Frontline: The Persuaders Video Worksheet

Frontline: The Persuaders Video Make-up
The following address is a link to the complete transcript of the PBS program you missed, Frontline: The
Persuaders, and will help you answer the questions below.
1. What are advertising people talking about when they talk about trying to “break through the clutter”?
2. Who was Song Airlines’ target market (i.e., the people they were hoping would be their main customers)?
3. Who is “Carrie”?
4. What did Song Airlines do to attract this market?
How did Song present themselves try to make themselves different from other airlines?
6. What is “product placement”? Give an example of it.
7. What marketing method does the research show works best when trying to sell a product?
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8. Why did the Song marketers study cults when trying to figure out how to sell their brand? What makes “cult”
brands different from other brands?
9. Name two “cult brands.” Why are they considered cult brands?
10. What is Rapaille (the French marketing expert with glasses and longish hair) talking about when he says he wants
to “break the code on luxury”? How does he go about it?
11. How language can change the emotional impact of a concept?
12. What is narrowcasting?
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