3 WordStudySpiral Vocabulary Suffixes -ty, -ity Lesson Objectives Day 1 Students will: • Understand the function and meaning of suffixes and base words • Understand how suffixes -ty and -ity change a base word’s part of speech • Read and write words with suffixes -ty and -ity -ty Suffixes Suffixes -ty, -ity-ty, -ity -ty -ity -ity abnormality Base Word/ Base Word/ Suffix Part of Speech Part of Speech tranquil (adj.) tranquil (adj.) -ity tranquilitytranquility (noun) (noun) -ity difficulty difficult – difficult t + ty = difficulty – t + ty = difficulty Students will: sensitivity 3 3 Students will: anxiety 3 festivity • Sort words by change in base words humidity • Use knowledge of meanings and spelling patterns of legality -ty and -ity equality specialty 3 tranquility 3 3 Word Cards (BLM 3) Materials: • BLM 2: Category Cards • BLM 5: Word Cards • BLM 7: Classroom Activity • BLM 8: Take-Home Activity • Teacher Word Cards—purity, simplicity Day 4 2. Students will: • Identify words with suffixes -ty and -ity • Write and spell words with -ty and -ity Day 5 legality novelty novelty Greta’s father 2. Greta’s thoughtfather that the thought __________________ that the __________________ of the new game of the would newwear game would wear English. “My favorite 4. __________________ “My favorite __________________ is running,” Alice is running,” explained. Alice explained. 5. The hotel5. made Thea hotel point made of pampering a point of all pampering its customers all like its customers __________________. like __________________. 6. The book’s 6. __________________ The book’s __________________ was a big surprise was atobig thesurprise author. to the author. 7. People with 7. allergies People often with allergies have a greater often have __________________ a greater __________________ to dust. to dust. modesty safety ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Classroom Activity (BLM 7) Students will: Twenty-two varieties of woodpeckers live in North America. Although most • Spell words using -ty and -ity Materials: • Quick-Check Assessment a city. They are well adapted to many environments, restricted only by the 3. The __________________ 3. The __________________ made Brenda’smade hair puffy Brenda’s and hair frizzy. puffy and frizzy. 4. In the Casson 4. In household, the Casson mornings household, weremornings very busy, were but very evenings busy, had but evenings a greater had a greater 5. There was5.oneThere __________________ was one __________________ in the automobile in theaccident. automobile accident. 6. “What __________________ 6. “What __________________ !” Ms. Jenkins !”exclaimed Ms. Jenkins when exclaimed she arrived when at she the arrived at the 7. When Robert 7. finished When Robert the test, finished he knew the test, with he __________________ knew with __________________ that he had that he had of wood-boring insect they find tasty, they use their special gripping claws to 1. hold on to branches. While most birds have three of their claws pointing forward and one back, woodpeckers have two pointing each way, which gives them 2. the ability to grasp branches better. Stiff tail feathers also help the birds stay balanced against a tree as they work. balanced against a tree as they work. 3. matter the thickness. Once they drill, the woodpeckers use their extra-long tongues to check for more bugs under tree bark. Their tongues have a sticky Sentence substance on the end that helps the birds snag dinner. Woodpeckers also use their beaks to hollow out the holes in trees where they build their nests. As anyone who has been sitting under a tree where a woodpecker is drilling knows, the novelty of the sound soon wears off. And aced it. many a tree has been a casualty of the woodpecker. If too many holes are _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ drilled into its core, a tree can sicken and die. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Second Try (if needed) Correct Spelling 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Reading Passage (BLM 9) Additional Materials: • Word Study Notebooks • Pocket Chart Date ____________________________________ 1. Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Take-Home Activity (BLM 8) First Try New Words adaptations to fit their lifestyle. Once they find a tree that is harboring the type 2. the ability to grasp branches better. Stiff tail feathers also help the birds stay Spelling Peer Check All birds have certain common characteristics, but woodpeckers have special 1. and one back, woodpeckers have two pointing each way, which gives them Directions: Work with a partner. Follow the directions from your teacher to use this BLM to write your spelling words. 3. are a scarcity! Trees provide woodpeckers both food and shelter, so they are a of wood-boring insect they find tasty, they use their special gripping claws to hold on to branches. While most birds have three of their claws pointing forward Name ___________________________________ necessity for the birds’ survival. New Words adaptations to fit their lifestyle. Once they find a tree that is harboring the type Then, their sharp beaks work like chisels to bore into the bark of trees, no 2. availability of trees. You won’t find woodpeckers on a property where trees 3. necessity for the birds’ survival. All birds have certain common characteristics, but woodpeckers have special Before workers 2. Before were workers allowed were to useallowed the newtomachine, use the new theymachine, had to take they a course had to take a course 1. woodpeckers reside in woodlands, many of them also thrive in the heart of check to make sure underlines are marked to overprint (Window: Attributes) Date ____________________________________ 2. availability of trees. You won’t find woodpeckers on a property where trees are a scarcity! Trees provide woodpeckers both food and shelter, so they are a 2. Spelling Dictation Review Words Date ____________________________________ Spelling Dictation 1. a city. They are well adapted to many environments, restricted only by the festivity humidity humidity safety tranquility tranquility “I know my 1. opinion “I knowis my in the opinion __________________ is in the __________________ ,” William said,,”“but William please said, listen “but please listen Take-Home Activity Take-Home (BLM 8)Activity (BLM 8) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Name ___________________________________ minority modesty Name ___________________________________ Review Words woodpeckers reside in woodlands, many of them also thrive in the heart of casualty certainty certainty festivity minority aced it. Date ____________________________________ The Life of a Woodpecker Twenty-two varieties of woodpeckers live in North America. Although most garden party. garden party. Classroom Activity Classroom (BLM 7)Activity (BLM 7) Date ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________ __________________ __________________ . . 4. ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Take-Home Activity (BLM 6) about __________________ about __________________ . . Miko was3. having Miko some was __________________ having some __________________ with math class, with butmath he excelled class, butinhe excelled in _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ The Life of a Woodpecker Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity for just a minute. for ”just a minute.” _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Take-Home Activity Take-Home (BLM 6)Activity (BLM 6) ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC abnormality abnormality casualty 1. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Materials: • BLM 9: Reading Passage • BLM 10: Spelling Dictation • BLM 11: Spelling Peer Check ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5 Word BankWord Bank equality difficulty difficulty legality royalty sensitivity sensitivity specialty specialty Mr. Roberts 1. cooked Mr. Roberts his __________________: cooked his __________________: chocolate chipchocolate pancakes.chip pancakes. English. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have read each your sentence, child read choose each sentence, the wordchoose from the theword wordbank fromthat the word bank that makes the mostmakes sense, the andmost writesense, it in the and blank write space it in the provided. blank space At the provided. bottom ofAtthe thepage, bottom haveofyour the page, have your child write a sentence child write for each a sentence of the unused for eachwords of thefrom unused the word wordsbank. from the word bank. off quickly, butoff Greta quickly, still but loved Greta playing still itloved evenplaying after a ityear. even after a year. 3. 5 ____________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________ ChooseChoose the Word the Word Word BankWord Bank entirety -ity ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ ChooseChoose the Word the Word activity equality 1. 5 Word Cards (BLM 5) Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 1. 5 Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Directions: Read Directions: each sentence. Read Choose each sentence. the wordChoose from the theword wordbank fromthat the makes word bank the most that makes sense, the most sense, and write it in the and blank write space it in the provided. blank space At the provided. bottom ofAtthe thepage, bottom write ofathe sentence page, write for each a sentence of the for each of the unused words from unused the word wordsbank. from the word bank. popularity popularity royalty 5 Word Cards (BLM Word 5) Cards (BLM 5) ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC validity entirety -ity Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have choose your three child of choose the words three from of the word wordsbank fromtothe use word in a bank to use in a sentence. sentence. 5 timidity timidity 5 5 Word Cards (BLM 4) activity 5 nationality nationality validity validity 4 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC frailty validity -ty 5 solidity solidity 5 5 Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity hostility passivity passivity personalitypersonality timidity frailty -ty 5 5 modesty modesty uncertainty 4 nicety hostility simplicity simplicity timidity 5 5 5 5 4 honesty availabilityavailability nicety simplicity simplicity hostility hostility subtlety 4 Word BankWord Bank purity purity 5 5 4 generosity 3 5 stupidity 4 SortingSorting for Suffixes for Suffixes -ty and -ty -ityand -ity Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have read each your word child read and place each itword in the and correct place chart it in the column. correct chart column. 5 5 frailty frailty 4 formality 5 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 5 5 entirety entirety 4 reality 4 5 5 punctuality 4 5 electricity electricity personality personality 4 femininity nicety nicety 5 5 priority 4 3 5 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Cards (BLM 3) complexity complexity passivity passivity 4 cruelty sensitivity 3 4 masculinity 4 3 availability availability loyalty 4 creativity safety Category Cards (BLM 2) 4 Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC uncertainty 4 Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Anchor Chart (BLM 1) 3 difficulty ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC 4 honesty 3 10 3 Category Cards (BLM Category 2) Cards (BLM 2) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 10:&Suffixes Vocabulary -ty, -ity 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity 3 3 Day 3 Anchor Chart (BLM Anchor 1) Chart (BLM 1) subtlety 4 tranquility 3 4 generosity 3 legality stupidity 4 specialty 3 4 formality 3 humidity reality 4 Unit • Sort words by suffixes • Use and define words with suffixes -ty and -ity 3 4 femininity 3 3 3 punctuality 4 safety 3 festivity Materials: • Anchor Poster • BLM 2: Category Cards abnormality minority • BLMs 3–4: Word Cards activity novelty • BLM 6: Take-Home Activity • Teacher Category Cards casualty popularity • Teacher Word Cards—activity, casualty, festivity, specialty certainty royalty 4 equality 3 festive – efestive + ity =–festivity e + ity = festivity simple – esimple + ic + –itye=+simplicity ic + ity = simplicity Day 2 priority 4 royalty 3 4 cruelty 3 certainty ExamplesExamples of spelling of changes: spelling changes: masculinity 4 popularity 3 4 creativity 3 casualty loyalty 4 novelty 3 -ty royalty (noun) royalty (noun) anxiety 3 activity New Word/ New Word/ Suffix Part of Speech Part of Speech royal (adj.) royal (adj.) -ty minority 3 The suffixes The -ty suffixes and -ity -tychange and -ityadjectives change adjectives to nouns.to nouns. 3. Then, their sharp beaks work like chisels to bore into the bark of trees, no matter the thickness. Once they drill, the woodpeckers use their extra-long tongues to check for more bugs under tree bark. Their tongues have a sticky Sentence substance on the end that helps the birds snag dinner. Woodpeckers also use their beaks to hollow out the holes in trees where they build their nests. As anyone who has been sitting under a tree where a woodpecker is drilling knows, the novelty of the sound soon wears off. And many a tree has been a casualty of the woodpecker. If too many holes are drilled into its core, a tree can sicken and die. Reading Passage (BLM 9) Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) ® Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 1 B e n c h m a r k E d u c a t i o n ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11) C o m p a n y 6/10/10 9:35:50 PM ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Day One Blending Practice If some students have difficulty reading the words, help them read the words syllable by syllable. For example, point to the word minority on the chalkboard. Show how you divide the word into four syllables, mi/nor/i/ty. Demonstrate how to use knowledge of syllable vowel patterns to read each syllable and blend them together. Point out the open syllable mi, with a long i; the second r-controlled syllable, nor; the third syllable with the stand-alone short i, and the last syllable, with the y spoken as a long e. Read each syllable and then blend the syllables together: mi/nor/i/ty: minority. Continue to support students who need help with blending throughout the week, using the example words used in the lesson. Assessment Tip Observe whether students are having difficulty remembering which words use -ty and which use -ity. If they need help, have them create lists to review in their word study notebooks. Review Suffixes -ary, -ery, -ory Focus Words: necessary, factory, robbery Review suffixes -ary, -ery, and -ory by writing the review words on the chalkboard and asking students to identify the suffixes. Then have them define each word and use it in a sentence. Introduce Suffixes -ty, -ity Model Write the following words on the chalkboard: safety, activity, specialty, casualty, and festivity. Then create two columns with the headings -ty and -ity. Say: To sort these words by suffix, I would place safety, casualty, and specialty under -ty, and activity and festivity under -ity. As you read each word, carefully pronounce the suffixes so students clearly hear the difference between -ty and -ity. Have students identify the base words for each of the derived words. Say: What do all the base words have in common? Guide students to see that all the base words safe, active, special, casual, and festive are adjectives. Explain that the suffixes -ty and -ity change these adjectives to nouns. Say: Safety is a noun that refers to the state of being safe. Activity is something that people do actively. A specialty is a person’s special talent or skill. And a festivity is a festive event, such as a fair. Explain that in most cases, derived words with -ty and -ity are related in meaning to the base words, but that there are some exceptions. Cite the example of casualty. Say: A casualty means “one who is injured or killed.” For example, in war there are many casualties. However, casual means “relaxed or informal.” In this case the base word does not give a clue to the derived word’s meaning, Guide Write the word loyalty on the chalkboard. Ask a student to read the word aloud and tell the suffix. Say: The word loyal is an adjective. How does the suffix -ty change the base word loyal? Guide students to see loyalty is a noun meaning “faithfulness.” Repeat this activity with the words tranquility and validity. Apply ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC. All rights reserved. Teachers may photocopy the reproducible pages for classroom use. No other part of the guide may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Guangzhou, China. XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ISBN: 978-1-4509-0285-4 2 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 2 Have students work in small groups to name nouns that end with the suffixes -ty or -ity. Have them share their list with the class. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 9:35:51 PM Spelling Words with -ty, -ity Unit Spelling Words: casualty, certainty, festivity, humidity, minority, safety, sensitivity, specialty Write all the spelling words on the chalkboard next to their base words (e.g., festive/festivity). Ask students to identify which words have had a base word spelling change. Say: What base word spelling changes do you see? Write these words in a column on the chalkboard. Then have them explain what spelling change occurs in each word. Make sure that students understand that, generally, for base words ending with e, the e is dropped before adding these suffixes. Next, review the pairs of words to point out the change in accented syllables from the base word to the derived word. Say each word pair aloud, emphasizing the accented syllable, for example, festive/festivity. Have students say the words with you and underline the accented syllables in their notebooks. Supporting ELs You may wish to use Spanish cognates to support English Learners’ understanding of the suffixes -ty and -ity. For example, Spanish uses the suffix -dad instead of -ty or -ity. Cognates include: la actividad/ activity; la tranquilidad/tranquility; la humedad/humidity; la novedad/novelty. Home/School Connection Students can take home a list of the spelling words and practice reading, writing, and spelling the words with a family member. Then have student volunteers read and define each word and use it in a sentence. Ask students to list the spelling words in their word study notebooks. Have partners swap notebooks to check each other’s spelling. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 3 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity 3 6/10/10 9:35:51 PM Day Two Providing Support Some students may have difficulty distinguishing suffixes from base words. Give them two sets of cards from BLM 3: one regular set and one set that has the base words and suffixes cut apart. Have them match the cut-apart cards to the cards with the full words. Point out the three base word cards that are “missing” an e: activity, festivity, and sensitivity. Common Features Sort -ity abnormality activity festivity humidity legality minority popularity -ty sensitivity tranquility casualty certainty difficulty novelty royalty safety specialty Independent Sort -ity creativity equality femininity formality generosity masculinity -ty priority punctuality reality stupidity anxiety cruelty honesty loyalty subtlety uncertainty Home/School Connection Have students take home BLM 6 to complete with a family member. Students can also take home the word cards and share their sorts with a family member. Review Suffixes -ty, -ity Show students the anchor poster, reviewing the suffixes -ty and -ity and how they change base words. Then list the following words on the chalkboard: popularity, difficulty, and uncertainty. Say: Discuss these words with a partner. First identify the suffix and base word for each word. Then, each of you choose one of the words to make an oral sentence to share with your partner. Support students as needed if they are having difficulty defining a word. Common Features Sort Teacher Word Cards: activity, casualty, festivity, specialty Teacher Category Cards Place the category cards -ty and -ity in the pocket chart. Explain that today students are going to sort words according to their suffixes. Begin by demonstrating how to sort activity. Say: I’m going to sort the word activity into one of the two suffix categories. When I say the word ac/tiv/i/ty, I hear an i before the -ty at the end of the word, so I will sort it into the category -ity. Have students work with you to sort casualty, festivity, and specialty into the correct category. Then ask for volunteers to use each word in an oral sentence. Give pairs of students the word cards from BLM 3 and the category cards from BLM 2. Have partners work together to sort the cards into the appropriate categories. Spelling. Have students copy the categories from the pocket chart into their word study notebooks. Have them write each spelling word under the appropriate heading. Independent Sort Give individual students the category cards and the word cards from BLM 4. Explain that you want them to sort these words in the same way they sorted the words from BLM 3 with a buddy. Supporting ELs Because some ELs may not have someone at home who speaks English well enough to work with them on BLM 6, make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do on the BLM. 4 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 4 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 9:35:52 PM Day Three Writing Sort Teacher Word Cards: purity, simplicity Explain to students that today they will be taking a closer look at words ending in -ty or -ity to identify the base word and whether it has been changed before adding the suffix. Remind them that adjectives that end in e typically, but not always, drop the e before adding the suffix -ity to make the noun. Write these headings in the chalkboard: Base Word, Change, No Change. Hold up the word card purity. Say: When I say the word purity, I can hear that the base word is the adjective pure. But when I look at the word purity, I see that there is no e in it. To make the noun purity, the e had to be dropped from the adjective pure before -ity was added to the end of the word. I will write purity in the Change category. Have students try the next one with you. Hold up the word card simplicity. Have a volunteer read it aloud, and then say what the base word is. Ask students if the base word simple has been changed, and if so, how. It may need to be pointed out that in the word simplicity, not only was the e dropped, but the letters i and c were also added before the suffix -ity. Write the words simple and simplicity in the appropriate categories on the chalkboard. Have students write the categories Base Word, Change, and No Change as heads in their word study notebooks. Give students BLM 5 and have them write each word in the correct category, including each word’s base word. Applying Meaning. Give students BLM 7 and ask them to complete the cloze, choosing the word with the correct suffix, -ty or -ity. Writing Sort Base Word Change available complex electric entire frail hostile modest national nice passive personal pure simple solid timid valid availability No Change complexity electricity entirety frailty hostility modesty nationality nicety passivity personality purity simplicity solidity timidity validity Assessment Tip Use students’ completed BLM 7 to assess their understanding of the meaning and spelling of the words. Note whether they need more practice spelling words with the suffixes -ty and -ity. Providing Support ELs and struggling readers may have difficulty completing BLM 7 on their own. Have them work with a partner to read and complete it. Home/School Connection Give students BLM 8 to complete with a family member. Explain that they are to do the same thing they did on BLM 7 in class. Supporting ELs Make sure that ELs understand what to do on BLM 8 since there may not be anyone at home who speaks English well enough to help them complete it. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 5 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity 5 6/10/10 9:35:52 PM Day Four Providing Support Instead of having students read the passage independently, place students in small groups of mixed reading abilities and have them choral-read the passage straight through. Then have them work as a team to find examples of suffixes -ty and -ity. Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ The Life of a Woodpecker Twenty-two varieties of woodpeckers live in North America. Although most woodpeckers reside in woodlands, many of them also thrive in the heart of a city. They are well adapted to many environments, restricted only by the availability of trees. You won’t find woodpeckers on a property where trees e sure underlines o overprint ributes) are a scarcity! Trees provide woodpeckers both food and shelter, so they are a necessity for the birds’ survival. All birds have certain common characteristics, but woodpeckers have special adaptations to fit their lifestyle. Once they find a tree that is harboring the type of wood-boring insect they find tasty, they use their special gripping claws to hold on to branches. While most birds have three of their claws pointing forward and one back, woodpeckers have two pointing each way, which gives them the ability to grasp branches better. Stiff tail feathers also help the birds stay balanced against a tree as they work. Word Hunt Tell students that today’s word hunt will focus on suffixes -ty and -ity. Distribute BLM 9 to students and have them read the passage through once before looking for the words. Then have them reread the passage and circle the words they find with this week’s suffixes. After students have completed the search, have volunteers share and define the Spelling Dictation words they found. Several words that students will find in the passage end in -ty or Review Words -ity, but are either not nouns (as in the case of tasty), or the base word doesn’t seem 1. to make sense related to the new word’s current meaning, due to its etymological 2. history,3. as in the word property. Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Next have students create a two-column chart in their word study notebooks with -ty New Words and -ity. Have students copy the circled words into the correct column of the chart. 1. Challenge students to search through classroom text, newspapers, or magazines for 2. words 3.with -ty and -ity suffixes. Have them add these words to their lists. Then, their sharp beaks work like chisels to bore into the bark of trees, no matter the thickness. Once they drill, the woodpeckers use their extra-long tongues to check for more bugs under tree bark. Their tongues have a sticky substance on the end that helps the birds snag dinner. Woodpeckers also use their beaks to hollow out the holes in trees where they build their nests. As anyone who has been sitting under a tree where a woodpecker is drilling knows, the novelty of the sound soon wears off. And many a tree has been a casualty of the woodpecker. If too many holes are drilled into its core, a tree can sicken and die. Answer Key Reading Passage (BLM 9) Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Sentence Spelling Dictation Give students Spelling Dictation (BLM 10). Dictate the following words from last week’s spelling words to students, one at a time, and have students write them on their BLMs: anniversary, expository, stationary. Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Home/School Connection Have students take the reading passage on BLM 9 home to read to a family member and point out the words with -ty and -ity. Supporting ELs Make sure ELs know the meanings of the spelling words. Before student pairs use BLM 11, have the partners tell each other oral sentences using the spelling words. Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Dictate the following words from this week’s unit, one at a time, having students write them on the BLMs: certainty, sensitivity, activity. Dictate the following sentence and have students write it on their papers: The one difficulty we faced on our vacation was the sweltering humidity. Write the words and sentence on the chalkboard and have students self-correct their papers. Spelling Practice Give pairs of students Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11). While one student reads the spelling words from his or her word study notebook, the other student writes the words in the First Try column. After the second student has spelled the words, the first student places a check mark next to words spelled correctly. For the second try, the first student may prompt the second student by sounding out the words that were spelled incorrectly the first time. If the second spelling attempt is correct, the first student places a check mark in the Second Try column. Then students switch roles. 6 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 6 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 9:35:53 PM Day Five Spelling Assessment Use the following procedure to assess students’ spelling of the unit spelling words: Name ___________________________________ Date _______________________________________ Quick-Check for Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Answer Questions Directions: Complete the sentence with the word from the word bank that makes the most sense. Word Bank anxiety cruelty priority reality • Say a spelling word and use it in a sentence. 1. When Mary rode in the car with her sixteen-year-old sister, she was filled with • Have students write the word on their papers. 2. priority Crystal’s main __________________ this year was to get As in all her classes. 3. Cruelty __________________ to animals is a crime in most states. 4. reality It was hard to adjust to the __________________ of school after such a great summer • Continue with the remaining words on the list. • When students have finished, collect their papers and analyze their spelling of the words. • Use the assessment to plan small-group or individual practice. anxiety __________________. vacation. Apply Directions: In the space below, list five words you know that end in -ty or -ity. ____________ ____________ -ty Quick-Check Assessment Assess students’ mastery of suffixes -ty and -ity using the Quick-Check for Unit 10. ____________ ____________ ____________ Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category. certainty honesty subtlety uncertainty -ity Word Bank certainty, generosity, honesty, stupidity, subtlety, uncertainty generosity stupidity Think and Write about the Suffixes -ty, -ity Directions: In the space below, explain how understanding the suffixes -ty and -ity helps you as a reader, speller, and writer. _____________________________________________________________________________ Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Answer Key Unit 10 Quick-Check Suggestions for Independent Practice Complete It. Have pairs of students complete cloze sentences with words from the word cards. Each student should create four to five sentences, then exchange sentences and complete them. Suffix Rhymes. Have pairs of students use this week’s suffixes to create funny poems. Encourage them to choose a rhyme pattern and to use rhythm if possible. Word Charades. Give groups of students a stack of word cards. One student chooses a word card and uses gestures and pantomime to define that word. Students guess the word and the first student to guess correctly chooses the next card. The object is to guess the most words correctly. What’s My Word? Give small groups of students a stack of word cards. One student picks a card and describes the word to students by listing one syllable, naming a word that rhymes with it, or other spelling or phonics-based description. Then other students guess the word and tell its meaning. The first student with the correct word gets to draw the next card. Word Explorers. Give students magazines or newspapers that can be cut up or marked on. Have them search for words that include this week’s suffixes and then circle or cut out the words. Afterwards, they can sort the words by suffix. Answer Key BLM 6 -ty -ity nicety frailty entirety availability hostility passivity personality simplicity timidity validity Answer Key BLM 7 1. specialty 2. novelty 3. difficulty 4. activity 5. royalty 6. popularity 7. sensitivity Unused words: equality, legality Answer Key BLM 8 1. minority 2. safety 3. humidity 4. tranquility 5. casualty 6. festivity 7. certainty Unused words: abnormality, modesty ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 7 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity 7 6/10/10 9:35:54 PM Name ____________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Quick-Check for Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Answer Questions Directions: Complete the sentence with the word from the word bank that makes the most sense. Word Bank anxiety 1. cruelty priority reality When Mary rode in the car with her sixteen-year-old sister, she was filled with __________________. 2. Crystal’s main __________________ this year was to get As in all her classes. 3. __________________ to animals is a crime in most states. 4. It was hard to adjust to the __________________ of school after such a great summer vacation. Apply Directions: In the space below, list five words you know that end in -ty or -ity. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category. -ty -ity Word Bank certainty, generosity, honesty, stupidity, subtlety, uncertainty Think and Write about the Suffixes -ty, -ity Directions: In the space below, explain how understanding the suffixes -ty and -ity helps you as a reader, speller, and writer. _____________________________________________________________________________ Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 10: Suffixes -ty, -ity Kit 3_Unit 10_TG.indd 8 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 9:35:54 PM