•-> o 1 Freepost Authority No. 37C DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan) A N D T H E DRAFT 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 D E V E L O P M E N T C O N T R I B U T I O N S POLICY MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY... 91 Wilow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 TaurangaCity ^ P. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what youE haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and www.tauranga.govt.nz any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PR^ENTINGYOUR SUBMISSION You can make a submission online via our website, Simply fill out the form below and either post It to us under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and usingtiieFreepq email your submission. to our office. YOUR DETAILS S/9 I do not wish to speak to my submission. 0 wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: APR /I Name: L Monday 5 May (day) rviTv rnuNGlw Tuesday 6 May (choose below) O day O evening O Wednesday 7 May (day) O Thursday 8 May (day) wish my address, phone and email details to remain confidential _ YOURSUBMISSION Before each comment, please let us know the topic you are commenting on. ^ Topic: .9:^:f± f?r.^.6^..7f....' .'^^.'f^.^. ''^.i:m....L..^^:t.^. '^i:.. ±..h.f^.::f.. !.5f. 0.....'E/.^..^.:t^.....ft/^..mf:fi.. f.^.. .'^<?<?.r.:f? j^<(?.. §f^.... l<^.4. rk'C.....^e^. )^./.i7;.f. 3.^0..<^.<i.fr:..\ (^....^ ^^...v ^Hl^E .do/^^.^cy^..':T^^.€..Oc;^, f^.^..r:....:jh'l)^......Q(r^.f^.i^^ CS) Qfe.^.(.6.<r„.yi-/^^/^, .^r&.S ^^.Uic.(^.. &:^.B^.Z(.S.(.!^ r/.y..^!r.. .<2o.A/./"/:.w.i/^s; Topic: &^.0..f9:fi.^. Ciy) ./o^ (B<;>uc0, S.^.-Q.f^ <^£m. 4ti.:il. Ac^'y.iT...^.. /..d }/P^tee^.^. M^.. C /^..^.9^/^. !D:dfs:4^. /(z:.., .U).9.r..c...o.vo.€3x.o^.er.....';V. :Cf?>.<.,.4.o t.., ,./.sr. r1fP.^.o^.^.}^..:tj?... •B^.d'^.....^/^. S^.M^.. .X^<^^^....r:7fe>. :e,c3v.(.V.Sv)^...Ao c)|OSe, If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Govemment Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 509 "^/^...^^.S^^ ^ o z a m J) m ^.^.>.r:r:>)rr?'.Hr^ i i S Frpepost Authority No. 37C 2Ha TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL TaurangaCity 91 willow Street, Tauranga Drsft Annual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY P. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what youE. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and www.tauranga.govt.nz any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION You can make a submission online via our website, Simplyfillout the form below and either post it to us undertiietab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at top right, or drop it in email your submission. to our office. YOUR DETAILS . 0 I do not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission ,it a Council meeting to be held on: Q Monday 5 May (day) Name: O Tuesday 6 May (choose below) Q day Q evening O Wednesday 7 May ftfayj Q Thursday 8 May (day) wish my address, phone and email details to remain confidential YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment, please let us know the topic you are commenting on. Topic: i...u>^...:^k 2. rrmim JAURANGA.CJ.Ty...f:niiMrii c: ...^}t^dr....^;:.W(^.vu^^ r. i....\^J>.....<^^ p..i.£....l&i....^':fe....|?eO|(j^^ Topic: .il.f.ifer^ :=^.0)e<r) ^^omr^ ex.. .Cy.tk&.fA m.(\ iCim.A..^..^ i[).S:^. k>. % do icsct a^£9.^. •&3tt....rf^^S<. ^ijiQ.^d -doaL^i.. cfie?5...i Scs.0..e.....'Sp^o<^<:>.. t^^i.-S: iSvMM.....y.^^..(te.. :la?^p.(z!s Mdapt^ .e.^.dk(.l.a dm]pa SaiLM^Jte/; 3.<> U.b....:m^.... ,.b ^ fc.C^..b. ^kodas:^^... B..^m:miis^.^u ...|^.^...^;^.tf.....m....^y.o^ T{)d:...ds:cf.fi!S\^ if\.c>t..cSj..[ if more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheel. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 510 ii 11 m 1 Freepost Authority No. 370 DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan) A N D T H E DRAFT 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 D E V E L O P M E N T C O N T R I B U T I O N S POLICY 10 APR 2014 91 Wilow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions PrivateBag 12022 Tauranga 3143 RECEPTION TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY. P. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan Is a proposal only meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what you E. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz ' think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and www.tauranga.govt.nz any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING You can make a submission online via our website, Simplyflllout the form below and eittier post It to us under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at top right, or drop it In email your submission. to our offlce. YOUR DETAILS /; Name: l.Jl^y^.....2</k O I do not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: O Monday 5 May (tfay; O Tuesday 6 May (choose below) EArrd. Organisation (if applicable):.... Phone: . . . ^ . M ^ . M - . l r PRKENTINGYOUR SUBMISSION O day Q evening Email: Postal address: . r .t^.^-^.V^^ a AY O Wednesday 7 May (day) O Thursday 8 May (day) Signature: O 1 wish my address, ^3fhone and email"aetalls to remain confldentiai YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment, please let us know the topic you are commenting on. Topic: .i}M^A.S:K^...c.d..LMJLy.. i.Aj.....AM^-'-t...4r^....L^....^. M.lkm:>....£i .../f^MIjIIM.....!.r A^r^ Cr;?.^.....0.f:^.... JLl^dJ.M... iSr^..(.^..£,.. I .(^.L4r..d...d^S:^..........LS?.'y>....<^m.<..e..M^^ •:^K^......b..Q/!>'L2 C<j?i'/^/rf.^.<;^f./±^../..i^^.. . . i ^ ^ ^ i /h.^.<^.S(/^..t...c;^L..CU>^n t^.£^m?:.. A'.Or^jj?^/..^..^....- ^.m^liJhlLglf;^^ /v^^ h.ma:/.. iS?.//;^..^^?^ p.a^.;i<^.. .-3^ x^.. ./.A^.. Xi±^U. ^./Mi^..,....a.....(}.v.i^./h>^A /Q^.7......eJ^.L..P.AafC.S:rr. .,..:X(M.4^.... L: v.^.^^.^lr-. PA/M^. T:^.^. r^p^^^ ' lA^. \<i..^...±/!^... ^.^l.<^.fir.. :eMfl)<£lZ.M^/(l.aii iid.M.'..f^..' O I C I H 1 > 1 Q I p. /^^^.^./^. .•rr.a c:A/l.MflH.l ^?^.^.:7..^...^r^.<t:^..<L:.....t..^.^?^i:. If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 51 1 Submission Number: 2 ^ Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 l..!v%. TaurangaCty (Incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and the draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy Submission Form All submissions will be acl<nowledged in writing. All submissions will be made availabie to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan. Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the librarie. You are we come to speal< to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in ycajr written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Pleasetickihe following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected IVIembers about my submission: If yes/my preferred daWs would be: ; Monday s May Day' Contact Details Organisation:, I Noj • Tuesday 6 May Day. .• .Tesj v/'i ' Wednesday 7 May W[ Thursday S May . Evening j 3ay, Please PRINT Clearlv ! 5 o f t W t T^UR-^'HCA^ C\-n U ti£5 r E) (the organisation that this submission Is made on behalt ol) Name: )UNClL (person presenting the submission) . 'Postal Addres •Phone: Dayi Evening: I (so we can contact you) ;. *Email Address: (if you wouldfeean ema/7ec ponse) Signatured ) >*'Oi i yVv'V' oi fu Ol t loif uoicitio LU I I laii I C U I I I I U C I Itial, v/ MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint-We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that -will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otiierv^ise) for tiie key projects and proposals in tiie Draft Annual Plan and tiiose that interest you. You a-e more than w/elcome to virrlte your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission 'orm. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • fo arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to Inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to conect any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will receive your submission as an informal submission and will not l-e able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 512 Objective ID: A5385542 V. i Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading uill if: i ^ L....... J T U tvulUk A 'L '.. I li . .. J ' ^Kowyfo <). valAA.) I It " i" 560AA r\^t. k(lsV(io^ a v^Lc^ ^ p t u J 'tcrvicg t k ^ j* , WI^CIVA; ht.'.Ut QAV4 . tny lp X -513. >*,^^ Y PI)W> rcWov^fc. Office Llse : Only Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading Office Use Only, 4 <VJt^ tfl f^UJb Vjllj B k l M u r ^ ... W ^ tW JtHO/^i tbr.(>r^ W ItljfU/fu? «• tj Wl/ltf'tVK, (^•f<MU-|^ ^tS^\lJ^lTr^ ..wra^ f ^tt^M^U.^^ J Kesptm^ttt^ 1e cLc(,oYli.*^(^h. -fUife ^mmJ^ ' a^t/ 4! ^ ^k. \.*, tA^VtrwycvW to 1 C-U^K <r>vts eiftA "fe tits — _ n hri\AiJ , \ ' J \fr\ ;— Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuer5'f4f, 22 April 2014 Objective ID: A5385542 Submission Number: Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 Tauran^atjiy (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and tiie draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy Submission Form All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan. P/ease rjofe when providing Information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e a the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Pleasetickthefollowing boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes i No: If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 5 May ; ; • • Tuesday 6 May Day'. • Thursday 8 iylaYj Evening: Contact Details Organisation: Wednesday 7 May Day Please PRINT Clearlv y^ J t h / l ^ o ~ h ^ i c R \ r k \/)So r y (the organisation that this submission is made on bVti^ofj ^roup .' ' / • '; Name: (person presenting the submission). *Postal Address: ' *Phone: 1 3 ^ J M ^ T ^ j A ^ ^ S ^ °^V\0<2,I 2 3 . 0 / f O y (so we can contact you) tact you) •• • j Evening:! ' • • <P 7 ^ -"..•..".••..,•:.••.*•:•••-.• • ^7 *Email Address: (ilydu would iiiie an emailed response) Signature: ! w i s h m v flddrP'^c* nt^nno c»nH o ' ^ a i l Ho*'^*!/ to r%«*^f:^«-*:„r. MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summaiy Document for infonnation that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please Indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission fomi. ^ ^ Privacy Act Information ~ The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact detaits are collected: • fo arrange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) ' so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). I Z n T " " * - " " " ' . ^ ^ ''"''""'^ available. If you would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept rnlln^^ l ^" " f T "t ^^"^ ^"^""'"'o"^^^^ the right to correct any errors in personal details Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesdav, 22 April 2014 515 Objective ID: A5385542 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading On />e^-/f Excess s. crf %L /W/iSorM m'J^noU^ ^rdo^ Office Use Only j - f U l ^O^Z>YS po~Jc r Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 516 Objective ID: A5385542 Submission Number: Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 Taurattf^afJty (Incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and the draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy Submission Form All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan. P/ease nofe wften providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e a ffte libraries. '''' You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your wntten submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that wouid suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick the following boxes that apply) 1 wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes No If yes, my preferred day/s would be: •-i'^-'r^ Monday 5 May TuesdaySMay Wednesiday 7 May ;.Iiay< Thursdays May Day Contact Details Please PRINT Clearlv Organisation: ^^yry . ..:.:J^^.^^ organisation that this submission is made on behalf ofy Name: COUNCIL mtimmkm-Y (person presenting the submission) *Postal Address: PostcodeiJ *Phone: Dayi Evening: (so we <:eu contact you) *Email Address: [if you would like an emailed response):. Signature: ^ " J ' " V ^ ' '=•^•^1 K' I V ^ ^ ^ ^ c i i i a i i u c t a n o t o rGiTiSin MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recornmendyou read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for injomation that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) l^ease^indicate your support (or othenwise) for the key projects and proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this suDmtssion torm. Privacy Act Information ~ The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to a/range a Hearing date and time for you to speak (if you choose to) ' so the Council can write and inform you ofthe decision(s) on your submission(s) Tonr,deZrvifnt?H'J''^^ '"""''"'^ ^""'^^^ and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send In your submission. You have the right to comect any emors in personal details Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesdav. 22 April 2014 617 Objective ID: A5385542 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading | °"|^niy Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 518 objective ID: A5385542 Submission Number: Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 Tauranf^aCity (Incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and the draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy Submission Form All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available tb the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan. P/ease nofe wften providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Pleasetickthe following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yesi No! |f yes, my preferred day/s would be: MondaySMay TuesdaySMay Day: Day; ThursdaySMay Evening.' Contact Details Day Please PRINT Clearlv ' . ••' — Organisation: ; ._ J Name: Wednesday 7 May _ (Cor^r^ 1 : . W organjsatbn thai this submisston is made on behalf of) /yl iH^ •-• • ' • : v ' . ' ^ LZZD U •- ft L^^,^ ::.I. (person presenting the submisston) .^^^ .\ ..- _ _ I A U R A N G J 4 . . C 1 T . Y . C Q U •JCIL "Postal Address;: Postcode;; j *Phone: Dayj ' 5 ^ ^ ' r ^ / 7 i _ [ Evening:} ^ fso we can confacfyoi// ; Email Address: i (ifyou would like'an emaiied response) .\ r'~^ V ( _ f ^ [y / / V S> 7~^^ ^ • y ^ < l / ( / 4 • Oj , Signatijre: MY SUBIVIISSION IS: Hint-We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or ottierwise) for tiie key projects and proposals in tiie Draft Annual Plan and ttiose that interest you. You are more ttian welcome to write your submission In more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. PrivacvAct Information 7776 Local Govemment Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: ' to amange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (ifyou choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you ofthe decision(s) on your submission(s). Yournameand address will be publicly available. Ifyou would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submlsslom You have the right to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. Ifyou do not supply your name and address the Council will receive your submission as an informal submission and will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 519 Objective ID: A5385542 X. Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading Office Use Only .'. US. JCL VaUKViK^q itY\^\e'z<^A ^hsu^ Ci-!^ can—jp£—\/<?.f^ pK^url oV \r:s^\i Kj<^\\prs and \\ >^0^(!i ipn^l'oncr^' Wig Ljko W)V>^ havje oouj urvWicl^c\ -Vo ^nij=n\wic^ move -\Vian o&4>i VrUig V)ct(^p.j "V' r^o W A S - jjorV Woo (JiOrUr iakifici^—?k i l s cuiUAt-^ ~ Wg<Pp (V Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 520 Objective ID: A5385542 Submission Number: Tauranga City Council Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Tauran^atjty (incorporating draft amendments to the,2012^22 Long,ferm Plan) and the draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy \ Submission Form. V All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and Comments expressed when finaiising thfe Annual Plan. P/ease nots when providing Information that this submisslcin form is part of-a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public, areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. • f i ' l-j You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know ifyou wish to do so and the day that would suit you best." We will thpn contact you with a time. (Pleasetickthe following boxes that apply) I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: :.Yes' i Nol v/l If yes, my preferred day/s would be: Monday 5 May Tuesday 6 May Hay: Wednesday 7 May Thursday 8 May • Day .- . .'. Evening' Contact Details Please PRINT Clearlv Organisation: :. _ ": (the organisation that this submission is made on behaft tj /rii. Nanie: (person presenting the submisston) *Postal Address — -- — I A CITY C O U N U I 'Phone: Dayi Evening: Cso we can contact you) • 'Email Address: . (Hydu would.like an emaileo Signature: / . •^;i A^i^wA, * MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint-We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in maldngyour submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or ottierwise) for ttie key projects and proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and ttiose that interest you. You are more ttian welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Govemment Act 2002 requires'submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact detaits are collected: • to amange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (ifyou choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. Ifyou would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to mform us when you send In your submission. You have the right to comect any emors In personal details contained in your submission If you do not supply your name and address the Council will receive your submission as an informal submission and will not be able to inform you ofthe outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesdav. 22 April 2014 521 ^ Objective ID: A5385542 4*' Please star, each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading Office Use Only , IPbUy^alouCi ho u t ^ ix) i. Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 522 objective ID A5385542 Submission Number: TaurangaOty Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 (incorporating draft amendments to tlie 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and the draft.2014/15 Development Contributions Policy bmission Form iir 5ubmi*r&nS will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Co' ncillorewhr ii*ionS will b *"»*iL/i piuvlJliljJ iiifurmation that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your vmtten submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Pleasetickthe following boxes that apply) / I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes] i No!V Jf yes, my preferred day/s would ^ MontiaySMay Tuesdays May Day: Day Wednesday 7 May . Evening '; Contact Details ThursdaySMay Day Please PRINT Clearlv : •••••-'•.•'.-r:--:v^ Organisation: (the organisatton that Ihis submission is made on behalf of) *Poistal Address *Phone: Day] Evening: i (so we can contact you) *Email Address: (if you would like an eriiailed.response} i2JU Signature: .....ri r.r^r.;\ MY SUBMiSSION IS: Hint-We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that will help you in making your submission. Remember to read 'Tips on making an effective submission' before you start (Pg.4) Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and those that interest you. You are more ttian welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. PrivacvAct Informafion The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to amange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (ifyou choose to) • so toe Council can write and inform you ofthe decision(s) on your submission(s). Yournameand address will be publicly available. Ifyou would like your address and phone details (including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the right to comect any errors in personal details contained in your submission, ifyou do not supply your name and address the Council will receive your submission as an informal submission and will not be able to inform you of the outcome. Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 523 Objective ID: A5385542 Please star^ each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading Submissions d o s e 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 524 Office Use Only objectiive ID: A5385542 Submission From: michaeladriane@ciear.net.nz Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 8:44 a.m. To: .submissions Page 1 of 2 Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. 10 APR 201^ CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Taylor First name: Michael Address: Villa 24,Pacific Coast Village, 210 Maranui Street,Papamoa Beach, Tauranga Phone(day): 07 5756282 Phone(eve): 07 5756282 Email: mlchaeladriane@clear.net.nz I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Hot Pools change opening hours from6am to Sam Mon-Sat Comments 1: / strongly oppose this proposed change on the foilowing basis:* many patrons use the Hot Pools in the current early opening hours prior to going to work or commencing other duties To change the hours is an insult and lack of consideration to those patrons. * the anticipated savings are minimal in the overall Council expenditure.Off set this amount against the annual total admission income to be lost by reduced patronage and the saving ,if any, would be negligible. *The Hot Pools are a valuable city asset appealing to locals and visitors alike. Increased patronage 10/04/2014 525 Submission Page 2 of 2 , shoyld De encouraged ,not discouraged. If the the philosophy behind the proposal is applied to a logical conclusion,then why not close the Pools completely and save even more! *unacceptable amounts of money has been wasted recently on grandiose schemes to develop the Pools further.Vast amounts were wasted on Consultants etc., yet consideration is now given to saving cents *Proposal completely ignores the loyalty of regular patrons and staff. The latter will either lose their jobs or some of their income. *Pool patrons are mainly rate payers also and if proposal is adopted Council can expect a huge public protest TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES 10/04/2014 526 Submission Page 1 o f 2 .2S» From: Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 11:18 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission efts' SUBMISSION 10 APR 201^ Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. TAURANGACITY COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS Title: Dr Organisation: Labour Party Surname: Jones First name: Rachel Address: Phone(day): ^ Phone(eve): Email. I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Greerton Library Comments 1: This submission is in support of the new public library in Greerton based on both its contribution to the community and the limited financial impact ofthe development. However, this submission seeks modification ofthe funding structure for the new library in order to retain an acceptable level of service. It is based on the figures provided by the Friends ofthe Tauranga City Libraries submission. The current plan allows for the construction of the new library, but falls short of providing adequate library services The current intention to sell 137 Greerton Road and whatever other land that can be 10/04/2014 527 Submission Page 2 of 2 found uncommitted in the 10 year plan leaves too much financial uncertainty around the project and could lead to delays in construction. It will also require a bridging loan. It is possible to provide both a new library (without debt) and maintain the minimum level of service set by the Library Level of Service policy endorsed by the council in 2013. It is estimated that a full service library will cost $3,557,219, approximately $107,000 more than budgeted for the in the draft plan. This can be funded through the following: • $2 million in development funds • $500,000 in renewals '$1.1 million via sale of 171 Chadwick Road The sale of 171 Chadwick Road will result in lost rental revenue of $88,000 gross pa, but this building was originally bought by council to fund the library project. Without the income this sale brings, library services wili be cut In addition, Friends ofthe Library can apply for a Lotteries Commission Grant of $250,000 to defray building design costs In other words, the community is willing to work with council to maintain its library sen/ices. I commend the Council for recognizing the need for the new Greerton Library, but urge it not to develop a beautiful new building without matching that with at least the minimum level of service to the community. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES 10/04/2014 5 28 Submission Page 1 of2 File From: j> Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 11:42 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission Cfty SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. 10 APR 2014 CONTACT DETAILS TAURANGACITY COUNCIL Title: Mrs Organisation: Surname: Corson First name: Jennifer Address: " e Phone{day): Phone(eve): Email: ^ I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, 1 do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Improvement of Infrastructure - Avenues Area Comments 1: With respect to pripsed changes to infrastructure in the Avenues area I wouid iike to make the following submission as a parent wioth children at St Marys SchooL There is a need fonAdditional footpaths on both sides of 13th Avenue, Grace Road and Harvey Street to support children walking any distance to and from our school. Marked crossings that, as a school, we can manage at peak times in order to allow children to cross roads safely when walking to and from either homes or parent vehicles. 10/04/2014 529 Submission Page 2 of 2 2S2, Traffic Ughts on 13th Avenue and Fraser Street to establish a controlled intersection that will improve traffic safety and improve efficiency of traffic movements in and out ofthe Avenues area. As our school continues to grow it is important that we ensure both the safety of our children and the efficiency of traffic movement around our school area. Thank you TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: ANY ACCITIONAL ISSUES 10/04/2014 5 30 Submission Page 1 of2 File From: h_._ Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 2:35 p.m. To: .submissions IDfilD) -.. ^ 10 APR 2014 Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission JAURANGACr^^ Tauranga City SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Ms Organisation: Surname: Lamont First name: Helen Address Phone(da Phone(eve Email: 1 wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Mobile Library Comments 1: / disagree with the proposed termination ofthe mobile library especially to schools. This service enables children who may not be given the opportunity to source a vast variety of literature the opportunity to do so, enhancing their education and quality of life. The council can support equal opportunities to the community by continuing this service. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Council pools 10/04/2014 531 Submission Page 2 of 2 Comments 2: / disagree with the proposed shortening of pool hours and the managing of Otumoetai pool being handed over to the local swimming club. There are far to many drowning's in New Zealand, and these can be prevented through better water safety knowledge, which can be achieved through local swimming pools and the communities access to these. Many families, and schools do not have their own pool, and are not able to frequent the beach. By providing a local pool people can gain water safety skilis in a safe environment. Ail local pools should remain open for the present hours, and should remain in the care ofthe council to allow access to the whole community. TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES 10/04/2014 532 Submission From: Page 1 of2 _ ^ 0 APR 2014 Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 8:01 p.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission M0Cfy SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mrs Organisation: Surname: Armishaw First name: Rachel Address: £ Phone(day] ^_ r- Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Controlled Intersection 13th Ave and Fraser St Comments 1: As residents of 13th Ave, this has become a very busy intersection to turn right out of Often, during busy times of day, (school drop off and pick up, from 4.30 onwards), it is very difficult to turn into Fraser St from 13th Ave. There are often queues of vehicles waiting to get out. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Footpaths both sides of 13th Ave, Harvey and Grace 11/04/2014 533 Submission Page 2 of 2 Comments 2: 77?/s would make walking to and from the local schools easier and safer for those who live locally TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Controlled crossing outside St Mary's School Comments 3: A controlled crossing in 13th Ave, outside main entrance to school would make it easier and safer for children walking to and from school and waiting vehicles. ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES 11/04/2014 534 Submission File From: j( Sent: Thursday, 10 April 2014 8:10 p.m. To: .submissions 10 APR 20!4 Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission Tauranga Oty . SUBMISSION Thankyou Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Armishaw First name: Jeremy Address Phone(day) — Phone(eve): Email: j ' I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Controlled Intersection 13th Ave and Fraser St Comments 1: / would like to see traffic lights and pedestrian crossing on Fraser St, 13th Ave intersection. There are significant safety issues with children and parents crossing the road getting to and from local schools, also with frustrated motorists taking risks at that intersection at busy times. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: 11/04/2014 535 Submission File From: Sent: "hursday, 10 April 2014 10:22 p.m. To: .submissions 10 APR 2014 TAURANGACITY COUNCIL Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission Gty ^UiiSii^^^™ SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Longhurst First name: Wilson Address: . Phone(day): Phone(eve): Emaii: \A I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, I do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Baywave Pool Hours Comments 1: / have been a frequent Baywave pool user between 8pm-9pm throughout the year. Pool space and hours are already stretched as it is. I have recently moved to Auckland and discovered why so many of their aquatic sports teams and individual athletes have an edge - there is available pool space and time. Pools across the North Shore are open between the hours of 5:30am and even as late as 10pm. Ifyou were to reduce our hours to Spm you would be making it very difficult for us to succeed in our sporting pursuits. Cut costs somewhere eise. We have already been ripped off by only giving us a 25m pool. Get rid of the hydro slide - maybe that will save you something. Reducing the pool hours is preposterous and is bound to infuriate the majority ofthe aquatic community. 11/04/2014 536 Submission Page 1 of2 1LAPX2014 From: I Sent: Friday, 11 April 2014 8:54 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission Tauran^aGty SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Cuff First name: Bruce Address: Phone(day); Phone{eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: Yes No, 1 do not wish to be heard in support of this submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Reduced Street Cleaning as Budget Saving Exercise Comments 1: / disagree with the decision to reduce the frequency of street cleaning as a means of budget savings Street rubbish will just end up in waterways and consequently on beach where it has adverse effects on users of coastal environment and also the marine environment itself The situation isn't just that streets will remain unkempt for longer as whenever it rains rubbish is transported offsite. Believe that for all the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on stormwater treatment devices, including swales, rain gardens, stormwater retention ponds and their ongoing maintenance costs, it wouid be far better spend more to maintain or event increasing the frequency and scope of 11/04/2014 537 Submission Page 2 of 2 street cleaning. Of course having an educated society who did not litter would be preferable, but as a daily user of the coastal environment it is clear from the amount of rubbish that end up on beach every time it rains - this is not happening. Reducing the budget ofthis work item is an affront to the good work of people such as sustainable coastlines who contribute their own time and effort in cleaning up these environments already TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: TOPIC 3 Heading 3: Comments 3: ANY ADDITIONAL ISSUES 11/04/2014 538 Submission File Page 1 o f 2 i3i33_G. From: Sent: Friday, 11 April 2014 12:51 p.m. To: .submissions 11 APR 2014 TAURANGACITY COUNCIL Subject: Draft 2014/15 Annual Plan Submission ^ Tauranga Gty SUBMISSION Thank you Your submission has been sent to Tauranga City Council. CONTACT DETAILS Title: Mr Organisation: Surname: Thrush First name: Malcolm Address: Phone{day): Phone(eve): Email: I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: No No, I do not wish to be heard in support ofthis submission. MY SUBMISSION TOPIC 1 Heading 1: Reserves Comments 1: / do not agree with the proposed pian to reduce service for beach grooming, tree and plant maintenance etc. TOPIC 2 Heading 2: Comments 2: 11/04/2014 539 Page 1 of 1 File SIQMI© From: Sent: "auranga City Counci [INFO@TAURANGA.GOVT.NZ] Friday, 11 April 2014 12:53 p.m. To: .submissions 11 APR 2014 TAURANGA CITY CQUNCII Subject: FW: Website - Feedback [#2620] Original Message From: "nalcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz" <malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz> Sent: Friday, 11 April 2014 12:22 p.m. To: "infoOtauranga.govt.nz" <info@tauranga.govt.nz> Subject: Website - Feedback Feedback: Comment Type Praise Comment Subject Animal Services Comment I do not agree with rate payers subsidising dog owners.The full cost of dog ownership should be with dog owners. Personal Details Name: Malcolm Thrush Phone: 579 2813 Email: malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz Fax: Address: 28 Kinloch Drive 11/04/2014 540 Page 1 of 1 File From: Sent: To: Tauranga City Counci [iNFO@TAURANGA.GOVT.NZ] Friday, 11 April 2014 12:55 p.m. .submissions 11 APR 2i TAURANGACITY COIlNCii Subject: FW: Website - Feedback [#269B] Original Message From: "malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz" <malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz> Sent: Friday, 11 April 2014 12:41 p.m. To: "info@tauranga.govt.nz" <info@tauranga.govt.nz> Subject: Website - Feedback Feedback : Comment Type Praise Comment Subject Waterfront Project Comment I agree with the deferment ofthe proposal to build a wharewaka on the waterfront. Personal Details Name: Malcolm Thrush Phone: 07 579 2913 Email: malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz Fax: Address: 28 Kinloch Drive, Bethlehem 11/04/2014 541 Page 1 of 1 File From: Sent: Tauranga City Counci [INFO@TAURANGA.GOVT.NZ] Monday, 14 April 2014 8:01 a.m. To: .submissions Subject: FW: Website - Feedback [#2BCD] Original Message From: "malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz" <malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz> Sent: Friday, 11 April 2014 9:58 p.m. To: "infoOtauranga.govt.nz" <info@tauranga.govt.nz> Subject: Website - Feedback Feedback: Comment Type Complairt 11 APR 2014 Comment Subject mobile library Comment After obtaining information on the number of mobile library users, based on the library compute- system, I strongly disagree with the proposal to remove this service as it will adversely affect a very large number of people. Personal Details Name: malcoim Thrush Phone:07 Email: malcolmthrush@vodafone.co.nz Fax: Address: 28 Kinloch Drive, Bethlehem 14/04/2014 542 Submission Number: .3 ^-s-^:?^ Tauranga City Council DraftAnnual Plan 2014-2015 TaurangaOty (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long Term Plan) and the draft 2014/15 Development Contributions Policy 11 RECEPnON fAUR NGA CITY COUMC Submission Form All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan. P/ease nofe wften providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed In public areas for the public to access e.g. the libraries. You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called 'Hearings' about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time. (Please tick thefollowing boxes that apply) I Wish to speak to the Elected IVIembers about my submission: •Yes y { • No If yes, my preferredl day/s would be:; Monday 5 May Tuesday 6 May Wednesday 7 May Day Contact Details ThursdaySMay M i : ' .JfL Day ' , .; - Day Evening - - Day Please PRINT Clearlv Organisation: AMgjsU/^j ?M0>/ SAS Of PtCMfy FHOixfi QMUP ;Sec<ffV%gV (tfie organisation that (his submission is made on behalf of) _ _ ^Postal Address: | 7 ^ 2 5 ;J_ _i ' (personpresenting the submission) Day] STI ' — fOi^^V^i^r^T^fi^y,^^,^ 1 Postcode;'; Thone: OtrTti • ~~ ^(Zi Evening: ^((Z 5"T7^/X/ (so we can contact you) *Email Address: (Hyou would /Ae an ernailed response) Signature: :y:-: 111 u c ? L a i i o l U i d i i c i M i O u i l l i U c i l l l c a i . — — MY SUBMISSION IS: Hint -We strongly recommend you read the Draft Annual Plan 2014-2015 Major Focus section or Summary Document for information that -will help you in making your submission. Remember to r e a d ' T i p s on making an effective submission'before y o u s t a r t (Pg.4) H o f S . ? P a g e v a q ^ g u / WW Please indicate your support (or ottierwise) for the key projects and proposals in the CTSftAnnual Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form. Privacy Act Information The Local Government Act 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected: • to an-ange a Hearing date and time for you to speak (ifyou choose to) • so the Council can write and inform you ofthe decision(s) on your submission(s). Your name and address will be publicly available. Ifyou would like your address and phone details (Including email address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send In your submlsslom You have the right to correct any errors in personai details contained in your submission. Ifyou do not supply your name and address the Council will receive your submission as an Informal submission and will not be able to inform you ofthe outcome. S u b m i s s i o n s close 5.00 p m T u e s d a y , 22 A p r i l 2014 543 R 2014 Objective ID: A5385542 Please start each of the different topics you are writing about with the topic heading Object c\esu'^'t' ^o\t<r»oft'«t^ d C C i l t ^ Schools w»«*\ <t fa/infc 4kc M<»«M<. k?b»''»r^y , Office Use Only:. . trtA^ytfj- pcrccwta^g MAcri>/ ><ujU»yt^. » K o u U fcrc r < , t « ; ^ f c o t Submissions close 5.00 pm Tuesday, 22 April 2014 544 Objective ID: A5385542 Freepost Authority No. 370 DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA GITY GOUNCIL Oncorporating draff amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan) A N D THE DRAFT 2014/15 DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS POLICY MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY... TaurangaOty 91 Willow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 ^ The draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what you think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way. P. 07 577 7000 E. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz www.tauranga.go\rt.nz Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION You can make a submission online via our website, Simply fill out the fomn bekiw and either post it to us under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at top right, or drop it in email your submission. to our office. O I wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: YOUR DETAILS Name: I do not wish to speak to my submission. O Monday 5 May (day) y......... O TuesdaySMayfc/ioosefcetoiv; Organisation (ifapplii^ble): CD fiay O evening Phone: ."^ O Wednesday 7 May (day) Postal i O Thursday 8 May (day) Signature I wish; YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment please let us know tfie topic you are commenting on Topic: .^:..V\^..Sml:? 5 • < a \ T V—, ^.^...h^...\^x.r::?...,.....!^p>..^^ Topic: ::(±T?.S..^.r^Cv..?s<?.... .'. if more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheel PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 545 2kL I y»oM-t Attachments: EECA submission to Tauranga City Council 2014-15 Annual Plan.pdf —Original Message— From: Ben Dunbar-Smith [maiito:Ben.Dunbar-Smith@eeca.govt.nz1 Sent: Tuesdav, 22 April 2014 9:34 a.m. To: Have Your Say Subject: Submissionn to Annual Plan from EECA 22 APR 2m I i TAURANGA CITY cm IMHii ! Please find attached the submission to your draft Annual Plan from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA). We would wish to speak on the afternoon/evening of Tuesday 6th May. My contact details are available on the submission. Cheers Ben Dunbar-Smith EECA 027-351-2460 1 546 EEtA EECA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Auttiority Te Tari Tiaki Pungao Mm Submission to tfie Tauranga City Council 2014/15 DraftAnnual Plan Submitter: Postal Address: Attention: Phone number: Email: The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) 44 The Terrace, (PO Box 388), Wellington Mr Ben Dunbar-Smith 027-351-2460 Ben.Dunbar-Smith(S)eeca.qovt.nz EECA wishes to speak to this submission in person. Our preference is during the afternoon on Tuesday 6**^ May Submission The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) wishes to propose that the Tauranga City District Council consider adopting a voluntary targeted rate mechanism to support greater uptake of energy efficiency measures such as Insulation in the region. The uptake of Insulation provides significant benefits to your community in terms of warmer, drier and healthier homes, job creation, Improved health outcomes, enhanced air quality, and the ability for the elderly to "age In place". EECA proposes council consider adopting a Voluntary Targeted Rate mechanism as a cost-neutral way of assisting ratepayers to Insulate their houses. This mechanism could align with your strategic focus of "Investing In activities that can bring social and economic benefits to the city without adding to the debt". This Voluntary Targeted Rate mechanism Is something which 10 councils throughout New Zealand are currently using successfully. These councils are: • Auckland Council • Greater Wellington Regional Council • Hawkes Bay Regional Council • Dunedin City Council • New Plymouth City Council • West Coast Regional Council • Marlborough District Council • Tasman District Council • South Taranaki District Council • South Waikato District Council • In addition several other councils are considering joining the scheme. 547 •I A qulc< glance at this list shows that the Tauranga area is not currently covered by these schemes, which encompass about 60% of New Zealand's population. The Voluntary Targeted Rate mechanism utilized by these councils is designed to be cost-neutral to council as the Insulation (and In some cases clean heating) Is only provided to Individual ratepayers who request it and who are willing to pay It back over a 9/10 year period at an Interest rate margin that accommodates any administration costs to council. The scheme has no impact on the general ratepayer as they are not part of the targeted rate unless they voluntarily choose to do so. Councils set a maximum amount of funding available each year, and also set a cap on the amount each Individual household can obtain as a voluntary targeted rate with some councils setting a maximum for insulation, and a separate cap for heating. EECA accepts that given the tight timeframes with this Annual Plan, the adoption of this type of insulation-based voluntary targeted rate clearly may not happen within the Annual Plan cycle. If so, then EECA would request that council consider this proposal as part ofthe 2015-2025 Long Term Plan. EECA's role: In regard to the Voluntary Targeted Rate (VTR) mechanism, EECA assists the council with auditing of properties to ensure quality assurance of retrofitting, maintaining a list of accepted products, and operational support. The VTR schemes are primarily targeted at the "general Income" groups in the community who do not qualify for low income support. The VTR mechanism is important as cash is not always available for some ratepayers to meet the upfront costs of Insulating their homes, given that some ratepayers either do not have a mortgage (such as the elderly who are often asset-rich and cash poor), or do not want to take out a personal loan. From a council point of view, this VTR debt is secured against the ratepayer's home and so provides first call for repayment. When it comes to low-lncome/hlgh-health-needs households, the Government is focused on meeting the needs ofthis group through its $100 million Warm Up New Zealand:Healthy Homes scheme. Administered by EECA, this scheme is targeting its resources at low Income homeowners or tenants who are on Community Service Cards, whereby the Government works with trusts and community groups to provide insulation 100% free. Forthis sector the Government provides 60% ofthe cost of insulating a house built prior to the year 2000, with energy trusts and community groups working in partnership with service providers to provide the remaining 40%. In the current financial year to date, a total of 282 Tauranga households with lowincome and high-health-needs have benefited from this 100% funding for insulation. In conclusion: EECA asks council to consider adopting a voluntary targeted rate mechanism to cover insulation. This would provide your ratepayers with another method of funding their insulation requirements by paying off the balance on their rates over a 9/10 year period. This VTR scheme can offer a multiplicity of benefits to your community, including warmer, healthier homes, enhanced energy efficiency, as well as local jobs. For its part EECA is willing to provide working examples, including draft contracts and ratepayer agreements, as well as auditing for quality assurance and offering 548 • • councils, particularly those which also offer clean heating, have individual caps of $5000 Inc GST) The scheme has been popular with ratepayers who can pay back the funding over a 9 or 10 year period via the targeted rate. The scheme Is designed to be cost-neutral to council, and to result In no cost to the general ratepayer. The rate Is targeted to an individual ratepayer who elects to ask for the targeted rate. Greater Wellington charge an Interest rate on the funding of 7% for the 2013/14 year - and this Interest rate is reviewed annually. This mean that the funding method is not necessarily cheaper than borrowing from a bank - but It Is proving popular as a simple method of repayment that stays with the property. Upon sale of the property, the homeowner Is required to inform the incoming owner of the voluntary targeted rate (who may choose to require that It Is repaid in full), and it is also registered against the LIM. The voluntary targeted rate system Is designed to minimise workload for the council. Thus the majority of work rests with the Service Providers (who undertake the installations and distribute the council's VTR agreements to homeowners). In Greater Wellington's case, the administration involves checking to see If the person is a ratepayer in the region and that their rates are up to date, and then approving payment to the Sen/Ice Provider. (Dunedin City also require all VTR applicants to agree to pay all rates via direct debit). Greater Wellington originally managed this workload within their existing staff - and since their scheme has grown to $6 million a year they now fund this position via the interest rate margin as a way of recouping administration expenses. Councils are deemed to be part of the Consumer Credit and Consumer Finance Act, and are required to join a dispute resolution service at a minimal fee (which EECA is willing to fund In the Initial year). Explanation of how the scheme works in practice Under the Greater Wellington model, the system for a ratepayer getting their home insulated Is as follows: • The homeowner contacts one (or preferably several to get a range of quotes) of Service Providers within the district. Alternatively service providers are active in advertising direct to homeowners. o Note: The VTR schemes only apply to houses which are pre-2000, as after this date the building regulations changed to require a higher standard of insulation. • The Service Provider visits the house, and makes an assessment of the cost and suitability ofthe Insulation (if council wishes to fund clean heat options, these can also be assessed by the service provider). They provide the homeowner with a written quote. • The Service Provider also discusses options for payment with the homeowner. If their area provides it, then one of the options would include the Voluntary Targeted Rate - and the Service Provider has copies ofthe council application form for the homeowner. • Once the homeowner has chosen a quote, they send the application form and a copy of the quote back to the council. This is likely to be the first time that council staff are involved. 549 • • • • • The Council checks that the ratepayer lives in the district, and that they are not in rate arrears - and then Informs the ratepayer If they qualify. Once this occurs, the council indicates to the Service Provider that the work can begin. The Service Provider undertakes the job. Once the work is completed, the Service Provider invoices council for the cost of the retrofit. Council pays the invoice from the Service Provider. The ratepayer pays off this funding on their rates over a 9 or 10 year period. EECA operates an audit regime of 5% of jobs to ensure Service Providers offer quality products and service. Note that the council acts as the contractor of the service provider to install insulation into the ratepayer's home. This is to ensure that the job is only charged as single GST (as othenwise, due to payment coming on the rates, the job would be charged twice for GST - once on the job Itself, and again with the GST on rates. By the council acting as the contractor, It is deemed to be the principal in the supply chain, and therefore can deduct the GST). The following is a diagram that sets out how the funding works for the scheme. Visual representation of VTR funding arrangements Ratepayer Decides they want retrofit Accepts SP quote Signs agreement with council to repay Service provider • • • • Conducts an initial assessment Gives quote to homeowner Installs product Manages customer experience EECA • • Audits for quality Provides accepted products list. EECA provides council with audit results Council Ratepayer repays council over an agreed time period (eg 9 or 10 years), including Interest & admin costs,) Contracts service provider to undertal<e retrofit Pays for retrofit, and collects payment via rates Single charge GST to ratepayer Templates available EECA has worked with a number of councils who have set up this Voluntary Targeted Rate. During this process, a comprehensive template has been built up, which Is available to councils wishing to introduce VTR. EECA can provide your council with copies of the contracts which EECA has developed with councils. EECA can also supply copies of the ratepayer agreements which other councils have developed. Some ofthe councils have undertaken independent legal advice, which they may be willing to discuss with you. EECA can also supply wording for the Annual or Long-Term Plan, which other councils have used for things like the Funding Impact Statement, and the Revenue and Financing Policy. And EECA can provide copies of marketing materials, which explain the 550 scheme In simple terms. In a word, there is an existing suite of templates which can be rolled out. If your council wishes to take up the scheme. 2 Meeting Local Government Act requirements: EECA submits that this type of voluntary targeted rate scheme can be seen as meeting the new purpose of local government. In terms of "meeting the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local Infrastructure, local public service, and the performance of regulatory functions In a way that Is most cost-effective for households and businesses" other councils have found that the VTR scheme meets these criteria. This is because the scheme provides benefits to the community (Improved health and warmer, drier houses), while being cost neutral to other ratepayers. The scheme is voluntary, and ratepayers who do not participate in the VTR scheme have no impact on their rates. Hence the scheme is cost-effective to the general ratepayer, and yet meets the current and future needs of the community. Auditing by EECA: In order to support the VTR scheme, EECA will provide auditing of insulation. In addition, EECA will provide a list of accepted products which council can require service providers to use. With auditing, EECA currently uses Opus who provide a nationwide quality assurance service by auditing 5% ofthe retrofit jobs, and EECA be developing a user-pays system for sen^ice providers so there is no cost to council. In regards to the list of accepted products, EECA will maintain a list (along with the Ministry for the Environment) which also includes clean heating products which councils can rely on as fit for purpose. For more information, please contact Ben Dunbar-Smith, EECA 's Local Government Advisor for the Residential Programme on ben.dunbar-smith&eeca.aovt.nz. or phone 027-351-2460. 551 (j| Appendix How home retrofits can benefit your community Insulating homes can provide multiple benefits to your community. These benefits Include: • Job creation/economic growth: This is because Insulation Is a labourintensive process, and companies tend to employ and up skill local labour to meet demand. • Warmer, drier, healthier homes: o Cold damp homes mean more problems like asthma in children and adults, and so resolving the causes of this problem through Insulation and Improved heating creates positive health outcomes, o Warmer, drier homes can result In fewer hospital admisslons\ o Wanner drier homes can also Improve productivity through reduced days off work, and reduced days off school. • Insulation helps to reduce energy bills A well-Insulated house requires less heating. This can reduce energy costs for the customer. • Increased potential for older people to "age in place" o A well-insulated and heated house can allow for older people to live in their homes for longer, and with better health. This reduces hospital and rest homes costs, and also builds more resilient communities. • Improved health for homeowners and families: o An independent survey (Motu Report 2011) has demonstrated that the Insulation programme shows a cost-benefit ratio of '5.2 fo r with the majority of the benefits coming from improvements in health and wellbelngT— How the Voluntary Targeted Rate scheme works in other councils Throughout New Zealand, a number of other councils have set up Voluntary Targeted Rate schemes, whereby ratepayers can choose to pay off the additional costs of their retrofit on their rates over a 9 or 10 year period. This scheme, which aims to be cost-neutral to council as It incorporates interest and administration charges, provides an alternative method of payment for ratepayers. This type of scheme is seen as a low risk to council as rates are a statutory first charge against the property. Indeed the voluntary targeted rate scheme can be seen as similar to a small (2-3 house) sewerage reticulation scheme - except this scheme is voluntary, and targeted only at a single property. To illustrate how the scheme works, take Greater Wellington Regional Council as an example. • Greater Wellington, who commenced their scheme in mid-2010, have recently voted to extend it for another 3 years. o GW set a cap of $3900 funding per property, which is considered sufficient to coverthe cost of insulating an average house.(Note: other ^ These health-related benefits have been verified by the Weilington School of Medicine. 552 operational support. More details of the Voluntary Targeted Rate mechanism are provided in the Appendix. Signed: Ben Dunbar-Smlth Local Government Advisor Residential Programme EECA Robert Linterman General Manager Residential Programme EECA 553 Freepost Authority No. 370 DRAFT ANNUAL P L ^ N 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL (incorporating draft amendments to ttie 2dl2-:22 Long-Term Plan) A N D T H E DRAFT 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 D E V E L O P M E N T CONTRIBUTIONS POLICY H^ IVIAKING A SUBIVIISSION IS EASY... Wilow street, Tauranga X DraftAnnual Plan Submissions private Bag 12022 -Tauranga 3143 TaurangaCity ^ P. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan Is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what you£. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and.>www.tauranga.govt.nz any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way. Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PRESENTING YOUR SUBIVIISSION You can make a submission online via our website, Simply fill out the form below and either post It to us under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at top right, or drop It In email your submission. to our office. YOUR DETAILS C..'...5..-...D«?:>J.i.i#^; .L^^^^.*.?^^^.^^<>.f.|^ ::djc.wi^.y .sCL^.W Organisation (if applicable): ,u'.i\':4/(i> :'^a<rr\\. IV Name: Phone:.... Q i ^ o not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: O Monday 5 May frfay; O Tuesday 6 May (choose below) O day Q evening O Wednesday 7 May (day) Postal add) O Thursday 8 May (day) Signature: 0fwish I YOUR SUBMiSSION Before each comment, please let us know the topic you are commenting on. Topic: .'^^r!^.Cx>fS... y.a:W: C.*- ..O.^. Q^'TC ^ •I CiOl • .^txyi. ^\r:^i^. \.e«...\ ^..^.^f=^\0.<Tr,er<r.. \ .-JjrTNfi "^.Q.rtr?. V).^?cW: .L.e^j>/. I s .^Ar-siAr^V ^r^.^ .Cbdi^ .Uo.u^^Wf<?.lJC. f^0x)£^ g.iTY^o.'i^tcfd: r>o4r: .es .ir^. ....rlk^^. ....^.<2-0>.^ U*^;)?: \)-f..w.«alo^. \ . \-..(o. icrrrd:^. ^e.^)>:>kc.^i&. IIcNiJVtT^ {Sf' <^ ^.t:xe- Km<:^ e>,s/. .'. imO-i^ •:^.f...(l.r...Crr.'. Topic: 1«APR m T*aBANBA"CITY-COD|i|Cr O i' 5: a I m If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local GovemmentAct 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 554 i- Have your s a y Freepost Authority No. 37G DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL i (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan) A N D T H E DRAFT 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 D E V E L O P M E N T C O N T R I B U T I O N S POLICY 2^3 91 WiHdw Street, Tauranga Draft Annual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga :3143 TaurangaCity MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY... P. 07 5771 E. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz wwwltauranga.govt.nz The draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what you think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way. Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION You can make a submission online via our website, under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and email your submission. Simply fill out the form below and either post it to us using the Frei BiWtfP to our office. Q 1 k APR im YOUR DETAILS V..e^.d^.....'^.i:ei:.i/r.:i Name: 1 tio not wish to speak to my submission. © ' 1 wish to. speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: (j3''IVIonday5Mayfdayj TAURANGACITYCOUNCtL Q Tuesday 6 May (choose below) Organisation (if applicable): O Phone: . . . . ^ . Z I . . 2 . . . Q . ^ . L . ^ Email: .... l.l...'l^.rnQ.o. Postal address:... Signature: Q ^ day O evening Q Wednesday 7 May (day) Q Thursday 8 May (day) .JsrrrfTlg^i .{jJiV..^ I wish my address, phone and email details to remain confidential YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment, please let usknow thetopic_you are commenting on. ^ 1 Topic: —'-^.-J • ...0 t.ll.A.fttA J:.^. ,ir9....:i&Ur)lf^h^ - r j i j - - i ':>kM 1..5'V.?^kif4':^^'' .^2*vAffl^iCe.cl.y..e:i,.^.,^..... c^<^r^)LA Q.^JB .\r:..\^.V.'.yXU!r.}>^'. .db^lhr Topic: \1 7...'?r..?,V.W.trJ..'.!..Ri.v:> ^.^."^..^.1...... >rrr^.>ri,.r:^.>7r:f:>. i2^^.Lj.<5,yr>e::5>A,rf U.-,A.vi.i^s.dv i-.5>i^5i^!-.!^^.afi ...Lt^ ^..;.>:r.:..>....» •..:.-i.^ i «f P^^^^ t^OftAk.! r 7 X " . ^ OA •• L'-'V-X ^^S^^Si^ssi:^^. k&r±f^ If more space is required, please attacn additional pSper with a page nurmier, your name and phjne numoer on^ach sneet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 555 X • O 1 C I Waten, Project. _ , ,,. Dela y building a carvectf whar. ewaka (house for \ the Te ' Awanui waka) on the wate. "rfront. .-...oka would not be built until Whar 2015/^®^'^' ~ We are investing In , Deferreci expenditure 'Of $350,000. N/A Cjfcjist of file proposed changes to fees and charges can be found in the User Fees and Charges section of the draft Annual Plan. We've hearti a clear message from the community that you want Tauranga to be a city that is vibrant and interesting* You want opportunitiesto.be able to live, study, work.and play nght here in the city You also ! support projects tt'at create benefits for the:entire community. To read a fact sheet with background information on each of these projects go to vmw.tauranga.govt.nz and search for Annual Plan 2014/15. Thi; table beloW shows some of the projects we; propose to invest in: Funding Sources Ol Ol O) Tauranga Harbour Marine Precinct Construction ofXfJurpose-built'marine servicing farffty and related infrastmcture at Sulphur point. Greerton Library. Build a new public library in Greerton. Tertiary. The library is expected to be up to 900m^ or nearly twice the size of the cun-ent building. Build a new university campus in the CBD for up to 1500 students. Council has agreed to make the land available to the project while used for tertiary education purposes. Events Investment Strategy. Community Development Match Fund. Create a new structure and policy for events. This Includes funding of $200,000 for major events that is matched by external funders, plus extra funding for New Year's Eve event and operational funding. Would create opportunities for long-term economic development, business and job creation, and become a hub for the subregional marine sector. $10.0 million Will increase opportunities for the community to learn, share knowledge and use technology. $3.45 million over 2 years Will provide a placei for more people to complete their higtier education studies in the city and crieate research and employment oppiortunities. $60 million + Go to http://wvvw.tauranga.govt.nz/have-yoursay/formal-submissions.aspx to view the Draft Tauranga Events Policy. ^Provides funding opportunities for projects One-year pilot programme that creates a / that strengthen fiepp|e's connections to contestable fund of $50,000. ^ their commCfnlfies: Community organisations can apply for funding thatwill be matched by external ^contributions (financial or in-kind). Council's contribution of $5 million to be offset by the sale of properties on and near the site. $2 million in development contributions. Nil, No long term impact on rates. $500,000 of renewal funding. Remainder funded through a loan that will be repaid through the divestment of property assets Including 137 Greerton Road. $15 million from Bay of P j e n t y ^ R ^ i ^ ^ ^ t i n c i l Regional Infrastmcture Fund. $15 million requested fropuTECT^ A small reduction in parking revenue which will impact on debt. Remainder fromTertiary Partnership. More young people choose to stay in Tauranga. Events can iDe aisignificant contributor to the economy of a city by adding visitor nights, and encouraging participant spending. They add to the vibrancy of a city which is a benefit for both locals and visitors. $5 million from Bay of Plenty Regional Council Regional Infrastmcture Fund. $382,000 Rates Additional rates funding of $382,000. No impact on debt. (Bnngs in extra funding of $200,000 by external parties). ^50.000 Rates No impact on deb Freepost Authority No. 37C DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Pia •) A N D THE DRAFT 2014/15 DEVELOPMEN T C O N T R I B U T I O N S POLICY 11 APR 2m MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY... 91 Wilow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 1 TAURANGA CITY COUNCILIP. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning It has not yet be'lfTIriafisecl.'We want 16' krtiWWffryBtP think before the Council finalises Its plans for the year. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 H/larch 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep In touch with you along the way. E. haveyoursay@tauranga.govt.nz www.tauranga.govt.nz Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING You can make a submission online via our website, under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and email your submission. Simply fill out the form below and either post it to us using the Freepost number at topright,or drop it in to our office. PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION YOUR DETAILS I do not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: O Monday 5 May frfayj Name: ....Bar.r.y...H....Walker O Tuesday 6 May (choose below) Organisation (if applicable): TTTT. O day Q evening Phone: . Email: O Wednesday 7 May (day) Postal address. O Thursday 8 May (day) <p Signature:. (^fTwish my addr YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment, please let us know the topic you are commenting on. Topic: .Pro,p.Qs.a.l...t.Q...ad.d...4*.7.%....tD...rat.ea...t.o....f.und...st.Qmwater...prD.ble(us.:....I...absD.l.u.te.l ^!^.^.^:!".!?.-|:^.^.'^?.!r....P.?^.°.P°^^^ problem a f f e c t s c e r t a i n properties and areas only. The p o s s i b i l i t y o f a problem should have been forseen and addressed a p p r o p r i a t e i y r I l i k e many, have no such proMems. Council's proposaT would"a^^^ rates:'"Qu6ting'¥z'/T'r^^^ abhor.rent...insolence.. Topic: PJioenix...Carpark: Leave...lt...as...it...i.s Par.king...on..Mainstree.t...Mount Ma.un.gajiui...i.s...n.Q.t...eaay,...ta..fin.d..,at...pxes.ent....Save...development...costs..and...abandon..any proposal..to. alt.er..it.,.,.M^^ ^^.^.®..v..!!(?...P.?.?.l..t,'';i?....P?.?.'^.i.n.8...?.s o, ii Q 1 If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 557 2 Freepost Authority No. 370 DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 (incorporating draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan) A N D THE DRAFT 2014/15 DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS POLICY TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL TaurangaCity 91 Willow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY. R 07 577 7000 Tt e draft Annual Plan is a proposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We want to know what you E. haveyoursay@lauranga.govt.nz thrnk before the Council finalises its plans for the yean. Let us know what you like, what you don't like, and www.tauranga.govt.nz ary suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 IVIarch 2014. We w ll consider your feedback and keep In touch with you along the way. Make sure your submission gets to us by 5pm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION You can make a submission online via our website, Simply fill out the form below and either post It to uS. UC der the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at top right, or drop it in enail your submission. to our office. Q ^ d o not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission at a • Council meeting to be held on: O Monday 5 May (tfay,) Q Tuesday 6 May (choose below). YDUR DETAILS Name: :^>jxr. !:r.°.Sr..':r.^.5r.'='-o^ Organisation (if applicable):...^^T:^.C. frfnS .C^.C^.Q.C.9>.. .^5. =?r> firfs... O Paone: Email: .•A..>.~^...<?^T.S^?^.^^?.S^!*.^..'Gf. ....<\.Tf... 3.:\.±^ S gnature: day Q evening Q Wednesday 7 May (tfayj Q Thursday 8 May (day) .yt'^^rr^^Sr^;^:!^:::^^ O I wish my addref, phone md emailpetails to remain confidential WUR SUBMISSION Tipic: Before each comment, please let Us know the topic you are commenting on. .T!^::*7r*7rT .<S3r:);<i.!^.=Jr>:?rr.dl l3pic: ..l.Lm..im.. If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name.and phone number on each sheet PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public. 558 ANNUAL PLAN PAGE 20 - DEBT MANAGEMENT The figures presented on the Council's net debt are rather misleading. The table at the bottom ofthe page shows a reduction in net debt of $14 million. But when you look at the graph on the same page, there appears to be no reduction. On top of this, the projections allow for $8.5 million of property sales which is inferred these funds will be used for debt reduction? It appears that these funds are being used to hold the debt at the same level as last year. PAGE 37 - GROUPS OF ACTIVITIES It appears that there is a net deferral of expenditure of close to $16 million in the four key and critical growth related activities. Namely, transportation, wastewater, water and stormwater. How are these deferred items being planned for in the future as these areas are critical for the ongoing future growth of the city. PAGE 90 - CITY PLANNING - GROWTH MANAGEMENT Resource needs to be allocated to the Plan Change process, in particular the proposed Plan Change for site coverage as this is making it difficult for builders to deliver an economical development. Resource needs to be allocated to the city's IT systems to enable Building Consents to go online. The current systems are not working and causing significant delays and costs to the end home owners, building companies and the land developers PAGE 201 - AMENDMENT TO THE 2012-22 LONG TERM PLAN We support the bringing forward of Te Okuroa Drive construction and associated infrastructure. PAGE 2 0 5 - L I P S 1680 The cost per unit has a typo. PAGE 2 0 5 - L I P S 1619 The costing for the Bell Road Pump Statement has increased significantly and I don't believe the funding provided by other Councils has been taken into account. 559 Page PAGE 235 - TE OKUROA DRIVE The items listed (a), (b) and (c) have all had significant increases - why? Items (d) and (e) are still shown at last year's numbers and should be updated. PAGE 236 - TARA ROAD How can the actual cost last year change by some $3 million this year? PAGE 236 - PAPAMOA EAST INTERCHANGE The cost for this item remains unchanged. Why hasn't it been updated? What is the current position with approaches to NZTA to have this amended to a roundabout. F:\DOCUMENT\CarmsCorp\ANNUALPLAN0704M.docx 5 6 0 |2 1 h APR 201^ TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL Freepost Authority No. 370 DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 2014/15 TAURANGA CITY COUNCIL (incorporatintj draft amendments to the 2012-22 Long-Temi Plan) A N D THE DRAFT 2 0 1 4 / 1 5 DEVELOPIVIENT CONTRIBUTIONS POLICY MAKING A SUBMISSION IS EASY... TaurangaCity 91 Willow Street, Tauranga DraftAnnual Plan Submissions Private Bag 12022 Tauranga 3143 ^ P. 07 577 7000 The draft Annual Plan is a pnjposal only, meaning it has not yet been finalised. We viiant to know «ihat you E. haveyoursay@tauranga.govtnz think before the Council finalises its plans for the year. Let us knovii what you like, what you don't like, and www.tauranga.g0vt.n2 any suggestions you have for how we should do things differently. Submissions open 20 March 2014. We will consider your feedback and keep in touch with you along the way. Make sure your submission gets to us by Spm, Tuesday, 22 April 2014. ELECTRONICALLY IN WRITING You can make a submission online via our website, Simply fill out the form below and either post It to us under the tab 'Have Your Say'. You can also scan and using the Freepost number at topright,or drop It In email your submission. to our office. PRESENTING YOUR SUBMISSION do not wish to speak to my submission. O I wish to speak to my submission at a Council meeting to be held on: O Monday 5 May (day) O Tuesday 6 May (choose below) YOUR DETAILS Name: d:^.£.....Q9..}^h^.... Organisation (if applicable): O fay O evening Phone: ..^:^...^Xfrf:Z Email: .:f>l.:Z..^.(/.:dC<2id..^!.^£^...C'S^ Postal address: .^.^.Ci.^M^.?3^^^:^ ti{M^S^....Mt^.'J^....&.i9:J.£^^^^ O Wednesday 7 May (day) O Thursday 8 May (day) Signature: O I wish my address, phcsie and email details to reiriain confidential YOUR SUBMISSION Before each comment please let us know the topic you are commenting on. Topci: l^^(??^.€c>.X....Alr....::^^....^:!.^1....6?^...:^ MQ:j(^i!rt .y^f:^^......7?^'!??.f^....'^.f.'.!/e.i^..<^^ Topic: Pt:^L,A E<?^.. inm2.f^:t(.ILf. ..iJ§^.h(4.......<;CB^k^k m>i::'......'-jQ<r>'^^:. Sll^ ^^......iMi^.ALu,^,, fk>.^(^.^........B^.. ^.xtr^. ./ftH^.. If more space is required, please attach additional paper with a page number, your name and phone number on each sheet. PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, this submission will be made available to the public*--^ 561 il^.'