Vision Hair Style This year the hairstyle for Vision will be a deep side parted curly low ponytail. We will have a deep side part on the left side (part over your heart) with the hair swooping to the right. When styling the ponytail, instead of brushing the hair back towards the ponytail keep the hair slick across the forehead. Use gel and hairspray to make sure the ponytail is slick with no fly aways or stray hairs **Dancers with bangs may wear them forward and part the hair behind** Ponytails should be curled with either a curling iron/wand or rollers. Please NO fake ponytails!! If hair has natural curly texture, no need to change it. Please use rubber bands that closely match hair color. Each team will have a hair accessory handed out at competition. **Short hair can be worn in a similar style (parted to the left swoop to the right) with only the the top half up.**