Italy Historical Background History

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Italy Historical Background
Effective family research requires some understanding of the historical events that may have
affected your family and the records about them. Learning about wars, governments, laws,
migrations, and religious trends may help you understand political boundaries, family movements,
and settlement patterns. These events may have led to the creation of records such as land and
military documents that mention your family.
Your ancestors will become more interesting to you if you use histories to learn about the events
in which they may have participated. For example, by using a history you might learn about the
events that occurred in the year your great-grandparents were married.
These key dates and events in the history of Italy influenced record keeping:
Italian Renaissance. This cultural movement began in Italy and
spread to England, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. It
was characterized by a revival of ancient Greek and Roman art
and philosophy, the development of humanism, and the
beginning of modern science.
The Council of Trent required parishes to begin keeping records.
Spain ruled most of Italy.
The Treaty of Utrecht ended Spanish rule and established the
Austrian Hapsburgs as Italy’s dominant power.
Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France, drove the Austrian
rulers from northern Italy.
Napoleon ruled most of Italy. In 1806 he began requiring that
civil registration records be kept.
Napoleon was defeated. Most of Italy is returned to its former
sovereigns. Civil registration ended in 1815.
A series of revolts, known as the Risorgimento, occurred against
local rulers. The rebels sought political unity for Italy. These
rebellions were eventually crushed.
Revolts began in every major Italian city opposing Austrian rule.
New governments were established. Austria put down the
revolts and regained control of the Italian cities. The pope,
backed by the French army, won back Rome.
Count Cavour, prime minister of the Kingdom of Sardegna, and
Napoleon III of France signed a defense agreement. To maintain
its Italian holdings, Austria declared war on the Kingdom of
Sardegna. French and Italian troops defeated the Austrians.
Much of northern Italy was united under the Kingdom of
Giuseppe Garibaldi freed Sicilia, southern Italy, and the city of
Napoli from the French.
Sweden, Historical Background
After a nationwide vote, the Kingdom of Italy was formed with
Vittorio Emmanuele II as king. The kingdom united all of Italy
except the city of Rome, the region of Venezia, and the country
of San Marino.
In exchange for Venezia, Italy supported Prussia in its war
against Austria. A month later, Prussia defeated Austria, and
Venezia became part of the Kingdom of Italy. Civil registration
became law.
The Franco-Prussian War forced France to withdraw its troops
from Rome. Italian troops conquered all of Rome except for the
The capital of Italy moves from Florence to Rome.
After a war with Turkey, Italy gained Eritrea, Italian Somaliland,
and Tripoli.
Italy sided with the Allies in World War I and gained Trentino and
Trieste from Austria-Hungary.
King Victor Emmanuel III made Benito Mussolini the premier of
Italy. By 1925 Mussolini reigned as dictator.
Italy conquered Ethiopia.
Italy and Germany agreed to be allies if war were to break out.
Italy conquered Albania.
Italy entered World War II on Germany’s side.
Italy surrendered to Allied forces, and Mussolini was forced to
Italians voted to establish a Republican form of government.
Italy signed a peace treaty at the end of World War II. As part of
the treaty, Italy gave up its African empire (Libya, Italian
Somaliland, and Eritrea), gave the Dodecanese Islands to
Greece, and gave Albania its independence. Trieste was made a
free territory that was divided into two zones under AngloAmerican and Yugoslav control. Minor changes were made to
the French-Italian border.
Trieste was given to Italy in a treaty with Yugoslavia.
The Family History Library has some published national and local histories for Italy. You can find
them in the Locality Search of the Family History Library Catalog under one of the following:
Local Histories
Some of the most valuable sources for family history research are local histories. They describe
the settlement of the area and the founding of churches, schools, and businesses. You can also
find lists of soldiers and civil officials. Even if your ancestor is not listed, information on other
relatives may be included that will provide important clues for finding the ancestor. A local history
may also suggest other records to search.
Local histories can also provide background information about your family’s lifestyle and the
community and environment in which they lived.
The Family History Library has some local histories for towns in Italy. Similar histories are often
also available at major public and university libraries and archives.
Research Guidance
Version of Data: 02/15/01