Basic Research—Technology Periapical Inflammation after Coronal Microbial Inoculation of Dog Roots Filled with Gutta-Percha or Resilon Guy Shipper, BDS, MDent, MS, Fabricio B. Teixeira, DDS, MSc, PhD, Roland R. Arnold, PhD, and Martin Trope, BDS, DMD Abstract A dog model was used to assess and compare in vivo the efficacy of gutta-percha and AH26 sealer versus Resilon with Epiphany primer and sealer [Resilon “Monoblock” System (RMS)] filled roots in preventing apical periodontitis subsequent to coronal inoculation with oral microorganisms. There were 56 vital roots in the premolars of seven adult beagle dogs aseptically instrumented, filled, and temporized. The roots were randomly divided into four experimental groups (Coronal Leakage Model) and one negative control group and filled as follows: group 1—lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (n ! 12); group 2—vertical condensation of gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (n ! 12); group 3—lateral condensation of RMS (n ! 12); group 4 —vertical condensation of RMS (n ! 10); negative control (n ! 10)— gutta-percha and AH26 sealer or RMS root fillings using lateral or vertical condensation techniques as in groups 1 to 4. Positive control—57 additional premolar roots were instrumented, infected and not filled (beginning of the Entombment Model experiment). The premolars in groups 1 to 4 were accessed again, inoculated with dental plaque scaled from the dog’s teeth, and temporized. This fresh innoculum of microorganisms was repeated on two more occasions at monthly intervals. The teeth in the negative control group were not accessed again and remained undisturbed. On the 14-wk postcoronal inoculation, dogs were euthanized, and jaw blocks prepared for histologic evaluation under a light microcope. Mild inflammation was observed in 82% (18 of 22) of roots filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer that was stastistically more than roots filled with RMS (19% or 4 of 21) and roots in the negative control (22% or 2 of 9) (McNemar paired analysis, p " 0.05). The Resilon “Monoblock” System was associated with less apical periodontitis, which may be because of its superior resistance to coronal microleakage. Drs. Shipper, Trope and Teixeira are affiliated with the Department of Endodontics, University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC. Dr. Roland R. Arnold is Professor, Departments of Diagnostic Sciences and Periodontology, and Director of Oral Microbiology, UNC School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, NC. Address requests for reprints to Dr. Martin Trope, Department of Endodontics, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599; E-mail: Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Endodontists JOE — Volume 31, Number 2, February 2005 A pical periodontitis is caused primarily by microorganisms or their by-products in the root canal system (1–3). The aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or eliminate microbial challenge to the surrounding periodontal structures. Disinfecting of the root canal space is achieved through mechanical and chemical means (4, 5) and if the microbial flora is controlled, predictable success will result (6 – 8). After the microbial control phase of endodontic therapy, a root canal filling is placed to seal the root canal system from the external environment. This filling should serve 3 principal functions: entombing most surviving bacteria; stopping the influx of periapical tissue-derived fluid from reaching surviving bacteria in the root canal system; and acting as a barrier, thereby preventing re-infection of the root canal (9). However, the present root filling materials and techniques fail in all three requirements mentioned above (10, 11). Torabinejad et al. (12) examined the microbial coronal leakage of single-rooted extracted root-filled teeth and found that 50% of the teeth were contaminated along the whole length of the root filling after 19 and 42 days depending on the organism. Additional in vitro studies have confirmed the high leakage rate of gutta-percha and sealer root fillings within 30 days using either lateral or vertical condensation techniques (13, 14). Coronal seal has been shown to be critical for periapical health after root canal treatment. Ray and Trope (15) recognized that the integrity of the coronal part of the root canal system is paramount for success, and concluded that the technical quality of the coronal restoration was significant and perhaps more important than the technical quality of the root canal filling to ensure prevention or healing of apical periodontitis. Tronstad et al. (16) confirmed that the coronal restoration was critically important for success in endodontic therapy, but stated the technical quality of the root filling was also highly significant. It appears that a root filling containing gutta-percha is the weak point in endodontic therapy (10 –14). Filling of the root canal with gutta-percha and sealer even by the most technically proficient operator will not result in a seal that is dependable. In fact as stated before, the coronal restoration is more likely the reason for success over the long term than the gutta-percha fill. Many different materials have been proposed as root canal fillings, but none have replaced gutta-percha that is universally accepted as the gold standard filling material. Although gutta-percha has been used for a long time, most agree that it would be advantageous to replace it with a filling material that provides a superior seal (than gutta-percha) at all levels of the root canal system. Adhesive resins have been used for many years in operative dentistry. In recent years the seal and bond strength of these resins has been improved significantly (17). Resilon (Resilon Research LLC, Madison, CT), a thermoplastic synthetic polymer based root canal filling material, has been developed that performs like gutta-percha, has the same handling properties, and for retreatment purposes may be softened with heat or dissolved with solvents like chloroform. Based on polymers of polyester, Resilon contains bioactive glass, bismuth oxychloride and barium sulfate. The sealer used is Epiphany Root Canal Sealant (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT), which is a dual curable dental resin composite sealer. This sealer when used with the Resilon filling material forms a bond to the dentin wall and the core material making the filling resistant to bacterial penetration (18). Thus, the Resilon core filling with Epiphany In Vivo Assessment of Resilon 91 Basic Research—Technology sealer is considered as a single entity and in this report will be referred to as the Resilon “Monoblock” System (RMS). The importance of the Resilon core material is illustrated by the fact that when the Epiphany sealer is used with gutta-percha the seal created is not better than all gutta-percha systems tested (18). In addition to a final rinse with 17% EDTA, Epiphany primer is applied to the dentin walls of the root canals. The preparation of the dentin through these chemical agents may prevent shrinkage of the resin filling away from the dentin wall and aid in sealing the roots filled with the RMS. Shipper et al. (18) tested the resistance to bacterial penetration of the RMS in extracted single-rooted teeth, and compared it to guttapercha with sealer filled roots. Streptococcus mutans or Enterococcus faecalis penetration were tested over a 30 day period through gutta-percha with sealer and RMS using two filling techniques, namely lateral and warm vertical condensation or a continuous wave of condensation (System B). In this study as in previous ones (10 –14), guttapercha and sealer allowed bacterial penetration in a high proportion of cases. The RMS groups with self etch primer and resin sealer resisted bacterial penetration to both test bacteria. In addition lateral condensation and vertical condensation of softened Resilon were equally effective in resisting bacterial penetration. This excellent sealing capability of Resilon may be attributed to the “monoblock” described above. The in vitro experiments of Torabinejad et al. (12) and Shipper et al. (18) evaluated and compared the sealing abilities of different materials or techniques. However, it is not possible to relate leakage in the in vitro experiments with disease in vivo (19). Even minimal penetration of bacteria into the lower chamber broth in the in vitro leakage studies will result in a “failure” when the bacteria multiply in the medium. The minimum inoculum of microorganisms for disease in vivo is unknown. Because the results from the in vitro microbial leakage model were so favorable, it is important to test the RMS and gutta-percha with sealer in an in vivo model where the host defense response also plays a role and where a histological evaluation can determine the presence/absence of apical periodontitis, the disease of interest in endodontics. The purpose of this study was to assess and compare in vivo the efficacy of gutta-percha and AH26 sealer versus RMS filled roots in preventing apical periodontitis subsequent to coronal inoculation with oral microorganisms. Materials and Methods Seven adult beagle dogs were selected for this research. There were 10 premolars used in each dog, half were used for another experimental model whereby the roots were infected, apical periodontitis induced and then filled (Entombment Model). This manuscript addresses the Coronal Leakage Model where vital roots were instrumented, filled immediately, and then challenged by coronally placed oral microorganisms. The study protocol was approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). There were 56 vital roots of premolars (excluding the most posterior premolars of the mandible) randomly selected. The anesthetic induction was achieved by intravenous administration of thiopental (13.2 mg/kg body weight) followed by administration of 1 to 2% isoflurane via an endotrachial tube. The dogs additionally received a local anesthetic (bupivacaine 0.5 ml/ quadrant) to provide regional nerve block anesthesia. Constant monitoring of the animals during treatment determined when additional anesthesia was necessary to assure that the procedure was carried out painlessly. Preoperative radiographs were taken before any endodontic treatment was performed. 92 Shipper et al. To minimize any postoperative discomfort for the dogs during the study, three pharmacological approaches were taken: (a) Rimadyl (2.2 mg/kg orally every 12 h) was given preoperatively beginning 24 h before the surgical session. (b) Upon termination of the surgical sessions, the dogs received an immediate subcutaneous injection of butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg) for postoperative analgesia. (c) The dogs were given Rimadyl postoperatively (2.2 mg/kg orally) every 12 h for 48 h to control inflammation or pain. The dogs were fed their normal soft diet after root canal treatment. The mouth of the dogs were inspected daily for signs of obvious infections or ulcers. Food intake was also monitored. All procedures were performed under strict asepsis. Before treatment, the teeth were radiographed, pumiced, isolated with rubber dam, and wiped with 10% povidone-iodine solution. The central cusp of each tooth was slightly reduced and a mesiodistal access cavity was prepared with a sterile bur at high-speed, under sterile saline irrigation. The root canals were instrumented with ProFile rotary files (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) and a #40 K file (Kerr, Romulus, MI) to working length. A total of 15 ml of 1.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was used for irrigation between instruments with a syringe and a 27-gauge Monoject endodontic irrigation needle (Sherwood Medical, St Louis, MO). There were 5 ml of 17% EDTA rinses used during and after instrumentation. The root canals in the experimental and the negative control were dried with sterile paper points and filled immediately after instrumentation. Each root canal was randomly allocated for filling with either RMS or gutta-percha and AH26 sealer, using either a lateral or a continuous wave of condensation (System B, Analytic Endodontics, Orange, CA) and an Obtura II (Obtura Spartan, Fenton, MO) backfill technique. To ensure no cross-contamination of the filling materials and their sealers, separate instruments including System B pluggers and Obtura II systems were used. In each dog the roots were randomly divided into four experimental groups (Coronal Leakage Model), one positive control group (Entombment Model) and one negative control group, and filled as follows (see Table 1): Group 1: Lateral Condensation of Gutta-Percha—12 Roots After instrumentation the canals were rinsed with EDTA. These roots were filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (Dentsply Maillefer, Tulsa, OK) using a cold lateral condensation technique. An ISO size 40 gutta-percha master cone (Kerr, Romulus, MI) was coated with AH26 sealer and placed into the root canal to working length. A size 30 finger spreader (Dentsply Maillefer) was then inserted into the canal to a level approximately 1 mm short of working length. Lateral condensation with fine accessory gutta-percha cones (Kerr) coated with sealer was performed until the root canal was filled. A sterile cotton pellet was placed in the access cavity and the crown was temporized with a glass ionomer (Fuji IX, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) restoration. Group 2: Vertical Condensation of Gutta-Percha—12 Roots After instrumentation the canals were rinsed with EDTA. An ISO size 40 gutta-percha master cone (Obtura Spartan) was coated with AH26 sealer and was fitted apically and then vertically thermoplastisized using a continuous wave of condensation technique (System B). A backfill with Obtura gutta-percha was carried out using the Obtura II system. A sterile cotton pellet was placed in the access cavity and the crown was temporized with a glass ionomer (Fuji IX) restoration. Group 3: Lateral Condensation of Resilon—12 Roots After instrumentation, the canals were rinsed with EDTA. A selfetching primer (Epiphany Primer), (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT) was placed into the canal with a sterile paper point (soaked with the primer). Roots were filled with lateral condensation of JOE — Volume 31, Number 2, February 2005 Basic Research—Technology TABLE 1. Periradicular inflammation of mandibular premolars of beagle dogs. Group Experimental 1 2 1$2 3 4 3$4 1!2!3!4 Negative 1 2 3 4 1!2!3!4 Inoculation No. of Roots Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11 13 24 12 10 22 46 (10)* (12)* (22)* (11)* No No No No 2 4 2 (1)* 2 10 (9)* (21)* (43)* Treatment Lateral gutta-percha Vertical gutta-percha Lateral $ vertical gutta-percha Lateral Resilon Vertical Resilon Lateral $ vertical Resilon Lateral gutta-percha Vertical gutta-percha Lateral Resilon Vertical Resilon Periapical Inflammation (roots) Mild % 8 10 18 2 2 4 22 80 83 82 18 20 19 51 1 1 0 0 2 50 25 0 0 22 * ! Number in parenthesis represents samples available for analysis after exclusion of exposed roots and those damaged in histology. Experimental groups: three separate inoculations of plaque coronal to the root fillings with monthly intervals (14 wk after 1st plaque inoculation and a 6 month observation period). Negative control group: roots were filled and no plaque was inoculated coronally (6 month observation period). McNemar paired analysis test (p " 0.05): groups (1 $ 2) and negative control–p ! 0.016; groups (3 $ 4) and negative control–p ! 0.5; groups (1 $ 2) and (3 $ 4)–p ! 0.00018; lateral and vertical gutta-percha–p ! 0.5; lateral and vertical Resilon–p ! 1.0. Resilon and Epiphany sealer. The sealer was placed according to manufacturer’s instructions with a lentulo spiral instrument (Dentsply Maillefer, Johnson City, TN). An ISO size 40 Resilon master cone was placed to length and a size 30 finger spreader (Dentsply Maillefer) was then inserted into the canal until resistance was felt. The space created was filled with a fine Resilon accessory point coated with Epiphany sealer. The process was repeated until it was felt that the canal was completely filled. A sterile cotton pellet was placed in the access cavity and the crown was temporized with a glass ionomer (Fuji IX) restoration. Group 4: Vertical Condensation of Resilon—10 Roots After instrumentation the canals were rinsed with EDTA. The roots were prepared with the primer as in group 3. Roots were filled with an ISO size 40 Resilon master cone and Epiphany sealer using the continuous wave of condensation (System B) technique and backfilled with Resilon in an Obtura II system. The sealer was placed according to manufacturer’s instructions with a lentulo spiral instrument. A sterile cotton pellet was placed in the access cavity and the crown was temporized with a glass ionomer (Fuji IX) restoration. Negative Control—10 Roots Roots were filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer or RMS using lateral or vertical condensation techniques as in groups 1 to 4. The floor of the access cavity was filled with Cavit (ESPE America Inc., Norristown, PA) (2-mm thick) and then a glass ionomer final restoration (Fuji IX) was placed coronally. Positive Control—57 Roots (beginning of the Entombment Model experiment) Roots were instrumented and irrigated with saline solution. A cotton pellet coated with isologous plaque scaled from the dog’s teeth was placed in the access cavity. A glass ionomer restoration (Fuji IX) was placed coronally. After 14 wk, the teeth assigned in the experimental group were accessed again and the cotton pellets removed. The pulp chambers in the experimental group were then inoculated with isologous plaque scaled from the dog’s teeth. A cotton pellet soaked in the dog’s plaque JOE — Volume 31, Number 2, February 2005 was replaced in the access cavity and the teeth were sealed with Fuji IX. The innoculum of plaque and placement of the glass ionomer restoration in the experimental groups of the Coronal Leakage Model were repeated monthly on two more occasions. Anaerobic cultures were obtained from pulp chambers in 14 randomly selected teeth (two teeth per dog) before the 2nd and 3rd stages of coronal inoculation of microorganisms and in 14 randomly selected teeth before root fillings in the positive control group (two teeth per dog). The teeth in the negative control group were not accessed again and remained undisturbed. After 6 wk, all the teeth in the positive control group showed distinct areas of radiolucencies (while the experimental and negative control groups did not). The teeth in the positive control were used in a different experiment model (Entombment Model) and were also not accessed again after root canal filling and coronal restorations had been placed. All teeth, were examined each month to verify the integrity of the restorations. Standardized radiographs utilizing pretreatment bite-blocks with Regisil 2# bite registration material (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE) were taken after the teeth were initially prepared. Additional radiographs were taken at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively and observed for apical periodontitis. A period of 14 wk had passed since the initial application of plaque in the experimental teeth and 6 months for the control teeth, before the sacrifice of the dogs. Deep anesthesia was attained with the use of pentobarbital (iv administration), using a dosage of 30 mg/kg body weight. The left and right common carotid arteries were then exposed and the jaws perfused with 4% neutral buffered formaldehyde. Jaw blocks containing the treated teeth were resected, fixed in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin, decalcified in 10% EDTA and embedded in paraffin. and prepared for histologic evaluation. Serial longitudinal sections of 5 to 7 microns in a mesio-distal orientation to include the entire root canal system and at least 1 mm of peripaical tissue were cut and hematoxylin and eosin stained. The periradicular tissues were examined histologically under a light microscope at #10 magnification. The evaluators, one endodontist and one oral pathologist, were blinded to the treatment groups and evaluated the histological sections according to the following predetermined scale: In Vivo Assessment of Resilon 93 Basic Research—Technology Fig 1. Radiograph taken 14 wk after coronal inoculation of plaque, showing mandibular premolars filled with Resilon and Epiphany sealer using a lateral condensation technique (2nd premolar—P 2) and a vertical condensation technique (3rd premolar—P 3). The 4th premolar was missing in this dog. A cotton pellet soaked in plaque was placed coronal to the root fillings and the teeth were temporized with a glass ionomer restoration. No periradicular lucencies are evident. Fig 2. Photomicrograph of the mesial root of a mandibular premolar in a beagle dog 14 wk after 1st inoculation of plaque coronal to the root filling. High power view showing healthy periodontium (original magnification #50; H&E). 0 ! No inflammation and normal width of the periodontal ligament (PDL) space 1 ! Mild inflammation and widened PDL space 2 ! Moderate inflammation and detectable loss of apical bone 3 ! Severe inflammation and severe destruction of apical and cortical bone McNemar paired analysis was used to compare the incidence of inflammation in the four experimental groups and the negative control (p " 0.05). Results All dogs tolerated the operative procedures well throughout the observation period. There was no evidence of swelling or sinus tract associated with any of the treated teeth. One tooth fractured and was excluded from the study (two roots filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer). One root filled with RMS using the lateral condensation technique was lost in histological sectioning. The overall results are summarized in Table 1. 94 Shipper et al. Fig 3. Photomicrograph of the distal root of a mandibular premolar in a beagle dog 14 wk after 1st inoculation of plaque coronal to the root filling. High power view showing inflamed periodontal ligament, resorption of bone and abundant inflammatory cells (original magnification #50; H&E). Radiographic observations at all time intervals revealed no signs of apical periodontitis in the experimental (Fig. 1) and negative control groups. The positive control teeth all showed distinct radiolucencies 6 wk after placement of the plaque. Anaerobic cultures of the recovered cotton pellets from the teeth in the experimental group and positive controls were all positive for microbial growth. Histological evaluations were not performed on the positive control roots since after distinct radiolucencies were seen radiographically they were used for an entombment study. Histological outcomes showed normal periodontium (score ! 0) (Fig. 2) or mild inflammation with localized inflammatory cell infiltrate (score ! 1) (Fig. 3). No specimens showed moderate or severe inflammation with significant loss of apical bone. Mild inflammation was observed in 82% (18 of 22) of roots filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (groups 1 and 2) and 19% (4 of 21) of roots filled with RMS (groups 3 and 4). This difference was statistically significant (p ! 0.00018). In the negative control group, mild inflammation was observed in 22% (2 of 9) of the roots. The two roots that had mild inflammation in the negative control group were filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer. The difference in mild periapical inflammation between the roots filled with gutta-percha in the experimental groups (groups 1 and 2) and the negative control was statistically significant (p ! 0.016) (Table 1). However, the roots filled with RMS in the experimental groups (groups 3 and 4) had a similar incidence in the absence of mild periapical inflammation to the negative control group (p ! 0.05) (Table 1). There was no difference in periapical inflammation between lateral and vertical techniques in the gutta-percha (p ! 0.05) or RMS groups (p ! 1.0) (Table 1). Discussion This in vivo study is a continuation of the evaluation of this new RMS to assess if the superior bacterial leakage resistance found in our in vitro model (18) is related to apical periodontitis, the disease of interest in endodontics. While the RMS was clearly superior in the in vitro model, that model is unable to determine if the leakage found relates to disease. This study was designed to assess if the apparent superiority of the material can be duplicated under physiologic functional stresses and if a difference in the incidence of apical periodontitis could be determined. Twenty-two percent (2 of 9) of the negative control teeth that were not challenged by coronal microorganisms showed mild inflammation JOE — Volume 31, Number 2, February 2005 Basic Research—Technology TABLE 2. Periradicular inflammation of roots 14 wk after coronal inoculation of plaque (Friedman et al. 1997 vs Shipper et al. 2004). Study Friedman et al. (1997) Shipper et al. (2004) Shipper et al. (2004) Weeks post 1st plaque inoculation Root Filling (Sealer) n (Roots) 14 wk* 14 wk* 14 wk* Gutta-percha $ Kerr Pulp Canal Gutta-percha $ AH26 Resilon $ Epiphany 9 22 21 Periapical Inflammation (roots) None Mild Severe 3 (33%) 4 (18%) 17 (81%) 6 (67%) 18 (82%) 4 (19%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) *Friedman et al. (1997) had only one inoculation of plaque while our study (Shipper et al. 2004) had three separate inoculations of plaque with monthly intervals. at the 6 month evaluation period. Both of the teeth that showed inflammation were filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer. The inflammation may have been the result of inflammatory stimulators other than bacteria, a break in the aseptic chain while performing the root canal treatments or a break down in the coronal restorations over the 28-wk period. While it is disappointing that the negative control teeth showed some inflammation in roots after vital pulp therapy, the incidence is much lower than if gutta-percha filled teeth are challenged by microorganisms. A previous study was performed by Friedman et al. (20) using the same experimental model with gutta-percha and Kerr sealer placed with a lentulo spiral and a lateral condensation technique. Two weeks after completion of the root canal therapy, they placed plaque coronally and found at a 14-wk histological evaluation (postplaque inoculation), mild inflammation in 67% of the roots. In this study we found mild inflammation in 82% of the roots filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer using a lateral or a vertical condensation technique. We did not find a statistical difference in apical inflammation between those roots filled with a lateral or vertical gutta-percha technique. While the differences in inflammation rates of Friedman et al. (20) and our study (67% versus 82%) are unlikely to be statistically significant (Table 2), our higher inflammation rate may be explained by the fact that we replaced the coronal microorganisms every month while in the Friedman study (20), they were placed at the beginning of the experiment and not replaced. We felt that replacing the microorganisms every month was important because this would more accurately simulate a clinical situation with a lost or leaky coronal restoration where the filling of the root canal is continually challenged by new microorganisms. We are also confident that our inflammation rates are not an aberration because of a small number of teeth. There were 56 roots used in this experiment, which is in fact the number that Friedman et al. (20) suggested because their numbers were much smaller. While our study cannot be absolutely compared to the Friedman study (20) because the sealer type and placement method were different, both our and Friedman’s results are in accordance with what is expected from a root canal filled with any gutta-percha method and sealer type. Most importantly either 67% or 82% periapical inflammation for a gutta-percha filled root canal is totally unacceptable from a material whose primary function is to resist microbial penetration. In both studies the inflammation was mild. We feel that if we had continued to provide fresh microorganisms coronally and waited longer before sacrificing the animals that moderate or severe inflammation would have been seen in some of the specimens making the difference discernable with radiographic evaluation (Fig. 1). The RMS is based on the same principles as adhesive restorations and as such is a completely different concept from gutta-percha and sealer. Gutta-percha and sealer rely on the sealer filling the gap between the gutta-percha and the root wall. Whereas, the RMS uses a primer to enhance bonding of the dual curable resin to the dentinal walls and then the sealer bonds to the fully polymerized core material. Thus one block is formed unlike the layers of gutta-percha and sealer. The RMS as with the gutta-percha groups showed no statistical difference between those groups filled with lateral or vertical techJOE — Volume 31, Number 2, February 2005 niques. However the incidence of apical periodontitis for the RMS was significantly lower than the gutta-percha and sealer groups and was not different from the negative control group. Thus, we deduce that the low incidence of apical periodontitis in the roots filled with RMS is a result of a resistance to microbial penetration. This we feel is primarily because of a superior seal of the material, although a possible antibacterial effect of the material itself cannot be discounted. Future studies will evaluate the possible antibacterial effect of this material. Although statistical analysis was not performed between the RMS groups in this study and the gutta-percha with Kerr sealer groups placed with a lentulo spiral instrument in the Friedman study (20), the results of this study are clearly superior to that of Friedman study (Table 2). Presently we are awaiting analysis of the roots in these dogs used to assess entombment of remaining microorganisms in the root canal. 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