Willits Economic LocaLization The WELL Bucket

Willits Economic LocaLization
The WELL Bucket
Volume 3 – Issue 3
Schedule of Events
March & April 2008
March 3
Coordinating Committee Meeting
WELL Office – 11:30
March 20
Now & Then Film Series
“Standing Silent Nation”
Little Lake Health Clinic Downstairs
7:00 PM
March 24
Coordinating Committee Meeting
WELL Office – Noon
March 24
WELL Plenary Meeting
Willits Community Center – 6:15 PM
March 29
FOSL Workshop “True Power”
Willits Council Chambers – 10:00
April 17
Now & Then Film Series
Emperor of Hemp
Little Lake Health Clinic Downstairs
7:00 PM
April 20
Willits Earth Day Festival
Willits Community Center
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
April 28
WELL Plenary Meeting
Willits Community Center – 6:15 PM
March 7, 2007
WELL Plenary
March 24, Willits Community Center – 6:15
This meeting will include an election for Coordinating Committee, a
vote on proposed changes to the WELL Bylaws, and a ‘Talking
Stick’ Circle in which WELL members and others may express
their appreciation, criticisms, thoughts, and suggestions.
Jason Bradford’s term on the Coordinating Committee is complete
in March. He is running for reelection and we are also soliciting
other candidates. If you wish to be on the ballot, please get a
candidate statement to the WELL Office with your name, contact
information, and a brief description of why you want to be on the
Coordinating Committee.
The proposed changes to the Bylaws are included in a separate
article in this newsletter.
Please Note The New Starting Time of 6:15 PM
FOSL Workshop “True Power”
Saturday, March 29 – 10:00 AM
Willits Council Chambers, 111 East Commercial St.
‘True Power’ is the core workshop for creating synergy for
Growing Sustainable Communities. This program is key to
clear communication and relationship synergy. There will be
Three Modules, Three Tools, and Three Practices:
Module 1- 7 Realms of Power
True Power is the ultimate freedom to express your essence,
your uniqueness, passion and beauty. Using the foundational
tool, the 7 Realms of Power, you will understand the
difference between the delusion of false power and True
Power. Power defines your sense of self—learn to be your
True Power consciously for self-realization, well-being and
Module 2 - Conscious Communication
Conversation and communication are the currency of our
relationships. Use the Linking Tool & Practice to apply the
Realms of Power awareness to communicate consciously.
Module 3- Transform Relationships
Mastering the art of working and playing well together is
imperative for living in a unifying paradigm. Use this dynamic
process to transform and heal relationships, especially in
challenging situations.
For reservations contact Hina Pendle.
hina@uspartners.com, 831-662-2232
WELL Bucket
Now & Then Film Series
Standing Silent Nation
When the Oglala Sioux Tribe
passed an ordinance separating
industrial hemp from its illegal
cousin, marijuana, Alex White
Plume and his family glimpsed a
brighter future. Having researched
hemp as a sustainable crop that
would grow in the inhospitable soil
of the South Dakota Badlands, the
White Plumes envisioned a new
economy that would impact the 85%
unemployment rate on the Pine
Ridge Reservation. They never
dreamed they would find
themselves swept up in a struggle
over tribal sovereignty, economic
rights, and common sense.
7:00 pm, Thursday, March 20
Little Lake Health Center
45 Hazel St.
Enter by back door in parking lot
Free Admission! Everyone Welcome!
Suggested Donation of $5 to Help
Build WELL Film Library
Page 2
Food Security Meeting Very Filling
On February 25 an audience of 50 or more listened and contributed to a
discussion of growing and storing food locally to ensure a secure food
supply for our community.
The evening started off with a slide show by Jason Bradford describing
the simple math of how much we generally eat, how many acres that
takes to grow, how many acres we have available to us, and why we
should pay attention to those numbers. A three day supply of food at our
local grocery stores (called just-in-time supply) means that any
interruption in the supply chain may result in no food available for our
town. Locally grown food, especially fruits and vegetables (due to their
higher weight per calorie and shorter shelf life) can greatly reduce our
vulnerability. He also showed that for only $0.45 per person per day
Willits could store enough food to feed the town for a year in a relatively
small warehouse.
Next we were treated to a presentation by three members of the Willits
Ward of the LDS Church, who presented a very informative discussion of
the logistics of food preservation and storage, along with even more
reasons to do so (such as security in the face of personal financial crises,
knowing what is in your food, and the fun of doing it). They discussed the
merits of different food storage containers, and the caution to not put all
of your stored food in the same sort of containers or even in the same
place in your house (so that a disaster that affects one will not affect all).
They talked about the merits of different types of grain mills (stone is
good for grains that are not high in oil, steel is important for such grains
as corn). Other issues they brought up included ensuring that you have
an option for grinding grain when the power is out, and how important it is
to regularly eat your stored food (both to rotate it to avoid it getting too
old, and also to accustom your household to eating those kinds of foods).
Look for more information to be added to the WELL website, where we
will post some of the handouts and start a list of sources for storage
containers and other equipment.
WELL Seeking Membership & Community Networker
Summary: This position is responsible for coordination and promotion of activities among WELL members and
between WELL and community organizations. The job will be 12 hours per week, but with additional hours up to 20
hours per week for the first month to establish networking systems. The salary will be $12 to 14 per hour depending
on experience. This position works under the direction of the Operational Facilitator and may also fill in for the
Operational Facilitator in his/her absence.
Job Duties:
Working with the membership committee and operational facilitator, develop records of members’ ideas and
projects. Connect similar ideas and projects among members so they can work together towards common goals.
• Set up and maintain a telephone tree so that members can be informed of actions and opportunities in a timely
• Promote use of and gather information for a comprehensive community calendar (working with the Chamber of
Commerce); contact groups as needed to avoid conflicts. Also coordinate with the City calendar.
• Be WELL’s representative to community groups; seek opportunities to connect WELL activities and members’
ideas or projects with appropriate groups, and to connect groups working on similar activities to each other.
• With the operational facilitator, maintain an overview of localization and sustainability trends in the community,
including coordinating with City of Willits.
• Assist in developing calendar of WELL events and implementing appropriate promotion of these events, including
PSA’s, pre- and post-event articles, poster design and distribution, sign-boards, phone tree, radio call-ins, videos
for Channel 3, etc.
Qualifications, Skills: High school graduation required, some college preferred. Self-direction and ability to take
direction, to think critically and creatively, to handle stressful situations and multi-tasking, to work well with a broad
range of people. Knowledge of localization/sustainability issues and of Willits area and prior membership in WELL are
very desirable. If not already a member of WELL, must be willing and eligible to join.
If you are interested please submit a resume and cover letter to the WELL Office by March 31.
WELL Bucket
Page 3
WELL Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes – Mar. 3, 2008
CC Members present: All
Others present at all or part of meeting: Liam, Kai Goodwillie (of Sustainable Tucson), Rosamund Crowder, Roger
Wilson, Donna d’Terra
Facilitator: Jane McCabe
Minutes: Madge Strong
Minutes of Feb. 18th meeting are approved.
Staff report: Liam reviewed his written report. Excellent progress on the RLNC agenda and other items.
Showed us the first Reality Report CDs.
In addition, he noted that the CalTrans grant schedule is likely to be delayed at least 6 months due to State
budget crunch (info from Quinton).
Regarding review of Local Seed Grants, the interview committee (all CC except Michael & Mike, who are
applicants) scheduled dates for interviews as follows: Thurs. Mar. 6, 10am-1pm, and Fri. Mar. 7, 10-11:30am. Liam
will schedule the applicants during those times, allowing 15-30 minutes each.
CC discussed having Raj Patel as a speaker on Mon. May 5th, supplemented with a local “what we can do/are
doing” presentation and tables for people to get action info. Liam will check on speaker fee & schedule. In general,
ideas for speakers – locals and others – should go to Liam.
Office improvements: With a little logistical assistance (e.g. drying the sealer at Jason’s garage), Michael H. is
about ready to do the shelves – noting that the walls & door are not plumb, so he’ll be adjusting as needed!
Food happenings: Last Sunday was an excellent meeting of food producers and buyers, with about 100 folks
present. Then the Monday Plenary focused on food storage. Then Tuesday at WAG, Mary met Becky Bowles, the
new Ag teacher at Willits High, who plans major activity at the High School garden (about two acres). Mary wants to
devote more time to promote these efforts, so will pull back on CC duties, but is willing to serve until the end of her
New staff position: After discussion, the job description for the new membership and community networker
was approved with minor changes: Salary of $12-14 per hour depending on experience; must be willing and eligible to
be a WELL member. Madge & Liam will write a short version for ads & PR notices to go out ASAP, then have
application deadline 3 weeks from when ads appear. (Applicants to provide cover letter and resume.) The interview
committee will be Liam, Mary, and Jane. Roger also noted he can help the new person set up an indexed database
for members’ interests & projects.
CalTrans grant consultant selection: Brian did not attend, and in view of the probable delay in receiving any
grant, this item will be deferred again.
Willits Watershed Mural: Rosamund & Donna briefly presented their need for a 501(c)3 sponsor to be able to
apply for other grants. (This request is independent of their application for a WELL local seed grant.) It was noted that
we can only have one project per year but the deadline is a few days from now and this is the only one in play. The
mural is excellent PR for WELL’s mission. Also, in view of the fact that the project will provide its own bookkeeping,
management, and be an independent contractor, we approved making this a WELL project without any percentage
fee. Mary signed the required paperwork.
Bylaw Changes: Madge noted that, in addition to the changes as distributed, she would like to have required
notice-of-meetings all consistent at two weeks, and add a sentence to Section 4.1 so that 3 or 4 CC members are
elected at each semi-annual meeting. There was discussion about whether the revised quorum and percent approval
for CC actions was sufficient to safeguard against rash decisions. In view of transparency and ability to appeal to
general membership meeting if needed, most felt the new percentages were OK, and 6 of 7 voted for approval. A
second motion was to change Section 4.12, re: emergency actions, to require 2 CC members (rather than only 1
officer) to act in emergency, and only after earnest effort to contact all CC members. That passed unanimously.
Opening song at Plenaries: Several people objected to “We Are the Ones”. Since the song sets an important
first impression, better to not have an opening song than the wrong one. We’ll keep looking.
Next CC meeting will be Mar. 24 at noon, with Michael H. facilitating. Next plenary is that evening at 6:15, with Tim
facilitating. (In notices, be sure to note the change to 6:15 and that the actual meeting starts at 6:30.)
Willits Economic Localization (WELL), P.O. Box 42, Willits, CA 95490
(707) 459-7076 Fax (707) 459-7077
Office: 713 South Main Street, Suite A, Willits, CA 95490
E-Mail: office@willitseconomiclocalization.org
Website: http://www.willitseconomiclocalization.org
WELL Bucket
Page 4
Coordinating Committee Members
Mary Zellachild - 459-3963 - maryzel@saber.net
Jason Bradford - 456-0760 - jason@redinet.org
Madge Strong - 459-6675 - mstrong@willitsonline.com
Tim Gregory - 456-0949 - tgregory@saber.net
Michael Hackleman – no phone - michael@hackleman.net
Michael Stewart - 456-0736 - mikeybstewart@gmail.com
Jane McCabe - 456-9067 - janesjet@hotmail.com
Coordinating Committee Election
At our March Plenary, in addition to the Proposed Amended
Bylaws vote, we will also be voting for one seat on the
Coordinating Committee. Jason Bradford’s term expires in
March of 2008. He is running for reelection and we also
welcome other candidates.
According to our Bylaws “All CC members must be a
regular voting member in good standing for at least six
(6) months, must have worked actively on at least one (1)
of Earthmind’s projects, and must pledge to support
Earthmind’s vision and purpose.” [Note: WELL is a d.b.a.
of Earthmind, our legal corporate name].
If you would like to run for this Coordinating Committee seat,
please submit your candidate statement to the WELL Office
before the meeting.
The Candidate Statement should
include your name, contact information, and a brief statement
about why you want to be on the Coordinating Committee.
Proposed Amendments to
the Bylaws
The Coordinating Committee of
WELL has proposed certain
amendments to the Bylaws,
including notice requirements,
quorum requirements for
Coordinating Committee
meetings, changing from a
specific Quarterly Meeting to
Membership Meetings at least
once a Quarter, removing any
reference to other classes of
membership beyond regular
membership, removal of several
clauses they considered
superfluous, and several spelling
and grammar corrections. The
full text of the Proposed
Amended Bylaws, with each
proposed change marked clearly,
can be read or downloaded from
the WELL website at
Copies may also be obtained at
the WELL Office.
A vote on these Proposed
Amended Bylaws will happen at
the March Plenary Meeting on
March 24.
Letters for Mike Thompson?
Would you like to send a message to Congressman Mike Thompson about energy policy and climate
Jason Bradford’s two Reality Report interviews with Climate Code Red author Philip Sutton have led to a
private meeting with Mike Thompson on March 26th. Jason has heard from people who want copies of the
interviews to share, and they want to ask elected officials to listen and act too.
What you can do:
Find the interviews on the internet and pass on to your network of friends, relatives and co-workers:
Part 1 http://globalpublicmedia.com/sustainability_emergency
Part 2 http://globalpublicmedia.com/sustainability_emergency_part_ii
Share and copy audio cds of the shows, either using your own computer or purchase from WELL. Pick up
at the office or at the next WELL event.
Read the report itself at http://www.climatecodered.net/.
Give Jason a letter, either at his home or the WELL office, to take to Congressman Thompson by March
25th. Any length will do. Given the new information about energy and climate change, perhaps ask him to
be the leader you believe we need right now.
WELL Bucket
Frances Moore Lappe in Ukiah
March 8
The Inland Valley chapter of the
Alliance for Democracy is hosting
Frances Moore Lappe for a talk at
7 pm, Saturday March 8 at
Mendocino College Little Theater
and is open to co-sponsors for the
event. She is the author of Diet for
a Small Planet (1971) and many
books since then on diet,
population, democracy, grass
roots sustainability etc. Her most
recent book is Getting a Grip:
Clarity, Creativity, and Courage in
a World Gone Mad. She is
coming to Ukiah, and many other
cities and towns, on a book tour.
g or www.smallplanetinstitute.org
for more. She is a very engaging
and inspiring speaker.
She will also appear in Mendocino
& Humboldt Counties:
Friday, March 7th, 2008
3:00 PM
Author event / book signing
Gallery Bookshop
Main & Kasten Streets
Mendocino, CA
Friday, March 7th, 2008
7:00 PM
Speech - Alliance for Democracy
City Hall - Fort Bragg, CA
416 N. Franklin St.
Sunday, March 9th, 2008
6:30 PM
Speech Democracy Unlimited
Tentative: $10-$20 sliding fee
Plaza View Room, Jacoby
(on the plaza in Arcata)
Arcata, CA
Page 5
Gardening Class to Start in April
A new organic gardening class will be starting in Willits, and space is
available now! Year ‘round food production for the inland Mendocino
county gardener will be the focus of the class. The class promises to
teach both practical hands-on skills and the information that all
successful gardeners need to plan, plant and tend their gardens. The
instructor, Antonia Partridge, enjoys sharing her enthusiasm and
knowledge about growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers.
The class will meet twice each month throughout the year. We will
meet for one information packed lecture on a seasonally appropriate
topic and one practical skill building session in the garden each
month. The cost is $20 per class. The schedule through June is: April
1- 6 PM, April 26 - 1 PM, May 6 – 6 PM, May 24 – 1 PM, June 3 – 6
PM, and June 28 – 4 PM.
Topics to be covered include:
Growing requirements for fruits, vegetables and flowers
Propagation by seed and clone
Greenhouse design and operation
Pest identification and management
Concepts from Permaculture, Biointensive and other methods
Preserving the harvest
Pruning and grafting
Garden design
Plant nutrition and fertilizer
Antonia Partridge has been an avid gardener in the Willits area for 8
years, integrating concepts from methods such as Permaculture and
Biointensive into her gardening practices. She has a degree in
agriculture from the University of California at Davis and taught
classes in horticulture and botany for Mendocino College. In her work
as a gardening consultant she uses organic methods and emphasizes
the use of edible and California native plants.
To sign up for the class and for more information contact Antonia
Partridge at (707) 272-1395 or antoniap@mcn.org
Antonia Partridge & Raider
WELL Bucket
Page 6
Articles in this issue of the WELL Bucket
Article .................................................................................Page
March & April Events............................................................... 1
March Plenary Meeting............................................................ 1
FOSL “True Power’ Workshop ............................................... 1
Food Security Meeting Very Filling ........................................ 2
WELL Seeking Membership & Community Networker ......... 2
Now & Then Films “Standing Silent Nation” ......................... 2
Coordinating Committee Meeting Brief ................................. 3
Coordinating Committee Members ........................................ 4
Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws .................................. 4
Coordinating Committee Election .......................................... 4
Frances Moore Lappe in Ukiah............................................... 5
Gardening Class to Start in April ........................................... 5
Joint Statement For A Local,
Sustainable Economy
Photo by Sue Coop
“We have allowed oil to become vital to virtually everything we do. Ninety per cent of all our transportation,
whether by land, air or sea, is fuelled by oil. Ninety-five per cent of all goods in shops involve the use of oil.
Ninety-five per cent of all our food products require oil use. Just to farm a single cow and deliver it to market
requires six barrels of oil, enough to drive a car from New York to Los Angeles.”
Jeremy Leggett: What they don’t want you to know about the coming oil crisis,
The Independent, January 2006
Willits Economic Localization (WELL), P.O. Box 42, Willits, CA 95490
(707) 459-7076 Fax (707) 459-7077
Office: 713 South Main Street, Suite A, Willits, CA 95490
E-Mail: office@willitseconomiclocalization.org
Website: http://www.willitseconomiclocalization.org
Willits Economic LocaLization
P.O. Box 42
Willits, CA 95490