THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM DENNIS KRIVENTSOV Abstract. E. M. Stein’s restriction problem for Fourier transforms is a deep and only partially solved conjecture in harmonic analysis. Below we state the problem and the Tomas-Stein theorem, which solves a particularly useful case of the conjecture. We then introduce the Fourier transform of complexvalued measures and the stationary phase method as tools used in the proof of the Tomas-Stein theorem. We give a proof of the theorem, and then turn to applications in deriving the Strichartz estimate for the Schroedinger equation. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Fourier transforms of measures 3. Stationary phase approximations 4. Proof of the Tomas-Stein theorem 5. Strichartz Estimates Acknowledgments References 1 2 4 6 9 10 11 1. Introduction We assume the reader is familiar with basic facts about the Lp spaces, L1 and L Fourier transforms, and convolutions. These can be found in most analysis textbooks, such as [2] or [1]. Given a function f : Rn → C we will use the following notation and normalization to denote the Fourier transform (when defined): 2 (1.1) fˆ(ξ) = Z e−2πix·ξ f (x)dx Rn and the inverse Fourier transform: (1.2) fˇ(x) = Z e2πiξ·x f (ξ)dξ. Rn The restriction problem asks when an inequality of the form (1.3) kfˆ|S n−1 kLq (S n−1 ) ≤ Ckf kLp holds, where S n−1 is the unit sphere and the constant depends only on p, q, and n. When q = 2, the best possible result is given by the following theorem: Date: August 3, 2009. 1 2 DENNIS KRIVENTSOV 0 Theorem 1.4 (Tomas-Stein). Let f ∈ Lp with p0 ≤ Ckf kLp0 , where C depends only on n and p0 . 2n+2 n+3 . Then kfˆ|S n−1 kL2 (S n−1 ) ≤ We will give a proof for the region p0 < 2n+2 n+3 . The argument for the endpoint is quite different, using a complex interpolation method; it can be found in [3]. The next section introduces the Fourier transform of a measure and the convolution of a measure with a function. Section 3 derives estimates for the decay of the Fourier transform of the surface measure of the sphere. Section 4 fills in the remaining details of the proof. Section 5 gives a useful application to differential equations. Sections 2-4 follow the exposition in [4] while 5 follows [3]. 2. Fourier transforms of measures We will want to rephrase the statement of the Tomas-Stein theorem in terms of the surface measure of a sphere. To do this, we will first prove some general statements about complex-valued measures. Definitions 2.1. Let µ be a complex-valued measure on Rn with finite total variation. Then µ̂ : Rn → C, the Fourier transform of the measure, is given by Z µ̂(ξ) = e−2πix·ξ dµ(x). Rn n Let ϕ : R → C be a Schwartz function (i.e. smooth, rapid decay, and rapid decay for all derivatives). Then the convolution of ϕ and µ is Z ϕ ∗ µ(x) = ϕ(x − y)dµ(y). Rn It is clear that both the Fourier transform of µ and its convolution with ϕ are bounded, since Z Z |µ̂| = | e−2πix·ξ dµ| ≤ |e−2πix·ξ |d|µ| = |µ|(Rn ) < ∞ Rn Rn by assumption. For the convolution, Z Z |ϕ ∗ µ| = | ϕ(x − y)dµ(y)| ≤ |ϕ(x − y)|d|µ|(y) ≤ (sup |ϕ|) |µ|(Rn ) < ∞, Rn Rn using that Schwartz functions are bounded. The following lemma states that the ordinary interaction between convolutions and the Fourier transform carry over to measures. Lemma 2.2. Let µ and ϕ be as above, and ν is another finite measure. Then we have: c = ϕ̂ ∗ µ (1) ϕµ̌ (2) ϕµ Rc = ϕ̂ ∗Rµ̂ (3) µ̂dν = ν̂dµ. Proof. These can be derived from Fubini’s theorem. We start with the duality relation (3): Z ZZ ZZ Z µ̂dν = e−2πix·ξ dµ(x)dν(ξ) = e−2πix·ξ dν(ξ)dµ(x) = ν̂dµ, with Fubini’s theorem clearly justified since both measures are finite. THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM 3 To see (1), fix ξ ∈ Rn . Consider e−2πix·(ξ−y) ϕ(x) as a function from Rn × Rn under the product measure dx × dµ(y). It is integrable by Tonelli’s theorem: Z ZZ |e−2πix·(ξ−y) ϕ(x)|dx×d|µ|(y) = |ϕ(x)|dxd|µ|(y) ≤ kϕkL1 ·|µ|(Rn ) < ∞. Rn ×Rn Rn ×Rn We can therefore apply Fubini’s theorem to the following: Z Z Z −2πix·ξ −2πix·ξ 2πiy·x c e ϕµ̌(ξ) = e ϕ(x)µ̌(x)dx = e ϕ(x) dµ(y) dx ZZ Z = e−2πix·(ξ−y) ϕ(x)dxdµ(y) = ϕ̂(ξ − y)dµ(y) = φ̂ ∗ µ(ξ). (2) also falls out from Fubini’s theorem, this time using the integrability of ϕ̂ to justify switching the order of integration: Z Z Z e−2πiξ·(x−y) dµ(ξ) ϕ̂(y)dy ϕ̂ ∗ µ̂(x) = µ̂(x − y)ϕ̂(y)dy = Z Z Z = e2πiξ·y ϕ̂(y)dy e−2πiξ·x dµ(ξ) = ϕ(ξ)e−2πiξ·x dµ(ξ) = ϕµ. c We have already proven most of the next lemma: Lemma 2.3. Let µ be a finite measure and f and g Schwartz functions. Then Z Z ¯ = (µ̂ ∗ ḡ) · f dx. fˆĝdµ Proof. The only new fact needed is that ĝ¯ = ḡˇ. This follows from the fact that the integral of the conjugate is the conjugate of the integral: Z Z Z ĝ¯ = e−2πix·ξ g(x)dx = e−2πix·ξ g(x)dx = e2πix·ξ g(x)dx = ḡˇ. Now we can simply compute, using first duality (Lemma 2.2(3)) and then Lemma 2.2(2): Z Z Z Z Z c̄ = f · (ĝˆ¯ ∗ µ̂)dx = f · (ḡˆˇ ∗ µ̂)dx = f · (ḡ ∗ µ̂)dx. ¯ = f · ĝµdx fˆĝdµ We are now in a position to make the major simplifying restatement of the Tomas-Stein theorem. This is known as the T T ∗ approach for this reason: the Tomas-Stein theorem as stated above asserts the boundedness of the operator T ∗ from Lp to L2 (S n−1 ) which is given by taking the Fourier transform and restricting it to the sphere. We claim this is equivalent to its adjoint T being bounded and the composition T T ∗ being bounded. Theorem 2.4. Let p and p0 satisfy 1 1 + = 1. p p0 Let µ be a finite measure on Rn . Then the following are equivalent: (1) kfc µkLp ≤ Ckf kL2 (µ) for all f ∈ L2 (µ) (2) kĝkL2 (µ) ≤ CkgkLp0 for all Schwartz functions g 4 DENNIS KRIVENTSOV (3) kµ̂ ∗ hkLp ≤ C 2 khkLp0 for all Schwartz functions h. Proof. The proof uses the following basic fact about dual Banach spaces (self-dual, in this case): Z kĝkL2 (µ) = sup | ĝf dµ|. f ∈L2 (µ),kf kL2 (µ) =1 Then if (1) holds, we can use the duality relation (Lemma 2.2(c)): Z Z (duality) sup | ĝf dµ| = sup | fc µ · gdx| kf kL2 (µ) =1 kf kL2 (µ) =1 ≤ (Holder) sup kf kL2 (µ) =1 ≤ (1) sup kf kL2 (µ) =1 kfc µkLp kgkLp0 Ckf kL2 (µ) kgkLp0 = CkgkLp0 , which is (2). Conversely, if we assume (2) by the same reasoning we have Z Z c f µ · gdx = ĝf dµ ≤ kĝkL2 (µ) kf kL2 (µ) ≤ CkgkLp0 kf kL2 (µ) . 0 Since Schwartz functions are dense in Lp , we then have Z c kf µkLp = sup | fc µ · gdx| ≤ sup CkgkLp0 kf kL2 (µ) = Ckf kL2 (µ) , g∈S,kgkLp0 =1 g∈S,kgkLp0 =1 which is (1) (S is the Schwartz space). Next we show (2) and (3) are equivalent. If (3) holds, then Z Z ¯ 2 kĥkL2 (µ) = ĥĥdµ = (µ̂ ∗ h̄) · hdx ≤ kµ̂ ∗ h̄kLp khkLp0 ≤ C 2 khk2Lp0 , which is the square of (2). The second equality is Lemma 2.3 with both functions set to h, the next step is Holder’s inequality, and the last inequality is (3) by assumption. Now assume (2) and let h be a Schwartz function. Then, using the same tools, Z (dual spaces) kµ̂ ∗ h̄kLp = sup | (µ̂ ∗ h̄) · gdx| g∈S,kgkLp0 =1 Z (Lemma 2.3) = sup | ¯ ĝ ĥdµ| g (Cauchy-Schwartz) ≤ sup kĥkL2 (µ) kĝkL2 (µ) g (2) ≤ C 2 sup khkLp0 kgkLp0 = C 2 khkLp0 , g which is (3). 3. Stationary phase approximations The previous section rephrased the restriction problem in terms of the Fourier transform of the surface of the sphere. In order to exploit this, we will need to THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM 5 estimate the decay of this function. First, we consider a more general question. Let φ : Rn → C be smooth and α : Rn → C be smooth and of compact support. Let Z I(λ) = e−πiλφ(x) α(x)dx. We wish to estimate the decay of |I(λ)| as λ → ∞. The following computation shows that if such an estimate is independent of α, it is diffeomorphism invariant. More precisely, if φ1 and φ2 are smooth functions with φ1 = φ2 ◦ G for some diffeomorphism G, Z Z Z −1 e−πiλφ2 (x) α(x)dx = e−πiλφ1 (G x) α(x)dx = e−πiλφ1 (y) α(Gy)|J(G)|dy, where J takes the determinant of the Jacobian matrix. The decay on I is related to the degeneracy of φ. The simplest case of this is when φ is nonstationary. The following is a general fact about smooth functions; the proof is omitted. Lemma 3.1 (Straightening). Let f be a smooth complex valued function on a neighborhood of p with ∇f (p) 6= 0. Then there is a diffeomorphism G of neighborhoods of 0 and p with G(p) = 0 and f ◦ G(x) = f (p) + xn . This immediately gives the following: Theorem 3.2 (Nonstationary phase). Let φ be smooth on a neighborhood of p with ∇f (p) 6= 0. Then for α smooth and supported on a sufficiently small neighborhood of p, for all N there is a CN (that depends on α and φ) such that |I(λ)| ≤ CN λ−N . Proof. Let G : U → V be the diffeomorphism given by applying Lemma 3.1. Assume α is supported inside V . Then by the computation above, Z λen ) |I(λ)| = | e−πiλ(φ(p)+yn ) α(Gy)|J(G)|dy| = C|α ◦ \ G|J(G)||( 2 where in the last step the phase e−πiλφ(p) was pulled out of the integral. But the function α(Gy)|J(G)| is C0∞ , so its Fourier transform is Schwartz and can be bounded as required. The decay grows weaker for a nondegenerate critical point, but the proof of this is somewhat harder. The replacement for Lemma 3.1 is the Morse lemma. The calculation is more sophisticated and requires the Fourier transform of tempered distributions, but the general format (reducing to a normal form by diffeomorphism invariance) is the same. The result is stated below; the proof can be found in [4] Theorem 3.3 (Stationary phase). Let φ be smooth on a neighborhood of p with ∇f (p) 6= 0. Assume the Hessian matrix Hφ (p) is invertible. Then for α smooth and supported on a sufficiently small neighborhood of p, there is a C (that depends on α and φ) such that |I(λ)| ≤ Cλ−n/2 . We wish to apply this to the surface measure of the sphere, which from now on will be denoted by σ. The first observation is that since σ has rotational symmetry, so does σ̂. Therefore it is sufficient to estimate the decay of σ̂(λen ). Next, we cover S n−1 by coordinate chartsp as follows: the first is the inverse of q1 : Dn−1 (0, 1/2) → n−1 S given by q1 (x) = (x, 1 − |x|2 ) paired with its image, which is a neighborhood of the north pole. The second is the inverse of q2 : Dn−1 (0, 1/2) → S n−1 given by 6 DENNIS KRIVENTSOV p q2 (x) = (x, − 1 − |x|2 ) paired with its image, which is a neighborhood of the south pole. Dn−1 (p, r) = D(p, r) here means {x ∈ Rn−1 | |x − p| < r}. The remaining charts (with similar maps {qj }kj=1 ) avoid the north and south poles. Let ϕj be a partition of unity subordinate to the covering by charts. Now we have Z σ̂(λen ) = e−2πiλxn dσ(x) = k Z X e−2πiλxn ϕj (x)dσ(x) j=1 √ Z = e D(0,1/2) + k Z X j=3 −2πiλ 1−|y|2 ϕ1 (y, p p 1 − |y|2 ) 1 − |y|2 √ Z dy + e D(0,1/2) 2πiλ 1−|y|2 p ϕ2 (y, − 1 − |y|2 ) p dy 1 − |y|2 e−2πiλqj (y)·en ϕj ◦ qj (y)αj (y)dy Uj where Uj are the domains of the qj and the αj are smooth functions that depend on qj . Consider the phase functions of the integrals in the sum. It is easy to see that if ∇(en · λqj )(y) = 0, then the qj is stationary in the en direction; since qj is a coordinate map, this happens only at two places on the sphere–the north and south poles. But these are not in the support of ϕj for j > 2, so the phase there is nonstationary everywhere. This means that Theorem 3.2 applies in a neighborhood of every point, and so, by compactness, on the whole support of ϕj . The other two integrals are each stationary at exactly one point (y = 0), and there the Hessian can be computed to be −2I, which is invertible. Using Theorem 3.3 when y = 0 and Theorem 3.2 elsewhere and combining with the above, we get |σ̂(λen )| ≤ Cλ− n−1 2 . Recalling from before that the Fourier transform of a finite measure is bounded gives Theorem 3.4. For all ξ ∈ Rn , we have |σ̂(ξ)| ≤ C(1 + |ξ|)− n−1 2 . 4. Proof of the Tomas-Stein theorem The following is a well-known interpolation theorem we will use in the proof below. Its proof can be found in [1]. Theorem 4.1 (Reisz-Thorin). Let T be a linear operator from Lp0 + Lp1 with 1 ≤ p0 ≤ p1 ≤ ∞. Assume kT f kq0 ≤ A0 kf kp0 and kT f kq1 ≤ A1 kf kp1 for some q0 , q1 ∈ [1, ∞]. Then if for some θ ∈ (0, 1), 1−θ θ 1 = + p p0 p1 and 1 1−θ θ = + , q q0 q1 THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM 7 then kT f kq ≤ Aθ1 A1−θ kf kp . 0 A consequence of this is Young’s inequality for convolutions: Theorem 4.2 (Young). Let f ∈ Lp and g ∈ Lq with such that 1r = p1 + 1q − 1, kf ∗ gkr ≤ kf kp kgkq . 1 p + 1 q ≥ 1. Then if we take r Proof. Let T be the convolution operator T h = f ∗h. We will prove the inequalities kT hkp ≤ kf kp khk1 (A) and kT hk∞ ≤ kf kp khkp0 (B) 0 0 where Lp and Lp are dual. Thinking of T as an operator from Lp + L1 to Lp + L∞ , then, we can apply Reisz-Thorin and set θ = 1 − pr . Then 1−θ θ p 1 p p 1 p1 1 1 1 + 0 = + 0 1− = 1− 0 + 0 = +1− = 1 p r p r r p p rp p q and 1−θ θ 1 + = , p ∞ r so kf ∗ gkr = kT gkr ≤ kf k1−θ kf kθp kgkq = kf kp kgkq p as desired. To prove inequality (A), we use Reisz-Thorin again, this time fixing h ∈ L1 and letting Rf = f ∗ h. Then if f is bounded, clearly we have Z |Rf | ≤ |f (x − y)||g(y)|dy ≤ kf k∞ kgk1 . If f is in L1 , then ZZ ZZ Z kRf k1 ≤ |f (x − y)g(y)|dydx = |f (x − y)|dx|g(y)|dy = kf k1 |g(y)|dy = kf k1 kgk1 . We tus have R bounded L1 → L1 and L∞ → L∞ , so by Reisz-Thorin we have kf ∗ hkp = kRf k ≤ kf kp khk1 as desired. To finish the proof, we observe that inequality (B) is a trivial consequence of Holder’s inequality. Proof of Tomas-Stein. Recall that from Theorem 2.4, it suffices to show that for 2n+2 0 p p0 < 2n+2 n+3 (or, equivalently, p > n−1 ) kσ̂ ∗ f kL ≤ Ckf kLp for all Schwartz 0 functions f . Since S is dense in Lp , this will imply Tomas-Stein as stated in Theorem 1.4. Next, let ψ be a smooth function Rn → [0, 1] that is 0 when |x| < 1/2 and 1 when |x| > 1. Then let φ(x) = ψ(2x) − ψ(x). Then when |x| > 1, φ(x) = 1 − 1 = 0, and when |x| < 1/4, φ(x) = 0 − 0 = 0. Moreover, for |x| > 1, X φ(2−k x) = 1. k≥0 8 DENNIS KRIVENTSOV This means that we can write ∞ X X X −k −k σ̂ = 1 − φ(2 x) σ̂ + (φ(2 x)σ̂) = K−∞ + Kj , k≥0 j=0 k≥0 P where we use K−∞ = 1 − j≥0 φ(2−j x) σ̂ and Kj = φ(2−j x)σ̂. K−∞ has compact support by construction. This means that by Young’s inequality, kK−∞ ∗ f kLp ≤ kK−∞ kLq kf kLp0 (4.3) where 1q = 2 − p20 , which works because p0 > 2n+2 n+3 ≥ 2. As was noted earlier, σ̂ is bounded, so kK−∞ kLq is finite and depends only on dimension. n−1 In the previous section, we obtained the estimate |σ̂(ξ)| ≤ C(1 + |ξ|)− 2 , where C depends only on n (Theorem 3.4). But because of the conditions on the support n−1 of Kj , this gives kKj kL∞ ≤ C2−j 2 . Using a simple case of Young’s inequality, kKj ∗ f kL∞ ≤ kKj kL∞ kf kL1 ≤ C2−j (4.4) n−1 2 kf kL1 . At this point we need to make this observation: σ(D(x, r)) ≤ Arn−1 (4.5) where D(x, r) = {x ∈ Rn | |x| < r} and A depends only on n. This is clear since S n−1 is an (n − 1) dimensional submanifold of Rn . Next, because of the radial symmetry of the sphere σ, and so σ̂, is invariant under reflection x → −x, and so σ̌(ξ) = σ̂(−ξ) = σ̂(ξ). Then we can apply Lemma 2.2(a) to Kj : nj \ K̂j = φ\ 2−j σ̂ = φ2−j σ̌ = 2 φ̂2j ∗ σ, where ga (x) = g(ax). Now, φ̂ is Schwartz, so for each N there is a constant CN such that |φ̂(ξ)| ≤ CN (1 + |ξ|)−N . Letting N = n, we can perform the following computation, decomposing the integral into a sum over annular regions: Z |K̂j (ξ)| = 2jn φ̂(2j (ξ − y))dσ(y) Z ≤ Cn 2jn (1 + 2j |ξ − y|)−n dσ(y) Z XZ = Cn 2jn (1 + 2j |ξ − y|)−n dσ(y) + (1 + 2j |ξ − y|)−n dσ(y) D(ξ,2−j ) D(ξ,2k+1−j )−D(ξ,2k−j ) k≥0 (A) jn ≤ Cn 2 −j σ(D(ξ, 2 )) + X −nk 2 k+1−j σ(D(ξ, 2 ) − D(ξ, 2 k≥0 (B) ≤ Cn 2jn A2−j(n−1) + X A2−nk 2(k+1−j)(n−1) k≥0 (C) = Cn 2jn · 3A2n−1 2−j(n−1) = 3ACn 2n−1 2j . k−j )) THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM 9 Step (A) bounds each integral by the product of the integrand’s supremum and the measure of its support. Step (B) uses the observation (4.5) to approximate the measures of the disks. Step (C) evaluates the geometric series on the right and simplifies the expression. Now we have the following bound: (4.6) j ˆ ˆ \ kKj ∗ f kL2 = kK j ∗ f kL2 = kK̂j f kL2 ≤ kK̂j kL∞ kf kL2 ≤ Q2 kf kL2 , where Q is the constant 3ACn 2n−1 from the computation. We used Plancharel’s theorem twice to pass to the Fourier transform and back again. But this means the convolution operator Tj f = Kj ∗ f is bounded L1 → L∞ by (4.4) and L2 → L2 by (4.6). By Reisz-Thorin, kKj ∗ f kp ≤ Qθ 2jθ 2−j where θ = 2 p. n−1 2 (1−θ) kf kp0 This is because 1 θ 1−θ + = 2 ∞ p and θ 1−θ 1 1 + = 1 − = 0. 2 1 p p Then (4.7) kKj ∗ f kp ≤ Q2/p 22j/p 2−j n−1 2 (1−2/p) kf kp0 = Q2/p 2j( n+1 n−1 p − 2 ) kf kp0 . The exponent is negative when p > 2n+2 n−1 , as desired. The remaining step is the simple observation that X σ̂ ∗ f = K−∞ ∗ f + Kj ∗ f. j≥0 Then combining (4.3) and (4.7), both the left and right sides are bounded for 0 p < 2n+2 n−1 and so kσ̂ ∗ f kp ≤ Ckf kp , which completes the proof. Remark 4.8. No special properties of the sphere were used in the proof. The relevant facts were Theorem 3.4 and equation (4.5). The latter only requires the surface to be a compact submanifold of codimension 1, while the former needs nondegeneracy at the critical points of the phase functions. This turns out to be equivalent to having nonzero Gaussian curvature. We will use this in the next section in deriving Strichartz estimates for the Schroedinger equation. 5. Strichartz Estimates An application of the Tomas-Stein theorem is the derivation of Strichartz estimates for partial differential equations. These bound the Lp norm of the solution in terms of Banach space norms of the initial data. They are a powerful tool in dealing with the limiting processes often necessary to answer existence and uniqueness questions. A simple example is the homogeneous Schroedinger equation: 1 −i∂t u + 2π ∆u = 0 (5.1) u(x, 0) = f (x) where u : Rn ×R → R depends on position (x) and time (t), ∂t is the time derivative, and ∆ is the Laplacian in the position variables only. We can fix time and take the 10 DENNIS KRIVENTSOV x Fourier transform (which we denote with the usual hat symbol) of the equation, which gives the ordinary differential equation −i∂t û(ξ, t) − 2π|ξ|2 û(ξ, t) = 0 (5.2) û(ξ, 0) = fˆ(ξ) where we used the property of the Fourier transform that ∂d xj u(ξ) = (2πiξj )û(ξ) on the Laplacian. But (5.2) is easy to solve and yields 2 û(ξ, t) = fˆ(ξ)e2πit|ξ| . Now we just need to take the inverse Fourier transform to get Z 2 (5.3) u(x, t) = fˆ(ξ)e2πi(ξ·x+t|ξ| ) dξ. This can be reexpressed as the inverse Fourier transform of fˆµ, where µ is the measure in Rn × R given by Z Z φ(ξ, t)dµ = φ(ξ, |ξ|2 )dξ Rn ×R Rn for φ ∈ C 0 . This is a measure supported on the surface of a paraboloid. By Remark 4.8, the Tomas-Stein theorem applies to ψµ where ψ ∈ C0∞ and is 1 on the unit = 2 + n4 , ball in Rn × R. The paraboloid is n dimensional, so for p ≥ 2n+4 n (5.4) k(fˆµ)ˇkLp ≤ CkfˆkL2 (µ) = CkfˆkL2 (Rn ) for f with fˆ supported in the unit ball. The last equality follows from the fact that integrating a time-independent function with respect to µ is the same as integrating it with respect to Rn . The left hand side of (5.4) is kukLp by construction, while the right hand side is Ckf kL2 (Rn ) by Plancharel, so (5.5) kukLp (Rn+1 ) ≤ Ckf kL2 (Rn ) . Now let fˆ have support in D(0, λ). If we let fλ (x) = f ( λx ) and uλ (x, t) = (5.1) implies 1 −i∂t uλ + 2π ∆uλ = 0 (5.6) uλ (x, 0) = fλ (x) u( λx , λt2 ), by the chain rule. But fˆλ (ξ) = λ−n fˆ(λξ), which has support in D(0, 1). By change of variables, kfλ k2L2 (Rn ) = λn kf k2L2 (Rn ) and kuλ kpLp (Rn+1 ) = λn+2 kukpLp (Rn+1 ) . Combining this with (5.5) gives (5.7) p p p n kukLp (Rn+1 ) = λ n+2 kuλ kLp (Rn+1 ) ≤ Cλ n+2 kfλ kL2 (Rn ) = Cλ n+2 λ 2 kf kL2 (Rn ) , and the left hand side is Ckf kL2 (Rn ) when p = 2 + n4 . This means that for that value of p, (5.5) holds for all f ∈ L2 with compact support (uniformly in C). By the density of compactly supported functions, this means it holds for all f in L2 , which is the Strichartz estimate we wanted. Acknowledgments. It is a pleasure to thank my mentor Andrew Lawrie for his help in introducing me to the material, refining my topic, and editing this paper. THE RESTRICTION PROBLEM AND THE TOMAS-STEIN THEOREM 11 References [1] [2] [3] [4] Gerald B. Folland. Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications. Wiley. 1999. Walter Rudin. Real and Complex Analysis. McGraw Hill. 1986. Wilhelm Schlag. Harmonic Analysis Notes. schlag/book.pdf. Thomas H. Wolff. Lectures on Harmonic Analysis. American Mathematical Society University Lecture Series. 2002.