Geomechanical modelling of salt diapirs, Officer Basin, South Australia Geomechanical modelling of salt diapirs: 3D salt structure from the Officer Basin, South Australia D Koupriantchik1, SP Hunt2, PJ Boult3 and AG Meyers4 The presence of geological inhomogeneities, such as salt domes, causes a significant perturbation of in situ stress, which has potentially serious implications for the stability of boreholes drilled in the vicinity of a salt diapir, for the selection of exploration targets and for the planning of exploratory drilling programs. In this study, a salt diapir from the Officer Basin, South Australia, is modelled numerically and the effects of the diapir on the surrounding stress regime, rock mechanical properties and constitutive behaviour are analysed. The results of the computations validate previous findings. Modelling suggests that zones of high shear stress (up to 50% higher than far field values) are found to the northeast and southwest of the diapir, indicating that these areas have a higher risk of top seal breach and borehole instability. The modelling also shows a significant area of low shear stress to the south of the centre of the modelled salt wall. The diapir is elongated towards the zones of higher von Mises stress in the model, suggesting that the diapir has grown faster in the direction of high shear stress. (Walter et al 1995), along with the Officer, Amadeus, Ngalia, Wiso and Georgina basins. The basin is significantly under-explored for both hydrocarbons and minerals, with only 7 petroleum and 42 deep stratigraphic drillholes to date. Previous petroleum studies have detailed a variety of findings, such as oil shows (Figures 2, 3) from four genetically distinct families (Tingate and McKirdy 2003), as well as good sandstone reservoirs, common evaporitic seals and a range of potential exploration plays, including compressive, extensional, salt-related and stratigraphic types (Morton 1997). The Neoproterozoic of the Officer Basin contains extensive evidence of salt diapirism, but the outlines of the salt bodies are not clear from the available seismic, as the data is of poor quality. Salt bodies have been interpreted (Boult 2005) by primarily mapping associated features, such as collapse structures, the formation of peripheral sedimentary sinks, and roof anticlines or domes. The aim of this study is to predict stress anomalies around large diapiric salt structures in the basin (Figure 4). Previously, stress modelling has been used to predict zones of high shear stress associated with breach of hydrocarbon seal lithologies (Camac et al 2004) and possible hydrocarbon “pooling” (Camac and Hunt 2004). Koupriantchik et al (2004) have shown that it is possible to use stress modelling of diapirs to predict zones of likely wellbore instability. An accurate stress model is therefore useful in the exploration for, and development of hydrocarbon fields associated with salt diapirs. With this aim in mind, the objectives of the work described herein were: Keywords: South Australia, Officer Basin, numerical models, geomechanics, viscoelasticity, WIPP-reference creep law, creep, stress, salt domes, diapirism, borehole stability, hydrocarbons, petroleum exploration, petroleum geology Introduction Salt diapirs are of considerable economic importance, as they are associated with oil traps, and their unique physical properties can also enable storage of various commodities, such as hydrocarbons and toxic waste (Langer et al 1999). In the Gulf of Mexico, southern North Sea and the Middle East, evaporite traps account for up to 60% of hydrocarbon reserves (Davison et al 1996). The eastern Officer Basin in South Australia has been affected by extensive salt diapirism and has the potential to contain several very large oil fields (Boult and Rankin 2004, Boult 2005). This Neoproterozoic to mid-Palaeozoic basin covers an area of about 525 000 km2 in western South Australia and eastern Western Australia (Figure 1). During the Neoproterozoic, it was part of the Centralian Superbasin • • • to build a geomechanical model of a diapir to validate and test the model to run the model using available data on salt and surrounding rock mass parameters, and apply commonly used salt constitutive behaviour models to validate the 130°E Western Australia 0 Gibson Sub-basin w Yo ga al n si ba b- Su ston King Defence Science and Technology Organisation, PO Box 1500, Edinburgh SA 5111. Email: dmitri.koupriantchik@dsto.defence. (formerly Australian School of Petroleum, The University of Adelaide, South Australia). 2 Santos Ltd, GPO Box 2455, Adelaide, South Australia 5001 (formerly Australian School of Petroleum, The University of Adelaide, South Australia). 3 Petroleum Group, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA), GPO Box 1671 Adelaide SA 5001 and Australian School of Petroleum, The University of Adelaide, South Australia. 4 School of Natural and Built Environments, Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, University of South Australia, Adelaide SA 5001. 1 Shelf Lennis Sub-basin 225 450 km Officer Basin Northern Territory South Australia Waigen Sub-basin Birksgate Sub-basin ugh i Tro h yara oug h Mun ya Tr roug n T Ma a inn int W 30°S 30°S 130°E Figure 1. Location of Officer Basin, showing main tectonic elements. Box shows location of Figure 3. Koupriantchik et al stress values at any significant distance from the diapir cannot be used for the analysis of risks associated with borehole stability. Previous authors modelled salt diapirism as a process of viscoplastic flow in geological time, and the results were used to predict various effects of diapirism (Gil and Jurado 1993, Nalpas and Brun 1993, Poliakov et al 1996, Davison et al 1996, Barnichon et al 1999). Modelling by Fredrich et al (2003), based on idealized salt body geometry undergoing creep within an elastic rock mass, demonstrated that the interaction of salt and the surrounding rock mass can lead to significant stress changes in the vicinity of the salt body. These perturbations in stress may result in increased risk of drilling failures adjacent to salt diapirs. The available data on stresses in the immediate vicinity of diapirs is sparse. Past authors have made qualitative references to the stress irregularities encountered while drilling close to salt (Lal 1998, Seymour et al 1993). Seymour et al mentioned that ‘in formations adjacent to the flanks of the salt diapir, the in situ stress in the hoop direction around the salt diapir may be lowered significantly below the normally stressed value, which occurs at some distance from the diapir. As this stress is lowered, the difference between radial and hoop stress increases, thus creating hole instability and making drilling difficult’. The authors believe that such qualitative information is insufficient for proper risk analysis. Borehole instability and drilling problems associated with diapirs Stress-induced wellbore failures are common in the petroleum industry. Many oil companies have incurred significant additional costs while drilling in tectonically stressed regions (in Colombia, northern Argentina, Canada, etc), particularly in the vicinity of salt domes (Lal 1998). Unscheduled events, such as stuck pipe and lost circulation, which are directly related to stability problems, due to uneven stress concentration around the wellbore, make drilling in such an environment difficult and costly. Seymour et al (1993) analysed data from five separate wells close to salt diapir structures in the Central Graben area of the North Sea. Those were drilled by Ranger Oil (UK) Ltd between May 1991 and April 1992. The drilling program aimed to explore two different salt diapirs, but about 26% of operational time was non-productive. Of this time, borehole instability was the major contributor (24%), an effect which was compounded by the open-hole time. Wellbore instability results from mechanical failure of the wellbore wall, as a result of interaction between the in situ stress, rock strength and hole characteristics (eg, diameter, orientation, drilling practice, etc). As in situ stress and rock strength cannot be altered, the hole characteristics greatly influence the effectiveness of a drilling operation. Good practice in risk reduction involves choosing optimal mud weights and trajectories for the borehole during predrill planning sessions. Drilling operators historically tried to stay away from diapirs as much as possible, but this strategy may miss commercial quantities of salt-trapped hydrocarbons. Drilling close to salt diapirs, if properly managed, may prove very beneficial in finding these accumulations. Figure 2. Stratigraphic column of the eastern Officer Basin. • • • results against the findings of other researchers to formulate and test an algorithm for integration of a real salt diapir geometry into the model to establish a procedure to extract stress values at the points of interest. to provide basis for recommendations on wellbore trajectory and possible high risk regions for top seal breach. Engineering aspects of salt diapirism Stress perturbation around a salt dome The correct estimation of in situ stresses in the near vicinity of a proposed borehole is very important for the correct determination of drilling parameters and choice of wellbore trajectory. The presence of geological inhomogeneities, such as salt domes, has the potential to result in significant perturbations of the in situ stress field. Therefore, in situ Geomechanical modelling of salt diapirs, Officer Basin, South Australia 130° 27° 131° 132° 133° 134° N Musgrave Province gh rou iT ara M y un 28° Sub-salt play Munta-1 gh Wa tso n rou aT y an Rid 0 50 km M ge Well with oil shows Well with no shows 29° Seismic line Figure 3. Northeastern Officer Basin (inset from Figure 1) showing locations of seismic lines, wells and Munta-1 (modified after Boult and Rankin 2004). Top seal breach analysis Taking into account the costs commonly associated with offshore drilling, improvements in the area of borehole instability would be regarded as beneficial. Such improvements can be achieved by using information on diapir-related stress perturbations and planning boreholes so that their trajectories avoid areas at high risk of borehole failure as far as is practicable. Better understanding of stress fields along the proposed borehole path can help an explorer anticipate potential problems and avoid or mitigate them proactively. To address this issue, stresses in the rock mass around a diapir need to be modelled numerically. Munyarai-1 Ungoolya-1 Lairu-1 It has been shown previously (Castillo et al 2000, Reynolds et al 2003, Camac et al 2004) that analytical modelling of stress states on fault planes may reduce the risk of encountering breached reservoirs in exploration and appraisal wells. This work concentrated on the risk of fault reactivation under present-day in situ stress conditions. High levels of perturbed stress can cause top seal breach and produce varying local stress fields for a given structural scenario. Karlaya-1 Munta-1 near top Trainer Hill Sandstone near top Acroeillina Sandstone Giles-1 base Observatory Hill Formation Relief Sandstone Tanana Formation near top Dey Dey Mudstone near top Alinga Formation km Figure 4. Composite north–south seismic lines intersecting the study area. Salt-withdrawal collapse structures and the Munta salt wall are clearly evident. Koupriantchik et al In the Penola Trough, onshore Otway Basin, South Australia, the possibility of fault reactivation has been considered a major risk to trap integrity. In 2001, Balnaves-1 and Limestone Ridge-1 drilled two structures that had a low risk of fault breach due to reactivation, but encountered two partially breached gas columns. Open, hydraulically conductive fractures, forming a permeable fracture network, have been interpreted throughout the brittle top seal in Balnaves-1, based on the Formation Micro Image Log (FMI), and a vertical rotation of the stress field was recognised from borehole breakouts (Boult et al 2002). Studies have since been undertaken to integrate the geomechanics of fault reactivation and cap seal brittleness (Mildren et al 2002, Dewhurst et al 2003), and provide a methodology for prospect risking. These previous authors demonstrated the need to further understand the geomechanics of structurally complex regions on a regional scale by using numerical modelling techniques. Stresses in the rock mass and salt body were initiated following the methodology of Fredrich et al (2003). Model boundaries were either fixed laterally (roller boundaries), or stresses equal to those used in the initialization process were applied to the vertical boundary planes (stress boundaries). The bottom boundary of the model was fixed in the vertical direction in all cases. Several different sets of rock mass and salt parameters were used, as well as different constitutive creep models for salt, as salt masses behave differently from commonly encountered sediments. Two constitutive creep models of salt were implemented: a classical viscoelastic (Maxwell) model, and an empirical creep law, known as the WIPP-reference creep law, developed to describe the time- and temperaturedependent creep of natural rock salt. This model is described by Herrmann et al (1980a, b); a different expression of the same creep law is also given by Senseny (1985). For each setting, the results of all modelling runs were very similar and, for σH = σh = 0.7 × σV (normal stress regime), the results showed no difference from the ones published by Fredrich et al (2003). Final stress values in salt and rock mass were independent of salt/rock elastic parameters, or the choice of salt constitutive model. The effect of boundary type (stress or fixed) was also negligible, indicating that the model boundaries were sufficiently far from the diapir, that boundary effects did not affect the results. However, the applied stress regime (far field stress) had a very significant impact on the resultant stress distribution. On the basis of the above results, it was assumed that for modeling salt structures that do not have voids within, or next to them, it is acceptable to assign typical values to the elastic parameters of the salt and rock mass. It was also accepted that the simplest constitutive creep model for the salt (ie viscoelastic) produces realistic modelling results, requires the least input data (and hence laboratory testing), and appears to be the least error-prone in numerical codes (Koupriantchik et al 2005). Code to enable stress values to be extracted at the points nominated by the user was written. This code can be used to examine a particular area of interest, such as trajectory of a proposed borehole. The information can be used for further analysis, ie, borehole failure risk analysis, selection of drilling parameters and regimes, as well as for visualization in 3D, using specialized software. GEOMECHANICAL MODELLINg Modelling generalized shapes Numerical modelling of the stress state around a salt diapir was conducted using the three-dimensional, explicit, finitedifference code FLAC3D, by Itasca Consulting Group Inc (ITASCA 2002). The code simulates the behaviour of threedimensional structures, built of soil, rock or other materials, that undergo plastic flow when their yield limits are reached. To analyse the effects of grid zone size, stress regime, and of salt and surrounding rock mechanical properties, a generic model of a diapir was built, which featured simplified axisymmetric diapir geometry (Koupriantchik et al 2004). Following this work, additional generic shapes were modelled; these shapes included a sphere (Figure 5) and a cylindrical column. Modelling the Munta diapir 4.3980e+006 to 1.5000e+007 1.5000e+007 to 3.0000e+007 3.0000e+007 to 4.5000e+007 The Munta diapir is located in the vicinity of Munta-1 in the northeastern Officer Basin (Figures 3, 4). It is elongated in one direction and has steep sides, thus resembling a wall (Figure 6). Methods of implementing the geometry of a salt body, such as the Munta diapir, into the FLAC3D model and the process of acquiring and pre-processing the seismic data, as well as filtering the surface grid, have been described in Koupriantchik et al (2004, 2005). For the convenience of stress initiation in the model, the model grid axes were orientated along the two horizontal principal stress directions. The most recent stress orientation data and an indication of the stress regime in the vicinity of the Munta site were obtained from the World Stress Map project (data supplied by Reynolds 2004). Stress magnitude 4.5000e+007 to 6.0000e+007 6.0000e+007 to 7.5000e+007 7.5000e+007 to 8.1691e+007 Figure 5. Von Mises stress (Pa) distribution around a salt sphere in a rock mass. Geomechanical modelling of salt diapirs, Officer Basin, South Australia Depth (m) N 1 km 0 1 km -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 -1000 -1100 -1200 -1300 -1400 -1500 -1600 -1700 -1800 a -1.9326e+007 to -1.9000e+007 Figure 6. Munta diapir; initial seismic interpretation from 2D data. -1.6000e+007 to -1.5000e+007 -1.9000e+007 to -1.8000e+007 -1.5000e+007 to -1.4000e+007 -1.8000e+007 to -1.7000e+007 -1.4000e+007 to -1.3062e+007 -1.7000e+007 to -1.6000e+007 data for the region is scanty, so for the purpose of the project, vertical stress was assumed to be the gravitational load: σZ = σV = ρ × g = 2400 Pa/m, and horizontal stress gradients were: σY = σH = 1.2 × σV = 2150 Pa/m and σX = σh = 0.8 × σV = 1750 Pa/m. Typical values of rock mass and salt parameters were used: Young’s modulus E = 6 GPa for rock and E = 31 GPa for salt (Lama and Vutukuri 1978). The viscoelastic constitutive model for salt was used, applying a dynamic viscosity of 3 × 1017 Pa.s. Simulations were run for a model duration of 1500 years. This was assumed to be enough time for the deviatoric stress within salt to come sufficiently close to zero (less than 1 MPa). b -1.4984e+007 to -1.4000e+007 -1.1000e+007 to -1.0000e+007 -1.4000e+007 to -1.3000e+007 -1.0000e+007 to -9.0000e+006 -1.3000e+007 to -1.2000e+007 -9.0000e+006 to -8.0000e+006 -1.2000e+007 to -1.1000e+007 -8.0000e+006 to -7.3859e+006 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF MODELLING Results of the Munta diapir modelling showed significant stress perturbations in the vicinity of the diapir body. However, the character and degree of the stress changes varied, depending on the location and depth. Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10 represent an extract of the program results. Four maps of stress state are shown at varying depths; they are Figure 7 (700 m), Figure 8 (1100 m), Figure 9 (1300 m) and Figure 10 (1500 m); the areas highlighted in grey is the salt diapir. Figures 7a, 8a, 9a and 10a show distributions of mean stress, and Figures 7b, 8b, 9b and 10b the distributions of minimum principal stress at various depths. The distributions of these stresses are commonly associated with “pooling” of hydrocarbons, based on the assumption that they migrate from areas with high levels of mean or minimum principal stress to less-stressed regions. The results of the modelling demonstrate that both criteria point at the same areas; ie, the distributions of mean and minimum principal stress are quite similar. The von Mises stress is an indicator of the 3D shear stress state within a rock mass. Figures 7c, 8c, 9c and 10c 0 c 1 km 3.3390e+006 to 4.0000e+006 8.0000e+006 to 9.0000e+006 4.0000e+006 to 5.0000e+006 9.0000e+006 to 1.0000e+007 5.0000e+006 to 6.0000e+006 1.0000e+007 to 1.1000e+007 6.0000e+006 to 7.0000e+006 1.1000e+007 to 1.2000e+007 7.0000e+006 to 8.0000e+006 1.2000e+007 to 1.2650e+007 Figure 7. Munta salt wall, 700 m depth, plan view. (a) Mean stress (negative values = compression, Pa). (b) Minimum principal stresses (negative values = compression, Pa). (c) Von Mises stresses (Pa). Koupriantchik et al a a -2.8961e+007 to -2.8000e+007 -2.5000e+007 to -2.4000e+007 -2.8000e+007 to -2.7000e+007 -2.4000e+007 to -2.3000e+007 -2.7000e+007 to -2.6000e+007 -2.3000e+007 to -2.2287e+007 -3.4179e+007 to -3.4000e+007 -3.0000e+007 to -2.9000e+007 -3.4000e+007 to -3.3000e+007 -2.9000e+007 to -2.8000e+007 -3.3000e+007 to -3.2000e+007 -2.8000e+007 to -2.7000e+007 -3.2000e+007 to -3.1000e+007 -2.7000e+007 to -2.6721e+007 -3.1000e+007 to -3.0000e+007 -2.6000e+007 to -2.5000e+007 b b -2.9169e+007 to -2.9000e+007 -2.5000e+007 to -2.4000e+007 -2.4000e+007 to -2.3000e+007 -2.3904e+007 to -2.3000e+007 -2.0000e+007 to -1.9000e+007 -2.9000e+007 to -2.8000e+007 -2.3000e+007 to -2.2000e+007 -1.9000e+007 to -1.8000e+006 -2.8000e+007 to -2.7000e+007 -2.3000e+007 to -2.2000e+007 -2.2000e+007 to -2.1000e+007 -1.8000e+006 to -1.7000e+006 -2.7000e+007 to -2.6000e+007 -2.2000e+007 to -2.1000e+007 -2.1000e+007 to -2.0000e+007 -1.7000e+006 to -1.6097e+006 -2.6000e+007 to -2.5000e+007 -2.1000e+007 to -2.0355e+007 0 c 1 km 0 c 1 km 4.2883e+006 to 5.0000e+006 9.0000e+006 to 1.0000e+007 4.1244e+006 to 5.0000e+006 9.0000e+006 to 1.0000e+007 5.0000e+006 to 6.0000e+006 1.0000e+007 to 1.1000e+007 5.0000e+006 to 6.0000e+006 1.0000e+007 to 1.1000e+007 6.0000e+006 to 7.0000e+006 1.1000e+007 to 1.2000e+007 6.0000e+006 to 7.0000e+006 1.1000e+007 to 1.2000e+007 7.0000e+006 to 8.0000e+006 1.2000e+007 to 1.3000e+007 7.0000e+006 to 8.0000e+006 1.2000e+007 to 1.3000e+007 8.0000e+006 to 9.0000e+006 1.3000e+007 to 1.4000e+007 8.0000e+006 to 9.0000e+006 1.3000e+007 to 1.4000e+007 Figure 8. Munta salt wall, 1100 m depth, plan view. (a) Mean stress (negative values = compression, Pa). (b) Minimum principal stresses (negative values = compression, Pa). (c) Von Mises stresses (Pa). Figure 9. Munta salt wall, 1300 m depth, plan view. (a) Mean stress (negative values = compression, Pa). (b) Minimum principal stresses (negative values = compression, Pa). (c) Von Mises stresses (Pa). Geomechanical modelling of salt diapirs, Officer Basin, South Australia show contours of von Mises stress at various depths. Zones of high shear stress (up to 50% higher than far field values) are at the ends of the salt wall and above the top of the diapir, which indicates that these areas represent higher risk for top seal breach and borehole instability. The fact that the diapir is elongated towards the zones of higher von Mises stress in the model suggests that the diapir has grown faster in the direction of high shear stress. Figure 8, at 1100 m, indicates low mean, low minimum and high deviatoric stresses, all at the east and western tips of the diapir. This supports the idea of continued growth in this direction under the current stress regime. As well as this, around the boundary of the diapir, low mean and minimum, and slightly raised Von Mises stresses occur as a result of the irregularity of the diapir curvature and its affect on the stress distribution. With increasing depth (Figures 9a–c and 10a–c), the pattern described for Figures 8a–c continues. The anomalous low minimum values at the northern boundary of the diapir decrease in magnitude as the curvature of the diapir walls decreases with depth. a -3.9414e+007 to -3.9000e+007 -3.5000e+007 to -3.4000e+007 -3.9000e+007 to -3.8000e+007 -3.4000e+007 to -3.3000e+007 -3.8000e+007 to -3.7000e+007 -3.3000e+007 to -3.2000e+007 -3.7000e+007 to -3.6000e+007 -3.2000e+007 to -3.1000e+007 -3.6000e+007 to -3.5000e+007 -3.1000e+007 to -3.0743e+007 ConclusionS The modelling technique passed validation tests using generic shapes, constitutive behaviour models, discretisation and stress regime sensitivity. A viscoelastic creep material model was implemented to ensure realistic behaviour of the salt. Overall the modelling results show significant stress perturbations with preferential orientation adjacent to the Munta salt wall. The predicted distribution of stresses needs to be taken into account for top seal breach risk analysis and for planning the exploratory drilling programs. Also, the modelling identified the areas of high and low mean and minimum stresses, which may have implications for the “pooling” of hydrocarbons. Results also indicate that other target salt structures should be modelled prior to drilling, to predict shear stress anomalies. The methodology used in this case study is applicable to salt-dependent hydrocarbon fields elsewhere, both within Australia and internationally, where tectonic stress states are well constrained. b -3.4448e+007 to -3.4000e+007 -2.8000e+007 to -2.6000e+007 -3.4000e+007 to -3.2000e+007 -2.6000e+007 to -2.4000e+007 -3.2000e+007 to -3.0000e+007 -2.4000e+007 to -2.3380e+007 -3.0000e+007 to -2.8000e+007 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank PIRSAfor providing assistance and the support of Itasca, in particular Mike Coulthard. 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