranteze alınmış bir fikir, yorum, yargı görevi üstlenen ifadelerdir. Tümce içinde altı
değişik yapıda kullanılabilirler.
2. Tümce olarak
There were no applicants, I believe, for that job.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır.
Tanrı bilir (ya)
God knows
Heaven knows
Tanrı bilir (ya)
it grieves me to tell you
üzülerek söylüyorum
it has been claimed
iddiaya göre
it is reported
bildirildiğine göre
it is rumoured
söylentiye göre
it is said
denildiğine göre/ denir ki
it is true
şurası da doğru ki/ doğru olan şu ki
it may interest you to know
öğrenmek ilgini(zi) çekebilir
it pains me to tell you
üzülerek söylüyorum
it seems
görünüşe göre, görünüşe bakılırsa
it transpires
söylenildiğine göre
I admit
bence de/ kabul ediyorum
I agree
bence de/ kabul ediyorum
I ask myself
diye sormaktayım
I assume
I believe
bence/ sanırım
I can see
gördüğüm kadarı ile
I claim
I consider
I daresay
I don't deny
I doubt
hiçsanmam ama/ pek sanmasam da/
I expect
I fear
I feel
I guess
I hear
duyduğuma göre
I have heard
duyduğuma göre
I have heard tell
söylenenlere göre
I have no doubt
hiç kuşkum yok
I have read
okuduğuma göre
I have to say
belirtmeliyim ki
I hope
I imagine
I know
bildiğime göre/ biliyorum
I may assume
I'm afraid
I'm convinced
eminim/ inanıyorum ki
I'm delighted to say
sevinerek söylüyorum (ki)
I'm glad to say
sevinerek söylüyorum (ki)
I'm happy to say
sevinerek söylüyorum (ki)
I'm pleased to say
sevinerek söylüyorum (ki)
I'm sorry to say
üzülerek söylüyorum (ki)
I'm sure
I'm told
bana anlatılana göre/ duydum ki
I must admit
kabul/ itiraf etmeliyim ki
I must say
söylemem gerekir ki
I must tell you
anlatmam gerekir ki
I presume
I regret
korkarım/ ne yazık ki
I regret to say
üzülerek söylüyorum (ki)
I remember
hatırlıyorum (da)
I see
I suppose
I think
I understand
anlıyorum ki/ bence
I venture to say
I wish
I wonder
mind you
one hears
söylenenlere göre
they allege
iddiaya göre
they claim
there is on doubt
they say
you can see
gördüğün(üz) gibi
you know
you may have heard
duymuş olabileceğin(iz) gibi
you may know
belki biliyorsun(uz)
you must admit
kabul etmelisin(iz) ki
you realise
anlayacağın(ız) gibi
you see
gördüğün(üz) gibi
3. As + tümce
Türkçeye "yüklem + -DIğI gibi/kadarı ile" şeklinde aktarılabilir.
I'm working overtime, as you know.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:
herkesin bildiği gibi
as everybody knows
as it appears
görünüşe göre
as it happens
öyle oldu ki/ tesadüf bu ya
as (it) is common knowledge
bilindiği gibi
as it may interest you to know
öğrenmek isteyebileceğin gibi
as (it) often happens
hep olduğu gibi
as it seems
görünüşe göre
as it seems likely
as it transpires
göründüğü gibi
as (it) was pointed out
belirtildiği gibi
as (it) was said earlier/later
anlatıldığı gibi
as I can see (it)
gördüğüm kadarı ile/ bence
as I have said
söylediğim gibi
as I interpret it
bence/ bana
as I'm told
duyduğuma göre
as I remember
hatırladığım kadarı ile
as I say
dediğim gibi
as I see (it)
bence/ bana göre
as I take it
bence/ bana göre
as I understand
bence/ bana göre
as you know
bildiğin(iz) gibi
as you may have heard
duymuş olabileceğin(iz) gibi
as you may remember
hatırlayacağın(ız) gibi
as you said
dediğin(iz) gibi
as you say
dediğin(iz) gibi
as (it) was/seemed natural
normal göründüğü kadarı ile, doğal olarak
as (it) was expected
beklenildiği gibi
4. What ...
Türkçeye " ... olan şey/olan yan(ı)" ile aktarılabilir.
What was more upsetting, we lost our luggage.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:
işin en/daha (da) ... (olan) yanı ...
what is more surprising / upsetting / ...
what is more to the point
dahası, üstelik, üstüne üstlük.
5. To + yüklem
Türkçeye "-cası, ... olmak gerekirse, ... olur ise" ile aktarılabilir.
To be fair, I lost the money.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:
to be fair
to be frank
to be honest
to be precise
kesin konuşmak gerekirse/ tam olarak
to be serious
ciddi olmak gerekirse
to be truthful
açık konuşmak gerekirse
to put it briefly
to speak candidly
6. -ing
Türkçeye "yüklem + -Er/Ir ise" ile aktarılabilir.
I doubt, speaking as a layman, that his views are our salvage.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:
genelde/ genele konuşulursa
broadly speaking
figuratively speaking
örneğin/ genele konuşulursa
generally speaking
genel anlamda/ genele konuşulursa
loosely speaking
genel anlamda/ genele konuşulursa
putting it crudely
kabaca anlatılırsa
putting it mildly
speaking frankly
işin doğrusu
speaking generally
genel anlamda/ genele konuşursak
speaking personally
7. Past participle (= V3)
Türkçeye "yüklem + -Il/-In .. ise" (= Edilgen) ile aktarılır.
Stated plainly, he has no chances of winning.
En sık kullanılan yapılar şunlardır:
kabaca anlatırsak
put bluntly
put in another way
diğer bir deyişle
diğer bir deyişle
stated quite simply
basitçe anlatılırsa
worded plainly
basitçe anlatılırsa
Bu tür tümceler İngilizcede fazla kullanılmaz ve çeviri ya da sınavlar açısından önemli bir sorun
He waited, anxious for a reply. (= he was anxious for a reply)
Tedirginlikle bir yanıt bekledi.
She was standing, a statue of innocence. (= she was like a statue of innocence)
Yüklem taşımayan yan tümce ayrı bir tümce gibi ele alınmalıdır. Çeviri işleminin de buna göre
yapılması gerekir.
Article birkaç noktada çeviri işlemlerinde ve sınavlarda sorun haline gelmektedir. A(n) (= Indefinite
article) ve the (= Definite article) adlarla birlikte kullanılırlar.
Bu iki sözcüğün nasıl ve ne durumlarda kullanıldıklarına geçmeden önce, ad yapılarını incelemek
yararlı olabilir.
Ad, sayılabilen ve sayılamayan olarak sınıflandırılabilir:
Sayılabilen (= countable) ad
a) Tekil (= singular)
cat, leaf, man, person, iron (= ütü)
b) Çoğul (= plural)
cats, leaves, men, people/persons, irons
Sayılamayan (= uncountable) ad
a) Somut (= concrete)
water, oil, sugar, iron (= demir)
b) Soyut (=abstract)
happiness, wealth, boredom
A(n) sadece sayılabilen tekil adlar ile kullanılır. Kendisini takip eden ad sesli bir harf (a, e, i, o, u) ile
söylenerek (yazılarak değil) başlarsa, an kullanılır.
an apple, an eagle, an iron, an orange, an umbrella
a university student
(u harfi "yu" olarak telaffuz edilmekte)
an hour
(sessiz olan h harfi telaffuz edilmemekte; {h}our)
The bütün adlarla birlikte kullanılabilir. Bir adın her zaman bir article alması gerekli ya da olanaklı
Önemli kullanım özellikleri:
A/an + sayılamayan ad  a kind of
few + çoğul ad = az ve yetersiz
a few + çoğul ad = az ama yeterli
little + sayılamaz ad = az ve yetersiz
a little + sayılamaz ad = az ama yeterli
4.1. Bilinmeyen ve önceden belirginleştirilmemiş
Herhangi biri, hangisi olduğu farketmez
I have never seen an elephant.
Ben hiç fil görmedim.
We are looking for a person to help us in the home.
Sözü edilen şeyin, ait olduğu sınıfın/türün herhangi bir üyesi olması
A screwdriver is a tool.
Bu kullanımda çoğul ad da mümkündür.
Screwdrivers are tools.
Genel nesneler yerine belirginleştirilmiş nesneler kullanılması durumunda çoğul ad kullanmak gerekir.
Cars are parked at owners' risk. (Cars = Buraya parkedilen belirgin arabalar)
Tereddüte düşülmesi durumunda en iyisi çoğul ad kullanmaktır.
... de/başına
60 miles an hour
Three times a week
Ten pence a kilo
4.2. Bilinen fakat önceden belirginleştirilmemiş
Özel biri, fakat henüz belirginleştirilmemiş
I have found a good job at last.
She is a very old friend of mine.
A Mr Nash called to speak to you. (= Someone named Mr Nash ...)
Bir tür/örnek
We have a good climate.
What a strange man he is !
I have never heard such a thing !
I am a teacher by profession.
To be a good MP, you must be a good speaker.
5.1. the + az önce/daha önce sözü geçmiş olan
"I've got an orange and some apples. Who wants the orange ?" "You have the orange
and I'll have the apples."
5.2. the + belirginleştirilmiş ad
The dogs in our street are very noisy.
The Englishmen we met at the party knew a little Turkish.
5.3. the + eserde sözü geçen kişi(ler)/nesne(ler)
The Elephant and the Mouse
The Longest Day
The Mousetrap
5.4. the + tek olan şey
They toured the world together.
The earth goes round the sun.
She lives in the United States now.
5.5. the + superlative
the best/most recent/latest project
5.6. the + ordinal sayı
the first/last/next race
5.7. the + hayali bir türün/sınıfın temsilcisi olan tekil ad
The Panda is in danger of extinction.
The computer has replaced the typewriter in the office.
5.8. the + sıfat = o sıfat ile nitelenen grubun tümü
The young do not listen to the old. (= Young people do not listen to old people.)
Tekil kişiler için sıfat + person/man/.. kullanmak gerekir.
a / the young person / man / woman / ..
Farklı bir kullanım
the + police çoğul ad oluşturur.
5.9. the + yer adı = o yerin amacına uygun bir eyleme katılınmaması
She went to the prison (  mahkum olarak değil)
I would like to live near the sea.
5.10. the + yer = içinde bulunulan durumdan ötürü tanımlanabilen yer
Her insanın kendisine ait bir çevresi olduğu ve o kişinin o çevreye ait herşeyi tanımlayabileceği
düşünülürse, o çevreye yakın olan bir kimse (akraba, arkadaş, aynı şehirli gibi) açısından da o çevre
tanımlanabilir özelliktedir.
I must go to the bank
tümcesindeki the bank, konuşanı tanıyan bir kimse açısından belirgin bir bankayı niteler.
There is funny animal in the garden.
5.11. the + otel / tiyatro / sinema/.. adı
the Hilton
the Akün
the theatre / cinema / opera / concert
5.12. the + çoğul yer adı
the Netherlands
the Azores
the United States
the Alps
5.13. the + sayılabilir bir ad içeren yer adları
Mountain range
the Sues/Panama Canal
the English Channel
the Sahara (Desert)
the Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico
the British Isles, the Virgin Islands
the United Kingdom
the Rocky Mountains
the Indian Ocean
the Republic of Turkey
the (River) Nile
the Mediterranean (Sea)
the Gulf States
the Bering Straits
the Union of South Africa
Yer darlığından ötürü haritalarda the genelde kullanılmaz.
5.14. the + milliyet belirten sıfat
the British
the English
the Spanish
Bazı milliyetlerden söz ederken, çoğul ad kullanılır.
(the) Russians / Arabs / Turks / Scots / ..
5.15. the + bilim ve teknoloji ile ilgili sözcük
I hate the telephone.
5.16. the + müzik aleti
I'd like to learn the guitar.
Caz ve pop terminolojisinde genellikle the kullanılmaz.
5.17. the + gazete adı
the Times
Dergi adları genelde the almaz.
Times (Magazine), Scala
5.18. the + A of B (A ve B birer ad)
the University of Oxford
5.19. the + gemi adı
The Queen Mary
5.20. the + space = bir alanda boş yer
He tried to park his car but the space was not big enough.
The kullanılmazsa space sözcüğü "uzay" anlamı taşır.
5.21. all the / the whole
a) all
all + the/ this/these/my/your/. + ad
all the time
all my life
all this confusion
all + çoğul ad ( every anlamında)
All Indian tribes were killed off. (Her bir ... .)
b) whole
my/your/the/this/.. + whole + ad
the whole life
my whole life
this whole confusion
whole + çoğul ad (complete, entire anlamında)
Whole Indian tribes were killed killed off. (= kimse sağ kalmadı)
the whole of + my/yourthe/this/that/. + tekil ad
the whole of the time
the whole of my life
the whole of this confusion
6.1. A + B (A ve B birer ad)
Oxford University
London Bridge
Turkish Republic
Atatürk Airport
Bu yer adlarında the kullanılmamasının bir diğer nedeni de birer bölge ya da kişi adı taşımalarıdır.
6.2. türü / sınıfı temsil eden çoğul / sayılamayan ad
Pandas are in danger of extinction.
Sugar is bad for you.
Money can bring happiness.
6.3. yerin amacına yönelik eyleme katılma durumu
He was sent to prison for 2 years ( mahkum olarak).
He is a fisherman. He spends his time at sea.
6.4. ordinal sayı + yarışmada durum belirten ad / ödül
She won first prize for her essay.
The Irish contestant was in second place.
6.5. ünvan (+ kişinin soyadı)
I want to see the Captain, but Captain Smith.
Hello, Captain.
6.6. kıta, tekil ülke / şehir adı
Asia, Africa, South America, Great Britain, New York, Germany
6.7. tek dağ ve ada adı
Mount Everest
Cyprus, Long Island
6.8. göl adı
Lake Erie
6.9. preposition + ad
on time, for example, in turn, in harmony, at night.
in the morning / afternoon / evening
in/during/before/.. + (the) + autumn/spring/summer/winter
6.10. yüklem + ad
Artık birer terim haline gelmiş bazı yapılarda the kullanılmamaktadır.
yüklem + sayılabilir ad
to take place
yüklem + çoğul ad
to make friends
to shake hands
yüklem + sayılamayan ad
to make progress
to make love
6.11. by + ad (= ... ile yolculuk)
by + bus, coach, car, train, air, plane, bike, motorbike, sea / ship / boat, Tube /
on + foot, horseback
1.1. (a/the) + kişi / hayvan adı + ad
the manager's office
Mr Evan's daughter
the horse's tail
a policeman's hat
1.2. (a/the) + organizasyon adı + ad
the Government's decision
the company's success
Bu yapıyı the A of B kullanarak oluşturmak da mümkündür.
1.3. (a/the) + yer adı + ad
the city's new theatre
Britain's system of government
Turkey's largest dam
1.4. tekil ad + ad
my sister's room
Mr Carter's house
Çoğul ad + ad durumunda 's yerine sadece ' kullanmak da mümkündür.
my sisters' room
the Carters' house
1.5. zaman belirten ad + ad
Tomorrow's meeting has been canceled.
I've got a week's holiday / three weeks' holiday.
Bu tümcede three weeks' holiday yerine a holiday of three weeks, ya da a three week holiday demek
de mümkün.
1.6. bir hayvan adı + o hayvandan üretilen şey
cow's milk
lamb's wool
a bird's egg
goat's cheese
Bir ürün elde etmek için o hayvan öldürülmüş ise,
chicken soup
a lamb chop
fox fur
1.7. bir hayvan adı + hayvanın vücudunun bir parçası
a sheep's heart
a frog's leg
1.8. kullanan kişi + kullanılan şey
a girl's blouse
a children's hospital
a bird's nest
Kullanan kişinin eylem üzerinde bir denetimi yoksa aşağıdaki yapı da kullanılabilir.
baby clothes
a dog kennel
a birdcage
2.1. Of ... , tümce
Of late, I haven't been feeling well.
Of all the people applied, I was found suitable for the post. (= Among all the people
who applied ...)
2.2. of + nitelik / nicelik belirten sözcük + ad
It is of no use to try and solve it.
This is of great importance.
Bu yapıda, aslında, Türkçeye aktarım esnasında yapılması gereken şey yapıdaki adı, kendisinden
önce gelen ve nitelik / nicelik belirten sözcüğü de gözönünde bulundurarak, sıfat haline getirmektir.
It is of no use to ...
It is useless to .. (be + of = have)
şeklinde, ya da
This is of great importance
This is very important
şeklinde ele alınmalı ve sonra Türkçeye aktarılmalıdır.
2.3. (a/the) + ad + nesne adı
the door of the room
the beginning of the story
Bu yapıda 'skullanılabilirse de A of B yapısı daha iyidir.
2.4. (a/the) + ad + organizasyon adı
the decision of the Government
the success of the company
Bu yapıyı 's ile oluşturmak da mümkündür.
2.5. (a/the) + ad + uzun tekil ad
I met the wife of the man who lent us the money.
2.6. all, both, each, either, neither, none ile kullanılabilir.
a) all (=hepsi)
all + (of) + the/ my/your/.. + ad/this/that
All (of) my friends like riding.
I've all (of) the books.
I've stopped believing all (of) that years ago.
Adın belirleyici yapı (the, my, ..) taşımaması durumunda of kullanılmaz.
All whisky is expensive
All children can be naughty sometimes.
you, us, them, .. kullanılması durumunda yalnızca all of yapısı kullanılabilir.
All of them enjoy dancing.
All of you are wrong.
They want to see all of us.
All yerine every kullanılabilir. Ancak, all of yerine every one of gelir.
He interviewed every one of us.
b) both (=ikisi de)
both + (of) + the/my/your/ + ad/this/that
Both (of) the cars broke down before the start.
both + (of) + these/those + (ad)
Both (of) (these) vases are antique.
both of + us/you/them
Both of us were there.
both + ad
Both children have been to Rome.
c) each (=herbiri)
each + tekil ad
He is getting better each day.
each + (of)+ the/ my/your/ + ad/this/that
Each of his daughters is a university graduate.
each of us/you/them
The police will question each of them.
d) either (= ya ... ya da/ikisinden biri)
either + tekil ad
Either day will do.
either + (of)+ the/my/your/ + ad/this/that
Either of your friends is welcome.
either of + us/you/them
Either of you could do it.
e) neither (= ne ... ne de)
neither + tekil ad
Neither job will meet his requirements.
neither + (of) + the/my/your/ + ad/this/that
He said neither of the books was suitable.
neither of + us/you/them
Neither of us knows the correct answer.
f) none (= hiçbiri)
none + (of) + the/my/your/ + ad/this/that
None of the books was there.
none of us/you/them
None of us knows the correct answer.
3. Reflexive pronoun: __self/selves
By ile kullanım:
by + reflexive pronoun = alone
İngilizcede çoğu yüklemin kendisine özgü bir ya da birkaç prepositionu vardır ve çeşitli farklı anlamlar
oluşturur. Her bir yüklemin hangi preposition ile kullanılıp hangi amacı taşıdığı bilinemeyeceğine göre,
tek çare olarak kullanılmakta olan sözlük kalmaktadır.
İngilizce tümce oluştururken unutulmaması gereken bir kural, prepositionu izleyen yüklemin her zaman
mutlaka Ving formu taşıyacağıdır. Yani,
yüklem + preposition + Ving
I'm looking forward to meeting him.
They accused her of stealing a diamond necklace.
I am not very fond of ..... to this lecture.
A. to listen
B. listen
C. listening
D. listened
E. to have listened
Ancak, örneğin
I want to go
tümcesinde to sözcüğünün ardından Ving kullanılmamaktadır. Bunun nedeni to sözcüğünün want
yüklemine ait, bu yüklemle her zaman kullanılan bir preposition olmamasıdır.
İstisna belirten sözcükler olan except ve but kullanıldığı zaman, bunları izleyecek olan yüklem yalın
halde, to olmadan kullanılır.
What can I do but leave ?
Bir yüklem diğerine çeşitli yollarla bağlanabilir.
I don't like ..... what to do even by my teachers.
A. being told
B. having told
C. to have told
D. to tell
E. to telling
Gerund ve infinitive ile kullanımları farklı anlamlar taşıyan sözcükler:
remember + gerund / infinitive
regret + gerund / infinitive
try + gerund / infinitive
mean + gerund / infinitive
stop + gerund / infinitive
3.1. yüklem + preposition + yüklem
Yukarıda açıklandığı gibi.
We have been looking forward ..... a long holiday.
A. having taken
B. taken
C. to have taken
D. to take
E. to taking
3.2. yüklem + (to) + yüklem
Sınırlı sayıda yüklem bir başka yükleme to almadan bağlanır.
Can you help me (to) lift this ?
3.3. yüklem + (nesne) + to + yüklem
We hope to complete it soon.
I don't want you to go there.
3.4. yüklem + (so./so's) + Ving
I like playing the piano.
I appreciate your helping my son.
3.5. yüklem ( = see/hear/..) + so./stg. + do/doing
We saw him leaving the house [1]
tümcesi ile
We saw him leave the house [2]
tümcesi arasında anlam açısından fark bulunmaktadır. [1] numaralı tümcede leave yükleminin -ing
eklenerek kullanılması, konuşan kişinin olayın tümünü ya da bir bölümünü gördüğünü anlatmaktadır.
[2] numaralı tümcede ise yüklemin leave olarak yalın kullanılması olayın tümünün görüldüğünü anlatır.
I caught them stealing my bicycle.
I smell something burning.
I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and
put it back.
1.1. Present
Bu yapıda passive + to + yüklem
He is believed to live in New York.
ya da yüklem + to + passive
I didn't expect to be invited
1.2. Continuous
Progressive infinitive olarak bilinen yapı to be + Ving ile oluşturulur ve etken yapıda da kullanılabilir.
It is nice to be sitting here with you.
Bu yapı passive + to be + Ving şeklinde de kullanılabilir.
He is known to be writing his autobiography.
1.3. Past/Perfect
Perfect Infinitive olarak bilinen yapı to have + V3 şeklinde oluşturulur.
It is good to have finished the day's work.
Bu yapıda passive + to have + V3
He is known to have visited this city
ya da to have been + V3
I'd like to have been invited
2. BE +TO
2.1. be + the first/last/only/.. + ad + to + yüklem
He was the first man to cross the Channel.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "-En + ilk/son/tek + ad" şeklinde aktarılır.
2.2. be + to
Bu yapının kullanımı will ya
da should ile aynıdır.
3. ad + to + yüklem
He was to have been the new ambassador but he fell ill.
4. Why (not) + yüklem
Bu yapıda to kullanılmaz
Why pay more ?
Why not leave now ?
5. and / or / except / but / than + yüklem
Bu yapılarda to gereksizdir.
I told him to lie down and rest.
I'd rather stay than go.
6. do + (to) + yüklem
All I did was to lend him a hand.
What a computer does is (to) process the data for you.
7. to my/his /.. + sıfat / ad, tümce
Their rejection of the offer surprised me,
I was surprised by their rejection of the offer,
What surprised me was their rejection of the offer,
tümcelerinden her birinde "teklifin onlar tarafından reddedilmesi" olayı konuşan kişiyi şaşırtmıştır. Kimi
zaman, tepkiyi anlatan yapı tümcenin dışına çıkarılabilmektedir. Bu durumda da
To my surprise, they rejected the offer
şeklinde bir tümce ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu yapıda en sık
regret, annoyance, relief, surprise, horror, delight
ad ve sıfatları ve bunların yakın anlamlarını taşıyan ad ve sıfatlar kullanılır.
Çeviri söz konusu olduğunda
Benim hayretime / şaşkınlığıma
türü bir çeviri yanlış olur. Bunun yerine, To ile başlayan bölümü ayrı bir tümce gibi ele almak daha
anlamlı olacaktır.
Şaşırdım kaldım. Teklifi reddettiler.
Bu yapı ile ilgili şu örnekler de verilebilir:
To my mind, their rejection of the offer was a surprise.
To a man of his age, such changes are unacceptable.
8. be + sıfat + to + yüklem
He is hard to satisfy. (= It is hard to satisfy him.)
This violin is excellent to play Mozart on.
1. instead of + Ving
Instead of studying, he spent the night watching TV.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + -EcEğIne/-EcEğI yer(d)e" ile aktarılır.
2. without + Ving
Without saying a word, he left.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + - mEdEn / - mEksIzIn" ile aktarılır.
3. by + - Ving
You can open the lid by turning the handle.
Bu yapı Türkçeye "yüklem + - ErEk" ile aktarılabilir.
1. Giriş
Infinitive ve gerund yapıların diğer kullanımları yukarıda ayrı ayrı başlıklar altında ele alınmaktadır.
2. Kullanım
2.1. Özne olarak kullanım
İngilizcede, artık pek güncel olmayan bir şekilde, infinitive tümcenin öznesi olarak kullanılmaktaydı.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
Günümüz İngiliz dilinde, tümceye yüklem ile başlanması gerekiyorsa, gerund yapı kullanılması ya da
en iyisi It ... yapısının kullanılması doğru olur. Bu durumda,
To make mistakes is easy
It is easy to make mistakes
tümcesi kullanılabilir.
2.2. Belirgin eylemler
Belirgin bir eylemden sözedildiğinde infinitive özne olarak kullanılabilir. Yine de en iyisi It ...
To sell my car was difficult.
It was difficult to sell my car.
Genel bir eylemden sözedildiğinde de gerund özne olarak kullanılabilir. Yine de en iyisi, infinitive
yapıda da olduğu gibi, It ... kullanmaktır.
Selling insurance is a boring job.
It is a boring job to sell insurance.
2.3. Zaman ve Neden belirtmede
Infinitive ve gerund özne olarak kullanılabildikleri gibi zaman ve neden belirtmekte de kullanılabilirler.
(Time Clause ve Reason Clause)
1. Tanım
Tümcenin öznesi bir infinitive clause
To meet you is nice
ya da that-clause
That she is here at this time of the day is strange
olduğunda, bu yapıların yerini Prop It yapısı alabilir:
It is nice to meet you.
It is strange that she is here at this time of the day.
It is difficult to guess the meaning.
It is surprising that she is so late.
It was claimed that he was murdered.
Sınav açısından önemli iki nokta:
It + be + sıfat + to + V
It + be + sıfat + that / WH + tümce
Bu kadar çok başvuran arasından en uygununu bulmak bizim
için gerçekten zordu.
A. It really was a hard selection for us as there were plenty of
B. It really wouldn't be easy for us to select the best of all of
many applicants.
C. It was really hard for us to select the best applicant among
so many of them.
D. There were so many applicants that it was really hard for
us to select the best one.
E. We really had difficulty in selecting the best applicant
among the many.
2. Kullanım
2.1. Özne durumunda
a) Önem belirtmede
It is essential to book in advance.
It is vital that this plan is followed.
b) Zorluk belirtmede
It is difficult for him to change his mind.
c) Olasılık belirtmede
It is likely that we'll be a bit late.
Is it possible to go by road ?
d) Fayda belirtmede
It is pointless to argue with him.
e) Normallik ve Geleneksellik belirtmede
It is unusual to see snow in this season.
Is it customary to tip the driver here ?
f) Süre belirtmede
It takes eight hours to get to Istanbul.
g) Duygusal Tepki belirtmede
It was really surprising to see him.
It shocked me that he didn't know about the accident.
h) Gerçeği belirtmede
Is it true that she is leaving tomorrow ?
i) Uygunluk belirtmede
It'll be best to leave early.
j) Bir fikrin doğuşunu, akla gelişini belirtmede
It occurred to me that I'd left the keys at home.
k) Görünümden elde edilen fikri belirtmede
It seems that we are in for a change.
l) Putative should ile
It is interesting that you should think this way.
m) Çeşitli kullanımlar
A) It + for + ad + to + yüklem
It is better for you wait here.
It is essential for the pages to be read before the weekend.
B) It + Ving
It was nice meeting you.
Is it worth reserving a seat ?
It is no use trying to argue with him.
C) It ... + (as) if / though
It looks as if it will rain.
It will be a pity if we have to leave the project half-completed.
D) It ... + (preposition) + ad (= Cleft tümce)
It was my mother who threw an egg at the President yesterday.
E) It + be + (not) + until / before
It was before the war that we knew what extravagance was.
2.2. Nesne durumunda
Normalde, nesne ile ilişkili bir sıfat bulunması durumunda kullanılır.
George made it clear that he disagreed.
I thought it peculiar that she hadn't written.
I think it important that we should keep calm.
Owe ve leave yüklemleri ile de kullanılabilir.
We owe it to you to save our daughter.
We leave it to you to choose.
Should yardımcı yüklemi "gereklilik" belirtmesinin yanısıra bazı yapılarda bunun dışında anlamlar
üstlenmektedir. Bu bölümde ele alınan yapıların hiçbirinde, görüleceği gibi, Putative - Tentative should
yardımcı yüklemi "gereklilik" anlamını taşımamaktadır.
1. Condition Clause ile
Düşük bir olasılık belirtmek için in case, lest, ya da if ile kullanılır.
I'll go and get some more beer in case Bill should come.
He was cautious lest he should make a mistake.
If you should see him, tell him to see me.
If ile kullanımında devrik yapı oluşturabilir.
Should you see him, tell him to see me.
I will to have my car insured in case it ......
A. might have stolen
B. should be stolen
C. were stolen
D. will be stolen
E. will have stolen
2. So that ve in order that ile
He turned the volume down so that we should hear him.
Bu kullanımda should yerine could/would gibi yardımcı yüklemler de kullanılabilir. Çeviri açısından,
could kullanıldığında "-EbIl" takısının eklenmesi dışında, hiçbir değişiklik oluşmaz.
3. Zorunluluk ya da önem belirtmede
Zorunluluk, önem ve tercih belirten
agree, demand, marvel, regret, advise, desire, move, rejoice, allow, determine, ordain,
request, arrange, enjoin, order, require, ask, ensure, pledge, resolve, beg, entreat,
play, rule, command, grant, prefer, stipulate, concede, insist, pronounce, suggest,
decide, instruct, propose, urge, decree, intend, recommend, vote, wonder
yüklemleri ve
absurd, better, just, ridiculous, advisable, concerned, ludicrous, right, amazing, eager,
natural, strange, annoying, essential, necessary, surprising, anxious, important, odd,
sıfatları ile noun clause yapıda kullanılır. Kimi zaman, aşağıda verilen üçüncü örnek tümcede olduğu
gibi, should atılır ve yüklem yalın kalır. Çeviri açısından should sözcüğünün olması ya da olmaması bir
değişiklik getirmez.
He insisted that the contract should be read aloud.
We recommend that you wait until the rain stops.
People are demanding that she should leave the company.
People are demanding that she leave (Amerikan İngilizcesi) the company.
People are demanding that she leaves (İngiliz İngilizcesi) the company.
It is amazing that she should confess the murder.
The jury demanded that the defendant ..... be questioned
A. must
B. ought to
C. should
D. is to
E. may
As a matter of fact, it is of vital importance ......
A. me to have my tooth filled before I go on holiday.
B. not to study that much as it may cause exhaustion.
C. staying in bed and resting a bit.
D. that he had answered the question.
E. that we should book our seats in advance.
It was absurd that he ..... away from his office so long.
A. must stay
B. had stayed
C. will stay
D. can stay
E. has to stay
1. Tanım
Tümce içindeki normal yapının (S+V+O) vurgu sağlamak amacı değiştirilmesidir. Bu yapıda ya
yardımcı yüklem [1] (asıl yüklemin be olması durumunda yüklemin kendisi [2]) ya da özneyi niteleyen
sıfat [3] öznenin önünde yer almaktadır.
We came late, and so did he. [1]
We are here, and so is he. [2]
Tired as he was, he went on walking. [3]
2. Kullanım
Aşağıdaki kullanım örneklerinde gösterilen sözcük ve yapılar, tümce içinde bu örneklerde verilen
konumlarında (tümce başında vs.) olmaları durumunda sadece devrik yapıda kullanılabilmektedir.
You can never find a better friend
tümcesinde never sözcüğü tümcede ortalarda yer almaktadır ve tümcede devrik yapı söz konusu
değildir. Oysa never sözcüğü aşağıda da (2.1) ele alındığı gibi, tümcenin başına alındığında, her
zaman devrik yapı ile kullanılır.
Never can you find a better friend.
Devrik yapıların Türkçeye aktarımı esnasında, mümkünse, devrik yapının sağladığı vurgunun
verilmesine çaba göstermek gerekir.
2.1. Zaman ve yer belirten yapılarla
Zaman ve yer belirten
at no time, hardly ... when, never, no sooner ... than, not till, nowhere, only, only after,
only then/when, rarely, scarcely, scarcely ... when, seldom
yapıları ile kullanılır.
At no time was he aware of the facts.
Hardly / Scarcely had I said hello when he punched me.
Never before have I received such a nice present.
No sooner had I said hello than he punched me.
Not till he got home did he understand what the joke was.
Nowhere can you find a better servant.
Only here do they sell octopus meat.
Only after a year did she start to talk to me again.
Only then did I see that the plan was faulty.
Rarely could we get fresh bread.
Scarcely / Seldom had he been late.
Hardly ..... the results when the players started their protest.
A. they had declared
B. would they declare
C. had they declared
D. they would declare
E. they declared
2.2. Koşul belirten yapılar ile
Koşul belirten
in no circumstances, in no way, only by, only this way, only when, on no account,
under no circumstances
yapıları ile kullanılır.
In / Under no circumstances are we authorised to seal this document.
In no way can your money be refunded.
Only in this way were we able to make the car start.
Only by pushing were we able to start the car.
Only when he became ill did he appreciate the central heating.
On no account are people allowed to eat in the theatre building.
2.3. Not only, so, neither, nor ile
Not only did they steal his money, but they also beat him.
We all like horror films, and so does my father.
"I'm not hungry." "Neither / Nor am I."
He didn't protest, nor did he say a single word.
2.4. so / such ... that ile
So delicious was the meal that we couldn't help wondering whether it was really Jane
who had cooked it.
2.5. Yer belirten preposition ile
In came Tom.
Up jumped two large dogs.
Round the corner walked a policeman.
Under the table was lying a huge dog.
2.6. Comparison clause ile
His answer was shameful; equally regrettable was his behaviour.
A year ago two crashes occurred at the corner, and more recently has come the news
of a third.
2.7. Condition clause ile
Should there be a delay, call me.
Had we known about your coming, we could have met you at the airport.
2.8. Concession clause ile
Hard as you may study, I doubt you'll pass.
2.9. Reason clause ile
Tired as he was, he stopped walking.
2.10. Similarity and Comparison clause ile
Tom was a man of power, as had his father been.
2.11. Çeşitli sıfatlarla
Little did we imagine that the whole Soviet Union would collapse.
1. Any
Any aşağıdaki anlamlarda kullanılabilir.
I haven't got any brothers.
Olumsuz yapı/anlam + any = hiç
I can eat anything.
Olumlu yapı/anlam + any = ne olursa olsun/herhangi bir
Bundan ötürü,
Nobody can ride this horse.
Anybody can ride this horse.
In Turkey, anybody can be a taxi driver.
2. Every
Every sözcüğünün, çeviri / sınav açısından, bir tek aşağıda değinilen kullanımı önem taşımaktadır.
Not everyone knows this formula.
Bu yapı olumsuz yüklem ile Türkçeye aktarılmaktadır.
Some people argue that not ..... people should be allowed to
have children.
A. some
B. all
C. any
D. much
E. a little
1. The + sıfat = çoğul ad
Farklı bir kullanım.
the + police çoğul ad oluşturur.
2. No, none, all, some, any, hardly any, half, each, every / any / no / .. +
uygun eylem
None/Some/All/Most/.. of the + çoğul ad
None of + us / them
Most/all/Some/Many + çoğul ad
3. all, half, ..
All + çoğul ad + çoğul eylem
All + the/my/.. + çoğul ad + çoğul eylem
All of + the/my/.. + çoğul ad + çoğul eylem
The/My/.. + çoğul ad + çoğul eylem be + all
All + çoğul eylem
All of + them/us + çoğul eylem
They/We+ çoğul eylem be + all
4. Özne ile yüklemin ayrılması
Özne ile yüklem arasına aşağıdaki yapılar girdiği zaman, öznenin tekil ya da çoğul durumu etkilenmez:
accompanied by, along with, as well as, together with,
5. Gerund özne + tekil yüklem
Birkaç gerund sözcükten oluşan özne varsa, yüklem
çoğul olur.
6. Nicelik ve sayılar
Bir birim olarak düşünülen nicelik ve sayılar tekil
yüklem alır.
7. There
There ...yapısı, ardından gelen adın tekil, çoğul ya da
sayılamaz olmasına göre tekil ya da çoğul yüklem alır.
In the last few years, there ..... a great reduction in the
number of pandas.
A. has been
B. have been
C. is
D. were
E. will be
8. a pair of, a group of, ...
A pair of ..., a group of, a pack of ... gibi yapılar tekil
yüklem alır.
Çok önemli bazı özellikler:
a number of + çoğul ad + çoğul yüklem
the number of + çoğul ad + tekil yüklem
a lot of + çoğul ad + çoğul yüklem
a lot of + sayılamaz ad + tekil yüklem
1. Zamanlar ve yardımcı yüklemler
Prior to taking up this appointment, he used to work for the
government, .....?
A. wasn't he
B. did he use
C. didn't he
D. did he
E. didn't he use
Olumsuzluk veren yapılar:
Never, at no time, hardly gibi yapılar tümceyi olumsuz
You've never been to Paris, .....?
A. have you
B. have you ever
C. have you not
D. haven't you
E. haven't you ever
2. İstisnalar
I am ........, AREN'T I?
Let's ......., SHALL WE? ( + + )
Let me ......, SHALL I? ( + + )
Let's not ......, SHAN'T WE? ( - - )
1. Belirli yüklemlerle
Tom: Do you think unemployment will increase in the next
two years?
Pat: ...... The economic situation is getting better each year.
A. I expect not.
B. I hope so.
C. I think so.
D. I'm afraid not.
E. I'm afraid so.
2. so + devrik yapı
Everybody got shocked when Sally wouldn't enter the test,
and ......
A. I didn't either
B. neither was I
C. nor would I
D. so did I
E. so would I
Niteleme sözcükleri çok değişik olabilir:
the / my /your / .. + very + first / next / last + ad
1. Sıfat ve belirteç olan sözcükler
Hem sıfat hem de belirteç olanlar:
early, daily, hourly, monthly, weekly
2. Belirteç olamayan sıfarlar
Yalnızca sıfat olanlar:
courtly, deadly, earthly, heavenly, leisurely, lively,
lonely, lovely, wordly, brotherly, sisterly, motherly,
queenly, kingly, princely, friendly, scholarly, saintly
3. Sık karıştırılan yapılar
Yazılış ve anlam bakımından karıştırılanlar:
deep, deeply; high, highly; hard , hardly; fast (adj), fast (adv); late,
lately; like (v), like (prep), likely (adj); near, nearly; present, presently
4. Belirteçlerin tümcede bağlayıcı olarak kullanımı
Sıralama gösterenler:
o first, second, ...; firstly, secondly, ...; next, then, finally, last(ly), in the
first place, ...; first of all, last of all; to begin with, to start with, to end
Benzerlik gösterenler:
o equally, similarly, in the same way: aynı şekilde
o likewise: benzer şekilde
Yineleme, ekleme gösterenler:
o again, also, further, furthermore, moreover; what is more, in addition:
o above all: herşeyin ötesinde
Sonuç gösterenler:
o in conclusion, to conclude: sonuç olarak
o to summarize: özetle
Örnek, ek açıklama gösterenler:
o namely, that is (to say): yani
o for example, for instance: örneğin
Neden-sonuç ilişkisi gösterenler:
o so, therefore, thus; hence: böylece, bu nedenle
o consequently; as a result, as a consequence, in consequence: sonuç
Alternatif gösterenler:
otherwise: aksi taktirde
else: yoksa; aksi taktirde
rather: ya da
alternatively: ya da
in other words: diğer bir deyişle
Karşıtlık gösterenler:
on the contrary: (tam) aksine
anyway, anyhow: her neyse
besides: ayrıca
however, nevertheless, nonetheless: fakat
still, though, yet: yine de
in spite of, despite: rağmen
in any case, at any rate: her halikarda
after all, at the same time, all the same: zaten
for one thing: herşeyden önce
for another thing: ayrıca
Farklı ve karşıt bir yönü gösterenler:
o on the one hand: bir yandan
o on the other (hand): öte yandan
Konu değişimini gösterenler:
o incidentally, by the way: bu arada, konu açılmışken
She must be earning a lot. ....., she wouldn't be leading such
a luxurious life.
A. Anyway
B. But
C. Despite
D. In other words
E. Otherwise
Çok karıştırılan iki yapı (interesting ve interested gibi):
- ing ile biten sıfat = yüklem + -ıcı/ici/ucu/ücü
- ed ile biten sıfat = yüklem + -an / en, yüklem + -mış /
miş / muş / müş
If there are any ..... scenes in the film, it might be harmful for
my children.
A. frighten
B. frightened
C. frightening
D. having frightened
E. to frighten
preposition + Ving
Some parents are accused by experts on child education .....
too permissive.
A. for being
B. of being
C. to be
D. to have been
E. with being
Bazı phrasal verb yapılar bölünüp nesne araya yerleştirilebilir, bazıları ise kesinlikle bölünemezler.
Kullanım özellikleri:
Araya nesne almayanlarda:
phrasal verb + ad
phrasal verb + adıl (= pronoun)
verb + ad/adıl + preposition
Araya nesne alanlarda:
phrasal verb + ad
verb + ad + preposition
verb + adıl + preposition
phrasal verb + adıl
Çok karıştırılan ön takılı sözcükler:
valuable, invaluable; amoral, immoral; non-Amerikan,
un-American; non-scientific, unscientific; inflammable,
non-flammable; different, indifferent; famous,
Çok karıştırılan art takılı sözcükler:
economic, economical; historic, historical; helpful,
Sözcüğün Anlamını Tahmin
Aşağıdaki notlar anlamını bilmediğiniz bir sözcüğün anlamını tahmin etmenizi kolaylaştırabilir.
1. Sözcüğün türü ne? (Ad, yüklem, sıfat, vs.)
2. Sözcüğün içinde bulunduğu bağlama (context) bakın.
3. Sözcük metin içinde yinelenmekte mi? Ne kadar sık yinelenirse bağlam sayısı da o kadar fazla
4. Sözcük başka sözcük ya da yapılarla karşılaştırılmakta mı?
5. Sözcük metin içinde tanımlanmakta mı?
6. Kesin olmasa bile bir tahminde bulunmaya çalışın.
Bu bölümde yer alan alıştırmalar yukarıda belirtilen noktaların uygulamaya konulabilmesi için
hazırlanmıştır. Bu nedenle de sözlük kullanılmaması gerekir.
Because he comes from a poor family, Thomas has always wanted to be wealthy.
When he was twenty, he started his own business. His business was a total failure.
He started working at a car factory. However, success was still too far away from him
because he had a bad argument with his boss and he was sacked. Today, he is still
poor but he has not changed much. He still thinks that one day he will be very
Bu paragrafta poor sözcüğü .......... sözcüğü ile kıyaslanmakta ve failure sözcüğü .......... ile
These characteristics include the regulation of temperature, the capacity for prolonged
physical labour, protection from the sun, immunological (defensive responses to
infectious diseases) and nutritional and metabolic flexibility.
Bu paragrafta, immunological .......... anlamını taşımakta.
The Greek marriage was monogamous - men and women were allowed one spouse
at a time. In rural areas, exchange marriage, in which two men marry each other's
sister - was also found.
Bu paragrafta monogamous .......... anlamını ve exchange marriage .......... anlamını taşımakta.
Aşağıdaki sözcükler İngiliz dilinde mevcut sözcükler:
Have you got something to eat ? I'm absolutely famished.
"My God! She is swimming very fast!" "Of course. She's got flippers on."
She read the letter to the end and then tore it to shreds.
On the way, we saw a group of depressed-looking soldiers. They were very tired and they
were trudging along through mud and heavy rain.
He was so tall that he hit his head on the lintel when he was entering the room.
Sebastian hates festivals. The loud, bad music, the cheap gaudy colours, the noise, the whole
atmosphere - everything makes him feel sick.
He had spent twenty years in an unhealthy tropical climate. That's why his face had a
permanent sallow complexion.
Why are you all goggling at me like that ? Have I got two heads or something ?
Mark got on his motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion, and we roared off into the night.
Aşağıdaki metinde bir trafik kazası anlatılmakta. Metni okuyun ve soruları cevaplandırın. Okurken,
koyu yazılı sözcüklere özellikle dikkat edin. İçeriğe bakarak sözcüğün anlamını tahmin etmeye çalışın.
Mr. Peter Johnson, aged 23, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car
yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the
only escape way - through the boot.
Mr. Johnson's car had fallen into a dike at Romney Marsh, Kent, after skidding on ice.
"Fortunately, water began to come in very slowly," Mr. Johnson said. "I couldn't open
the doors because they were touching the banks of the dike, and I didn't open the
windows because I knew water would come in."
Mr. Johnson, a sweets salesman, of Holy Bank Hill, London Road, Kent, first tried to
attract the attention of the other motorists by using the horn and hitting on the roof and
the boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.
Later he said, " It was really a half penny which helped me. It was the only coin I had
in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot. While I
worked on the screws I could feel the water collecting underneath me on the roof. I hit
again and again trying to make someone hear, but no help came.
It took another ten minutes to unscrew the seat - and a further five minutes to clear
the sweet samples from the boot. Then, he found a wrench to open the boot lock.
Fifteen more minutes ebbed away. "It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but
as soon as I moved the lid the water and mud gushed in. I pushed the lid down into
the mud and went out.
His hands and arms cut and bruised, Mr. Johnson got to Beckett farm nearby where
he was looked after by the farmer's wife Lucy Bates. Huddled in a heavy coat, he
said, "That thirty minutes seemed like hours." "Only the tips of the car wheels were
visible," police said last night. The car had sunk into three feet of mud at the bottom of
the dike.
Verilen seçeneklerden hangisinin en yakın anlam olduğunu bulun.
1. boot
a) back window
b) space for luggage at the back of the car
c) space for luggage at the front of the car
d) engine compartment
2. dike
a) lake
b) small farm road
c) water channel by the road
d) canal for ships
3. samples
a) boxes of paper for sweets
b) catalogues
c) examples of what he is selling
d) rubbish put into the boot
4. wrench
a) a kind of tool
b) a kind of sweet
c) a bunch of keys
d) a pack of coins
5. ebbed away
a) were left
b) were all he had
c) passed very slowly
d) passed very quickly
6. it gave
a) it presented itself to him
b) it came open
c) it gave trouble
d) he stopped trying
7. gushed in
a) poured
b) came slowly
c) made a loud noise
d) felt cold
8. Huddled
a) Talking
b) Interviewed
c) Wrapped up warmly
d) Confused and surprised
9. tips
a) outside parts
b) rubber parts
c) metal parts
d) tops
Koyu yazılı verilen sözcüğe en yakın anlamı taşıyan sözcüğü bulun. Sözlük kullanmayın !
1. I could not convince my friend to go on a picnic instead of to a restaurant. He was adamant in
his desire to eat a formal meal.
a) uncertain
b) determined
c) reluctant
d) responsive
e) understanding
"Give me specific suggestions when you criticize my work," said the employee. "Vague
comments do not help me improve."
a) Definite
b) Special
c) Indefinite
d) Imperfect
e) Sufficient
Richard organized his staff with a rigid schedule of jobs and responsibilities which often
occupied them twelve hours a day, seven days a week. Many people, unable to tolerate this
regimentation, quit their jobs after the first week.
a) discipline
b) payment
c) tolerance
d) schedule
e) responsibility
By smiling foolishly and talking loudly, we are able to repress the rising feeling of fear so that
it does not affect the way we behave.
a) display
b) show
c) reduce
d) escape
e) keep
After the scorpion affair the whole family tried in vain to get me to stop collecting animals and
insects. They should have known that I wouldn't stop collecting just because of one little
a) unclearly
b) one by one
c) actually
d) reasonably
e) unsuccessfully
6. The murderer had developed a poison which could not be tasted or smelled when mixed with
food. Because it was imperceptible, he was able to murder a number of people without being
a) easy to find
b) hard to detect
c) easy to add
d) hard to prepare
e) hard to toxicate
7. Mr. Fleming was surprised to see me sitting behind his desk. He gave me a startled look,
then smiled and said, "I didn't know you were in town."
a) angry
b) nervous
c) confused
d) nasty
e) frightened
8. Roses seem to thrive under certain conditions; the more sunlight and water they receive the
more beautiful they are.
a) colour
b) fade
c) die
d) water
e) grow
9. Although he really didn't want to open the mysterious drawer again, his curiosity compelled
him to take one last look.
a) frightened
b) forced
c) commanded
d) prevented
e) supported
10. The banker was incredulous when the money did not fall out of the thief's brief case; he
couldn't believe that it wasn't there because he had seen him put the bills inside just before
leaving the bank.
a) delighted
b) disappointed
c) reluctant
d) terrified
e) suspicious
Uygun Anlamın Seçilmesi
Aşağıdaki kısa metinlerde koyu yazılı verilen sözcüklerin ve yapıların Türkçe karşılığını bulun. Sözlük
1. Surveys show that not all of the reasons for becoming an airline hostess are based on sound
thinking. One of the superficial reasons is advice by relatives, teachers, and friends; a second,
the belief that the life of an airline hostess is filled with adventure.
Dogs are still No. 1 when it comes to biting people in New York, but people are No. 2. The
Health Department's annual survey reported that dogs bit humans 9,809 times during 1985
while humans bit each other 1,591 times. That, at least, is how many bites were serious
enough for doctors to report them to the city, said Martin McGinley, a spokesman. The report
said that while dogs more reported bites than any other animal last year, the total still was
down 8 per cent from 1984. Human bites were down only slightly, however, from a 1984 total
of 1,593. Cats were third (879) bites, followed by wild rats (311) , squirrels (75) , and hamsters
There are several methods of cooking meats. (a) They may be roasted with dry heat and little
or no water; (b) they may be broiled or barbecued by direct exposure to glowing coals, flames,
or electric units; (c) they may be fried either with little fat or deep fat; and (d) they may be
raised or baked with vegetables that have been partially cooked
We think of the United States as a rich and plentiful nation. It is; but it isn't self-sufficient. Our
reliance on foreign sources is apparent every day in the year. Take sugar. Cane sugar ranks
first in value among imported foodstuffs . Or take coffee. Coffee drinking couldn't be an
American habit if we cut off our imports from Brazil.
On the first of August, 1952, the tuna ship Challenger was cutting into clear waters of the
Pacific a few miles from San Benedicto, a small island some 300 miles from the Mexican
mainland. Crewmen aboard the ship were surprised to see a thin pencil of smoke rising from
the island. San Benedicto is a barren, three-mile stretch of land which has never been
inhabited and, in fact, seldom visited.
Aşağıdaki metni dikkatle okuyun ve hangi seçeneğin en iyi yanıt olduğunu bulun; verilen seçeneklerin
tümü de sözlükte mevcut.
For centuries man believed the Earth to be the centre of Creation. The true picture is
far more awe-inspiring.
We live on a small planet revolving round a star of only average size, which is itself
revolving, with thousands of millions of other stars, in one galaxy among millions in a
Universe that may well be boundless.
Scientific observation has so far probed only a fraction of it. Yet to travel to the
frontiers of that observed fraction, even at 186,300 miles per second (the speed of
light) would take 6,000 million years, about 20,000 times the total period that human
life is estimated to have existed on Earth.
The different bodies and structures in the universe, all of which appear to be receding
from us, range from single galaxies to mammoth clusters containing as many as 500
Although the cluster of galaxies to which our galaxy belongs is comparatively small (it
has only 25 members), our galaxy itself, the Milky Way System, ranks among the
larger of the known stellar systems. Counting its almost 100,000 million stars (of
which the Sun with its family of planets is one) at the rate of one star a second would
take about 2,500 years.
a) beden
a) kuyu
a) Henüz
a) bedenler
b) boyut
b) pekalâ
b) Nihayet
b) cisimler
c) numara
c) iyi, hoş
c) Fakat
c) birlikler
d) yapıştırıcı
d) tamamiyle
d) Hâlâ
d) gruplar
a) sıralanmak
a) oran
a) öteki
b) sıralamak
b) paha
b) saniye
c) dahil olmak
c) hız
c) ikinci şey
d) -den üstün olmak
d) derece
d) ikinci kez
Aynı alıştırmayı aşağıdaki metin üzerinde de yapın.
Strictly speaking, gender is a matter of sex and there are but two classes: however,
for the sake of convenience grammar usually prefers to list four. A word which
denotes a male is of masculine gender: boy, uncle, son. A word which denotes a
female is of feminine gender: girl, aunt, wife. A word which denotes an object without
sex is of neutral gender: pencil, book, car. Names which denote either to males or
females are said to be of common gender: students, reader, artist.
a) Sıkı
a) madde
a) fakat
b) Şiddetli
b) cevher
b) -den başka
c) Kesin
c) illet
c) sadece
d) Katı
d) konu
d) ancak
1.-24. sorularda, verilen boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan seçeneği bulunuz.
Although the partners seem to be in full agreement on matters of management, there
is actually a ..... difference of opinion among them.
The journalists asked the Prime Minister so many questions that finally he felt it
necessary to ..... the statement.
Geological activity in this region has produced a landscape that is at once ..... and
Owing to various advances in modern medicine, certain diseases that were
seemingly incurable now ..... treatment.
consist of
yield to
interfere with
stem from
take after
His poetic output may not be large but, nevertheless, Ted Hughes is generally
regarded as one of the ..... poets of our time.
Appeals for help for the earthquake victims have received ..... support from all
segments of society.
Unfortunately, a great deal of medical equipment they have asked for is not readily
..... .
On the whole, his latest novel has received favourable reviews, but it has been .....
criticized in some quarters.
The ..... in the interest rates has caused considerable concern in economic circles.
He is full ..... good intentions, but none of them can be put ..... practice.
at / under
with / on
from / up
over / onto
of / into
When Mr. Green had nodded ..... approval, the chairman moved ..... to the next item
on the agenda.
I reckon he'll be a great asset to the firm, ..... he really does have a good eye for
..... the premiums for insuring the premises are high, we have no other choice but
take out a policy.
Even though
In spite of
As far as I am concerned, he must be just about ..... notorious lawyer we've ever had
to deal with.
the most
It's ..... difficult to decide who is to blame in ..... cases as there are many factors
He said we were on no account ..... the meeting before he came.
to have started
having started
to start
to be started
I still don't believe that the minister knew what was happening; I am sure ..... .
couldn't have
shouldn't have
hasn't to
It ..... that restrictions regarding imports ..... before the end of the fiscal year.
had been expected / are lifting
expects / are lifting
was excepted / had lifted
has been expected / are lifted
is expected / will be lifted
A farmer is ..... in a major city, but, with his abilities, he is ..... in a small village.
A colleague of ..... has been nominated for the Nobel.
..... this period less was known about the relationship ..... smoking and lung cancer.
Many countries in Africa are rich ..... in mineral resources to improve their balance of
In fact the spread of foot disease has caused ..... damage that we feared.
a great deal of
An honours degree will be conferred upon the physicist ..... contributions to energy
studies have proved most beneficial.
25.-32. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi
..... but also there will be fringe benefits.
The bank had employed some new staff
He could have excellent working conditions
Not only has the bank offered him a high salary
We were very impressed by his performance
They could have interviewed more people
..... how they can expect to make any profit at all.
We were puzzled
They didn't assume
I don't see
It has already been
They had been denied
..... that estimating future manpower requirements is definitely desirable.
From the ongoing discussion it is obvious
We were extremely concerned
The manager is wondering
It had been under discussion for a long time
The committee was asked
Isn't that the man ..... ?
which is responsible for the design of the botanical gardens
that he lost his temper at the board meeting
who have just returned from a business conference in Cairo
if he knew how to negotiate such delicate matters
whose son has won a scholarship to pursue his graduate studies in the United States
Don't you think it is significant ..... ?
in case so many people would have marched in protest
if the resolution had been passed
how quickly they had cancelled all the flights
whether they were re-elected
that 26 people have resigned since Mr Fairfax was appointed manager
They are waiting for their legal advisor ..... .
that he has recommended a similar policy
having called in to see them
if his influence has been sufficient
which of the proposals he favours
to suggest a more acceptable line of procedure
Everyone has been surprised ..... .
what an expensive project this has proved to be
if the meeting had been postponed until June
when they have heard the decision of the Judge
why he was criticizing the change in their policy
that the newly appointed director has so much to say
He plans to give a lecture on contemporary poetry ..... .
even if he had first studied literature
because it interested very few people
that he has published a lot on the subject
unless another subject is suggested
so as to have explained recent trends
33.-42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.
As regards the high inflation in the country, no government has yet found an effective
Hükümet, ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonu düşürmek için bir çözüm yolu bulamadı.
Ülkede yüksek enflasyon olduğu için hükümet henüz kesin bir çözüm bulmuş değil.
Ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonla ilgili olarak, henüz hiç bir hükümet etkili bir çözüm
Hiçbir hükümet, ülkedeki yüksek enflasyonu göz önüne alarak gerekli çözümleri
Ülkedeki yüksek enflasyon nedeniyle, hükümet henüz köklü bir çözüm bulamadı.
A colleague of ours, who has recently been appointed permanent representative to
the Netherlands, has unfortunately developed lung cancer.
Hollanda'da temsilcimiz olarak yıllardan beri çalışmış bir meslekdaşımızda maalesef
akciğer kanseri görüldü.
Hollanda'da ticari temsilcilik yapmakta olan bir arkadaşımızda ne yazık ki akciğer
kanseri olduğu ortaya çıktı.
Maalesef, akciğer kanserine yakalanmış olan bir arkadaşımız, daimi temsilci olarak
Hollanda'ya gönderildi.
Daimi temsilci olarak geçenlerde Hollanda'ya atanan bir meslekdaşımız, maalesef
akciğer kanserine yakalanmış.
Baş temsilcimiz olarak geçenlerde Hollanda'ya yeniden atanan meslekdaşımıza
maalesef akciğer kanseri teşhisi konmuş.
From the reading of her book, it is clear that Professor Jane Scott has a lot more to
say on this subject.
Kitabını okuyunca, bu konu ile ilgili olarak Profesör Jane Scott'ın söyleyeceklerinin çok
daha fazla olduğu anlaşılıyor.
Profesör Jane Scott'ın konu hakkında söylediklerinin çoğu, kitabı okununca
Profesör Jane Scott'un kitabını okuyunca, bu konu ile ilgili olarak ne kadar çok şey
söylediği anlaşılıyor.
Bu konu ile ilgili olarak Profesör Jane Scott'ın söylediklerinin pek çoğu kitabından
Bu konu ile ilgili kitabını okuyunca, Profesör Jane Scott'ın pek çok şey söylediği
The advisory committee on housing has recommended that the low-income families
should be given priority.
İskandan sorumlu karma kurul geliri yetersiz ailelere öncelikle yardım edilmesini
İskan ile ilgili olarak, yönetim kurulu, düşük gelirli ailelerin öncelikle yerleştirilmesini
İskan ile ilgili danışma kurulu, düşük gelirli ailelere öncelik verilmesi tavsiyesinde
Gelir düzeyi düşük olan ailelerin öncelikle yerleştirilmesini iskan ile ilgili kurul karara
Düşük gelirli ailelere öncelik verilmesi, iskan ile ilgili danışma kurulunda tartışma
konusu olmuştur.
Whatever measures the Ministry may have taken against smuggling, it is essential
that the public should also be enlightened about the matter.
Yolsuzluklara karşı hangi tedbirlerin alınması gerektiği hususunda Bakanlık kamuoyu
oluşturmaya çalışıyor.
Silah kaçakçılığına karşı alınan tedbirlere ek olarak Bakanlık kamuoyunu da
aydınlatmak için konu üzerinde duruyor.
Yolsuzlukları önlemek için bakanlığın aldığı bir dizi tedbire ek olarak konu hakkında
kamuoyu da aydınlatılıyor.
Rüşvete karşı ne gibi tedbirler alınması gerektiği hususunda bakanlık kamuoyuna
açıklamalar yapmayı uygun görüyor.
Kaçakçılığa karşı bakanlık hangi tedbirleri almış olursa olsun, konu hakkında
kamuoyunun da aydınlatılması şart.
If he knew what the board had decided as regards his promotion, he would be terribly
Naklen tayini hakkında kurulun nasıl bir karar verdiğini bilse, büyük üzüntü duyardı.
Tayini için kurulun verdiği kararı bilseydi derhal istifa ederdi.
Kendi durumu ile ilgili olarak kurulun kararının ne olduğunu bilmiş olsaydı, tayin
edilmeyi kesinlikle istemezdi.
Terfisi ile ilgili olarak kurulun neye karar verdiğini bilse, tam bir düş kırıklığına uğrardı.
Başarısızlığı nedeniyle hakkında kurulun ne tür bir karar vereceğini bilseydi, son
derece sinirlenirdi.
I firmly believe that we must put into effect some urgent plans in order to increase
Üretimi artıracak çeşitli planlar geliştirmemiz gerektiği görüşüne tamamen katılıyorum.
Verimliliği artırmak için bazı acil planları yürürlüğe koymamız gerektiğine kuvvetle
Üretimi geliştirmek amacıyla yapılan planları uygulamaya koymak zorunda olduğumuz
Verimliliğin arttırılması bakımından bazı önemli planlar geliştirmemiz gerektiği
Verimlilik düzeyini geliştirmemiz için bazı kapsamlı planlar üzerinde durmamız gerektiği
Turkey's membership of the European Community will be of vital importance for the
development of our international economic relations.
Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyeliği, uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin gelişmesi
bakımından hayati bir önem taşıyacakır.
Uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin geliştirilmesi için Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na
üye olması son derece önemli görülmektedir.
Türkiye'nin uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerinin artması, Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyelik için
büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin gelişmesi sonucu Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na
üye olması daha da çok önem kazanmıştır.
Türkiye'nin Avrupa Topluluğu'na üyeliğinden sonra uluslararası ekonomik ilişkilerimizin
geliştirilmesi çok büyük önem taşıyacaktır.
Propose what they may, we are not going to accept their views on this issue.
Bu konuda ne gibi öneriler ileri sürecekleri hususunda herhangi bir görüşümüz
İstedikleri önerileri yapsınlar, bu sorunla ilgili görüşlerini kimseye kabul
Ne önerirlerse önersinler, bu konudaki görüşlerini kabul etmeyeceğiz.
Ne gibi öneriler getirecekleri belli değilse de onların bu konuya bakış açılarını kabul
Her ne önerdilerse, bu konu ile ilgili olarak hiç birini kabul etmedik.
Owing to an unexpected delay in the delivery of the mail, his application did not reach
us in time.
Postanın dağılmasındaki beklenmeyen gecikme nedeniyle, başvurusu bize zamanında
Mektupların dağıtılması gecikince, bize yaptığı başvuru saatinde ulaşamadı.
Postadaki beklenmeyen gecikme yüzünden başvurusunu zamanında bize
Başvurusunun bize zamanında ulaşmamasının nedeni, postanın dağıtımında meydana
gelen gecikmeydi.
Postanın hiç tahmin edilmeyen gecikmesi, onun başvurusunun bize çabuk
ulaşamamasına yol açtı.
43.-52. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.
Faiz oranlarının biraz düşmesine rağmen, müşterilerimizin sayısı artmaya devam
Even though the number of clients is still going up the interest rates continue to fall
Since the interest rates are going down one cannot expect an increase in the number
of clients.
Even though the interest rates have gone down slightly, the number of our clients
continues to increase.
Unless the interest rates go up a little we cannot expect an increase in the number of
our clients.
Despite a slight fall in the number of our clients we have managed to keep up the
interest rates.
Kasa üzerinde onun parmak izlerini bulamadığımız sürece, onun masum olduğunu
kabul etmek zorundayız.
If his fingerprints are not to be found on the safe we shall have to accept his
So long as we can't find his fingerprints on the safe, we have to accept that he is
Should his fingerprints be found on the safe then we will be obliged to admit that he is
Unless his fingerprints are found on the safe he can never be accused of being guilty.
Of course he is not guilty, for no trace of his fingerprints has ever been found on the
Onunla ne zaman karşılaşsam hep konut sorununu ortaya koyuyor.
The housing problem is so serious that he no longer mentions it at the meeting.
The housing problem is a topic he usually avoids when we meet.
Whenever the problem of housing comes up at our meetings, we take different sides.
Every time we meet a problem, it always seems to be related to housing.
Whenever I meet him he always brings up the problem of housing.
Bildiğim kadarıyla, valiler toplantısı süresiz olarak ertelendi.
It is not yet definite whether or not the governors' meeting will be cancelled.
As far as I know the meeting of the governors has been postponed indefinitely.
I know the governors have been notified that their meeting will take place at a later
In my opinion a meeting of the governors should be called immediately.
I assume the governors have already been informed that the meeting is to be put off
Deprem bölgesinde bir salgını önlemek için derhal acil tedbirler alınmalıdır.
An epidemic has broken out in the earthquake area so we must take measures right
away to prevent its spread.
Various measures to overcome the epidemic in the earthquake area have already
been taken.
Urgent measures must be taken immediately to prevent an epidemic in the earthquake
The earthquake area has been hit by an epidemic in spite of the measures urgently
Unless the epidemic following the earthquake in the area dies down, urgent measures
will be called for.
Ülkemizin su kaynaklarından enerji ve sulama amacı ile tam olarak yararlanmak için
birkaç uzun vadeli proje hazırlanıyor.
With the projects under preparation some of the country's water resources will produce
long-term benefits in the fields of energy production and irrigation.
The projects concerning the water resources of the country will in the long run be
implemented for irrigation and energy.
Several of the long-term projects now under consideration are concerned with using
the country's water resources for energy and irrigation purposes.
Several long-term projects to make full-use of the country's water resources for
purposes of energy and irrigation are under preparation.
In the preparation of these long-term projects the country's needs, such as energy and
irrigation, should be given priority.
Bakanlığa girmene izin verilmeden önce kimlik kartını göstermeni isteyecekler.
They'll ask you to show your identity card before you are allowed to enter the ministry.
You can only enter the ministry if you have an identity card with you.
You will be required to carry an identity card if you start work at the ministry.
Everyone is required to show you an identity card on entering the ministry.
You will have to wear an identity card if you are working at the ministry.
İki liderin zirve toplantısı, insanlığa büyük yarar sağlayacak bir antlaşmanın
imzalanması ile son buldu.
Two of the leaders at the summit meeting have agreed to sign a treaty that will improve
their relations.
Finally the two leaders agreed to a summit meeting which will be to the benefit of
The agreement signed by the two leaders at the summit meeting will certainly
contribute to the prosperity of the people.
The summit meeting of the two leaders ended with the signing of an agreement that
will be of great benefit to mankind.
At the end of the summit meeting two of the leaders decided to sign an agreement that
would be beneficial to both nations.
Şişmanlığın başka bir nedeni, suyun vücut dokularında tutulmasıdır.
The retention of water in the body tissues, moreover, will cause overweight.
In cases of overweight, too much water is retained by body tissues.
Another cause of overweight is the retention of water in the body tissues.
Overweight also causes the body tissues to retain more water.
The heavier a person is the more water is retained in the body tissues.
Önceki banka müdürünün kişisel sorunları bile basında manşet olmuştu.
The bank manager was horrified that his personal problems made the headlines..
Previously, it was the bank manager's personal problems that made the headlines in
the press.
Indeed, that was before the bank manager's personal problems made the news.
The former bank manager's personal troubles even hit the headlines in the press.
Prior to this, no bank manager's personal concerns have received such treatment in
the press.
53.-58. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
In 1929 the stock market crashed and the Great Depression of the 1930's began. .....;
and almost immediately the nation's confidence in its government and its political
leaders vanished.
Economic theory has never really explained how it happened
There was to be terrible suffering in both Europe and America
The prosperity that had seemed so permanent ended abruptly
Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath during these years
The road to recovery was a long and slow one
With the Renaissance the arts ceased to be primarily religious. The heavens fell into
the background and the earth came to the fore. ..... Fewer pictures were painted of the
angels in heaven and more of the people in the world.
There was obviously a great deal of corruption in the church.
The Renaissance means the rebirth of classical learning.
Leonardo da Vinci, for instance, painted many pictures with religious themes.
Michael Angelo is a typical product of Renaissance times.
The trend was to build palaces rather than cathedrals.
During the middle ages, Venice flourished greatly as her trade expanded. ..... . At that
time she not only controlled the main trade route between east and west, but she also
built up a considerable empire on the mainland of Italy and down the Adriatic Coast,
including parts of Greece. Apart from the Ottoman Empire there was no other power
to challenge her.
Furthermore, the city was originally founded by refugees who had fled here from the
attacks of Atilla and his armies on the mainland of North Italy
However. when new routes to the East were discovered, her power and wealth began
to decline
On the other hand, it was ruled by a supreme magistrate, called the "Doge", and by
councillors elected from among the aristocracy
In fact, by the fifteenth century she was enjoying her golden age
Moreover, she came into fierce conflict with the other sea-trading power, Genoa
There are no less than 140 countries comprising the so-called "third world" known
variously as "less developed" or "developing" or "underdeveloped" or "poor"
countries. There is a great diversity among them, and yet they have a number of
features in common. ..... . For instance, some of the oil-producing countries have
achieved very high levels of income per capita while retaining many of the
characteristics of less developed countries.
Their natural resources are so limited that economically they are mostly dependant on
international aid.
Population explosion is a major problem many countries are unable to cope with.
In such countries there is a great demand for an educated and skilled work force.
Death rates have fallen sharply in response to improved health services.
Foremost among these is their poverty, but even poverty is not universal.
Bacteria are minute, single-celled organisms of variable shape and activity. Along
with the viruses, they are classified as the lowest forms of plant life. Bacteria are
everywhere - in soil, water, dust, and in air. ..... . Some turn decaying vegetable matter
into manure; others, within the human or animal body, assist in the development of
certain vitamins essential to health.
There are still many bacteria whose size and shape are not known yet
Food poisoning is also caused by various kinds of bacteria
A high-powered microscope is needed to detect bacteria in some substances
Under hygienic circumstances no bacterial activity takes place
There are thousands of different types and many perform useful functions
Vegetables eaten freshly cooked are safe. They may be contaminated after cooking or
be subject to spore germination and outgrowth if cooled slowly and stored warm.
Salad vegetables, lettuce, tomato, radishes, cucumber and watercress should be
washed in water for not less than 30 seconds. ..... .
In some restaurants a great variety of salad is served
Some people are not fond of vegetables at all
Water pollution is a serious danger that threatens the world
This is especially important in countries where crops are sometimes flooded with water
polluted with human and animal sewage
As a result of easy transportation and good packaging, tropical vegetables are
distributed worldwide
59.-64. sorularda, anlam bakımından hangi cümlenin parçaya uymadığını
(I) The acts of a single man are as a rule unimportant nowadays. (II) But the acts of
groups are more important than they used to be. (III) If one man refuses to work, that
is his own affair. (IV) After all, everyone stops working when he retires. (V) But if there
is a strike in a vital industry the whole community suffers.
A) I
E) V
(I) Actually London dates back to Roman times. (II) Greater London, with its nine
million population, includes the City and the County of London. (III) It also includes
the outer suburbs and much land that looks more urban than rural. (IV) There are no
definite boundaries, but it covers an area of some twenty miles radius from Oxford
Circus. (V) It is surrounded by a "green belt" and here it is forbidden to build.
A) I
E) V
(I) A thick layer of snow on a steep slope is always liable to avalanche. (II) A lot of
avalanches occur in the Alps. (III) A very small disturbance may set it in motion. (IV)
The vibrations caused by a passing train are sufficient. (V) Once in motion it gains in
speed and crushes in its path.
A) I
E) V
(I) At the end of 1974, the prospects of the country were far from rosy. (II) To start
with, the rate of inflation was steadily going up. (III) It only dropped temporarily in
July and August. (IV) So were the unemployment figures. (V) And the cold winter
served to aggravate all the problems.
A) I
E) V
(I) Most children, from time to time, show aggressive tendencies. (II) This is entirely
normal, and should be regarded as so. (III) In fact, children should be encouraged to
express their aggression fully through creative activities and exploration. (IV) For
this, a safe, suitable background must be provided. (V) Actually, more accidents
occur indoors than they do outdoors.
A) I
E) V
(I) There are several reasons why conventional medicine distrusts the practitioners of
alternative medicine. (II) Herbalists believe they can cure a wide range of conditions
with plant substances alone. (III) These people like to look beyond the immediate
symptoms to the body's total state. (IV) They aim to restore health by helping the
body to heal itself. (V) Their skill lies in knowing which plants are beneficial in which
A) I
E) V
65.-70. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.
You think someone has behaved in an objectionable way and you are determined to
tell him so. You say:
I can't imagine why you decided to do such a thing.
It really was very gracious of you to behave like that.
I didn't expect you to do that!
You behaviour has disgusted me and I don't think I shall ever forgive you.
You must agree it was rather an odd thing to say.
Your patient has diabetes and you want to impress upon him how important a starchfree diet is. You say:
So long as you eat a well-balanced diet you will be all right.
I am afraid you cannot be treated with medicines.
You must cut down on all starch foods and eat absolutely nothing with sugar in it.
Just eat normally and don't try to lose weight.
If you stop eating bread, potatoes and spaghetti you will soon lose weight.
You are buying a new computer for use in the firm. Your main worry is that the modal
you like might prove too complicated for the staff to work. You ask the salesman:
Roughly how long does it take the average person to use a computer of this type
Can you briefly give me some idea of the advantages of this model over the cheap
Can you show me a model that is more efficient than the one you sold me last year?
This type is just what we need. Can you show me how to operate it?
This computer will really ease their weight-load; so they'll be delighted, don't you
You are taking visitors to the laboratory to see how your experiment has been set up.
It is vital that no one touches anything, so you say:
Concerning the experiment, let's keep in touch.
I am certain no one has touched anything.
Don't bother to touch anything.
It is essential that nobody touches anything related to the experiment.
If you want to touch anything, be sure it is safe.
The manager of the firm you work asked your opinion about one of the new
employees. You want to give a non-committal answer. You say:
It's really too early to say. I know nothing either for or against him.
He's the best trainee we've had for several years.
Personally, I can't stand the man.
I'll keep an eye on him if you are interested.
If you are looking for a new assistant, he can't do the job well.
Your daughter is going to Istanbul by bus. You want to hear that she has arrived
safely, so you say:
You do know your aunt's telephone number, don't you?
Let me know when you're coming back and I'll meet you.
I expect your aunt will at the station to meet you.
Be sure to give us a ring when you get there.
Have a good trip! Enjoy your holiday!
71.-76. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
I see they are still investigating the cause of the fire at the Chilton Hotel.
Do you agree?
Yes I do. But it will be difficult to prove in court.
If the wind hadn't dropped they say the damage would have been even worse.
That's very natural. Some people reckon it was started deliberately.
As far as concerned, it was obviously a question of gross carelessness.
The insurance companies involved are demanding a court enquiry.
I don't think they ever will learn the real cause.
Is something worrying you?
Yes, Bob Shaw, who was in charge of work at the new dam, has been taken ill.
Precisely. And I don't know how I'm going to find one.
Has he been off work long?
How much are you prepared to pay?
So you need a replacement, I suppose.
Hard luck. He really was a capable man.
Well, if I can help, just let me know.
Mr. Wright:
I see The Times has yet another article on immigration. Have you read it?
Mrs. Wright:
No, but intend to do. They are obviously making an issue of it.
Mr. Wright:
Mrs. Wright:
You may be right, but I hope it's not as serious as that.
At the office everybody was talking against him.
And so they should. Have you any idea how many people are involved?
They should have done so many years ago.
Yes, that's how it seem to me, too. It may lead to some resignation even.
And, about time, too. Did you get a copy of Newsweek for me?
Mrs. Glower:
Will you give up your job when the baby is born?
Mrs Glower:
Never mind. I'm sure your mother will be delighted to take care of it.
Yes, of course I will. I wouldn't want anyone else to look after it.
Certainly not. I should hate staying at home with a baby.
I haven't decided yet, but I shall have to do soon.
I don't know. What do you advise?
No, I'd like to but I can't afford to.
I'm afraid Dr John doesn't see patients except by appointment.
Well, in that case sit down and I'll let him know you're here.
How much does he charge for a visit?
Can't you give me an appointment?
But I'm not a patient. I'm his brother.
Surely, he is not too busy to see me.
Well, can you give me an appointment for later in the day?
Mr. Clapton:
You are looking tired dear.
Mrs. Clapton:
Mr. Clapton:
Why? What happened?
Mrs. Clapton:
I don't know. Everything seemed to go wrong. But, let's forget it.
I was going to suggest we had dinner outside.
Really, Well, I feel just fine.
So are you. It must be the weather.
Well, I'm tired. I've had a most tiring day.
My secretary was back today so we got a lot of work done.
77.-82. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
As I understand it, the advantages of the scheme and the disadvantages just about
balance each other out.
I really cannot decide whether the advantages of the scheme outweigh the
advantages, or whether it is the other way round.
It seems to me that the scheme has more advantages than disadvantages.
If you want my opinion, I would sat the scheme has fewer advantages and
In a scheme of this sort, one would expect there to be both advantages and
It is essential that the advantages and the disadvantages of the scheme are given
equal attention.
These gardens have been well-designed, so they look attractive all the year around.
Good garden design would ensure that these gardens were lovely to look at all through
the year.
The best-planned gardens are those which look attractive all the year round.
Only well-designed gardens like these appeal to the public all the year round.
Whatever the season, these gardens look attractive for much planning has gone into
If you tried, you could make these gardens beautiful even in the winter.
He's only just arrived, so he still doesn't know what's happened.
It's a long time since he came, so he doesn't know what's been happening.
He hasn't been here long, so nobody thought the news would interest him.
As he only got here a minute or two ago, he hasn't heard the news yet.
All that happened just before he arrived.
If he had arrived here a minute earlier he would have been given all the news.
Owing to the poor visibility it took us ten hours, instead of the usual eight, to get to
The lights of Istanbul were visible for two hours before we reached the city.
Even though we ran into a lot of fog on the way to Istanbul the journey didn't take
much longer than usual.
We waited two hours for the fog to lift before driving on to Istanbul.
The fog meant that we reached Istanbul two hours later than would be normal.
It takes between eight and ten hours to drive to Istanbul, depending on visibility.
The newspapers are putting the blame on his private secretary, but I think several
other people are equally guilty.
The names of some of the guilty people were given to the newspapers by his private
Quite a lot of people are annoyed at the attitude of the newspapers towards his private
According to the newspapers, it is not only his private secretary who is to blame;
several other people are involved.
Some of the people who are quite as guilty as his private secretary have managed to
avoid getting their names in the newspapers.
It seems to me that several people are at fault, not just his private secretary as the
newspapers are suggesting.
Much to my surprise, I found his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia extremely
I was fascinated by what he had to say in his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia
though I hadn't expected to be.
Contrary to expectations, his lecture on ancient Mesopotamia was the most fascinating
of all.
It was at his lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia that I realized how fascinating
the subject is.
Surprisingly few people are interested in the lecture on the civilization of
I hadn't expected him to lecture on the civilization of Mesopotamia, but he spoke
remarkably well.
83.-85. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
As technological developments have altered production techniques, types of mechanical
equipment and varieties of output, society has begun to recognize that economic progress
involves not only changes in machinery but also in men - not only expenditures on equipment
but also on people. Investment in people makes it possible to take advantage of technical
progress as well as to continue that progress. Improvements in education expands and
extends knowledge, leading to advances which raise productivity and improve health.
According to the author, investment in education ...... .
has a direct impact on production techniques
will contribute positively to human progress
has little significance for economic progress
is far more important than investment in health
has led to certain specific technological changes
The passage is mainly concerned with ...... .
the question of economic progress and productivity
the necessity of improvement in health services
long-term benefits of investment in education
the impact of economy in life expectancy
new education policies to meet technological needs
It is argued in the passage that ..... .
questions of increased output must be given priority
economic progress depends largely on technological developments
expenditures should be evenly distributed among the sectors
improvements in the health services are urgently required
society was slow to realize the need to invest in man
86.-88. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Both as a profession and as a science, economics lost considerable prestige during the
recession of 1974-75. The crisis that sized the western industrialized countries, including
Japan, was of a character not to be found in economics textbooks: rate of inflation exceeding
10% a year coupled with declining production, and high levels of unemployment. Hitherto,
peacetime inflation had been associated with high employment and overactive economy, while
high rates of unemployment went with the recession or depression. The next combination was
aptly called stagflation.
The term stagflation can be defined as ..... .
the combination of high inflation and economic recession.
high unemployment in spite of high levels of production.
a decrease in the rates of inflation.
inflation in an overactive economy.
high levels of peacetime inflation.
The economic crisis of the mid-1970's ..... .
followed the same pattern as earlier economic crisis
had little effect on the industry of developed countries
caused people to lose faith in economics
caused the economy to be overactive
was characterized only by high inflation and low production
The main subject of the passage is ..... .
the growing popularity of economics as a science
the relationship between unemployment and recession
the industrial decline of Japan and some western countries
the unusual nature and the extensive effects of the economic crisis of the 1970's
how to combat high inflation and unemployment
89.-91. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
"Political crime" differs from ordinary crime only in the motivation, real or claimed, of the
criminal. A hold-up, a bank robbery, a burglary, drug running, kidnapping, or murder is no less
a crime for being politically motivated. In this context, terrorism may be defined as "motivated
violence for political ends"; this distinguishes terrorism both from vandalism and from crimes
of violence in which no political motivation is discerned. Political crime is thus a wider term
than terrorism, which is an extreme form of it. The relationship between the two is that between
the whole and the part.
In this passage it is argued that ..... .
terrorism rarely stems from political considerations.
a bank robbery cannot be politically motivated.
vandalism and political crime are one and the same thing.
there is no relationship between political crime and terrorism.
a crime is still a crime even though it may be politically motivated.
The author maintains that a crime is political ..... .
so long as it is committed against politicians.
if it is related to vandalism.
if violence is involved.
only when the end is political.
when drug-running and kidnapping are excluded.
A suitable title for this passage could be ..... .
Types of Political Crime
Political Crime and Terrorism
Criminal Activities
Prevention of Political Crime
The Spread of Terrorism
92.-94. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
All of us would agree that we know a number of different things. If challenged to give a
catalogue of what you know, you might say, for example, that you know the English and
French languages, how to swim, how to drive a car, how to analyze a chemical substance, that
you know a number different people, and so on. The list even in general terms like this would
be a very long one, and it would not be possible, for practical purposes, to set out such a
catalogue in detail. But one thing is obvious from the few examples I have given; the word
"know" is commonly used in many different senses.
The main point of the passage is ..... .
that the frontiers of knowledge cannot be defined
to make people realize how little they know
to demonstrate how variable are the meaning of the word "know"
whether it is desirable to know everything
that knowledge can be acquired from different sources
It is shown in the passage that ..... .
the cataloguing of knowledge is deceptive
most people's knowledge is one-sided
people have more theoretical than practical knowledge
theoretical knowledge is underestimated
people are confident they know a great many things
A suitable title for this passage could be ..... .
Practical knowledge
Catalogues of knowledge
Learning Foreign Languages
Defining the Word "Know"
Common Terminology
95.-97. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
The atom bomb, and still more the hydrogen bomb, have caused new fears, including new
doubts as to the effects of science on human life. Some eminent authorities, including
Einstein, have pointed out that there is a danger of extinction of all life on this planet. I do not
myself think that this will happen in the next war, but I think it may happen in the next but one,
if that is allowed to occur. If this expectation is correct, we have to choose, within the next fifty
years or so, between two alternatives. Either we must allow the human race to exterminate
itself, or we must forgo certain liberties which are very dear to us.
It is implied that ..... .
the scientist should ignore moral issues
Einstein seldom agreed with other scientists as regards the value of human life
science is not always beneficial to mankind
personal liberties are the things we should fight for
scientists will prevent any further war
The author believes that the only way to avoid war ..... .
cannot be found within the next half century
is to give up certain much loved liberties
is to submit everything to arbitration
is a voluntary lowering of economic standards
is by fairly facing the problem of all nations
A suitable title for this passage could be ..... .
What Choice to Make?
Another Nuclear War
Einstein and His Theories
The Extermination of Mankind
How to Safeguard Liberties
98.-100. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
There are several points to remember when buying food. First of all, larger shops sell goods at
lower prices than smaller shops. As most people know, supermarkets often sell their own
brands of many products. "Own brands" are, on average, cheaper than the brands of leading
manufacturers. For example, on items such as peas, beans, soap and soap powder, own
brands can be up to 15 percent cheaper. On some lines, such as washing-up liquid, the
savings can be even greater. There is no reason to suppose that own brand ones inferior. They
are commonly produced in the same place as the branded products. Often the difference is the
packaging and the price.
The passage argues that ..... .
the prices of most branded products are completely fair
people should avoid the cheaply packaged "own brands".
big stores charge more for basic food stuffs than is necessary
there is no real difference in quality between "own brands" and the branded products
customers should be protected against poor products
When buying food stuffs and cleaning materials in a supermarket, ..... .
one is advised to choose "own brands"
one should not look for the cheaper brands
we must not ignore the packaging
we must remember that goods may be of poor quality
it is advisable to buy the products major manufacturers
In this passage, the author is trying to show people ..... .
that they should always shop at the same supermarket
how to cut the weekly budget by at least 15 percent
what brands are produced by leading manufacturers
why it is wiser to prefer smaller shops
how to shop economically
1. D
21. A
41. C
61. B
81. E
2. C
22. A
42. A
62. C
82. A
3. E
23. C
43. C
63. E
83. B
4. B
24. B
44. B
64. A
84. C
5. E
25. C
45. E
65. A
85. B
6. D
26. C
46. B
66. C
86. A
7. A
27. A
47. C
67. A
87. C
8. A
28. E
48. D
68. D
88. D
9. E
29. E
49. A
69. A
89. E
10. E
30. E
50. D
70. D
90. D
11. D
31. C
51. C
71. B
91. B
12. B
32. D
52. D
72. C
92. C
13. A
33. C
53. C
73. B
93. A
14. E
34. D
54. E
74. E
94. D
15. A
35. A
55. D
75. C
95. C
16. D
36. C
56. E
76. D
96. B
17. A
37. E
57. E
77. A
97. A
18. E
38. D
58. D
78. D
98. D
19. E
39. B
59. D
79. C
99. A
20. C
40. A
60. A
80. D
100. E
Sınavlar Hakkında Genel Bilgi
İngilizce KPDS, ÜDS ve YDS ile ayrıntılı bilgilere (içerik, düzenleniş tarihleri, başvuru, değerlendirme
gibi) ÖSYM adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Bu üç sınavın ortak nitelikleri şunlar:
Sorular beş seçeneklidir.
Seçeneklerde dilbilgisi açıdan yanlış hiçbir ifade bulunmaz; İngilizcenin sözcük oluşturma
kurallarına uygun olmayan hiçbir sözcük kullanılmaz.
KPDS ve ÜDS'de yanlış yanıtın doğru yanıtı silmesi uygulaması yoktur.
Seçeneklerde HİÇBİRİ, YUKARIDAKİLERİN HEPSİ ya da ( - ) biçiminde bir ifade yer almaz.
Dilbilgisi açısından İngiliz İngilizcesi temel alınır.
Her üç sınavın soru tipleri ortaktır.
Admittedly, the engineers' report was relatively unimaginative, but on the
whole _________.
The new accountant we have recruited is not _________ efficient _________
the previous one.
such / as
so / that
as / as
either / or
both / and
Ayrıntılı Dilbilgisi Notları
Dilbilgisi Sorularının İncelenmesi.
It is surprising _________
so that his childhood was not spent very profitably
that she had given in her resignation so suddenly
where such accurate and detailed information had come from
how much attention even the more serious newspapers will have given
how few people have ever seen an original Van Gogh painting
Eksik Tümceyi Tamamlama Sorularının İncelenmesi.
It is possible to draw some conclusions from the data presented
Bir sonuca varabilmek için bazı verilere ihtiyaç var.
Sunulan verilerden bazı sonuçlar çıkarmak mümkün.
Sunulan verilerden herhangi bir sonuç çıkarmak uzak bir ihtimal.
Verilerden elde edilen sonuçları yeniden değerlendirmek gerekir.
Sonuçları, sunulan verilere göre değerlendirmek mümkün.
İngilizceden Türkçeye Çeviri Sorularının İncelenmesi.
Hükümet hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, ciddi bir et sıkıntısının
olması kaçınılmaz.
A. Even if the government decides to subsidize cattle farming a meat
shortage cannot be avoided.
B. Unless the government subsidizes cattle farming, a serious meat
shortage is inevitable.
C. A shortage of meat will inevitably force the government to subsidize cattle
D. In spite of the government's decision to subsidize cattle farming, meat is
still in short supply.
The cattle farming subsidies decided upon by the government have not
overcome the meat shortage.
Türkçeden İngilizceye Çeviri Sorularının İncelenmesi.
_________. In other words, all our power is based upon the control of
natural sources, in the sense that the energy of fuel is never man-made. It
already exists as in the wind and in rivers; it may be stored up as in coal or
Man derives energy from many different sources.
All our sources of power are "natural".
Energy is as indestructible as matter itself.
Power can be defined as energy under control.
In due course all energy returns whence it came.
Paragraf Tamamlama Sorularının İncelenmesi.
(I). Before Galileo, it was thought that a lifeless body would not move of
itself. (II). It was further believed that such a body, once in motion would
gradually come to rest. (III). Experimental science was not even permitted
during the Middle Ages. (IV). But Galileo and Newton proved that all the
movements of the planets proceed according to the laws of physics. (V).
And that once they are set in motion they will continue indefinitely.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Anlam Bütünlüğünü Bozan Tümce Sorularının İncelenmesi.
You have kept a friend's book for a long time and you finally return it rather
apologetically. You say:
A. I don't think it's very well written, but I did get some useful material out of
it. Thanks.
I enjoyed it so much; I actually read it twice!
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can you lend me another by the same author?
Do you mind if I keep it for another week?
Sorry, I kept this so long. I hope you haven't been needing it?
Verilen Duruma Uygun Düşen İfade Sorularının İncelenmesi.
Peter: Have you read the feasibility report yet?
Mark: No. I didn't even know it was ready.
Peter: _________ .
Mark: I didn't expect it would be.
Yes I managed to read it yesterday.
Well it is. And it is not very encouraging.
True. No one expected it this week.
Read it. You've got a surprise coming.
Yes, yesterday. I think you'll be impressed with it.
Konuşmada Boş Bırakılan Yerin Tamamlanması Sorularının İncelenmesi.
The manager is unwilling to say anything as he has not yet had a chance to
consult his legal adviser.
A. The manager doesn't want there to be a law case so he is saying nothing.
B. The manager's lawyer has advised him to keep absolutely quiet.
C. Until he is instructed in the legal aspects of the matter the manager is
keeping quiet.
D. The manager is referring all questions to his lawyer and answering none
E. In consultation with his lawyer the manager has decided to answer no
more questions.
Yakın Anlamlı Tümce Sorularının İncelenmesi.
Secularization as it has developed since the Middle Ages had consisted in
substituting for supernatural and theological explanations naturalistic and
reasonable ones. This change is one of the most profound affecting
mankind and forms the basis of modern democratic government and of our
scientific-technological age. In a society based on the divine right of kings
there could be no genuinely democratic government in the modern sense.
Democracy is built on the idea that the individual has a right to judge
political issues for himself.
1. According to the passage, with the rise of democracy, _________.
supernatural ideas have given way to theological ones
scientific and technological progress has been neglected
secularization has lost its traditional meaning
the individual has lost many of his former rights
the traditional concept of the "divine right of kings" has vanished
2. It is argued that the process of secularization __________.
has had no impact on the concept of monarchy
goes back to pre-medieval times
has led to systems of democratic government
has no relevance to the exercise of individual rights
has failed to overcome superstition and magic
3. In the development of modern society _________.
A. medieval institutions have not been neglected
B. democracy has been of little significance
C. technological supremacy has been the ultimate aim
D. the impact of secularisation has been of fundamental importance
E. individual rights have been curtailed
Okuma Sorularının İncelenmesi
Okuma Alıştırmaları.
Bu bölümde, KPDS'nin düzenine göre oluşturulmuş iki tane deneme sınavı yer almakta. Sınavları
KPDS'de toplam olarak 3 saat süre verildiğini göz önünde bulundurarak ele alın. Bu bölümdeki
üçüncü, “öylesine” deneme sınavı ise sürekli deneme sınavı çözmekten bıkan öğrencilerim için biraz
da eğlenmek amacıyla hazırladığım bir çalışma. Ancak, dikkatli olun! Öğrencilerim bu sınavı en az
diğerleri kadar zor buldular.
Sözcük Bilgisi
Soru tümcesini dikkatli bir şekilde okuyun.
Soru tümcesinde geçen ve anlamını bilmediğiniz sözcüklerle aşırı zaman harcamayın. Bazen
bu sözcükler fazlaca bir önem taşımayabilir.
Yanıtı bildiğinizi düşünseniz bile tüm seçenekleri okuyun. Seçeneklerden biri, sizin
düşündüğünüz sözcükten çok daha uygun olabilir.
1. Soruların Analizi ve İpuçları: Sıfat, Ad ve Yüklem eklenmesi
A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majority were clearly _______.
A) restrained
B) admirable
C) impartial
D) disappointed
E) relieved
(b) AD
The Kodak Company now faces stiff ______ both from abroad and from rival
firms at home.
A) renovation
B) competition
C) investment
D) commerce
E) recession
I believe that leaders must make an effort to stay open-minded and try to
______ another person's point of view.
A) deplore
B) recover
C) forecast
D) insist
E) appreciate
Bağlam: Sözcük bilgisinin yanısıra bağlam çok büyük yardım sağlayabilmekte. Sözcüğün
içinde geçtiği tümcenin tümünün incelenmesi, ipuçları sağlayacaktır. Bu ipuçları şu bilgileri
Sözcüğün olumlu mu yoksa olumsuz mu olacağı.
The extensive ________ over the past years have caused widespread famine in
central Asia.
A) precipitation
B) snow
C) droughts
D) wet seasons
E) winds
Bu soruda bağlamın çözülmesi, FAMINE sözcüğünün anlamını bilip bilmemekte
yatmakta. Eğer bu sözcüğün anlamını bilmiyorsanız, doğru yanıtı bulma şansınız
azalmakta. Bu durumda da, CENTRAL ASIA hiç değilse seçenekleri elemenize
yardımcı olabilir. Orta Asya'nın coğrafya koşullarını göz önünde bulundurarak, en
azından (D) ve belki (B) seçeneğini hemen eleyebilirsiniz.
FAMINE sözcüğünün anlamını biliyorsanız, bu durumda işiniz daha kolay. Sözcük
kıtlık anlamını taşıdığına göre, buna neden olan şeyin de olumsuz anlam taşıması
gerekir. Ekin söz konusu olduğunda (b), (c) ve (e) olumsuz sayılabilir. Bunlar içinde de
(c) seçeneği, yani kuraklık uygun seçenek olmaktadır. (b) seçeneğindeki kar ya da (e)
seçeneğindeki rüzgarlar uygun seçenek olamaz zira tümcede over the past years
ifadesi kullanılarak bu olumsuz durumun yıllardır sürdüğü anlatılmaktadır.
Bu soruda, her zaman rastlanamayacak bir dilbilgisi desteği de yer almakta. Sorunun
a ve b seçeneklerinde sayılamayan (=uncountable) ad kullanılmakta. Tümcenin
yüklemi ise have, yani çoğul ad ile kullanılan bir yüklemdir. Bu iki seçenek derhal
Sözcüğün bir preposition'a sahip olup olmadığı.
It is a pity that he _______ on his potentially harmful plans.
A) considers
B) insists
C) decides
D) thinks
E) succeeds
Tümcede boşluğa gelmesi gereken yüklem on ile kullanılmaktadır. Seçenekler içinde
sadece (b) ve (c) on ile kullanılabilir. Anlam olarak da (b) en uygun seçenektir.
Sözcüğün yapısı: Yine bağlamdan yola çıkarak, boşluk için gereken sözcüğün olumlu bir
anlamı mı yoksa olumsuz bir anlamı mı yansıtması gerektiğine karar verdikten sonra - var ise sözcüklerdeki ön ve art takkıları inceleyin.
Sözcüğün yapısı ile ilgili diğer ipuçları: Bazı ad, sıfat ve yüklemlerin birlikte kullanıldıkları
belirli preposition'lar yukarıdaki örnek soruda olduğu gibi soru tümcesinin kendinde olabileceği
gibi, seçeneklerde de olabilir. Buna göre belirli seçenekler ön plana çıkarılabilir ya da
elenebilir. Bu ipucu ile ilgili açıklamalar aşağıdaki kısımda da karşınıza çıkmakta.
2. Soruların Analizi ve İpuçları: Preposition, Pronoun, Phrasal Verb eklenmesi
This article _____ Murat IV is extremely well written.
A) to
B) from
C) over
D) for
E) on
______ desk is on the right as you enter, ______ is on the left.
A) Ours/your
B) Hers/his
C) Her/mine
D) Their/my
E) Them/my
Sık kullanılan ad + preposition, sıfat + preposition ve yüklem + preposition yapıları ayrıntılı
olarak bilmeniz gerekmekte.
Sık kullanılan phrasal verb yapıları ayrıntılı olarak bilmeniz gerekmekte.
Yukarıda (e) örneğinde olduğu gibi, iki boşluk verilmesi durumunda, eleme yapmanız
kolaylaşmakta. Boşluklardan birine uygun düşen sözcüğü bilmeniz durumunda bu sözcüklerin
bulunmadığı seçenekleri eleyebilirsiniz.
3. Genel Notlar
A. Sözcük çalışma ve dosyalama sistemi geliştirin.
Sınav öncesinde sözcük çalışmak ve dosyalamak için çeşitli sistemler önerilmekte. Dil öğrenenlerin
bazıları bir yanında yabancı sözcük, diğer yanında da Türkçe anlamı yazılı olan kartlar
oluşturmaktadır. Bazıları da yanlarında sürekli sözlük taşımayı tercih etmekte. Özellikle elektronik cep
sözlüklerinin yaygınlaştığı günümüzde sürekli sözlük taşımak kolaylaşmakta ise de, sözcüklerin
öğrenebilmesi için iyi bir sözcük dosyalama sisteminin aşağıdaki özellikleri taşıması gerekir.
1. Sözcüğün türü (Part of speech)
Eş anlam ve karşıt anlam (Synonym ve Antonym)
Farklı anlamlar
Örnek tümce(ler)
Türkçe karşılık
Aşağıda verilen kart örneği bir model teşkil edebilir. Örnek olarak "date" sözcüğü alındı.
Eş anlam
(1) noun; (2)
noun; (3) noun;
(4) verb; (5)
verb; (6) verb
(1) epoch, era, term. (3)
rendezvous. (4) meet; go
out with. (5) see; escort;
(6) register; determine
Karşıt anlam
Anlam(lar)ı ve kullanımı
(1) tarih
(2) hurma
(3) buluşma; randevu TO HAVE A DATE WITH SOMEONE
(4) buluşmak; birisi ile çıkmak TO DATE WITH SOMEONE
(5) eşlik etmek ** Kullanımı çok az.
(6) tarihlemek; kaydetmek
1. The date is September 8, 1995.
2. Dates are quite refreshing in hot weather.
3. I have a date with a beautiful girl.
4. He is dating with a beautiful girl.
6. We found relics dating back to the first century B.C.
B. Sık olarak karıştırılan yapılara dikkat edin.
İngilizcede bazı yapılar ve sözcükler sık olarak karıştırılmakta. Bunların örnekleri aşağıdaki alıştırmada
Uygun seçeneği belirleyin.
(Especially/Special) attention must be given to the questions at the end of each chapter.
An explanation will (precede/proceed) each section of the test.
Can you ________ (recommend, introduce) a book on gems?
Dante's (immoral/immortal) literary masterpieces are read in universities.
Did somebody tell you to send the cable or did you at on your own ________ (initiative,
Eric's courageous rescue of the drowning child was a (credulous/creditable) deed.
Every time Maria travels with her children, she has (access/excess) baggage.
Everything (accept/except) our swimwear is packed and ready to go.
George was (among/between) those students selected for the debate.
I ________ (hope, wish) Peter comes tomorrow.
I ________ (hope, wish) Peter would come soon.
In 1969 the astronauts who landed on the moon collected (samples/examples) of rocks and
13. Keith's company headquarters were (formerly/formally) located in this city.
14. Last week my uncle ________ (brought, took) us for a ride in his car.
15. Maria was working very (hard/harly) on her thesis.
16. Mary is very ________ (conscious, conscientious) worker, so you can rely on her.
17. Mary likes to ________ (watch, look) the news on television.
18. Mary's insulting remark greatly (effected/affected) Peter, who is a very (sensible/sensitive)
19. My brother works very ________ (hard, hardly) and usually comes home at night.
20. Perry's spare flashlight was (helpless/useless) at the night of the storm because the batteries
were flat.
21. Peter has joined the Army ________ (as, like) his brother.
22. Peter should ________ (spend, pay) more time on planning his work.
23. Please ________ (take, bring) this letter to the school office.
24. The fire started ________ (during, while) we were asleep.
25. The gaudy decorations in the hall (detracted/distracted) from the beauty of the celebration.
26. The government will (persecute/prosecute) the guilty parties for polluting the waters.
27. The United States is a melting pot of (emigrants/immigrants).
28. There are many thorns in this path, so don't walk along with ________ (naked, nude, bare)
29. There is no mistake. I ________ (ensure, assure) you that we have checked the invoice
30. This drink tastes nice. I would ________ (very, much, very much) like to know how you made
31. This ring ________ (is worth/worth) at least a thousand dollars.
32. Two men ________ (stole, robbed) a lady and ________ (brought, took) her bag away, but
they were caught by the police.
33. Two men were arguing in the street. The noise soon ________ (attacked, attracted) a crowd
of people.
34. Two people retired in June, and six in July. That means that eight people have resigned
________ (altogether, totally) in the past two months.
35. We must find out the ________ (cause, reason) for his absence from the meeting.
36. What was the ________ (cause, reason) of the disaster?
37. When Louise set the table, she set the silverware (beside/besides) the plates.
38. When one of the players was ________ (injured, wounded), the manager ________
(replaced, substituted) him.
39. Which dress shall I ________ (put on, wear) to the party?
40. While doing the experiment, we asked the lab technician's (advise/advice).
41. You essay is very (imaginary/imaginative) and worthy of an "A" grade.
42. You should not say things that make a highly (sensitive/sensible) person upset.
C. "Sahte dostlar"a dikkat edin.
Türkçeye genelde Fransızcadan girdiği için İngilizce anlamdan farklı kullanılan ya da zaman içinde
anlam değişikliğine uğramış, ya da birden çok farklı anlamı olan sözcüklere dikkat edin. Bunların en
tipik olanlarına örnek vermek gerekirse:
Türkçede "tiyatrovari"
anlamı taşıyan "dramatik"
sözcüğünün karşılığı olarak
"theatretical" anlamının yanısıra
"very" anlamı da var.
Türkçedeki "ekonomi ile
ilgili" anlamını taşıyan
"ekonomik" sözcüğünün
eşdeğer olarak görülmekte.
"Tutumlu, pahalı olmayan"
anlamlarını taşımakta.
En bilinen anlamı olan
"yansıma" dışındaki
anlamları çok bilinmemekte.
"Reflect" yüklemi "yansıtmak"
dışında "düşünmek",
"reflection" adı da
"düşünme/düşünce" anlamlarını
"Sempatik" anlamı
İlk ve tek anlamı "anlayışlı".
"Dergi/Magazin" dışındaki
anlamı çok bilinmemekte.
"Silah sarjörü" anlamı da var.
Tarih dışındaki anlamı çok
Yüklem de olabilmesinin
yanısıra, "hurma" anlamı da
4. Sözcük Bilgisinin Geliştirilmesi
Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English (McArthur, 1991) başlıklı çalışmanın sözcük derleme
listesine dayanarak, sözcüklerin birbirleri ile bağlantılı biçimde öğrenilebilmeleri için, çeşitli sözcük
sınıfları saptadım.
Toplam olarak yaklaşık 4.000 sözcük ele alınmakta ise de, alıştırma ve açıklamalardaki sözcükler de
katıldığında bu sayı daha da artmaktadır. Elbette, bütün bu sözcükleri öğrenmeniz ya da ezberlemeniz
olanaksız; zaten amaç da alıştırmalar yolu ile pekiştirme sağlayarak olabildiğince fazla sayıda
sözcüğün öğrenilmesine yardımcı olmak.
Sözcükler toplam 23 konu altında derlendi.
Aşağıda örnek olarak 16 sözcük sorusu verildi.
Yanıtlar bütün sorulardan sonra gelmekte.
Buradaki örnek sorulara geçmeden önce, sözcük bilgisi çalışmasını tamamlamanızı öneririm.
Sözcük çalışmasına geç.
The recent economic figures ..... that the country is slowly coming out of the crisis.
A) commit
B) imply
C) incur
D) evolve
E) invoke
The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times prime Minister of
Italy, in May 1978 was ..... by everyone as an act of barbarism.
A) applauded
B) appealed
C) reiterated
D) condemned
E) restrained
When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt ..... to call a meeting of the
financial staff.
A) obliged
B) blamed
C) consumed
D) omitted
E) rewarded
The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally .....
A) diverse
B) redundant
C) incoherent
D) entire
E) substantial
As a result of the continuing economic recession, a huge ..... in the budget seems
A) redundancy
B) improvement
C) profit
D) distinction
E) deficit
He devised an ..... scheme whereby the rate of unemployment could be brought
down sharply.
A) irrelevant
B) unstable
C) ingenious
D) untamed
E) illegible
I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, ..... when it came
to summing up the case.
A) particularly
B) completely
C) sufficiently
D) effectively
E) respectively
As soon as the leak in the boiler was noticed, one of the engineers was naturally
..... .
A) taken after
B) run down
C) made out
D) sent for
E) turned up
At the board meeting, his suggestion was ..... as it seemed politically controversial.
A) put out
B) fallen out
C) held in
D) burst into
E) cast aside
Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the question of
a proper ..... between the public good and the right of individuals to exercise free
A) balance
B) demonstration
C) responsibility
D) interest
E) solidarity
Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion have been a ..... source of conflict in
American education.
A) previous
B) perennial
C) vulnerable
D) naughty
E) casual
The ..... was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it I suppose I'm glad it
A) improvement
B) regression
C) encounter
D) intention
E) compromise
The contemporary world economy differs ..... from what the traditional economic
theorists of the 1930s envisaged.
A) primarily
B) likely
C) conversely
D) profoundly
E) intimately
In recent years ..... complex and persistent problems in economic and social fields
have led people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem
adequate to today's questions.
A) generously
B) inadvertently
C) increasingly
D) ingeniously
E) leisurely
As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not ..... enough
to convict the man.
A) subsequent
B) conclusive
C) adamant
D) earnest
E) consecutive
Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe and America has ..... a vigorous process
of creativity.
A) cast
B) explored
C) constituted
D) relaxed
E) followed
1. The recent economic figures imply that the country is slowly coming out of the
Zor bir soru. Ne sorunun kökü ne de seçenekler yanıt konusunda bir ipucu
sağlamamakta. Sözcüklerin hemen hemen tümünün anlamını bilmeniz gerektiği için
cevabınız yanlış ise fazla üzülmeyin. Yanıt B. imply = suggest; hint
The assassination by terrorists of Signor Aldo Moro, five times prime Minister
of Italy, in May 1978 was comdemned by everyone as an act of barbarism.
Zor bir soru. Yine de soru kökü ne tür bir sözcük aranması konusunda bir parça ipucu
vermekte. Assassination, terrorists, barbarism gibi sözcükler göstermekte ki boşluğa
olumsuzluk taşıyan bir sözcük gelecek. Bu durumda beş seçenek içinde nispeten
daha bilinen sözcükler olan appeal ve applauded sözcüklerinin elenebilmesi gerekir.
Gerisi şansınıza kalmış. Yanıt D. condemn= lanetlemek
When the rate of exchange began to rise again, he felt obliged to call a meeting of
the financial staff.
Yan tümcede olumsuz bir ortam verilmekte: the rate of exchange began to rise again.
Bu durumda da bir "call a meeting of the financial staff" durumu söz konusu. Yani,
soru kökü birbirine bağlı iki durum hakkında yeterli bilgi vermekte. Sorudaki en önemli
ipucu ise boşluktan hemen sonra gelen to sözcüğü. Hemen arkasından bir eylem
(call) gelmekte ve bu tümcenin zaten bir yüklemi (felt) bulunmakta. Bu kişi insanları
toplantıya çağırmaya (kendisini) NE hissetti? Yanıt A. obliged (to alır) = zorunlu ... 5.
soru buna benzer bir soru.
The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally
diverse peoples.
Tümcenin yüklemi prided. ABD'nin gurur duyduğu şey, "culturally ... peoples" için bir
melting pot olması. Bu soruda önemli olan şey, bu halkların (insanlar değil. "Peoples"
halklar demektir) ne tür bir nitelik taşıdığı ve ABD'nin bundan gurur duyduğu. Gurur
duyulacak şeyin olumlu yanı olması gerekir. Bu durumda da olumsuz anlam taşıyan
sözcükler elenebilir. Örneğin, incoherent. Buna, ne olumlu ne de olumsuz bir anlam
taşımayan entire sözcüğü de eklenebilir. Daha önce karşılaştığınızı umduğum (çok sık
geçen bir sözcük) redundant sözcüğü de olumsuz anlam taşımakta. Yazı gelirse A,
tura gelirse E. Yazı. diverse = different, various
As a result of the continuing economic recession, a huge deficit in the budget
seems inevitable.
3. soruya benzeyen bir soru. Yine ekonominin durumu kötü. Bu durumda budget
içinde büyük .... gerek. Budget sözcüğünün anlamını hatırlıyorsanız, cevabı bulmuş
olmanız gerekir. Bilmiyor olsanız bile, bu kadar olumsuzlukla (economic recession,
inevitable) dolu bir tümcede olsa olsa olumsuzluk istenir mantığı ile yola çıkabilir ve
seçenekler içindeki tüm olumlu sözcükleri eleyebilirsiniz. Derhal elenmesi gereken iki
seçenek B ve C. A seçeneğindeki sözcük 4. soruda B seçeneğinde kullanılan
redundant sözcüğünün ad hali. 4. soruda bu sözcüğün de olumsuz olduğu
söylenmekte. Geriye D ve E kalmakta. Yanıt E. deficit = açık (bütçe için kullanılmakta)
He devised an ingenious scheme whereby the rate of unemployment could be
brought down sharply.
Tümcedeki whereby sözcüğü dilbilgisi açıklamalarında, relative clause başlığı altında
geçmekte ve through which (= ki onun yoluyla, onun sayesinde) anlamını taşımakta.
Ana tümcede sözü edilen scheme işsizlik oranını aşağı çekebilecek güçte olduğuna
göre, olumlu nitelikler taşımalı. İlk bakışta seçeneklerin tümü de olumsuz öntakı
taşıyor gibi. Ama tek tek inceler ve elemenizi ona göre yaparsanız, C seçeneğinin
geriye kalması gerekir. Eğer bu türden öntakılar sizi yanıltmakta ise, dilbilgisi notları
içinde Ön ve Arttakılar konusunu inceleyin. ingenious = clever, intelligent
I was greatly impressed by the way the judge conducted the trial, especially
when it came to summing up the case.
Zor bir soru. Birinci tümce konuşan kişinin duygularını anlatmakta: impressed.
Ardından da ek bilgi sağlanmakta. Aslında soru bu kadarcık bilgiden oluşsa, cevabı
bulmak kolay olurdu. Ama ikinci tümcedeki when came to yapısı herşeyi karıştırmakta
çünkü söz konusu olduğunda anlamını taşımakta. Yanıt A. particularly = especially
As soon as the leak in the boiler was noticed, one of the engineers was
naturally sent for .
Fazla zor olmayan bir soru. Yan tümce olmasaydı bile, "one of the engineers was
naturally ... " bölümünün tamamlanabilmesi gerekir. Tümcede yüklem was olduğuna
ve tüm seçeneklerde de V3 kullanıldığına göre, edilgen (passive) bir yapı söz konusu.
Yan tümcedeki sözcükleri bilmediğinizi düşünsek bile, "Birşey farkedilir farkedilmez,
mühendislerden biri ...". Ve edilgen yüklem. Yanıt D.
take after = birisine çekmek. ("Ben babama çekmişim" gibi)
run down = ezmek, çiğnemek (araba vs. ile)
make out = anlamak, ayırdına varmak (genelde görsel açıdan); çözüm getirmek
turn up = çıkagelmek. En yakın çeldirici bu seçenek. Ama edilgen durumda anlamsız.
At the board meeting, his suggestion was cast aside as it seemed politically
Tümcede öncelikle çözümlemeniz gereken iki sözcük var. Birincisi as, ikincisi it.
Aslında it sözcüğünü çözümlemek kolay, olsa olsa suggestion yerine kullanılıyordur.
"At the board meeting, his suggestion was ..." bölümü anlamlı bir tümce
oluşturduğuna göre de, as sözcüğü iki tümceyi birbirine bağlamakta. Ya when ya da
because anlamı taşıyabilir (dilbilgisi notlarında her iki kullanım da time clause ve
reason clause içinde var). Bu iki anlamdan hangisini taşıyor olursa olsun, öneri politik
açıdan controversial görülmüş. Contro/contra öntakısı Türkçeye de yerleşmeye
başlamış bir olumsuzluk öntakısı. Bu da demektir ki öneri pek de beğenilmedi. Dikkat
edin, beğenmedi değil beğenilmedi. Çünkü was sözcüğünden sonra seçeneklerde V3
verilmekte, yani edilgen (passive) yapı var. Ardından, seçenek ele(yeme)me aşaması.
Verilen phrasal verb yapılardan en azından A ve D'yi biliyor olmanız gerekir. Gerisi
şans işi. Yanıt E. cast aside = bir kenara bırakmak
Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau were concerned in their writings with the
question of a proper balance between the public good and the right of
individuals to exercise free will.
Kolay olması gereken bir soru. Tümcedeki between ... and yapısına dikkat. "between
public good and the right of individuals". Tümcenin en sonundaki will sözcüğü
elbette yardımcı yüklem değil bir noun. Anlamını biliyor olmasanız bile, en azından
free sözcüğü ile olumlu birşeyler anlatılmak istendiğini düşünebilirsiniz. Public good ile
the right of individuals arasındane olmalı? Yanıt A. Denge.
Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion have been a perennial source of
conflict in American education.
Çok zor bir soru. Yanıt B. perennial = constant, continuous
The compromise was not a happy one at the time, but looking back on it I suppose I'm
glad it occurred.
The ... was not a happy one at the time. Üzücü olan neydi? A seçeneği kesinlikle
olamaz. D seçeneği de saçma görünüyor. Belki C seçeneğini de elemiş olabilirsiniz.
Yanıt E. compromise = finding a middle course, concession
The contemporary world economy differs profoundly from what the traditional
economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged.
İki şey kıyaslanmakta. The contemporary world economy ve what the traditional
economic theorists of the 1930s envisaged. Boşluktan sonraki what sözcüğü the thing
which (Dilbilgisi açıklamalarında relative clause konusu) anlamını taşımakta. Yani
bugünkü ekonomi ile 1930ların kuramcılarının söylediği?/tahmin ettiği? ekonomi
arasında bir fark var. Ve bu fark ne ölçüde? En yakın çeldirici A, doğru yanıt ise D.
profoundly = derin/büyük ölçüde.
In recent years increasingly complex and persistent problems in economic and social
fields haveled people to wonder why once comfortable answers no longer seem
adequate to today's questions.
Olumsuzluklarla dolu bir tümce: "complex and persistent problems in economic and
social fields", "no longer seem adequate". Seçenekteki sözcük de "complex and
persistent problems in economic and social fields" bölümünü nitelendireceği için
olumsuz anlam taşımalı. A ve E seçenekleri hemen elenebilir. D şıkkındaki
ingeniously sözcüğü 6. soruda ingenious olarak seçeneklerde yer almakta ve olumlu
anlam taşımakta. En yakın çeldirici B. Yanıt C. (B seçeneği olumsuz sözcük
içermekte, ancak, inadvertently sözcüğü düşüncesizce anlamını taşır ve cansız bir
nesneye uygun değildir.)
As far as we are concerned, the evidence put before the court was not
conclusive enough to convict the man.
Bu soruda evidence sözcüğünün anlamını bilmiyorsanız doğru yanıtı bulmanız çok
zor. Ayrıca, tümcedeki before sözcüğü önce değil önüne anlamını taşımakta. Yanıt B.
conclusive = bitirici, nihai
Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe and America has followed a vigorous
process of creativity.
Soru kökünü anlaması kolay, seçenekleri elemesi zor bir soru. En yakın çeldirici C.
Doğru yanıt E.
Sözcük Çalışmaları
Sözcük bilginizi pekiştirmeniz ve geliştirmeniz için aşağıda sıralanan 23 konudaki sözcüklerin
anlamları ve farklı formları üzerinde çalışma yapmanızı öneririm. Sözcüklerin yalnızca anlamları ile
yetinmeyin, var ise diğer formlarını da (ad, sıfat vs. halleri) inceleyin.
Verilen alıştırmalarda genellikle başlıkta verilen sözcüklerle tümceleri ya da tanımları eşleştirmeniz
istenmekte. Örneğin,
A3. deadly, fatal, lethal
1. Run! We are in ________ danger! YANIT DEADLY
2. There was a ________ accident last night.
3. People are not permitted to carry ______ weapons here.
ya da
B1. animal, being, creature, beast, species, breed, race
1. a four-footed animal YANIT BEAST
2. a group of plants or animals that are the same of a kind, which are alike
in all important ways, and which can produce young of the same kind
3. a kind or class of animal or plant, usually developed by man
4. a living creature, especially a person or a personality
5. a living thing, especially an animal
6. a living thing, not a plant or a human
7. any of several kinds of people with different physical features
Bazı alıştırmalarda, tümceler sonunda verilen sözcüğün farklı bir formunu boşluk içinde kullanmanız
gerekmekte. Örneğin:
A2. abolish, assassin, eliminate, kill, massacre, murder, slaughter
1. _______ of war means peace forever. ABOLISH YANIT
2. Several American presidents have been ________ . ASSASSIN
3. His using drugs resulted in his ________ from the games. ELIMINATE
4. In order to get rid of this pain, you need to get a pain-________. KILL
5. They went through the land, burning and ________ . MASSACRE
6. She gave him a ________ look! She was very angry. MURDER
7. Many people are needlessly _______ each year in road accidents.
Çok az sayıda alıştırmada eşanlam ya da karşıt anlam bulmanız istenmekte. Örneğin:
G4. active, lazy, lively
1. ineffective, boring X _____ YANIT LIVELY
2. hardworking, industrious X _____
3. idle, indolent, inert X _____
Bazen de sözcüğün farklı bir formu doğrudan istenmekte. Örneğin:
F4. discover, track down, trace
1. Discover (v) __________ (n) YANIT DISCOVERY, DISCOVERER
Az kullanılan bir alıştırma türünde, başlıkta verilen sözcüğün birlikte kullanıldığı sözcükler sorulmakta.
brain, brow, nostril, pupil, throat, tonsils, tooth, wink
1. We _________ our brains but couldn't find the answer. YANIT RACKED
Diğer alıştırmalar kendi kendisini açıklayacak türden.
İşlenen Konular
20. TIME
dead, death, decay, decompose, die, extinct, rot
1. All the crops were _______ because of lack of rain.
2. History teaches us that all nations _______ in time.
3. The _______ flesh of the dead animals began to smell terribly.
4. Most people consider Latin to be a _______ language.
5. He was happy till the day of his _______ .
6. Throw away this meat - it is _______ .
7. Many kinds of animals are in danger of becoming _______ .
abolish, assassin, eliminate, kill, massacre, murder, slaughter
1. _______ of war means peace forever. ABOLISH
2. Several American presidents have been ________ . ASSASSIN
3. His using drugs resulted in his ________ from the games. ELIMINATE
4. In order to get rid of this pain, you need to get a pain-________. KILL
5. They went through the land, burning and ________ . MASSACRE
6. She gave him a ________ look! She was very angry. MURDER
7. Many people are needlessly _______ each year in road accidents. SLAUGHTER
deadly, fatal, lethal
1. Run! We are in ________ danger!
2. There was a ________ accident last night.
3. People are not permitted to carry ______ weapons here.
bear, birth, female, hatch, offspring, pregnant, puberty, reproduce, seed
1. The ________ of the child was an occasion of great joy in the family.
2. The baby was ________ at 8 o'clock last morning.
3. The ________ was sitting on eggs while the male bird brought food.
4. They can ________ the sound of thunder in the theatre.
5. She has been ________ for nearly nine months.
6. He planted the ________ at the right time and got excellent vegetables.
7. The ________ of the cat are called kittens.
8. The sexual organs first become active at ________.
9. Finally the eggs _________ and young chicks appeared.
alive, animate, coexist, create, exist, life, live, survive
1. They believe that the ________ of the universe was a coincidence.
2. Currently, she is ________ in a student hostel.
3. After the accident, only ten people ________.
4. Although he is old, he is still very much ________.
5. His excitement ________ all of us.
6. Do fairies and genies really ________?
7. There is no _______ on the moon.
8. Did man ______ with dinosaurs?
immortal, inherent, mortal
1. It is an ________ part of human nature to avoid pain.
2. All men are ________.
3. The Greeks told stories about the ________ gods.
animal, being, creature, beast, species, breed, race
1. a four-footed animal
2. a group of plants or animals that are the same of a kind, which are alike in all important ways,
and which can produce young of the same kind
3. a kind or class of animal or plant, usually developed by man
4. a living creature, especially a person or a personality
5. a living thing, especially an animal
6. a living thing, not a plant or a human
7. any of several kinds of people with different physical features
amphibian, insect, pest
1. An ________ vehicle is useful on land and in the water. AMPHIBIAN
2. I've found some cockroaches in the bathroom. We need some ________. INSECT
3. Farmers spray ________ on their crops to get a good yield. PEST
bacteria, bug, parasite, reptile, rodent
1. She leads a ________ life, doing no work herself but helped by everyone else.
2. Snakes and crocodiles are ________.
3. Rabbits and rats are ________.
4. ________ exist in water, soil, air, plants, and the bodies of animals and people.
5. She's got the flu ________.
game, predator, prey, scavenger
1. This town is full of ________ hotel-keepers charging very high prices.
2. The lion seized its ________ and ate it.
3. Jackals and vultures are ________.
4. This is a very good ________ soup.
bark, nest, pack, school, troop, web
1. When we heard the bark of the ________ (dog / lion / jackal), we stopped.
2. The ________ (bear / jackal / sparrow) was sitting in its nest.
3. We keep a pack of ________ (dogs / birds / sheep)
4. A school of ________ (deer / fish / pigeons) went past us.
5. The troop of ________ (sparrows / dolphins / baboons) was a sight to see!
6. The ________ (spider / scorpion / ant) sat in the centre of the web.
alligator, ant, ape, bee, beetle, cattle, cricket, eagle, mosquito, moth, mule, serpent, shark,
snake, wasp, whale, worm
1. a flying insect with yellow and black stripes across its body
2. a large bird that lives by hunting and eating small animals
3. a large fierce cold-blooded animal that lives on land and in lakes and rivers
4. a long, thin reptile with no legs
5. a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs
6. a small flying insect that bites people in order to suck their blood.
7. a small insect that generally lives under the ground in large colonies
8. a small jumping insect that produces sharp sounds by rubbing its winds together.
9. a small flying insect that lives in large colonies and lives on pollens.
10. a snake
11. a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a huge fish
12. a very large fish with sharp teeth
13. an animal produced by a horse and a donkey
14. an insect like a butterfly, which usually flies at night and eats woollen material
15. an insect with a hard covering to its body
16. any large kind of monkey without a tail
17. cows and bulls
antenna, antler, beak, claw, fur, horn, mouth, neck, nose, paw, shell, shoulder, skin, spine, tail,
tame, toe, tooth, trunk, whiskers, wing
1. All flying animals have a pair of ________.
2. An insect uses its ________ to feel things.
3. Animals like cows, giraffe, rhinoceros all have a single or a double ________.
4. Birds have ________ instead of nails.
5. Cats' and dogs' feet are generally called ________.
6. Elephants take food into their mouth through their ________.
7. Hippopotamus is a land animal with the largest ________.
8. In animals, backbone is also called the ________
9. In birds, the bony structure in the place of lips is called the ________.
10. In cats and similar animals, the long moustache is called ________.
11. In many fish, the ________ has evolved into scales.
12. In the circus, they _________ lions so that they won't attack people.
13. In whales, the ________ is a single hole on top of the head.
14. Many animals, such as deer, have ________ to protect themselves.
15. Many fish don't have ________ but the shark has.
16. Many insects have a hard ________ which is hard to break.
17. Most mammals are covered with a thick ________ .
18. On the foot, the large "finger" is called the ________.
19. The ________ of a giraffe is very long.
20. The neck is connected to the body through ________.
21. When they are happy, dogs wag their ________.
ivy, moss, shrub, straw, undergrowth, weed
1. a low plant like a small tree with several woody stems instead of a trunk
2. a plant that grows up walls and trees and has small, shiny leaves
3. a very soft green plant which grows on damp soil, or on wood or stone
4. a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields and is harmful for cultivated plants
5. bushes and plants growing together under the trees in a forest or jungle.
6. dried, yellowish stalks of crops such as wheat or barley.
bloom, blossom
A plant or tree that is in ________ has flowers on it. On the other hand, ________ is the flowers that
appear just before the fruit.
bud, core, ear, grain, juice, leaf, needle, root, sap, shoot, stem, stone, thorn
1. Apples have ________ in them.
2. Goats are dangerous for a forest because they love eating _____ of trees.
3. He gave the beggar some ________ of rice.
4. He got a ________ in his finger when he touched the plant.
5. He gave me two ________ of corn to show the pests in them.
6. His aggressiveness ________ from over-working.
7. In autumn, the ________ fall from most trees.
8. It is difficult to understand how the _______ reaches from roots up to the leaves.
9. Many fruits, such as cherries and peaches, have a single ________ in them.
10. The branch he broke from the tree was full of flower ________.
11. The ground was covered with pine ________.
12. This year, oranges are very ________.
13. When I was digging the ground, the ________ of the tree were a bit damaged.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seals.
A) net
B) capture
c) kill
D) skin
2. Allowing fields to lie fallow is one way of restoring fertility.
A) unplanted
b) ploughed
c) watered
d) seeded
3. One of the oldest forms of folk art is handicraft, the creation of objects by hands.
A) invention
B) activity
C) hobby
D) elevation
4. The laws of nature determine that some animals nurture their young from birth while
others will leave offspring to survive on their own.
A) convalesce
B) shelter
C) nourish
D) predispose
5. The laws of nature determine that some animals nurture their young from birth while
others will leave offspring to survive on their own.
A) body
B) baby
C) food
D) partner
6. The laws of nature determine that some animals nurture their young from birth while
others will leave offspring to survive on their own.
A) hold up
B) feed
C) go extinct
D) disappear
7. Copyright laws are intended to prohibit the systematic reproduction of published works
for the purpose of avoiding their purchase.
A) revision
B) duplication
C) preparation
D) design
8. No one can survive for very long without water.
A) reproduce
B) prosper
C) transcend
D) exist
9. Magnolia is a family of trees and shrubs that are native to North America and Asia.
A) flowers
B) leaves
C) trunks
D) bushes
10. Many pesticides are available for insects like termites and cockroaches.
A) poisons
B) deterrents
C) sprays
build, limb, muscle, nerve
1. He's extremely ________. He must have spent plenty of time for exercise. BUILD
2. The female athlete tends to be longer-________. LIMB
3. Great ________ effort is needed to accomplish the task. MUSCLE
4. He eventually had a ________ breakdown. NERVE
corpse, remains, tissue
1. A ________ lay uncovered in the hospital table.
2. On his face was a scar ________ left by a wound.
3. We visited some Roman ________.
meat, flesh
________ is the soft material that covers the bones of human beings and animals. However,
________ is from animals - apart from fish and birds - that is eaten.
ankle, elbow, heel, jaw, joint, rib, skull, wrist
1. a part of the body where two bones meet and are able to move together
2. the back part of foot, just below the ankle
3. the bony part of the head which encloses the brain
4. the curved bones that go from the backbone to the chest
5. the joint where the foot joins the leg
6. the lower part of the face below the mouth
7. the part of the body between the hand and the arm which bends when the hand moves
8. the part in middle the arm where the arm bends
mouth, stomach, thigh, tongue, waist
1. I hadn't heard what he said, so he ________ the word once again.
2. I didn't intend to say it; it was a slip of the ________.
3. We are quite unable to ________ this silly idea.
4. She decided to narrow the ________ of her skirt.
5. I walked the last six kilometres in water up to my ________.
brain, brow, nostril, pupil, throat, tonsils, tooth, wink
1. We ________ our brains but couldn't find the answer.
2. He sat there ________ his brows and snorting.
3. As I was smoking secretly, my dad caught me with ________ in my nostrils.
4. The optician ________ the pupil before he prescribed the cleansing fluid.
5. Before he started speaking, he ________ his throat noisily.
6. Doctor had to _______ his tonsils because tonsillitis was about to develop.
7. I love dessert; I really have a ________ tooth.
8. I feel so tired - I haven't ________ a wink.
lap, nail, palm, sole, thumb
1. After the match, I had blisters developing on the _____ of my feet.
2. Her youngest child was asleep in her _____.
3. Please stop biting your _____!
4. Some people claim that they can read your future through your _____.
5. The new-born baby was sucking her _____.
abdomen, artery, heart, vein, womb
1. a particular style or mood
2. the organ in the chest that pomps the blood around the body
3. the part inside a woman's body where a baby grows before it is born
4. the part of the body below the chest where the stomach and intestines are
5. the tubes in the body that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body
bleed, breath, exhale, inhale
1. Has the _____ stopped or do you need some extra bandage? BLEED
2. They followed the game with _____ interest. BREATH
3. The old man's _____ was too weak to put the candle out. EXHALE
4. _____ of smoke is actually harmful for the lungs. INHALE
bald, beard, dandruff, moustache, pore, whiskers, wrinkle
1. hair on a man's face, especially on the sides of his face
2. lines in someone's skin, especially on the face, which form with age
3. small white pieces of dead skin that are in hair or falls from it
4. someone who has little or no hair
5. the hair that grows on a man's upper lip
6. the hair that grows on the chin and cheeks
7. the small holes in the skin
auburn, blond, sunburnt, suntan, tanned
1. brown
2. darker than usual
3. light
4. pinkish
5. reddish
fair, light, pale
1. She has got _____ blue eyes.
2. Unprotected _____ skin gets suntanned very quickly.
3. You look awfully _____. Are you all right?
excrement, perspire, spit, sweat, tear
1. Animals _____ sweat through the skin and faeces from the anus. EXCREMENT
2. His face was wet with _____. PERSPIRE
3. He is the _____ image of his uncle. SPIT
4. Was that _____ walk along the beach necessary? SWEAT
5. His _____ family came to pay their last respects. TEAR
daze, dream, hibernate, lose, nap, relax, rest, sleep, wake, yawn
1. She looked very _____ by the news. DAZE
2. A _____ look came into her eyes. DREAM
3. ________ is vital in many animals life. HIBERNATE
4. He is suffering from a sudden _____ of weight. LOSE
5. When I last saw grandpa, he was _____. NAP
6. The authorities recommend a general _____ in child discipline. RELAX
7. I spent a _____ night because of the nightmares. REST
8. She suddenly started to feel very _____. SLEEP
9. I spent most of my _____ hours in the library. WAKE
10. They drew back from the _____ chasm. YAWN
calm, restless, strain, temperate, tense, unease
1. effort, anxiety
2. embarrassment, confusion
3. moderate, calm, mild
4. nervous, uneasy, unsettled
5. peaceful, relaxed, quiet
6. strained, tight, nervous
feeble, weak
1. "They seemed all right to me," I explained _____ FEEBLE
2. Acid _____ the structure of pearls. WEAK
active, lazy, lively
1. ineffective, boring X _____
2. hardworking, industrious X _____
3. idle, indolent, inert X _____
drowsy, exhaust, fatigue, tire, weary, worn-out
1. feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness
2. make someone use a lot of energy, with the result that one needs to rest
3. make someone very tired
4. tired and without enthusiasm
5. too old, damaged or thin from use
6. too sleepy and exhausted
asleep, awake, aware, conscious, nightmare, strength, trance
1. I can hear his snore; I think he is _____ asleep.
2. When I went into his room, he was already _____ awake.
3. Are you aware _____ the dangers of smoking?
4. When they hit him, he _____ consciousness.
5. When they caught him with the money, he fell into a nightmarish _____.
6. By June, the tourists were arriving _____ strength.
7. He was _____ a deep trance.
obesity, overweight, robust, slender, slight, slim, stout, thickset
1. delicate; unimportant
2. nearly fat
3. plump, thick, heavy
4. slim, fragile
5. stoutness, fleshiness, fatness
6. thin, slender
7. vigorous, hard, strong
8. well-built
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Peter was an agile and athletic youth.
A) awkward
B) active
C) ponderous
D) inept
2. Even though he was obese, Oliver Hardy gained fame as a comedian.
A) dying
B) crazy
C) unhappy
D) fat
3. Racoons are examples of animals that hibernate several months of the year.
A) sleep
B) fast
C) lose hair
D) store food
4. If severe haemorrhaging is not stopped, death can result in minutes.
A) coughing
B) trembling
C) paralysis
D) bleeding
5. Because of the moon's weak gravity, it has little or no atmosphere.
A) potent
B) feeble
C) negative
D) harmless
6. The African continent is a vast, latent source of mineral wealth and hydroelectric
A) conductive
B) powerful
C) incomplete
D) potential
7. Corpulent people are constantly trying new diets.
A) Slim
B) Fat
C) Unfit
D) Lazy
8. At the end of the race, his stamina gave out, so he lost the race.
A) place
B) stand
C) vigour
D) memory
9. The lungs are the chief organs of respiration in human beings and other animals.
A) oxygen
B) creation
C) breathing
D) activity
10. Tom's doctor said he was obese and had to take immediate measures to correct the
A) anaemic
B) tired
C) corpulent
D) petulant
ailing, sick, sound, unfit, unhealthy
1. Cancer is an _____ that is hard to cure. AILING
2. Luckily, his _____ was not very serious. SICK
3. These days I fell depressed. Everything seems _____. SOUND
4. These days, I feel as _____ as a fiddle. UNFIT
5. Which is more important to you: _____ or money? UNHEALTHY
health, welfare, well-being
1. fitness + being well
2. health + comfort + prosperity
3. health + happiness
cripple, disable, disease, handicap, illness
1. Those who survived the accident will be _____ for life. CRIPPLE
2. He was unable to work because of a _____ caused by an accident. DISABLE
3. We've had to cut down that _____ old tree. DISEASE
4. The government should help the mentally-_____. HANDICAP
5. He was _____ at ease with people whom he didn't understand. ILLNESS
choke, cough, gasp, hiccup, sigh, sneeze, snore, strangle, suffocate
1. a short quick breath that is taken in through the mouth, especially when one is surprised or in pain
2. be unable to breathe because of something in the windpipe or strong emotion
3. die because there is no air to breathe
4. force air out of the throat with a sudden, harsh noise
5. kill someone by squeezing the throat
6. let out a deep breath, as a way of expressing feelings
7. repeated little choking sounds in the throat
8. take in breath and then blow it down the nose noisily
9. when asleep, making a loud sound each time one breathes
vomit (v) = _____ up (v) = _____ up (v)
faint, hurt, injure, swell, wound
1. A mosquito bit her and her whole arm became larger than normal. = _____
2. After the war, he still had the traces of his injuries due to being shot. = _____
3. His cuts and bruises in the accident were terrible. = _____
4. When he saw blood, he lost consciousness. = _____
5. When she left him, she slightly damaged his feelings. = _____
attack, fit, trouble
1. He said his left arm hurt, and soon he had a _____ attack.
2. He had to stop speaking due to a ______ fit.
3. She has _____ trouble, probably ulcer.
agony, pain, sick, suffer
1. We could hear the prisoner's _____ moans. AGONY
2. The picture had been cleaned with _____ care. PAIN
3. I've been suffering from _____ ever since I left that plane! SICK
4. The final decision might cause great hardship and _____. SUFFER
ache, acute, dull, piercing, sore, sting
1. a dull steady pain
2. a sharp organ used as a weapon by some animals, often poisonous
3. not sharp or clearly felt
4. painful when touched or used, especially on the throat
5. situation, feeling, or illness which is severe or intense
6. very sharp
blister, scar, scratch
If you walk too much with uncomfortable shoes, you will have _____s on your feet. If you _____ it, a
watery substance will flow and it will hurt. On the other hand, a _____ is a mark left on the skin after a
damage or injury.
beat, bite, blow, break, bruise, fracture, stab
1. Once again, he is beating around the _____ (bush/topic/branch)
2. During polar expeditions, _____bite (snow/ice/hail) can be a real problem.
3. Peter blew _____ (off/on/out) the candles and went to sleep.
4. His words _____ (opened/hurt/scratched) an old bruise.
5. My son and her girlfriend broke _____ (out/off/in) last weekend.
6. He had to fight the final round of the boxing match with a fractured _____ (nose/palm/brain).
7. I trusted him and he stabbed me in the _____ (top/back/foot).
blind, deaf, mute
1. The terrorists _____ the hostage so that he wouldn't see any faces. BLIND
2. We heard a _____ sound. Then, there was a long silence. DEAF
3. I prefer _____ colours for the curtains. MUTE
infirm, senile
- Which is a more serious problem: (a) being infirm or (b) being senile?
contaminate, immune, infect, outbreak, pestilence, pollute
(v) contaminate
(v) immune
(v) infect
(n) outbreak
(v) pollute
(n) pestilence
acne, anaemia, asthma, backache, constipation, contagious, epidemic, fever, paralysis, pneumonia, rabies
1. a chest disease which makes breathing difficult
2. a dull pain in the back
3. a lot of spots on the face and neck
4. a medical condition which makes people unable to defecate
5. a serious disease which causes people and animals to go mad and die
6. a serious illness which affects the lungs and makes it difficult for one to breathe
7. an occurrence of a disease which affects many people and which spreads quickly
8. being infectious
9. having too few red cells in the blood
10. high temperature due to an illness
11. the loss of feeling in the body or in part of it, and the inability to move
allergic, hysteria, indigestion, insomnia, itch, phobia
1. I have an _____ to plastic substances. ALLERGIC
2. Stress can lead to irrational and _____ behaviour. HYSTERIA
3. This food is really hard to _____. INDIGESTION
4. As we get older, we all become _____. INSOMNIA
5. My skin became rather dry and _____. ITCH
6. He is apparently ______; he is scared of almost everything. PHOBIA
antidote, intoxicated, poison, venom
1. drunk with alcohol
2. poison of a snake or a spider
3. remedy
4. substance that kills people when swallowed or absorbed
attend, neglect, nurse, take care of, tend
1. I have a very _____ nurse. ATTEND
2. You have to prove that you are not ____. NEGLECT
3. We _____ him devotedly when he was in hospital. NURSE
4. Are you being __________ here? TAKE CARE OF
5. She cradled the baby _____. TEND
heal, soothe, treat
1. damage X _____
2. discomfort X _____
3. neglect X _____
alleviate, lessen
- Which of the two is a more technical word: (a) alleviate or (b) lessen?
cure, diagnose, recover
When someone becomes ill, which is the possible correct order?
A) cure > diagnose > recover
B) diagnose > cure > recover
C) recover > diagnose > cure
D) diagnose > recover > cure
patient, physician
- A _____ is a person who treats _____ in a hospital or in a place like that.
casualty, veteran, victim
1. Following the earthquake, the number of _____ is still uncertain.
2. The traffic conditions being as it is, we are sure to be a _____ in an accident.
3. William fought in the Gulf War; he is a _____.
bandage, convalescence, dose, invalid, remedy
1. compress, tie
2. cripple, sickly person
3. measure, portion
4. recovery, healing
5. treatment, cure
anatomy, medicine, physiology, surgery
1. the science and practice of treating and understanding disease and bodily disorders
2. the science and practice of treating injuries and diseases by operations on the body
3. the science of how the bodies of living things and their parts work
4. the science or study of the bodies and body parts of people and animals
drug, ointment, pill, sedative
1. Such things as aspirin are _____ drugs.
2. When a person spoils something, we call him/her a _____ in the ointment.
3. If you suffer from insomnia, you can take _____ pills.
4. Sedative (adj) __________ (v)
anaesthetic, operate, sanitary, vaccinate
1. a substance that stops you feeling pain
2. cut open a patient's body to remove, replace, or repair a diseased part of it
3. give an injection to prevent one from getting a disease
4. keeping things clean and hygienic
inject, needle, syringe
- Doctors _____ medicine through a ______ or a _______.
abort, premature, symptom, therapy, ward, wheelchair
1. He is twenty but looks sixty; he is suffering from _____ ageing.
2. He was so weak that we needed a _____ to take him home from hospital.
3. In the States, the anti-_____ act is unlikely to pass.
4. My aunt is in the immunology department, _____ number 15.
5. The patient has all the _____ of cholera.
6. The prisoners are rejecting any sort of _____ treatment.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Your fitness obviously depends upon the amount of food, exercise, and rest you get.
A) readiness
B) eligibility
C) health
D) preparation
2. Because children are inoculated against measles, there are currently no cases in the
A) treated
B) injected
C) isolated
D) subjected
3. When the refrigerator broke down during the heat wave, all our meat was tainted.
A) warmed
B) contaminated
C) humid
D) frozen
4. The terrorists maimed twenty hostages during the shooting.
A) shot
B) massacred
C) wounded
D) killed
5. A nation which is in the throes of revolution will not welcome outside interference.
A) wars
B) fights
C) agonies
D) enmities
6. Toxic waste disposal is a major problem.
A) Poisinous
B) Superfluous
C) Metallic
D) Liquid
7. Vitamin C has a therapeutic effect in the treatment.
A) thrifty
B) medicinal
C) deficient
D) utilitarian
8. If you eat wholesome food instead of junk food, you will feel a lot better.
A) whole
B) energy
C) fresh
D) nutritious
9. Alchemists seek a panacea for the world's ills.
A) gold
B) chemical
C) change
D) remedy
10. Frequent minor ailments kept her home from work.
A) irritations
B) young children
C) sicknesses
female, human, individual, male
1. fellow, man
2. feminine
3. mortal, manlike
4. person, single
adolescence, infant, orphan, teenage, twin
1. His _____ was not a happy one for him.
2. I have eight adult and five _____ students.
D) falls
3. My sister and I are identical _____.
4. They found a newborn _____ in the street.
5. When her parents died, she became an _____ at the age of twelve.
maternal, parent, paternal
1. fatherly, patrimonial, patriarchal
2. genitor, forebear, source
3. motherly, protective, sympathetic
adopt, nurture, raise
- Study the difference in meaning.
adopt, adapt
nurture, nursing
raise, arise, rise
adult, elder, kin, relative
1. She is unlikely to survive into _____. ADULT
2. You should show respect towards your _____ ELDER
3. Ties of ____ means a lot in our family. KIN
4. I was a distant _____ of my husband. RELATIVE
aunt, nephew, niece
1. the daughter of one's sister or brother
2. the sister of one's mother or father
3. the son of one's sister or brother
ancestor, descendant, generation, hereditary, stock, tribe
1. age group, rank
2. family, kindred, clan
3. forefather, predecessor
4. inherent, inborn, congenital
5. lineage, ancestry
6. successor, heir
court, date, seduce
1. He was seeking the hand of Pamela, who was a beautiful widow.
2. Many people believe that she is very tempting.
3. She is going out with a handsome boy from university.
caress, embrace, hug, kiss
1. She _____ the cat in her lap quietly.
2. She gave him a goodnight _____.
3. This course _____ various elements, including speaking and translation.
4. When he _____ me, I felt all my bones scream with fear!
adultery, affair, bawdy, prostitute, rape
1. illicit love affair
2. molest, assault, violate
3. obscene, coarse, vulgar
4. relationship, liaison
5. whore, call girl
divorce, honeymoon, marriage, matrimony, polygamy, wed
1. Do you take this man as your _____ husband?
2. Following their last argument, Tom and Mary are going on _____.
3. In legal circles, another name for marriage is _____.
4. In many cultures, engagement is a step to _____.
5. In Turkey, _____ is legally forbidden.
6. We are planning to spend our _____ in a seaside hotel.
bachelor, bridegroom, spouse, widow
1. companion, marriage partner
2. dowager, matron, dame
3. husband, married man
4. unmarried, single
acquaintance, fellow, mate
1. In order to support his _____ workers, my father is wearing a dark ribbon today.
2. My ______ with politics is very little.
3. My room_____ is very untidy.
aloof, antagonism, enemy, hostile, opponent, unfriendly
1. adverse, antagonistic, unfriendly
2. competitor, rival
3. distant, remote, indifferent
4. enmity, hostility
5. foe, rival, opponent
6. hostile, conflicting
accomplice, ally, associate, companion, company, neighbour, partner
1. business colleague
2. friend or visitor
3. people who live near a person
4. someone one spends time with or travels with
5. someone who helps a person to commit a crime
6. someone who helps and supports a person when other people are opposing
7. the person who one is married to or is having a romantic or sexual relationship with
affability, amiable, amicable, close, intimate
1. familiar, close
2. harmonious, sympathetic
3. near, adjacent
4. pleasant, friendly
5. pleasantness, kindness
argue, dispute, quarrel, row
1. He is quite _____ when it comes to his own interest. QUARREL
2. It is an _____ fact that whales should be strictly protected. DISPUTE
3. Many teenage boys are _____. ROW
4. What is the chairman's _____ about the reasons for the budget deficit? ARGUE
alone, lonely, solitary, solitude
1. I'm not _____ here because I have my pet animals for company.
2. She sat all _____ in the park.
3. We saw a _____ figure in the middle of the road.
4. When I'm studying, I prefer _____ .
bereaved, grief, mourn
1. He is trying to plan his future after the _____. BEREAVED
2. She was _____ for the dead pet cat. GRIEF
3. I went out into the garden to join the _____. MOURN
burial, coffin, embalm, funeral, grave, monument, obituary, tomb, wreath
_____ (1) ceremonies vary from country to country. Ancient Egyptians first _____ (2) the dead body
and then placed it in a _____ (3) . Today, the _____ (4) has become an industry in some countries.
First, expensive ______ (5) appear in newspapers. _____ (6) are made of best quality wood, and
sometimes of metal. During the ceremony people send _____ (7) . If the deceased person is rich or an
important figure, a _____ (8) is built above the _____ (9) .
deceased, late, mortal
1. The _____ president of the company was a real menace.
2. They will share the property of the _____.
3. We are all _____; one day we'll all die.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The deceased left you all her diamonds.
A) missing person
B) dead person
C) wealthy person
D) relative
2. A funeral is a melancoly event.
A) meaningful
B) medical
C) expensive
D) sorrowful
3. The funeral director gave the death notice to the local newspaper.
A) obituary
B) funeral
C) burial
D) biography
4. In tropical countries the interment takes place within the twenty-four hours of a death.
A) intermittent
B) burial
C) mourning period
D) interruption
5. He's such an affable person that people eometimes take advantage of him.
A) accessible
B) good-natured
C) wealthy
D) weak
6. It would be griveous to her to live without her maid.
A) pleasant
B) grateful
C) painful
D) tearful
7. Peter and Jo made an amicable divorce settlement by dividing their property equally.
A) avaricious
B) friendly
C) flimsy
D) terrible
8. Constant wrangles over money disturbed the harmony of their marriage.
A) discussions
B) problems
C) bills
D) arguments
9. The royal nuptials captured the attention of the whole world.
A) attendance
B) wedding
C) baptism
D) event
10. When the former movie star was killed in a car crash, her obituary appeared worldwide.
A) picture
B) death notice
C) agent
D) beauty
civilization, populate, society
1. Europeans treated Indians as savages to be _____. CIVILIZATION
2. What is the _____ of Ankara? POPULATE
3. I hardly have any _____ life due to my master's studies. SOCIETY
district, land, nation, precinct, province, quarter, region, slum, state, suburb
A) area
B) precinct
C) slum
A) dike
B) solid earth
C) property
A) community
B) country
C) suburb
A) district
B) state
C) territory
A) area
B) capital
C) district
A) mass
B) lodge
C) division
A) district
B) sector
C) town
A) ghetto
B) shanty town
C) suburb
A) nation
B) federation
C) area
A) slum
B) hamlet
C) outlying district
capital, citizen, city, rural, town, urban
1. metropolitan
2. locale, neighbourhood, district
3. metropolis, municipality
4. resident, inhabitant, native
5. rustic, pastoral, agricultural
6. urban area, metropolis
pair, union
1. We paired the students _____ according to their abilities.
2. British flag is called the Union _____.
bunch, crowd, mob
1. cluster, batch, bundle
2. people, group (derogatory)
3. people, masses, populace
alien, foreign, local, municipal, stranger
1. Living in an apartment block, he feels _____ towards the green. ALIEN
2. It is true that _____ bring extra vivacity to a city's life. FOREIGN
3. With the help of this new drug, pain is completely _____. LOCAL
4. The _____ of Greater London is knee-deep in trouble. MUNICIPAL
5. He looked at me _____, as if I were a monster. STRANGER
popular, public, royal
1. communal, civic
2. favourite, prevalent
3. imperial, majestic
colonize, kingdom, republic
1. Because England is a monarchy, it is ruled by a _____ or a queen. KINGDOM
2. European _______ in Africa was long lasting. COLONY
3. In the last elections, ______ Party was defeated. REPUBLIC
autonomous, independence
1. Several African countries gained _____ after the War. AUTONOMOUS
2. Is Australia an _____ country? INDEPENDENCE
autocracy, sovereignty, tyranny
1. despotism, absolute monarchy
2. supremacy, power
3. totalitarian government, dictatorship
authority, crown, dynasty
1. command, strength, power
2. family, series of rulers
3. majesty, throne-holder
administer, govern, reign, rule, run
1. The committee is discussing _____ matters. ADMINISTER
2. He is the _____ of a small town. GOVERN
3. In England, the _____ monarch is centuries old. REIGN
4. The ____ of the country was a real lunatic. RULE
5. I'm not any more interested in the _____ of the company. RUN
ambassador, mayor, minister
1. governor of a city
2. member of the cabinet; religious figure
3. representative abroad, emissary, delegate
assembly, congress, convention
1. The leaders ____ in Paris for a meeting. ASSEMBLY
2. The groups _____ around the pavilion. CONGRESS
3. Peter _____ a small meeting to discuss the problems. CONVENTION
centre, patriot, policy
1. core, focus
2. loyalist, nationalist, chauvinist
3. method, line, course
ballot, elect, nominate, vote
1. a box into which vote papers are put
2. choice in an election or at a meeting where decisions are taken
3. choose a person as representative by giving votes
4. suggest a person as a candidate for a position
represent, stand
1. He is the _____ of a big company. REPRESENT
2. In e = mc2, what does e stand _____ ?
campaign, candidate, electorate, majority
1. A _____ of the candidates are unaware of the work condition.
2. During his political _____, he stressed the importance of peace.
3. I believe that of all the five _____, Mr Miller is the best one.
4. Very few of the _____ failed to vote in the last election.
demonstrate, oppose, protest, reform, riot
1. Don't drive to the city center. There is a _____ there. DEMONSTRATE
2. The _____ party leader was arrested illegally a year ago. OPPOSE
3. The _____ damaged several cars before they were overpowered. PROTEST
4. What we need is a _____ movement. REFORM
5. The police have subdued the _____ who had blocked the campus road. RIOT
oppress, repress, suppress
1. to rule by holding back from (natural feelings, actions, etc.)
2. to rule in a very hard way, by allowing very little freedom
3. to rule in a very hard way, by taking away the right to act
defeat, overthrow
1. Their team was so strong that they _____ us with a not uncertain score.
2. We have just heard that the King has been _____.
betray, rebel, resist, revolt
1. His _____ is unforgettable. BETRAY
2. During the campaign, he was very _____. REBEL
3. The army did not face strong _____. RESIST
4. South America is famous for sudden and bloody _____. REVOLT
anarchism, crusade, mutiny, subversion, uprising
1. disturbance, hubbub
2. overthrow, sabotage, defeat
3. rebellion, overthrow, mutiny
4. religious war campaign, battle
5. upheaval, uprising
conspiracy, plot, spy, traitor
1. Conspiracy is done by a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r.
2. A plot is planned by a p _ _ _ _ _ r
3. A spy's main job is e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e.
4. A traitor is accused of t _ _ _ _ _ n
aristocracy, inferior, knight, noble, rank, repute, superior
1. Everybody admires his _____ features. ARISTOCRACY
2. Don't take him serious; it is his ______ complex. INFERIOR
3. A man with _____ has the title "Sir". KNIGHT
4. A _____ would like to see you, Your Highness. NOBLE
5. The General has risen from the _____. RANK
6. He has gained world-wide _____. REPUTE
7. Neither part could attain ______ at the end of the game. SUPERIOR
evict, slave
- While a(n) _____ is a captive, a(n) _____ is a person who has been expelled from a place.
attendant, maid, servant, servitude
1. attendant; disciple
2. female servant (X matron)
3. servant, aid, orderly
4. slavery, confinement, subjection
emancipate, free, liberate, release
1. Emancipate means to set free by legal means; to give more freedom to. Noun form is _____
2. Free means to let out of bondage, slavery, etc.. Noun form is _____
3. Liberate means to make free from some kind of bondage, tyranny, etc.. Noun form is _____
4. Release means to free or set free. Noun form is _____
conventional, orthodox
1. generally accepted thought, etc.
2. living according to accepted ways, following the usual ways
courtesy, polite, rude, snob, sophisticated
1. attention, civility, politeness
2. civilized, courteous, well-mannered
3. complicated, complex; refined; worldly; deceptive
4. elitist, upstart, snot, pretender
5. impolite, discourteous
coarse, nomad, peasant, savage, vulgar
1. _____ = coarse, crude, common; X aesthetic, artistic, decent
2. _____ = rough; X fine, smooth
3. _____ = rustic; X urban; sophisticated
4. _____ = uncultivated; inhuman; animal; X gentle; human, humane
5. _____ = wandering, vagrant; X settled
casual, dignity, formal, haphazard, informal, pompous
1. arrogant, boastful
2. casual, relaxed, unofficial
3. casual, irregular, erratic
4. ceremonial, fixed, academic
5. easy-going, careless; accidental, haphazard
6. nobility, honour, self-respect, distinction
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The Romans subdued the Celts during the reign of Julius Caesar.
A) surrendered
B) attacked
C) befriended
D) vanguished
2. Nearly half of the town's inhabitants are descendants of indigenous civilizations.
A) native
B) backward
C) hard-working
D) poor
3. A multitude of people attended the fund-raising presentation in the mall.
A) small number
B) select group
C) huge crowd
D) large herd
4. The powerful ruler suppressed a rebellion and punished the instigators.
A) initiated
B) supported
C) quashed
D) reinstated
5. The flowers on the table were a manifestation of the child's love for his mother.
A) a demonstration
B) an infestation
C) a combination
D) a satisfaction
6. His company empowered him to negotiate the contract.
A) helped
B) forbade
C) authorized
D) ordered
7. Crimes against property have risen in the USA and other urbanized countries.
A) rich
B) large
C) multicultural
D) metropolitan
8. The peach tree is native to Florida.
A) indigenous
B) transported
C) allocated
D) imported
9. The Arctic tern breeds in the Arctic regions of North America.
A) aspects
B) areas
C) islands
D) marshes
10. Light can be amplified and focused in a single direction by using a laser.
A) concentrated
B) adjusted
C) clarified
D) scattered
allow, commit, construct, enact, enforce, legalize, legislate, maintain, permit
1. It appears that they have made no _____ for the child's age. ALLOW
2. I have various ______ to fulfil. COMMIT
3. We need ______ ideas to guide us through this chaos. CONSTRUCT
4. The _____ of the Education Law was a great success. ENACT
5. The _____ power of the new law is open to debate. ENFORCE
6. Criminals are people who do _____ things. LEGALIZE
7. We can name three powers: jurisdiction, execution and _____. LEGISLATE
8. They are doing this for the _____ of law and order. MAINTAIN
9. You have no _____ to study these files. PERMIT
act, constitution, jurisdiction, law, ordinance
1. body of laws, amendment
2. enactment, law, decree
3. law, verdict, decree
4. legislature, enactment, the courts, equity
5. sphere of duty, administration
annul, chaos, custom, injustice, justice, legitimate, martial law, official, order, precedent,
1. a general belief that one has about the way one should behave, which influences the behaviour
2. a state of disorder and confusion
3. a traditional activity or festivity
4. an action or official decision than can be referred to in order to justify a similar action or decision
5. approved by the government or someone else in authority
6. fairness in a way that people are treated
7. government by special laws by the army
8. reasonable and acceptable; allowed or justified by law
9. the situation of everything being in the correct place and being done at the correct time
10. to declare that something is legally invalid
11. unfairness and lack of justice in a situation
embargo, illegal, illegitimate, taboo, unlawful
1. forbidden, banned, restricted
2. penalty, sanction, injunction
3. unlawful, criminal, illegal
4. unlawful, illegitimate
5. wrong, faulty, unfair, illegal, illegitimate
compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, voluntary
compulsory = mandatory = obligatory = inescapable, requisite, compelled
- _____ (compulsory/mandatory/obligatory) school education.
voluntary = intentional, considered
- He went in to _____ (voluntary/intentional) exile.
license, repeal, revoke, sanction, warrant
1. authorization, permission; penalty, sentence
2. freedom, permission
3. justification, sanction, authorization
4. repeal, cancel
5. revoke, invalidate, cancel
ban, censor, deny, forbid, outlaw, prohibit, refuse
(v) ban
(v) censor
(v) deny
(v) forbid
(n) outlaw
(v) prohibit
(v) refuse
advocate, attorney, judge, lawyer, solicitor
1. counsel, attorney, adviser, advocate
2. lawyer, counsel, adviser
3. legal adviser
4. magistrate, justice
5. supporter, defender, attorney
charge, prosecute, sue
1. The police are going to charge him _____ murder.
2. He was prosecuted _____ stealing.
3. He sued them _____ wrongful arrest.
accusation, case, proceedings
1. He has taken legal _____ against her and is suing for divorce.
2. She made several _____ against me.
3. This is a _____ of murder.
alibi, appeal, defend, plead, testimony, try, verdict, witness
First, a person is _____ in the court. A lawyer _____ this person. This lawyer _____ the case to the
court. During the trial, _____ tell what they know about the situation. Thus, a _____ is formed. The
accused person may present _____ to the court to prove that s/he was not involved in the crime.
Finally, the _____ is announced. If the lawyer is not satisfied with it, he/she may _____ to a higher
evidence, guilt, innocent, liable, responsible
1. It is _____ that he is guilty. EVIDENCE
2. Is he _____ or innocent? GUILT
3. He says _____ is a vague concept. INNOCENT
4. We have had to undertake heavy _____. LIABLE
5. What he did was utterly irrational and ______. RESPONSIBLE
acquit, clear, discharge, entitle, punish, sentence
1. A day after the verdict, he was acquitted _____ prison.
2. The lawyer cleared him _____ the charge of murder.
3. I was discharged _____ the army at the end of the war.
4. The lawyer is fully entitled _____ defend the woman.
5. His father punished him _____ stealing.
6. He was sentenced _____ life imprisonment.
heir, inherit, legacy, mortgage, will
1. debt, lease
2. decision, bequeath, choice
3. donation, grant, gift
4. inheritor, beneficiary
5. take possession of
arrest, caution, constable, guard, patrol, protect
1. administrative officer
2. capture, apprehend
3. care, warning, alert
4. guard, shelter, shield, defend
5. look-out, sentinel
6. protector, guardian, ward
petty, wrongdoing
1. A petty crime is a m_____ crime.
2. A wrongdoing is a bad behaviour which is legally w______
crime, shop-lifting, theft
1. The _____ escaped from prison by climbing down a drain pipe. CRIME
2. There are store detectives to catch _______. SHOP-LIFTING
3. Three _____ sneaked in through the open window. THEFT
bandit, burglar, pirate, thief, villain
(n) bandit
(n) burglar
(n) pirate
(n) thief
(n) villain
arson, assault, black-market, fraud, hold-up, perjury
1. a physical attack on a person
2. a situation in which someone is threatened with a weapon to make him give money
3. a system of buying and selling goods which is not legal
4. lying in the court while giving evidence
5. the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building
6. the crime of gaining money by deceit or trickery
hijack, kidnap
- Recently, a passenger plane has been _____ (hijacked/kidnapped).
blackmail, embezzle, rob, smuggle, steal, swindle
1. Someone who blackmails a person is a _____.
2. If you embezzle money from your office, this is called _____.
3. When someone robs a bank, this is a bank _____.
4. Someone who smuggles goods is a _____.
5. Someone who steals something is a _____.
6. Someone who swindles a person is a _____.
cheat, deceit, deceive
1. Marriages in which _____ is a commonplace are bound to end.
2. They try to _____ themselves that everything is all right.
3. When I play cards, I always _____.
abduct, loot, murder
1. kidnap, capture, snatch
2. kill, assassinate, slay
3. rob, steal, plunder
homicide, suicide
- _____ is murder while _____ is self-murder.
cell, dungeon, gaol, jail, prison
gaol = jail = prison
1. A cell is a _____ (yard/room) in a prison.
2. A dungeon is generally _____ (in a tower/in the basement/in the attic).
banish, captive, convict, detain, deter, execute, imprison, persecute, remit, whip
1. He is preparing to protest his _____. BANISH
2. During his _____, he learnt their language. CAPTIVE
3. A person who has left prison is called an _____. CONVICT
4. His _____ was politically motivated. DETAIN
5. Severe punishment is thought to be a _____. DETER
6. In the past, _____ used to be performed in public places. EXECUTE
7. He was sentenced to life _____. IMPRISON
8. The _____ of minorities will be discussed at the meeting PERSECUTE
9. Due to his efforts, he gained a _____ of five years off his sentence. REMIT
10. Today, _____ is still used as a way of punishment in some countries. WHIP
confine, custody, detention
1. Under captivity, he was confined _____ bread and water only.
2. He is being held _____ custody.
3. Everyone of them has been placed _____ detention until further notice.
fine, penalty
1. Fine (n)  __________ (v)
2. Death penalty is also called c_____ p_____.
amnesty, exile
1. banishment, displacement
2. freedom, liberation
gallows, scaffold
- For hanging people, _____ is used. For beheading and other types of execution, _____ is used.
battle, combat, conflict, field, fight, war, warfare
When a _____ between countries grows too much, they may declare _____. When they get engaged
in a _____, the two sides _____ with each other. During war, there may be several phases called
_____ or _____. Both sides aim to gain supremacy over the other by defeating the other in the battle
assimilate, besiege, conquer, invade, overcome, siege, trespass
1. After the war, the powerful side tried to _____ minority ethnic groups by using force.
2. During the war, the capital city was under _____ for nearly two years, but they did not give in.
3. Iraq _____ Kuwait but was forced to withdraw within a few weeks.
4. Istanbul was _____ after a long war campaign in 1453.
5. Ottoman armies _____ Vienna twice in history, but both campaigns were fruitless.
6. If you don't want your land used as a path, you should put "No ______ ing" signs about.
7. Unfortunately, he was _____ by a terrible illness.
ambush, attack, raid, storm
1. During the air _____, we took shelter in the underground.
2. The infantry _____ with all its might, but could not break the enemy defence.
3. The police _____ the building and caught the robbers.
4. While the soldiers were going to their base, they found themselves in a wisely-prepared _____.
annex, confront, face, reinforce, relieve, repel, repulse, retreat
1. to drive back or off
2. to drive back, repel
3. to face or face up to
4. to go back because unable to move forward
5. to go, turn, or look towards or to stand looking at (someone or something that is a danger)
6. to send extra troops to
7. to stop the siege
8. to take control over or seize (especially land)
capture, seize
1. A captured person is a _____.
2. If workers seize control in a factory, this is a _____ of power.
desert, lose, surrender, yield
1. abide, continue X ______. Noun form is _____.
2. achieve, acquire X ______. Noun form is _____.
3. advance, forward X ______.
4. clash, disallow, hinder X ______. Noun form is _____.
armistice, casualty, cease-fire, conquest, peace, treaty, victory
1. calmness, agreement, reconciliation
2. conquering, victory, triumph
3. fatality, dead and injured
4. pact, contract
5. stop the fight
6. triumph, achievement, conquest
7. truce, finding a middle course
army, military, navy, regiment
1. The defeated troops were _____ by the victorious side. ARMY
2. With his aggressive behaviour, he is very _____. MILITARY
3. _____ forces need the support of air forces. NAVY
4. He was unable to tolerate heavy _____ and quit. REGIMENT
admiral, commission, irregular, soldier, warrior
1. a person who has military experience, inclinations, interests, etc.
2. a person, usually in a uniform, trained to fight, especially for his country, on land
3. a soldier or armed person who fights in a war or campaign only part of the time or for short times
4. a very senior officer who commands a navy or a fleet of ships
5. the authority to act as an officer of the higher level in the army, navy, or air force
arm, disarm, enlist, enrol, gather, recruit
1. to choose and bring together, or order to come together
2. to enter (a branch of) the armed forces
3. to give weapons to
4. to persuade, get, etc. to join the army
5. to take weapons away from
6. to write a person's name on a list
ammunition, armament, armour, artillery, cavalry, rampant, troop
1. Soldiers stood in the _____, waiting for the enemy attack.
2. The general lost several _____ in the most fierce battle of the war.
3. They used heavy _____ against civilians.
4. Today, _____ troops are generally used in ceremonies only.
5. We had to retreat because we had run out of _____, not even a single bullet.
6. We have necessary _____ for a war: tanks, planes, guns, ships, everything.
7. We rocket bounced on the thick _____ of the tank.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. I tried hard not to succumb to sleep.
A) scoff
B) save
C) yield
D) try
2. The police hunted through the forest for the escaped felon.
A) criminal
B) fellow
C) fugitive
D) hunter
3. They refused to cede their rights to the land and declared war.
A) see
B) legalize
C) plant
D) yield
4. The colonists protested against inequitable taxes.
A) uneven
B) unjust
C) unpublished
D) unlikely
5. The captain of the militia mustered his troops under a large tree.
A) trained
B) gathered
C) nursed
D) mumbled
6. By the time peace was negotiated, the affairs of the nation were in a chaotic state.
A) confused
B) exotic
C) disputable
D) obscure
7. He took a militant stand against the opposition and won the point.
A) mild
B) aggressive
C) positive
D) awkward
8. The regime favoured unification of the country.
A) leader
B) government
C) regiment
D) register
9. The beaver dam obstructed the flow of the river.
A) observed
B) endangered
C) assisted
D) blocked off
10. The family conducted an illicit whisky business during Prohibition.
A) secret
B) boundless
C) ill-fated
Christian, idol, Jew, religion, sect, theological
1. Jesus _____ had apostles to spread his teachings. CHRISTIAN
2. You shouldn't _____ your favourite singer. IDOL
3. There are about twelve million _____ people around the world. JEW
4. He is not interested in _____ matters. RELIGION
5. The group is known to be _____ and fanatical. SECT
6. She studied _____ at university. THEOLOGICAL
angel, apparition, archangel, fiend, ghost, haunt, soul, spirit
1. Angel (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Apparition is synonymous to soul or spirit. Is it countable or uncountable?
3. What is the difference between an angel and an archangel?
4. What is the main difference between an angel and a fiend?
5. The word ghost is used to describe pale face in the expression _____.
D) illegal
6. If ghosts haunt a house, this place is now called a _____ house.
7. The word soul is used in the expression to keep _____ and soul together.
8. The word spirit is used in the expression _____-spirited to mean very lively.
heaven, hell, paradise
1. Good _____! What have you done to your hair!
2. This place is a _____ on earth! I can live here all my life!
3. Where the _____ have you been!
adherent, apostle, atheist, martyr, pilgrim, prophet, saint
1. a follower of a great man/woman, especially one who is sent to spread his/her teachings
2. a person of a holy and admired way of life, especially one given this title by the Roman Catholic
Church after death
3. a person who denies the existence of God or any gods.
4. a person who favours and supports a particular idea, opinion, or political party
5. a person who is killed or caused suffer greatly, especially for his/her religious duties
6. a person who travels to a sacred place, special shrine
7. a person who believes that he is directed by God to make known and explain or to lead or teach a
new religion
archbishop, bishop, clergy, pope, priest
1. a bishop of the highest rank
2. a clergyman of high rank, especially in Christian churches.
3. a member of the Christian clergy in the Catholic, Anglican, or Orthodox churches.
4. the head of the Roman Catholic Church
5. the officially appointed leaders of the religious activities of a particular church or temple
aisle, altar, church, mosque, sanctuary
1. In the church, the bridegroom walked slowly down the _____ .
2. The minaret of the _____ was badly damaged in a thunderstorm.
3. Those who had illegally entered the country took _____ in a church.
4. While Christian people pray at _____, Jews do so in synagogue.
5. While the priest was giving his sermon at the _____, several children were giggling.
believe, bless, convert, meditate, ordain, pray, preach, revere, sacrifice, worship
1. He has very strange _____. BELIEVE
2. They asked the Pope's _____. BLESS
3. She is a recent _____ to the idea of a global unity. CONVERT
4. He interrupted my _____. MEDITATE
5. His _____ was at the church grounds. ORDAIN
6. He said his _____ and left quickly. PRAY
7. Because they strongly disagreed with the _____, they booed him. PREACH
8. We all regard him with _____ REVERE
9. She _____ her own life to save her children. SACRIFICE
10. May I present the _____ Mayor of Brighton. WORSHIP
baptism, ceremony, fast, ritual, sermon
1. a Christian religious ceremony in which a person is touched or covered with water to make
him/her pure and to show that he/she has been accepted to the Church
2. a special formal, solemn action organized to mark an important social or religious event
3. one or more ceremonies or customary acts which are often repeated in the same form
4. religious talk given as part of a Christian church service
5. to eat little or no food, especially for religious reasons
divine, holy, sacred
1. Divine (adj)  __________ (n)
2. Holy (adj)  __________ (n)
3. Sacred (adj)  __________ (v)
pagan, profane, secular
1. a person who is not part of a major religion
2. not sacred, worldly
3. of or concerning the ways of the world, not the spiritual values of religion
redeem, repent, sin
1. recover, liberate; X ignore, neglect
2. regret, mourn
3. transgress, err, misbehave
incarnation, reincarnation
While Hinduism holds the belief of _____, Christianity holds that Jesus Christ is the _____ of God.
ecclesiastic, patriarch
1. a clergyman
2. any of the several chief bishops of the Eastern Churches
legend, magic, myth, spell, supernature, superstition, witch
1. Here is the _____ film star, Tom Cruise! LEGEND
2. He is said to have _____ powers. MAGIC
3. Unicorn is a _____ beast. MYTH
4. As soon as he saw her, he was spell-_____. SPELL
5. Ghosts and apparitions are all _____ occurrences. SUPERNATURE
6. Are you _____? SUPERSTITION
7. She had a _____ smile. WITCH
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The Freemasons are one of the oldest fraternities in the world.
A) universities
B) sociologists
C) exhibitions
D) brotherhoods
2. By the end of the First World War, the name of Mustafa Kemal was legendary.
A) imaginary
B) novel
C) gratifying
D) famous
3. There is common superstition that red sky means snow in the morning.
A) attitude
B) speculation
C) belief
D) approach
4. The daring rescue operation was truly a creditable deed.
A) hard to believe
B) praiseworthy
C) unusual
D) risky
5. Superstition may easily lead you astray.
A) Irrational belief
B) Succession
C) Logic
D) Misdirection
architect, build, erect
1. He is studying _____. ARCHITECT
2. The whole _____ collapsed during the night. BUILD
3. The _____ of the new monument took several years. ERECT
cottage, greenhouse, hut, tent
1. a shelter of skins or cloth
2. a small building for plants
3. a small building, often made of wood
4. a small house, especially in the country
apartment, flat, house, palace
1. She lives in an apartment _____.
2. I live with a friend; my flat_____ is a student.
3. He greeted the house_____ with a nod of the head.
4. She lives is a palace_____ mansion.
castle, citadel, fortress, tower, turret
A _____ is generally built in a high place. When it is built around a city, it is called _____. The high
and strong walls of such a place are generally called _____ or bailey. There are also high and round
_____ with a conical roof to watch the enemy. If there is no roof, this building is called a _____.
attic, basement, chimney, roof
1. a hollow passage often rising above the roof which allows smoke and gases to pass
2. a room or area immediately below the roof
3. the lowest level of a building
4. the top covering of a building
fence, railing
1. a sort of fence with rail-like wooden or iron rods
2. a sort of wood or metal wall usually to put up to divide two pieces of land
dome, balcony
1. He looked up at the blue dome of the s _ _ .
2. A balcony is usually enclosed with a metal or wooden r_ _ _ _ _ _.
entry, door, gate
1. Which of the following has a more general meaning: entry, door, gate?
2. Which of the following does not have to have a frame: door or gate?
partition, tile
1. a thin piece of baked clay used for covering floor, walls, floors, etc.
2. a thin wall inside a house
indoors, outdoor
1. What is difference between indoor and indoors?
2. What is difference between outdoor and outdoors?
arcade, arch, beam, column, pillar
1. a covered passage, especially one with a roof supported by arches or with a row of shops on one
or both sides
2. a curved top on two supports, for example under a bridge or a church roof or above a door or
3. a large long heavy piece of wood, especially used as a part of the structure of a building
4. a tall solid upright stone post used in a building as a support or decoration or standing alone as
a monument
5. something tall, narrow and upright
flight, floor, level, storey
1. a floor or level in a building
2. a position of height in a city, building, etc.
3. a set of stairs
4. the part of a room, house etc. on which one walks
ladder, stairs, step
1. a number of fixed steps one above the other, on which one can go up or down a building, from
one level to another
2. an apparatus made especially two long pieces of wood, metal or rope, joined together by many
short pieces up which one climbs
3. each section of stairs
alcove, chamber, knob, poker, recess
1. a metal rod used to poke a fire in order to make it burn better
2. a room
3. a round handle or control button
4. a small space in the form of a small room added to another room for a bed, chair, books, etc.
5. a space in the wall of a room for shelves, cupboards, etc.
lavatory, restroom, sink, towel
In the word list, lavatory is synonymous to _____. A sink is in the kitchen; when it is in the bathroom,
it is called a _____. The sort of towel that is sold in small boxes and used for cleaning is used _____
pipe, plumber, sewage, sewer, tank, tap
1. The verb form of the word pipe is _____.
2. The verb form of the word plumber is _____.
3. The system which drains sewage is called sewage _____ system.
4. A sewer system is called a _____ system.
5. A committee of experienced people is called a _____ tank.
6. In the sentence His phone is being tapped, the verb tap means _____.
estate, patio
1. He is a _____ estate agent.
2. A structure similar to patio is a t_____.
accommodate, dwell, inhabit, reside, settle
1. The committee is providing _____ for the participants. ACCOMMODATE
2. They discovered an ancient _____ in the middle of the island. DWELL
3. The _____ of the island protested against the traffic system. INHABIT
4. The _____ held a demonstration is the area. RESIDE
5. They are setting up a new _____ near the city. SETTLE
landlady/lord, occupant, pioneer, tenant
1. colonist, immigrant, pilgrim
2. paying passenger, passenger
3. property owner, owner
4. resident
premises, refuge, shelter
1. a building considered a piece of property
2. a building or roofed enclosure that gives cover or protection
3. a place that provides protection or shelter from danger
adorn, decorate, embellish, enchantment, furnish, ornament, renovation
1. We watched the gaudy _____ with disgust. ADORN
2. He works as a _____. DECORATE
3. It was an artictic _____. EMBELLISH
4. He was _____ by the idea. ENCHANTMENT
5. Whenever he visits us, he breaks a piece of _____. FURNISH
6. The picture was in a beautiful _____ frame. ORNAMENT
7. The old house is being _____. RENOVATION
armchair, bench, sofa, stool, throne
1. a comfortable chair with supports for the arms
2. a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, wide enough for usually two or three people
3. a long, usually wooded seat for two or more people, especially one used outdoors
4. a seat without a supporting part for the back or arms
5. the ceremonial seat of a king, queen, bishop, etc.
blanket, lamp, mirror, pillow, wardrobe
1. He always keeps a gun under his _____.
2. He looked at himself in the _____ and combed his hair.
3. No industry can develop under the soft _____ of state protection.
4. The bed room was too narrow to fix the _____ in.
5. When he was drunk, he climbed up a street _____.
canopy, curtain, rug, upholstery
1. a covering, often held up by poles and usually made of cloth or sometimes wood over a bed,
doorway, large chair, etc.
2. a large piece of cloth, especially when hung form above, over a window inside room a usually
smaller or thicker carpet
3. the materials used to fit chairs and other pieces of furniture with softer parts, such as springs,
cloth, leather, etc.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Queen Victoria's palatial country home draws many visitors.
A) palatine
B) paltry
C) palace-like
D) partial
2. All of the tenants in the building complained about the lack of hot water.
A) old people
B) landlords
C) superintendents
D) occupants
3. Many lawsuits are resolved through settlement prior to court due to the effort and
expense involved in trial.
A) debate
B) amelioration
C) dismissal
D) compromise
4. About one-third of Canada's people inhabit the province of Ontario.
A) inherit
B) reside in
C) depart from
D) are born in
5. The old hotel has recently been renovated.
A) repainted
B) refurbished
C) refurnished
attire, garment, outfit
1. Attire (n)  __________ (v)
2. The word garment is similar to c_____ing.
3. Outfit (n)  __________ (v)
fold, take off, undo, wear
1. bend back, crease
2. put on, get into
3. remove
4. untie
bare, nude
1. He was walking bare_____; he'd left his shoes on the beach.
2. In some countries, _____ is severely punished. NUDE
gloves, pair, pants, trousers
- A pair of:
[ + ] pants [ + ] trousers [ + ] gloves [ ? ] _____ [ ? ] _____ [ ? ] _____ [ ? ] _____
helmet, veil
- Soldiers, the police and motorbike riders wear _____. In wedding ceremonies, girls wear a _____
over their face.
buckle, button, zip
1. a fastener of two rows of metal or plastic teeth used on clothes or bags
2. a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is used to fasten it
3. a small hard object sewn on to shirts or other pieces of clothing
belt, scarf
While a _____ is wrapped around the neck, a _____ is wrapped around the waist.
purse, wallet
Women usually carry _____ while _____ is for men.
heel, overalls, sleeve
1. _____ is a part of a shoe.
2. Before you start a hard task, you roll your _____.
3. Workers wear _____.
crease, tailor
1. What is the difference between a crease and a wrinkle?
2. Which of the following is synonymous to tailor (v): adopt or adapt?
accessory, jewellery
1. aide
2. badge, brooch
shave, bathe, comb
1. Men generally use shaving-_____ and razor to shave.
2. In order to keep your hair dry, you can wear a bathing-_____.
3. Comb (n)  __________ (v)
cleanse, rinse, scrub, wash, wipe
1. After she had drunk water, she _____ the glass in water and left on the table.
2. Don't forget to _____ your hands before you sit for the lunch!
3. The floor was so dirty that I had to _____ it with a thick brush all afternoon.
4. The nurse _____ the wound thoroughly before stitching.
5. When he'd completed the sculpture, he _____ his forehead with satisfaction.
brush, freshen, polish
1. How often do you _____ your teeth?
2. This perfume will _____ the stagnant air in the room.
3. When we _____ the table, we could see our own reflection on it.
mark, pollute, stain
1. blot, mark, blemish
2. dirty, contaminate
3. imprint, stamp
neat, orderly, smart, tidy
1. Neat X c_____less.
2. Orderly X c_____ed.
3. Smart X s_____y.
4. Tidy X m_____y.
dirt, sordid, spotless
1. This room is f_____ dirty.
2. Sordid = dirty, sq_ _ _ _d.
3. The room was spotlessly c_____.
filth, mess, muck, mud
1. Filth (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Mess (n)  __________ (adj)
3. Muck (n)  __________ (v)
4. Mud (n)  __________ (adj)
laundry, massage, wig
1. artificial hair
2. dry-cleaning
3. rubbing the body
belong to, keep, own, possess
1. During the Great Fire of London, people threw their ______ into the Thames. BELONG TO
2. We need to ensure the _____ of the system. KEEP
3. Who is the _____ of this car? OWN
4. He is in _____ of several flats. POSSESS
property, proprietor
1. owner, possessor, landlord
2. possession, land, estate
acquire, derive, deserve, earn, gain, obtain, receive
1. Acquire (v)  __________ (n)
2. Derive (v)  __________ (n)
3. Deserve (v)  __________ (adj)
4. Earn (v)  __________ (n)
5. Gain (v)  __________ (n)
6. Obtain (v)  __________ (adj)
7. Receive (v)  __________ (n)
choose, pick, pluck, select
1. You have several _____ in this situation. CHOOSE
2. _____ of apples is a cumbersome job. PICK
3. He is not afraid of anything; he is quite _____. PLUCK
4. He bought a _____ of modern paintings. SELECT
lift, take
1. elevate, raise
2. acquire, obtain, seize
recover, regain, replace, restore, retrieve, return
1. He _____ (regained/recovered) consciousness.
2. I _____ (went/returned) back and _____ (regained/retrained) her bag from the station.
3. The math teacher left the school and we need a _____ (replacement/restoration).
instead, substitute
1. They gave me a low grade instead _____ a high one.
2. Artificial blood will substitute _____ human blood in emergency cases.
abandon, dispense with, forlorn, remove, (get) rid of
1. Abandon = quit, desert. Its adjective form is _____.
2. Dispense with X keep back, retain. Its adjective form is _____.
3. Forlorn = miserable; neglected. What is a forlorn hope?
4. Remove X conserve, deposit, install. Its adjective form is _____.
5. Get rid of X stay attached. Check the use of the verb rid.
surrender, yield
1. They _____ the city to the enemy.
2. They _____ up the city to the enemy.
maintain, retain, storage, upkeep, withhold
1. The noun form of the verb maintain is _____.
2. The adjective form of the verb retain is _____.
3. The verb form of the noun storage is _____.
4. The noun form of the verb upkeep is _____.
5. The verb withhold is the opposite of d_____s.
capture, catch, clutch, grab, grasp, grip, hold, snatch, trap
1. Capture and catch are the opposites of l_____, r_____.
2. In the car, there are three pedals: accelerator, brake, and _____ (clutch/grab/grasp/grip).
3. The hold of a ship is the _____ (cargo/storage) of it.
4. The verb snatch means to grab. The noun form means _________.
5. Traps which are hidden and are triggered through a secret mechanism are called a _____ trap.
administer, devote to, donate, offer, prescribe, volunteer
1. I have _____ duties in the office. ADMINISTER
2. He looked at the baby with great _____. DEVOTE
3. We need _____ of baby clothes. DONATE
4. His _____ was hard to reject. OFFER
5. This rule is ________; you must obey it. PRESCRIBE
6. He attended the search party _____. VOLUNTEER
hand, provide, supply
1. You should hand _____ your thesis by the end of the month.
2. We provide people _____ essential information.
3. We are supplying workforce _____ the construction of the new dam.
award, prize, reward
Oscar _____, Nobel _____, money _____
contribution, gift, souvenir
1. The verb form of the noun contribution is _____.
2. A synonymous word for the noun gift is _____.
3. Compare souvenir and sovereign.
allocate, distribute, share
1. The noun form of the verb allocate is _____.
2. The noun form of the verb distribute is _____.
3. The noun form of the verb share is _____.
phase, range, scope
1. extent, magnitude, scope
2. reach, limits, extent
3. step, level
choice, facility, serve
1. The verb form of the noun choice is _____.
2. The verb form of the noun facility is _____.
3. The noun form of the verb serve is _____
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. A credit card allows the user to receive credit at the time of the purchase.
A) donate
B) arbitrate
C) reject
D) obtain
2. Taking some kinds of medicine will cause your body to retain fluids.
A) sustain
B) inject
C) lose
D) keep
3. The technique of putting colourful designs on fabric is called batik.
A) metal
B) plactic
C) cloth
D) rubber
4. The smallest blood vessels in the body are not visible to the naked eye.
A) unaided
B) trained
C) undressed
D) damaged
5. The French explorer Sieur de La Salle laid claim to territory in the New World,
designating it Louisiana after the French monarch King Louis XIV.
A) labelling
B) transferring
C) asquiring
D) unifying
6. Tom insisted on a fair share of the partnership's profits.
A) spare
B) division
C) merit
D) help
7. Manufacturers are donating computers to schools.
A) giving
B) going
C) dedicating
D) deducting
8. Mr. Peters went down to receive his visitors.
A) get
B) welcome
C) say good-bye to
D) sign for
9. My understanding of basic mathematics puts advanced physics beyond my scope.
A) range
B) telescope
C) view
D) hollow
10. After the riot, the prison officials rescinded the prisoners' privileges.
A) relegated
B) removed
C) added to
D) changed
absorb, consume, digest, feed, nourish
1. Her father admires her growing _____ in the study of chemistry. ABSORB
2. We need to defend _____ rights. CONSUME
3. My _____ has always been poor. DIGEST
4. Actually, I'm _____ up with studying for tests. FEED
5. She's recovered sufficiently to take some _____. NOURISH
maintenance, provisions, sustenance
1. Maintenance means enough to support life. The origin of the word is _____.
2. Provisions are substances provided as food. The origin of the word is _____.
3. Sustenance is food and drink essential for life. The origin of the word is _____.
indigestion, malnutrition, nutrition
1. having sufficient amount of food
2. inability or difficulty of absorbing food
3. lack of enough food to sustain life
bite, chew, lick, munch, nibble, sip, suck, swallow
1. People consider biting _____ as a bad habit.
2. Children love chewing _____.
3. When we expect something nice to happen, we lick our _____.
4. The horse was munching ____ at my straw hat!
5. In Turkey, after a wedding people are given _____ to nibble.
6. In order to taste the wine, he _____ a sip of it.
7. Small babies generally suck their _____.
8. He understood his mistake and swallowed his _____.
fast, starve
1. I love having butter and jam for my _____. FAST
2. In many regions of the world, _____ is a serious problem. STARVE
famine, famished, hunger, ravenous, thirst
1. Famine is synonymous to a) hunger b) thirst
2. Famished is antonymous to a) hungry b) full
3. Hunger is synonymous to a) appetite b) aversion
4. Ravenous is synonymous to a) starved b) satisfied
5. Thirst is synonymous to a) abhorrence b) drought
banquet, beverage, dish, feast, meal, ration, refreshment, supper
1. Banquet and feast are synonymous. Other related words are: _ _ _ (v) and d _ _ _ ht (v)
2. What is the difference between meal and dish?
3. What is the verb form of ration?
4. What is the difference between beverage and refreshment?
5. Supper is another name for a) breakfast, b) lunch, c) dinner.
bacon, juice, meat, oil, pork, sauce, slice
1. Bacon and pork are _____ meat.
2. Adjective form of the noun juice is _____.
3. What is the difference between meat and flesh?
4. What is the difference between oil and fat?
5. What is the difference between sauce and dressing?
6. What is the verb form for the noun slice?
ferment, sweet
1. _____ takes place under a certain degree of heat. FERMENT
2. This cake has been artificially _____. SWEET
propose, toast
1. He _____ to drink for the honour of the young couple.
2. Let's drink a _____ to the young couple.
alcohol, ale, draught, intoxicate, spirits
1. What is the difference between alcohol and spirits?
2. What is the difference between ale and beer?
3. What is the difference between draught and drought?
4. What is the adjective form for the verb intoxicate?
drunk, sober
1. Other words for drunk are drunken and in_____.
2. Sober is the opposite of drunk. Also it means s_____s.
addict, drug
1. He's addicted _____ cocaine.
2. Taking pills when there is no need is called drug _____.
ash, ashtray, tar, tobacco
1. As this is a non-smokers' room, you cannot find _____ around.
2. Cigar has lower amounts of _____ than cigarette.
3. He dropped his cigarette _____ on the carpet.
4. Turkey is a major _____ producing country.
bake, fry, roast, scramble
1. I need some _____ powder. BAKE
2. I like chicken _____. FRY
3. We had _____ potatoes for lunch. ROAST
4. Don't worry about the dinner; we'll have _____ eggs. SCRAMBLE
chop, freeze, peel, preserve, shred, spread, stuff, whip
1. Do not forget to _____ your mayonnaise before you make potato salad.
2. During the repair works, our deep-_____ ran on its battery.
3. He cut a few carrots into tiny _____ before he added them to the salad.
4. I asked the butcher to _____ the chicken into six pieces.
5. I generally boil potatoes without _____ the skin.
6. She _____ a thin layer of dough on the pie.
7. We _____ the chicken with herbs and vegetables before we put it in the oven.
8. We had strawberry _____ for breakfast.
edible, raw, stale
1. What is the difference between edible and eatable?
2. What is the difference between raw and crude?
3. What is the difference between stale and rough?
delicious, spicy, tasteless, tawdry
1. flat, dull
2. savoury, hot
3. superficial
4. tasty, delicate
ingredient, recipe
- What is the difference between ingredient and recipe?
agriculture, agronomy
1. the art or practice of farming, especially of growing crops
2. the scientific study of soil and growing of crops
brewery, crops, estate, field, grain, harvest, orchard, patch, yield
1. cropping, gathering
2. garden for fruit trees
3. harvest, graze
4. land, province
5. making beer
6. product
7. realty, property
8. seed of cereal
9. small area for growing vegetables
arid, barren
- What is the difference between arid and barren?
arable, cultivate, fertile, fruitful, productive
1. Arable _____ (land/soil)
2. The land is suitable for _____ CULTIVATE
3. This soil is completely useless; it is _____. FERTILE
4. He gained nothing; his efforts were _____. FRUITFUL
5. He gained nothing; his efforts were _____. PRODUCTIVE
grow, plough, sow
1. dig, till
2. scatter, seed
3. sprout; cultivate
barn, dairy, graze, manure, pasture
1. feed on grass
2. festilizer
3. field, meadow
4. place for milk products
5. stable, livery, shelter
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. In the middle of the desert, they found a refreshing spring.
A) hot
B) dry
C) sandy
D) cooling
2. Having fasted for five days, the woman was starving.
A) famished
B) prudent
C) circumspect
D) heedless
3. In some countries, fish is eaten raw.
A) marinated
B) fresh
C) rotten
4. If the crops are not irrigated soon, the harvest will be sparse.
D) uncooked
A) watered
B) ploughed
C) fertilized
D) planted
5. The Titanic lies buried in its aqueous tomb.
A) watery
B) subterranean
C) glorious
D) unknown
6. William Shakespeare was a prolific writer.
A) productive
B) famous
C) esteemed
D) celebrated
7. Great art is characterized by its ability to invigorate the senses with its power.
A) absorb
B) control
C) refresh
D) expand
8. Chinese cuisine specializes in rice dishes.
A) delicacies
B) cooking
C) chefs
D) gourmet
9. According to Carl Sagan, the Earth is a tiny and fragile world that needs to be
A) explored
B) valued
C) unified
D) developed
10. Great art is characterized by its ability to invigorate the senses with its power.
A) absorb
B) control
C) refresh
D) expand
experience, impulse, instinct, sentimental
1. encountering; knowledge
2. impelling force, inspiration
3. inborn sense or feeling
4. romantic, emotional
enjoy, feel, lust, sense
1. His personal _____ is more important than anything else. ENJOY
2. Insects have two or more _____ to sense the environment. FEEL
3. He was expelled from the group due to his _____ behaviour. LUST
4. He didn't even have a look at the patient; he was quite _____. SENSE
mood, morale, temper
1. The adjective form of the word mood is _____.
2. What is the difference between moral and morale?
3. Compare temper, temperate, temperament and temperature.
attitude, emotion, sensation
1. feeling, consciousness
2. feeling, sense; agitation
3. manner, temperament
care, desire, despair, fancy, hope, long, urge, want, will, wish
1. Would you care ____ a drink?
2. Our team is _____ for a real success. DESIRE
3. She was _____ great despair.
4. He is looking for a pirate costume for a fancy _____ party.
5. This is a _____ case; it is impossible to rescue our money. HOPE
6. I'm longing _____ a long holiday.
7. His demand to be given a pay rise was very _____. URGE
8. We are _____ want of currency at present.
9. Giving up smoking requires _____. WILL
10. Peace on earth? This is only _____ thinking. WISH
lack, miss, need, request, require, resign
1. The noun form for the verb lack is _____.
2. The adjective form for the verb miss is _____.
3. The adjective form for the verb need is _____.
4. The noun form for the verb request is _____.
5. The noun form for the verb require is _____.
6. When resign means surrender, its noun form is _____
desperate, optimism, pessimism
1. cynicism, melancholy
2. frantic; hopeless
3. hopefulness, confidence
bear, endure, stand, suffer, tolerate
1. When things became _____, he left the country. BEAR
2. Finally, our _____ gave in when we heard the defeat. ENDURE
3. I really _____ stand him. He is so thoughtless!
4. They killed the horse to end its _____. SUFFER
5. My father is so _____ that he will accept anything. TOLERATE
conform, misbehave, obedience, patronize
1. He is a real _____; he is a man for all seasons. CONFORM
2. Due to his _____, he failed and had to repeat a whole semester. MISBEHAVE
3. When you are in the army, you are expected to be _____. OBEDIENCE
4. My roommate is so _____ that I'm thinking of moving to another flat. PATRONIZE
act, behave, treat
1. I have no obligation to explain my _____. ACT
2. His _____ was quite provoking. BEHAVE
3. Her _____ of the matter was so skilful that I was astounded. TREAT
impartial, neutral, objective, prejudice, subjective
1. When you act as a go-between, ______ is very important. IMPARTIAL
2. They are trying to _____ those chemical weapons in Iraq. NEUTRAL
3. I'm afraid he treats his students' papers with strict _____. OBJECTIVE
4. A _____ idea is often a cause for dispute. PREJUDICE
5. He lost his _____ when he realized that our cause was reasonable. SUBJECTIVE
appeal, attract, captivate, charm, concern, fascinate, fond, glamour, tempt
1. His ideas are generally quite _____. APPEAL
2. What an _____ girl she is! ATTRACT
3. The tribe leader is being held _____ in the town jail. CAPTIVATE
4. A holiday in the middle of winter is simply a _____ idea. CHARM
5. I'm very _____ about the future of our town. CONCERN
6. A fair is often a _____ for children. FASCINATE
7. My _____ of her grew when I saw her help the poor. FOND
8. The holiday was_______! GLAMOUR
9. He couldn't resist _____ and went our to play football. TEMPT
affection, attachment, passion
1. My mother is very _____ towards us. AFFECTION
2. He carefully _____ his CV to the application letter. ATTACHMENT
3. He sings his songs with _____ love. PASSION
adore, favour, interest, prefer, suit
1. admire, love, be fond of
2. agree with, adapt
3. appeal, fascinate
4. favour, choose
5. prefer
abhor, alienate, detest, disgust, dislike, hate, loathe, repel
1. abhor X
a) detest
b) disgust
c) adore
2. alienate X
a) connect
b) divide
c) disunite
3. detest X
a) hate
b) loathe
c) admire
4. dislike =
a) delight
b) condemn
c) disrelish
5. disgust X
a) nauseate
b) esteem
c) repel
6. hate X
a) abhor
b) scorn
c) adorn
7. loathe X
a) detest
b) appreciate
c) despise
8. repel X
a) attract
b) offend
c) revolt
ghastly, revolting, ugly, unsightly
- ghastly  revolting  unsightly  ugly X appe_____ ; X att_____
beautiful, elegance, enticing, good-looking, graceful, lovely, picturesque, popular, pretty,
1. The verb form of the word beautiful is _____.
2. The adjective form of the word elegance is _____.
3. The noun form of the word enticing is _____.
4. The term good-looking is synonymous to p_____ or h_____.
5. The noun form of the word graceful is _____.
6. The word lovely is synonymous to c_____.
7. The word picturesque is synonymous to st_____.
8. The noun form of the word popular is _____.
9. The word pretty is synonymous to b_____ or g_____.
10. The verb form of the word striking is _____.
excellent, magnificent, pleasant, splendid, superb, superior, supreme, terrific, wonderful
1. The verb form of the word excellent is ex________.
2. The noun form of the word magnificent is ma________.
3. The noun form of the word pleasant is pl________.
4. The noun form of the word splendid is sp________.
5. The word superb is synonymous to be________.
6. The word superior is antonymous to in_______.
7. The noun form of the word supreme is su________.
8. The word terrific is synonymous to su_______.
9. The word wonderful is synonymous to ma__________.
average, decent, fair
1. Each room can hold a large group of students, _____ between 150 to 200. AVERAGE
2. The _____ of his study shocked all of us. DECENT
3. In all _____, I can tell that we will find a way out. FAIR
honour, noble, virtue, worthy
1. It is an _____ deed to be awarded the Nobel Prize. HONOUR
2. Until the second half of the 20th century, _____ was very important. NOBLE
3. He was very _____ when he tried to persuade his son. VIRTUE
4. Is it _____ a try? WORTHY
depravity, dreadful, evil, formidable, horrible, mischief, nasty, naughty, obscene, selfish,
sinister, terrible, wicked, wrong
1. The verb form of the word depravity is _____ and its preposition is _____.
2. The verb form of the word dreadful is _____.
3. A person who does evil is an _____.
4. The word formidable is antonymous to ple______.
5. The verb form of the word horrible is _____.
6. The adjective form of the word mischief is _____.
7. The noun form of the word nasty is _____. .
8. The noun form of the word naughty is _____.
9. The noun form of the word obscene is _____.
10. The noun form of the word selfish is _____.
11. The adjective form of the word sinister is sinister-_____.
12. The verb form of the word terrible is _____.
13. The noun form of the word wicked is _____.
14. An adjective form of the word wrong is _____.
conscience, conscientious, duty, moral
1. devoted; careful
2. good, upright, conscientious
3. mind; being
4. obligation, liability
delight, delighted, glad, happy, joy, merry, pleasure, well-being
1. Delight = pl________.
2. Delighted = pl_______.
3. Glad = con_________.
4. Happy X de________.
5. Joy = de_________.
6. Merry = jo_______.
7. Pleasure = en_________.
8. Well-being = he______.
please, rejoice, satisfy
1. The adjective form of the word please is _________.
2. The word rejoice is synonymous to ce_________.
3. The noun form of the word satisfy is ___________.
grateful, gratitude, thankful
Grateful = thankful
- Gratitude = gr_______ness
miserable, touching
1. The noun form of the word miserable is ________.
2. The word touching is synonymous to sen_________.
depressed, sad, unhappy, wistful
1. The noun form of the word depressed is _________.
2. The noun form of the word sad is _______.
3. The noun form of the word unhappy is _______.
4. The noun form of the word wistful is _______.
grief, mourn, pity, regret, remorseful, sorrow
1. The adjective form of the word grief is __________.
2. The word mourn is synonymous to la______.
3. The adjective form of the word pity is _______.
4. The adjective form of the word regret is _______.
5. The word remorseful is synonymous to re________.
6. The noun form of the word sorrow is _______.
agitate, bewilder, concerned, confuse, depress, nervous, worry
1. Before a test, it is normal to feel a bit _____.
2. Don't you ______ about the expenses. I'll pay for everything.
3. His answer was so complex that it _____ my mind.
4. The heavy and never-ending rain _______ us all.
5. The sudden death of our boss ________ all the staff.
6. These days, parents are rather ________ about their children's TV watching habit.
7. The strange decision of the committee _______ all the staff.
bother, calamity, distress, disturb, upset
1. The verbbother is synonymous to d_______.
2. The noun calamity is synonmous to adv_______.
3. The verb distress is synonymous to b_______.
4. The verb disturb is synonymous to u_______.
5. The verb upset is synonymous to ag_______.
anguish, anxiety
1. The word anguish is synonymous to di_______.
2. The noun form of the word anxiety is ________.
nuisance, trouble
1. The word nuisance is synonymous to an________.
2. The adjective form of the word trouble is ________.
annoy, displease, irritate, peevish, provoke, tease
1. The noun form of the word annoy is _________.
2. The noun form of the word displease is _________.
3. The noun form of the word irritate is _________.
4. The adjective peevish is synonymous to cr_____.
5. The noun form of the word provoke is _________.
6. The adjective form of the word tease is _________.
anger, cross, furious, infuriate, mad, rage
1. The adjective form of the word anger is _________.
2. The word cross is synonymous to comp________.
3. The noun form of the word furious is _________.
4. The noun form of the word infuriate is _________.
5. The noun form of the word mad is _________.
6. The adjective form of the word rage is _________.
argue, quarrel, row
1. What is your _________ about this topic? ARGUE
2. She is quite _________. QUARREL
3. The word row is synonymous to f_______.
disagree, dispute
1. The noun form of the word disagree is _________.
2. The adjective form of the word dispute is _________.
aggression, cruel, fierce, murderous, violence, wild
1. The adjective form of the word aggression is _________.
2. The noun form of the word cruel is _________.
3. The adjective form of the word fierce is _________.
4. The word murderous is synonymous to de________.
5. The adjective form of the word violence is _________.
6. The noun form of the word wild is _________.
afraid, alarm, dread, fear, fright, horrify, panic, petrify, scare, terrify, terrorize
1. The noun form of the word afraid is _________.
2. The adjective form of the word alarm is _________.
3. The adjective form of the word dread is _________.
4. The adjective form of the word fear is _________.
5. The verb form of the word fright is _________.
6. The noun form of the word horrify is _________.
7. The adjective form of the word panic is _________.
8. The adjective form of the word petrify is _________.
9. The adjective form of the word scare is _________.
10. The noun form of the word terrify is _________.
11. The adjective form of the word terrorize is _________.
embarrassed, ashamed, reticent, shy, timid
1. The noun form of the word embarrassed is _________.
2. The noun form of the word ashamed is _________.
3. The word reticent is synonymous to res_______.
4. The noun form of the word shy is _________.
5. The word timid is synonymous to co_______.
appall, shock
- Appall = shock. Their adjective forms end in - ___.
bold, brave, courage, coward, daring, nerve, reckless
1. The noun form of the word bold is _________.
2. The noun form of the word brave is _________.
3. The adjective form of the word courage is _________.
4. The adjective form of the word coward is _________.
5. The verb form of the word daring is _________.
6. The adjective form of the word nerve is _________.
7. The noun form of the word reckless is _________.
boast, hero, risk, venture
1. After his great success, he was very _____. BOAST
2. She is a real ______. HERO
3. What you did was quite _____. RISK
4. He wouldn't ________ far from his mother's door. VENTURE
firm, obstinate, rude, stubborn
1. The Government should _______ firm against the terrorists' demands.
2. He is as obstinate as a _______.
3. This was all because of his rude_____.
4. He is as stubborn as a _______.
admire, appreciate, esteem, glorify, respect
1. I have great _____ for him. ADMIRE
2. I have great ______ towards them. APPRECIATE
3. He is a highly ______ person. ESTEEM
4. He returned home with great _____. GLORIFY
5. He is a _____ businessman. RESPECT
arrogance, haughty, humble, impressive, pride, promising, splendour
1. If you have arrogance, you are a_______. .
2. If you are haughty, you are ar______.
3. If you are humble, you are not bo_______.
4. If something is impressive, you are i________ by it.
5. If you have pride in something, you are p_______ of it.
6. If something or someone is promising, it/he/she can expect a good f______.
7. If something is full of splendour, it is sp______.
condemn, contempt, humiliate, insult, offend
1. The word condemn is synonymous to den______.
2. The word contempt is synonymous to sc______.
3. The word humiliate is synonymous to deg______.
4. The word insult is synonymous to off______.
5. The word offend is synonymous to irr______.
disappoint, disgrace, insolent, shame
1. The noun form of the word disappoint is _________.
2. The adjective form of the word disgrace is _________.
3. The noun form of the word insolent is _________.
4. The adjective form of the word shame is _________.
beneficial, benevolent, considerate, generous, helpful, kind, tender
1. We need to _______ from the situation. BENEFICIAL
2. In some religions, several gods are believed to have _______ BENEVOLENT
3. He gave great ________ onto the matter before he made up his mind. CONSIDERATE
4. What he really lacks is _______! GENEROUS
5. I have nothing to do in this situation! I'm _______. HELPFUL
6. He showed great _______. KIND
7. I have a feeling of great ________ for you. TENDER
human, humane
1. kind, civilized
2. mortal
charity, consideration, console, humanity, sympathize
1. The adjective form of the word charity is _________.
2. The adjective form of the word consideration is _________.
3. The noun form of the word console is _________.
4. The verb form of the word humanity is _________.
5. The adjective form of the word sympathize is _________.
aggrieved, malice, ruthless, sour, spiteful, vicious
1. The word aggrieved stems from the noun g_____.
2. The word malice is synonymous to h_______.
3. The word ruthless is synonymous to me_____less.
4. The word sour is synonymous to cr_______.
5. The word spiteful is synonymous to bad-t_______.
6. The word vicious is synonymous to co____pt and mal____ous.
greed, miser
1. lust, passion
2. tightwad, cheapstake
avenge, envious, jealous, merciless, resent, revenge, sullen, vengeance
1. The word avenge is synonymous to _________ in the word list.
2. The word envious is similar in meaning to ________ in the word list.
3. The word jealous is synonymous to gr_______.
4. The word merciless is synonymous to r______less
5. The word resent is synonymous to di______.
6. The word revenge is synonymous to vin_______.
7. The word sullen is synonymous to mo______.
8. The word vengeance is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
candid, confident, frank, genuine, gullible, honest, sincere, trustworthy, truthful
1. The word candid is synonymous to ge______.
2. The noun form of the word confident is _________.
3. The noun form of the word frank is _________.
4. The word genuine is synonymous to aut_________.
5. The word gullible is synonymous to cre____us.
6. The noun form of the word honest is _________.
7. The noun form of the word sincere is _________.
8. The word trustworthy is synonymous to de_______able.
9. The noun form of the word truthful is _________.
blunt, confidential, explicit, implicit, overt
1. If someone is blunt, this person is uncivil or d_____.
2. If something is confidential, it is s_______.
3. If something is explicit, it is cl______.
4. If something is implicit, it is im_____ed.
5. If something is overt, it is straight________.
cunning, innocent, naive, sly
1. The word cunning is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
2. The word innocent is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
allegiance, constant, faith, loyal
1. The word allegiance is synonymous to the word s______t.
2. The noun form of the word constant is _________.
3. The adjective form of the word faith is _________.
4. The noun form of the word loyal is _________.
betray, depend, rely on/upon, treacherous, trust
1. We'll never forgive his _______. BETRAY
2. Is he really ________? Can we trust him? DEPEND
3. She proved to be very _______. RELY
4. He is famous for his _______. TREACHEROUS
5. She proved to be very _________. TRUST
deceit, fool, liar, mislead, pretend
1. The adjective form of the word deceit is _________.
2. The verb form of the word fool is _________.
3. The word liar stems from the word _____.
4. The adjective form of the word mislead is _________.
5. The noun form of the word pretend is _________.
disloyal, treacherous
1. The word disloyal is synonymous to fa____less.
2. The word treacherous is synonymous to unre________.
conspiracy, plot, secret, subterfuge, stuck, stranded, trap, trick
1. The verb form of the word conspiracy is _________.
2. The word plot is synonymous to pl______.
3. The noun form of the word secret is _________.
4. The word subterfuge is synonymous to ma_________.
5. The word stuck is the past participle form of the verb _____.
6. The word stranded is synonmous to aba_______ed.
7. The adjective form of the word trap is _________.
8. Another word for the word trick is tr_______.
conceal, disguise, hide
1. The word conceal is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
2. The word disguise is synonymous to ca________.
expose, reveal, uncover
1. The word expose is synonymous to dis______.
2. The word reveal is synonymous to s________.
3. The word uncover is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
calm, comfort, ease, patience, peace, placid, quiet, serene, tranquillity
1. The noun form of the word calm is _________.
2. The opposite form of the word comfort is _________.
3. The adjective form of the word ease is _________.
4. The opposite form of the word patience is _________.
5. The adjective form of the word peace is _________.
6. The word placid is synonymous to tr_______il.
7. The verb form of the word quiet is _________.
8. The noun form of the word serene is _________.
9. The adjective form of the word tranquillity is _________.
excite, exhilarate, inspire, relax, stimulate, thrill
1. The noun form of the word excite is _________.
2. The noun form of the word exhilarate is _________.
3. The noun form of the word incpire is _________.
4. The noun form of the word relax is _________.
5. The noun form of the word stimulate is _________.
6. The noun form of the word thrill is _________.
ardent, ardour, enthusiasm, zeal
1. The word ardent is synonymous to ea______.
2. The word ardour is synonymous to ________ is the word list.
3. The opposite of the word enthusiasm is in_________.
4. The word zeal is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
avid, desirous, eager, keen
1. The word avid is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
2. The word desirous is synonymous to a______ous.
3. The word eager is synonymous to en________.
4. The word keen is synonymous to en________.
curiosity, frenzy, frustrate, hysteria, nosy, sensitive, stress, tense
1. If you have curiosity, you are _______.
2. If you have frenzy, you are _______.
3. If something frustrates you, you are _______.
4. If you are in hysteria, you are _________.
5. If you are nosy, you are cu_______.
6. If you are sensitive, you have ________.
7. If you are full of stress, you are ________.
8. If you are tense, you are _______ up.
apathy, boredom, monotonous, tedious
1. The word apathy is synonymous to listlessness and in________. 2. The word boredom is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
3. The word monotonous is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
4. The word tedious is synonymous to bu_____some.
amaze, astonish, astound, enigma, perplex, startle, surprise, taken aback
amaze/astonish/astound/puzzle/startle/surprise (n/v)
amaze/astonish/astound/perplex/puzzle/startle/surprise + -ing/-ed (adj)
- The term taken aback is synonymous to _________.
marvel, wonder
1. The adjective form of the word marvel is ________.
2. The adjective form of the word wonder is ________.
enigma, miracle, mystery
1. The adjective form of the word enigma is ________.
1. The adjective form of the word miracle is ________.
2. The adjective form of the word mystery is ________.
blush, chuckle, giggle, grin, laugh, smile
1. When you blush, your face becomes _______ in colour.
2. When you chuckle, you are either su______ or dis_______.
3. When you giggle, you l____ quickly.
4. When you grin, you smile to show your t_____h to people.
5. The noun form of the word laugh is _______.
6. When you smile, you don't open your m______.
frown, groan, moan, mock, ridicule, scowl, snarl, sneer
1. The word frown is synonymous to gri______.
2. The word groan is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
3. The word moan is synonymous to la_______.
4. The word mock is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
5. The word ridicule is synonymous to s______ in the word list.
6. The word scowl is synonymous to fr______.
7. The word snarl is synonymous to ________ in the word list.
8. The word sneer is synonymous to cr_________.
cry, weep
- To weep is to cry ______ly.
contact, tangible, tap, touch
1. The word contact is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
2. The word tangible is synonymous to ______able.
3. When you tap someone on the shoulder, you use the tip of your _______.
4. The word touch is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
audible, auditory, sensory
1. If something is audible, you can _____ it.
2. The word auditory to synonymous to _______ in the word list.
3. The word sensory is synonymous to f______.
eye, face, gape, notice, observe
1. When you eye something, you ______ at it.
2. When you face something, you en________ it.
3. When you gape, you look with your ______ open.
4. When you notice something, you become _______ of it.
5. When you observe something, you de______ it.
scan, sightsee, spot, watch, witness
1. The word scan is synonymous to sc_______.
2. The noun form of the word sightsee is ________.
3. The word spot is synonymous to de_______.
4. The word watch is synonymous to ob_______.
5. If you see something as a witness, you are an ____witness.
gaze, glance, glimpse, peer, stare
1. look for a long time
2. look steadily for a long time
3. look very hard, usually because it is very difficult to see
4. look very quickly and look away immediately
5. see very briefly and not clearly
sight, vision, visual
1. The verb form of the word sight is ______.
2. The word vision is synonymous to ______ in the word list.
3. The verb form of the word visual is ______.
apparent, clear, obvious, prominent, visible
1. The verb form of the word apparent is _______.
2. The verb form of the word clear is _______.
3. The word obvious is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
4. The word prominent is synonymous to ma_____.
5. The opposite of the word visible is ________.
alert, cautious
1. The word alert is synonymous to aw____.
2. The noun form of the word cautious is ________.
dense, opaque, transparent
1. The noun form of the word dense is _______.
2. The word opaque is synonymous to _____-transparent.
3. The noun form of the word transparent is ________.
hear, noise, overhear, sound, voice
1. If you have problem with your hearing, you are _____ of hearing.
2. The adjective form of the word noise is _______.
3. When you overhear something, you hear it by _____.
4. The verb form of the word sound is _______.
5. The verb form of the word voice is _______.
aloud, loud, silence
1. What is difference between aloud and loud?
2. The verb form of the word silence is _______.
pop, rattle, ring, roar, toll
1. a sharp sound of a balloon bursting or a cork being pulled out of a bottle
2. a very loud noise
3. ring slowly and repeatedly
4. the sound made by a bell
5. to make a series of short, regular knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it is hitting
against something hard
fragrance, odour, scent, smell, stink
1. a pleasant smell
2. a strong smell
3. a sweet, pleasant smell
4. smell extremely unpleasant
5. the effect that something has on the nose as a sense
acrid, delicious, flavour, savour, taste
1. The word acrid is synonymous to bi_____.
2. The word delicious is synonymous to ta_____.
3. The word flavour is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
4. The word savour is synonymous to _______ in the word list.
5. The word taste is synonymous to ta_____.
bitter, sweet
1. acrid, piercing
2. sugary, pleasant
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Ammonia is a chemical with a penetrating odour.
A) smell
B) flavour
C) sting
D) burn
2. When frost appears on a window, it often has a delicate and curious pattern.
A) special
B) strange
C) fine
D) cute
3. The actress had to raise her voice in order to be audible in the balcony.
A) musical
B) dramatic
C) heard
D) appreciated
4. Dictators do not tolerate opposition of any kind.
A) understand
B) permit
C) justify
D) execute
5. She was overcome by chagrin at the check-out counter when she discovered she had
left her wallet at home.
A) anger
B) poverty
C) challenge
D) embarrassment
6. Apathy toward his studies prevented his graduation.
A) Indirection
B) Indifference
C) Indecision
D) Indication
7. Although he knew she had work to do, he tried to entice her to go the beach.
A) trace
B) enervate
C) tempt
D) thrice
8. We supported the chairman's budget plan ardently.
A) expertly
B) zealously
C) ardously
D) entirely
9. She left explicit instructions regarding her burial.
A) vague
B) exciting
C) irregular
D) clear
10. He was careful not to incur too many bills for us to pay.
A) inquire
B) pay
C) acquire
D) change
intellect, mentality, mind, thought
1. What I need is _____ discussions. INTELLECT
2. She has _____ disability. MENTALITY
3. She is very absent-_____; she keeps forgetting things. MIND
4. You are so _____! Thank you! THOUGHT
contemplate, reason, solve, think, work out
1. She peered down at him in deep _____. CONTEMPLATE
2. The points he makes are _____ and logical. REASON
3. What is the _____ to this problem? SOLVE
4. High _____ and high anger cannot be together. THINK
5. Is the solution really _____? WORK OUT
deliberate, meditate
1. After long _____, he decided to accept the offer. DELIBERATE
2. We caught him in deep _____. MEDITATE
ponder, reflect, speculate
1. We've had to accomplish a _____ task. PONDER
2. This is to be given thorough _____. REFLECT
3. His _____ did not become real. SPECULATE
consideration, deliberation
1. He is _____ to be the real director of the firm. CONSIDERATION
2. I'm sure it was a _____ action; he can't have made it accidentally. DELIBERATION
abstract, coherent, philosophy, rational
1. _____ like love, hatred and greed are difficult to explain to a foreign language learner.
2. If you add this sentence, the paragraph will lose its _____. COHERENT
3. He loves making long, _____ speeches. PHILOSOPHY
4. What you say is utterly _____ and unacceptable. RATIONAL
conceive, imagine, reckon, regard
1. We tried every _____ way to convince him. CONCEIVE
2. Because he lacks _____, he can never be a writer. IMAGINE
3. If you give it a bit of ____, you will see my point. RECKON
4. He _____ our warnings and went out to swim in the dangerous lake. REGARD
fancy, suppose
1. He has _____ ideas. FANCY
2. Mine is simply a _____. SUPPOSE
assume, guess
1. The _____ that there will be global warming is a real nightmare. ASSUME
2. What do I have in my hand? Make a _____! GUESS
concept, idea
- What is the difference between idea and concept?
impression, insight, intuition
1. feeling, anticipation
2. idea, concept, perception
3. understanding, recognition, perception
aspect, notion, opinion, theory, viewpoint
1. appearance; attitude
2. belief, assumption; address
3. hypothesis, philosophy
4. opinion, conception; whim
5. perspective, angle
conclude, deduce, induce, infer
1. In _____, we decided to check the order again. CONCLUDE
2. His ____ was misleading and wrong. DEDUCE
3. Here, we use _____ method of teaching. INDUCE
4. You can make _____ from what he said. INFER
analyse, arbitrate, criticize, review
1. After a thorough _____, we realized that an integral circuit was broken. ANALYSE
2. He _____ accepted the offer. ARBITRATE
3. I don't want to hear this _____ of him. CRITICIZE
4. A _____ of my latest novel appeared in a small magazine. REVIEW
assess, evaluate, interpret, judge
1. Testing is an _____ technique. ASSESS
2. This needs to be given a bit of _____. EVALUATE
3. He made a big mistake and _____ the dog's behaviour. INTERPRET
4. His _____ is generally correct. JUDGE
ascribe, attribute
Ascribe is synonymous to attribute. The noun form of the verb attribute is synonymous to p_ _ _ _ _
_y and c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ic.
accept, believe, credible, credit
1. Such a small error is _____. ACCEPT
2. His nasty behaviour was _____! BELIEVE
3. It is _____ how fast she can run! CREDIBLE
4. He is a _____ member of our club. CREDIT
anticipate, expect
1. Anticipate is synonymous to fore_ _ _ _ and fore_ _ _.
2. Expect is synonymous to anticipate, h_ _ _ for, co_ _ _ _ _ _ _te.
basis, incentive, inspire, intention, mean, motivate
1. His argument did not have a sound _______. BASIS
2. The word incentive is synonymous to ob_ _ _ _ _ve.
3. The noun form of the word inspire is _________.
4. I believe that her behaviour was not accidental; it was completely _______. INTENTION
5. This word does not look correct; it is totally _______. MEAN
6. Because he didn't have essential _______, he lost the match. MOTIVATE
forget, recall, recollect, remember, remind
1. If you forget things again and again, you are forget_ _ _.
2. Recall is the opposite of _ _ _ _ _ _.
3. Your memories are your recollect_ _ _s.
4. The noun form of the verb remember is rememb_ _ _ _.
5. A piece of note that reminds you of something is a remind_ _.
omit, overlook
1. exclude, leave out
2. ignore, neglect; forgive
- The word oblivion is synonymous to for_ _ _ _ _ _ness.
celebrity, fame, famous, notorious, renown
1. celebrity, reputation
2. fame, reputation
3. infamous
4. notable, renown
5. prominent, eminent, famed
distinguished, outstanding
The opposite of distinguished is c_ _ _ _n, and the opposite of outstanding is c_ _ _ _ _p_ _ _e.
notable, noteworthy, well-known
1. If something is notable, it is also note_ _ _ _ _y.
2. The word noteworthy is opposite in meaning to _ _significant.
3. Well-known is synonymous to famous, famed, pro_ _ _ _ _t.
acclaim, comprehend, dawn on, memorize, perceive, realize, recognize
1. Acclaim (n) = re_ _ _ _ _ _ion
2. Comprehend (v)  compre_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (n)
3. "It suddenly dawned on him that he'd made a mistake" means "He suddenly ______ that he'd
made a mistake."
4. Memorize (v)  memor_ _ _ _ _ (n)
5. Perceive (v)  perce_ _ _ _ _ (n)
6. Realize (v)  realiz_ _ _ _ _ (n)
7. Recognize (v)  recog_ _ _ _ _ _ (n)
educate, instruct, teach, train
1. He is highly-____________. EDUCATE
2. He is very well ____________. INSTRUCT
3. He attended language _________ courses and received a certificate. TEACH
4. He is attending teacher __________ courses. TRAIN
consciousness, knowledge
- The opposite of the word consciousness is
dis consciousness
aware, civilized, learned, training
1. He suddenly attacked the man and caught him _________. AWARE
2. Western _________ owes a lot to ancient Egypt. CIVILIZED
3. Language _________ can be a cumbersome process. LEARNED
4. We need _________ people; qualification is essential in our firm. TRAINING
apt, clever, ingenious, shrewd, smart, subtle
1. Apt means in_ _ _ _ed, app_ _ _ _ _ _te or com_ _ _ _nt.
2. Clever means intelligent, s_ _ _t, b_ _ _ _t, gi_ _ed.
3. What is the difference between ingenious and genius?
4. When it bears a negative meaning, shrewd is synonymous to s_ _, tr_ _ _y.
5. Smart is the opposite of s_ _ _ _d.
6. The noun form of the word subtle is _______.
bright, brilliant
1. Bright (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Brilliant (adj)  _________ (n)
cautious, judicious, prudent
1. A cautious person acts with ca_ _ _ _ _.
2. A judicious person is prudent, pr_____al and s___ible.
3. A prudent person has pru_ _ _ _ _.
discreet, genius, tactful, wise
1. Discreet is synonymous to pru_ _ _ _.
2. A genius is ta_ _ _ _ed.
3. Tactful is synonymous to att___ive.
4. A wise person has wis_ _ _.
clear, intelligible
1. Clear (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Intelligible means s_ _e, rea_ _ _ _ble, und_ _ _ _ _ _ _able.
able, capable, gifted, proficient
1. Able (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Capable (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Gifted is synonymous to ta_ _ _ _ed.
4. Proficient (adj)  _________ (n)
ability, aptitude, competence, merit, skill
1. Ability X ___ability
2. Aptitude = fa_ _ _ _y, talent
3. Competence (n)  _________ (adj)
4. Merit is synonymous to w_ _ _h, v_ _ _e.
5. Skill (n)  _________ (adj)
facility, resource
1. Facility generally means ma_ _ _ _ery, tool, eq_ _ _ _ent.
2. What is the difference between source and resource?
absent-minded, absurd, awkward, clumsy, dumb, ignorant, retarded, silly, slow, stupid
1. Absent-minded = for_ _ _ _ _ _
2. Absurd (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Clumsy (adj)  _________ (n)
4. Dumb (adj)  _________ (n)
5. Ignorant (adj)  _________ (n)
6. Retarded = back_ _ _ _
7. Silly (adj)  _________ (n)
8. A person can be slow _________ (on / in) learning.
9. Stupid (adj)  _________ (n)
crazy, insane, lunacy, mad, morbidity, normality, sane, unbalanced
1. __________ can sometimes be irritating. CRAZY
2. __________ is difficult to cure. INSANE
3. This is complete __________! MAD
4. He is quite _________. MORBIDITY
5. He is very strange and ________. NORMALITY
6. He has not regained his ________ after the incident. SANE
7. The word unbalanced is similar in meaning to mad_ _ _ _ _.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Vincent Van Gogh is renowned for his post-impressionist painting.
A) regarded
B) applauded
C) accomplished
D) famous
2. William Faulkner, a brilliant American novelist, was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize in
A) intelligent
B) starry
C) captive
D) well-known
3. The central part of Turkey is noted for its production of wheat.
A) applauded for
B) informed of
C) known for
D) described by
4. A domineering husband, he is the stereotype of a male chauvinist.
A) musician
B) opposite
C) fixed concemption
D) disagreeable type
5. I am not ingenious enough to invent a video game.
A) studious
B) clever
C) glorious
D) indigenous
6. Einstein was a brilliant mathematician.
A) shining
B) very intelligent
C) famous
D) foreign
7. The teacher was amazed by the students' versatility in handling the computer.
A) verse
B) enthusiasm
C) variety of skills
D) version
8. She was graceful and never moved awkwardly.
A) smoothly
B) clumsily
C) merrily
D) gracefully
9. I think your decision to buy the house was judicious.
A) wise
B) extravagant
C) careful
D) joyful
10. A good teacher must establish rapport with his or her students.
A) report
B) acquaintance
C) understanding
D) conversation
confer, converse, name, pronounce, recite, tell
1. Confer = di_ _ _ _s
2. Converse (v)  ___________ (n)
3. He worked for an intelligence service, _______ Mossad. NAME
4. Pronounce (v)  ___________ (adj)
5. Recite = na_ _ _ _e
6. A piece of story that you tell can be named as a t_ _ _.
interfere, interrupt
- What is the difference between interfere and interrupt?
chat, interview, talk
1. If a person talks too much, this person is called a chat_ _ _box. CHAT
2. Interview = con_ _ _ _e with
3. If a person talks too much, this person is __________. TALK
advise, communicate, contact, inform, notify, address, lecture
1. Which is the verb: advise or advice?
2. Telephone is a means of ____________. COMMUNICATE
3. Contact (v)  ___________ (n)
4. We need more ___________ here. INFORM
5. We haven't yet received the _________. NOTIFY
6. Address (v)  ___________ (n)
7. The _________ forgot what he was going to tell in the middle of the seminar. LECTURE
eloquent, speech, utterance
1. He talked with such ________ that we were astounded. ELOQUENT
2. He didn't know what to say; he was _________. SPEECH
3. She didn't ________ a single word throughout the boat trip. UTTERANCE
mumble, mutter, whisper
1. What is the difference between mumble and mutter?
2. Whisper (v)  ___________ (n)
comment, express, phrase, remark, statement, word
1. Comment (v)  ___________ (n)
2. These books give some useful _________s to use when speaking. EXPRESS
3. "Look forward to" is a ________ verb. PHRASE
4. He made a ________ speech! REMARK
5. His speech was nicely ______. WORD
affirm, aside, assert, attest, declare, state
1. Affirm (v) = de_ _ _ _ _, app_ _ _e.
2. Aside means to one side, but at the same time it may mean mono_ _ _ _ _.
3. Assert = declare, proc_ _ _ _.
4. Attest = _ _ _
5. Declare = an_ _ _ _ _ _
6. Approve = favour, con_ _ _m
allege, announce, claim, demand
1. Allege (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Announce (v)  ___________ (n)
3. Claim (v)  ___________ (n)
4. Demand (v)  ___________ (adj)
re-phrase, repeat, restate
1. Rephrase = _ _ _ _phrase
2. Repeat (v)  ___________ (n)
3. Restate (v)  ___________ (n)
emphasis, highlight, insist, pinpoint, stress, underline
1. He is trying to __________ the importance of his discovery. EMPHASIS
2. She ___________ the basic principles of her method. HIGHLIGHT
3. Why are you so ________? Can't you think of anything else! INSIST
4. At the meeting, they ________ the importance of a budget increase. PINPOINT
5. In English, the first word is __________ in question tags. STRESS
6. I tried to focus on the ____________ points. UNDERLINE
exaggerate, understate
1. Exaggerate (v) = overstate, em_ _ _ _ _ _h
2. Understate (v) = re_ _ _e
account, account for, define, depict, describe, explain
1. This fact is not taken _____ account.
2. Account for = ex_ _ _ _ _
3. What is the _________ for this word? DEFINE
4. Depict (v)  _________ (n)
5. I need the exact _________ of the man. DESCRIBE
6. We want an ___________ from the authorities. EXPLAIN
argue, debate, discuss
- Study the difference in meaning: argue (v); debate (v, n); discuss (v)
assure, conviction, convince, plausible, reassure
1. I am asking for an ________. ASSURE
2. Study the difference in meaning between convict (v, n) and conviction (n).
3. His speech was far from being __________. CONVINCE
4. Plausible = cr_ _ _ _le
5. I need your __________ to win this game. REASSURE
dissuade, persuade
Dissuade and persuade are similar in meaning. Dissuade means warn, disco_ _ _ _ _ whereas
persuade means influence, con_ _ _ _ _.
entail, hint, imply, suggest
1. Entail = at_ _ _ _
2. Hint (n) = c_ _ _
3. Imply = in_ _ _ _ _ _
4. Suggest = offer, pr_ _ _ _ _
allude to, bring up, propose
1. intimate, hint, suggest
2. propose, present
3. suggest
citation, mention, quote, raise, refer, reference
1. He is _________ among the most prominent scientists. CITATION
2. This point is worth a _______. MENTION
3. I am collecting famous __________s from famous people. QUOTE
4. What does this word refer ____?
5. In his speech, he made references ______ earlier studies.
answer, ask, enquire, inquire, reply, respond
1. What is the difference between the words answer, reply, and respond?
2. What is the difference between the words ask, enquire, and inquire?
doubt, query, sceptic, suspect
1. It is _______ to say that he will succeed! He is the best! DOUBT
2. He made several ________. QUERY
3. If it goes out of control, _________ may give way to paranoia. SCEPTIC
4. I am really ________ of his motives. SUSPECT
contradict, interrogate, promise
1. Contradict (v)  ______________ (n)
2. Interrogate (v)  ______________ (n)
3. Promise (v)  ______________ (n)
appeal, beg, petition, plea
1. This is quite ___________. APPEAL
2. A _________ stopped me in the middle of the street and asked for money. BEG
3. Petition (v) = req_ _ _ _
4. Plea (n) = appeal, en_ _ _ _ _y
complain, object
- You can complain _______ something and object _______ something.
apologize, excuse, forgive
1. I would like to express my deepest ______es. APOLOGIZE
2. What is your ________ for being late this time? EXCUSE
3. Actually, he is exploiting your _________. FORGIVE
accuse, blame
1. What am I accused _____?
2. I know. I am to blame _____ the accident.
admission, admit
1. What is the difference between admission and admittance?
2. Admit = permit; ac_ _ _ _ _ _ _ge
adopt, confess
1. What is the difference between adopt and adapt?
2. Confess (v)  ______________ (n)
commit, oath, pledge, swear, treaty
1. He committed himself ______ his wife.
2. Remember that in the court you will be speaking _____ oath.
3. Pledge = pr_ _ _ _ _
4. I swear ____ God that I'll take my revenge!
5. Treaty = p_ _ _
acknowledge, undertake
1. admit, tell, thank
2. assume, shoulder
blaspheme, curse
- Which of these two words is more closely related with religion: blaspheme or curse?
command, commandment, dictate, obey, order
1. He is the _______ officer of a large troop. COMMAND
2. Moses received Ten __________ from God. COMMANDMENT
3. He dictated everything _____ his secretary.
4. The little boy is very _______; he never listens to his parents. OBEY
5. I don't take _______ from anyone. ORDER
invite, summon
1. call, convene
2. request, ask; tempt
advice, recommend
1. We need to find a legal ________. ADVICE
2. I desperately need your ______________. RECOMMEND
consult, referee, support
1. He is my financial ___________. CONSULT
2. We use referee for football but ______ for basketball.
3. One of the ________ beams crashed and the whole construction collapsed. SUPPORT
admonish, beware, threat, warn
1. Admonish is the opposite of en_ _ _ _ _ge.
2. Beware ____ dog!
3. Do not ________ me! THREAT
4. This is my last __________. WARN
acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, coincide, concurrence, confirm, consent, endorse
1. Acquiesce and agree about are synonymous. They both mean "come to ____s".
2. We got his _________. APPROVE
3. Assent = ac_ _ _e
4. Coincide (v)  _________ (n)
5. Consent / Concurrence = acq_ _ _ _ _ _ _ce
6. Do we need further __________ from the boss? CONFIRM
7. Endorse = confirm; san_ _ _ _n
deny, disagree, reject
1. Deny (v)  ______________ (n)
2. Disagree (v)  ______________ (n)
3. Reject (v)  ______________ (n)
call, exclaim
1. On the telephone, the _______ does not say "I am ...", but "This is ...". CALL
2. The name of ! sign in grammar is __________ mark. EXCLAIM
bellow, cheer, cry, scream, shout, shriek, yell
1. When you are in great pain you ________ [bellow / cheer].
2. He is recording animal _______ [cries / shouts]
3. He shouted _____ [at / to] me because he wanted to attract my attention.
4. Both shriek and yell are very loud. Is there a difference in meaning between them?
stammer, stutter
- What is the difference between stammer and stutter?
annotate, autograph, browse
1. explain
2. inscribe
3. skim; glance
inscribe, sign, signature
1. He is trying to decipher wall _____________s. INSCRIBE
2. Sign = en_ _ _ _ _
3. A photo of a famous person with the signature of this person is called an ________.
edit, print, rewrite, shorthand, type, write
1. He is the ________ of a big newspaper. EDIT
2. What is the difference between print and imprint?
3. What is the difference between rewrite and restate?
4. Can your secretary _______ shorthand?
5. I bought an electric ________ machine. TYPE
6. A person who writes plays is called a play________.
delete, erase
1. Delete (v)  _____________ (n)
2. Erase (v)  _____________ (n)
legible, literate, readable
- Something can be __legible or __readable. A person can be __literate.
alphabet, decipher, initial, letter, transcription
1. A dictionary generally presents words and their meanings in ___________ order. ALPHABET
2. Decipher = solve; unr_ _ _l
3. If you are asked to write in your initials on a formal document, what do you need to do?
4. A, B, C, etc. are _________ letters and a, b, c etc. are ___________ letters.
5. Transcription is a noun with two meanings. Which meaning of the word is uncountable: the act
of copying or transcript?
apostrophe, asterisk, punctuate, syllable
1. When an apostrophe is used in such short forms as I'm, he's, we'll, isn't etc., this short form is
called a __________.
2. Which of the following is an asterisk: a) # b) * c) @?
3. Full-stop, semicolon, question mark and other are called punctuation _______. .
4. Chinese is a _________ language. SYLLABLE
sheet, stationery
1. What is the difference between a sheet of paper and a piece of paper?
2. What is the difference between stationery and stationary?
epistle, label, record, register
1. Epistle = l_ _ _ _r
2. What is the difference between label and lapel?
3. Record = register, ta_ _ _ _te
4. Where is the __________ office? REGISTER
anecdote, article, diary, manual, tale, thesis, version
1. Anecdote = tale, nar_ _ _ _ve
2. When a journalist's articles appear on a certain column of the newspaper every day, this
journalist is called a co_______st.
3. What is the difference between a diary and a manual?
4. The kind of unreal tales that people like hunters tell are called a ____tale.
5. Thesis = pro_ _ _ _tion; re_ _ _ _ch paper
6. Version = translation, rendition; acc_ _ _ _
headline, title
1. When a piece of news appears with a large headline, we say that this piece of news has _____
the headlines.
2. Title = name, de_ _ _ _ation (n); __title (v)
abbreviate, abridge, summarize, synopsis, synthesis
1. Why is _________ such a long word? ABBREVIATE (Duvar yazısı)
2. I bought an ________ copy of the dictionary. ABRIDGE
3. I've already read the _________ of the play. SUMMARIZE
4. I've read several ________ so far. SYNOPSIS
5. He decided to _________ his two previous studies into one. SYNTHESIS
draft, manuscript, script
1. Draft = sk_ _ _h
2. Manuscript = written _ _ _put
3. Script = manuscript, _ _ _ _writing, document
chapter, preface
1. introduction to a book, speech, etc.
2. one of the parts into which a book is divided
album, anthology, autobiography
1. Album = book, volume; e_ _ _ion
2. Anthology (n)  _____________ (adj)
3. Autobiography (n)  _____________ (adj)
- A pamphlet is a ______ (small / large) book.
- What is the difference between literary and literally?
fiction, novel, poem, prose
1. A science book can be defined as __________. FICTION
2. Yaşar Kemal is a great ________. NOVEL
3. He is both a writer and a _______. POEM
4. Prose = w_ _ _ing; rh_ _ _ _ic
serial, series
- What is the difference between serial and series?
lyric, rhyme
1. match, coin
2. songlike poem
author, scribe
1. clerk, correspondent
2. writer, creator
bind, bring out, edition, publication, publish
1. distribute, print; advertise
2. issue, publication, copy
3. printing, proclamation, work
4. publish
5. secure, tie attach; confine, obligate; enslave
deliver, dispatch, remit
1. Deliver (v) ___________ (n)
2. Dispatch = h_ _ _e; s_ _d; kill
3. Remit (v)  ____________ (n)
gossip, rumour
- What is the difference between gossip and rumour?
journalism, message, news
1. information; report
2. news media, broadcasting
3. note, notation; minute
gesticulate, gesture, signify
1. a movement of the hands or arms, or an expression on the face, to show an idea or feeling
2. make known; show by a sign
3. use movements of the arms and hands to express ideas or feelings
symbolize, token
1. personify; exemplify
2. symbol, sign
nonsense, meaning
1. The opposite of the word nonsense is cer_ _ _ _ty.
advertise, advertisement
1. Advertise = pub_ _ _ _ze, pro_ _ _im
2. An advertisement on TV is called a com_ _ _ _ _al.
broadcast, correspond, publicity
1. advertising, promotion
2. communicate; agree
3. proclaim, declare
receive, transmit
1. Receive (v)  ____________ (n)
2. Transmit (v)  ____________ (n)
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The homework was to write a synopsis of our favourite novel.
A) evaluation
B) summary
C) critique
D) dramatization
2. The number of illiterates in this country continues to rise.
A) people who cannot read and write
B) people without children
C) people who participate in sports
D) people who purchase more than they can afford
3. The consensus among his sisters was that he ought to get married.
A) agreement
B) statistics
C) survey
D) concentration
4. A younger sister is obnoxious to have around when a young girl's boyfriend comes to
A) welcome
B) too much
C) objectionable
D) talkative
5. The public is very dubious about the government's plans for a tax cut.
A) debit
B) delightful
C) delirious
D) doubtful
6. The refusal of many nations to participate in the Olympic Games in Moscow was an
admonishment to the Soviets.
A) admission
B) admiration
C) rebuke
D) stigma
7. The fireman tried to coax the cat down the top branch of the tree.
A) push
B) shoot
C) cajole
D) force
8. Germany after the war had no industry to enable the nation to make reparations to the
A) eecompense
B) rewards
C) returns
D) reasons
9. His sage suggestion saved us from starvation.
A) repeated
B) wise
C) helpful
D) ingenious
10. On every packet of cigarettes, there is a warning.
A) caution
B) message
C) reaction
D) price
colloquial, idiom, jargon, proverb, saying, slang
1. Colloquial (adj)  ____________ (n)
2. Idiom (n)  ____________ (adj)
3. Jargon = ter_ _ _ _ _ _gy
4. Proverb = ad_ _ _
5. Saying = m_ _ _o, ma_ _m
6. Slang = vul_ _ _ism
accent, accentuate, articulate, tongue, voice
1. Accent = in_ _ _ _tion; em_ _ _sis
2. Accentuate = under_ _ _ _
3. Articulate (v)  ____________ (n)
4. What is the difference between voice and sound?
adage, alias, fluency, oral, philology, term
1. Adage = s_ _ing; sl_ _an
2. What is the difference between alias and nickname?
3. Fluency (n)  ____________ (adj)
4. Oral = sp_ _ _n, v_ _ _ ed
5. A person who works in the field of philology is a __________.
6. Term = word, phrase, ex_ _ _ _ _ion
context, setting, text
1. Context (n)  ____________ (adj)
2. Setting = en_ _ _ _ _ment, r_ _ _on
3. Text (n)  ____________ (adj)
issue, subject, theme, topic
1. This is a public _______ (issue / topic)
2. What is the subject_ _ _ _ _ _ of the composition.
3. Theme (n)  ____________ (adj)
4. Topic (n)  ____________ (adj)
allegory, ironic(al), literal, metaphor, rhetorical, sarcasm, satire
1. bitterness, severity
2. eloquent
3. exact
4. humour
5. mocking, sardonic
6. resemblance, likeness
7. story, legend, fable
antonym, synonym
1. Antonym (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Synonym (n)  __________ (adj)
alliterate, translate
1. Alliterate (v)  __________ (n)
2. What is the difference between translate and interpret?
personal, private
- What is the difference between personal and private?
accordingly, consequently, furthermore, hence, thus
1. Accordingly = cor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ly
2. Consequently = h_ _ _e
3. Furthermore = b_ _ _ _ _s
4. Hence = t_ _ _ _ _ _re
5. Thus = con_ _ _ _ _ _ _ly
although, nevertheless, nonetheless, still
1. What is the difference between although and despite?
2. Nevertheless = h_ _ _ _ _r
3. Nonetheless = not_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ing
4. Still = _ _ _
account, sake, through
1. Account = ex______ion
2. I am doing everything ___ the sake of my friends.
3. Through = _ _a
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. A familiar adage says that the early bird gets the worm.
A) proverb
B) lady
C) anecdote
D) book
2. The kids spoke a jargon of their own that no one else understood.
A) accent
B) unintelligible talk
C) vocabulary
D) foreign language
3. The squirrel has adapted well to a suburban setting.
A) scenery
B) establishment
C) environment
D) dwelling
4. This sentence refers to the topic of the paragraph.
A) includes
B) digests
C) applies to
D) selects
item, material, matter, resources, stuff, substance
1. If you lose something, you should apply to the _____ item office.
2. Material means substance; at the same time, it means te_ _ _le and in_ _ _ _ation.
3. We haven't been able to figure out the ________ matter of the whole incident.
4. What is the difference between resourses and sources?
5. Stuff means thing; at the same time it means _______ (v).
6. Substance means object; at the same time it means es_ _ _ce.
component, composite, compound, constituent, ingredient, partial
1. Component = constituent, el_ _ _ _ _, part
2. Composite (adj, n)  ___________ (v)
3. Compound = com_ _ _ _te
4. Constituent (adj, n)  ___________ (v)
5. What is the difference between ingredient and recipe?
6. Partial means unfinished and component. One other meaning is bi_ _ed.
complex, simple
1. Complex (adj)  ___________ (n)
2. Simple (adj)  ___________ (n)  ___________ (v)
detail, feature
1. He told everything _____ detail.
2. Feature = pe_ _ _ _ _ _ity
fluid, liquid, solid
1. What is the difference between fluid and liquid?
2. What is the difference between solid and tough?
bubble, glue, oil
1. adhesive, paste
2. foam, globule
3. grease, smear
adhere, paste, stick
1. He is an ________ of the conservative party. ADHERE
2. Paste (v) = stick, att_ _ _
3. I like to read _______ on car windows. STICK
garbage, litter, residue, rubbish, trash, waste
1. He works as a garbage _______or.
2. Please do not ______! LITTER
3. Residue = re_ _ _nt
4. Rubbish = d_ _ _ _s
5. He dumped everything into the trash ______.
6. He has got quite ______ habits. WASTE
contain, content, cover, hold, include
1. We need to find a large _______ to store all these unused books. CONTAIN
2. What is the difference between content (n) and content (adj)?
3. Archaeologists have been trying to _______ the mysteries of the Pyramids for ages. COVER
4. This is a hold-____! Give me all the money!
5. Here, there is a household of ten persons, ______ of the servants. INCLUDE
dispose, except, exclude, implicate, involve
1. Everything was at my _______ DISPOSE
2. ________ break the rule. EXCEPT
3. Everybody was present at the meeting, with an ________ of the under-secretary. EXCLUDE
4. What are the ________ of this statement? IMPLICATE
5. Complete _______ is essential in this sport. INVOLVE
comprise, consist of, constitute
1. My course of study comprises ____ English and Latin.
2. What is the difference between consist and consistent?
3. What are the basic _______ of the structure? CONSTITUTE
insert, remove
1. eliminate, exclude
2. include, put in, inject
circle, encircle, enclose, envelop, muffle, surround, wrap
1. The plane was making ______ movements. CIRCLE
2. Encircle = ring, surround, en_ _ _ _ _ss
3. Enclose (v)  ___________ (n)
4. What is the difference between envelop and envelope?
5. His gun has a _______. MUFFLE
6. The house is in beautiful __________. SURROUND
7. They carefully removed the ______ of the mummy. WRAP
accrue, amass, collect, congregate, convene, gather, pool
1. Accrue = acc_ _ _ _ate
2. Amass = collect, agg_ _ _ate
3. Collect (v)  ___________ (adj)
4. Congregate (v)  ___________ (n)
5. Convene = ass_ _ _ _e; s_ _ _on
6. Gather (v)  ___________ (n)
7. Pool (v) = com_ _ _ _
assemble, assembly
1. Assemble = congregate; con_ _ _ _ct
2. Assembly = con_ _ _tion
article, piece
1. fragment, section, part
2. item, commodity
shred, slice
1. He tore it _____ shreds.
2. They ______ the large loaf with utmost care. SLICE
fraction, fragment
- 1.375 is a decimal ______ (fraction / fragment)
layer, section, segment
1. Layer = sh_ _ _h, mantle
2. Section = division, fr_ _tion
3. Segment = p_ _tion
bit, particle, pinch
1. Bit = grain, sp_ _ _
2. Particle = scrap, sh_ _ _
3. Pinch = bit; to_ _ _
bunch, cluster, heap, mass, pile
1. What is the difference between bunch and bundle?
2. What is the difference between cluster and bunch?
3. What is the difference between heap and hill?
4. What is the difference a mass of people and a group of people?
5. What is the difference between pile and heap?
essence, gist, kernel
1. Essence (n, adj)  ___________ (adj)
2. Gist = c_ _ _
3. Kernel = essence, nu_ _ _ _s
brick, plank
1. block, chunk
2. strip of wood, lumber
beam, shaft, tube
1. brace, stud, timber
2. passage, pipe
3. pipe, line, hose
band, belt, ribbon, strap
1. She bought herself a colourful ________ to tie her hair with.
2. She put a first-aid ______ on the wound to prevent infection.
3. The strong _______ that held the luggage together broke just when they were being loaded into the
cargo department.
4. You need to fasten your safety _________ when driving.
chain, rope, string, thread, wire
1. As her eyes were failing, she spent almost an hour to put the ______ through the knitting
2. In the past, prisoners had to carry a metal ball fastened tightly to their ankle with an iron _____.
3. The cat was playing with a ball of ______.
4. The executioner put the ________ around the prisoners neck and tightened the fasten.
5. The horse tripped over a barbed _____ during a gallop and was badly hurt.
globe, sphere
1. Globe (n)  ___________ (adj)
2. Sphere (n)  ___________ (adj)
ball, bulb
- He was trying to change an electric _____ (ball / bulb) when he fell down.
hook, pin
1. curved metal
2. sharp metal
marble, stone
- Marble is a kind of stone. What is the difference between stone and rock?
alluvium, clay, deposit
Alluvium and deposit are similar in meaning. What is the difference between clay and mud?
dust, earth, ooze, powder
1. Dust (n)  ___________ (v)  ___________ (adj)
2. What is the difference between mud and muck?
3. Ooze (n)  ___________ (v)
4. Powder (n)  ___________ (v)
dirt, muck, sand, soil
1. dirt, earth, mud, grime
2. mud, filth
3. sediment, silt
4. soil, earth, clay, dust, grime
amber, pearl
- Amber is produced by trees while pearl is produced by ________.
cement, plaster
First you use _______ to produce concrete; then you put this liquid concrete in moulds to build walls.
Next, you cover the walls with _______ so that they can be neatly painted.
alloy, steel, tin
1. admixture of metals
2. aluminium/iron alloy
3. hardened iron
rust, tarnish
1. corrode
2. discolour
log, pulp, timber, wood
When a tree is cut down, those who cut it shout "______!" so that people around should be careful.
Then the branches are removed and the remaining part is called a ______. In the factory, this piece is
cut into small pieces called _______. These pieces are further ground and then mixed with water and
certain chemicals to produce _____. The next stage is paper-making.
acid, alcohol, alkali, starch
1. Acid (n)  ___________ (adj)
2. Alcohol (n)  ___________ (adj)
3. Alkali is a substance like soda, potash or ammonia. Starch, on the other hand, is a white, tasteless
substance found in most plants, including grain and potato. Yet, a starched person is a very
_________ person.
blaze, burn, combustion, extinguish, fire, flame, inflammable, spark
1. What is difference between blaze (n) and fire (n)?
2. What is the difference between burn (v) and fire (v)?
3. The instrument which is used to put out fires is called an _________. EXTINGUISH
4. What is the difference between flame and spark?
5. What is the difference between flammable and inflammable?
ignite, power
1. Ignite (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Power (v, n)  ___________ (adj)
paraffin, petrol
1. What is the difference between paraffin and kerosene?
2. What is the difference between petrol and oil?
ash, fumes, smoke
1. burnt gases
2. cinder
3. vapour, effluvium
bleach, leather, soap, wool
1. cleansing bar
2. fleece, yarn, fuzz
3. tanned hide
4. whitener
asphalt, resin, wax
1. gum, tree sap, glue
2. mortar, concrete
3. polish
coat, dye, paint, polish
1. First, he gave his wooden statue a _____ of ______; then he applied _______ so that it would
2. What is the difference between dye (v) and paint (v)?
apparatus, equipment
- What is the difference between apparatus and equipment?
gear, tackle
1. cogwheel, pinion
2. ropes and pulleys
artefact, instrument, lever, tool
1. a handle or bar that you will pull or push in order to operate a piece of machinery
2. a tool or device that is used to do a particular task
3. an ornament, tool, or other object made by a human being
4. any instrument or piece of equipment that you hold in your hands in order to help you to do a
particular kind of work
device, gadget, utensil
1. The children were left to their own ________. DEVICE
2. Mixer, blender, toaster and iron are all ________ gadgets.
3. The kitchen had no cooker and no proper ________ utensils.
bearing, engine, machine
1. Today, almost all moving parts of the steering system of vehicles have ________ bearings.
2. In the past, the locomotive used to be called the ________ engine.
3. We export textile ________ to various countries. MACHINE
frame, network, structure
1. a large number of lines or things that cross each other or meet at many points
2. I was caught when I felt no-one could ever find me. I wonder who ________ me! FRAME
3. the way in which something is made, built, or organized
beacon, candle, lamp, torch
1. a device which produces light by using electricity or by burning oil or gas
2. a light or fire on a hill or tower, which acts as a signal or a warning
3. a small electric light which can be carried in the hand and which gets its power from batteries
inside it
4. a stick of hard wax with a piece of string through the middle
fridge, oven, stove
1. The word fridge in an abbreviated form of the word ________.
2. What is the difference between oven and stove?
binoculars, magnet, scales, spectacular, watch
1. Can the word binoculars be used in the singular?
2. Magnet (v)  ___________ (adj)
3. Can the word scales be used in the singular?
4. Spectacular = imp_ _ _ _ive
5. Watching secretly is called _ _ _ _ing.
badge, banner, flag, seal
1. banner, emblem, jack
2. emblem, button
3. emblem, symbol
4. stamp, sticker, tie
axe, blacksmith, blade, dagger, handle, nail, point, razor, saw, scissors, screw, sharp, spade,
swivel, wheel, wrench
1. Another word for a knife used for a weapon is ________.
2. Another word for turn is _________.
3. If you need an iron fence, you go to the _________.
4. If you want to hang a picture on a wall, you need to find a ______ first.
5. Men shave with a _______.
6. Metal or wooden plates are connected to each other with _______.
7. The opposite of the word blunt is ________.
8. The sharp face of a knife is called a ________.
9. The sharp tip of a knife or sword is the _______ of it.
10. You can change the flat-tyre of a car using a _________.
11. You chop wood with the _____.
12. You cut paper with the _______.
13. You cut wood into regular pieces with a ______.
14. You dig holes with a ________.
15. You direct the car through the steering-________.
16. You hold many things from its ________.
broom, brush, mop, mow, shovel, sweep
1. A witch is depicted as an old woman with a _______.
2. He now and then ________ the blood on his forehead with his handkerchief.
3. He was _______ his lawn when he accidentally cut the garden hose.
4. In the past, the train driver needed to ______ more coal into the engine if he wanted to
accelerate the train.
5. My windscreen wipers fail to _______ the whole of the windscreen.
6. Your jacket is covered with dust; _______ it before you wear it for the office.
barrel, bucket, cage, jar, mug, pan
1. You carry a big amount of water with a ________.
2. You drink coffee from a ________.
3. You keep a bird in a ________.
4. You keep marmalade in a ________.
5. You make omelette in a ________.
6. You store wine in a ________.
chest, lid, trunk
1. Chest is a body part; as a container it means _________.
2. Lid is a body part as in eyelid; as a part of a container, it means ________.
3. Trunk is a body part; as a container it means ________.
package, parcel
- What is the difference between a package and a parcel?
bundle, pack, sack
1. They ________ him into an ambulance and drove off. BUNDLE
2. He ________ his bags and left. PACK
3. He got ________ he was always late to work. SACK
baggage, luggage
- What is the difference between baggage and luggage?
anode, circuit, current, input
1. The opposite of the word anode is _______.
2. Circuit (n) (v)  ___________ (adj)
3. An electric current runs through _______.
4. The opposite of the word input is _______.
battery, fuse, socket, switch
1. This battery is _______; it will not start the car.
2. When one of the fuses _______, the whole cinema remained in pitch darkness for a moment.
3. He ______ the bulb clockwise gently into the socket.
4. Please _______ the switch, it is dark in here.
generate, overload
1. encumber, burden
2. produce, engender
ammunition, armaments, arsenal, weapon
1. arms depot
2. arms
3. bullets and rockets that are made to be fired from guns
4. weapons and military equipment belonging to an army or country
arrow, bayonet, club, pike, spear, sword, tip, trigger
1. In the past, soldiers that used bows and arrows were called _______.
2. What is the difference between club and stick?
3. Bayonet is generally attached to the tip of a _______.
4. What is the difference between pike and spear?
5. He ______ his sword and attacked the enemy.
6. What is the difference between tip and top?
7. He _______ the trigger and shot the animal.
armour, shield
- What is the difference between armour and shield?
bullet, cannon, cartridge, gun, magazine
1. In Russian roulette, you get a _____, open the _______, and put one live ______.
2. Cannon is a kind of weapon. Its synonymous to b_ _ _ _ry.
3. What is the difference between cartridge and magazine?
aim, shoot, sniper
1. assassin
2. direct, point
3. fire, ignite
mine, missile
1. explosive charge
2. rocket, projectile
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The Milky Way consists of about a hundred billion stars.
A) surrounds
B) contains
C) makes
D) is conscious of
2. Of the Olympic ski events, ski jumping is the most spectacular.
A) striking
B) dangerous
C) appealing
D) difficult
3. Politics should not impinge upon athletic events.
A) imply
B) enlist
C) encroach
D) demand
4. Their path was beset by various dangers.
A) surrounded
B) chased
C) frightened
D) bested
5. A barometer is a device that is of great use to sailors.
A) method
B) invention
C) figure
D) instrument
6. In the folk music type named Calypso, cleverly worded phrases make up the lyrics.
A) comprise
B) oversee
C) accompany
D) complement
7. Nuclear generated electricity is in use in many parts of England.
A) related
B) inherited
C) produced
D) motivated
8. Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe in 3 years.
A) earth
B) continent
C) equator
D) latitude
9. Human body consists of a large percent of water and minerals.
A) retains
B) thrives on
C) is composed of
D) is enchanted with
10. Sedimentary rock consists of layers of what millions of years ago was loose material.
A) mixtures
B) carcasses
C) strata
D) crystals
assemble, assembly, erect, fabricate, make, manufacture, output, produce
1. bring together, put together
2. build, form, construct, erect
3. cause, bring about, create
4. construction, attachment
5. make, put together, build, assemble
6. manufacture, create
7. price, figure, expenditure
8. set up, raise
formulate, mould, pattern, scheme, shape
1. describe something in terms of a list of substances used to make the thing
2. form of something
3. make something into a shape you want to be
4. plan
5. something you copy if you want to make something
imitate, invent, reproduce
1. Imitate (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Invent (v)  ___________ (n)
3. Reproduce (v)  ___________ (n)
authentic, genuine, natural
1. The opposite of the word authentic is _ _ _ _less.
2. Genuine means not hy______tical
3. Natural = int____ic
artificial, counterfeit, false, forgery, synthetic
1. As technology progresses, we are more _______ than ever before. ARTIFICIAL
2. They had been ________ $100 notes. COUNTERFEIT
3. They suspect that he has been ________ documents. FALSE
4. He got the money dishonestly, by ________ his brother's signature on a cheque. FORGERY
5. A great number of material had been produced __________. SYNTHETIC
demolish, destroy
1. Demolish (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Destroy (v)  ___________ (n)
adapt, alter
1. What is the difference between adapt and adopt?
2. What is the difference between alter and change?
mutated, transform
1. Mutated (adj)  ___________ (n)
2. Transform (v)  ___________ (n)
change, vary
1. be different; have qualities that are not the same as each other
2. become or make different
correct, rectify, revise, version
1. Correct (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Rectify (v)  ___________ (n)
3. Revise (v)  ___________ (n)
4. Version = r_ _ _ition
adjust, mend, repair
1. change slightly
2. fix, repair, improve
3. make work again
develop, prepare, process, rate, sort
1. grow, improve
2. arrange, make
3. action
4. evaluate, rank, assess
5. order, arrange, classify
blend, combine, merge, mix
1. combine in careful proportions to produce a taste, smell, or other good result
2. combine so that the parts no longer have shape, appearance, etc. or cannot be easily separated
3. join or stick to each other, but keep own identity
4. stick or combine to a thing so that they become one or one of them becomes lost in the other
abuse, exploit, misuse, waste
1. Abuse (v)  ___________ (adj)
2. Exploit (v)  ___________ (adj)
3. Misuse (v)  ___________ (adj)
4. Waste (v)  ___________ (adj)
function, usage, use, utilize
1. appropriateness (n); employ, utilize (v)
2. duty; reception (n); perform (v)
3. make use of
4. utilization, usefulness
art, craft, handicraft
1. career, handiwork
2. humanities
3. skill; occupation
manner, means, medium
1. agency, instrument, environment
2. instrumentality, method
3. method, way; character
method, technique, way
1. Method (n)  ___________ (adj)
2. Technique (n)  ___________ (adj)
3. Way = m_ _ _ _r
background, outline
1. contour, framework, silhouette; summarize
2. setting, environment; credentials
- To engrave means to e_ _ _ letter in metal.
image, sketch
1. Image (n)  ___________ (n)
2. Sketch (v)  ___________ (adj)
clay, plaster
Walls can be covered with a thin layer of _______; when someone has broken his/her arm, the doctor
puts it in a ______ mould.
artist, sculptor, statue
1. What is the difference between artist and actress?
2. A sculptor produces sc________.
3. What is the difference between sculpture and statue?
embroider, knit, needle, sew, stitch, weave
1. join wool or other thread into a sort of cloth using long needles
2. make threads into cloth, by moving a thread over and under a set of longer threads on a loom
3. mend or make by using a needle and thread
4. movement of a needle and thread through cloth and out again
5. sew with ornamental patterns
6. thin piece of pointed metal with a hole at one end for thread
science, technology
1. Science (n)  ___________ (adj)
2. Technology (n)  ___________ (adj)
artisan, manual, mechanic
1. artist, designer
2. by hand
3. workman
anthropology, physiology, psychiatry, psychology
1. science concerned with the study of how the bodies of living things and their various parts work
2. scientific study of the human race
3. study and treatment of diseases of the mind
4. study or science of the mind and the way it works and influences behaviour
experiment, try
1. Experiment (v)  ___________ (adj)
2. Try (v)  ___________ (n)
chore, effort, industrialization, labour, operate
1. automation
2. striving, attempt
3. task, burden
4. work; working class
5. work, function
assiduous, demanding, painstaking
1. complicated, intricate, complex
2. difficult, querulous, challenging
3. diligent, continuous, careful
busy, diligent, engaged, idle, strenuous, vacant
1. Digging a water-well requires _____ effort.
2. George Orwell lived in Paris as a completely _____ writer just to get the feel of it.
3. He is one of our most _____ workers. If only all other workers were like him!
4. I am sorry; I am too _____ to help you now.
5. The line is _____; I'll call later.
brewery, mill, plant, refinery
1. Brewery (n)  ___________ (v)
2. Mill = f_ _ _ _ _y
3. What is the difference between plant (= factory) and plantation?
4. Refinery (n)  ___________ (v)
assembly line, automation, shift
1. change, variation
2. industrialization
3. mass production method
bore, dig, excavate, pit
1. cavity, hollow
2. drill, penetrate, pierce
3. mine
4. shovel, unearth
carpenter, plumber
1. The art or work of a carpenter is car______.
2. The work of a plumber is plu_______.
boss, supervise
1. During the expedition, the leader of the team was very ______. BOSS
2. They completed the project under my _______. SUPERVISE
academic, apprenticeship, pupil, scholar, tutor
1. concerning education, especially in a college or university
2. educator, teacher, lecturer
3. novitiate
4. person with great knowledge of a subject
5. student
term, topic
1. He explained in no ________ terms that he wanted to resign.
2. "Please stop beating around the bush!" means "Please ______ to the topic".
certificate, expert, graduate, qualify, specialize, undergraduate
1. Certificate (n)  ___________ (v)
2. Expert (n)  ___________ (v)
3. Graduate (v)  ___________ (n)
4. Qualify (v)  ___________ (n)
5. Specialize (v)  ___________ (n)
6. Undergraduate (n)  ___________ (n)
award, prize
1. Award (v)  ___________ (n)
2. Prize (v)  ___________ (n)
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Dr Jones. suggested that final examinations should be discontinued, an innovation
which I support.
A) entrance
B) change
C) inner part
D) test
2. Charles Darwin formulated his famous theory of evolution during his five-year cruise on
the "Beagle".
A) expanded
B) developed
C) critiqued
D) finished
3. The general planned a new stratagem to conquer the rebel forces.
A) strafing
B) scheme
C) bomb
D) headquarters
4. The hurricane cause great havoc in the islands.
A) winds
B) treatment
C) destruction
D) immersion
5. He devised a computer game and sold it to Atari.
A) played
B) bought
C) invented
D) divided
6. The earthquake caused great devastation in California.
A) ruin
B) confusion
C) movement
D) gaps
7. Swarms of locusts ravaged the crops.
A) raided
B) landed on
C) flew over
D) destroyed
8. He devised a folding toothbrush for travellers.
A) sold
B) bought
C) described
D) designed
9. As an alumnus of Harvard, he was sure that he would get the job.
A) student
B) professor
C) supporter
D) graduate
10. Television and newspapers are primary mediums of advertising.
A) formulations
B) averages
C) sources
D) means
percentage, primary, unit
1. principal, chief
2. proportion, ratio
3. system, section, piece
thrice, triple
- What is the difference between thrice and triple?
alone, single, sole
1. He feels so _____. ALONE
2. He came _____; his wife was busy in the office. SINGLE
3. I came _____ for you! SOLE
doubly, half, multiple, quadruple
1. Each ________ of the brain is called a hemisphere.
2. Profits have _______ this year.
3. The driver of the crashed car received _______ injuries.
4. You are ________ mistaken
sum, whole
- What is the difference between sum and whole?
dozen, pair
1. couple, twosome
2. twelve
nil, zero
In football, we use _____ to tell the score, as in 1-0. In mathematics we use _____. In tennis we use
_____ to tell the score, as in 30-0. In daily life, we also use nought or oh.
algebra, arithmetic
1. Algebra (n)  ___________ (adj)
2. Arithmetic (n)  ___________ (adj)
add, addition, append, calculate, compute, count, figure, subtract
1. add, attach; annex
2. attach, increase; calculate
3. compute, count; presume
4. compute, think (v); number (n)
5. enumerate
6. figure, calculate, count; estimate
7. summation; annexation
8. take, deduct
amount to, average, norm
1. middle, mean
2. standard, mean
3. total, come to
proportion, ratio, variable
1. Proportion = di_ _ _ _ions
2. Ration = proportion, per_ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Variable = al_ _ _ _ _ting
angle, degree
1. Angle (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Degree = pro_ _ _ tion
plane, row, straight
1. Plane = level surface (n); _ _ _ _ (adj)
2. Row = line, column (n). What does row mean in the sentence "They have a fierce row yesterday" ?
3. Straight = d_ _ _ct
circle, crescent
1. Circle (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Which of the following is has crescent in it? a)  b)  c)  d) 
crucifix, rectangle
1. Jesus Christ was __________ . CRUCIFIX
2. The room has a __________ shape. RECTANGLE
oblong, square, triangle
1. What is the difference between oblong, rectangle, and square?
2. Triangle (n)  __________ (adj)
arc, central, centre, direct, periphery
1. boundary, frontier
2. core, focus
3. main, chief
4. part of a curved line or circle
5. straight
dimension, measure, quantify, weigh
1. Dimension (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Measure (v)  _________ (n)
3. Quantify (v)  _________ (n)
4. Weigh (v)  _________ (n)
broad, wide
1. Broad (adj)  _________ (v)
2. Wide (adj)  _________ (v)
- Across X a_ _ _ _
depth, height, length, weight, width
1. Depth (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Height (n)  _________ (adj)
3. Length (n)  _________ (adj)
4. Weight (n) X _________ (adj)
5. Width (n)  _________ (adj)
area, mass, volume
1. quantity, amount, mass
2. quantity, body
3. region, field, distance
acre, fathom, yard
1.  0,5 of a hectare = 1 _______
2. 1.8 metres = 1 ________
3. 91 centimetres = 1 _______
cash, change, exchange, order
1. arrangement
2. convert
3. money in return
4. money, currency
drop, fall
- I ________ (dropped / fell) my books into mud.
devaluate, escalate, lose, rise
1. Devaluate (v)  _________ (n)
2. Escalate (v)  _________ (n)
3. Lose (v)  _________ (n)
4. Rise (v)  _________ (n)
borrow, lend
1. loan, impart, give
2. obtain the use of; adopt
debt, loan, overdue, owe
1. advance, credit, mortgage, debt
2. have to pay
3. liability
4. unpaid, owed
account, safe
1. The task of counting money and keeping the books in a company is called ________.
2. For reasons of ________, these pavilions are closed to the public. SAFE
invest, save, thrift
1. Invest (v)  _________ (n)
2. Save (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Thrift (n)  _________ (adj)
asset, dividend, interest, speculate, trust, withdraw
1. advantage, worth
2. confide in, believe
3. gain, earnings
4. gamble, venture
5. remove, retread
6. share
prosperous, riches, well-off
1. Prosperous (adj)  _________ (v)
2. Riches = w_ _ _ _h
3. Well-off = aff_ _ _ _ _
affluent, fortune, luxury, treasure, wealth
1. extravagance
2. rich; abundant
3. riches; wealth; stock
4. richness
5. treasure; possessions
broke, penniless, poverty, short, tramp
1. bankrupt; destitute
2. destitute, poor, miserable
3. lacking
4. shortage, scarcity
5. vagrant, vagabond
expenditure, income
1. earnings
2. price, figure
bankrupt, budget, deficit, maintain, upkeep
1. Finally, the company _____ bankrupt a year ago.
2. A budget holiday is a _____ holiday.
3. Deficit = defi_ _ _ _cy
4. Maintain = s_ _tain
5. Upkeep = mai_ _ _ _ance
economic, economical
1. Economic = f_ _ _ _ _ial
2. Economical = m_ _ _ _ate
- A pawnbroker works in a pawn_____.
buy, purchase, retail, sell
1. Which is a more formal word: a) buy or b) purchase?
2. Which is a more formal word: a) retail or b) sell?
cost, worth
1. Cost (v)  _________ (adj)
2. Worth (n)  _________ (adj)
afford, pay, spend
1. give the money of
2. manage to buy
3. pass, circulate
charge, price, prize
1. award, honour
2. sell for
3. tariff, worth
assess, bargain, expense, fare, sale, value
1. Assess (v)  _________ (n)
2. Bargain (v)  _________ (n)
3. Expense (n)  _________ (adj)
4. What is the difference between fare and fee?
5. Sale (n)  _________ (v)
6. Study the difference in meaning: valuable, valueless, invaluable
handle, monopolize, trade
1. control, do business
2. exchange, patronize
3. subdue, tame, handle, control
economics, enterprise, venture
1. Study the difference in meaning: economics, economy, economical.
2. Study the difference in meaning: enterprise, enterprising.
estimate, mediator, negotiate, overestimate, underestimate
1. exaggerate
2. go-between, arbitrator
3. guess, assess, predict
4. moderate, mediate
5. neglect, discount
hire, rent
1. own for a longer time
2. own for a short life
bill, receipt
- In a restaurant, after you've finished your meal, you ask for the _______ (bill/receipt) first.
burden, load
1. The donkey is a ______ of burden.
2. This is ridiculous! A load of ______!
goods, merchandise
1. possessions, commodities
2. wares, stock, goods, commodities
insure, policy
1. Insure = safe_ _ _ _ _
2. Policy = m_ _ _ _d
bribe, customs, tax
1. He is accused of ________ several companies to win the contract.
2. I need to pay my income _______ this month.
3. The _______ officer checked my luggage.
discount, wholesale
1. abate, deduct
2. bulk distribution
profit, revenue, turnover
1. Profit (v)  _________ (n)
2. Revenue = ea_ _ _ _ _s
3. Turnover = pr_ _ _ _
market, shop, store
1. Because it is tax-free region, Hong Kong is called an _____ market.
2. Entering a shop as a customer and stealing things from the shop is called ________.
3. When a store has several sections or storeys, it is called a ________ store.
auction, bid
1. offer, declare
2. public sale
client, customer
- What is the difference between client and customer?
shelf, trolley
1. carriage on wheels
2. place to put things, rack
baker, stationery
1. A baker ______ bread and sells it at a _______.
2. What is the difference between stationary and stationery?
dear, expensive, inexpensive
1. Dear (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Expensive (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Inexpensive = e_ _ _ _ _ical
steep, low
1. Steep = a_ _ous
2. Low = d_ _ _ _ded
invaluable, precious, priceless
1. Invaluable X ________
2. Precious X ________
3. Priceless X ________
inferior, superior
1. Inferior = sub_ _ _ _ _ate
2. Superior = s_ _ _ _r
banknote, coin
1. piece of paper money
2. round piece of money made of metal
business, career, finance, job, occupation, profession
1. He is ______ business with several European companies.
2. He is trying to ______ a career in teaching.
3. Finance (n)  _________ (adj)
4. A person without a job is _______.
5. What is the difference between occupation and profession?
mission, task
1. assignment, goal, duty
2. job, assignment, chore
employ, recruit
1. enrol in the army forces
2. give job to
discharge, dismiss, fire, redundant, retire, sack, strike
1. He had only a month to _______ when he had a heart attack and died.
2. I was made _______ when the new robots were installed in the factory.
3. She _______ the offer with a wave of the hand and left the meeting.
4. The _______ from the factory was included highly toxic substances.
5. They are ______ several workers because they no longer need them.
6. We are going on ______ to protest our low wages.
7. You cannot _______ me without any prior notice!
enlist, join
1. attach; unite
2. enrol in the armed forces
quit, relinquish, resign
1. give up, abandon, quit
2. leave the post, relinquish
3. leave, relinquish; yield
assign, demote, promote
1. Assign (v)  __________ (n)
2. Demote (v)  __________ (n)
3. Promote (v)  __________ (n)
earn, gain
- Study the difference in meaning; earn, gain, win.
allowance, fee, pension, raise, salary, wage
1. The plan does not make _______ for a future change in the schedule. ALLOWANCE
2. I need to pay my course _______ (fee / fare ) before the end of this week.
3. My father is a ______. PENSION
4. I'm expecting a pay ______ this month. RAISE
5. What is the difference between salary and wage?
crew, personnel, staff, team
1. a group of people who work, act, or especially play together
2. all the people employed by a company, in the armed forces, or working in any organization all
the people who work on a ship or a plane
3. the group of people who carry on a job or do the work of an organization, especially of a teaching
or business organization
permanent, temporary
1. momentary, brief
2. stable, constant
agency, agent, corporate
1. bureau, affiliate; instrument
2. partner, association
3. representative; instrument
nationalize, private, public
1. Nationalize (v)  __________ (n)
2. Private (adj)  __________ (v)
3. Public (n)  __________ (v)
base, headquarters, sector
1. camp, center
2. point of departure
3. region, section
boss, member, partner
1. When someone behaves like a boss, this person is ______.
2. Being a member is _______.
3. Being a partner is _______.
dictate, file, shorthand
1. The boss was speaking while the secretary was taking _______. DICTATE
2. We need a ______ cabinet in this office. FILE
3. Can you _______ shorthand?
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The earthworm is a segmented worm found in all parts of the world.
A) plated
B) round
C) long
D) sectional
2. In many coastal areas of Turkey, there is deficiency of sand, causing an erosion
A) quality
B) propagation
C) movement
D) lack
3. Peter advised his clientele that they should not hurry to buy the shares.
A) clinic
B) customers
C) contact
D) salespeople
4. I am not affluent enough even to go to the cinema.
A) destitude
B) arrogant
C) wealthy
D) afraid
5. The principal threatened to expel him from school.
A) excise
B) exert
C) send out
D) try out
6. No one could decide whether she married him for mercenary motives.
A) money-loving
B) mercurial
C) unknown
D) lucrative
7. They lived luxuriously even though they had no income.
A) expensively
B) cheaply
C) utterly
D) beautifully
8. Although she is economical in most things, she spent a lot of money on clothes.
A) awkward
B) extravagant
C) thrifty
D) careless
9. Mary joined a health club in order to use the swimming pool.
A) visited
B) co-ordinated
C) bought a share of
D) became a member of
10. He began his business in a very small way but died a tycoon.
A) type
B) civic leader
C) politician
D) successful businessman
amuse, celebrate, entertain, hilarious
1. Disneyland is a large _______ park. AMUSE
2. During ________, tons of cakes were consumed. CELEBRATE
3. In the past, radio use to be the major source of ________. ENTERTAIN
4. The _______ of the party surprised the foreign delegates. HILARIOUS
leisure, pastime, recreation
1. amusement and enjoyment; way of spending free time
2. something done to pass one's time in a pleasant way
3. time when a person is free from work or duties of any kind
craze, enthusiasm, excite, keen, passion, zeal
1. Craze (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Enthusiasm (n)  _________ (adj) X r_______t
3. Excite (v)  _________ (n)
4. Keen (adj)  _________ (n)
5. Passion (n)  _________ (adj)
6. Zeal (n)  _________ (adj)
audience, spectator
- What is the difference between audience and spectator?
clap, congratulate, praise
1. applaud
2. compliment
3. glorify, honour
game, play
- A ______ is a form of _____ or sport, or one example or type of this.
rhythm, song, tune
1. What is the difference between rhythm and rhyme?
2. What is the difference between song and tune?
bagpipes, whistle
1. Bagpipes is the typical musical instrument of which people?
2. Whistle (n)  _________ (v)
replay, rewind
- In the words replay and rewind, what does the prefix re- stand for?
aisle, balcony, curtain, line, queue, row, screen, stage
1. a kind of thin wall that you can move around
2. a line of people or things
3. a line of people waiting to do something
4. a number of people side by side or one behind the other
5. a sheet of heavy material that can be lowered across the front of a stage in a theatre
6. a way between lines of seats, for example in a church or theatre
7. the part of a theatre where actors, dancers, etc. stand and move
8. the seats upstairs in a theatre
audition, rehearsal
- What is the difference between audition and rehearsal?
act, climax
1. In a theatre play, an act can have several s______s.
2. Climax = s____t
actor, actress, artist, cast, role, villain
1. a man who is a main bad character
2. a person who acts in plays, films or television programmes
3. a person who draws or paints pictures
4. a woman who acts in plays, films or television programmes
5. the actors in a play, film, etc.
6. the part or character taken by an actor in a play, film, etc.
humour, joke, tragic
1. Humour (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Joke (n)  _________ (v)
3. Tragic (adj)  _________ (n)
acrobat, puppet
1. What an acrobat does is called _________.
2. The person who plays puppets is called a ________.
bounce, exercise, jump, ride
1. hurdle, leap
2. jump, hop, spring, leap
3. motor, tour
4. training
contest, tournament
- Beauty ________; chess ________.
challenge, compete, defiance, rival
1. Challenge (v  _________ (adj)
2. Compete (v  _________ (n)
3. Defiance (n)  _________ (v)
4. Rival (adj)_________ (n)
beat, defeat
1. Beat = _ _ _do
2. Defeat = _ _ _ _power
lose, miss
1. not to hit or catch something
2. not to keep; not to have something any more
result, triumph, victory, win
1. He had a narrow _____ in the competition; he won by only a few points.
2. He heard the football _____ on the radio and was very disappointed.
3. How many _____ did the champion have so far?
4. When the British won the Waterloo battle, they held various celebrations as this was a
magnificent _____.
award, prize, trophy
1. a prize given for winning a race, competition, or test of skill
2. something given as the result of an official decision
3. something of value given to someone who is successful in something
adjudicate, judge, referee
1. act as a judge in charge of a team game such as football
2. give decisive decision
3. judge, especially in competitions
amateur, professional, team
1. company; close-knit crew
2. skilled, expert
3. unskilled, inexperienced
bet, gamble, odds
1. He lost on the _____.
2. The _____ are 10 to 1 that her horse will not win the race.
3. The operation may not succeed; it is a _____ whether he dies or lives.
ace, backgammon, capture, deal, punch, wrestle
1. a game for two players, using round wooden pieces and dice
2. a playing card that has a single mark or spot and which usually has the highest or lowest value
in a game
3. fight by holding and throwing the body
4. strike hard with the closed hand
5. take
6. the act or right of giving out cards to players in a card game
doll, riddle, toy
1. He started to cry because he broke one of his _____ soldiers.
2. Here is a ______: What has four legs but can't walk? A chair!
3. Probably the most famous baby _____ today is either Barbie or Cindy.
ball, flag, goal, net, pool
1. _____ is an American version of billiards.
2. He kicked the _____ his all his might.
3. In golf, a _____ marks the place where the hole is.
4. The goalkeeper stood alert before his _____.
5. When the ball passed the goal line and eventually met the _____, we knew we were going to win
this match.
saddle, trot
1. keep a steady pace
2. seat; chair
leap, skid, skip, walk
1. She fell and hurt her knee when she was _____ rope.
2. The car _____ on a pool of oil and ran into a fence.
3. The dog _____ over the high wall to the other side.
4. We _____ to school each day.
skate, ski
- What is the difference between skate and ski?
aim, archer, target
The _____ carefully ______ the _______ and held his breath.
bait, rod
- What is the difference between bait and rod?
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. During the long flight, she beguiled herself by reading comic books.
A) fooled
B) tired
C) laughed
D) amused
2. She plans to compete in the marathon.
A) contend
B) compare
C) delay
D) register
3. As a rookie player, he doesn't get paid much.
A) rotten
B) novice
C) experienced
D) practising
4. Her employer lauded her for her flawless typing.
A) lowered
B) promoted
C) fired
D) praised
5. Ancient religious festivals are today held in many countries.
A) celebrations
B) services
C) documents
D) traditions
6. When I was a young boy, I used to challenge my friends to climb to the top of a cherry
A) dare
B) motivate
C) encourage
D) persuade
7. Shakespeare describes the seven stages of human life, from birth to death, in As You
Like It.
A) platforms
B) types
C) scenes
D) steps
world, world-wide
1. earth, globe
2. in everywhere
astronomy, constellation, eclipse, planet, solar, space, universal
1. Astronomy (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Constellation = a_ _ _ _ _ _ment
3. When the moon covers outer rim of the sun completely, this is called the _____ eclipse of the
4. Planet (n)  _________ (adj)
5. Solar = concerning the ___
6. When a place is large, it is _________. SPACE
7. Universal (adj)  _________ (n)
axis, clockwise, compass, direction, gravity, latitude(s), orbit, orient, pole, zone
1. area, territory
2. circumscription
3. course, passage; circle
4. device to indicate direction
5. far east; turn
6. pivot, shaft
7. point of compass
8. pulling force
9. rob, shaft, axis
10. to the left direction
gloom, shade, shadow
1. Gloom (n)  _________ (adj)
2. What is the difference between shade and shadow?
bright, brilliant, dazzle, gleam, glow, illuminate, radiate, shine
1. Bright (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Brilliant (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Dazzle (v)  _________ (adj)
4. Gleam (n)  _________ (v)
5. Illuminate (v)  _________ (n)
6. Radiate (v)  _________ (n)
7. Shine (v)  _________ (adj)
darken, dim, dull, dusk, faint, obscure, vague
Darken (v) = dim (v) = dull (v) = obscure (v)
1. What is the difference between dusk and dawn?
2. What is the difference between faint and vague?
dye, spectrum, tint
1. Compare die (v), die (n) and dye (v).
2. Spectrum = continuous r_ _ _ _
3. Tint = _ _ _
amber, purple
1. colour of a badly swollen part
2. yellowish
fade, pale, vivid
1. brilliant; animated
2. colourless, dim
3. decline, disappear
redden, whiten
Redden = make red; whiten = make white. Which combinations are possible?
black, grey, rich, poor,
light, yellow, green,
strength, wide
climate, temperature, weather
1. Climate = at_ _ _ _heric conditions
2. Compare temperature, temperate and temperament.
3. Weather (v) = en_ _ _ _
acclimatize, adjust
1. adapt, accustom
2. fit, regulate, settle
erode, illustrate, scale, wear
1. Soil _________ is a big problem in Turkey. ERODE
2. There were lifesize _________on the wall. ILLUSTRATE
3. Scale = climb, a_ _ _ _ _
4. I feel _________ out. WEAR
air, atmosphere, breathe, inhale, vacuum
1. The room was quite _________ and comfortable. AIR
2. _________ conditions forced the astronauts to orbit the Earth one more day. ATMOSPHERE
3. The scenery was magnificent! The forest was absolutely _________! BREATHE
4. _________ of the cigarette smoke gives pleasure as well as dangerous substances! INHALE
5. Vacuum = emptiness, v _ _ _
dew, fog, mist, steam
1. What is the difference between dew and steam?
2. What is the difference between fog and mist?
condense, evaporate, vaporize
1. Condense (v)  _________ (n)
2. Evaporate (v)  _________ (n)
3. Vaporize (v)  _________ (n)
frost, rainfall, shower, snow
1. Because his fingers were _________, doctors had to amputate them. FROST
2. Which area in your country takes the most _________? RAINFALL
3. Heavy _________ are expected in the area. SHOWER
4. This year, the _________ has been quite heavy. SNOW
blizzard, hurricane, storm, thunder, typhoon, wind
- Study the difference: blizzard, hurricane, typhoon.
1. In _________ sessions, people put their ideas together in a randomly order. STORM
2. Thunder and _________.
3. Study the difference: wind (n) and wind (v)
abate, lessen
- Finally, the storm _________ (abated / lessened)
damp, humid, moisten
1. Damp (adj)  _________ (v)
2. Humid (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Moisten (v)  _________ (n)
drown, soak, wet
1. What is the difference between drown and suffocate?
2. Soak = drench, im _ _ _ _ _
3. Wet = soaked, mo _ _ _
melt, molten, thaw
1. During the eruption, _________ lava went down the hill at a great speed.
2. He left the frozen chicken on the kitchen counter so that it would _________.
3. The snow is finally _________ .
heat, warm
- What is the difference between heat and warm?
chilly, cool, mild
1. Chilly = cold, in _ _ _
2. Cool = chilly, ch _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Mild = calm, tem _ _ _ _ _ _
map, wilderness
1. Map = chart, diagram, blu _ _ _ _ _
2. Wilderness = wasteland, de _ _ _ _
horizon, landmark, panorama, scene
1. He apologised even though he was not at fault, because he did not want to make a _________.
2. The observatory provides you with a _________ view.
3. The opposite of vertical is _________ .
4. This battle was one of the _________ of the history of the whole nation.
continent, island, land, peninsula, territory
1. What is the Continent?
2. People who live on an island are called _________.
3. What is the difference between land and territory?
4. What is the difference betwen peninsula and isthmus?
dam, lake, ocean, pond, pool
1. Dam (n)  _________ (v) 2. Study the difference: lake, pond, pool.
3. Ocean = high s _ _ _
course, ebb, tide
1. Course = direction, ro _ _ _
2. Ebb and tide occur at certain periods in the ocean. Study the verb form of ebb.
drift, flood, flow, influx, surge
1. deluge, glut, inundate
2. discharge, proceed
3. flow, trend, ride
4. gush, rush, swell
5. inflow, crowd
foam, wave
1. Foam (n)  _________ (v)
2. Wave (n)  _________ (adj)
bank, bay, beach, coast, shore
- Study the difference in meaning: bank, bay, beach, coast, shore.
brook, fountain, source, stream, torrent, waterfall
1. What is the difference between brook and stream?
2. What is the difference between fountain and source?
3. What is the difference between torrent and waterfall?
alpine, cliff, hill, mountain, mountainous, range, scale, slope, summit, top, valley
1. Alpine = mountanious, lo _ _ _
2. Cliff = pre _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Hill = bluff, mo _ _ _
4. Mountain = _ _ _ _
5. Mountainous = alpine, soa _ _ _ _
6. Range = series, r _ _
7. Scale = cl _ _ _
8. Slope = slant, inc _ _ _ _
9. Summit = peak, zenith, ap _ _ _
10. Top = peak, cr _ _ _
11. Valley = chasm, ab _ _ _
cave, crack, dribble, hole, hollow, leak
1. Study the difference in meaning: cave, crack, hole, hollow.
2. Study the difference in meaning: dribble, leak.
oasis, prairie, swamp
1. green area in the desert
2. land covered with water and mud
3. large and green land
jungle, wood
- Compare forest, jungle and wood
avalanche, earthquake, landslide
1. What is the difference between avalanche and landslide?
2. Earthquake = tr_ _ r TREMOR
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Amphibians like frogs and toads have moist skin.
A) wet
B) slimy
C) sticky
D) tough
2. Blizzards in the high mountains can be dangerous for hikers and skiers.
A) Snow storms
B) High winds
C) Avalanches
D) Slippery ice
3. If you are going to be in a swamp area, you should take a mosquito repellent.
A) marsh
B) jungle
C) savanna
D) tropical
4. Tenging Norkay and Sir Edmund Hillary were the first people to scale Mount Everest.
A) climb
B) camp on
C) discover
D) survive on
5. At a high temperature, evaporation is more rapid than at a lower temperature.
A) absorption of a liquid
B) decreased energy of molecules
C) change of a solid into a liquid
D) change of liquid into vapour
6. The main road will be closed until the blizzard finishes.
A) snowstorm
B) hurricane
C) tornado
D) thunderstorm
7. After climbing to the zenith, he slowly walked his way down the mountain.
A) zero
B) top
C) cabin
D) mountain
8. The lifeboat was inundated by a huge wave.
A) flooded
B) capsized
C) involved
D) lifted
9. A pole with red and white spiral stripes is the symbol for a barber's shop.
A) rectangle
B) stick
C) wire
D) figure
10. The river streams through the city centre.
A) fixates
B) inclines
C) glides
20. TIME
anachronism, schedule
1. incongruity, misdate
2. list, agenda
cycle, recycle, spell
1. What is the difference between cycle and spell?
2. Recycle (v) __________ (n)
interval, period, transition
D) breezes
1. Interval = time, sp _ _
2. Period = cycle, dur _ _ _ _ _
3. Transition = transformation, sh _ _ _
hesitate, pause
1. Hesitate = falter, flu _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Pause = break, h _ _ _
brief, lapse, moment, occasion, prior, prompt, punctual, quite, time
1. __________ to taking the test, you need to learn what question types they are likely to use.
2. He himself is so __________ that he will get annoyed if you are a few minutes late.
3. Hours __________ between each telephone call. I started to feel a bit worried.
4. Okay, tell me what you saw. But please make it __________. I don't have much ___________.
5. Orson Wells broadcast The War of the Worlds on the radio. On that __________, millions of
people thought it was real.
6. She is studying in her room at the __________.
7. The situation calls for __________ action; we cannot tolerate any delay!
8. They tried to persuade me to sell my car, telling that it was about to break into pieces. I said no
and see what happened. __________ the contrary! It is running better than ever!
9. You swim around the pool and I'll __________ you.
epoch, era
- What is difference between epoch and era?
abrupt, immediate, instant, sudden, urgent
1. Abrupt = brusque, s _ _ _ p
2. Immediate = instantaneous, di _ _ _ _
3. Instant = immediate; m _ _ _ _ t
4. Sudden = abrupt, s _ _ _ t
5. Urgent = pressing, im _ _ _ ative
frequent, regular, tick
1. Frequent = repeated, rec _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Regular = customary, per _ _ _ _ _
3. Tick = click, th _ _ _
historic, historical
- Ladies and Gentlemen! This is a __________ (historic / historical) moment!
endure, spend
1. Endure (v)  __________ (n)
2. Spend (v)  __________ (n)
last, outlive, persist
1. Last (v)  __________ (adj)
2. Outlive = out _ _ _ _
3. Persist (v)  __________ (n)
continue, persevere, prevail, proceed
1. Continue (v)  __________ (adj)
2. Persevere (v)  __________ (n)
3. Prevail (v)  __________ (adj)
4. Proceed (v)  __________ (adj)
constant, eternal, incessant, permanent, perpetual, steady, temporal, temporary
1. Here to stay
constant, eternal, ...
2. Bound to change
temporal, ...
chance, destined, fate
1. _________ of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said.
2. He is _________ to succeed; he has no other choice.
3. Study the difference: fate, fatal, faith.
inevitable, unavoidable
1. Inevitable = certain, ines _ _ _ able
2. Unavoidable = inevitable, i_ _ _ nent
envisage, predict
1. Envisage = visualize, co _ _ _ ive
2. Predict = guess, fore _ _ _ _
forecast, outlook, visualize
1. Forecast (v)  __________ (n)
2. Study the difference: outlook, overlook
3. Visualize (v)  __________ (adj)
omen, prophesy, prophet
1. Study the difference between omen and prophecy.
2. Prophet = seer, au _ _ _
inaugurate, initiate, introduce, launch, resume, trigger
1. Inaugurate (v)  __________ (n)
2. Initiate (v)  __________ (n)
3. Introduce (v)  __________ (n)
4. Launch (v)  __________ (n)
5. Resume (v)  __________ (n)
6. Trigger (v)  __________ (n)
break out, outbreak
Which of the following can break out?
 epidemic,  fire,  flood,  hooliganism,  test,  war
- Outbreak = outbu _ _ _
cease, expire, shut
1. "_________ fire!" called out the colonel.
2. The contract _________ by the end of next month.
3. Will you please ________ the door?
abort, finish, halt
1. Do not attempt to leave your seat until after the vehicle has come to a complete _________ !
2. The computer is running quite slow. You need to _________ some of the programmes already
3. When does the lesson _________?
complete, culminate in, terminate
1. Complete (v)  __________ (n)
2. Culminate (v)  __________ (n)
3. Study terminate and terminal.
end up, turn out
1. If he goes on drinking like this, he'll soon __________ in hospital.
2. The stranger in my compartment ____________ to be a close friend of my father's!
adjourn, cancel, delay, postpone, suspend
1. Study the difference: adjourn, cancel, suspend.
2. Study the difference: delay, postpone.
ceaseless, infinite
1. Ceaseless = continual, incessant, pe _ _ _ tual
2. Infinite = limitless, b _ _ _ _ less
origin, original, prime
1. Origin (n)  __________ (v)
2. Original (adj)  __________ (n)
3. Prime = primary, le _ _ ing
antecedent, former, latter
1. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh originally belonged to India. The __________ gained
independence a few years later India had gained hers, and, a several decades later, the
__________ gained independence from Pakistan.
2. The lawyer cited several ___________ to support his argument.
premature, previous
1. His ideas are yet too _________.
2. I don't remember what we did in the _________ lesson.
eventual, subsequent, terminal, ultimate
1. Eventual = inevitable, ult _ _ _ _ _
2. Subsequent = following, su _ _ _ _ _ ing
3. Terminal = end, bo _ _ _ ary
4. Ultimate = furthest, su _ _ _ me
begin, commence, end, start
1. Study the difference: begin, commence, start
2. Study the difference: end, end up
ancient, antics, archaic, obsolete
1. Ancient = very old, anti _ _ _ _ ed
2. Study the difference: antics, antique.
3. Archaic = prehistoric, anti _ _ _
4. Obsolete = archaic, ex _ _ _ _ t
out-of-date, outdated
- What is the difference between out-of-date and outdated?
antique, antiquity, contemporary
1. Study the difference between antique and antiquity.
2. Study the difference between contemporary and temporary.
current, novel, recent, up-to-date
1. Study the difference between current and recent.
2. Study the difference between novel (adj) and up-to-date.
imminent, peak, prospective
1. He was in _________ danger.
2. It is better to remain in the office for an extra hour until the ________ time traffic subdues.
3. So, this is the _________ husband, is that so?
adult, teenage
1. What is the difference between adult and adultery?
2. What is the difference between teenage and adolescence?
mature, ripe
- Peter was a very _________ (mature / ripe) boy.
aged, elderly, senile
1. What is the difference between aged and elderly?
2. Senile (adj)  __________ (n)
adolescence, youth
1. Adolescence (n)  __________ (n - person)
2. Youth (n)  __________ (adj)
age, evolve
1. Age (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Evolve (v)  __________ (n)
dawn, sunset, twilight
1. Dawn = _ _ _ break
2. Sunset = sun _ _ _ _
3. Twilight = d _ _ ness
century, decade, fortnight
1. 10 years
2. 100 years
3. 2 weeks
anticlockwise, pendulum, second, strap, watch
1. Just a _________. I'm coming.
2. The antique clock had been secured with a __________ around it.
3. The grandfather clock in the hall had a huge __________ made of brass.
4. Turn the knob __________.
5. What time do you make it? My _________ has stopped.
AD, calendar, leap year
1. 366 days
2. after the time of Christ
3. yearly agenda
autumn, season, spring, summer, winter
1. Autumn = ______ (AmE)
2. Study the difference: season (n), season (v)
3. Study the difference: spring (n), spring (v)
4. Summer = summer _ _ _ _
5. Winter (n)  __________ (adj)
anniversary, annual, centennial
1. commemoration
2. of each century
3. yearly
about to, again, by and by, soon
1. "This food is delicious!" "You can say that ______."
2. How ________ do you think he'll be here?
3. Hurry up! The film is ________ start!
4. It took the dog a long time to get used to its new home but, _________, it regarded the place its
right away, simultaneous
1. "Bring me a notepad." "________, Sir."
2. Do not speak __________. One by one, please.
almost, already, always, forever, seldom
1. And the tiny spacecraft Pioneer I finally left our solar system to travel in interstellar space _______.
2. This can't be Tom at the door. He has _______ gone to bed.
3. We ________ had an accident on the way home.
4. We work in different departments, so I __________ see her.
5. Why do you ________ scratch your nose? Is it a habit?
afterwards, ago, beforehand
1. He left his home to live alone. _________, he regretted having left his parents.
2. Let me tell you _________. We will sleep in a small tent and eat canned food for three weeks.
3. This crater must have been formed several million years __________.
through, throughout
1. __________ history, there is not a single day when there has been no war.
2. Are you __________ with this newspaper?
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Credit card holders can postpone payment on their purchases by accepting a monthly
interest charge.
A) provide
B) decrease
C) mail
D) defer
2. To make raisins, the ripened grapes are usually picked by hand, placed on trays, and
set in the sun for several days.
A) dried
B) cleaned
C) crushed
D) mature
3. Charles Darwin and A. R. Wallace published their ideas on evolution simultaneously in
A) in the same book
B) for the same people
C) fewer in numbers
D) at the same time
4. An increasing number of women in the 1980s delayed marriage and childbirth in order to
launch their careers.
A) postpone
B) expand
C) begin
D) participate in
5. If you stay on this diet, you will ultimately lose weight.
A) formerly
B) finally
C) unlikely
D) possibly
6. Earthquakes frequently occur in Japan.
A) instantly
B) annually
C) often
D) spontaneously
7. It is inevitable that smoking will damage your health.
A) invading
B) unhealthy
C) unavoidable
D) intriguing
8. The president held a brief press conference.
A) documented
B) long
C) pleasant
D) short
9. The epoch of space travel has just begun.
A) fear
B) moment
C) period
D) event
10. Students beguile their leisure hours in book shops.
A) cause time to pass unnoticed
B) begin
C) waste regrettably
D) fool around
approach, attend, circulate, loiter, move, remain
1. Everything changes but my troubles _________ the same!
2. He failed to get a certificate because he failed to _________ most of the lessons.
3. In some European countries, _________ is considered a crime.
4. They _________ the leaflet on general strike in town streets.
5. We _________ a policeman to ask the whereabouts of the museum.
6. When are you _________ into your new flat?
await, wait
1. Await = expect, an _ _ _ _ _ _ te
2. Wait = await, expect, li _ _ _ _
depart, emerge, evacuate, leave
1. Depart (v)  _________ (n)
2. Emerge (v)  _________ (n)
3. Evacuate (v)  _________ (n)
4. Leave (v)  _________ (n)
appear, appearance, vanish
1. Appear = come into view, eme _ _ _
2. Appearance = emergence, arr _ _ _ _
3. Vanish = disappear, rec _ _ _
admit, arrive, reach
1. As soon as he'd _________, he started giving orders.
2. He child _________ out for the apple but the branch was too high for him to touch.
3. We _________ members only.
greet, meet, salute, welcome
1. He sends your his very best _________. GREET
2. Do you know where the _________ is? MEET
3. Each political party had adopted a peculiar way of _________. SALUTE
4. Dear President, we _________ you to our town. WELCOME
alight, descend, disembark
1. What is the difference between alight and disembark?
2. What is the opposite of the word descend?
ascend, sink, subside
1. What is the difference between ascend and subside?
2. Sink (v) X _________
ascent, board, embark, mount
1. What is the difference between ascend and ascent?
2. Study the difference: board, embark, mount.
motion, movement
1. The cat was completely __________ so that the dog would not notice it. MOTION
2. When he had made his next __________, I knew that I was about to win the game. MOVEMENT
admission, destination, reception
1. __________ to the concert is free.
2. The plane missed its __________ due to severe atmospheric conditions.
3. You should check in first at the __________ desk.
busy, idle, mobile, portable, stationary, still
1. As expected, he lost his __________ phone.
2. I'm sorry but I'm too __________ to help you now.
3. On way to the office, I enviously watched two __________ old man enjoying themselves in the
4. We took a __________ table to the picnic ground.
5. Will you please stand __________. I can't do your shoelaces.
quick, rapid, swift
1. Quick (adj)  _________ (v)
2. Rapid (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Swift (adj)  _________ (n)
gradual, hasty, slow
1. Gradual X h _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Hasty X anxious, calculated, ca _ _ _ _ _
3. Slow X quick, _ _ _ _
pace, precipitate, rate, speed
1. Study the difference: pace, rate, speed
2. Precipitate = indiscreet, abrupt (adj); fall (v); s _ _ _ _ (n)
hitchhike, ride, sail
Hitchhike  hitchhiker
- Ride  __________
- Sail  __________
amble, stagger, tiptoe, wander
1. Amble = walk, me _ _ _ _ _
2. Stagger = sway, fal _ _ _
3. Tiptoe = walk lightly, scutt _ _
4. Wander = roam, st _ _ _
march, parade, procession
1. I do not know what to wear for the _________.
2. There is a protest ________ .
3. There will be a torch light _________ tonight.
pound, ramble, stride
1. beat; pulverize
2. walk, march
3. wander; babble
dash, race, zoom
1. Dash = rush, race, d _ _ t
2. Race = speed, h _ _ _ en
3. Zoom = speed, s _ u _ t
crawl, creep, roll
1. A baby __________.
2. A snake ___________.
3. A stone ___________.
glide, slip, sneak, sob
1. "I didn't deserve this!" she ________.
2. Do not pay any attention to what he may have said. I'm sure it was merely a _________ of the
3. The neighbour's children silently __________ into the kitchen to steal a piece of cake.
4. The plane _________ through the clouds.
cruise, navigate, steer
1. Cruise (v)  _________ (n)
2. Navigate (v)  _________ (n)
3. Steer (v)  _________ (n)
accelerate, brake, overtake
1. catch up with, reach
2. slow, stop
3. speed, advance
haste, hurry, rush
1. Haste = rapidity, prompt _ _ _ _
2. Hurry = haste, quick _ _ _ _
3. Rush = haste, cha _ _ _
chase, follow, pursue
- Study the difference in meaning and use: chase, follow, pursue.
elude, escape, flee, fugitive
1. Elude (v)  _________ (n)
2. Escape (v)  _________ (adj)
3. Flee (v)  _________ (adj)
4. Fugitive (n)  _________ (adj)
avoid, evasion
1. Avoid = evade, el _ _ _
2. Evasion = avoidance, subter _ _ _ _
abandon, desert
1. Abandon = quit, relin _ _ _ _ _
2. Desert = abandon, run _ _ _ _
advance, progress
1. Advance (v)  _________ (n)
2. Progress (v)  _________ (n)
curve, throw
1. arch, bend
2. hurl, toss
bend, distort
1. A sharp curve on a road is sometimes called a "hairpin ________".
2. I'm sure the newspapers will _________ my words.
lean, turn, twist
1. _________ around so that we can see your trousers.
2. He was _________ against the wall when the whole wall collapsed.
3. You need to ________ the cap to open this beer bottle.
drift, drip, spill, trickle
1. flow, flux
2. leak, escape, ooze
3. seepage, leakage
4. slop, splash, drop
install, lay, place, position, predicament, put, set, situate
1. Install (v)  _________ (n)
2. Study the difference: lay, layman.
3. Place (v)  _________ (n)
4. Predicament = co _ _ _ tion
5. Study the difference: put, set.
6. Situate (v)  _________ (adj)
bring, fetch
- What is the difference between bring and fetch?
bear, carry, convey, dispatch, lift
1. I can't _________ his insults any more!
2. Several children _________ their fingers to the teacher's question.
3. The cat was _________ its kitten in its mouth.
4. This sentence _________ a completely different meaning from the original.
5. Troops were _________ to the southern border.
project, protrude
1. Project = protrude, ex _ _ _ _
2. Protrude = project, stick _ _ _
deliver, send
1. Deliver (v)  _________ (n)
2. Send (v)  _________ (n)
remove, shift
1. Remove (v)  _________ (n)
2. Shift (v)  _________ (n)
accompany, lead, usher
1. They entered the city with the __________ of a troop of soldiers. ACCOMPANY
2. He is one of the _________ figures of the party. LEAD
3. In the cinema hall, an __________ helped us find our seats. USHER
drag, draw, pull, tow
1. _________ a card. It doesn't matter which.
2. Do not _________ this sack on the ground! Its fabric is not that strong!
3. They have _________ my car away!
4. Will you stop __________ and pushing about!
extract, withdraw
1. deduce, elicit, distil
2. remove, retread
push, thrust
- Study the difference: push, thrust
scatter, sprinkle, toss
1. He _________ the coin and shouted, "Heads, I win!"
2. She carefully __________ herbs on to her macaroni.
3. Suddenly, all of the children _________ around.
eject, emit
1. Eject = throw out, dis _ _ _ _
2. Emit (v)  _________ (n)
bar, jam
1. They are __________ enemy's radio broadcast.
2. We was _________ from entering the disco.
fasten, knot
1. Fasten = affix, at _ _ _ _
2. Knot = web, tan _ _ _
lock, tie, unlock
1. Lock (v)  _________ (n)
2. Tie (v)  _________ (n)
3. Study the difference: unlock, dismantle.
gap, opening
- What is the difference between gap and opening?
come across, encounter, invite
1. call
2. face, meet
3. meet accidentally
commute, roam
1. A person who travels to work by train is a ________. COMMUTE
2. Roam = wander i _ ly
expedition, itinerary, journey, pilgrimage, travel, trip, voyage
In this list, travel is the most general word. _________ is for religious purposes. ________ is short.
__________ is either on the sea or in space. ___________ is long and with a purpose. _________ is
for scientific purposes. __________ is a plan.
emigrate, immigrate, migrate, nomad, refugee
1. Study the difference: emigrate, immigrate, migrate
2. Study the difference: nomad, refugee
guest, host, passenger
1. one who entertains guests
2. traveller
3. visitor
book, reserve, seat
1. Book (v)  _________ (n)
2. Reserve (v)  _________ (n)
3. Seat (n)  _________ (v)
auto, buffet, carriage, transport, vehicle
1. car
2. instrument
3. move, carry
4. passenger car on the train
5. restaurant car on the train
pram, trolley, wheelchair
1. baby's car
2. vehicle for serving drinks etc. in a restaurant
3. vehicle for sick or physically handicapped people
due, scheduled
1. Due X _ _ due
2. Scheduled X _ _ _-scheduled
boot, chain, engine, gear, puncture, shield, tyre, wheel, windscreen
1. a bicycle has two
2. on bicycles, this transmits power to the back wheel
3. rubber part of a wheel
4. sometimes the upper part of a car is called this
5. the "front window" of a car
6. the part that runs the car
7. the place where luggage is placed
8. you change this in a vehicle when you want to speed
9. you have this when you have a flat tyre
tube, underground
- Tube = underground = m _ _ _ _
luggage, pedestrian, porter
1. people who walk on the pavement
2. person who carries bags, etc.
3. what you carry when you travel
accident, collide, crash, impact
1. Accident (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Collide (v)  _________ (n)
3. Crash (v)  _________ (n)
4. Impact = crash, col _ _ _ _ _ _
junction, locate, posture, stretch
1. attitude, position
2. find the whereabouts
3. range, length
4. where roads meet
barrier, border, boundary, frontier, margin, span
1. What is the difference between barrier and barricade?
2. Study the difference: border, boundary, frontier.
3. What is the difference between margin and span?
threshold, verge
1. doorsill; starting point
2. edge, brink, border
environment, setting
1. We are faced with a very big _________ problem. ENVIRONMENT
2. The film is ________ in north India. SETTING
alley, avenue, walk
1. It is dangerous to walk around dark _________ after sunset.
2. The main _________ of the city has been closed to car traffic.
3. These workers come from different _________ of life.
path, road, route, thoroughfare, track, trail, way
1. Finally, we found a narrow _________ down the hill. PATH
2. Road = passage, ch _ _ _ _ _
3. Route = course, iti _ _ _ _ _ _
4. Thoroughfare = highway, ar _ _ _ y
5. Track = path, trail, tr _ _ e
6. Trail = path, track, l _ _ e
7. Way = passage, channel, av _ _ _ e
beacon, pavement, square
1. curb
2. plaza
3. street lamp
launch, shipping
1. Launch = initiate, set fo _ _ _
2. Shipping = lo _ _ ing
deck, keel, propeller, raft
1. a small, flat, primitive type of water vehicle, generally made of wood
2. a system of blades that chop the air or water so that the vehicle can move
3. the main skeleton of a ship or a similar vehicle
4. the upper part of a ship or a similar vehicle
aboard, afloat, aground, ashore, astern, dive, float
1. go under water
2. on board
3. on or to the shore
4. on the ground
5. on the surface of a liquid
6. stay on the surface
7. to the rear
ahead, below
1. "May I smoke here?" "Go _________."
2. Temperature is __________ freezing.
harbour, warehouse
1. What is the difference between harbour and dock?
2. What is the difference between warehouse and depot?
crew, mate
1. comrade, assistant
2. group, gathering
alongside, anchor
1. Alongside ________ his proposal, several others will be discussed at the meeting.
2. What is the difference between anchor and hook?
oar, paddle
- Study the difference between oar and paddle.
capsize, overturn
- Which of these two words is generally used for boats, ships and the like: capsize or overturn?
aeroplane, aerospace, airfield, airplane, airport, aviation, charter
Aeroplane = airplane
Airfield  airport
1. Study the difference: aerospace, aerodynamic.
2. Study the difference: aviation, flight.
3. Study the difference: charter, scheduled.
land, take off
1. come into port, arrive
2. fly, depart
brim, edge, ridge, surface
1. Brim = margin, perimeter, fr _ _ _ e
2. Edge = border, bo _ _ _ _ _ y
3. Ridge = bank, r _ _ f
4. Surface = covering, f _ _ e
apex, bottom
1. Apex = peak, s _ _ _ _ t
2. Bottom = lowest part, s _ _ e
core, heart, middle
1. __________ of a volcano.
2. Apple _________.
3. In the ________ of a lesson.
tip, top
1. She has a _________ nose. TIP
2. Women sunbathe _________ here. TOP
rear, side
1. back
2. edge
around, round, throughout
1. Study the difference between around and round.
2. Study the difference between through and throughout.
indoors, inner, inside, interior, internal, inward(s)
1. Fold the paper _________.
2. He is an __________ decorator.
3. I have _________ doubts about his sincerity.
4. I would like to know what is _______ this box.
5. We are making an _______ office voting.
6. We have an __________ swimming pool.
external, outdoor, outermost, outward(s)
1. External X _________
2. Outdoor X _________
3. Outermost X __________
4. Outward(s) X __________
absence, present
1. Absence (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Present (adj)  _________ (n)
across, along
1. above, over, beyond
2. ahead, onward, forward
against, through
1. He was leaning ________ the wall.
2. We walked _________ the park to the bus-stop.
adjacent, beside, by, close, near, next
- What is the difference between beside and besides?
- What is the difference between close and closed?
1. close, related
2. immediate, close, near
3. near, close to, next to
4. near, imminent, neighbouring
almost, approximate, straight
1. It is _________ ten o'clock.
2. Walk _________ and you cannot miss the building.
3. What is the _________ price of this car?
distance, extreme, far, remote
1. Distance (n)  _________ (adj)
2. Extreme (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Far (adj)  _________ (phrase)
4. Remote (adj)  _________ (n)
among, apart, aside, away
1. Study the difference between among and between.
2. Apart _________ this, we visit the museum.
3. Study the difference between aside and away, as in "He put it aside / He put in away".
backwards, onward(s), toward(s), upward(s)
1. above
2. advanced; ahead
3. in the direction of
4. retrograde, reactionary
above, beneath, underneath
1. Above X b _ _ _ _
2. Beneath X o _ _ _
3. Underneath X a _ _ _ _
after, before, back, front
1. In the ________ of the war, the Allies helped Germany re-establish its economic power. AFTER
2. Let me tell you __________. I don't agree with you. BEFORE
3. He is a bit __________ in his class due to a major hearing problem. BACK
4. I think what you need is a small __________ operation on your gums. FRONT
beyond, foremost, past
1. first, leading
2. former, gone, recent
3. over, distance, thence
outside, upside-down
1. What is the difference between outside and outward?
2. What is the difference between upside-down and inside-out?
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Coral is made by a small, sedentary animal that lives in the ocean.
A) secluded
B) immobile
C) lively
D) hard-working
2. When the earth turns, the moon appears to rise in the east and set in the west.
A) refers
B) seems
C) is likely
D) is supposed
3. In certain areas of many cities, it is against the law to loiter.
A) throw paper
B) stand around
C) join a mob
D) carry a weapon
4. The argument caused a great dilemma.
A) situation
B) predicament
C) embarrassment
D) aura
5. He sang the hymn to the accompaniment of the church choir.
A) voices
B) support
C) meter
D) music
6. She was slow and never seemed to drag.
A) dread to move
B) dress carelessly
C) walk fast
D) move too slowly
7. He used various means to elicit a confession from the murderer.
A) make
B) force
C) frame
D) draw out
8. I will have to keep my arms immobile for a few days.
A) in a sling
B) encased in plaster
C) motionless
D) exercised
9. The Captain gave order for the crew to jettison the cargo to lighten the ship.
A) throw overboard
B) consume
C) jostle lightly
D) transfer
10. A girl ushered us during the party.
A) introduced
B) conducted
C) pushed
D) entered
apt, feasible, likely, possible, probable, random
1. Apt (adj)  __________ (n)
2. Feasible (adj)  __________ (n)
3. Likely (adj)  __________ (n)
4. Possible (adj)  __________ (n)
5. Probable (adj)  __________ (n)
6. Study the meaning: random, at random.
bound, certain, conclusive, confidence, definite, signify, sure
1. He is bound _________ win the race.
2. Certain (adj)  __________ (n)
3. Conclusive (adj)  __________ (n)
4. I have full confidence __________ your success.
5. Definite (adj)  __________ (v)
6. Signify (v)  __________ (adj)
7. He is sure _________ be successful.
chance, contingent, fortune, luck, misfortune
1. His being promoted was completely __________.
2. She's experienced quite a number of __________ on her travel abroad.
3. We met a __________-teller on the pier.
4. What are his __________ of survival?
5. With a bit of __________, we can complete the project on time.
advantage, auspicious, opportunity, prospect
1. He took _________ of the road conditions and took the lead in the race.
2. He's always had unbelievably high __________.
3. His is a great _________ for your father to be promoted.
4. The proposal he brought about at the meeting was __________ for the future of the organisation.
fortunate, unfortunate
1. Fortunate = happy, fav _ _ _ _ _
2. Unfortunate = unlu _ _ _
danger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, safe
1. Danger (n)  __________ (adj)  __________ (v)
2. Hazard (n)  __________ (adj)
3. Jeopardy (n)  __________ (v)
4. Peril (n)  __________ (adj)
5. Safe (adj)  __________ (n)
endanger, ensure, risk
1. Endanger = risk, _ _ peril
2. Ensure = protect, _ _ _ _ guard
3. Risk = endanger, ga _ _ _ e
ominous, threatening
1. Ominous = dangerous; d _ _ _ ed
2. Threatening (adj)  __________ (n)  __________ (v)
grave, important, serious, sober, solemn, substantial
1. Study the difference in meaning: grave (n), grave (adj).
2. Study the difference in meaning: sober (adj-1), sober (adj-2).
3. Study the difference in meaning: serious, series.
4. Important (adj)  __________ (n)
5. Solemn = grave, serious, dig _ _ _ _ ed
6. Substantial = real; important; ab _ _ _ _ nt
essential, indispensable
1. fundamental, necessary, rudiment
2. necessary, imperative
key, necessary
1. Key = m _ _ _ s
2. Necessary (adj)  __________ (n)  __________ (v)
crucial, drastic, vital
1. Crucial = acute, fi _ _ _ _
2. Drastic = extreme, exce _ _ _ ve
3. Vital = necessary; vi _ _ _ ous
imperative, urgent
1. Imperative = essential, p _ _ _ _ ing
2. Urgent (adj)  __________ (n)
mere, petty, trifling, trivial
1. Mere = simple, p _ _ e, small
2. Petty = trivial, _ _ significant
3. Trifling = worth _ _ _ _
4. Trivial = idle, use _ _ _ _
common, communal, prevalent, widespread
1. In England, the Parliament has two divisions: the House of Lords and the House of _________ .
2. There is a large Christian _________ in Iran. COMMUNAL
3. The law does not exist any more, but its negative effects still _________. PREVALENT
4. Widespread = prevalent, uni _ _ _ _ _ _
absolute, altogether, by and large, mutual
1. Study the difference: absolute, obsolete.
2. Study the difference: altogether, all together.
3. By and large = ge _ _ _ _ _ ly
4. Mutual = communal, col _ _ _ tive
individual, local, particulars, specific, vacant
1. I buy a __________ newspaper to learn what's going on in the neighbourhood.
2. Position ________: Night watchman wanted.
3. They are streamlining the __________ of the agreement.
4. This meal is ________ to this island only.
5. This new law will safeguard the rights of the _________ before the State.
rare, unique
1. Rare = uncommon, sc _ _ _ _
2. Unique = sole, so _ _ _ ary
customary, familiar, regular, usual
1. I'm __________ to being treated like this by him! CUSTOMARY
2. I sense a feeling of ___________, but I can't make out what. FAMILIAR
3. Bowels _________ in an infant is of crucial importance. REGULAR
4. He hates smoking, so it is rather ________ for him to be smoking a large cigar in his office.
common, ordinary, plain
1. In common ________ the nomads of other countries, gypsies in Turkey are viewed with
2. I'd like to buy her something _____ of the ordinary.
3. Murat IV was famous for walking plain-_________ around in the streets of Istanbul.
easy, straightforward
1. Study the difference in meaning: easy, uneasy, at ease.
2. Analyse forward, straight and straightforward.
awkward, difficult, tough
1. Awkward = strange, _ _ _
2. Difficult = hard, st _ _ _ _ ous
3. Study the difference: tough, hard, stale.
basic, elementary
- What is the difference between basic and elementary?
advanced, primitive
1. Advanced (adj)  __________ (n)
2. Primitive = simple, _ _ civilized
complex, elaborate, intricate, sophisticated
1. Study the difference: complex, complicated, sophisticated.
2. Elaborate = complicated, de _ _ _ _ ed
3. Sophisticated = complex, obs _ _ _ _
complicate, simplify
1. Complicate (v)  __________ (adj)
2. Simplify (v)  __________ (n)
generalize, particular
1. Generalize (v)  __________ (n)
2. Particular = de _ _ _ _
accustom, regulate, standardize
1. I'm __________ to living in this chaotic city.
2. This gadget ________ the flow of liquid.
3. They are trying to _________ the dimensions of postal parcels.
limitation, restriction
- What is the difference between limitation and restriction?
amend, modify
1. Amend (v)  __________ (n)
2. Modify (v)  __________ (n)
extraordinary, remarkable
1. Extraordinary = phenomenal, amazing, _ _ believable
2. Remarkable = outstanding, mar _ _ _ _ ous
odd, peculiar, queer, strange
1. Study the difference: odd (n), odd (adj).
2. This is peculiar ______ us.
3. Queer = odd, ex _ _ ic
4. Strange (adj)  __________ (n)
eccentric, eerie, uncanny, weird
1. Study the difference: eccentric, weird.
2. Eerie = uncanny; fear _ _ _
3. Uncanny = abnormal, freak _ _ _
monster, pervert
1. Monster (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Pervert (n, adj)  __________ (n)
amount, bulk, mass, quantity, size, volume
1. Amount = sum, wh _ _ _
2. Bulk = mass, mag _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Mass = quantity, acc _ _ _ _ ation
4. Quantity = amount, agg _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Size = extent, di _ _ _ _ ion
6. Volume = quantity, s _ _ _
colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, large, mammoth, prodigious, tremendous
All these words mean very big: colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, immense, mammoth, prodigious,
tremendous. Study the noun forms of enormous, huge, immense, and large.
heavy, light
1. In the sentence "He lay sleeping, his breathing heavy", what does the word heavy mean?
2. Light (adj)  __________ (n)
considerable, maximum, optimum, vast
1. Considerable = important, sub _ _ _ _ tial
2. Maximum = supreme, _ _ _ most
3. Optimum = i _ _ al
4. Vast = big, en _ _ _ ous
minute, negligible, small, tiny
1. Study the difference between minute (n) and minute (adj).
2. Negligible (adj)  __________ (v)
3. Small X great, large, br _ _ _
4. Tiny = little, dw _ _ _
chief, main, major, principal, priority, privilege
1. Study the difference between chief (n) and chief (adj).
2. Study the difference between main (n) and main (adj).
3. Study the difference between major (n) and major (adj).
4. Study the difference between principal (n) and principal (adj).
5. Privilege = freedom, im _ _ _ ity
minor, senior, superior
1. Minor X _ _ _ or
2. Senior X _ _ _ _ or
3. Superior X _ _ _ _ _ _ or
amplify, enlarge
1. Amplify (v)  _________ (n)
2. Enlarge (v)  _________ (n)
exceed, expand, extend
1. Study exceed, exceeding and excessive.
2. Expand  _________
3. Study extend and extent.
grow, increase, inflate, magnify, multiply, prolong
1. 30 ________ by 13 is 390.
2. All children _________ up; what matters is how they are brought up.
3. High oil prices are artificially _________ prices of other goods.
4. I keep a coffee plant in my balcony and I do not know how I can ________ its life.
5. Inflation is on the _________.
6. This special gadget will _________ object ten times so that we can get a better view.
augment, extent, spread, sprout, swell
1. Augment = enlarge, en _ _ _ _ _
2. Extent = border, l _ _ _ t
3. Spread = distribute, dis _ _ _ _ e
4. Sprout = flourish, de _ _ _ _ p
5. Swell = expand, b _ _ _ e
addition, supplement
1. Addition (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Supplement (n, v)  __________ (adj)
decline, decrease, lessen, minimize, reduce
1. Decline X imp _ _ _ _
2. Decrease X _ _ crease
3. Lessen X _ _ large
4. Minimize X _ _ _ _ mize
5. Reduce X _ _ _ lify
contract, shrink
- What is the difference between contract and shrink?
majority, minority
1. bulk, most, plurality
2. lesser part, opposition
barely, just, hardly
He had barely = just = hardly opened the door when he remembered that he had invited friends for
- Study bare (adj) and barely (adv).
- Study just (adj-1) and just (adj-2).
- Study hard (adj) and hardly (adv).
also, besides
- Study also, in addition, moreover, furthermore, what's more, too; besides and beside.
by the way, furthermore, moreover
- We met outside the pub as we'd arranged. __________ , (By the way / Furthermore / Moreover]
have you met Alice before? She's my girlfriend.
otherwise, rest
- I warn you for the last time not to insist on your silly idea. __________ , (Otherwise, Rest) I'll have to
take whatever action is needed.
adequacy, enough, sufficient
1. Adequacy X _ _ adequacy
2. Enough = abun _ _ _ _
3. Sufficient X _ _ sufficient
ample, generous, numerous, several
1. Ample = ex _ _ _ sive
2. Generous X m _ _ _
3. Numerous = p _ _ _ _ y
4. Several = s _ _ _
abundance, excess, extravagant, plenty
1. It was a beautiful party! Food and drink was __________. ABUNDANCE
2. They have taken __________ measures against terrorism. EXCESS
3. His __________ is beyond logic! EXTRAVAGANT
4. There were a handful of supporters for my team, but the fans of the other team were definitely
__________. PLENTY
scarce, short, shortage
1. Food and drink was so _________ that we had to draw a plan as to how to use the available
amount most efficiently.
2. I'm __________ of money these days.
3. There is a __________ of foreign currency.
moderate, modest
- Study the difference between moderate and modest.
access, available, ready
1. "Are you _________ for the final exam?" "Not exactly. I have a few more pages to study."
2. I have no __________ to these files on the computer.
3. Now, these secret files and documents of the Second World War are _________ in libraries and
similar institutions.
spare, surplus
1. I always carry a ________ key to my car, just in case.
2. We sell _________ warfare material here, like helmets and jeeps from the American NATO
forces in Europe.
resemble, take after
- Study the difference: resemble, take after, look like.
alike, analogous, like, unlike
1. Study the difference: alike, like, unlike.
2. Analogous = _ _ _ _ _ _ lent
even, level, uniform
1. What does to get even mean?
2. What does level mean in the sentence "She levelled the picture on the wall."
3. What is the difference between uniform (n) and uniform (adj)?
distinct, identical, respective, same, similar
1. 4 X 3 is the __________ as 3 X 4.
2. Is this hat __________ to the one I bought last season?
3. Me and my brother are __________ twins.
4. These houses are slightly _________ from each other. The one on the left is larger.
5. They invited Professor Wilkins, Sir Adams and Sir Peterson, __________, to present the awards
to winners.
contrary, perverse, reverse
1. Contrary _________ common belief, sharks rarely attack people.
2. Perverse = ag _ _ _ able
3. Reverse = contrary, _ _ _ _ site
varied, various
- What is the difference between varied and various?
alternate, another, assortment, identity, variety
- Study the difference between assortment and variety.
1. Can I have _________ beer, please?
2. Have you checked the policeman's _________.
3. We _________ driving from Istanbul to Erzurum; I drove mostly during daytime, my wife after
deviate, divergent
1. Deviate (v)  _________ (n)
2. Divergent (adj)  __________ (n)
compare, contrast, differ, equal, oppose
1. What is the difference between compare and contrast?
2. Study: differ and vary; different and indifferent.
3. Equal (adj)  __________ (v)
4. Oppose (v)  __________ (n)
discriminate, distinguish, identify
1. He is accused of __________ between races.
2. His sharp features __________ him from the rest of the group.
3. It is wrong to __________ him with the notorious figures of his country's history.
arrange, classify
1. Arrange (v)  __________ (n)
2. Classify (v)  __________ (b)
grade, order, rank, sort, systematic
1. I'd like you to place the tins in this ________.
2. Isn't there a _________ way of memorizing phrasal verbs in English?
3. My sister is older than me; she is ________ Six at school.
4. She ___________ among the best swimmers of the world.
5. We couldn't _________ this out.
appropriate, convenient, proper, relevant, suitable
1. Appropriate X _ _ appropriate
2. Convenient X _ _ convenient
3. Proper X _ _ proper
4. Relevant X _ _ relevant
5. Suitable X _ _ suitable
valid, worthy, worthwhile
1. His documents have no __________. VALID
2. He is worthy _________ praise.
3. Worthwhile = suit _ _ _ _
accuracy, exact, precise
1. Accuracy (n)  __________ (adj)
2. Exact (adj)  __________ (n)
3. Precise = exact, exp _ _ _ _ _
ideal, perfect, spotless
1. He has _________, none of which can be realized.
2. The patient was in a __________ condition following the operation.
3. The room was __________ clean.
purge, purify, rectify, refine
1. better, correct
2. clean, refine, disinfect
3. cleanse, eliminate
4. purify, polish
correct, right
1. Correct (adj)  __________ (v)
2. Right (adj)  __________ (v)
defect, drawback, fault, flaw
1. Study the difference between defect and drawback.
2. Study the difference between fault and flaw.
anomaly, discrepancy
1. Anomaly = _ _ normality
2. Discrepancy = _ _ consistency
error, lapse, mistake
1. To __________ is human, to forgive is divine. (Proverb) ERROR
2. Lapse = decline; error, s _ _ p
3. He mistook me __________ a friend, probably.
detect, evidence, proof, prove
1. Detect (v)  __________ (n)
2. Evidence (n)  __________ (adj)
3. Proof (n)  __________ (v)
4. Prove (v)  __________ (adj)
clarify, clear, dilute, obvious, prune
1. Clarify (v)  __________ (n)
2. What is the difference between clear and clean?
3. Dilute (v)  __________ (adj)
4. Obvious X am _ _ _ _ ous
5. Prune = cut, t _ _ m
accord, balance, counteract, harmonious
1. His plans are in __________ with the decisions of the higher council. ACCORD
2. The whole building was ___________ due to the tremours during the earthquake. BALANCE
3. They responded with __________. COUNTERACT
4. Your hair style should be in __________ with the way you dress. HARMONIOUS
align, correspond, fit, match
1. I'm _________ to my own homework. ALIGN
2. Our special __________ in the area reported serious damage. CORRESPOND
3. This tool is _________ for the repair we aim to undertake; we need a stronger one. FIT
4. This is a disaster of __________ volume in the history of mankind! MATCH
account for, answer for, justice, justify
1. confirm, assert
2. explain, bring an explanation
3. fairness, right
4. trust, have confidence in
aim, end, purpose
- Study the difference: aim, end, purpose.
helpful, use, utility
1. What is the difference between helpful and helpless?
2. Study the difference between use (v) and use (n).
3. Utility (n)  __________ (v)
ambition, goal
1. aim, objective
2. aspiration, desire
profitable, practical
1. Profitable X _ _ profitable
2. Practical X _ _ practical
futile, pointless, sensible, vain
1. Futile (adj)  __________ (n)
2. There is no __________ in arguing with him. POINTLESS
3. Study the difference sensible and sensitive.
4. He tried __________ vain to escape the argument.
fragile, might, robust, strength
1. He lacks _________ strength and courage essential for a real boxer.
2. He tried to lift the weight with all his __________.
3. These _________ robust sailors crossed the ocean to explore new lands.
4. This parcel contains __________ material and should be handled with utmost care.
arbitrary, feeble, impotent, intense, potent, weak
1. Arbitrary = _ _ _ cretionary
2. Feeble = frail, _ _ effective
3. Impotent = power _ _ _ _
4. Intense = con _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ed
5. Potent = power _ _ _
6. Weak = fragile, feeble, de _ _ _ ate
affiliate, attach, attachment, relate
1. Affiliate = associate, col _ _ _ _ _ e
2. Attach X _ _ tach
3. Attachment = s _ _ _ _ ation
4. Relate = _ _ _ connect
concentrate, reinforce
1. focus, pay attention
2. strengthen
able, enable
1. Able X _ _ capable
2. Enable X _ _ _ able
complete, entire
- What is the difference between complete and entire?
thorough, thoroughbred
1. Study the difference between thorough and through.
2. Study the difference between thoroughfare and thoroughbred.
pitch, sheer, total, utter, whole, wholehearted
1. He has the _________ support of the younger members.
2. I think this is _________ madness.
3. It was __________ dark and we needed a torch.
4. To my _________, amazement, I passed the test.
5. What is the _________ amount?
blank, empty, superficial, vacant
1. Blank = empty, v _ _ _
2. Empty (adj  __________ (v)
3. Superficial (adj)  __________ (n)
4. Vacant (adj)  __________ (n)
fill, occupy, pervade
1. __________ in the blanks with correct form of the word in brackets.
2. A strong smell of gas __________ the building
3. The troops __________ the school building as their headquarters.
drain, plug
1. Drain (v)  _________ (n)
2. Plug X _ _ plug
unload, unpack
1. Unload = unpack, e _ _ ty
2. Unpack = unload, _ _ _ charge
airy, light
1. Airy = sp _ _ _ ous
2. Light X _ _ avy
dense, thick, thin
1. What is the _________ of the fog? DENSE
2. The ________ of this mattress is in line with the standards. THICK
3. My hair is __________ . THIN
firm, hard, harsh, rigid, stiff
1. Firm (adj)  __________ (n)
2. Hard (adj, adv)  _________ (v)
3. Harsh (adj)  __________ (n)
4. Rigid (adj)  __________ (n)
5. Stiff (adj)  __________ (n)
austere, stern, strict
1. Austere = stern, gr _ _ _
2. Stern = harsh, cruel, _ _ ve _ _
3. Strict = stern, cr _ _ ical
limp, mild, rigour, severe
1. cold
2. gentle, calm, tender
3. infirm, loose, weak
4. strict, grim
flexible, slope
1. Flexible X _ _ flexible
2. Slope = sl _ _ _
spring, stretch
1. Spring = _ _ coil
2. Stretch = length _ _
consistence, loose, soften, tight
1. Consistence X _ _ consistence
2. Loose (adj)  __________ (v)
3. Soften (v)  __________ (adj)
4. Tight (adj)  __________ (v)
coarse, crude, smooth
1. _________ oil prices have risen again.
2. His palms felt __________ from working too much in the garden.
3. We intend a _________ pass into a fully computerized factory.
fickle, jagged, rough, serrated, stabilize
1. irregular, uneven, jagged, unfinished
2. irregular, uneven, rough
3. saw-toothed
4. steady, firm
5. unstable, inconstant
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. The Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 resulted in severe criticism of President Kennedy by
the American people.
A) deep
B) special
C) tight
D) harsh
2. The increase in world population was negligible until around 1900.
A) unimportant
B) needless
C) average
D) misleading
3. One goal of physical fitness is to maximize a person's strength and endurance.
A) split
B) distinguish
C) increase
D) combine
4. Among the dangers of drilling for oil in the ocean is the problem of potential leaks.
A) serious
B) dangerous
C) imminent
D) possible
5. Most animals have become scarce during this century.
A) easily frightened
B) prone to disease
C) fewer in numbers
D) difficult to catch
6. In coastal areas where there is an abundance of fish, the fishing industry prospers.
A) more than sufficient quantity
B) a wide variety
C) a unique type
D) a common diet
7. A backyard swimming pool can be a hazard for small children.
A) pleasure
B) disaster
C) danger
D) thrill
8. She has written a new, comprehensive book.
A) complete
B) factual
C) festive
D) illustrated
9. My students think I am odd.
A) dangerous
B) friendly
C) strange
D) humorous
10. Oil is one of the principal sources of energy.
A) most expensive
B) most important
C) most difficult
D) most popular
exist, prevail
1. I'm glad to state that today the smallpox disease is __________. We've won the battle against it.
2. One view __________ among astronomers is that the moon was once a part of the Earth.
appear, look like, seem
1. In the Victorian times, it was forbidden for women to __________ on the theatre stage.
2. It _________ it is going to rain.
3. What does your cousin _________ ?
attribute, quality, trait
1. School kills creativity and free-choice, both __________ essential for a genius.
2. The idea of the United Nations is __________ to the US President Roosevelt.
3. Those items that fail the __________ control are sent to a separate section of the plant.
appearance, state
1. Appearance = emergence, s _ _ _ ing
2. State = condition, cir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ces
character, personality
- What is the difference between character and personality?
type, typical
1. __________ type of films do you like?
2. This is typical __________ him! He is late again!
example, exemplify, instance, sample, specimen
1. Study example and instance.
2. Study sample and specimen.
3. Exemplify = ty _ _ fy
embody, realize
1. Embody (v)  __________ (n)
2. Realize (v)  __________ (n)
essence, fact, truth
- This is not _________ essence a book for KPDS and YDS only. As a ___________ of fact, it is for
multiple-choice type questions. To tell you _________ truth, even those who prepare for general
purpose English can benefit from it.
false, fiction
1. False (adj)  __________ (v)
2. Fiction X _ _ _ fiction
actual, concrete, fake, real, virtual
1. Actual = true, ab _ _ _ _ te
2. Concrete = actual, s _ _ _ _ d
3. Fake = false, counter _ _ _ _
4. Real = actual, ge _ _ _ ne
5. Virtual = essential, imp _ _ _ _ _
apparent, imaginary
1. Apparent (adj)  __________ (v)
2. Imaginary (adj)  __________ (v)
become, happen, occur, take place
1. What does become mean in the sentence "Being a mother becomes her" ?
2. Study the difference: happen, occur, take place.
adventure, arise
1. Adventure = venture, jeo _ _ _ _ _
2. Study the difference: arise, rise, raise.
affair, circumstance, event, incident, phenomenon
Be careful: phenomenon (n-singular), phenomena (n-plural)
1. I'm afraid her husband has a revolting __________ with his secretary.
2. In any __________, we will have to sell the car.
3. It was through an unfortunate __________ that we realized how bad a person he was.
4. Total eclipse of the Sun is a natural __________.
5. Under these __________, there is no point in going any further.
catastrophe, disaster, holocaust, trouble
1. Study the difference: catastrophe and chaos.
2. Study the difference: disaster and holocaust.
3. Study the difference: trouble and problem.
act, behave, perform, react, respond
1. Act (v, n)  _________ (n)
2. Behave (v)  _________ (n)
3. Perform (v)  _________ (n)
4. React (v)  _________ (n)
5. Respond (v)  _________ (n)
practise, repeat
1. Study the difference: practise, practice and exercise?
2. Repeat (v)  _________ (n)  _________ (adj)
active, activity, deed, function
1. Active X _ _ active
2. Activity = movement, per _ _ _ mance
3. Deed = act, accomp _ _ _ _ ment
4. Function = purpose, d _ _ _
inert, listless, passive
1. Inert (adj)  _________ (n)
2. Listless (adj)  _________ (n)
3. Passive (adj)  _________ (n)
action, work
1. labour, drudgery
2. movement, activity, behaviour
flourish, manage, prosper, succeed
1. Study the difference between flourish and prosper.
2. Study the difference between manage and succeed.
excel, improve
1. Excel (v)  _________ (adj)
2. Improve X decline, dete _ _ _ _ _ te
accomplish, achieve, attain
1. Accomplish (v)  _________ (n)
2. Achieve (v)  _________ (n)
3. Attain (v)  _________ (n)
execute, fulfil, implement
1. He is the chief ___________ of a company. EXECUTE
2. People find ___________ in working together. FULFIL
3. Speedy __________ of the plan is of vital importance. IMPLEMENT
accept, agree, transact, undertake
1. The __________ of the proposal plan came as a real relief! ACCEPT
2. There is full __________ between the two parties. AGREE
3. Legal ___________ in a state-controlled system are rather cumbersome. TRANSACT
4. This is a great ___________. UNDERTAKE
refuse, reject
- Study the difference: refuse, reject, deny.
avoid, evasion
1. Study the difference between avoid and prevent.
2. Evasion = _ _ _ _ _ _ fuge
attempt, endeavour, strive, vigour
1. The athlete was able to qualify for the finals in his third __________.
2. These problems were discussed with great __________.
3. They have __________ for freedom for years.
4. We must wish him good luck in his __________.
aid, assist, subsidy, try
1. "The car won't work!" "Shall I give it another __________?"
2. Doctor Peterson will __________ me during the operation.
3. It appears that the Municipality has wasted the ____________.
4. We provide financial __________ to several countries.
auxiliary, benefit, support
1. additional, subsidiary
2. aid, assistance
3. profit
hamper, hindrance, keep, prevent
1. This constant stream of visitors really hampers ________ (of / from / - ) us!
2. Is hindrance countable or uncountable?
3. We told the children to keep _________ (of / out / away) from the cake.
4. There is nothing that will prevent them __________ (from / into / away) invading the city.
arouse, involve, make
Complete with arise, arouse, rise
1. A serious problem has now __________.
2. The sun is ________.
3. This new computer may ________ his interest into his studies.
- Involve (v)  __________ (n)
- Make (v)  __________ (n)
precipitate, prompt, render, stir
1. hint, push
2. make, perform, provide; translate
3. excite
4. speed, accelerate
cause, reason
- Study the difference: cause, reason, result.
aftermath, by-product
1. In the __________ of the Second World War, Germany became a divided country.
2. This chemical substance is a _________ of our production.
consequence, consequent, effect, effectual, result
1. __________ a consequence of his efforts, the dog kennel was moved to a safer place.
2. Consequent (adj)  __________ (adj)
3. This paper, __________ effect, will change the political layout of the whole state.
4. Effectual = effective, inf _ _ _ _ _ ial
5. Result (n, v)  __________ (adj)
compel, constrain, force, impel, indebted, oblige
1. Compel = force, constrain, _ _ force
2. Constrain = force, _ _ _ fine
3. Force = compel, inf _ _ _ _
4. Impel = propel, mo _ _ _ ate
5. Indebted = obliged, thank _ _ _
6. Oblige = compel, force, re _ _ _ re
crush, pressure, push, subject to
1. Crush X compact, cake, comp _ _ _ _
2. Pressure X re _ _ ef
3. Push X pull, drag, d _ _ _
Study the difference:
1. The new law is subject to change.
2. The new law is bound to change.
dissuade, persuade
1. influence, convince
2. warn, alarm
demand, urge
1. Demand (n, v)  __________ (adj)
2. Urge (n, v)  __________ (adj)
must, necessitate, need
1. A piece of mind is what I really __________.
2. It is a _________ that you submit your thesis before the end of this month.
3. This job will __________ working with your hands.
request, require
1. He made a _________ in writing.
2. We _________ more people to carry on with the rescue operation.
discourage, encourage
Study the difference: discourage, dissuade; encourage, persuade.
base, establish, found
1. Base = establish, found, g _ _ _ _ d
2. Establish = found; verify; _ _ act
3. Found = establish, set _ _
 Did you know the longest word in English? "Antidisestablishmentialism".
Attentive (adj)  __________ (v)
decide, determine
1. Decide (v)  ___________ (adj)
2. Determine  ___________ (adj)
resolution, resolve, settle, unravel
1. Resolution = solution, _ _ _ come
2. Resolve X _ _ _ solidate
3. Settle X _ _ _ fuse
4. Unravel = resolve, _ _ tangle
affect, enhance
1. What is the difference between affect and effect?
2. Enhance = inf _ _ _ _
chair, dominate, govern, guide, influence, manipulate, preside, supervise
1. He is the ___________ of a big company. CHAIR
2. These genes are __________. DOMINATE
3. She was elected the __________ of a large town. GOVERN
4. We need the expert __________ of a medical person. GUIDE
5. His views have always been __________. INFLUENCE
6. The careful _________ of the events prevented a disaster. MANIPULATE
7. Who was the fifth _________ of the USA? PRESIDE
8. She acts as the legal _________ of us. SUPERVISE
conduct, maintain, organize
1. Conduct (v) means direct and guide. What does the noun form mean?
2. Maintain = assist; per _ _ _ _ re
3. Organize = establish, institute, _ _ _ stitute
kneel, perch, rise, squat
1. Study the difference: kneel, perch, squat.
2. Study the difference: arise, rise.
collapse, fall, trip
1. While he was walking, he ________ (fell / tripped) over a dog's lead and _________ (fell /
tripped) flat on to the pavement.
2. Study the difference between collapse and demolish.
dip, drop, lift, lower, raise
1. He _________ his biscuit into his tea and popped it into his mouth.
2. I'm afraid I've __________ my bag somewhere.
3. She __________ the blinds so that the afternoon sun would not disturb the patient's eyes.
4. The point he ________ during the monthly meeting was really trivial.
5. This crane can _________ cargo boxes to a height of 23 meters.
bank, bow, lean, reel
1. Bank = turn, _ _ cline
2. Bow = bend, curve, buc _ _ _
3. Lean = incline, bend, sl _ _ _
4. Reel = stagger; wh _ _ l
shake, sway, swing
1. Children were _________ in the park.
2. The _________ of the huge pendulum of the clock came to a halt.
3. They _________ hands before they sat at the table.
curl, revolve, rotate, spin, turn, twist, whirl, wind
1. He has __________ hair. CURL
2. He pulled out his ________ and fired. REVOLVE
3. Out of the job ________ policy of our company, I'll have to work abroad for some time. ROTATE
4. She was sitting at her _______ wheel and weaving. SPIN
5. This is a ________ point in history. TURN
6. A monstrous __________ destroyed houses in the north part of the continent. TWIST
7. Followers of Mevlana are named _______ dervishes. WHIRL
8. It was a long, _______ road. WIND
pulse, shiver, shudder, throb
1. As the was soaked to the skin, she ________.
2. He was so angry that we could see a vein ________ of his forehead.
3. I ________ to think of the consequences.
4. The doctor checked the patient's ________.
nod, tremble, vibrate, wag, wave
1. Nod X _______
2. Study the difference between tremble and vibrate.
3. The dog ________ (wagged / waved) its tail as soon as it saw its owner.
dangle, hang
1. Clark Gable was famous for his cigarette ________ (dangling / hanging) from his lips.
2. Study the difference in meaning:
hang - hanged - hanged
hang - hung - hung
slanted, tilted, upright, vertical
1. Slanted = tampered _ _ _ _
2. Tilted = slop _ _ _
3. Upright = vertical, erect X crooked; horizon _ _ _
4. Vertical = upright, erect, stand _ _ _
flat, prostrate
1. Flat (adj)  __________ (v)
2. Prostrate = flat X elevated, ro _ _ _
deep, low, shallow, wide
1. Deep (adj, n)  _________ (n)  ___________ (v)
2. Low (adj)  __________ (v)
3. Shallow = sh _ _ _
4. Wide (adj)  ___________ (n)  __________ (v)
fine, narrow
1. little, minute, small
2. slender, thin
broaden, shorten
1. Broaden = length _ _
2. Shorten = abb _ _ _ _ _ _ _
habit, inclined, liable, lie, prone, tend
1. These are all __________ actions. HABIT
2. She has an __________ toward alcoholism. INCLINED
3. I have certain __________ to bear. LIABLE
4. He is a really butter-finger and is, therefore, ________-prone; he cuts himself and hurts himself
too often.
5. There is an apparent _________ to increase wages. TEND
- Study the difference between lie (v) and lay (v).
carve, chop, slice, trim
1. Can I have another _______ of this delicious bread, please?
2. He cut himself while he was _________ the hedge around his garden.
3. I can ________ a better man than you out of this log!
4. We decided to _______ the tree down because it was too old and would definitely collapse
during a strong storm.
detach, disengage
- What is the difference between detach and disengage?
divide, part, separate, split
1. Divide (v)  __________ (n)
2. Part (v, n)  __________ (adj)
3. Separate (v, adj)  __________ (adj)
4. Split (v, adj)  __________ (n)
insulate, isolate
- What is the difference between insulate and isolate?
affix, amalgamate, bang, penetrate, pierce
1. Affix = attach, app _ _ _
2. Amalgamate = mix, al _ _ _
3. Bang = strike, bat _ _ _
4. Penetrate = pierce, b _ _ e
5. Pierce = penetrate, enter, d _ _ ll
combine, connect, consolidate, integrate, join, tie, unite
1. The rescue operation is a ________ undertaking of several rescue teams. COMBINE
2. He did the cleverest thing and ________ the plug before he opened the cabin door. CONNECT
3. This has been a real __________. CONSOLIDATE
4. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are named _________ skills in language teaching.
5. This is a ________ venture. JOIN
6. Do you thing you can ________ this lock? Otherwise, I'll have to cut it. TIE
7. We need ___________ and loyalty. UNITE
adjunct, junction
1. addition, appendix
2. joining, connection
rip, tear
1. The identity of the famous murderer of the nineteenth century, Jack the ________, will probably
never be found. RIP
2. Study the difference between tear (v) and tear (n).
associate, association, incorporate, union
1. Associate = comrade, coll _ _ _ _ _
2. Association = alliance, relation _ _ _ _
3. Incorporate = merge, com _ _ _ _
4. Union = coalition, un _ _ _
blast, break
1. Blast = explosion, _ _ _ charge
2. Break = frac _ _ _ _
shatter, smash, snap
1. Study the difference between shatter and smash.
2. Study the difference between snap and snatch.
depress, dready, press
1. Study the difference between depress and press.
2. Study the difference between dready and dreary.
bruise, rub, squeeze
1. He _________ the lemon, but it was too green.
2. He survived the accident with minor cuts and __________.
3. If you want to polish your silverware, you need to _________ it with some polishing liquid.
hit, kick, knock, strike
1. Hit = blow, strike, cr _ _ _
2. Kick = blow with the _ _ _ _
3. Knock = rap, _ _ p
4. Strike = hit, b _ _ t
burst, erupt, explode
1. Finally, she _________ into tears.
2. The volcano _________ with a great roar.
3. When the bomb ________, I was within the radius of the hazardous area.
damage, harm, hurt, spoil
1. Alcohol apparently did great __________ on his health.
2. His being drunk ________ the party.
3. I didn't want to ________ her feelings! I thought she deserved to know the truth.
4. The dam was seriously _________ because of the earthquake.
annihilate, destroy, eradicate
1. demolish, dissolve
2. destroy, demolish, overthrow
3. end, exterminate, destroy
devastate, disrupt, ruin, undermine
1. The blaze was __________! The factory was destroyed completely. DEVASTATE
2. It is impossible to tolerate further _________. DISRUPT
3. We visited the archaeological site where some of the _________ were yet to be uncovered. RUIN
4. Undermine = threaten, w _ _ _ en
deteriorate, worsen
- What is the difference between deteriorate and worsen?
demonstrate, display, indicate, point
1. Demonstrate = show, explain, il _ _ _ _ rate
2. Display = exhibit, ex _ _ _ _
3. Indicate = point, show, _ _ note
4. Point = indicate, sug _ _ _ _
exhibit, expose, exposure, reveal, revelation
1. Study the difference: exhibit, expose and reveal.
2. Exposure = _ _ _ closure
3. Revelation = an _ _ _ _ _ _ ment
conceal, hide
- What is the difference between conceal and hide?
discover, track down, trace
1. Discover (v)  __________ (n)
2. What is the difference between track down and trace?
find, hunt, lose, search, seek, stalk
1. Find (v)  __________ (n)
2. Study the difference: hunt, search, seek, stalk.
3. Study the difference: lose, loss, loose and loosen.
explore, inspect, investigate
1. Explore (v)  __________ (n)
2. Inspect (v)  __________ (n)
3. Investigate (v)  __________ (n)
check, examine, probe, research
1. Can you __________ whether we've remembered to bring our portable gas stove?
2. The doctor __________ the patient casually.
3. Trying to figure out a solution to this problem is like _________ in darkness.
4. We'll have make a detailed __________ into the causes of this office fire.
conserve, preserve
- What is the difference between conserve and preserve?
salvage, save
- Study the difference: salvage, save, rescue.
rescue, reserve, withhold
1. Study the difference: rescue, help, survive.
2. Study the difference: reserve, preserve.
3. Withhold = disown, _ _ _ claim
care, guard, protect, secure, vulnerable
1. She is a tender and __________ mother. CARE
2. It will be very hard to persuade the _________ to let us see the prisoners. GUARD
3. Government __________ on public enterprises can be harmful. PROTECT
4. How do you obtain __________ here? SECURE
5. Switzerland's complete _________ to attack any neighbouring country has secured its
independence through centuries. VULNERABLE
Tümce Analizi
Tümce analizini bir tümce üzerinde incelersek,
The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of the president's newly established
government, but it has international implications as well.
tümcenin türünü (basit tümce ya da bileşik tümce) saptayın. Basit tümce ise S+V+O unsurlarını
saptayın. Bileşik tümce ise yan tümce ile ana tümceyi saptayarak ayrı ayrı S+V+O unsurlarını
saptayın. Esas yüklemi saptayabilmek en önemli nokta.
Tümce "not only ... but (also/as well)" yapısı içeren bir bileşik tümce.
The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of the president's newly established
government, // but it has international implications as well.
tümcenin okunması esnasında kafa karıştıracak türden her türlü yapıyı parantez içine alarak şimdilik
gözardı edin:
The student revolt is not only a thorn (in the side of the president's newly established
government), but it has international implications as well.
tümcede bir başka yapının yerine geçebilecek sözcükleri (reference words) analiz edin:
..., but it has international implications as well. it = The students revolt
birden fazla yapıda farklı anlamlar taşıyabilen as, for, yet, since gibi yapıları mutlaka inceleyin;
sözcüklerin Türkçesini belirleyin; tümceyi sözcük sözcük olarak değil, anlamını anladığınız şekilde
Türkçeye aktarın; parantez içine aldığınız yapıları dilerseniz çeviri esnasında da gözardı edip
sonradan tümcenize uygun bir şekilde ekleyebilirsiniz; çevirinizin Türkçesini kontrol edin. Kontrol
esnasında ölçütünüz şu olmalı: Türkçe tümce İngilizce tümceyi hiç okumamış biri tarafından
okunduğunda, bu kişi İngilizce tümcenin taşıdığı anlamın aynısını çıkarabilir mi?
Tümcelerin anlamına yönelik soruları yanıtladıktan sonra tümceleri analiz ederek Türkçeye aktarın.
1. I disagreed then as now with many of John Smith's judgements, but always respected
him, and this book is a welcome reminder of his big, honest, friendly, stubborn
How does the author of this sentence feel about John Smith ?
_____ a. He dislikes him but agrees with his ideas.
_____ b. He considers him to be a disagreeable person.
_____ c. He disagrees with his ideas but respects him.
_____ d. He disagreed with him then but agrees with him now.
2. Concepts like passivity, dependence, and aggression may need further research if they
are to continue to be useful ways of thinking about human personalities.
What might require more research ?
_____ a. Human thought processes
_____ b. Certain concepts
_____ c. Human personalities
_____ d. Useful ways of thinking
3. In order for you to follow the schedule set by the publisher, your paper must be looked
over over the weekend, revised, and handed in in its final form on Monday.
What must you do on Saturday and Sunday ?
_____ a. Meet the publisher
_____ b. Examine your paper
_____ c. Hand in paper
_____ d. Look over the weekend
4. The real reason why prices were, and still are, too high is complicated, and no short
discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem.
What word or phrase best describes prices ?
_____ a. Complicated
_____ b. Adequately explained
_____ c. Too high in the past, but low now
_____ d. To high in the past and in the present
5. This is not just a sad-but-true story; the boy's experience is horrible and damaging, yet
a sense of love shines through every word.
How does the author of this sentence feel about the story ?
_____ a. It transmits a sense of love.
_____ b. It is just sad.
_____ c. It is not true.
_____ d. It is horrible and damaging.
6. In the past five years the movement has grown from unorganized groups of poorly
armed individuals to a comparatively well-armed, well-trained army of anywhere from
10,000 to 16,000 members.
What is the present condition of the movement ?
_____ a. The members are poorly armed.
_____ b. There are only a few poor individuals.
_____ c. There are over 16,000 members.
_____ d. The members are organized and well-armed.
7. The financial situation isn't bad yet, but we believe that we have some vital information
and, if it is correct, unemployment will soon become a serious problem.
What do we know about the economic situation ?
_____ a. It won't change.
_____ b. It will become a serious problem.
_____ c. It is not bad now.
_____ d. It will improve.
8. The general then added, "The only reasonable solution to the sort of problems caused
by the current unstable political situation is one of diplomacy and economic measures
and not the use of military force."
What type of solution does the general support ?
_____ a. Economic and diplomatic action.
_____ b. Diplomatic and economic action if military force fails.
_____ c. Only diplomatic action.
_____ d. Military actions in response to political problems.
9. Because the supply of natural gas was plentiful in comparison to other choices like
coal and fuel oil, and because it burns cleaner, many people changed their heating
systems to natural gas, thereby creating shortages.
Why did people prefer gas ?
_____ a. It was natural.
_____ b. There were no other choices.
_____ c. The other fuels were dirtier and less plentiful.
_____ d. There is, even today, a plentiful supply of it.
10. Few phenomena in history are more puzzling than this one: that men and women with
goals so vague, with knowledge so uncertain, with hopes so foggy, still would have
risked dangers so certain and tasks so great.
What historical fact is puzzling ?
_____ a. That ordinary people had such vague goals.
_____ b. That people took such great risks.
_____ c. That people had foggy hopes and uncertain knowledge.
_____ d. That ordinary people completed such great tasks.
11. Next he had to uncover the ancient secret - so jealously guarded by the ancients that
no text of any kind, no descriptive wall painting, and no tomb inscription about making
papyrus are known to exist.
What secret did this man want to discover ?
_____ a. How to understand wall paintings.
_____ b. How to read tomb inscriptions.
_____ c. How to read the ancient texts.
_____ d. How to produce papyrus.
12. Alexis, the ruler of a city where politics was a fine art, concealed his fears, received the
noblemen with extravagant ceremonies, impressed them with his riches, praised them,
entertained them, bribed them, made promises he had no intention of keeping - and
thus succeeding in keeping their troops outside the city walls.
Why did Alexis give money and attention to the noblemen?
_____ a. Because they praised him.
_____ b. In order to prevent their armies from entering the city.
_____ c. In order to impress them with his riches.
_____ d. Because they were his friends.
Aşağıdaki tümcelerde uygun seçeneği işaretleyin. Ardından tümceleri analiz ederek Türkçeye aktarın.
1. My discovery of Tillie Olsen was a gift from a friend; years ago she gave me her copy of
Tell Me A Riddle, because she liked the stories and wanted to share the experience.
What do we know about Tillie Olsen ?
_____ 1. She is a friend.
_____ 2. She likes stories.
_____ 3. She likes gifts.
_____ 4. She is an author.
2. A few government officials even estimate that the war has created more than half a
million refugees who need immediate food, clothing, and shelter.
Exactly how many refugees are there ?
_____ 1. Half a million.
_____ 2. Over half a million.
_____ 3. We do not know exactly.
_____ 4. Only a few government officials know the exact figure.
3. The Green Tiger Press believes that the relatively unknown works of great children's
illustrators are sources of vast beauty and power, and is attempting to make these
treasures more easily available.
What is the goal of this printing company ?
_____ 1. To publish more children's books.
_____ 2. To develop powerful stories.
_____ 3. To make children's illustrations more easily available.
_____ 4. To encourage artists to become children's illustrators.
4. Although he calls the $1,000 donation "a very generous amount, especially in these
times," the president expresses hope that the project will attract additional funds from
companies and other sources so that it can continue beyond this year.
What does the president know about this project ?
_____ 1. It will cost only $1,000.
_____ 2. It is very special.
_____ 3. Special sources will support it.
_____ 4. It cannot continue without additional support.
5. Any thought that this new custom will remain unchanged - or in Europe will remain
uniquely English - is ridiculous.>
What does the author believe about the new custom ?
_____ 1. It will remain limited.
_____ 2. The custom will change.
_____ 3. Acceptance of the custom is ridiculous.
_____ 4. The custom will remain in Europe.
6. These robust and persistent sailors gathered from all the nations of Western Europe,
and set out on the voyages that laid foundations for four great empires with no other
power than sail and oar.
Why were these voyages important ?
_____ 1. Sailors came from many countries in Europe.
_____ 2. The voyages laid the foundation of western Europe.
_____ 3. The foundations for empires were laid.
_____ 4. Western Europe lost its power.
7. Young people need to develop the values, attitudes, and problem-solving skills
essential to their participation in a political system which was designed, and is still
based, on the assumption that all citizens would be so prepared.
What is a basic assumption of this political system ?
_____ 1. All the people will be capable of participation.
_____ 2. All people participate in the system.
_____ 3. All people should have the same values and attitudes.
_____ 4. Most people cannot develop the skills to participate in the system.
8. While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual
fulfillment to be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being
cautious about accepting any sort of one-sided educational program as a cure for the
world's ills.
How does the author feel about nontraditional education?
_____ 1. He believes that it has no possibility of success.
_____ 2. He doubts that it can cure the world's ills.
_____ 3. He feels that it is a cure for the world's ills.
_____ 4. He believes that it will bring social harmony.
Tümce ile aynı anlamı taşıyan tümceyi işaretleyin.
Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to
their patients if they recommend anything.
Nine out of every ten doctors recommend the product in surveys.
Of the doctors who responded to a survey, nine out of ten doctors recommend the product.
Not many doctors recommend the product if they have to, according to a survey.
Nine out of ten doctors who responded to a survey report that they recommend anything but
the product.
If they recommend anything, what nine out of ten doctors recommend in surveys is the
This organization may succeed marvelously at what it wants to do, but what it wants to
do may not be all that important.
The organization is marvelous.
The organization is likely to succeed in achieving this great goal.
Although the organization may reach its goal, it is doubtful whether the goals are so great.
What the organization wants to reach looks marvelous but not important.
Even unimportant goals might be reached by so marvelous organizations.
This book contains a totally new outlook which combines the wisdom of the past with
scientific knowledge to solve the problems of the present.
a. Problems of the past and present are solved in this book through a new and scientific
b. In this book, current knowledge and past wisdom are combined to solve current problems.
c. Today's problem's cannot be solved in this book by using knowledge of the past and present.
d. None of today's problems can be solved without scientific knowledge and past experiences,
this book suggests.
e. This book is different because it combines the wisdom of the past with scientific knowledge.
Like other timeless symbols, flags have accompanied mankind for thousands of years,
gaining ever wider meaning, yet losing none of their inherent and original force.
a. In spite of losing their original force, flags are a timeless symbol which have been with
mankind for thousands of years.
Timeless symbols such as flags typically gain wider meaning while losing none of their
inherent force as they accompany mankind through thousands of years.
Thousands of years ago flags used to accompany mankind but through time, like other
timeless symbols, they have lost not only some inherent value but also their original force.
As they are considered a timeless symbol, flags have gained continually wider meaning
without losing their inherent original force throughout history.
Flags have existed for thousands of years as a timeless symbol, never gaining wider meaning
and losing none of their inherent original force.
The project of which this book is the result was first suggested in the summer of 1962,
in the course of some leisurely conversations at the foot of and (occasionally) on the
top of the Alps of western Austria.
This book was written in 1962.
This book was written in Austria.
This book is a collection of seminars held in 1962.
This book is the end result of a project.
This book is about western Austria.
Taxes being so high, the descendants of the wealthy class of the nineteenth century
are being forced to rent out their estates to paying guests.
a. In the nineteenth century, the wealthy class rented out its estates to pay their descendants'
b. Owing to high taxes, families which were once rich now rent out their estates.
c. Guests pay high taxes when they rent old estates of those once rich families.
d. Some families the parents of whom were once rich are having trouble paying their taxes and
e. High taxes have put the once wealthy families of the nineteenth century into such a terrible
situation that they need to rent out their estates.
There is a question about the extent to which we can be free of a prejudiced view in the
area of religion.
To a certain extent we can never be free of prejudice in the area of religion.
Everyone without exception questions the prejudice view in the area of religion.
A prejudiced view in anyone in the area of religion is questionable.
None one of us can be free of prejudice in the area of religion.
Because we cannot be free of prejudice in the area of religion, we cannot question it.
If this book begins with a familiar theme - the Indian experience of the last 120 years the author brings to it great power and deep understanding.
a. This book was written 120 years ago on the Indian experience.
b. The Indian experience of the last 120 years is a familiar topic and nothing new can be written
about it.
c. The book is powerful in that it treats a powerful theme: the Indian experience of the last 120
d. It may be that the great power and deep understanding is there to be found in the book, yet
the theme is a familiar one.
e. The book treats a familiar theme - the Indian experience of the last 1200 years - in a powerful
People should choose their elected representatives partly on the basis of how well they
believe these representatives, once elected, can convince them to do or support
whatever needs to be done.
a. People should choose representatives whom they believe will convince them to take action.
b. People should choose representatives on the basis of whether or not they believe the
representatives can be convinced to do whatever needs to be done.
Although people should choose representatives whom they believe will convince them to take
action, often they do not.
Representatives should be elected only as far as they are convinced to take action.
People should choose representatives whom they believe they can convince to do or support
whatever needs to be done.
İkinci paragrafı oluşturan uzun tümcenin yüklemini bulun.
In one very long sentence, the introduction to the U.N. Charter expresses the ideals
and the common aims of all the peoples whose governments joined together to form
the U.N.
"We the peoples of the U.N. determined to save succeeding generations from
the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to
mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights, in the dignity and worth of
the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large
and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the
obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be
maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger
freedom, and for these ends, to practice tolerance and live together in peace
with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain
peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the
institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common
interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic
and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to
accomplish these aims."
The name United Nations is accredited to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and
the first group of representatives of member states met and signed a declaration of
common intent on New Year's Day in 1942. Representatives of five powers worked
together to draw up proposals, completed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These
proposals, modified after deliberation at the conference on International Organization
in San Francisco which began in April 1945, were finally agreed on and signed as the
U.N. Charter by 50 countries on 26 June 1945. Poland, not represented at the
conference, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of original members. It
was not until that autumn, however, after the Charter had been ratified by China,
France, the U.S.S.R., the U.K. and the U.S. and by a majority of the other participants
that the U.N. officially came into existence. The date was 24 October, now universally
celebrated as United Nations day.
The essential functions of the U.N. are to maintain peace and security, to develop
friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally economic, social, cultural
and human problems, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
and to be centre for co-ordinating the actions of nations in attaining these common
No country takes precedence over another in the U.N. Each member's rights and
obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of
international disputes, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use of
force against other states. Though the U.N. has no right to intervene any state's
internal affairs, it tries to ensure that non-member states act according to its principles
of international peace and security. UN members must offer every assistance in an
approved U.N. action and in no way assist states against which the U.N. is taking
preventive or enforcement action.
Ettirgen yapılar içeren aşağıdaki tümceleri inceleyin ve Türkçeye çevirin.
1. Detailed calculations find that the acceleration of an object under gravity depends on both the
mass and temperature of an object in a way that makes heavier, or cooler objects fall faster
than lighter or hotter ones.
The job of the typographer is to make the reading of the printed page easy and pleasant, and
in illustrated books to make sure that, for example, the connection between text and
illustrations is clear.
To be a good teacher, you need to make the material varied, interesting, and understandable
to your students.
Although Miss Quested had not made herself popular with the English, she brought out all that
was fine in her character.
Probably the child first becomes aware of causality when he himself causes things to move by
pushing, pulling, and shaking them. Such movements occur at first by chance, and then the
child begins to produce them intentionally. Thus one of Piaget's children found at the age of
three months that by kicking around in her cot she could make her dolls, which were
suspended from a framework above the cot, move to and fro.
The mere fact that something has happened a certain number of times causes animals and
men to expect that it will happen again. Thus our instincts certainly cause us to believe that
the sun will rise tomorrow.
(In India) To send a telegram in the ordinary public fashion necessitates at least four separate
but interrelated operations. First, you approach the counter, which is besieged by a shrilling,
gesticulating crowd.
Gandhi was released from prison early in 1924. Almost his first public act was a three-week
fast in the cause of communal unity. This led to a conference on unity, and once more he was
in the centre of affairs.
Mrs. Thatcher has succeeded in making people believe in her economic "miracle", which, as
we have repeatedly argued, is largely an illusion.
As one delegate to the Cannes film festival put it: "Technically the British are always superb,
but when you are watching a comedy show only one question really counts - does it make you
laugh ?"
It is not surprising to find that success or failure in a task has some effect on the performance
of that task itself, and may also affect tasks performed immediately afterwards.
Make-up does several things to the human face. It may disguise it or protect it from the sun; it
may make it look younger and healthier, or it may label it as belonging to a particular social
A type of reading which necessitates careful attention to detail is proof-reading, in which the
reader, in order to detect misprints, has to notice not so much on the meaning of what he
reads as the exact shapes and order of letters and words in the text.
14. In any interaction which makes you anxious, you can learn to adjust your own body language
and feel more confident. Try to avoid wringing your hands, as this conveys nervousness, or
raising your forefinger when you speak because the implicit aggression will arouse an uncooperative response.
The administration of active toxins to an animal or person will probably produce adverse side
effects because the poison kills normal cells as well. It would be a good idea if we could
modify the toxins so that they kill only cancer cells. One way is to attach these toxins to
substances called antibodies, which react specifically with tumour cells to produce
"immunotoxins". Antibodies are protein molecules produced by animals, in response to a
foreign substance, or antigen. Antibodies combine specifically with the substance that induced
their formation. In this case, specific active molecules on the surface of the cancer cells trigger
the formation of antibodies. Therefore, in theory, the immunotoxin will selectively seek out and
kill the tumour cell.
Find synonym for the underlined word.
1. Natural occurrences such as hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes can have catastrophic
effects on people.
A) disastrous
B) killing
C) categorical
D) unimaginable
2. Unicorns, dragons and centaurs are all imaginary animals.
A) magic
B) unimportant
C) pictorial
D) unreal
3. A huge mountain chain in Europe is formed by linking the Alps, the Pyrenees, the
Balkans, the Caucaus, and the Carpathians.
A) dividing
B) surpassing
C) surrounding
D) joining
4. Women in England achieved the right to vote only after various protest movements.
A) fought for
B) gained
C) wrote about
D) chose
5. Martin Luther King fought to put an end to racial segregation.
A) integration
B) education
C) separation
D) torture
6. Her early skills with numbers was an indicative of a genius in mathematics.
A) giving direction
B) giving indication
C) giving assistance
D) giving approval
7. Property deeds belong in a safe deposit box.
A) actions
B) legal papers
C) wills
D) addresses
8. A computer may be used in the math classroom to implement the lesson.
A) implant
B) learn
C) entreat
D) carry out
9. The pilot miraculously survived the crash unscathed.
A) unsurprised
B) unhurt
C) unhappy
D) undeterred
10. The first man to reach the summit of Mt. Everest won worldwide acclaim for his feat.
A) deed
B) climb
C) courage
D) stamina
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Çeviri Notları
Metin Analizi ve Çevirisi
Bu bölümde İngilizce-Türkçe çeviri için çeşitli metinler yer almaktadır.
1. Genel amaçlı çeviriyi hedefleyenler amaçlandığı için, metinlerde belli bir konu (tıp, ekonomi
gibi) sınırlandırması yoktur.
2. Bir ya da birkaç örnek metnin çevirisinin yapılması, çeviride yetkinliğin ölçütü olamaz. Bu
durumda da seçilen metinlerin belli başlı çeviri sorunlarını örneklemesi hedeflenmiştir.
Metinlerin olabildiğince güncel ve ilginç olması amaçlanmıştır.
4. Metinlerin uzunluğu görecelidir. Çok uzun bir metin çok az çeviri sorunu örnekleyebileceği gibi
bunun tersi durumlar da söz konusu olabilir. Bu nedenle önemli olan metnin uzunluğu değil o
metinde ön plana çıkarılan tümcelerdir.
Çalışmanız için derlenmiş 31 tane metinde - sergiledikleri çeviri sorunları açısından - kolaydan zora
doğru bir sıralama izlenmiştir. Yine de, bu sıralamayı kendinize göre düzenleyebilirsiniz.
18 - THE 800TH LIFE
26 - ART
Inflation is a modern economic disease, which all consumers suffer from. When we
are told that we have got a pay rise, we are naturally pleased. Yet when we go to the
shops to buy things, we find that we cannot buy as much as we could a month ago.
How is this possible? The reason, of course, lies in the fact that prices are rising all
the time and we usually receive pay rises that are not as large as general price
increases. We find, furthermore, that the money we have carefully saved in the bank
cannot buy the house that we want because the price of the house has doubled.
It seems, in fact, that our wages have gone down although our employees have told
us they have increased. It is not surprising, then, that political parties win or lose
elections according to how well they persuade the people that inflation can be
controlled by their policies. It is only to be expected, therefore, that the ordinary voter
will support a government that promises to restore the value of money in the bank and
to make wage increases equal to the increase of prices in the shops. As a result of
this situation, we find governments being defeated by their economic policies. People
are impatient and prefer to vote for a new government rather than wait for old
economic policies to become effective: Unfortunately, promises about controlling
prices and wages are not generally kept because there is no simple cure for the
complex disease of inflation.
258 sözcük
If you grow your own vegetables, they are bound to be fresher than those you buy in
the shops; and the chances are that you will find they taste better, too. You can also
grow things it is difficult to find in the shops. And you may save money - a family of
four could have saved around £70 last year by growing all their vegetables. All of this,
by doing something that many people regard as a
healthy leisure activity.
In the first part of this report, we tell you what is
involved in growing your own vegetables and how to plan a vegetable garden. In the
second, we tell you how to get the best value for money when buying seeds and
Much of the report is based on the experiences of our members - nearly 1,500 filled in
a mammoth questionnaire. We are very grateful indeed for the help they gave us. One
thing is clear from our members' experience: growing vegetables can be hard work.
Routine jobs like weeding and clearing take up a lot of time, quite apart from the
exhausting chore of digging. However, nearly all our vegetable-growing members
thought the results were definitely worth all the effort.
205 sözcük
Merry Christmas to you all... "Merry", as you may know, has two meanings: a) happy,
and b) drunk. If you're like a large number of British people, then your Christmas will
be an alcoholic, rather than a religious, occasion.
If you walk down Piccadily or Oxford Street just before Christmas, you will see an
incredible amount of money being spent on electronic games, bottles of spirits,
expensive clothes, LPs, cassettes, cameras, and large number of luxury items. If you
walk down the main street of several towns of the Third World just before Christmas,
you won't see large amount of money being spent on presents: in fact, you won't see
a large amount of money being spent on anything.
80% of all disease in the world is caused by bad water supply: for millions of people,
the perfect Christmas present would be a tap in the village square which would give
pure, clean water.
Do we think of these people when we sit down to our Christmas dinner? Of course not
- we're too busy thinking about the turkey, the roast potatoes, and the presents sitting
under the Christmas tree. The whole idea of Christmas now is completely unChristian
- I'm sure that Christ would be furious if he could see what sort of celebrations are
being carried out in his name.
So I'm against Christmas - I agree with Scrooge1 "It's all humbugg." If we're going to
continue this wasteful, thoughtless ceremony, then let's be truthful about it, and call it
"Stuff-Our-Faces Week", or "Stomach Week" - but let's get rid of the hypocritical
pretense that Christmas is "the season of the goodwill".
1 Scrooge Charles Dickens'ın yarattığı, Noel kutlamalarının gereksiz olduğuna inanan bir roman
274 sözcük.
To get a chocolate out of a box requires a considerable amount of unpacking: the box
has to be taken out of the paper bag in which it arrives; the cellophane wrapper has to
be torn off, the lid opened and the paper removed; the chocolate itself then has to be
unwrapped from its own piece of paper. But this insane amount of wrapping is not
confined to luxuries. It is now becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything that is not
done up in cellophane, polythene, or paper.
The package itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away
immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the refuse put out by the
average London household each week. So why is it done? Some of it, like the
cellophane on meat, is necessary, but most of the rest is simply competitive selling.
This is absurd. Packaging is using up scarce energy and resources and messing up
the environment.
Little research is being carried out on the costs of alternative types of packaging. Just
how is it possible, for instance, for local authorities to salvage paper, pulp it, and
recycle it as egg-boxes? Would it be cheaper to plant another forest? Paper is the
material most used for packaging - 20 million paper bags are apparently used in Great
Britain each day - but very little is salvaged.
Both glass and paper are being threatened by the growing use of plastic. The trouble
with plastic is that it does not rot. Some environmentalists argue that the only solution
to the problem of ever-growing mounds of plastic containers is to do away with plastic
altogether in the shops, a suggestion unacceptable to many manufacturers who say
there is no alternative to their handy plastic packs.
It is evident that more research is needed into the recovery and re-use of various
materials and into the cost of collecting and recycling containers as opposed to
producing new ones. Unnecessary packaging, indeed to be used just once, is clearly
becoming increasingly absurd. But it is not so much a question of doing away with
packaging as using it sensibly. What is needed is a more sophisticated approach to
using scarce resources for what is, after all, a relatively unimportant function.
380 sözcük
Albert Einstein once attributed the creativity of a famous scientist to the fact that he
"never went to school, and therefore preserved the rare gift of thinking freely." There
is undoubtedly truth in Einstein's observation; many artists and geniuses seem to view
their schooling as a disadvantage. But such a truth is not a criticism of schools. It is
the function of schools to civilize, not to train explorers. The explorer is always a
lonely individual whether his or her pioneering be in art, music, science, or technology.
The creative explorer of unmapped lands shares with the genius what William James
described as the "faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way." Insofar as schools teach
perceptual patterns they tend to destroy creativity and genius. But if schools
could somehow exist solely to cultivate genius, then society would break down.
For the social order demands unity and widespread agreement, both traits that
are destructive to creativity. There will always be conflict between the demands
of society and the impulses of creativity and genius.
172 sözcük
Then one day I found a fat mother scorpion in the wall. She was wearing a fur coat. I
look more closely. It was really a mass of very small babies holding on to their
mother's back. I very much admired this family, and decided to take them secretly into
the house and up to my bedroom. I wanted to watch them while they grew up.
Carefully, I put the mother and family into a matchbox, and then ran to the villa.
Lunch was on the table. I put the matchbox carefully on a shelf in the sitting room and
went to the dining room and joined the family for the meal. I ate slowly, gave Roger
food secretly under the table and listened to the family. I completely forgot about my
exciting new pets. When Larry finished his meal, he took some cigarettes from the
sitting room. He sat back in his chair, put one in his mouth and picked up the
matchbox which he had brought. I watched him with interest. He was still talking when
he opened the matchbox.
Now I still say this: the mother scorpion did not want to hurt anyone. She was worried
and angry, so she took the first chance to escape. She climbed out of the box very
quickly. Her babies were still holding on when she climbed on to the back of Larry's
hand. There she was a bit uncertain, and she paused. Her sting was curved up at the
ready. When Larry felt the movement of her claws he looked down and saw her. Then
everything got confused. He screamed with fear and Lugaretzia dropped a plate.
Roger came out under the table and began to run wildly.
Larry shook his hand and the scorpion flew down the table. She fell between Margo
and Leslie and her babies went everywhere when she fell on to the table-cloth. She
was now very angry and ran towards Leslie. Leslie jumped to his feet, overturned his
chair, and hit the scorpion with his napkin. Mother put on her glasses and looked
down the table. At that moment Margo tried to stop the scorpion and threw a glass of
water at it. But, the shower hit mother, who immediately lost her breath and couldn't
speak. The scorpion was not behind Leslie's plate, but her babies were running all
over the plate. And, Roger, who wanted to help, was making angry noises and
running round the room.
"It's that horrible boy again !" shouted Larry.
"Be careful ! They're coming !" screamed Margo.
"All we need is a book," shouted Leslie. "Find me a book!"
"What's the problem ?" mother was asking while she tried to clean her glasses.
"It's that horrible boy ... he'll kill us all ... Look at the table ... knee-deep in scorpions
Naturally, Roger did not know what the problem was. He knew that the
family was in danger. He wanted to protect the family and, because
Lugaretzia was the only stranger in the room, he bit her on the leg.
This did not help very much.
510 sözcük
On February morning in 1966 Cleve Backster made a discovery that changed his life
and could have far-reaching effects on ours. Backster was at that time an
interrogation specialist who left the CIA to operate a New York school for training
policemen in the techniques of using the polygraph, or "lie detector". This instrument
normally measures the electrical resistance of the human skin, but on that morning he
extended its possibilities. Immediately after watering an office plant, he wondered if it
would be possible to measure the rate at which water rose in the plant from the root to
the leaf by recording the increase in leaf-moisture content on a polygraph tape.
Backster placed the two pscyhogalvanic-reflex (PGR) electrodes on either side of a
leaf of Dracaena massangeana, a potted rubber plant, and balanced the leaf into the
circuitry before watering the plant again. There was no marked reaction to this
stimulus, so Backster decided to try what he calls "the threat-to-well-being principle, a
well-established method of triggering emotionality in humans." In other words he
decided to torture the plant. First he dipped one of its leaves into a cup of hot coffee,
but there was no reaction, so he decided to get a match and burn the leaf properly. "At
the instant of this decision, at 13 minutes and 55 seconds of chart time, there was a
dramatic change in the PGR tracing pattern in the form of an abrupt and prolonged
upward sweep of the recording pen. I had not moved, or touched the plant, so the
timing of the PGR pen activity suggested to me that the tracing might have been
triggered by the mere thought of the harm I intended to inflict on the plant."
Backster went on to explore the possibility of such perception in the plant by bringing
some live brine shrimp into his office and dropping them one by one into boiling water.
Every time he killed a shrimp, the polygraph recording needle attached to the plant
jumped violently. To eliminate the possibility of his own emotions producing this
reaction, he completely automated the whole experiment so that an electronic
randomizer chose odd moments to dump the shrimp into hot water when no human
was in the laboratory at all. The plant continued to respond in sympathy to the death
of every shrimp and failed to register any change when the machine dropped already
dead shrimp into the water.
406 sözcük
Even the cheapest and least complicated digitals are minor miracles of modern
technology. They replace the traditional hands, springs and cogs with flickering digits
and electronic circuits.
Some just display hours, minutes and seconds, but
many function like baby computers. At the push of a
button you can check the time in New York or New
Delhi, see exactly how long Mario Andreotti takes to lap
a race track, set a small but shrill alarm, or even
programme the watch, months in advance, to flash out
a reminder about birthdays and other special dates.
Some digitals have calendars that "know" all about leap
years and remain accurate well into the 21st century.
Quartz, one of the world's most common minerals, lies
at the heart of every digital watch. Almost a century
ago, scientists discovered that quartz crystals vibrate at
an absolute constant frequency when an electric current
is passed through them. But quartz watches did not become practical until miracles of
miniaturisation were developed to save weight and room in spacecraft. The typical
watch crystal, powered by a battery the size of a fingernail, vibrates 32,768 times
every second. The vibrations are fed into a tiny "chip" - little bigger than the end of a
match - which is crammed with more than a thousand transistors and other
components. This microscopic maze is watch's "brain" and can be designed to store a
remarkable amount of information. But its most important function is to keep dividing
the vibrations by two until the quartz is pulsing precisely once every second.
Battery, crystal and chip combine to produce remarkably accurate watches whose
time keeping rarely strays by more than one or two seconds each month. They also
tend to be very reliable, thanks to the absence of all the ticking machinery packed into
a conventional clockwork watch.
If you fancy a digital watch, ask yourself how many of the tricks it performs are likely
to be of genuine value. It makes no sense to spend extra money on what could
become gimmicks once the novelty has worn off.
344 sözcük
Brenda Linson never goes anywhere without an empty spectacles case. It is as vital to
her as her purse. Yet, she doesn't wear glasses. The reason she can't do without it is
because she can't read and she can't write. If ever she gets into any situation where
she might be expected to do either of these things, she fishes in her bag for the specs
case, finds it empty, and asks the person concerned to do the reading for her. Brenda
is now in her late thirties. She's capable and articulate and until a few months ago
hardly anybody knew she was illiterate. Her husband didn't know and her children
didn't know. Her children still don't.
She had any number of tactics for concealing her difficulty - for example, never
lingering near a phone at work, in case she had to answer it and might be required to
write something down. But, in fact, it is easier for illiterates to conceal the truth than the
rest of us might imagine. Literacy is taken so much for granted that people simply
don't spot the giveaway signs.
It has never occurred to the children that their mother cannot read. She doesn't read
them stories, but then their father doesn't either, so they find nothing surprising in the
fact. Similarly they just accept that Dad is the one who writes sick notes and reads the
school reports. Now that the elder boy Tom is a quite proficient reader, Brenda can
skillfully get him to read any notes brought home from school simply by asking,
"What's that all about, then?"
Brenda's husband never guessed the truth in 10 years of marriage. For one thing he
insists on handling all domestic correspondence and bills himself. An importer of
Persian carpets, he travels a great deal and so is not around so much to spot the
truth. While he's away Brenda copes with any situations by explaining that she can't
do anything until she's discussed it with her husband.
Brenda was very successful in her job until very recently. For the last five years she
had worked as a waitress at an exclusive private club, and had eventually been
promoted to head waitress. She kept the thing a secret there too, and got over the
practical difficulties somehow.
382 sözcük
The one thing that went to get talked about non-stop throughout mid 1990s is about
as big as this .
For the electro-technologically minded, it's a miracle of micro-processing wizardry with
the mind-boggling potential to revolutionise the whole of life. For the uninitiated, it's a
source of bafflement, unease, and a vaguely sci-fi fascination. It represents the major
challenge of this century's last twenty years, so all the expert futurologists claim, yet
sounds to most of us like some newly-fanged substitute for fried potato.
It's the silicon chip.
Not surprisingly, most non-scientists find that the effort of trying to grasp what a silicon
is turns out to be just as bewildering as the struggle to comprehend what a silicon chip
Fifty years ago, the world's first electronic digital computers weighed about thirty tons
and filled a room. Today silicon chip equivalent weighs a fraction of gramme and
would disappear on your fingernail.
Once designed, a silicon chip can be ludicrously cheap to manufacture in bulk. That is
why everyone can now buy for peanuts such sophisticated gadgets as pocket
calculators or complex TV games. Desk-top computers are as familiar as desk-top
Not only is the silicon chip small and ever more inexpensive, it is also reliable and
immensely versatile. Already the world market is estimated at £3 billion a year. By the
mid-2000s, one chip-maker predicts, every person in the world may need to own at
least one microprocessing toy just to an outlet for the industry's burgeoning supply.
Such talk is typical of the increasingly extravagant claims being made on behalf of the
silicon chip. It has been called the most significant invention since wheel. A single chip
can far outstrip the mathematical speed and capacity of any man. Multi-chip
computers can perform a million error-free calculations in the time it takes to blink and
they're getting faster all the time. All that is holding them back is the speed at which
data can be programmed in, or applications for them found.
More and more small firms take advantage of small, purpose- programmed computers
to keep the books. Instrumentation on cars gets neater and more comprehensive.
Telephones have increased international capability, telephone and television-linked
information systems are more comprehensive and more wide-spread. Cameras get
smaller and more automated, fun toys like talking calculators and programmable video
gadgets fight for the home entertainment market. Money continues to give way to
computerised accounting and debiting systems, all kinds of security systems are
rapidly advanced. Shops keep track of their stock with micro-processing systems, all
kinds of traffic control has become more efficient, less energy is wasted by better
power systems.
The previous century, in short, certainly saw a gathering pace in the applied use of
silicon ships but there is not the remotest chance that applications will keep pace with
theoretical development. The long-term effects of the micro-processing revolution are
incalculable - even for a silicon chip.
The most talked-about social implication is, of course, the effect of ever more
sophisticated automation on employment. Here, too, there has been a marked
tendency to take off into scare mongering with exaggerated claims that silicon chips
will cause overnight disruption, making millions redundant. A study by the UK Central
Policy Review Staff is characteristically sober: "Reports suggesting large-scale loss of
jobs from micro-processing applications overestimate the speed at which these
applications could be introduced and underestimate the new markets created in the
568 sözcük
A rapid technological advance has been accepted by many manufacturing industries
for some time, but for the office worker, who has led a sheltered existence in
comparison, radical changes are a new experience. With the advent of electronic data
processing techniques and, especially, computers, this situation has altered very
swiftly. Office staff are finding themselves exposed to the traumatic consequences of
scientific progress.
Most offices, by the very nature of their structure and function, are
geared to stability or slow change. Accelerated change of the kind that a
computer brings is likely to prove disrupting and disturbing. This is
because people in stable organizations tend to expect a steady
continuation of existing arrangements, and because departments
unaccustomed to change frequently find they have become too inflexible to assimilate
it without stress. Social as well as technical factors are therefore highly relevant to a
successful adaptation to new techniques.
Research into the social and organizational problems of introducing computers into
offices has been in progress in the social science department in Liverpool University
for the past four years. It has been shown that many firms get into difficulties partly
because of lack of technical knowledge and experience, but also because they have
not been sufficiently aware of the need to understand and plan for the social as well
as the technical implications of change. In the firms that have been studied, change
has been seen simply as a technical problem to be handled by technologists. The fact
that the staff might regard the introduction of a computer as a threat to their security
and status has not been anticipated. Company directors have been surprised when,
instead of cooperation, they encountered anxiety and hostility.
Once the firm has signed the contract to purchase a computer, its next step, one
might expect, would be to "sell" the idea to its staff, by giving reassurances about
redundancy, and investigating how individual jobs will be affected so that displaced
staff can be prepared for a move elsewhere. In fact, this may not happen. It is more
usual for the firm to spend much time and energy investigating the technical aspects
of the computer , yet largely to ignore the possibility of personnel difficulties.
This neglect is due to the absence from most firms of anyone knowledgeable about
human relations. The personnel manager, who might be expected to have some
understanding of employee motivation, is in many cases not even involved in the
407 sözcük
The dangers of increasing computerization of personal, official and business
information have long been recognized, and are scarcely any longer controversial.
First, data can be stored which is inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant, and yet can be
used as the basis for important decisions affecting people's lives.
Second, people may have no idea of the information kept on them, have no way of
finding out, and no opportunity to correct mistakes. Third, there is the possibility that
the information can fall into unauthorized hands, who could use it for all sorts of
hostile, even criminal, purposes. Fourth, the information could be used for a purpose
other than that for which it was gathered. Fifth, because computer systems can now
communicate with each other easily and speedily, the possibility is increased that
comprehensive Big Brother1 files will be compiled on private citizens.
From birth to death, every individual will regularly find something appearing about him
in some file or other. Estimates of how many different files are kept on the average
individual range from 15 to 50. Some may be thought trivial in themselves - though
even library computers can now reveal that a reader took out a book on guerrilla
warfare and another on Marxist ideology. Credit card files might disclose an
inappropriate spending pattern. The Vehicle Licencing Department keeps tabs on
every driver's change of address, and their computer is available to the police. The list
of information kept on the individual - his health, income, social security poosition,
details of property, his car, his job, and so on - goes on.
Of course, for those who have been in trouble with the police, or been members of an
"undesirable" political group, even though they have done nothing illegal, the
information kept on them multiplies. More and more of all this information has been
removed from the old-fashioned filing cabinet and is being put into computers.
The need for safeguards is not limited to personal information. Business, too, needs
protection. If a company's list of customers, or its pricing or production formulae, got
into the hands of the competitors, the result could be financial ruin.
In 1978, the Lindop Committee set out the principles which should govern data
protection: (1) The individual should know what personal data is being kept, why it is
needed, how long it will be used, who will use it, for what purpose, and for how long.
(2) Personal data should be handled only to the extent and for the purposes made
known at the outset, or authorized subsequently. (3) It should be accurate and
complete, and relevant and timely for the purpose for which it is used. (4) No more
data should be handled than is necessary for the purposes made known. (5) The
individual should be able to verify that those principles have been compiled with.
1 Big Brother, 1984 başlıklı
romanda her şeyi denetleyen,
gözetleyen ve yöneten sistem.
465 sözcük
1984 filminden bir sahne
Aşağıda yer alan metin daha önce ele alınmış ve bilinmeyen sözcükleri ile ilgili bir çalışma yapılmıştı.
Bu çalışmadan yararlanarak, metni Türkçe'ye çevirin.
For centuries man believed the Earth to be the centre of Creation. The true
picture is far more awe-inspiring.
We live on a small planet revolving round a star of only average size, which is itself
revolving, with thousands of millions of other stars, in one galaxy among millions in a
Universe that may well be boundless.
Scientific observation has so far probed only a fraction of it. Yet to travel to the
frontiers of that observed fraction, even at 186,300 miles per second (the speed of
light) would take 6,000 million years, about 20,000 times the total period that human
life is estimated to have existed on Earth.
The different bodies and structures in the universe, all of which appear to be receding
from us, range from single galaxies to mammoth clusters containing as many as 500
Although the cluster of galaxies to which our galaxy belongs is comparatively small (it
has only 25 members), our galaxy itself, the Milky Way System, ranks among the
larger of the known stellar systems. Counting its almost 100,000 million stars (of
which the Sun with its family of planets is one) at the rate of one star a second would
take about 2,500 years.
203 sözcük
Teaching is supposed to be a professional activity requiring long and complicated
training as well as official certification. The act of teaching is looked upon as a flow of
knowledge from a higher source to an empty one. The student's role is one of
receiving information; the teacher's is one of sending it. There is a clear distinction
assumed between one who is supposed to know (and therefore not capable of being
wrong) and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know.
However, teaching need not be the province of a special group of people nor need it
be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting
than forcing information into a supposedly empty head. If you have a certain skill you
should be able to share it with someone. You do not have to get certified to convey
what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.
All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our cultures,
should come to realize our own potential as teachers. We can share what we know,
however little it might be, with someone who has need of that knowledge or skill.
209 sözcük
Pockets are what women need more of. The women's
movement in the past decade has made giant strides
in achieving greater social justice for females, but
there's a great deal of work yet to be done. And it
can't be done without pockets.
It has been commonly thought that men get the best jobs and make the most money
and don't have to wash the dinner dishes simply because they're men, that cultural
traditions and social conditioning have worked together to give them a special place in
the world order.
While there is undoubtedly some truth to this, the fact remains that no one has
investigated the role that pockets have played in preventing women from attaining the
social status and right that should be theirs.
Consider your average successful executive. How many pockets does he wear to
work ? Two in the sides of his trousers, two in the back, one on the front of his shirt,
three on his suit coat, and one on the inside of the suit coat. Total: nine.
Consider your average woman dressed for office work. If she is wearing a dress or
skirt and blouse, she is probably wearing zero pockets, or one or two at the most. The
pantsuit, that supposedly liberating outfit, is usually equally pocketless. And it usually
comes with a constricting elastic waist to remind women that they were meant to
suffer. Paranoid, you say? Well, how many men's trousers come with elasticized
Now, while it is always dangerous to generalize, it seems quite safe to say that, on the
whole, the men of the world, at any given time, are carrying about a much greater
number of pockets than are the women of the world. And it is also quite clear that, on
the whole, the men enjoy more power, prestige, and wealth than women do.
Everything seems to point to a positive correlation between pockets, power, prestige,
and wealth. Can this be?
An examination of the function of the pocket seems necessary. Pockets are for
carrying money, credit cards, identification (including entrance to those prestigious
clubs where people presumably sit around sharing powerful secrets about how to run
the world), important messages, pens, keys, combs, and impressive-looking
All the equipment essential to running the world. And held close to the body. Easily
available. Neatly classified. Pen in the inside pocket. Keys in the back trouser pocket.
Efficiency. Order. Confidence.
What does a woman have to match this organization? A purse.
The most hurried examination will show that a purse, however large or importantlooking, is no match for a suitful of pockets. If the woman carrying a purse is so lucky
as to get an important phone number or market tip from the executive with whom she
is lunching, can she write it down? Can she find her pen ? Perhaps she can, but it will
probably be buried under three grocery lists, two combs, a checkbook, and a wad of
Kleenex. All of which she will have to pile on top of the lunch table before she can find
the pen.
Will she ever get another tip from this person of power ? Not likely. Now she has lost any
psychological advantage she may have had. He may have been impressed with her intelligent
discussion of the current economic scene before she opened her handbag, but four minutes
later, when she is still digging, like a busy prairie dog, for that pen, he is no longer impressed.
He knows he could have whipped his pen in and out of his pocket and written fourteen
important messages on the table in the time she is still searching.
What can a pocketless woman do?
Two solutions seem apparent. The women can form a pocket lobby (Pocket Power?)
and march on the New York garment district1.
Or, in the event that effort fails (and well it might, since it would, by necessity, have to
be run by a bunch of pocketless women) an alternate approach remains.
Every man in the country for his next birthday finds himself the lucky recipient of those
very stylish men's handbags, and to go with it, one of those great no-pocket body
1 New York'ta moda evlerinin bulunduğu bölge
697 sözcük
The imagery that we use for reconstructing our own insides seems to vary from
country to country. For example, the French seem to have an obsession with the liver,
while in Germany, they explain all their peculiar feelings in terms of an organ which
they call "the circulation" - whatever that is. I remember, when I was producing an
opera in Frankfurt about six months ago, that whenever singers arrived late for
rehearsal they would apologize for it by saying they had had "ze circulation collapse"
which had somehow reduced their efficiency.
It is very easy to get the impression that everyone outside the English-speaking world
is a hypochondriacal loony, or a visceral fantasist. This is not altogether so, because,
although I have not been able to find, so far, an American "national organ" among the
British, the last four feet of the intestine seem to loom larger than they ought to. The
word "constipation" is used so often that it is very hard to know what is being referred
to - regularity of the bowel, headaches or lassitude. A vast laxative industry is based
on our national fantasy, and even the medical profession has sometimes fallen victim
to the same obsession. In the early 1900s, there was a surgical craze for removing
yards and yards of intestine at the slightest excuse.
220 sözcük
The fact is that the energy crisis, which has suddenly been officially announced,
has been with us for a long time now, and will be with us for an even longer
time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world
industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base. The supply of oil can
be shut off at whim at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in
thirty or so at the present rate of use. New sources of energy must be found,
and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever
restore that sense of cheap and copious energy we have had in the times past. To
make the situation worse, there is as yet no sign that any slowing of the world's
population is in sight. The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match this,
which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and
marketing food.
Taking all this into account, what might we reasonably estimate supermarkets to be
like in the year 2005?
To begin with, the world food supply is going to become steadily tighter over the next
thirty years. This means, for one thing, that we can look forward to an end to the
"natural food" trend. It is not a wave of the future. All the "unnatural" things we do to
food are required to produce more of the food in the first place, and to make it last
longer afterward. It is for that reason that we need and use chemical fertilizer and
pesticides while the food is growing, and add preservatives afterward. In fact, as food
items will tend to decline in quality and decrease in variety, there is very likely to be
increasing use of flavouring additives. Until such time as mankind has the sense to
lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support
for all, people will have to accept more artificiality. Then, too, there will be a steady
trend toward vegetarianism. A given quantity of ground can provide plant food for man
or it can provide plant food for animals which are then slaughtered for meat. Yet, land
devoted to plant food will support ten times as many human beings as land devoted to
animal food. It is this (far more than food preferences or religious dictates) that forces
overcrowded populations into vegetarianism. This will come about because our herds
will decrease as the food demand causes more and more pasture land to be turned to
farmland, and as land producing corn and other animal fodder is diverted to providing
food directly for man.
The Beginning and The End Isaac Asimov'dan uyarlandı.
691 sözcük
In the time between now and the twenty-first century, millions of ordinary,
psychologically normal people will face a sudden confrontation with the future. Many
of the citizens of the world's richest and most technologically advanced nations will
find it increasingly painful to keep up with incessant demand for change that is a
characteristic of our time. For them, the future will have arrived too soon.
This book is about change and how we adapt to it. It is about those who seem to
thrive on change, as well as those multitudes of others who resist it or seek flight
from it. It is about our capacity to adapt. It is about the future and the shock that its
arrival brings.
Western society for the past 300 years has been caught up in a storm of change.
This storm, far from abating, now appears to be gathering force. Change moves
through the highly industrialized countries with waves of ever-accelerating speed
and unprecedented impact. It brings with it all sorts of curious social phenomena from psychedelic churches and "free universities" to science cities in the Arctic and
wife-swap clubs in California.
It breeds odd personalities, too: children who at twelve are no longer children; adults
who at fifty are children of twelve. There are rich men who playact poverty, computer
programmers who turn on with LSD. There are married priests and atheist ministers
and Jewish Zen Buddhists. A strange new society is apparently developing in our
midst. Is there a way to understand it, to shape its development?
Much that now seems incomprehensible would be far less so if we took a fresh look at
today's rapid rate of change, for the acceleration of change does not merely affect
industries or nations. It is a force that reaches deep into one's personal life, compels
him to act out new roles, and confronts him with the danger of a new and powerfully
upsetting psychological disease. This new disease can be called "future shock", and a
knowledge of its sources and symptoms helps explain many things that otherwise
resist rational analysis.
347 sözcük
Nearly every aspect of life affects every other part of life in some way. Historically, we
can see that revolutions in social order have caused profound and gradual changes in
people's lives, not just politically and socially, but also personally and emotionally.
Democracy, for example, is a relatively new kind of social order. Although democracy
was born in ancient Greece, it was not until about two hundred years ago that a
modern opportunity for a democratic government arose. The United States was
formed on democratic principles in 1776. Yet the results of democracy are still
forming. Over a hundred years passed before the principle of equality for all human
beings generalized enough to include women as well as men. In 1920, women's right
to vote was exercised for the first time. Full rights for women leaders were won slowly.
By the 1960s, women leaders were gaining influence. People like Betty Friedan and
Gloria Steinem were busy "raising consciousness" about the silken chains that still
bound women to servitude, to second class status.
However, the basic appeal of the premise1 that all people are created equal eventually
began to have results. Young women had the courage to apply for admission to
professional college programs; mature women were encouraged to ask for better jobs,
for respect, and for responsibility outside their homes. The movement that began with
women's struggle for the right to vote thus developed into what came to be called
"women's liberation" and generalized into human potential movement2.
If women had rights, then surely men had rights too. If women were being encouraged
to ask for what they wanted, men too had the right to voice their feelings about their
work situations, their problems, their worries. Whereas once people chose a life
profession and were expected to work at that one job for the rest of their lives, the
liberation movement in the 60s and 70s restored to people the power over their own
futures. Suddenly a college physics professor decided to study yoga, an accountant
became a carpenter, and a doctor gave up his or her practice. Suddenly society in
general was more willing for women to have what had been traditionally male
characteristics of leadership, assertiveness, and strength. Simultaneously the more
gentle and caring side of many men was freed, making it acceptable for a man to be
actively involved in the care of the sick as nurse, instead of always being cast as the
cool, clinical doctor.
Because of the education in the human potential movement, society accepted men
who chose to teach young children and saw the benefits of having both male and
female roles for preschool and elementary school children. Because of the education
in the human potential movement, women were free to work in traditionally masculine
jobs; for example, in mines, in factories, on road-construction crews. Furthermore,
women were also free to be feminine in dress and in manner while being successful at
their jobs just as the men who were now in professions that had been femaledominated were still seen as masculine and attractive males.
The transition to a truly egalitarian, or democratic, state is still going on. Parts of the
order of society are still in flux. New rules and new guidelines for the family are being
formed as people learn which solutions to problems work and which ones do not.
Right now, the American family is changing. Divorce, single-parent homes, "his and
her"3 families are all common. Yet, the next twenty years might show results of yet
another stage of development in life, caused ultimately by the human values of
premise = basic idea
the human potential movement = the social change during which
people began to understand their power and control over their lives
3 "his and her" families = families with children from both partners'
previous marriages
600 sözcük
Scholars, writers, and teachers in the modern academic community have strong
feelings about acknowledging the use of another person's ideas. In the Englishspeaking world, the term plagiarism is used to label the practice of not giving credit for
the source of one's ideas. Simply stated, plagiarism is "the wrongful appropriation or
purloining, and publication as one's own, of the ideas, or the expression of ideas
(literary, artistic, musical, mechanical, etc.) of another." 1 From an ancient Latin
word meaning to kidnap or steal the child or slave of another, plagiarism is
universally condemned in the modern academic world. It is equivalent to
stealing the livelihood or savings of a worker, for it robs the original writer or
scholar of the ideas and words by which he makes a living.
The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation. In many universities,
the punishment may range from failure in a particular course to expulsion from
the university. In the literary world, where writers are protected from plagiarism
by international copyright laws, the penalty may range from a small fine to
imprisonment and a ruined career. Protection of scholars and writers, through the
copyright laws and through the social pressure of the academic and literary
communities, is a relatively recent concept. Such social pressures and copyright laws
require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources 2.
Students, as inexperienced scholars themselves, must avoid various types of
plagiarism by giving appropriate credit for the source of borrowed ideas and words.
There are at least three classifications of plagiarism as it is revealed in students'
inexactness in identifying sources properly. These categories, which will be discussed
in some detail in succeeding paragraphs, are plagiarism by accident, by ignorance,
and by intention.
1 Oxford English Dictionary, London, 1933
2 "Copyright", The New Caxton Encyclopedia, London, 1969.
611 sözcük
For nearly two decades technical and financial assistance to Third World population
and family planning programs has been an important component of foreign aid
programs. Support for these activities by the United States and other industrialized
donors has been justified in part by the long-standing belief that rapid population
growth in the developing world dilutes and in some cases impedes economic
But in the last several years this contention has been sharply challenged by a small
group of Western economists who argue that population growth is often the driving
force behind economic expansion and technological change. Citing historical
precedents in Western countries and post-war economic successes in Japan, Taiwan,
and South Korea and elsewhere, they make three general points: first, that population
growth is the natural result of improvements in the human condition, especially
improved health; second, that an expanding labor force, an expanding market, and
other consequences of population spur economic growth; and third, that economic
progress, in and of itself, will lead to population stabilization through changes in
desired family size. Direct interventions to reduce birth-rates are unnecessary or even
In the United States this "anti-Malthusian" view, as it is called by its proponents, has
recently gained support in some government circles and among political pressure
groups (most prominently anti-abortion groups) who oppose assistance to population
programs on other grounds. Their attack on U.S. population assistance peaked in the
summer of 1984, during preparations for U.S. participation in the U.N. International
Population Conference. It precipitated the first major public debate in the 20-year
history of U.S. foreign aid for family planning. Although public and media attention
declined after the Conference, the policy debate has continued.
389 sözcük
All her life, Mrs. Foster had had an almost pathological fear of missing a train, a plane,
a boat, or even a theatre curtain. In other respects, she was not a particularly nervous
woman, but the mere thought of being late on occasions like these would throw her
into such a state of nerves that she would begin to twitch. It was nothing much - just a
tiny vellicating muscle in the corner of the left eye, like a secret wink - but the
annoying thing was that it refused to disappear until an hour or so after the train or
plane or whatever it was had been safely caught.
It was really extraordinary how in some people a simple apprehension about a thing
like catching a train can grow into a serious obsession. At least half an hour before it
was time to leave the house for the station, Mrs. Foster would step out of the elevator
all ready to go, with hat and coat, gloves, and then, being quite unable to sit down,
she would flutter and fidget about from room to room until her husband, who must
have been well aware of her state, finally emerged from his privacy and suggested in
a cool dry voice that perhaps they had better get going now, had they not?
Mr. Foster may possibly have had a right to be irritated by this foolishness of his
wife's, but he could have had no excuse for increasing her misery by keeping her
waiting unnecessarily. Mind you, it is by no means certain that this is what he did, yet
whenever they were to go somewhere, his timing was so accurate - just a minute or
two late, you understand - and his manner so bland that it was hard to believe he
wasn't purposefully inflicting a nasty little torture of his own on the unhappy woman.
And one thing he must have known - that she would never dare to call out and tell him
to hurry. He had disciplined her too well for that. He must also have known that if he
was prepared to wait even beyond the last moment of safety, he could drive her
nearly into hysterics. On one or two special occasions in the later years of their
married life, it seemed almost as though he had wanted to miss the train simply in
order to intensify the poor woman's suffering.
Assuming (though one cannot be sure) that the husband was guilty, what made his
attitude doubly unreasonable was the fact that, with the exception of this one small
irrepressible foible, Mrs. Foster was and always had been a good and loving wife. For
over thirty years, she had served him loyally and well. There was no doubt about this.
Even she, a very modest woman, was aware of it, and although she had for years
refused to let herself believe that Mr. foster would ever consciously torment her, there
had been times recently when she had caught herself beginning to wonder.
Roald Dahl: Kiss Kiss
501 sözcük
It is often said, "I know all about the risk to my health, but I think the risk is worth it."
When this statement is true it should be accepted. Everyone has the right to choose
what risks they take, however great they may be. However, often the statement really
means, "I have a nasty feeling that smoking is bad for my health, but I would rather
not think about it." With some people the bluff can be called and they can be asked to
explain what they think the risk to their health is. When this is done few get very far in
personal terms. The bare fact that 23,000 people died of lung cancer last year in
Great Britain often fails to impress an individual. When it is explained that this is the
equivalent of one every twenty-five minutes or is four times as many as those killed on
the roads, the significance is more apparent. The one-in-eight risk of dying of lung
cancer for the man who smokes twenty-five or more cigarettes a day may be better
appreciated if an analogy is used. If, when you boarded a plane, the girl at the top of
the steps were to welcome you aboard with the greeting, "I am pleased that you are
coming with us - only one in eight of our planes crashes," how many would think
again, and make other arrangements ? Alternatively, the analogy of Russian roulette
may appeal. The man smoking twenty-five or more a day runs the same risk between
the ages of thirty and sixty as another who buys a revolver with 250 chambers and
inserts a live bullet and on each of his birthdays spins the chamber, points the
revolver at his head, and pulls the trigger. One of the difficulties in impressing these
facts on people, is that, despite the current epidemic of lung cancer, because it is a
disease which kills relatively quickly, there are many have as yet no experience of it
among their family or friends.
337 sözcük
That language is highly complex is shown by the fact that up to now it has not proved
possible to translate mechanically from one language to another, with really
satisfactory results. The best programmed computer still cannot consistently translate
from, say, Russian into English. The fault lies not in the computer but in the failure to
provide it with sufficiently accurate instructions, because we are still unable to handle
this vastly complex system. It has been calculated that if the brain used any of the
known methods of computing language, it would take several minutes to produce or to
understand a single short sentence.
Secondly, language is productive. We can produce myriads of sentences that we
have never heard or uttered before. Many of the sentences in this book have been
produced for the first time, yet they are intelligible to the reader. It is clear that we
have some kind of sentence-producing mechanism - that sentences are produced
anew each time and not merely imitated. One task of grammatical theory is to explain
this quite remarkable fact.
Thirdly, language is arbitrary. There is no one-to-one relation between sound and
meaning. This accounts for the fact that languages differ, and they differ most of all in
their grammatical structure. But how far are these differences only superficial, in the
shape of words and their overt patterns? Some scholars would maintain that "deep
down" there are strong similarities - even "universal" characteristics - disguised by the
superficial features of sound (and perhaps of meaning). It is not clear how we can find
the answer to this problem.
263 sözcük
The Bible, while mainly a theological document written
with the purpose of explaining the nature and moral
imperatives of the Christian and Jewish God, is
secondarily a book of history and geography. Selected
historical materials were included in the text for the
purpose of illustrating and underlining the religious
teaching of the Bible. Historians and archaeologists
have learned to rely upon the amazing accuracy of
historical memory in the Bible. The smallest references
to persons and places and events contained in the
accounts of the Exodus, for instance, or the
bibliographies of such Biblical heroes as Abraham and
Moses and David, can lead, if properly considered and
pursued, to extremely important historical discoveries.
The archaeologists' efforts are not directed at "proving" the correctness of the Bible,
which is neither necessary nor possible, any more than belief in God can be
scientifically demonstrated. The historical clues in the Bible can lead the
archaeologists to a knowledge of the civilisations of the ancient world in which the
Bible developed and with whose religious concepts and practices the Bible so
radically differed. It can be considered as an almost unfailing indicator, revealing to
the experts the locations and characteristics of lost cities and civilisations.
201 sözcük
There is no denying that in the last hundred years the condition of civilised man has
changed more radically than at any previous time. Inventions and discoveries, from
the steam engine to internal combustion engine, from electricity to atomic power, have
led to the mechanisation of industry, which in turn has basically affected the social,
economic and political structure of our society. A society of the masses has come into
existence and is being buttressed by such mass means as the press, the cinema,
radio and - latterly - television.
It is hardly surprising that these rapidly changing circumstances should have had their
effect on the arts, too.
Art has always been a highly sensitive instrument for registering any changes in the
social order or in the ideas, beliefs and activities of man. One might ask whether it is
possible for the creative faculty to exist at all in a mass-society, whether our
mechanised world is the proper place for the production and enjoyment of a work of
art. If it is true that calm contemplation is vital to the artist, does it not also follow that
his whole being will protest most violently against an epoch in which machine sets the
pace, a pace which, in its ruthless precision, is the very opposite of that rhythm of life
out of which art has hitherto grown?
The Picture encyclopedia of art, Thames and Hudson
224 sözcük
Speculating "what if ...?" is always enticing. What if Alexander Fleming's dishes of
infected jelly had been tidied up and thrown out as they should have been - would we
now be without penicillin? If James Watt had dropped off to sleep before his kettle
boiled, would there never have been any trains ? When it comes to invention or
discovery, the chances are that if scientist A is hit by a falling roof-tile, scientist B will
get there pretty soon all the same; for both would have been building on the same
state of previous knowledge. Stephenson also invented the Davy lamp; a chap called
Reis very nearly invented the telephone just before Bell; there were several other
maniacs attempting powered flight just as doggedly as the Wright brothers.
What's far more problematic is the follow-up. What happens after a discovery may
indeed depend on the crucial presence of one man. If Darwin had died on the voyage
[to Galapagos], then Wallace would have been the father of evolution - but without
Darwin's brilliant tenacity in proving and presenting the thing, would the impact have
been as great?
"What if ...?" in history is even more fun. In the eighth century the Moors in Spain sent
out a reconnaissance party along the Roman road into France, got ambushed, and
decided that France was no go. There's a theory that if they'd had stirrups , they could
have ridden down the ambush (without stirrups, you can too readily be pushed off
your horse by anyone with a pike). Then the Moors might have gone ahead and
invaded France.
262 sözcük
Of all the changes introduced by man into the
household of nature, large-scale nuclear fission is
undoubtedly the most dangerous and profound. As a
result, ionising radiation has become the most serious
agent of pollution of the environment and the greatest
threat to man's survival on earth. The attention of the
layman, not surprisingly, has been captured by the
atom bomb, although there is at least a chance that it may never be used again. The danger
to humanity created by the so-called peaceful uses of atomic energy may be much greater.
There could indeed be no clearer example of the prevailing dictatorship of economics.
Whether to build conventional power stations, based on coal or oil, or nuclear stations, is
being decided on economic grounds, with perhaps a small element of regard for the "social
consequences" that might arise from the over-speedy curtailment of the coal industry. But
that nuclear fission represents an incredible, incomparable, and unique hazard for human life
does not enter any calculation and is never mentioned. People whose business it is to judge
hazards, the insurance companies, are reluctant to insure nuclear power stations
anywhere in the world for third party risk, with the result that special legislation has
had to be passed whereby the State accepts big liabilities. Yet, insured or not, the
hazard remains, and such is the thralldom of the religion of economics that the only
question that appears to interest either governments or the public is whether "it pays".
404 sözcük
The train into London was 10 minutes late and as the fare had just gone up I was
about to advance my theory concerning the immutable law of British Rail - viz., that
the higher the fare, the worse the service - when the regular commuter beside me
gave a long, low whistle of amazement.
"Either my watch has gone haywire," he said, "or this train is only 10 minutes late."
I knew he was a regular commuter because he was down to his shirt sleeves and was
the only cool-looking fellow among us. The rest of us, the non-regulars, had fallen into
the oldest trap in the history of railways - to wit, we had assumed that because there
had been no heating in the carriages last week when there was snow and frost about
and the temperatures were below zero, there never would be any heating in the
The flaw in this assumption, as the regular commuter would doubtlessly have pointed
out had we consulted him, was that it was based on the expectation that the cold
weather would continue. But in fact the morning of which I speak was rather mild for
the time of year and consequently whoever ordains these things had turned the
heating on full-blast and was chuckling happily away to himself as he thought of us
sweltering there amid our greatcoats, blankets, and hot-water bottles.
Anyway, there was much consulting of watches as the regular commuter spoke and a
great shaking of heads of disbelief as we assured him that his watch was accurate
and that, incredibly, it was the train that was fast.
And then, of course, the travellers' tales began as people tried to remember the last
time this particular train had only been 10 minutes late and the stories grew wilder and
wilder until it reached the high absurdity with some ancient at the back who claimed
that he'd been commuting daily for nearly twenty years, ever since he left school (and
indeed he had the white hair, the palsied twitch and the hopeless gaze to prove it) and
insisted that he could remember an age when, almost as often as not, some of the
trains actually ran on time.
Well, naturally nobody believed the old fool and in any case some of the passengers
were rather bitter about the morning's break with the tradition and one man said his
entire day was constructed round the certain knowledge that the train would be at
least half an hour late and now he was going to fetch up in London with 20 minutes to
kill and if you could no longer rely on the total incompetence of British Rail, what could
you rely on?
"Next thing you know," he said scathingly, as he shuffled his feet among the yellowing
newspapers that warned of the danger of drought, "they'll be cleaning the carriages."
There was a collective gasp of horror at this prediction, far-fetched though it was,
because railway commuters are creatures of habit who like to be surrounded by
familiar things as they wait, forgotten, in some remote siding. There is, for instance,
the smoker who inevitably knocks his out his pipe in the ashtray that's full of petrified
orange peel, while I always try to stand beside the bloke who always sits beside the
window on which someone had once scrawled in dust the cryptic message, "Bring
back Washbrook."
I mention standing because, of course, few commuters are lucky enough to find a seat
unless they happen to be travelling in holiday times, such as the week after
Christmas, when with hardly any passenger to cater for, British Rail naturally adds
extra coaches to each train.
However, I finally arrived in London ten minutes late having paid a fare which, in spite
of allegations that the increases would range from 10 per cent to 17 per cent, was
actually 23 per cent up on the previous week, to find the B.R. Spokesman had words
to cheer us.
"If more people would travel more," he said with dazzling naively that illuminates all
the doings of the British Rail, the customers might "get away" without any more fare
increases this year! Gosh, fancy "getting away" with traveling in extreme discomfort
on possibly the worst railway in the civilised world without having to pay more for the
I blew my nose loudly to hide the tears of gratitude - and then a certain weakness in
the Spokesman's statement occurred to me. "If more people travelled more" would
seem to me that if I, for example, travelled to London seven days a week instead of
four, the fares would not be increased, right? Right. Even so, getting to and from
London would cost me 75 per cent more than it did now, right? Right - but remember it
would only be 75 per cent more at the present rate.
845 sözcük
A continuous commentary of mirror of "real" life had been created on television. To
switch on the set when the day's viewing started, with one's mind slightly turned down,
or in a bit of a fever, or very tired, and to watch, steadily, through the hours, as little
dressed figures, diminished people, dressed up like cowboys or like bus drivers or like
Victorians, with this or that accent, in this or that setting, sometimes a hospital,
sometimes an office or an aircraft, sometimes "real" or sometimes imaginary (that is to
say, the product of somebody's, or some team's, imagination), it was exactly like what
could be seen when one turned one's vision outwards again towards life: it was as if
an extreme of variety had created a sameness, a nothingness, as if humanity had said
yes to becoming a meaningless flicker of people dressed in varying
kinds of clothes to kill each other ("real" or imaginary) or play various
kinds of sport, or discuss art, love, sex, ethics (in "plays" or in "life")
for after an hour or so, it was impossible to tell the difference
between news, plays, reality, imagination, truth, falsehood. If
someone - from a year's exile in a place withoutt television, let alone
a visitor from Mars - had dropped in for an evening's "viewing", then
he might well have believed that this steady stream of little pictures, all so consistent
in tone or feel, were part of some continuous single programme written or at least
"devised" by some boss director who had arranged, to break monotony, slight
variations in costume, or setting (office, park, ballet, school, aircraft, war), and with a
limited team of actors - for the same people had to play dozens of different roles.
It was all as bland and meaningless as steamed white bread; yet composed of the
extremes of nastiness in a frenzy of dislocation, as if one stood on a street corner and
watched half a dozen variations of human animal pass in a dozen different styles of
dress and face.
339 sözcük
Toplam 30 çeviri metninden sonra, bir tane de eğlence amacı ile alınmış metin! Bu metin Türkçeye
elbette aktarılabilir, ama büyük özen gösterilmesi durumunda.
I had twelve bottles of whisky in my cellar and my wife told me to empty the contents
of every bottle down the sink - or else! So I said I would, and proceeded with the
unpleasant task. I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents
down the sink, with the exception of one glass, which I drank. I extracted the cork from
the second bottle and did likewise, with the exception of one glass, which I drank. I
withdrew the cork from the third bottle and emptied the good old booze down the sink,
except a glass which I drank. I pulled the cork from the fourth sink and poured the
bottle down the glass, which I drank. I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next and
drank one sink out of it and poured the rest down the glass. I pulled the sink out of the
next glass and poured the cork down the bottle. I pulled the next cork out of my throat,
poured the sink down the bottle and drank the glass, then I corked the sink in the
glass, bottled the sink and drank the pour.
When I had emptied everything I steadied the house with one hand and counted the
bottles and corks and glasses with the other, which were twenty-nine. To make sure I
counted them again, when they came to seventy-four. And as the house came by, and
finally I had all the bottles and corks and glasses counted, except one house and one
cork, which I drank.
261 sözcük