NHS Care Records Service Slide 1 SUS Release 9 – Critical Care Web Conference Training Presentation Audio is provided on the following number Telephone: Passcode: 0844 335 1194 781 592 Welcome NHS Care Records Service Max McLellan, Training Manager SUS & Spine Programme Slide 2 Purpose of today‟s session Overview of Critical Care for R9 Validations Counting Critical Care days Generating HRGs Extracts Q&A NHS Care Records Service Introduction Slide 3 Webinar timings – approx. 60 minutes Questions and answers: • Email: enquiries@ic.nhs.uk and quote “SUS Webinar”. • Q&A will be sent out after the Webinar to everyone that has registered. Mike Pemberton – SUS PbR R9 Release Subject Matter Expert NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Overview Slide 4 Critical Care for 2011/2012 As in previous years SUS PbR must ensure that the correct number of Critical Care (CC) days are counted for each record for input to the grouping process. Critical Care tariff calculation is on a per day basis and it is therefore essential that the correct number of valid days within a Spell are counted and totalled to allow SUS PbR to assign any future tariff. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Overview Slide 5 For processing and reporting purposes Critical Care has the following types: CC Type ACC - Adult Critical Care PCC - Children & Young People NCC - Neonatal / Babies CCP - Critical Care Period Critical Care data is carried on CDS types 120, 130 and 140 for Admitted Patient Care (APC) records only. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Overview Critical Care for 2011/2012 Slide 6 To ensure that Critical Care days are correctly counted and available for future tariff SUS PbR will: – – – – Perform Validations Allocate Critical Care days to episodes Perform Spell length of stay (LoS) adjustments Generate Core HRGs and unbundled Critical Care HRGs A new Managed Service Critical Care Extract will be available in -line with RBAC controls. It will be available after the current Managed Service Extracts at the PBR 2011/12 Reconciliation and Post-Reconciliation points. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Validations Resulting in Exclusions Slide 7 Each Critical Care period is validated to ensure that the correct number of days are counted for grouping and future tariffing. To achieve this SUS PbR looks at each episode within a Spell and excludes certain Critical Care periods from further Critical Care processing (listed below). SUS PbR will apply a Critical Care indicator to highlight the reason for its exclusion which is included in the Critical Care extract. Reason for Exclusion Missing or additional daily PCC/NCC records Critical Care Indicator 1 Critical Care start date is less than the spell admission date or the Critical Care discharge 2 date is greater than the Spell discharge date NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Validations Slide 8 Reason for Exclusion Critical Care Indicator Critical Care start date is NULL and Critical Care discharge Is not NULL 3 Invalid Critical Care combinations 4 Valid Critical Care Combinations - 5 valid combinations: ACC alone ACC + PCC PCC alone PCC + NCC NCC alone Critical Care Validations NHS Care Records Service Reason for Exclusion Slide 9 Critical Care Indicator NCC data group inconsistent with patient age 5 NCC/PCC daily records are outside the Critical Care period 6 Example of NCC data group inconsistent with patient age If a Spell has any Neonatal Critical Care (NCC) data and the Critical Care Patient Type is not „CHI‟ on episodes, the system will not perform any Critical Care processing and the Spell and the episode will be allocated the Critical Care indicator 5. Patient Type has 4 values: Child (0-18), Adult (19 -130), Error (131-998) and Other (999 999) Once identified the value found for Critical Care Patient Type will be included in the Critical Care extract. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Validations Slide 10 Reason for Exclusion Critical Care Indicator Overlapping Critical Care periods 7 Episode start date is greater than Episode end date 8 There are 5 rules governing overlapping Critical Care periods. 1. Exact match where duration is 1 day 2. Multiple exact matches where duration is greater than 1 day 3. Overlap of Start and Discharge date 4. Overlap where duration is greater than 1 day 5. Multiple overlaps of 1 day NHS Care Records Service Validations Overlapping Critical Care Period Slide 11 Rule 1 – Exact match where the duration of Critical Care is 1 day Valid When two periods of Critical Care lasting just 1 day are submitted with the exact same start date and end date e.g. 24th April 2011, this is classed as a valid overlap and processing will continue with only 1 day counted and processed for grouping with 2 days counted for tariffing. CCP Date CCP1 24th Apr CCP2 24th Apr Not Valid When three or more periods of Critical Care lasting just 1 day are submitted with the exact same start date and end date e.g. 24th April 2011, this not a valid overlap and processing will stop. CCP Date CCP1 24th Apr CCP2 24th Apr CCP3 24th Apr NHS Care Records Service Validations Overlapping Critical Care Periods Slide 12 Rule 2 – Multiple exact matches where duration is greater than 1 day Valid Where two or more (up to 9) periods of Critical Care lasting more than 1 day are submitted with the exact same start date and end date e.g. 22nd April to 24th April 2011, this is classed as a valid overlap. Only one of the Critical Care periods will be used for allocating days to episode, Spell and grouping. The period used is defined as the „Last Sent‟. „Last Sent‟ is the Critical Care period carried on the Latest Episode and uses the SUS processing date to determine this. If all elements appear on the same episode then the first Critical Care period will be used. CCP Date Date Date CCP1 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr CCP2 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr CCP3 22 Apr 23 Apr 24 Apr NHS Care Records Service Validations Overlapping Critical Care Period Slide 13 Rule 3. Overlap of Start and Discharge date Valid Where a Critical Care period has a discharge date that is the same as the start date of another Critical Care period, this is deemed valid and Critical Care processing will continue. CCP1 1 2 CCP2 3 3 4 NHS Care Records Service Validations Overlapping Critical Care Period Slide 14 Rule 4. Overlap where duration is greater than 1 day Not valid Where a Critical Care period overlaps another Critical Care period in the Spell by more than 1 day and is not an exact match then ALL Critical Care processing is stopped and no grouping is performed or adjustment made to length of stay. CCP1 1 CCP2 2 3 2 3 Rule 5. Multiple overlaps of 1 day Where a Spell has more than two Critical Care periods with a duration of 1 day then ALL Critical Care processing is stopped and no Grouping is performed or adjustment made to length of stay. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Validations Slide 15 Reason for Exclusion Critical Care Indicator Critical Care start date is NULL and Critical Care discharge date is NULL 9 Critical Care start date is not NULL and Critical Care discharge date is NULL 10 Critical Care start date is greater than Critical Care discharge date 11 NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Counting Critical Care Days Slide 16 For each Spell, the total number of ACC/NCC/PCC Critical Care days are calculated by adding the number of distinct Critical Care days together for each of the episodes within that Spell. To ensure this is correct there are a number of rules that SUS PbR follows to assign Critical Care days to an individual episode. SUS will: • Order all Critical Care periods earliest to latest. • Where a Critical Care period spans the boundaries of two episodes in a Spell, SUS PbR will allocate the Critical Care day to the episode where the episode start date matches the Critical Care start date. • SUS PbR will then, for each episode, sum the number of distinct critical days allocated by type (ACC, NCC, PCC) and calculate the total Critical Care days. Total CC days inform LoS adjustment and tariff calculation. • The total of the CC days will be captured in the new Critical Care extract attributes Length of Stay Critical Care days and Tariff Critical Care days. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Counting Critical Care Days Slide 17 Critical Care Extract - Live NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Counting Critical Care Days Slide 18 Multiple episodes In the case of a multi-episode Spell where the Critical Care period spans the episode boundary there will be two episodes that could claim to have the same day belonging to that episode. The rule to resolve this is as follows; „Where a day can be allocated to multiple episodes it must always be allocated to the last episode when ordered on Episode Start Date‟. Note: Previously this would have stopped the Critical Care processing. NHS Care Records Service Critical Care Counting Critical Care Days Slide 19 Critical Care days outside of an episode but inside the Spell boundary Where Critical Care periods fall inside the Spell boundaries but do not fall inside the boundaries of episodes, the system will exclude these periods from Critical Care processing. SUS PbR will process these days when the missing episodes are received and a new Spell version is computed. The Critical Care extract contains an attribute; Excluded Reason - that differentiates between Critical Care assigned to included/excluded episode. • „0‟ indicates that the episode is included • „1‟ indicates that the episode is excluded NHS Care Records Service Counting CC days Calculating Spell Length of Stay (LoS) Slide 20 The Spell Length of Stay (LOS) calculation does not change from 2010/11 PBR. It remains as: The SUM of the included Episode LOS minus CC Days calculated for each episode. EVENT START END LOS Episode CC Days Epi1 01/04 07/04 6 4 Epi2 07/04 13/05 6 4 CC1 03/04 10/04 8 Spell S1 01/04 13/04 12 SpellCC Days 8 In this example the Critical Care period has 8 DISTINCT days 03/04 to 10/04. The Spell length of stay is the sum of each included episode length of stay adjusted for CC days. Note: As 07/04 falls in each episode the CC day will always be allocated to the second episode. The CC Days for grouping is therefore Epi1 = 4 and Epi2 = 4 Generation of HRGs NHS Care Records Service Grouper Input Slide 21 The current system supports 3 types of Critical Care input: Adult Critical Care (ACC) – a single record per period with up to 9 records per episode. There will be no related CCP type records in the extract. Neonatal Critical Care (NCC) – must have at least 1 CCP entry. Can have up to 9 CCP records per episode. Paediatric Critical Care (PCC) must have at least 1 CCP entry. Can have up to 9 CCP records per episode. Generation of HRGs NHS Care Records Service HRG Generation Slide 22 The ACC records produce an HRG for each of the 9 potential Critical Care Period inputs. As each input can contain more than a single day of Critical Care it is not possible to generate a separate HRG for each day of the ACC Critical Care period. Therefore any future tariff will be calculated by multiplying the unit tariff by the number of CC days calculated previously. NCC and PCC are daily records and will produce an HRG for each day within a Critical Care period. There can be up to 999 of these per period. Each of these are calculated individually and the sum of the tariff allocated to the Spell. NB: Daily records allocated UZ01Z will not attract a tariff. NHS Care Records Service Generation of HRGs Stepping Down Slide 23 Stepping Down Where two Critical Care periods overlap by 1 day i.e. the discharge date for the one Critical Care period equals the start date for the subsequent period, the system will apply the following to ensure correct counting and allocation of the overlapping day: • • • Count the day once for the purposes of allocating Critical Care days to episodes. Count the day once for adjusting spell LoS. Allocate the day to both Critical Care periods for the purposes of generating HRGs. NHS Care Records Service Generation of HRGs Stepping Down Slide 24 SUS PbR will: Where two episodes have an END and START date of the same calendar Day, then the daily record will produce an HRG for the same day for each episode and the tariff will be applied to both. Where the Critical Care period is an ACC and since there is only one HRG per Critical Care period, each episode for tariff purposes is treated independently, therefore the discharge date of the first episode is paid for episode 1 and the admission date of the second episode is paid in episode 2. Therefore the same day is paid twice. NHS Care Records Service New Managed Service Extract Slide 25 Critical Care Extract - Live Q&A NHS Care Records Service Max McLellan, Training Manager SUS & Spine Programme Slide 26 • Questions and answers • Email: enquiries@ic.nhs.uk and quote “SUS Webinar”. • Q&A will be sent out after the Webinar to everyone that has registered. Slide 27 NHS Care Records Service Slide 28 NHS Care Records Service