WEBSTARS™ Instructions - Ascend Management Innovations

WEBSTARS™ Instructions
General Information – On-line Submission of
Screening and Tracking Information
A. The Tracking Form
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The Tracking Form is a way for Ascend (and the DDS) and NF providers to communicate with each
other for the following purposes:
For first time admissions to NFs. NFs use the tracking form to notify Ascend of an
admission of an individual. This alerts Ascend to send admission screening information and
allows the state to maintain location information of persons identified by PASRR to have a target
condition. If a resident transfers and existing screening information is still accurate, copies of
screening information, (Level I, LOC and Level II, as applicable) must be sent by the transferring
facility to the receiving NF.
For all NF applicants with PASRR identified MI and/or MR/RC conditions (new
admissions, transfers, discharges, and expired residents with MI and/or MR/RC). The
Department of Social Services is required to track changes in placement for residents with MI
and/or MR/RC. NFs are required to use the tracking form to notify Ascend of transfers,
admissions, discharges or deaths of any person identified through PASRR level II evaluations as
having an MI, MR or RC condition.
All Residents who expire or leave the NF system altogether. This allows Ascend to close
records of residents no longer receiving LTC services.
Tracking information may be submitted on-line at www.pasrr.com (Tracking Change Request
B. Registering for on-line submission of screening and tracking
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B.1 Supervisor Registration
Supervisors responsible for oversight of facility staff who will submit screening information are
designated to manage sign-on privileges for all subordinate staff at the facility that will use
WEBSTARS™, Ascend’s proprietary web-based Level I/LOC screening site at www.pasrr.com.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
The supervisor registration process is described below, and individual staff registration
instructions follow.
Supervisor Registration on PASRR.COM/WEBSTARS™
Individuals employed by nursing homes or hospitals in Connecticut as supervisors (or,
alternatively, as the sole individual at a facility who would submit screens), may request
supervisor privileges to set up users at that facility. Supervisors must be designated to
maintain their agency user information.
Step 1: Log onto www.pasrr.com
Step 2: Locate the link on the right labeled “Connecticut WEBSTARS™” and click the link to
Step 3: Click on the “Supervisor Registration” icon on the Connecticut WEBSTARS™ home page.
Complete the registration form and click submit.
Step 4: Ascend will forward an email within 2 business days to the supervisor which will reflect
whether the supervisor has been approved to use WEBSTARS™.
Step 5: Once you have received the email with an approval from Ascend, go to supervisor login
at Connecticut WEBSTARS™ and set up facility users by following the instructions below.
Log in to WEBSTARS™
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
Click the “Supervisor Login” icon
If you have previously set up any facility users, they will appear. You may edit as necessary.
If you need to set up new users in your facility, click “Add User” at the top of the page.
Complete the User form and submit to Ascend.
Each identified user will receive an email within 2 business days with a link to access
Step 6: Once agency staff receive emails from Ascend approving system access, they may begin
using WEBSTARS™. See “Getting Started for Agency Staff” which follows this section.
Supervisors can ONLY set up agency users they supervise and will be required to update their
facility users frequently. Supervisors are responsible for terminating the logon privileges of
persons no longer authorized to access protected health information on behalf of their
If you do not have internet, or you are unable to submit screens online, fax screening
information to Ascend at 877-431-9568.
Updating or Removing Users or Passwords at PASRR.COM/WEBSTARS™
The agency supervisor is responsible for maintaining user updates, including adding and
deleting users. That process follows.
Step 1: At www.pasrr.com, the supervisor must locate the link labeled Supervisor Login. Sign on
using your unique user name and password.
Step 2: The supervisor will have the ability to update users or reset passwords using the ‘User
Management Link’.
To add a new user, click the link labeled ‘Add User’ and complete the form. Press Save
when complete. WEBSTARS™ will send an email to the user’s email address that you
provided. The email will provide instructions on how to reset a password. Once the
password is reset, the user will begin to submit reviews to Ascend using WEBSTARS™.
To remove log in privileges for a user, locate the user in the table of users. Click on the link
labeled “edit.” WEBSTARS™ will take you into the form for that user. Change the status to
terminated and press Save located at the bottom.
B.2 Getting Started for Agency Staff
Staff Registration on PASRR.COM/WEBSTARS™
Step 1: The agency supervisor requests user privileges through WEBSTARS™ for each individual
staff needing access to the system. Ascend does not issue user names and passwords.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
Step 2: Once the supervisor has requested privileges for a particular individual, Ascend will
forward an email within two (2) business days which will include authorization for that
employee and a link to WEBSTARS™. The new user may access the link provided in the email
and reset his/her password. The employee should click on the link and change the password.
Step 3: Log onto www.pasrr.com. Locate the link labeled “Connecticut WEBSTARS™” and click
that link to get started. Once the password has been reset, sign the electronic user agreement,
which will automatically appear on the Login page. The agreement confirms that the user will
use the application only for the intended purpose.
Step 4: Review the screening documents and tutorial.
Step 5: Follow instructions for submitting the screening form. Some Level I screens may be
approved via WEBSTARS™. If approved, a screen will appear that prompts you to print the
completed form with the outcome. If your submission requires further review by an Ascend
clinician, a message will appear notifying you of next steps. Sign onto www.pasrr.com to check
the status of the review and to retrieve messages from the Ascend reviewer. Once/if approved,
a screen will appear that prompts you to print the completed form with the outcome. Review
section D of this subsection for helpful information regarding submission of web-based
If you do not have internet, or you are unable to submit Level I screens online, fax the Level I
PASRR form to Ascend at 877-431-9568.
Note: To ensure the security of protected health information, the system does not allow
facility staff members to view information submitted by other staff.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
C. Tutorial for WEBSTARS™/www.pasrr.com
C.3 Logging Into WEBSTARS™
Enter your unique name and
password and note user agreement
specifications associated with
attestation of information accuracy.
Choose ‘No’. Passwords should never
be saved on the computer.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
D. Important information about Electronic Screening
This section provides you with important information about how to submit the Level I Screen
electronically. Instructions for completing the Level I screen are provided in Section V.
1. Obtaining passwords. Please See Section IV.B. Agency supervisors must be designated to
issue privileges to staff within the facility.
2. Form omissions and saving capabilities. Complete the form using instructions provided in
Sections V and VI of this document. If you have not completed all required areas on the
screening form, WEBSTARS™ will permit saving the document but will not permit
submission to Ascend. Items that are required but are incomplete will turn pink. If you
need additional information to enable accurate submission of the form, save the Level I
and/or LOC form and obtain required information. The form will be saved for 48 hours.
After 48 hours, the submission will automatically be deleted.
3. Form submission and printing. Once all items are complete, press the submit button at the
bottom of the form. WEBSTARS™ will determine if the patient will require further review by
an Ascend clinician. Some Level I reviews and all LOC reviews will require further
involvement by an Ascend clinician.
Level I screens may be approved via WEBSTARS™. If approved, the submitter will be
directed to a page that will enable him/her to print the screen. It is important to use this
page to direct any printing. Never use the browser print functionality to print your screen. If
WEBSTARS™ determines that further involvement by an Ascend clinician is required, a
message will identify subsequent steps that must occur. At the conclusion of the Level I
process, regardless of the outcome (e.g., Level I approved, Level II required), the submitter
may print the completed screen for the client’s record. If a Level II is required, the same
process applies, and the referral source may print the final Level II outcome from
WEBSTARS™ once the evaluation is complete. In the interim, any information needed by an
Ascend reviewer will be posted on WEBSTARS™ for viewing by the referral source whenever
s/he signs into the database.
LOC screening data submitted through WEBSTARS™ will always be reviewed by a clinician
before approval occurs. The referral source may print the final outcome at the conclusion of
the process. In the interim, any information needed by an Ascend reviewer will be posted
on WEBSTARS™ for viewing by the referral source whenever s/he signs into the database.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
4. Obtaining disposition information. If the screen was submitted on-line, the individual that
submitted the screening information may obtain disposition information by signing onto
pasrr.com and following log in steps.
5. Approvals. If approval was provided through WEBSTARS™, the patient may be admitted to
the Medicaid certified nursing home.
6. Deferrals for Physician Review. If further Ascend review is needed by an Ascend physician
for a potential denial, the WEBSTARS™ disposition screen will indicate the estimated
timeframe in which the Ascend reviewer will call with questions or approval.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
Level I Screening Instructions
Return to table of contents
The Level I Form is used to identify individuals who may be subject to a Level II PASRR evaluation.
Screening information can be entered two ways:
Online at www.pasrr.com
Complete the Level I form and fax to Ascend at 1.877.431.9568
 Advantages to completing the Level I online at www.pasrr.com:
Increased efficiency by providing the ability to submit all information at one time (including the
questions asked by Ascend reviewers when certain presenting information is present).
Increased accessibility by offering the capacity to submit information 24-hours per day, 7 days per
week, 365 days per year, along with the capacity to obtain a Level I decision for many individuals
about the need for Level II evaluation (or the approval for admission when a Level II is not
needed) without delays.
Immediate information access and improved communication between referring agencies and
admitting nursing homes through the ability to electronically print the completed web-based form
(and authorizations when the admission approval is granted) for the admitting nursing home,
signifying to the admitting facility that appropriate approvals were provided. WEBSTARS™ will allow
the person entering the information to print both the screening information and a description of the
Federal compliance and reduced exposure for nursing homes through providing nursing homes with
documentation of all information reported to Ascend so that, in the event of a state or federal audit,
the basis for the Level II referral decision is clearly provided.
HIPAA Compliance through WEBSTARS™ which only allows submission of information, with users
unable to gain access to Ascend’s database or any client data. WEBSTARS™ data is HIPAA compliant
and integrates access control, authentication, and a 128-bit encryption key signed by VeriSign to
guarantee the security of network connections, the authenticity of local and remote users, and the
privacy and integrity of data communications. As a contractor of the State, Ascend maintains fully
compliant HIPAA practices with all communications about personally identifiable client information
‘User Friendly’ access with no IS/IT modifications or programming needs from providers to access
information or submit screens. With WEBSTARS™ access, the provider simply accesses a specified
internet address, enters a code (which will be provided to each facility prior to implementation), and
begins entering information.
General Instructions
It is recommended that the referral source gather all screening information prior to initiating the
electronic screen. Information is best obtained from several sources – the individual, any family or
caregivers, and the treating provider. This information is required by federal law and must accurately
portray known or suspected conditions, behaviors, or symptoms. The following instructions should
be used as a guide for completion.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
Demographics: Name/Mailing Address/SS#/Date of Birth/Gender
Complete all items. Ensure that spelling and numbers are correctly entered or written. If the
screening information does not include all identifying information, the screen cannot be processed.
Payment Method
Provide the person’s method of payment. PASRR Level I and Level II screening is required for all
admissions to Medicaid certified nursing facilities, regardless of the individual’s method of payment.
Current Location
Identify the location category of the screened individual. Community includes any community
placement (such as home, with family, independent living, group home, etc.).
Provide Admission Date
If the individual is currently residing in a facility setting (medical facility, nursing facility, or
psychiatric facility), provide the admission date.
Admitting Nursing Facility Name and Address
Provide the name of the nursing home that agreed to accept the client for admission. Information
regarding the admitting facility will be required for all individuals with a PASRR Level II condition.
 The federal definition for mental illness is designed to include individuals with a potential for and
history of episodic changes in treatment and service needs. Federal guidelines include a three
component definition that includes:
Diagnosis of a major mental illness, such as Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar
Disorder, Major Depression, Panic Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; -and- the individual
does not have a primary diagnosis of Dementia; and
Duration: Recent Treatment, related to significant disruption or major treatment episodes
within the past two years and due to the disorder. This might include at least one episode of
hospital care for a mental disorder within the preceding two years -or- significant life disruption
related to the disorder; and
Disability: referred to as Level of Impairment in regulatory language, is characterized by active
psychiatric symptoms within the preceding six month period and related to interpersonal
functioning, concentration/pace/persistence, or adaptation to change.
Each of the questions in Sections I-IV are directed at determining suspicion or presence of these
1. Does the individual have any of the following Major Mental Illnesses?
These diagnoses (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, major depression, psychotic/delusional
disorder, bipolar disorder, or manic depression, and paranoid disorder) typically reflect the presence
of a major mental illness and generally qualify as federally mandated conditions which automatically
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
warrant further evaluation through PASRR. Check the box(es) to reflect applicable diagnoses. If the
suspicion of one or more of these diagnoses is present, check suspected, and note those suspected
2. Does the individual have any of the following Mental Disorders?
These diagnoses (personality disorder, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and situational depression)
typically reflect mental health conditions that may require further evaluation through PASRR
depending upon their extent and severity. Check the box(es) to reflect applicable diagnoses. If the
suspicion of one or more of these diagnoses is present, check suspected, and note those suspected
 Situational depression (generally a recent diagnosis and short-term condition that occurs as a
result of the individual’s life situation) should be noted in this section. A situational depression may
require PASRR evaluation if the depression is more severe than or lasts longer than a typical reaction
to life stressors. The Ascend reviewer will ask questions about the severity of and symptoms
associated with the individual’s depression.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Older Americans
Technical Assistance Center recommends Evidence-Based Practices1 of universal depression
screening to reduce the incidence of depression and suicide among elders. The Geriatric Depression
Scale (Short Version) – GDS-SV – is a brief questionnaire that can be administered by the individuals
submitting this screen to determine whether the individual’s symptoms demonstrate concerns
related to severity criteria. The GDS has been tested and used extensively with the older population.
It is a brief questionnaire in which participants are asked to respond to questions by answering yes or
no in reference to how they felt on the day of administration. The GDS is a screening tool and does
not yield a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis. Where a score of more than five is indicated, further evaluation
through PASRR may be required. The GDS may be used with healthy, medically ill and mild to
moderately cognitively impaired older adults. Feher et al. have concluded that the GDS is a generally
valid measure of the mild-to moderate depressive symptoms in Alzheimer patients with mild-to
moderate dementia. It has been extensively used in community, acute and long-term care settings.
The GDS was found to have 92% sensitivity and 89% specificity when evaluated against diagnostic
criteria. The validity and reliability of the tool have been supported through both clinical practice and
research. The GDS is not a substitute for a diagnostic interview by mental health professionals. It is a
useful screening tool in the clinical setting to facilitate assessment of depression in older adults
especially when baseline measurements are compared to subsequent scores. A copy of the GDS can
be found at http://www.chcr.brown.edu/GDS_SHORT_FORM.PDF. Scoring Interpretation: Normal
(0-4); Mild depression (5-9); Moderate to severe depression (10-15). Therefore, a score of 5 or
greater is suggestive of depression. A score of 10 or more almost always indicates depression.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Older Americans Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Technical Assistance Center: Evidence-Based Practices for Preventing Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems
in Older Adults. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
3. Does the individual have a Diagnosis of a Mental Disorder that is Not Listed in #1 or #2?
(do not list dementia here)
List any additional diagnoses not provided in Sections 1 or 2. Note that situational depression
must be listed in number 2, and dementia must be listed in number 12. Do not list dementia or
situational depression in this section.
3.b. Does the individual have a substance related disorder?
This question does not automatically lead to Level II referral. It is simply to obtain baseline
information associated with persons admitting into NFs who have concomitant substance
related disorders. Identify the substance related diagnosis under b.1. and answer the remaining
questions if a substance related disorder is present, including whether NF admission is
secondary to or associated with the substance related disorder and the approximate timeframe
in which the most recent use occurred.
4. Interpersonal – Currently or within the past 6 months, has the individual exhibited
interpersonal symptoms or behaviors (not due to a general medical condition)?
These reflect serious interpersonal problems which generally occur when major mental illness is
present. Each of the three are to be rated according to their presence/absence within the past
six (6) months. Regardless of whether a known mental illness is present, identify
interpersonal symptoms which apply to the individual.
5. Concentration/Task related symptoms– Currently or within the past 6 months, has the
individual exhibited interpersonal symptoms or behaviors (not due to a general medical
These reflect concentration and performance problems which generally occur when major
mental illness is present. Each of the three are to be rated according to their presence/absence
within the past six (6) months. Regardless of whether a known mental illness is present,
identify task or concentration related symptoms which apply to the individual.
6-8. Adaptation to Change – Currently or within the past 6 months, has the individual
exhibited any of the following symptoms in #6, 7, or 8 related to adapting to change?
These reflect serious adaptation problems which generally occur when major mental illness is
present. Each of the three are to be rated according to their presence/absence within the past
six (6) months. Regardless of whether a known mental illness is present, identify adaptation
symptoms which apply to the individual.
NOTE: If any responses in #7 are checked, the Ascend reviewer will obtain supplemental
records to determine the extent and severity of the presenting condition.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
9. Currently or within the past 2 years, has the individual received any of the following
mental health services?
Treatment information is sought over the past two years, because of the cyclical nature of
mental illness. As such, it is very important that the screener obtain information from the
individual, caregivers, or others who know the client well. These services (inpatient psychiatric
hospitalization, partial hospitalization, and residential treatment) are generally received by
persons with major mental illness conditions. If the exact dates are unknown, obtain
approximate dates from the client or caregiver. Regardless of whether a known mental illness
is present, identify applicable treatments received by the individual.
10. Currently or within the past 2 years, has the individual experienced significant life
disruption because of mental health symptoms?
Treatment information is sought over the past two years, because of the cyclical nature of
mental illness. As such, it is very important that the screener obtain information from the
individual, caregivers, or others who know the client well. These types of disruption (legal
intervention, housing changes, or suicide attempts) often occur for persons with major mental
illness conditions. If the exact dates are unknown, obtain approximate dates from the individual
or caregiver. Note that, to be applicable, these occurrences should be a result of the mental
health symptoms (for example, if a housing change occurred due to a medical condition, this
item would not be applicable).
11. Has the individual had a recent psychiatric/behavioral evaluation?
If a psychiatrist, psychologist, or behavioral specialist has been consulted within the past 60
days, respond yes. Provide the approximate date of the consultation.
12. Does the individual have a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease?
If the individual has received a medical diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s Diseases, respond
yes. If the answer is no, proceed to question 14.
13. If yes to #12, is corroborative testing or other information available to verify the
presence or progression of the dementia?
If specific tests have been administered to verify the presence and/or progression of dementia,
list those in this section.
A note about dementia: Under federal law, a person with dementia, who has no other mental
health conditions, is excluded from further evaluation through PASRR. On the other hand, a person
who has both dementia and a major mental illness is not necessarily excluded from further
review – The exclusion can only occur if the dementia diagnosis is primary over (and more
progressed than) the other mental health diagnosis. When co-occurring diagnoses are present,
Federal guidelines are very strict that an exemption cannot occur unless sufficient evidence is
present to confirm the progression of the dementia. The kinds of information helpful to
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
establishing primary dementia (when it co-occurs) include: a neurological assessment, mental
status examinations, CT scans, and any other tests that establish that executive functioning
symptoms (e.g., disordered memory, orientation, abstract thinking, etc.) are associated with
progressed dementia.
14. Has the individual been prescribed psychoactive (mental health) medications now or
within the past 6 months other than those listed in question 14?
List any additional psychoactive medications (antidepressants, anti-psychotics, mood
stabilizers, anti-anxiety medications and/or tranquilizers) which are prescribed currently or
have been prescribed over the past 6 months. If any of the medications are prescribed for the
individual, list the medication, cumulative milligrams per day, diagnosis, and start and end
dates (as applicable). If unknown, the start and end dates may be approximated, the remaining
items must be accurate.
15. Does the individual have a diagnosis of mental retardation (MR)?
Answer yes or no to reflect whether the individual is currently diagnosed as having MR.
16. Does the individual have presenting evidence of MR that has not been diagnosed?
Answer yes or no to reflect whether the individual is suspected of meeting criteria in the box above.
17. Is there evidence of a cognitive or adaptive impairment that occurred prior to age 18?
Regardless of whether or not a diagnosis is present, answer yes or no to reflect whether the
individual presents with cognitive or adaptive impairments.
18. Has the individual ever received services from an agency that serves people with MR?
Answer yes or no to reflect whether the individual has received services from an agency that typically
specializes in provider services for individuals with MR.
19. Does the individual have a diagnosis which affects intellectual or adaptive functioning?
This is addressing diagnoses that may or may not meet criteria for MR but, nevertheless, they impact
intellectual and/or adaptive functioning in major areas of life activity. Examples of such diagnoses
include cerebral palsy, autism epilepsy, etc. Remember, this is asking about adaptive or intellectual
limitations. Also note that the presence of a diagnosis in this group does not automatically mean
that the individual meets RC/DD criteria.
20. Are there substantial functional limitations in any of the following?
Persons with RC/DD experience substantial functional limitations in at least 3 major areas of life
activity and associated with the diagnosis.
21. Did this condition develop prior to age 22?
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
To qualify as RC/DD, the condition must have onset prior to age 22.
emergency admissions, Ascend must approve use of categories and exemptions prior to
22. Does the admission meet criteria for Exempted Hospital Discharge?
The Exempted Hospital Discharge only applies to individuals with MMI and/or MR/ RC, and it allows
those individuals to be placed in a NF for 30 calendar days without performance of a Level II PASRR
evaluation. If the screen is performed on-line at www.pasrr.com, the exemption may be approved
electronically (depending upon the circumstances and LOC screening requirements) and, if so, the
person completing the screen may print an outcome to provide to the receiving facility explaining
the approval and subsequent screening steps. If this screen is submitted to Ascend by fax or mail, the
submitter must wait until the Ascend reviewer issues an approval of the exemption before
admission can occur. Several provisions apply and all of these must be met before the individual may
be admitted under this exemption (see below).
The individual must have evidence of a MMI or MR/RC;
The admission to a NF must occur directly from a hospital: The individual must be in a
medical hospital at the time of application, receiving treatment for a medical (non-psychiatric)
The need for NF care is required for the same condition for which care was provided in
the hospital;
The attending physician has certified prior to admission that the individual will require
less than 30 calendar days NF care (clearly, an individual whose medical condition will require
longer than 30 calendar days to stabilize will not be eligible for hospital exemption and should
not apply for this exemption). Contact information for the attending physician should be
The referral source must submit a Level of Care (LOC) form which must be approved by
Ascend before the admission can occur;
There is no current risk to self or others and behaviors/symptoms are stable.
23. Does the admission meet criteria for provisional emergency or provisional delirium
A provisional emergency is an emergency protective services situation necessitating NF care
for no greater than 7 calendar days. The admitting NF must notify Ascend, via submission of
the Level I screen, within one business day of the individual’s admission under this category.
The provider will be required to identify the name of the PSE staff that initiated the referral,
complete a LOC screen, and affirm that there is no current risk to self or others and that
behaviors/symptoms are stable.
A provisional delirium admission occurs when the presence of delirium precluded the ability
to make accurate diagnosis and a physician statement accompanies the screen attesting to
the delirium state. The referral source must complete a LOC screen and affirm that there is
no current risk to self or others and behaviors/symptoms are stable. Ascend must be
contacted by the admitting facility by or before 7 calendar days following admission.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
24. Does the admission meet the criteria for Respite admission for up to 30 calendar days?
Applies to individuals with MMI and/or MR/DD and, in order for this to apply, requires respite
care for up to 30 days to provide relief to the family or caregiver. The referral source must
submit a Level of Care (LOC) form which must be approved by Ascend before the admission and
affirm that there is no current risk to self or others and behaviors/symptoms are stable.
25. Does the admission meet criteria for categorical NF approval as a result of terminal
state or severe illness?
Applies to individuals with MMI and/or MR/DD and, in order for this to apply:
Terminal Illness: Prognosis if life expectancy of < 6 months. A physician signed statement of
terminal status must accompany this screen.
Severe Illness: Coma, ventilator dependent, brain-stem functioning, progressed ALS
progressed Huntington’s etc. so severe that the individual would be unable to participate in a
program of specialized care associated with his/her MI and/or MR/RC. (Documentation of
the individual’s medical status must accompany this screen).
The referral source must complete a LOC screen and affirm that there is no current risk to self
or others and behaviors/symptoms are stable.
Section VIII: Guardianship and Physician Information
This information must be provided for all individuals with known or suspected Level II conditions.
This must be completed by the individual submitting information for this screen. If faxed to Ascend,
all information must be completed and signed.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
III. Level of Care Instructions
Return to table of contents
The Level of Care Form is required for:
CCNH and RHNS applicants age 65 and older who are Medicaid active, eligible, or pending
and all residents of CCNH and RHNS who apply for Medicaid benefits.
Individuals who are Medicaid active, eligible, or pending and who are residents of
Connecticut Long Term Care nursing facility services (Chronic and Convalescent Nursing
Homes [CCNH] and Rest Home with Nursing Supervision [RHNS]) and who are receiving LTC
Medicaid but who have medically improved to the extent that NF may no longer be
appropriate. Nursing Home must submit an updated LOC screen if information suggests
that the individual may longer meet NF (CCNH or RHNS) LOC criteria.
Individuals determined to have Level II PASRR conditions.
Screening information can be entered two ways:
Online at www.pasrr.com
Complete the Level I form and fax to Ascend at 1.877.431.9568
General Instructions
It is recommended that the referral source gather all screening information prior to initiating the
electronic screen. Information is best obtained from several sources – the individual, any family or
caregivers, and the treating provider. This information is required by federal and state law and must
accurately portray the individual’s diagnoses, service needs, and ADL presentation. The following
instructions should be used as a guide for completion.
See instructions for Level I demographics.
LOC type refers to whether the individual is applying for services in a Chronic and Convalescent
Nursing Home (CCNH) or Rest Homes with Nursing Supervision (RHNS).
Screen type refers to whether the screen is being conducted for an applicant or resident. If a
resident, the basis for the screen should be either: Medicaid application, medical improvement, or at
the conclusion of a previous short-term LOC approval.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
Expected length of stay: is asking whether the individual is appropriate for long-term NF LOC or
could potentially be discharged anytime by or before six months from the time at which this screen
is being conducted.
1. Using the definitions provided for each Activity of Daily Living, choose the single best answer to
describe the individual’s support needs. Provide an explanation of all support needs noted to
require daily supervision or hands on assistance or rated as total dependence. The explanation is
important to provide a means of confirming that the supports you identified are consistent with
the selected rating.
2. Meal preparation. Choose the single best response to characterize support needs.
3. Medication Support. Identify the supports the individual is currently receiving associated with
physical capabilities in order to adhere to physician ordered medications. In the second column,
identify any additionally needed supports. Rate compliance issues separately under item #9 of this
4. Orientation. Choose the single best answer to rate each type of orientation, from (0) fully oriented,
(1) occasionally disoriented and need for prompting and cuing, to (2) Disoriented most of the time.
5. Memory. Choose the best single response.
6. Judgment. Choose the best single response.
7. Communication. Choose the best single response. Choose all applicable responses to identify the
individual’s typical method of communication.
8. Vision. Choose all applicable responses to identify the individual’s vision status.
9. Behaviors. Choose all applicable responses to identify the individual’s behavioral status. Describe
the frequency and severity, as well as support needs and interventions associated with behaviors.
1. Provide medications, diagnoses, dosages, routes/frequencies, and approximate start dates for all
physician ordered (include over the counter and prescription) medications.
2. Identify whether the individual’s physician has ordered speech therapy, physical therapy,
occupational therapy, or respiratory therapy, as well as whether or not the individual has been
determined to have restorative potential. If the individual has physician ordered therapy services,
identify the start date, frequency, and estimated duration (number of weeks) for each specific
physician ordered therapy.
3. Identify whether the individual has either of the following:
a. Uncontrolled, unstable, and/or chronic conditions requiring continuous skilled nursing
services and/or nursing supervision on a daily basis or has chronic conditions requiring
substantial assistance with personal care on a daily basis.
WEBSTARS™ Instructions
b. Controlled and/or stable chronic conditions requiring skilled nursing services, nursing
supervision, or assistance with personal care on a daily basis.
If the individual has one of the previously listed conditions, complete items c through f:
c. Identify qualifying medical condition(s).
d. Describe any recent fluctuations in medical presentation (e.g., changes in lab values, vitals
or levels, increase in frequency of MD visits, etc.)
e. Describe the nursing services related to the medical condition(s). Include frequency.
f. Explain why the individual is not able to self-monitor the condition(s). Describe any
cognitive and/or physical limitations.
Detailed responses are important in expediting a determination about the individual’s need for
CCNH or RHNS level of care. Lack of detail may require phone contact or trigger an on-line request
for additional detailed information, thus slowing the process.
4. List additional current and/or historical diagnoses not listed previously. This applies to diagnoses
not previously identified in other responses.
Use this area for any important information you think was not adequately addressed in the above
This section is to provide certification that the client meets the nursing facility level of care criteria
described in Section 19-13- D(8)(t)(d)(1) of the Public Health Code must be provided by a physician,
APRN, or physician assistant. This certification must be signed and dated by the practitioner; telephone
and voice orders are not acceptable. The physician signed section of this form must be submitted by
fax or uploaded as a pdf and attached to the level of care form you submit at www.pasrr.com.
This section is completed by the individual submitting level of care information and includes an
attestation that the person submitting this form understands that CT DSS considers knowingly
submitting inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading LOC information to be Medicaid fraud.