The GovLab Experiment: Making Engagement Work Hosted at NYU Wagner and CUSP | Funded by the MacArthur and Knight Foundations Attendees as of April 17, 2013 Aguero Pablo Hanee Designs Aitamurto Tanja Stanford AlBassa Sara NYU Alfano Michael NYU Alonso José World Wide Web Foundation Amjadi Layla The GovLab Anderson Jim Bloomberg Arbesman Samuel Kauffman Foundation Ashlock Phil Civic Agency Baier Lauren BYO Consulting Baldwin-­‐Philippi Jesse Emerson College Ballard Will Gerson Lehrman Group Bassik Michael Proof Bejan Adrian Duke Berners-Lee Tim MIT Billings John NYU Bogdonoff Leonard Acquinity Interactive Borrmann Rudi Buenos Aires Open Gov Bracken John Knight Foundation Bria Francesca Imperial College London Brooks Sean The GovLab Brown John Seely Independent Burke Sharon Department of Defense Burnham Brad Union Square Ventures Burris Arthur Living Cities Chang Valerie MacArthur Foundation Chehadé Fadi ICANN Chen Wenya Pace University Clifford Adam The GovLab Clippinger John MIT Coates Jeff Knight Foundation Cohen June TED Media Cohen Aaron The GovLab Cohen David Civic Ventures Coletta Carol Knight Foundation Crawford Susan Cardozo Crawley Christina Open Gov Hub Daniel Luis NYU De La Pena Benjamin Rockefeller Foundation Dembo David The GovLab Elin Greg Federal Communications Commission Ellis Lauren State of New York Farhan Hania Web Foundation Farrell Henry Crooked Timber Fayard Anne-­‐Laure NYU Feller Ross Scholaborate Fensterheim Eric Hyperakt Flowers Michael City of New York Fodil Yasmin BYO Consulting Fredrickson Jon InnoCentive Freire Juliana NYU Friedman Jeff City of Philadelphia Friend Duncan State of Kansas Frisby-­‐Greenwood Donna Knight Foundation Frittelli Claudia Carnegie Corporation Frydman Gilles Society for Participatory Medicine Fujiyama Cosmo The GovLab Fung Eric Linked In Gavin Ashley Girls Who Code Gazarov Alexander Pace University Ghaznavi Seena Jon The GovLab Gilman Hollie White House (OSTP) Glover Rod Australian National Sustainability Council Goldfin Jessica MIT Media Lab Goldhill David The Atlantic Goldsmith Stephen Harvard Goldstein Brett City of Chicago Gomez-­‐Mont Gabriella Mexico City Gordon Eric Emerson College Goroff Daniel Sloan Foundation Greenberg Brandon The GovLab Greenwood Dazza MIT Media Lab Grossman Nick Union Square Ventures Guess Chris FEMA Innovation Team Gupta Asha Gurin Joel NY Law School Haffey Bryn Pace University Hall Gavin Hansen Kevin The GovLab Haot Rachel Chief Digital Officer of NYC Harkness Alaina MacArthur Foundation Hatzakis Alex The GovLab Headd Mark City of Philadelphia Hendler James RPI Herringshaw Vanessa Transparency Initiative Hidalgo Cesar MIT Media Lab Hill Jonathan Pace University Hilvert Cheryl ICMA Hoadley Christopher NYU Holland Michael CoS -­‐ CUSP Hollister Hudson Data Transparency Coalition Hoppin Andrew NuAMS Hsieh Kane RRE Ventures Hume David Government of British Columbia Hunt Ginny Google Huttenlocher Daniel MacArthur Foundation Hyland Bernadette 3 Round Stones Ibargüen Alberto Knight Foundation Jacob Nigel New Urban Mechanics James Laura Open Knowledge Foundation Johnson Steven Author Kamanzi Rita Rwanda Development Board Karger David MIT Kauffman Joshua The Quantified Self Kelsey Tim National Health Service (England) Kirkpatrick David Techonomy Kobach Kris State of Kansas Koonin Steven NYU Krafft Dean Cornell Kronkitis Kate Reboot Kumra Raina Knight Foundation Lazer David Northeastern Leighninger Matt Deliberative Democracy Consortium Levin Peter Department of Veterans Affairs Levine Thomas ScraperWiki Levinson Ilana Pace University Lewis Geraint National Health Service (England) Lim Jeongki The GovLab Lohr Steve The New York Times Lorente Sylvie L'Equipe de LMDC Magder Ted NYU Maness Michael Knight Foundation Manley Laura The GovLab Mason Kathy National Health Service (England) Matasar Richard The GovLab McCauley Adam The GovLab McLaughlin Andrew Betaworks McManus Emily Miller Ellen Sunlight Foundation Minihan Jim Imerge Consulting Mulgan Geoff NESTA Mulqueeny Emma Young Rewired State Nadeau Ellen The GovLab Natividad Joel Ontodia Nemani Abhi Code for America Norton Ryan The GovLab Nov Oded NYU Noveck Beth The GovLab Nsengimana Jean Philbert Minister of Youth and ICT of Rwanda Nyaggah Muchiri The Open Institute Ondrejka Cory Facebook O'Neill Liisa Office of Governor Cuomo Outram Christine National Health Service (England) Ouyachi Hamid Department of Labor Owen Taylor Columbia Journalism School Pardo Theresa Albany Park Tae Hong NYU Paz Claudia The GovLab Peixoto Tiago World Bank Peña Wilfredo Pace University Pendleton-­‐Jullian Ann Georgetown University Pentland Alex "Sandy" MIT Porcelli Joseph GovDelivery Prasad Shankar The GovLab Rabinovich Maria Noise Rahman K.Sabeel The GovLab Rajani Rakesh Twaweza Rasiej Andrew Personal Democracy Media Rimalovski Frank NYU Roberts Alasdair Suffolk Law School Rogawski Christina The GovLab Ross Simone Techonomy Sachs Kathy State of Kansas Sahuguet Arnaud Google Schall Ellen NYU Schiffrin Anya Columbia Schoenborn Eric Knight Foundation Schumacher Aaron NYU Shadbolt Nigel Open Data Institute Shah Anand IndiCorps Shah Jason Yammer Shapiro Dorothy The GovLab Sherry Andrew Knight Foundation Shirako Aiwa NYU Shirky Clay NYU Shles Eric NYU Siddhanti Rohan The GovLab Sifry Micah Personal Democracy Forum Simon Gregory Poliwogg Sinai Nick White House (OSTP) Sinsuwan Prachaya Pace University Sivak Bryan Health and Human Services Sotsky Jonathan Knight Foundation Stasch Julia MacArthur Foundation Steinberg Tom MySociety Stodden Victoria Columbia Storey Nathan PediaCities Suri Manik The GovLab Taplin Jonathan USC Tarpara Viral The GovLab Thorman Damian Knight Foundation Tisné Martin Omidyar Townsend Zachary City of Newark Townsend Anthony NYU Turner Fred Stanford Ulieru Mihaela Impact Institute van der Walt Chris Change Assembly Inc. Vein Chris World Bank Verhulst Stefaan The GovLab Vrana Victoria Gates Foundation Wallach Ari Synthesis Corp Wang Yiping The GovLab Ward Crystal Knight Foundation Watts Duncan Microsoft Werbell Jonathan Bloomberg Whong Chris NYU Wladawsky-­‐Berger Irving NYU Wong Chris NYU Yaghoobzadeh Hooman Weill Cornell Medical College Young Andrew The GovLab Yowell Constance MacArthur Foundation Yribia Laura Knight Foundation Zandikarimi Hedieh Pace University Ziewitz Malte NYU Zuckerman Ethan MIT Ziewitz Malte NYU Zuckerman Ethan MIT