Grade 7 - Life Science

Content Area:
Unit Plan Title:
Cell Structure and Function within an Organism
Overview of Unit
Students will review the basic structures and functions of animal and plant cells to lay a foundation for deeper
understanding of the characteristics of living organisms. They will examine what cellular organization schemes
differentiate prokaryotic from eukaryotic cells. The advantages and disadvantages of multi-cellularity and the
diversity of life-style solutions evolved on Earth will be explored as a basis for understanding the evolutionary
divergence of the major kingdoms of organisms --protists, bacteria, animals and plants. They will extend their
understanding of specialization and collaboration of cells within an organism, as part of development from
unicellular to multicellular life. They will study adaptations by identifying characteristics of organisms that
enhance survival of their species. Students will examine how mitosis and meiosis are important features of the
mechanisms of reproduction.
Essential Question(s) and Enduring Understandings
1. How are living and non-living things different from each other?
All living things are made of cells, develop, reproduce, use energy, adapt to their environment/heredity,
move, adjust to daily changes/homeostasis, have life spans.
2. How do the size, structure, and processes of microorganisms help them succeed? How has the discovery
of microorganisms as a direct result of development of microscopes changed our understanding of
disease and curing disease?
All organisms are designed to help them function and survive in their ecosystem using energy. Hand lens,
microscopes, electron microscopes, … allow scientists to see more and understand cells, microorganisms,
diseases, drug therapy, and curing diseases.
3. How do prokaryotes carry out their cellular functions even though they do not have the organelles of
eukaryote cells?
All eukaryotic organisms have organelles with specific roles within their cell, but prokaryotic cells lack
organized organelles.
4. What are the advantages of asexual vs. sexual reproduction?
Organisms that reproduce asexually by fission, budding, or regeneration use Mitosis which aids in the
speed and ease of reproduction while organisms that reproduce sexually by Meiosis create more diverse
living things, resulting in populations that are better able to respond to changing environments.
5. Why is multicellular organization advantageous compared with unicellular organization?
Cells work together to form tissues, which work together to form organs, which work together to form
systems, thus creating multi-cellular organisms.
Revised 9/02/12
Content Statements and CPIs
Standards Specific to this Unit of Study
Content: All organisms are composed of cell(s). In multi-cellular organisms, specialized cells perform specialized functions.
Tissues, organs, and organ systems are composed of cells and function to serve the needs of cells for food, air, and waste removal.
5.3.8.A.1: Compare the benefits and limitations of existing as a single-celled organism and as a multi-cellular organism.
Content: During the early development of an organism, cells differentiate and multiply to form the many specialized cells, tissues,
and organs that compose the final organism. Tissues grow through cell division.
5.3.8.A.2: Relate the structures of cells, tissues, organs, and systems to their functions in supporting life.
Standards Carried Throughout the Year
Content: Some organisms reproduce asexually. In these organisms, all genetic information comes from a single parent. Some
organisms reproduce sexually, through which half of the genetic information comes from each parent.
5.3.8.D.1: Defend the principle that, through reproduction, genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next, using
evidence collected from observations of inherited traits.
Content: Core scientific concepts and principles represent the conceptual basis for model-building and facilitate the generation of
new and productive questions.
5.1.8.A.1: Demonstrate understanding and use interrelationships among central scientific concepts to revise explanations and to
consider alternative explanations.
Content: Results of observation and measurement can be used to build conceptual-based models and to search for core
5.1.8.A.2: Use mathematical, physical, and computational tools to build conceptual-based models and to pose theories.
Content: Predictions and explanations are revised based on systematic observations, accurate measurements, and structured
5.1.8.A.3: Use scientific principles and models to frame and synthesize scientific arguments and pose theories.
Content: Evidence is generated and evaluated as part of building and refining models and explanations.
5.1.8.B.1: Design investigations and use scientific instrumentation to collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence as part of building
and revising models and explanations.
Content: Mathematics and technology are used to gather, analyze, and communicate results.
5.1.8.B.2: Gather, evaluate, and represent evidence using scientific tools, technologies, and computational strategies.
Content: Carefully collected evidence is used to construct and defend arguments.
5.1.8.B.3: Use qualitative and quantitative evidence to develop evidence-based arguments.
Content: Scientific reasoning is used to support scientific conclusions.
5.1.8.B.4: Use quality controls to examine data sets and to examine evidence as a means of generating and reviewing explanations.
Content: Scientific models and understandings of fundamental concepts and principles are refined as new evidence is considered.
5.1.8.C.1: Monitor one’s own thinking as understandings of scientific concepts are refined.
Content: Predictions and explanations are revised to account more completely for available evidence.
5.1.8.C.2: Revise predictions or explanations on the basis of discovering new evidence, learning new information, or using
Content: Science is a practice in which an established body of knowledge is continually revised, refined, and extended.
5.1.8.C.3: Generate new and productive questions to evaluate and refine core explanations.
Content: Science involves practicing productive social interactions with peers, such as partner talk, whole-group discussions, and
small-group work.
5.1.8.D.1: Engage in multiple forms of discussion in order to process, make sense of, and learn from others’ ideas, observations,
and experiences.
Content: In order to determine which arguments and explanations are most persuasive, communities of learners work
collaboratively to pose, refine, and evaluate questions, investigations, models, and theories (e.g., argumentation, representation,
visualization, etc.).
5.1.8.D.2: Engage in productive scientific discussion practices during conversations with peers, both face-to-face and virtually, in
the context of scientific investigations and model-building.
Content: Instruments of measurement can be used to safely gather accurate information for making scientific comparisons of
objects and events.
5.1.8.D.3: Demonstrate how to safely use tools, instruments, and supplies.
Content: Organisms are treated humanely, responsibly, and ethically.
5.1.8.D.4: Handle and treat organisms humanely, responsibly, and ethically.
Revised 9/02/12
Student Learning Targets/Objectives:
Explain the differences between living and non-living things (including viruses) paying special attention to the
characteristics of living organisms (made of cells, develop, reproduce, use energy, adapt to their
environment/heredity, move, adjust to daily changes/homeostasis, have life spans).
Research using text and internet references to understand how scientists / inventions related to lenses and
microscopes helped with cell understanding, disease cures and more.
Decide how prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ.
Explain how the structure and function of organelles allows a cell to survive.
Create a visual on how the structures and functions of major organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts, etc.) are
evidence of the symbiotic origin of eukaryotes.
Demonstrate how unicellular and multi-cellular organisms survive in their environment due to their size, structure,
function and energy transfer.
Evaluate how size, structure and processes of living things benefit microorganisms.
Draw and explain what is happening during the stages of mitosis.
Compare and contrast how mitosis and meiosis influence the diversity of life.
Illustrate how unicellular organisms depend upon organelle structure and function and relationships for survival
(symbiosis, colonies life, outside dependence).
Illustrate how multi-cellular organisms depend upon organelle and organ structure and function and relationships
for survival (symbiosis, colonies life, outside dependence).
Deduce how unicellular and multi-cellular organisms are similar and different and utilize energy efficiently.
Note-booking will help students clarify their own thinking, identify weaknesses and document progress.
Classifying will help students focus on how scientists organize information into frameworks and model
thinking patterns.
Explaining and justifying classifications of organisms will help them interact with the vocabulary and facts of
organismal structures and functions and improve retention of these details.
Predicting how pieces of evidence fit into a larger schema will help students become aware of and alert to ―big
picture‖ thinking.
Engaging in a variety of learning formats is encouraged as part of student learning experiences, i.e.,
cooperative learning groups (paired, group sharing, whole class) or independent student experience.
Revised 9/02/12
Teaching Points, Activities, and Assessments
Teaching Point #1
We recognize living things by their special needs and characteristics.
Time Frame
3 hours (3 days)
Explore the differences between living and non-living things: Partner students will
compare/contrast living vs. non-living items paying special attention to the 9 characteristics of
living organisms (made of cells, develop, reproduce, use energy, adapt to their
environment/heredity, move, adjust to daily changes/homeostasis, have life spans). Use real items
and some prepared slides to compare and contrast living and non-living specimens (ex feather,
ribbon, real cork vs plastic corks, thread, fishing line, fruits, vegetables, …) After pairs of
students summarize their findings in a chart, team discussions and whole class sharing should
guide everyone to reveal the nine characteristics of living organisms. Teacher should guide
student notes from text readings to include raw materials (water, oxygen, food) as well as
composition of living things (Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Phosphorous—maybe
use pie chart form). Use Excel or protractor math compass to create pie chart.
Teaching Point #2
Observing living microscopic organisms helps us understand the structures and functions of cells
in general.
Use microscopes and other media presentation sources to understand Cell Theory through
viewing live mixed protists, fungi, prepared slides of bacteria, plant and animal cells
(unicellular and multi-cellular life). Draw sample cells to compare and contrast characteristics
of the cell. Use reference readings and visuals to further understand their similarities and
differences. Assessments will include drawings and lab write-ups.
Revised 9/02/12
4-5 hours
Teaching Point #3
Specialized organelles are what carry out the particular functions of specialized cells.
6 – 8 hours
Specific organelles have specific functions within a plant/animal cell: Create a visual project
(drawings, models, games, PPT, simulations) on how the structures and functions of major parts
of cells (mitochondria, chloroplasts, cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum,
ribosomes, nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, chromatin, vacuoles, golgi bodies, lysosomes,
etc.) are evidence of the origin of eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells do not have contained organelles.
Explain in Science Notebook how the composition of organelles allows a cell to function and
differ from each other.
Cell Organization and Relationships: Study symbiosis, colonial life, parasitic relationships and
outside dependence using text materials and internet resources to describe how unicellular
organisms depend upon organelle structure / function and relationships for survival. Although
viruses are not cells they infiltrate cells and are dependent upon organisms for reproduction and
Cell Organization and Specialization: Examine different types of cells under the microscope to
see how specialized cells look different (blood cell, nerve cells, plant cells) Teacher or student
creates a visual to model how cells work together to form tissues, which work together to form
organs, which work together to form systems, thus creating multi-cellular organisms. Discussion
should follow, including energy use and multicellular compilation.
Teaching Point #4
Asexual and sexual reproduction are two ways of multiplying that have very important and
different outcomes.
2 hours
Heredity/Reproduction of cells/organisms: Use prepared slides and internet resources (ex
Mitosis on YouTube) to examine stages of mitosis. Draw stages of mitosis to understand how
asexual reproduction occurs and the significance of duplication. (Diploid cells are exactly the
same.) Assessment includes the student reflection on the benefits and drawbacks of asexual/sexual
reproduction using precise reference to particular animals and plants, being sure to include affects
on complexity and survival.
Teaching Point #5
Adaptations take many forms, but all contribute to the success of an organism.
Survival of an organism: Using knowledge of cell structures and functions students should work
in discussion groups to uncover how organisms are able to survive and succeed in their
environment. Research using particular websites and text information to evaluate how size,
structure and processes of living things benefit microorganisms. Discussions should include how
unicellular and multi-cellular organisms have evolved to obtain and use energy within their
ecosystems. Summary statements should be in outline form in Science Notebook to be used in
class discussion.
Revised 9/02/12
5 hours
Teaching Point #6
Technology advances have opened important doors to the “big picture” of microbial organisms.
1 hour
Understand the impact of microscopes on cell theory and microbial research: Research using
text and internet references to discover how scientists / inventions related to lenses and
microscopes helped us understand prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, diseases, microorganisms,
drug therapy, disease cures, and more. Students will enter findings in Science Notebook and
participate in class discussions.
Teaching Point #7
Understanding the biology of diverse microbes helps us find ways to prevent or cure infections.
6 hours
Disease and Microorganisms: Create simulations of spreading disease to allow students to
interact and problem solve. Use internet sources to participate in problem solving game
simulations to stop the spread of disease or find the source/cause/spreading of the contamination.
(Pollution, Disease, Pandemic)
Review common diseases and infections (malaria, HIV/AIDS, flu, colds, chicken pox, E.coli,
West Nile) and drug therapies. Be sure to discuss fission as the reason some organism can
reproduce so quickly and how viruses need host cells to replicate. Sample activities might include:
Litmus Paper activity, Broad Street Pump activity, What’s wrong with Allison? activity, Be an
Epidemiologist activity.
Teaching Point #8
Microbes are actually many different kinds of organisms, which we study because they play many
important roles in our lives.
Microbial Comparison: Students will investigate to find differences and similarities between
fungi, archaea, cyanobacteria, bacteria and protists. Information may be collected from
microscope viewing, internet sources, text material and experimentation. Create a broad
classification diagram to organize and see how fungi, archaea, bacteria and protists are similar and
different. Pay special attention to survival of organisms and their impact on animals/plants,
disease, ecosystems and survival of life, as well as their complexity and evolutionary changes and
affect on biomes.
Suggested Supplemental Activities:
 Chart of Classification of Protista Phylum
 Fish tank to create a pond environment with plants/animals…
 Study of fungi species (poisonous/edible)
 Bacteria and fungi growth experiments (within enclosed packaging)
 Moneran, Archaea, Cyanobacteria, Bacteria, Virus comparisons
 Virus models – active/latent to see the phases
 What Am I? – creative writing, student as a part of the cell
Revised 9/02/12
4 hours
Unit Resources
Materials Needed:
Microscopes (Cordless)
Digital Adaptor (to Enhance Size/Clarity of Image) from Computer to Microscope
Carson’s Optical Orb Microscopes
Fish Tank with full set up
Graduated Cylinder
Test Tubes
Test Tube Holder
Petri Dishes
Slides (flat and depression)
Cover Slips
Specimens (yeast, mushrooms, pond life, mixed protists, onions, vegetables, cork, milk, …)
Prepared Slides (Protists, Bacteria, Animal, Plant, Cork, Onion Tip, Mitosis)
pH testing kits
Litmus Paper
Methylene Blue Dye
Iodine Dye
Protractors/Math Compasses
Ziploc Bags
Science Notebooks
Non Fiction Book References
Epidemics and Plagues by Richard Walker
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Flying Wild Created by Council for Environmental Education 2006 (includes activities and details about behaviors birds,
environmental info and even debates)
Rainforest by World Teachers Press
Environmental Education Activities 2008 Guide by Project Learning Tree
Discover! Classification –Milliken Workbook
Hands-on Life Science Activities by Marvin Tolman
Life Science Quest for Middle Grades By Mark Twain Media Publicaiton
Why We Need Bees Beetles Urchins and Worms cards developed by Sierra Club – addresses misconceptions students have
Project Wet Curriculum & Activity Guide 20004
Healthy Water, Healthy People from Project WET 2003
WOW (The Wonders of Wetlands) from Environmental Concern Inc 2003
Literature --Fiction Book References
The Amoeba Hop by Christine Lavin
Revised 9/02/12
Technological Resources
Internet References
animated parts of cell background info monera, bacteria excellent activities and references for cells, microorganism/diseases, animals,
plants, ecology, fungi, evolution
Mitosis Square Dance on YouTube
Pond Life variety of life in
ponds, images and explanation pond area plants pond life and more see size of organism +
Pond life moving (paramecium, amoeba, hydra,…)
History cell theory history of microscope history of microscope history of cell/microscope
Parts of Cell
animated parts of cell inside cell parts of plant cell parts of animal cell gain info … take test
Revised 9/02/12 plants organelles cells alive --cell parts parts of the cell fun place to see if you know the parts of a cell protein passage intra-cellular communication
Disease study and interactive sites: flu epidemic killing cancer cells particles in air antibodies, parasite protozoan, white blood cells and immunology thinkquest info pages—causes and prevention of microbe infections/epidemics
maps, epidemics, bacteria/virus to see where diseases came from meet the microbes and try to solve… while you learn review History of USA Epidemics
Carson’s Optical Orb
Turning Point System
Projector connected to computer
Elmo and Lady Bug Projection Devises
Power Point Multimedia Application
Internet Connectivity
Skype with Web-Cam
Revised 9/02/12