20 March, 2013
HTML5 Deep Dive
James Stanger, Ph.D.
President and Certification Architect
Stephen Schneiter
Certification Specialist
• Responsive design and HTML5
• CSS3 – your HTML5 ally
• Why you need JavaScript
• Useful HTML5 templates to use
• Creating sophisticated HTML5 code: Real‐life examples
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About us
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We're CIW —
Your Web and Internet Certification
Skills‐based education standard
• A holistic approach to certification
• Courses and certification exams for career and college prep
• Internet skills, SEO, Social media, Web design and development
• We put people on a life‐long learning path, not a vendor's product treadmill
• The best vendor applications as judged by industry
• Open source
• Competency and job role‐based approach to education
Globally accepted
• Almost a million courses and exams delivered worldwide
• Over 65,000 certified individuals – ready for today's IT environment
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CIW: Preparing for Your Career
CIW puts people on a lifelong learning path, not a vendor's product treadmill
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• James Stanger
– President and Chief Certification Architect
– Technologist, consultant and author
• Linux Magazine and Ubuntu User
• Eselvier
– Security and social media consultant
• Stephen Schneiter
– Certification Specialist
– Author and educator
– Designs certifications and courseware
– Implements programs worldwide
– Twitter: #ciw_instructor
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Responsive Design
Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
What is it?
Pages that respond to a user's environment and actions:
Fluid layouts
“App‐like” response
Fixed and fluid
Fixed for large screens
Fluid for small
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Technologies and techniques used
These include:
CSS3 media queries
Your own creativity
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Additional responsive design concepts
Post‐PC technology
Media queries:
Use technologies to determine the user environment
HTML5 helps with:
Data reuse
Adjusting to high definition
Number of pixels
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Traditional “non‐predictive” design
html, body{
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
height: 10%;
background: red;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 10%;
bottom: 10%;
background: white;
width: 95%;
position: fixed;
bottom: 0px;
height: 10%;
background: blue;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 10%;
bottom: 10%;
right: 0px;
background: green;
width: 5%;
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8581998/screen-orientation-for-multiple-tablets-with-fluid-design
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Traditional “predictive” design
/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
/* Styles */
/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-width : 321px) {
/* Styles */
/* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (max-width : 320px) {
/* Styles */
/* iPads (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 768px)
and (max-device-width : 1024px) {
/* Styles */
/* iPads (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 768px)
and (max-device-width : 1024px)
and (orientation : landscape) {
/* Styles */
/* iPads (portrait) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 768px)
and (max-device-width : 1024px)
and (orientation : portrait) {
/* Styles */
/* Desktops and laptops ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-width : 1224px) {
/* Styles */
/* Large screens ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-width : 1824px) {
/* Styles */
/* iPhone 4 ----------- */
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
/* Styles */
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CSS3 – your HTML5 ally for responsive design and beyond
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CSS3 and borders
Prefixed properties:
Webkit: ‐ webkit‐border‐radius
‐ moz‐border‐radius
Not standard properties, but often used!
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CSS3 example with responsive design
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html { height: 101%; } body { background: #f2f2f2 url('http://media02.hongkiat.com/responsive‐resume/bg‐tile.png'); font‐size: 62.5%; padding‐bottom: 65px; } h1 { font‐family: "Simonetta", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans‐serif; color: #454545; font‐size: 3.6em; margin‐bottom: 6px; } h2 { font‐family: "Simonetta", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, sans‐serif; color: #484848; font‐size: 2.5em; margin‐bottom: 10px; text‐decoration: underline; } h3 { font‐family: "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, sans‐serif; color: #777; font‐weight: normal; font‐size: 1.8em; margin‐bottom: 10px; } h4 { font‐family: "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, sans‐serif; color: #656565; font‐weight: bold; font‐size: 1.75em; margin‐bottom: 4px; } Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
CSS3 style sheet and responsive
design with media query
1. @media only screen and (max‐
width: 740px) {
2. h1 { font‐size: 4.5em; }
3. h3 { font‐size: 2.2em; }
4. h2 { display: block; text‐align: center; }
5. #info { float: none; display: block; text‐
align: center; }
6. #photo {
7. float: none;
8. display: block;
9. text‐align: center;
10. }
11. #w { padding: 20px 15px; }
12. p { padding: 0; }
13. }
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Sample layout
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Sample CSS3 layout code
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article {z‐index: 2; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; ‐webkit‐
transition: ‐webkit‐transform 0.2s ease‐in‐out; ‐moz‐transition: ‐moz‐
transform 0.2s ease‐in‐out; }
.mousedown{‐webkit‐transform: translate(‐180px, 0) !important; ‐
moz‐transform: translate(‐180px, 0) !important; }
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Rounded corners with CSS3
border‐radius: 5px;
‐ moz‐border‐radius: 5px;
‐ webkit‐border‐radius: 5px;
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HTML5 and JavaScript:
Let's Dive In
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Let's make a diver down flag with the canvas element
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Creating internal links with JavaScript
01 $(document).ready(function(){
/* Makes sure JavaScript executes only after the DOM loads fully */
$('nav a,footer a.up').click(function(e){
// If user clicks link, scroll the page to the link target (hash):
$.scrollTo( this.hash || 0, 1500);
12 });
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Useful HTML5 templates
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A sample template
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF‐8">
<title>HTML5 Template</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<div id="wrapper">
</html> Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
HTML5 template sites
Quite a few people have created HTML5 templates for you, including:
• 1Webdesigner.com
— http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/css/fresh‐free‐html5‐and‐css3‐templates/
— Includes templates for CSS3 and jQuery
• Honkiat.com: http://www.hongkiat.com/
• What about HTML5 generators?
• Shikiryu.com: http://shikiryu.com/html5
• Initializr: http://www.initializr.com
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HTML5 template sites
Another generator
• Focuses on page structure
— <section>
— <header>
— <aside>
• Generates clean HTML5
— Quick
— Clean
— Uses HTML5
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Creating sophisticated HTML5 code: Real‐life examples
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Deflina Foundation
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20 Things
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IBM DeveloperWorks, with source
function storeUserScribble(id) {
var scribble = document.getElementById('scribble').innerHTML;
function getUserScribble() {
if ( localStorage.getItem('userScribble')) {
var scribble = localStorage.getItem('userScribble');
else {
var scribble = 'You can scribble directly on this sticky... and I will also remember your message the next time you visit my blog!';
document.getElementById('scribble').innerHTML = scribble;
function clearLocal() {
clear: localStorage.clear();
return false;
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The Mustache Game
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The Mustache Game: Source
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Free Poker Clock
URL: http://www.freepokerclock.com
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Free Poker Clock: Source
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Museums Sheffield
URL: http://www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/
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Museums Sheffield: Source
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HTML5 and native video
<video width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
<source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
</html> Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
HTML5 and embedded YouTube
width="420" height="345"
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When not to use HTML5 Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
Don't use it when:
• When you don't know your audience and the browser(s) they are using
• When you know your audience is using older browsers or an older OS
• When you want to get too fancy
• If you don't know JavaScript
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Develop for mobile first, then “size up” for the desktop
Ensure cross‐browser compatibility
Watch for sites (or features) that are too busy or trendy
Make your code fail gracefully
Use HTML5 for semantic markup and data (re)use, not just for making eye candy
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Sites include:
• “28 HTML5 Features, Tips, and Techniques you Must Know”
URL: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html‐css‐techniques/25‐html5‐features‐tips‐and‐techniques‐
• “10 Jaw Dropping HTML5 and Javascript Effects” (Yeah, right!)
• W3Schools site page: “CSS3 browser support”
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Resources (cont'd)
Additional sites include:
• Creative JS
• “The Cross‐Browser CSS3 Rule Generator”
• CSS3 Generator
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Worth repeating . . . The HTML5 spec is the largest ever written by the W3C
• Inexpensive guide written by a true expert
— Clear discussion of fonts
— Solid overview of form types
• Keep an eye on anything that Jeremy Keith writes
— Design principles
— His Twitter page:
— https://twitter.com/adactio
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How CIW teaches you HTML5 today
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CIW Foundations – All three certs/courses
Most will want to simply focus on SDA. But that's not enough.
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CIW Internet Business Associate (IBA)
As a Web developer, you need to know all of the Internet cold – not just the Web. Skills taught and assessed in this program include:
Working in a cloud computing
The Domain Name System (DNS)
Using Internet clients in business
Social media
Protecting your identity
Open source essentials
• Using search engines
• Advanced searches (Booleans)
• Configuring a home office
• Troubleshooting browser
• Using browser plug‐ins and
• Database essentials
• Mitigating risk online
• Project management
• Using Internet and Web‐based tools to create and collaborate
• Working as a team
• Understanding IT job roles
For more information, go to:
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CIW Site Development Associate (SDA)
Skills taught and assessed in this program include:
• Identifying steps in the Web site planning and development process
• Creating pages with HTML5
• Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
• Web design as a project
• Using templates
• Creating HTML5 forms
• Validating code
Creating valid XML documents
Ensuring page accessibility
Coordinating with social media
Internet marketing Search engine optimization (SEO) Using GUI‐based HTML editing software to create Web pages.
• Testing and analyzing Web site performance issues
• Maintaining a Web site
• Consulting with customers
• Benefits and drawbacks of using cloud providers
• Write solid copy
• Identify trademark and copyright issues
• Publish to the cloud
For more information, go to:
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CIW Network Technology Associate (NTA)
Skills taught and assessed in this program include:
• Working with cloud service providers
• Virtualization
• Service‐based models, including SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS
• Network troubleshooting
• Maintaining hardware
• Configuring mobile devices
• IP addressing
• Recognizing attacks
• Securing traditional and cloud networks
• Authentication schemes
• Encryption types
• Firewall configuration
• Intrusion detection
• End user security
• Mobile computing devices
• Content management
• Network
models and types
• IPv4 and IPv6
• Typical Internet security and availability issues
• Routing essentials
For more information, go to:
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CIW Certifications
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CIW Certifications
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CIW JavaScript Specialist (JS)
Perhaps the best “gateway drug” programming language for those who wish to get started in the world of the Web developer
• Characteristics of JavaScript and common programming practices
• Acceptable coding practices, including appropriate use of comment tags
• Declaring variables
• Using attributes and methods to communicate with users
• Regular expressions
• Concatenation
• Methods and functions
• Modifying HTML with
• The innerHTML element
• Validating input
• Creating interactive forms
• Evaluating text
• Troubleshooting code
• Creating custom
• Evaluating strings
• The Date and Math objects
• JavaScript libraries, especially JQuery
• Ajax
• Event handlers
• Statements, including if, while, do . . . while, for, break, continue and switch
• The Document Object Model (DOM)
• Cookies
• Security
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How we help people teach and learn:
CIW's turnkey, modular approach
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We provide it all
No other Web or Internet program provides:
• Pre‐assessment
• Courseware, with hands‐on labs
— Online, via our CIW campus
— Book‐based
• Supplements
— Practice exams
— Videos
— LiveLabs – Ready‐made “sandbox” environment that allows students to learn today's technologies
• Industry‐respected assessment and certification
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To get certified, you have three options:
• Learning resources
— PDF‐based
— Available via our electronic campus
— We welcome you to attend a demonstration
— Book‐based, if you wish
• Supplements
— Exercises designed to engage
today's learners
— LiveLabs
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Assessment and certification
To get certified, you have three options:
• VUE testing centers
— Available worldwide
— www.pearsonvue.com
• Prometric testing centers
— Available worldwide
— www.prometric.com
• Innovative Exams kiosks nation‐wide (US)
• CTC Online (our preferred option)
— We own and operate
— You become a proctor and test students test right in the classroom
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Faculty training and professional development
We can help prepare you. Options include:
• In‐person training
— Right in your facility – or ours
— Expert, trained instructors
• Online training
— The same instructors
— Taught using all CIW tools
• Hybrid model
— The most effective model
— Helps “trickle feed” instructors over time on a more flexible schedule, but also with a personal touch
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What makes CIW work?
• Individuals want CIW because:
— People want the skills
— Hands‐on learning
— We push skills, not software
— We profile the right applications
• Institutions use CIW because it is:
— Easy to teach
— Articulation agreements and relationships that ease funding and put students in seats
— Books allow students to quickly identify what they're learning
— Online supplements assist knowledge transfer
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Why is the CIW standard so relevant?
We focus on job roles and skills that set you apart
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CIW Advisory Council: Helping us create the standard
A nexus of industry, academia, government, and not‐for profit organizations
Home Learning College
Western Governors University
University of Phoenix
Mesa Community College
Kaplan University
University of the West of Scotland
Pellissippi State College
Tokyo University
State of Florida
Industry/ Not For Profit
Western Digital
American Express
HitachiSoft (Japan)
O'Reilly Media
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What does the council do?
Acts as a nexus for industry, government and academia
• Identifies gaps between what academia provides and what the industry needs
• Industry and academia can share perspectives
Provides feedback
• The latest technologies that CIW should profile
• How CIW can adjust its instructional design to better teach students
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CIW: A Proven Way to Fast‐Track Your Development Career
Internet.com names CIW a top developer cert
• Recommends CIW as one of its Top 5 Certifications that put Web Developers on the Fast Track
• CIW's Web Developer came in at No. 3 with "the distinction of being the industry standard for Webmasters”
• No. 1 and 2 (MCSD and SCJD) are well‐known vendor‐based industry staples —CIW is vendor‐neutral and focuses on core technologies and languages
• “When you combine in‐demand skill‐sets and proven salary impact, specific certifications become valuable to individual technology professionals”
• Proof positive of CIW's continuing value to designers and developers worldwide
Read the full Internet.com article at: http://www.computertrainingschools.com/training‐
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CompTIA and CIW
Source URL: http://certification.comptia.org/getCertified/stayCertified.aspx
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ISC2 and CIW
ISC2, creators of the CISSP certification, have partnered with CIW
• ISC2 recognizes CIW's leadership in the Web design and development space
• CIW Web Security Associate now listed as a certification that allows CISSPs to waive a year of experience
• We continue to partner with ISC2
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CIW: Government endorsements
Department of Defense 8570 Initiative (USA)
• Designed to help the DOD and its contractors compute securely
• All CIW programs listed at:
Scottish Qualifications Authority
• Helps universities and further education colleges determine skill levels
• Listed since 2006
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CIW: What People are Saying
“No other Internet job‐role certification can claim the same size, credibility and acknowledgement as CIW.”
Source URL: http://www.cedsolutions.com/courses/ciw‐certification.cfm
“CIW certified are in high demand in small to big enterprise level organizations.”
Source URL: http://www.theitlibrary.com/ciw_certifications.html
“If your resume [has] a CIW certification on it then it will give you a head start in the IT industry over and above the other candidates.”
Source URL: http://myhomeschoolnews.com/growing‐importance‐of‐ciw‐ certification
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What the industry is saying about Web Foundations Associate . . .
“As far as I'm concerned everyone at our company could benefit from CIW Foundations training, especially Network Technology Associate (NTA).”
"Very interesting stuff, probably things I should already know.”
—Jim Bush, a veteran in security and virtualization, Consonus Corporation
“Foundations would be very valuable from new employees to seasoned vets."
“These courses would be great to offer in tandem, I found myself answering client questions directly from the knowledge gained in these courses.”
— Michael Graupner, a new technical consultant for Consonus Corporation
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CIW: Its impact on careers ‐
A couple of HTML5 examples
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CIW: Skills that Set You Apart
Compare traditional designers with those who have the skills CIW teaches:
Salary for a traditional JavaScript developer: $78,000
Source URL: http://www.indeed.com/salary?q1=javascript&l1=durham%2C+nc
Salary for a CIW JavaScript Specialist: $86,000
Source URL: http://www.indeed.com/salary?q1=senior+front+end+developer&l1=durham%2C+nc
Note: Salary figures may change over time
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CIW: Skills that Set You Apart
Compare traditional designers with those who have the skills CIW teaches:
Salary for a traditional Web designer: $69,000
Source URL: http://www.indeed.com/salary?q1=Web+designer&l1=durham%2C+nc
Salary for a CIW Web Design Professional: $80,000
Source URL: http://www.indeed.com/salary?q1=Web+design&l1=durham%2C+nc
Note: Salary figures may change over time
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Who uses CIW?
• Learning centers worldwide
Firebrand (UK)
YAT (Egypt)
Kentei (Japan)
LaSalle Learning (United States)
• Universities worldwide
Home Learning College in (UK)
Kaplan (United States)
University of the West of Scotland
American Public University System
New Hebei University (China)
• Secondary schools (grades 9‐12)
• 200+ community colleges and growing
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• Technical points:
CSS3 – your HTML5 ally
Why you need JavaScript
• Useful HTML5 templates to use
• Creating sophisticated HTML5 code: Real‐life examples
• When not to use HTML5 Copyright © 2013 Certification Partners, LLC ‐‐ All Rights Reserved
Our next Webinar
Our next topic:
Watch Out, Mr. Spielberg:
Developing Platform‐Independent Graphics and Movies
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
8:00 am – 9:00 am Pacific
Register at the following URL:
You can also go to the above URL to learn more about future offerings
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Follow CIW Today!
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Contact us today
James Stanger
President and CIW Certification Architect
+1 (888) 303‐8694
+1 (360) 970‐5357
Scott Accatino
Director of Marketing
+1 (602) 794‐4139
To receive the latest info about CIW, follow CIWcertified on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn (CIW Group)
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