Exp 1 - Separation of Carvone and Limonene

CHEM 108M, Binder
Experiment 1 - Separation of Carvone and Limonene
Reading: Mohrig Section 18
Terpenes encompass a large family of organic compounds widespread in
nature and occurring in all organisms from bacteria to mammals. They are
prevalent in higher plants, where they act as volatile chemical messengers to attract insects and
also to defend the plant’s territory. Mixtures of volatile and odoriferous compounds, very rich in
terpenes, can be obtained by steam distillation of plant tissues (as in the isolation of citrus oils
experiment). These mixtures are called essential oils.
In this experiment, you will separate carvone and limonene from the
essential oil of either spearmint or caraway by column chromatography, a
type of adsorption chromatography.
The principles of column
chromatography and TLC are identical. The stationary phase is silica (SiO2)
and the mobile phase is an organic solvent. In this experiment, you will pack
a microcolumn with silica gel and use an eluotropic series of hexanes and
acetone to separately elute carvone and limonene. As in TLC analysis, this
separation is based on polarity. The only difference is in the direction of the
movement of the mobile phase. In TLC, the solvent (mobile phase) moves by capillary action
against gravity. In column chromatography, the mobile phase is added to the top of the column
and moves down with gravity. The stationary phase (silica) is polar and will hold onto the more
polar compounds longer. In other words, the less polar compounds in a mixture will elute first.
The solvent collected at the bottom of the column can be collected and separated over time.
You will collect limonene and carvone in separate fractions and analyze these fractions by gas
chromatography (GC) and IR spectroscopy.
Carvone is a naturally occurring ketone found in the essential oils of caraway, dill, and
spearmint in association with other terpenoids such as limonene. Limonene is found in
spearmint, caraway, lemon, and orange oils. Carvone and limonene, both monoterpenes, have
only one stereogenic center and therefore they can exist in two enantiomeric forms: R and S.
Enantiomers have the same physical and chemical properties, except that they interact
differently with polarized light and other chiral molecules. The two enantiomers of carvone have
different smells, one fresh and minty, and the other sweet and somehow unpleasant, especially
at high concentrations. The olfactory receptors that line our nasal mucus are chiral ensembles
with an exquisite sensitivity to the size, shape and chirality of the odorant. Their interaction with
individual enantiomers is often specific, resulting in the production of distinctive smells. The
odor difference between the two enantiomeric forms of carvone is obvious to most people.
[!]D = +100
[!]D = +62
Figure 1. Structures of limonene and carvone.
(S)-(+)-Carvone is found in association with (R)-(+)-limonene in caraway oil (Figure 1).
The composition of the oil, obtained by steam distillation from dried, ripe fruits of Carum carvi L.,
varies according to the source of the fruits but normally contains 50-55% carvone and 40-45%
limonene. Thus, caraway oil has a positive specific rotation ([α]D20 +70 to +80). (R)-(-)-Carvone
along with (S)-(-)-limonene are the constituents of spearmint oil. Spearmint oil is obtained by
steam distillation from the partially dried leaves of the flowering plants Mentha spicata L.
CHEM 108M, Binder
Spearmint oil normally contains 13-21% limonene and 46-70% carvone and minor components
such as α- and β-pinene (4-6%) and dihydrocarvone (3-12%). In contrast to caraway oil,
spearmint has a negative sign of rotation of plane-polarized light ([α]D20 -48 to -59).
Notebook Preparation – see sample notebook page on eCommons
Purpose: Write the purpose of the experiment in one complete sentence. Draw the process
scheme and structures of limonene and carvone at the top of the page.
Reagent Table: Make a table with the physical properties of silica (SiO2), carvone, limonene,
hexanes (n-hexane), and acetone. Include amount to be used (mL), MM, b.p., density, and a
one-word hazard description, where appropriate (flammable, corrosive, etc.).
Procedure: Hand-written, step-by-step procedure with micro-column diagram (see below).
Clean-up & Safety: Copy the table at the end of the procedure into your notebook.
Experimental Procedure:
Separation of Carvone and Limonene
There will be a demo for the setup in the beginning of lab. A short-tipped disposable Pasteur
pipet makes an appropriate column for microscale column chromatography. To prepare the
column put a small piece of tygon tubing of the tip of the pipet. Clamp the tubing with a screw
clamp. Clamp the microcolumn in a vertical position to a ring stand. Place a small cotton plug
at the bottom of the column and cover the cotton with a thin layerUCSC
of sand (2mm). Add hexanes
HEM 108M, Binder
to the column and let about 1 mL of the solvent run through. This will get rid of air bubbles
in the
this solvent
the next
sure toKeep
leave a little solvent
nd), add little by
little the
from above
(use a for
to do
llecting the elutent in the vial labeled “fraction 1” until 2 mL has been added to the column. Do
t let the column run dry in between fractions. Add the next solvent, and begin collection into
very from
so ithave
is important
that you
prepared (solutions,
action 2” and soMicrocolumns
on until all 5 run
been eluted.
the everything
column to run
and 5”.
receiving containers) before starting the column. In five labeled test tubes deliver
y when collecting
the following solvent volumes (these solvents will be used in succession to run the column):
ace a boiling chip in fraction 5 and evaporate the solvent by placing the vials in a sand bath on
2 mL
(2) 20.2-0.3
mL hexanes;
(3) 2remains.
mL hexanes;
hot plate in the (1)
until about
mL of liquid
Do not evaporate to
(4) 2 mL 10% acetone in hexanes;
(5) 2 mL 10% acetone in hexanes.
Cover the test tubes with a small piece of parafilm to prevent
Label 5 scintillation vials 1-5. These vials will be used to
collect the column fractions. A fraction is complete when a
test tube of solvent has been used up. For example, you will
elute from the column into “Fraction 1” until the first 2 mL
hexane portion has been delivered. You will not run the
column dry so not all of that 2 mL hexane will end up in
“Fraction 1.”
Packing a microcolumn:
Weigh about 1g of silica gel, or estimate the amount by
comparison to the 1g sample provided. Mix the measured
amount of silica gel with enough hexanes to make a
pourable slurry. Use a plastic pipet with the tip cut off to
suck up the slurry and pour it into your microcolumn from
above. The silica gel will be free-flowing and then settle
towards the bottom of the microcolumn. Bubbles can be
tapped out using a microspatula. Do not apply too much pressure to the plastic Pasteur pipet,
as it will cause the tygon tubing to blow off the tip of the microcolumn.
our TA will announce when the polarimeter is equipped with the solution of your oil. Only TAs
e to handle polarimeter cells. Measure the optical rotation of your oil and calculate the specific
tation using the concentration given in the lab (pathlength is 2 dm).
CHEM 108M, Binder
Repeat this process of pouring slurry into the microcolumn as many times as necessary until the
adsorbent reaches the indentation level of the Pasteur pipet. A small portion of sand is added
on top of the column (about 3mm high) and the column is ready to be loaded.
Loading the microcolumn: After the column has been packed, open the column outlet (screw
clamp) until the solvent level comes down the top of the sand (not lower) and load the column
with 150 microliters (0.15 mL) of the oil. Use a pluringe to measure this volume. Open the
screw clamp and start collecting the elutent in the vial labeled “Fraction 1”. Without allowing the
column to run dry, and after the sample has penetrated the column (liquid level right above the
sand), add little by little the first solvent from above (use a Pasteur pipet to do this). Keep
collecting the elutent in the vial labeled “fraction 1” until 2 mL has been added to the column. Do
not let the column run dry in between fractions. Add the next solvent, and begin collection into
“fraction 2” and so on until all 5 solvents from above have been eluted. Allow the column to run
dry when collecting “fraction 5”.
Place a boiling chip in fraction 1 and fraction 5 and evaporate the solvent by placing the vials in
a sand bath on a hot plate in the fume hood, until about 0.2-0.3 mL of liquid remains. Do not
evaporate to dryness.
Your TA will announce when the polarimeter is equipped with the solution of your oil. Only TAs
are to handle polarimeter cells. Measure the optical rotation of your oil and calculate the specific
rotation using the concentration given in the lab (pathlength is 2 dm).
GC analysis
Analyze the crude oil of your choice (A or B) by Gas Chromatography using a column of
medium polarity at 150˚ C. Determine the percent composition of limonene and carvone in the
unknown oil. Analyze fractions 1 and 5 by GC. Determine the percentage of carvone and
limonene in fractions 1 and 5. Report your data in table format and attach the chromatograms to
the back of the lab report.
IR Analysis
Obtain the IR spectrum of fraction 5 on NaCl plates. Indicate the identifying stretch. Do not
analyze every peak! Attach the IR spectrum to the back of the lab report
Liquid waste: acetone, hexanes, and fractions Acetone & hexanes are flammable
Solid waste: pipets, columns, dry silica
Caraway and spearmint oils are irritants
Put away hotplate
Silica is an irritant
CHEM 108M, Binder
Introduction (Pre-lab Questions) – typed responses to be turned in at the beginning of lab. Do
not re-write the question. Include with the lab report. Do not change your responses.
1. State the approximate percent composition of limonene and carvone in both spearmint
and caraway oils.
2. In general, is there any correlation between R and S, and d and l enantiomers? Hint:
Look at the structures and names on the first page of this handout.
3. Describe column chromatography in terms of the type of chromatography as well as the
nature of stationary and mobile phases.
4. What functional groups are found in limonene and carvone (alkane is not a functional
group!). Which compound, limonene or carvone, do you expect would elute first from the
silica gel column? Which will have a shorter retention time on the GC? Briefly justify
your answer.
5. Is it possible to separate carvone and limonene using the following series of solvents:
acetone (100%), acetone:hexanes (50:50) and finally hexanes (100%)? Explain.
Results (In-lab questions) – typed and turned in with the lab report, due one week after the
experiment. It is recommended that students write the in-lab questions in the notebook before
lab (an abbreviated version is fine).
1. Report the observed and specific rotation of your oil. List the unknown code and the
suspected identity of your oil based on polarimetry.
2. Briefly justify the elution order of limonene and carvone from the silica and GC columns.
3. In one or two sentences, comment on the success of the separation based on GC
results. Report the GC results of the crude oil and fractions 1 and 5 from your
separation. Calculate the percentage of carvone and limonene in the crude oil and
fraction 5. Show one sample calculation each for retention time, integration, and percent
composition. Report the final results in table format.
Rt (sec)
ID (Limonene/Carvone)
Integration (cm2)
% Composition
(Continue with other samples – fraction 1 and fraction 5)
4. Report the most distinctive IR stretch found in fraction 5. List the functional group and
bond responsible for this stretch.
5. Is it possible to isolate pure limonene from spearmint or caraway oil by using just
hexanes as the elution solvent? Discuss.
Attach a copy of the gas chromatograms and IRs to the back of your report. Be sure that
each chromatogram contains the sample name and GC conditions. If your lab partner has
some or all of the GCs and IRs, be sure to state that at the top of the results section.
Abstract – see eCommons post on Technical Writing for guidelines on writing the abstract. Do
not write it without consulting these guidelines!
CHEM 108M, Binder
Exp 1 - Separation of Limonene
and Carvone
Name _____________________________
Section Day _____ Time _____
TA Name __________________________
CHEM 108M GRADING RUBRIK - Use as cover page for report
LAB REPORT – Staple the report together in this order before coming to lab:
One paragraph, four sentences:
Purpose, procedure, main result(s), and
/ 10
Original responses to pre-lab questions
with TA initials
/ 30
The main results are stated, as outlined in
the in-lab questions, using complete
/ 30
Reflection of whether results were as
expected and whether it is supported by
the theory behind the experiment.
The experimental details (including final
amount used and obtained) are briefly
described in a few sentences.
Proper format: reaction scheme, chemical
info table, procedure, waste and clean-up
/ 15
Proper order and format (see syllabus for
full descriptions of each section), spelling
& grammar
/ 10
/ 100