DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS, JR., RPA Office Address Maxwell Museum

Office Address
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
MSC01 1050, 1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131
Tel. (505) 277-4405; Fax (505) 277-1547
Email: dap@unm.edu
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Arizona
M.A. Anthropology, University of Arizona
B.A. Honors, Anthropology, Prescott College
Currently working on a B.S. in mathematics at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Training and Certifications
Attended NPS NAGPRA workshop, Albuquerque.
Certificate of Completion: Integrating Section 106 and the National Environmental Policy Act, SRI
Attended NMSHTD workshop on Context Sensitive Design by Dan Marriott.
Certificate of Attendance: Mescalero Sands Geomorphology Workshop, Bureau of Land Management
and N.M. Historic Preservation Division
Certificate of Attendance: Mimbres Workshop, New Mexico Archeological Council and Bureau of
Land Management.
Attended NMSHTD Location Study Procedures overview, by D. Pennington
Certificate of Attendance: Dinétah Archaeology Workshop, New Mexico Archeological Council
and Bureau of Land Management
Certificate of Attendance: Section 106 in the New Regulatory Environment, New Mexico
Archeological Council
Certificate of Completion: NEPA/Section 4(f) Applied to Transportation Projects, by R. Jacobsen
Certificate of Completion: Cultural Resources and the National Environmental Policy Act,
University of Nevada, Reno
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Certificate of Completion: Advanced Seminar on Preparing Agreement Documents under Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, University of Nevada, Reno
Certificate of Completion, Project Archaeology: Intrigue of the Past Instructors Workshop, N.M.
Historic Preservation Division
Diploma Superior, Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera, Spanish Ministry of Education
Certificate of Completion: Introduction to Federal Projects and Historic Preservation Law, U.S.
General Services Administration.
Archaeological Field School, Vernon, Arizona, Field Museum of Natural History
Archaeological Field School, Black Mesa, Arizona, Prescott College
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 2
Summary of Career
Born and raised in Latin America; fluent in Spanish. Active in archaeology for 44 years, including 33 years at
the Ph.D. level. Has worked as a field crew member, lab analyst, field and lab supervisor, project director,
principal investigator, and program director. Field experience primarily in New Mexico and Arizona but has
included Colorado, Texas, Florida, California, and Mexico (Quintana Roo and Chihuahua).
Field experience in the North American Southwest includes the Anasazi, Mogollon, Hohokam, Patayan, and
Casas Grandes cultures of the Ceramic period, as well as the Historic period. Other skills include technical
editing and report production.
Professional Employment
Curator of Archaeology, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico
2003–present, member, collections and research committee; 2006–present, series
editor, Maxwell Museum Technical Series; 2006–2007, member, 75th Anniversary
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque (pro bono)
Research Associate, Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe (pro
Principal Investigator, SWCA, Inc., Tucson, Arizona and Albuquerque, New Mexico
1993–1994, founding supervisor, Albuquerque office; 1999, acting director,
Albuquerque office; 2002–2003, Program Director, Cultural ResourcesAlbuquerque; 2000–2003, series co-editor, SWCA Anthropological Research Papers.
Research Associate, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson (pro bono)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, Santa Fe Graduate Center.
Director, Office of Archaeological Studies (formerly the Research Section, Laboratory of
Anthropology), Museum of New Mexico.
1987, Acting Associate Director for History; 1987–1989, member, then chair, of
Committee on Excellence; 1988–1990, founding chair of MNM Committee on
Sensitive Materials; 1990–1991, Loss Control Coordinator for Office of Cultural
Director, Western Division, New World Research, Inc., Tucson.
Archaeologist, Anamax-Rosemont Project, Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona
State Museum, Tucson.
Supervisory Archaeologist, Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum,
Visiting Lecturer in anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 3
Professional Employment continued
Research Associate, Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum,
Supervisory Archaeologist, National Park Service, Tucson.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Research Assistant, Southwest Mission Research Center, Arizona State Museum.
Supervisory Archaeologist, Black Mesa Archaeological Project, Arizona.
Summer Research Assistant, Central Arizona Ecotone Project, Prescott.
Research Assistant, Cultural Resource Management Section, Arizona State Museum, Tucson.
Laboratory Assistant, Prescott College Archaeology Lab, Prescott.
Co-curator: Clay, Fire, and Containment:Recent Pottery Acquisitions at the Maxwell Museum.
Curator: China Then and Now: Ceramics as a Path to Chinese History and Culture. Maxwell
Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. (Virtual exhibit under
construction; ww.unm.edu/~toh/china)
Curator: The Testimony of Hands: An Online Exploration and Exhibit of the Archaeology
Collections of the Maxwell Museum, University of New Mexico. Maxwell Museum of
Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. (Virtual exhibit under construction;
Co-curator: Early Acquisitions, Later Connections, Growing the Maxwell Museum. Maxwell
Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Co-curator: What’s New at the Maxwell: Recent Acquisitions.
Co-curator: Beyond Borders: An International Program in the Casas Grandes Region.
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports
In press
(with Jean H. Ballagh) “Ceremonial Rooms” at Pottery Mound, New Mexico. Kiva, in press.
In press
(with Eduardo Gamboa Carrera) The End of Paquimé and the Casas Grandes Culture. In the
Archaeology of Paquimé, Chihuahua, Mexico, edited by Paul E. Minnis and Michael E.
Whalen. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, in press.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 4
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Valentino Jaramillo) Returning Pottery Mound. SAA Archaeological Record 13(4):27–
Source-sink Dynamics and Neolithic Persistence in Marginal Areas of the U.S. Southwest.
Journal of Anthropological Research 68:503–517.
The Northwest Mexican Polychrome Traditions. In Potters and Communities of Practice:
Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, A.D. 1250–1700, edited by
Linda S. Cordell and Judith A. Habicht-Mauche, pp. 34–44. Anthropological Papers of the
University of Arizona No. 75. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
(with J. H. Kelley, A. C. MacWilliams, and R. Cruz Antillón) Land Use, Looting, and
Archaeology in Chihuahua, Mexico: A Speculative History. Journal of the Southwest 53:177–
(with K. E. Ziegler, L. J. Crossley, L. Schuyler, and K. E. Karlstrom) Prehistoric Travertine
Pendants from Central New Mexico: Potential Relationships with Known Travertine
Deposits. Poster presentation to New Mexico Geological Society annual meeting, Socorro.
(with Christine S. VanPool) Seeking the Individual in Casas Grandes Pottery: A Progress
Report. Pottery Southwest 28(3):10–16.
Adoption and Intensification of Agriculture in the North American Southwest: Notes Toward
a Quantitative Approach. American Antiquity 74:691–707.
(with Jean H. Ballagh) Pottery Mound: The 1955 Field Season. Maxwell Museum Technical
Series No. 8. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Appendix B: El Zurdito Profiles. In El Zurdo: A Small Prehistoric Village in West-Central
Chihuahua, Mexico, by Jane H. Kelley, pp. 165–172. Maxwell Museum Technical Series No.
9. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Appendix A, Site Maps of Pottery Mound (LA 416), A Detail Mosaic. In New Perspectives
on Pottery Mound Pueblo, edited by Polly Schaafsma, pp. 251–258. University of New
Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
Wetherill Stew. SAA Archaeological Record 7(3):38.
(with Jean H. Ballagh) Pottery Mound: The 1954 Field Season. Maxwell Museum Technical
Series No. 2. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
(with Christine S VanPool and Todd L. VanPool) Introduction: Archaeology and Religion. In
Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest, edited by Christine S. VanPool, Todd L. VanPool, and
David A. Phillips, Jr., pp. 1–16. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 5
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Christine S VanPool and Todd L. VanPool) The Horned Serpent Tradition in the North
American Southwest. In Religion in the Prehispanic Southwest, edited by Christine S.
VanPool, Todd L. VanPool, and David A. Phillips, Jr., pp. 17–29. AltaMira Press, Lanham,
(with Todd L. VanPool and Christine S VanPool) The Casas Grandes and Salado Phenomena:
Evidence for a Religious Schism in the Greater Southwest. In Religion in the Prehispanic
Southwest, edited by Christine S. VanPool, Todd L. VanPool, and David A. Phillips, Jr., pp.
235–251. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland.
(with Christine S VanPool and Todd L. VanPool, editors) Religion in the Prehispanic
Southwest. AltaMira Press, Lanham, Maryland.
Agriculture at Pottery Mound: A Working Hypothesis. In Southwestern Interludes: Papers in
Honor of Charlotte J. and Theodore R. Frisbie, edited by Regge N. Wiseman, Thomas C.
O’Laughlin, and Cordelia T. Snow, pp. 119–128. Papers of the Archaeological Society of
New Mexico No. 32, Albuquerque.
Comment on Harry’s Discussion of Ceramic Specialization and Agricultural Marginality in
the Prehistoric U.S. Southwest. American Antiquity 71:397–398.
(with Lynne Sebastian) Large-scale Feasting and Politics: An Essay on Power in Precontact
Southwestern Societies. In Identity, Feasting, and the Archaeology of the Greater Southwest,
edited by Barbara J. Mills, pp. 233–258. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Letter to the editor. SAA Archaeological Record, January, p. 4.
(with Carol J. Ellick) Teacher’s Handbook for Desert Water: An Introduction to the Rio
Grande Project of Southern New Mexico and West Texas. Statistical Research, Inc., Tucson.
Letter to the editor. SAA Archaeological Record 2(3):5, 14, 36.
The Chaco Meridian: A Skeptical Analysis. In Mogollon Archaeology: Collected Papers
from the Eleventh Mogollon Conference, 20th Anniversary, 1980–2000, edited by Patrick H.
Beckett, pp. 198–214. COAS Publishing and Research, Las Cruces.
(editor) Culture and Environment: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Euler. SWCA
Anthropological Research Paper No. 8. SWCA Environmental Consultants, Phoenix.
(with John A. Ware) Preface. In Culture and Environment: Essays in Honor of Robert C.
Euler, edited by David A. Phillips, Jr. and John A. Ware. SWCA Anthropological Research
Paper No. 8, in press. SWCA Environmental Consultants, Phoenix.
Mesoamerican–Southwestern Relationships: An Intellectual History. In Culture and
Environment: Essays in Honor of Robert C. Euler, edited by David A. Phillips, Jr. and John
A. Ware, pp. 177–195. SWCA Anthropological Research Paper No. 8. SWCA Environmental
Consultants, Phoenix.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 6
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with John A. Ware and Dorothy House) Robert Clark Euler (death notice). Anthropology
News 43(4).
(with Lynne Sebastian, editors) Examining the Course of Southwestern Archaeology: The
Durango Conference, September 1995. Special Publication No. 3. New Mexico
Archeological Council, Albuquerque.
Introduction. In Examining the Course of Southwestern Archaeology: The Durango
Conference, September 1995, edited by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Lynne Sebastian, pp. 1–10.
Special Publication No3. New Mexico Archeological Council, Albuquerque.
The Council of Councils, 1998–2001. SAA Archaeological Record 1(5):29.
Desert Water: An Introduction to the Rio Grande Project of Southern New Mexico and West
Texas. Project Archaeology: Intrigue of the Past (newsletter) 11:7.
(with Jane H. Kelley, Joe D. Stewart, A. C. MacWilliams, Loy C. Neff, and Karen R. Adams)
West Central Chihuahua. In The Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An
Encyclopedia, edited by Susan Toby Foster and David L. Webster, pp. 133–135. Garland,
New York.
(with John P. Carpenter) The Robles Phase of the Casas Grandes Culture. In The Casas
Grandes World, edited by Curtis F. Schaafsma and Carroll Riley, pp. 55–60. University of
Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Southwest Culture Area. In Archaeology of Prehistoric North America: An Encyclopedia,
edited by Guy Gibson, pp. 794–796. Garland Publishing, New York.
(with S.M.M. Young and F. J. Mathien) Lead Isotope Analysis of Turquoise Sources in the
Southwestern U.S.A. and Mesoamerica: A Preliminary Report. In Proceedings of the 29th
International Symposium on Archaeometry, Ankara 9–14 May 1994, edited by S. Demirci, A.
M. Özer, and G. D. Summers, pp. 147–150.
(with Arturo Guevara Sánchez) Arqueología de la Sierra Madre Occidental en Chihuahua. In
Historia General de Chihuahua I: Geología, Geografía, y Arqueología, edited by Arturo
Márquez-Alameda, pp. 187–213. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez.
Archaeological Collections from Chihuahua, Mexico at the National Museum of Natural
History. Report to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C.
Archaeological Collections from Sonora, Mexico at the National Museum of Natural History.
Report to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 7
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports, continued
Arqueología de la Sierra Madre de Chihuahua. In Actas del Segundo Congreso de Historia
Regional Comparada, 1989, pp. 80–87. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad
Areas Arqueológicos de Chihuahua. In Actas del Primer Congreso de Historia Regional
Comparada, 1989, pp. 11–21. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez.
Prehistory of Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. Journal of World Prehistory 3(4):373–401.
(Contributor) Edward B. Jelks, Editor, Historical Dictionary of North American Archaeology.
Greenwood Press, Westport.
(with Curtis F. Schaafsma) Archaeology at the Museum of New Mexico—Past, Present,
Future. El Palacio 93(1): 38–41.
(with Ivan Restrepo and William L. Rathje) El Proyecto Basura: The Archaeology of
Industrial Transformation in Mexico. In American Behavioral Scientist 28:139–153.
(with Ivan Restrepo) La Basura: Consumo y Desperdicio en el Distrito Federal. Instituto
Nacional del Consumidor, Mexico, D.F.
(with Fred Nelson and Alfredo Barrera Rubio) Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts
from the Northern Maya Lowlands. In Investigations at Edzna, Campeche, Mexico, Vol. 1,
Part 1: The Hydraulic System, by R. T. Matheney, D. L. Garr, D. W. Forsyth, and F. R.
Hauck, pp. 205–219. Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation 46. Brigham
Young University, Provo.
(with Robert E. Rhoades) Borrowed concepts: reply to Davey. American Antiquity 45:349–
The Growth and Decline of States in Mesoamerica. Journal of the Steward Anthropological
Society 10(2):137–159.
Material Culture and Trade of the Postclassic Maya. Ph.D. dissertation, University of
Arizona, Tucson. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor.
(with George Gumerman) Archaeology Beyond Anthropology. American Antiquity 43:184–
Additional Notes on the Fishing Technology of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Bulletin of
the Texas Archaeological Society 49:349–353.
(with William L. Rathje) Streets Ahead: Exchange Values and the Rise of the Classic Maya.
In Social Process in Maya Prehistory: Studies of Honour of Sir Eric Thompson, edited by N.
Hammond, pp. 103–112. Academic Press, London.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 8
Academic, Museum, and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with William L. Rathje and Jeremy A. Sabloff) Comment on Helen Perlstein Pollard's review
of A Study of Changing Pre-Columbian Commercial Systems. Reviews in Anthropology
(with William L. Rathje) The ruins of Buena Vista. In A Study of Changing Pre-Columbian
Commercial Systems: the 1972–1973 Seasons at Cozumel, Mexico, edited by J. A. Sabloff
and W. L. Rathje, pp. 77–87. Monographs of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University 3.
Cambridge, Mass.
The Use of Non-Artifactual Data in Hypothesis Testing: Broken K. Pueblo, A Case Study.
B.A. Thesis, Prescott College, Prescott.
CRM and Related Publications and Reports
(with Valentino Jaramillo). Returning Pottery Mound. SAA Archaeological Record 13(4):27–
(with Jean H. Ballagh and Hayward H. Franklin) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program,
2011. Maxwell Museum Technical Series No. 17. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
(with Jean H. Ballagh and Hayward H. Franklin) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program,
2010. Maxwell Museum Technical Series No. 16. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
(with Jean H. Ballagh) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program, 2009. Maxwell Museum
Technical Series No. 13. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico,
(with Jean H. Ballagh) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program, 2008. Maxwell Museum
Technical Series No. 11. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico,
(with Jean H. Ballagh) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program, 2007. Maxwell Museum
Technical Series No. 6. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico,
(with Jean H. Ballagh) The Pottery Mound Monitoring Program, 2006. Maxwell Museum
Technical Series No. 3. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico,
Emergency Excavation of LA 50245, the North Edith Casa-corral: Initial Report. Maxwell
Museum Technical Series, No. 1. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 9
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Signa Larralde) Native American Occupation of the Elephant Butte-Caballo Reservoir
Area. The Artifact 44:75–103.
(with William H. Doelle) From the Academy to the Private Sector: CRM’s Rapid
Transformation within the Archaeological Profession. In Southwest Archaeology in the
Twentieth Century, edited by Linda S. Cordell and Don D. Fowler, pp. 97–108. University of
Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
(with Signa Larralde) Archaeology of the Rio Grande in Sierra County, New Mexico.
Archaeology Southwest 18(2):11.
Mapping Large Sites on a Small Budget, Part 1: A GPS Approach. NewsMAC 2003(2):9–10.
Journal Center 2 Property in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico: Cultural
Resources Reconnaissance. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 2003-236.
Mariposa Parkway in Rio Rancho, Sandoval County, New Mexico: Cultural Resources
Survey. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 2003-225. Albuquerque.
Proposed Turnout Visitor Facility along U.S. Highway 70 at Glencoe, Lincoln County, New
Mexico: Cultural Resources Survey. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 2003-87.
A Study of the Alameda Drain in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA
Cultural Resources Report No. 2003-64. Albuquerque.
NM 17 from 1st Street to 8th Street in Chama, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: Cultural
Resources Survey. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 02-255. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl L. Wase and Richard L. Wessel) Data Recovery Plan for LA 130030 and LA
130031 along US 82 in Chaves County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No.
02-251. Albuquerque.
(with Marie E. Brown and Harding Polk II) Archaeological Data Recovery at LA 106780,
Leasburg State Park, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No.
02-249. Albuquerque.
(with Richard Wessel, editors) PNM OJ 345kV Transmission Line, Ojo Station to OJ 365,
Rio Arriba County, New Mexico: Cultural Resources Survey and Preliminary Damage
Assessment. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 02-245. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed New Access Roads on BLM Lands Northwest of
Santa Fe in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 02-231.
High Desert Tract 13 and Arroyo Crossings, Bernalillo County, New Mexico: Cultural
Resource Reconnaissance. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 02-230. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 10
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
I-40 Exit 273 Lighting Improvements, Guadalupe County, New Mexico: Cultural Resources
Survey. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 02-227. Albuquerque.
(with Harding Polk II) A Tale of a License Plate. NewsMAC 2002(2):6–7.
Who’s my Daddy? Who’s my Mommy? Origins of Private-Sector CRM. NewsMAC
2002(1):5, 24–30.
Highways as Archaeology and Road Map Madness. NewsMAC 2002(1):7–8.
(with Mary Quirolo) Cultural Resource Survey for Proposed Fence Replacement along NM
Highway 181 in Sierra County, New Mexico, SP-1-02(324), CN 84755. SWCA Cultural
Resources Report 01-231. Albuquerque.
Preliminary Building Survey for the Expanded Area of Potential Effect for the Second Street
Project, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01230. Albuquerque.
(with Kathryn Donoho) Archaeological Reconnaissance of Mesa Redonda, Quay County,
New Mexico for a Wind Power Conceptual Study. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-229.
Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Replacement Boundary Fence for Sevilleta National
Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-226.
(with Kathryn A. Donoho) Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Gas Pipeline in Luna
and Grant Counties, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-224. Albuquerque.
(contributor; by Anthony E. Martinez and Harding Polk II) Revised Data Recovery Plan for
LA 14318, LA 121864, and LA 121865, Jicarilla Apache Reservation, Rio Arriba County,
New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-207. Albuquerque.
Preliminary Report on Archaeological Data Recovery at Eight Sites Along US 70, Chaves
and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico, AC-MIP-070(34)350, CN 3392. SWCA Cultural
Resources Report 01-204. Albuquerque.
(with Laura L. Paskus) Archaeological Context for the Old Albuquerque High School,
Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-203.
(with Kathryn Donoho) Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Borrow Pit Along U.S. 70
Between Elkins and Kenna, Chaves County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report
01-202. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 11
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
Cultural Resource Survey for the Proposed Paseo del Volcan Corridor, Bernalillo and
Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, SP-7501(218), CN 2607, NH-4007-1, Addendum:
Additional Studies of LA 103054. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 01-196. Albuquerque.
(with Lynne Sebastian) Assessment of Effects of Proposed Improvements at Taos Municipal
Airport on Ten Traditional Cultural Properties, Taos County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resources Report 01-194. Albuquerque.
(with Harding Polk II, Ethan Giedraitis, Hollis Lawrence, Laura Paskus, Tod Roberts, and
Cheryl Wase) Archaeological Testing Report for 24 Sites and Data Recovery Plan for Eight
Sites along US 70 between Roswell and Portales, Chavez and Roosevelt Counties, New
Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-521. Albuquerque.
(with Anthony E. Martinez and Hollis Lawrence) Archaeological Survey of 17 Miles Along
US 180 for a Proposed Fence Replacement Project, Luna and Grant Counties, New Mexico.
SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-254. Albuquerque.
(with Anthony E. Martinez and Hollis Lawrence) Archaeological Survey of 4 Miles Along
NM 152 for Proposed Fence Replacement and New Construction, Grant County, New
Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-253. Albuquerque.
(with Harding Polk II) Historical and Archaeological Investigation of the USDA Forest
Service Region Three Headquarters Site in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-247. Albuquerque.
Appendix A. Draft Memorandum of Agreement. In Cultural Resource Survey of the Old
Albuquerque High School, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, by Laura L.
Paskus. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-520. Albuquerque.
(with Laura Paskus) Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed San Pedro Creek Overlook
Subdivision, Sandoval County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-250.
(with Marie E. Brown) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Elephant Butte Reservoir,
Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, Phase 4: Archaeological Resources of the
Northeast Shore (draft). SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-248. SWCA, Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of a Four Inch Gas Pipeline route along Rabbit Road, Santa Fe
County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-243. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl L. Wase) The El Paso to Los Angeles Fiber Optic Cable Project: A Cultural
Resources Survey of the Texas Segment across El Paso County, Texas. SWCA Cultural
Resources Report 00-242. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Testing Plan for 25 Sites along the Paseo del Volcan Corridor, Bernalillo
and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-239.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 12
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Nicole Kilbourne, Harding Polk II, and John A. Ware) Archaeological Survey of
Anderson Field in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources
Report 00-68. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of the National Weather Service Facility at the Albuquerque
International Sunport, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report
00-66. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Cell Tower Location at Vaughn, Guadalupe County,
New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-65. Albuquerque.
(with Harding Polk II) Data Recovery Excavation of LA 66922 at Alamogordo, Otero
County, New Mexico. Cultural Resource Technical Series No. 2000-2. New Mexico State
Highway and Transportation Department, Santa Fe.
(with Colleen Shaffrey) Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Village 2, Phase 1
Subdivision in the San Pedro Grant in Sandoval County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resources Report 00-53. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl Wase and Laura L. Paskus) The El Paso to Los Angeles Fiber Optic Cable
Project: A Cultural Resources Survey of the New Mexico Segment across Doña Ana, Luna,
Grant, and Hidalgo Counties. SWCA Cultural Resources Report 00-52. Albuquerque.
(with Colleen A. Shaffrey and John A. Ware) Archaeological Data Recovery at LA 123044
and LA 123045 along U.S. 84 and N.M. 115 in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA
Cultural Resources Report 99-287. Albuquerque.
(with Harding Polk II, John A. Ware, Tod M. Roberts, and Cheryl Wase) Archaeological
Testing of LA 106780 at Leasburg State Park, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA
Cultural Resources Report 99-97. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl Wase, Robin Stipe-Davis, and David H. Greenwald, editors) Class III Cultural
Resource Survey of the Proposed Enchanted Skies Park and Observatory near Grants,
Cibola County, New Mexico (BLM Albuquerque Field Office). SWCA Cultural Resource
Report 97-155. Albuquerque.
Recent Historical Excavations by SWCA, Inc. NewsMAC 2000(4):10.
GPS after SA: Suddenly, It’s Indispensable. NewsMAC 2000(3):13–15.
Non-differential GPS: How Good Is It? NewsMAC 2000(2):9–10.
(with Kevin Wellman) Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Oro Valley Stockpile and
the Proposed Oro Vista Detention Pond along US 70 in Doña Ana County, New Mexico.
SWCA Cultural Resources Report 99-291. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 13
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
Cultural Resource Survey of US 82 West of Hope, Eddy County, New Mexico. SWCA
Cultural Resource Report 99-288. Albuquerque.
Data Recovery Plan for LA 128080 at the Proposed USDA Forest Service Region Three
Headquarters Building Site, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resource Report 99-285. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resources Studies for the Proposed USDA Forest Service Region Three
Headquarters Building, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resource Report 99-238. Albuquerque.
Definition of the Area of Potential Effect for the Proposed USDA Forest Service Region
Three Headquarters Building, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resource Report 99-235. Albuquerque.
(with Richard A. Anduze, editors) Data Recovery at Falling House (LA 48993) at Elephant
Butte Reservoir, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resource Report 99-98.
(with Roni H. Polk, Robert S. Swain, and Susan E. Perlman) Cultural Resource Study of
Tingley Beach and San Gabriel Park in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
SWCA Cultural Resource Report No. 99-95. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl Wase, editors) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Elephant Butte Reservoir,
Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, Phase 3: Archaeological Resources of the East
Shore. SWCA Archaeological Report 99-94. Albuquerque.
(with Cheryl Wase, editors) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Caballo Reservoir and
Percha Dam, Sierra County, New Mexico, Phase 2: Archaeological Resources of the East
Shore. SWCA Archaeological Report 99-90. Albuquerque.
(with Colleen Shaffrey, Tod Roberts, and Thomas Morales) Cultural Resource Survey of the
Day Ranch, Valencia County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 99-60.
(with Roni H. Polk and Susan E. Perlman) Inundated Historic Settlements of Caballo
Reservoir, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resource Report No. 99-59.
Cultural Resource Survey of Proposed Improvements to NM 120 at Ute Creek, Union
County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 99-52. Albuquerque.
Test Excavations of Eight Sites along S.R. 537 and a Data Recovery Plan for Sites LA
111059 and LA 111061, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 9950. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 14
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
An Archaeological Survey of Three Proposed Turnouts along US Highway 666, McKinley
County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 99-19, Addendum 1.
(with Robert S. Swain) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of 600 Acres at Lake Avalon,
Eddy County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 98-212. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Bosque Montaño Subdivision in Albuquerque,
Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resource Report No. 98-210. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of Second Street in Albuquerque and the North Valley, Bernalillo
County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural Resource Report No. 98-169. Albuquerque.
(with Anthony E. Martinez and Robert Swain) Historic Building Survey of the Las Cruces
Railroad Depot, Alameda Historic District, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resource Report No. 98-168. Albuquerque.
(with Robert S. Swain) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Recreational Lease Lots at
Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoirs, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA Cultural
Resource Report No. 98-166. Albuquerque.
*(with Laura Paskus, Anthony E. Martinez, and Gifford Velarde) Cultural Resource Survey of
Proposed Drainage Structures on S.R. 44 between S.R. 4 (San Ysidro) and S.R. 537,
Sandoval County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-165. Albuquerque.
(contributor; by Susan E. Perlman) Ethnographic Survey of the Mid-America Pipeline
Company’s Proposed Rocky Mountain Expansion Project, Northwestern New Mexico,
Western Colorado, and Eastern Utah. SWCA Cultural Resource Report 98-163.
Cultural Resource Survey of Two Proposed Materials Pits and a Proposed Construction
Yard along U.S. 64 between Angel Fire and Eagle Nest, Colfax County, New Mexico. SWCA
Archaeological Report No. 98-96. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Evaluation and Treatment Recommendations for LA 121688 on the Jicarilla
Apache Tribal Reservation, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report
No. 98-95. Albuquerque.
(with Robert S. Swain) Cultural Resource Survey of State Road 156, Guadalupe County, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-94. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Former Indian Village at I-40 and the Continental Divide,
McKinley County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-93. Albuquerque.
(with Gifford Velarde, Anthony Martinez, and Laura Paskus) Cultural Resource Survey of
S.R. 537 between Milepost 40 and U.S. 64, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA
Archaeological Report 98-92. Velarde Energy Service, Dulce, and SWCA, Inc., Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 15
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Anthony Martinez, Harding Polk, Laura Paskus, and Robert Swain) Cultural Resource
Survey of the Proposed Dynegy Energy Plant, Santa Teresa, Doña Ana County, New Mexico.
SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-91. Albuquerque.
(with Laura Paskus) Cultural Resource Survey of a Proposed Construction Area at I-40 and
Central Avenue, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-29.
Cultural Resource Survey of New Mexico Avenue and Church Street in the City of Las Vegas,
San Miguel County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-24. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of Proposed Improvements to Santa Fe Municipal Airport, Santa
Fe County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 98-22. Albuquerque.
(with Dennis Gilpin) Research Design and Methods. In Archaeological Investigations in the
Peach Springs Chacoan Community: Data Recovery on Navajo Route 9, Segment 5-1,
McKinley County, New Mexico, by Dennis Gilpin. SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 9815. Flagstaff.
(with Robin Stipe-Davis and David H. Greenwald, editors) Class III Cultural Resource
Survey of the Proposed Enchanted Skies Park and Observatory near Grants, Cibola County,
New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 97-155. Albuquerque.
(with David H. Greenwald, editors) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Caballo Reservoir
and Percha Dam, Sierra County, New Mexico, Phase 1: Archaeological Resources of the
West Shore. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 97-154. Albuquerque.
(editor) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Elephant Butte Reservoir, Sierra County, New
Mexico, Phase 2: Archaeological Resources of the West Shore. SWCA Archaeological
Report 97-153. Albuquerque.
(with Dennis Gilpin) The Prehistoric to Historic Transition Period in Arizona, Circa A.D.
1519 to 1692. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 97-4. Flagstaff.
(with Gifford Velarde and Anthony E. Martinez) An Archaeological Survey of the Horse Lake
Mesa Timber Sale on Jicarilla Apache Tribal Lands in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.
Report CR-97-530. Velarde Energy Service, Dulce.
(with Anthony E. Martinez, David A. Phillips, Jr., Gifford Velarde, and Laura Paskus)
Cultural Resource Survey of S.R. 44 between S.R. 4 (San Ysidro) and S.R. 537, Sandoval
County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 97-151. SWCA, Inc., Albuquerque
and Velarde Energy Service, Dulce.
(with Robert S. Swain) Cultural Resource Survey of Proposed NMSHTD Improvements at
Interstate 40 and the Rio Puerco, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 97-58. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 16
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Wendy Jones Brunneman) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Elephant Butte
Reservoir, Sierra County, New Mexico, Phase 1: Archaeological Resources of the Elephant
Butte Historic District. SWCA Archaeological Report 97-55. Albuquerque.
(with Susan Perlman) Inundated Historic Settlements of the Upper Basin, Elephant Butte
Reservoir, Sierra and Socorro Counties, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 97-54.
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Spain Road Access Trail, Sandia Ranger District,
Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 9752. Albuquerque.
(with David E. Purcell, Randal R. Fox, and Lynn Neal) Cultural Resource Survey of U.S. 285
Between Roswell and Clines Corners, Eastern New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report
97-51. Albuquerque.
(with Dennis Gilpin and Richard A. Anduze) Report on Archaeological Testing and Proposal
for Data Recovery along Navajo Route 9(5-1), McKinley County, New Mexico. SWCA
Archaeological Report 97-50. Flagstaff.
(with John Mabry and Bonnie Clark) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of the White Ranch
Property, Saguache County, Colorado. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 96-2.
Archaeological Survey of the Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. Apache to Hayden
Transmission Line, Southeast Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-1. Tucson.
(with Neal W. Ackerly and Kevin [Lex] Palmer) The Development of Irrigation Systems in
the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Central New Mexico: A Historical Overview.
SWCA Archaeological Report 95-162. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Potential of Seven Properties of Offered Land, Safford MPO/Land
Exchange, Cochise, La Paz, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report
96-163. Tucson.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Hardrock Penetrator Research Site, White Sands
Missile Range, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-8.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Los Amigos Facility near Santa Rosa, Guadalupe
County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-7. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of Cedro Peak, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest,
Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-6. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 17
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Wendy Jones Brunneman) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of Elephant Butte
Reservoir, Sierra County, New Mexico, Phase 1: Archaeological Resources of the Elephant
Butte Historic District. SWCA Archaeological Report 97-55. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Study of the Proposed City of Albuquerque Intermodal Transportation
Center Site, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-4.
(with John Mabry, Greg Brown, and Jennifer Hodgkins) Class III Cultural Resource Survey
of Heron Reservoir, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 96-3.
(with M. Zyniecki, Christine S. VanPool, and Jennifer Hodgkins) Class III Cultural Resource
Survey for the Lake Meredith Salinity Control Project near Logan, Quay County, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-166. Albuquerque.
(with Christine S. VanPool) Cultural Resource Survey of New Mexico Highway 478 between
Las Cruces and Anthony, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No.
95-165, Addendum 1. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Survey of the Plains Electric West Mesa to Bluewater 115KV
Transmission Line, Bernalillo and Cibola Counties, New Mexico, Addendum 1: Supplemental
Survey on West Grants Ridge. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-161, Addendum 1.
(with John Mabry and M. Zyniecki) Cultural Resource Survey of the Plains Electric West
Mesa to Bluewater 115 KV Transmission Line, Bernalillo and Cibola Counties, New Mexico.
SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-161. Albuquerque.
Cultural Resource Overview of Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoirs, Sierra and Socorro
Counties, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report 95-51. Albuquerque.
(with Richard V. N. Ahlstrom, Mark C. Slaughter, and Gary Huckleberry) The Gibbon
Springs Site: Environmental and Cultural Setting. In Excavation at the Gibbon Springs Site:
A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tucson Basin, edited by Mark C. Slaughter and
Heidi Roberts, pp. 1–15. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 94-87. Tucson.
(with Mark C. Slaughter) Initial Orientation of Research: The Testing Phase. In Excavation at
the Gibbon Springs Site: A Classic Period Village in the Northeastern Tucson Basin, edited
by Mark C. Slaughter and Heidi Roberts, pp. 17–55. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 9487. Tucson.
(with Mark Zyniecki) Cultural Resource Survey of New Mexico Highway 478 Between Las
Cruces and Anthony, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95165. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 18
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed AMAFCA Drainage Channel Along I-40 Between
Coors Road and Estancia Road in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA
Archaeological Report No. 95-164. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Monitoring of a Utility Trench at Palace and Grant Avenues, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-163. Albuquerque.
Historic Building Survey of White Ranch, Saguache County, Colorado. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-60. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Survey at Elephant Butte Reservoir Near Fort Craig, Socorro County, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-59. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Canada Reservoir Location, Sandia Ranger District,
Cibola National Forest, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No.
95-58. Albuquerque.
Archaeological Monitoring of a Utility Trench at 115 East Water Street, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-57. Albuquerque.
(with Wendy Jones Poague and Kristen D. Martine) Cultural Resource Overview and Class
III Survey of El Vado Reservoir, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 95-55. Albuquerque.
(with Gary M. Brown and Wendy Jones Poague) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of the
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, Socorro Division, Socorro County, New Mexico.
SWCA Archaeological Report No. 95-53. Albuquerque.
(with Wendy Jones Poague and Kevin [Lex] Palmer) Class III Cultural Resource Survey of
Leasburg, Diversion Dam, Doña Ana County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report
No. 95-52. Albuquerque.
(with Gary M. Brown and Wendy Jones Poague) Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of the
Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District Socorro Division, Socorro County, New Mexico.
SWCA Archaeological Report No. 94-67. Albuquerque.
(with Christine S. VanPool) An Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Subdivision at Arroyo
Calabasas, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 94-66.
(with Kevin [Lex] Palmer and Christine S. VanPool) A Study of the Proposed Elephant Butte
Dam and Community Historic District, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 94-64. Albuquerque.
Historic Structures Study, Arch Hurley Conservancy District, Tucumcari, Quay County, New
Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 94-62. Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 19
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Kevin [Lex] Palmer) The Caballo Barn: Historical and Architectural Study of a Barn
at Government Camp, Caballo Lake State Park, Sierra County, New Mexico. SWCA
Archaeological Report No. 94-61. Albuquerque.
A Study of Hispanic Traditional Practices along the Paseo del Volcan Study Corridors,
Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico. SWCA, Inc., Albuquerque.
(with Gregory R. Seymour and Wendy Jones Poague) Archaeological Survey of the Elephant
Butte Irrigation District and El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1, New Mexico
and Texas. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 94-5. Albuquerque.
Dave's Number. NewsMAC, July 1994, p. 5.
A Preliminary Cultural Resources Assessment of the Mountain View (Kinney Brick) Sewer
Extension Project near Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 93-117. Albuquerque.
(with Mark L. Chenault and Susan B. Bierer) Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at
Two Sites in the Proposed Prison Facility ASPC-Eyman-Meadows Unit near Florence, Pinal
County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 93-88. Tucson.
(with Mark C. Slaughter) Archaeological Excavations at AZ BB:9:144 (ASM): A Limited-use
Site in the Northeastern Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report
No. 93-70. Tucson.
(with Mark C. Slaughter) Archaeological Test Excavations and Plan for Data Recovery at AZ
BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 93-50. Tucson.
Archaeological Survey of Proposed Road Improvements Near the Elephant Head in Pima
County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 93-45. Tucson.
(with Mark C. Slaughter and Susan B. Bierer) Archaeological Studies at Kartchner Caverns
State Park, Cochise County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 93-26. Tucson.
(with Susan B. Bierer) Initial West Side Road Data Recovery in the Cloudcroft Ranger
District, Lincoln National Forest, Otero County, New Mexico. SWCA Archaeological Report
No. 93-3. Tucson.
(with Thomas R. Motsinger and Heidi M. Roberts) Excavations at the Maja Site: A Tanque
Verde Phase Field House in the Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 93-2. Tucson.
A Cultural Resource Survey of Approximately 1000 Acres of Privately Held Lands in the
Elena Gallegos Land Grant near Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (Addendum:
Further Evaluation of LA 86078, 86079, and 99727). SWCA Archaeological Report No. 9223 (Addendum 2). Albuquerque.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 20
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
A Cultural Resource Survey of Approximately 1000 Acres of Privately Held Lands in the
Elena Gallegos Land Grant near Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (Addendum:
Supplemental Survey of Two Proposed Water Line Easements). SWCA Archaeological
Report No. 92-23 (Addendum 1). Albuquerque.
Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery at the Paloparado Site, Santa Cruz County,
Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 92-46. Tucson.
Archaeological Testing Near the Apache Station, Cochise County, Arizona. SWCA
Archaeological Report No. 92-44. Tucson.
Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Fire Station near Nogales, Santa Cruz County,
Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 92-29. Tucson.
Archaeological Survey Near the Apache Station, Cochise County, Arizona. SWCA
Archaeological Report No. 92-24. Tucson.
(with R. Thomas Euler) Site Avoidance and Monitoring Program for a Fiber Optic Line
Along the I-19 Frontage Road in Santa Cruz County, Arizona: A Supplemental Report.
SWCA Archaeological Report No. 92-10. Tucson.
(with Darbi M. Rea) Archaeological Monitoring at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Cochise
County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 92-08. Tucson.
(with Darbi M. Rea) Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Test Well near Kartchner Caverns
State Park, Cochise County, Arizona. SWCA Archaeological Report No. 92-07. Tucson.
Archaeology and Outreach: The One Percent Solution. SAA Newsletter 9(4):7.
Recordation and Software Standards Established. NewsMAC 4(3):3.
(with James L. Moore, Timothy D. Maxwell, and Dorothy A. Zamora) Testing Report and
Data Recovery Plan for Sites along SR 537, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Laboratory of
Anthropology Notes No. 505. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface. In Annual Report 1990, by the Staff, pp. vii-viii. Archaeology Notes No. 25. Office
of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface, 1991. In Archaeological Surveys and Salvage Excavations Along the Main Canal of
the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project and the Hammond Irrigation Project, Northwestern
New Mexico, by Stanley D. Bussey, A.H. Warren, James Schoenwetter, Alan P. Brew, and
Steward Peckham, May 1973 (released 1991). Archaeology Notes No. 26. Office of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Safety Manual for Field Archaeology. Office of Archaeological Studies, Museum of New
Mexico, Santa Fe.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 21
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
Preface. In Archaeological Excavations at LA 8243 and LA 10703 near Mitten Rock, San
Juan County, New Mexico, by Steward L. Peckham and William C. Allen, p. v. Laboratory of
Anthropology Notes No. 448. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface. In 1989 Annual Report of the Research Section, Laboratory of Anthropology. By the
Staff of the Research Section. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 497. Museum of New
Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface. In the Juan Jose Prada House: A Private Residence at 519 Canyon Road, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, by Mimi B. Voegelin. Archaeology Notes No. 13. Museum of New Mexico,
Santa Fe.
Preface. In 1988 Annual Report of the Research Section, Laboratory of Anthropology, by the
Staff of the Research Section. Laboratory of Anthropology Note No. 472. Museum of New
Mexico, Santa Fe.
(with Daniel Wolfman, Timothy D. Maxwell, Joan Gaunt, and Mollie Toll) The Santa Fe
Relief Route: Initial Results and Data Recovery Plan, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.
Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 496. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
(with Stephen S. Post) A Survey of Archaeological Salaries in the U.S. Southwest. Special
report of the Research Section, Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico, Santa
(Wiseman, Regge N., with contributions by David A. Phillips, Jr., and Yvonne R. Oakes) The
Roswell Relief Route Project: Survey, Testing, Evaluation, and Data Recovery Plan for Ten
Prehistoric and Historic Sites in Chavez County, New Mexico. Laboratory of Anthropology
Notes No. 467. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface. In Report of the Research Section, Laboratory of Anthropology. By the Staff of the
Research Section. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 430. Museum of New Mexico,
Santa Fe.
(with Regge N. Wiseman) Data Recovery Plan for the Picacho Site (LA 58971), Lincoln
County, New Mexico. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 461. Museum of New Mexico,
Santa Fe.
Introduction. In Archaeological Excavations at the Rio Bonito Site, Lincoln County, New
Mexico, by Bradley J. Vierra and James Lancaster, pp. 1–5. Laboratory of Anthropology
Notes No. 358. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
(with Charles A. Hannaford) Protecting Santa Fe's Cultural Heritage: The Museum of
New Mexico's Tierra Contenta Survey. Special report of the Research Section, Laboratory
of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 22
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Donald Clifton) The Las Cruces Airport Project: Archaeological Testing at Three
Lithic Scatters, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 352.
Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Preface. In 1985 Annual Report of the Research Section, Laboratory of Anthropology. By the
Staff of the Research Section. Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe.
Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Transmission Line Reroute Near Abiquiu Dam, Rio
Arriba County, New Mexico. Laboratory of Anthropology Notes No. 378. Museum of New
Mexico, Santa Fe.
(with Cory Dale Breternitz and W. Bruce Masse, editors) Archaeology of the Ak-Chin Indian
Community West Side Farms Project: Research Design. By David A. Phillips, Jr. and Cory
Dale Breternitz, with contributions by Jennifer Gish, W. Bruce Masse, Charles Miksicek,
Marilyn Saul, Janette Schuster, and Carol S. Weed. Soil System Publications in Archaeology
No. 9, Vol. 1, Phoenix.
(with Patricia Castalia and Gordon Bronitsky) Archaeological Survey of Forest Highway 39,
Pima County, Arizona. Western Division Report of Investigations No. 3. New World
Research, Inc., Tucson.
(with Lee Fratt, Maryanne Frederickson, and Carol S. Weed) A Cultural Resources Survey of
the Whitlow Ranch Dam and Reservoir Area, Eastern Pinal County, Arizona. Western
Division Report of Investigations No. 10. New World Research, Inc., Tucson.
(with David A. Gregory, Fred L. Nials, Patricia L. Crown, and Lynn S. Teague) The 1982–
1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Research Design. Arizona State Museum Archaeological
Series No. 162, Vol. 1. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Preface. In Archaeological Excavations at Wrightstown Square, Pima County, Arizona, by
Michael H. Bartlett, p. vi. Western Division Report of Investigations No. 7. New World
Research, Inc., Tucson.
Clifton's Historic Buildings: A Flood Control Related Cultural Resources Survey of Clifton,
Greenlee County, Arizona. Western Division Report of Investigations No. 8. New World
Research, Inc., Tucson.
Ceramic Period Settlement Patterns in the Rosemont Area: A Discussion. In Hohokam
Habitation Sites in the Northern Santa Rita Mountains, by A. Ferg, K. C. Rozen, W. L.
Deaver, M. D. Tagg, D. A. Phillips, Jr., and D. A. Gregory, pp. 701-723. Arizona State
Museum Archaeological Series No. 147 (Vol. 2, Part 2). University of Arizona, Tucson.
(with Linda L. Swann) Cultural Resources Literature Search and Field Inspection for
Proposed Flood Control, Nogales Wash and Potrero Creek, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
Western Division Report of Investigations No. 4. New World Research, Inc., Tucson.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 23
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Richard V. N. Ahlstrom) Cultural Resources Evaluations of Selected Properties in and
around Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. Western Division Report of Investigations No.
1. New World Research, Inc., Tucson.
(with Deni J. Seymour) An Archaeological Survey of the Galisteo Dam and Reservoir Area,
Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Report of Investigations No. 77. New World Research, Inc.,
Prehistory and History of the Upper Gila River, Arizona and New Mexico: An
Archaeological Overview. Western Division Report of Investigations No. 2. New World
Research, Inc., Tucson.
(with Ken Rozen) Effects of Inundation on Cultural Resources at Painted Rock Reservoir,
Arizona: An Assessment. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 149. University of
Arizona, Tucson.
(with Mark Swanson) Cultural Resources Survey of Four Proposed Seismic Test Lines in the
Lance Rosier Unit of the Big Thicket National Reserve, Hardin County, Texas. Report of
Investigations No. 72. New World Research, Inc., Pollock.
(with Philip A. Bandy and Karen Scholz) Intensive Survey of Two Rivers Dam and Reservoir
Project, Chavez County, New Mexico. Report of Investigations No. 60. New World Research,
Inc., Pollock.
(with Carole McClellan and Mike Belshaw) The Archeology of Lake Mead National
Recreation Area: An Assessment. Publications in Anthropology No. 9. National Park Service,
Western Archeological Center, Tucson.
(by Lawrence D. Linford, with revisions by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Richard G. Erwin)
Archaeological Investigations in West-Central Arizona: The Cyprus-Bagdad Project. Arizona
State Museum Archaeological Series No. 136. University of Arizona, Tucson.
(with Carole McClellan) Archeological Survey of Mobil Oil and Gas Lease, Lake Mead
National Recreation Area: Preliminary Report. National Park Service, Western Archeological
Center, Tucson.
(with Carole McClellan) Archaeological Survey North of Lake Mead, Arizona: Wahl-Yee and
Mobil Leases Final Report. National Park Service, Western Archeological Center, Tucson.
(with James A. McDonald, Yvonne Stewart, and Ric Windmiller) An Archaeological Survey
of the Tucson Gas & Electric El Sol-Vail Transmission Line. Arizona State Museum
Archaeological Series No. 53. University of Arizona, Tucson.
(contributor) Mark Grady, An Archaeological Survey of Buttes Reservoir: Phase I,
Preliminary Report. Arizona State Museum Archaeological Series No. 50. University of
Arizona, Tucson.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 24
CRM and Related Publications and Reports, continued
(with Veletta Canouts) An Archaeological Survey of the Arizona Public Service ChollaSaguaro 345 kV Transmission Line Proposed Route. Arizona State Museum Archaeological
Series No. 43. University of Arizona, Tucson.
Social implications of settlement distribution on Black Mesa. Appendix 1 in Archaeological
Investigations on Black Mesa: The 1969–1970 Seasons, edited by G. J. Gumerman, D.
Westfall, and C. Weed, pp. 199–210. Prescott College Studies in Anthropology 4. Prescott
College Press, Prescott.
Reviews and Notices
Review of S. H. Lekson, A History of the Ancient Southwest. New Mexico Historical Review
Review of S. H. Lekson (ed.), The Architecture of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Journal of
Anthropological Research 64:621–622.
Review of J. E. Snead, 2008, Ancestral Landscapes of the Pueblo World. NewsMAC 20082:4–5.
Review of C. Childs, House of Rain. High Country News 39(11), June 11, 2007, p. 26.
Notice of Powers, Robert B., and Janet D. Orcutt, El Malpais Archeological Survey, Phase I.
Journal of Anthropological Research 63:160.
Review of A. Guilliford (eds.), Preserving Western History. High Country News, May 1,
Review of Noble, David Grant, In Search of Chaco: New Approaches to an Archaeological
Enigma. New Mexico Historical Review 81:349–350.
Review of Banning, E. B., Archaeological Survey. Journal of Anthropological Research
Reviews of M. E. Whalen and P. Minnis, Casas Grandes and its Hinterland: Prehistoric
Regional Organization in Northwest Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:435436; NewsMAC 2002(1):20–21
Review of P. Schaafsma (editor), Kachinas in the Pueblo World. NewsMAC 2001(3):20–22.
Notice of A. Praetzellis, Death by Theory: A Tale of Mystery and Archaeological Theory.
NewsMAC 2001(3):22.
Review of T. F. King, Federal Planning and Historic Places: The Section 106 Process.
NewsMAC 2001(2):13–14.
Review of D. E. Stuart, Anasazi America. NewsMAC 2001(1):25–26.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 25
Reviews and Notices, continued
Review of M. C. Nelson, Mimbres During the Twelfth Century: Abandonment, Continuity,
and Reorganization. NewsMAC 2000(4):29–30.
Review of T. F. King, Cultural Resource Law and Practice: An Introductory Guide.
NewsMAC 1999(3):24–25.
Review of J. J. Reid and D. E. Doyel, Editors, Emil W. Haury's Prehistory of the American
Southwest. Journal of the West 35:111.
Review of D. E. Stuart and R. P. Gauthier, Prehistoric New Mexico: Background for Survey.
El Palacio 94(3):58.
Review of J. J. Reid and D. E. Doyel, Editors, Emil P. Haury's Prehistory of the Southwest.
El Palacio 93(1):46.
Review of L. Teague and P. Crown, Editors, Hohokam Archaeology Along the Salt-Gila
Aqueduct. American Antiquity 52: 417–420.
Notice of R. C. Euler, Editor, The Archaeology, Geology, and Paleobiology of Stanton's
Cave. American Antiquity 52: 208.
Notice of B. Orme, Anthropology for Archaeologists: An Introduction. American Antiquity
Review of W. S. Marmaduke, Research Design: Cultural Resource Studies, Indian
Distribution Division, Central Arizona Project. Arizona Archaeological Council Newsletter
Notice of E. W. Andrews V, The Archaeology of Quelepa, El Salvador. Hispanic American
Historical Review 57:788.
Notice of E. W. Andrews IV and A. P. Andrews, A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Xcaret,
Quintana Roo. Hispanic American Historical Review 56: 182.
Papers and Posters Presented or Abstracted
A Game Approach to the Emergence of Hostile Leadership. Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe.
Identifying Potential Ak Chin Fields from Aerial Imagery. New Mexico Archaeological
Council annual fall conference, Albuquerque.
(with K. E. Ziegler, L. J. Crossley, L. Schuyler,and K. E. Karlstrom) Prehistoric
Travertine Pendants from Central New Mexico: Porential Relationships to Known
Travertine Deposits. New Mexico Geological Society, Socorro.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 26
Papers and Posters Presented or Abstracted, continued
The Northern Sierra Polychrome Tradition. Presentation to the Symposium titled
“Technology as Practice: Polychrome and Glaze-painted Pottery in the Late Prehispanic
American Southwest,” 74th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
The End of Casas Grandes. Paper presented to the symposium titled “The Legacy of Charles
C. Di Peso: Fifty Years after the Joint Casas Grandes Project,” 73rd annual meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver.
(with Signa Larralde) Early Hunter-Gatherers in the Middle Rio Grande. Poster session, 69th
annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montreal.
(with Signa Larralde) Archaeological Survey of Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoirs:
Preliminary Results. Poster session with associated paper, 68th annual meeting of the Society
for American Archaeology, Milwaukee.
(with Christine S. VanPool and Todd VanPool) The Horned Serpent Cult. Paper presented in
the symposium on “Religious Movements in the Greater Southwest,” 67th annual meeting of
the Society for American Archaeology, Denver.
(with Christine S. Van Pool, Todd L. VanPool, and Marcel Harmon) The Changing Faces of
Horned/Plumed Serpents in the Greater North American Southwest. . Paper presented in the
symposium on “Religious Movements in the Greater Southwest,” 67th annual meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, Denver.
(with Lynne Sebastian) Large-Scale Feasting and Politics: An Essay on Power in Precontact
Southwestern Societies. Paper presented in the symposium on “Feasting and Commensal
Politics in the Prehispanic Southwest,” Southwest Symposium, Tucson.
(with Harding Polk II) Livin’ by the Railroad: Developmental History of a Block in New
Town Albuquerque. Paper presented at 2002 Conference on Historical and Underwater
Archaeology, Mobile.
(with Harding Polk II) Dating the Undatable in Southeast New Mexico. Paper read at 12th
Jornada Mogollon Conference, Las Cruces; poster presentation at “Archaeology on the Pecos”
conference, Carlsbad.
(with Elizabeth A. Bagwell) How Big Was Paquimé? Poster presentation with associated web
site (www.unm.edu/~dap/big/big.htm), 66th annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, New Orleans.
The Chaco Meridian: A Skeptical Analysis. Poster presentation with associated web site
(www.unm.edu/~dap/meridian/front-web.htm), 65th annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Philadelphia.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 27
Papers and Posters Presented or Abstracted, continued
(with S.M.M. Young and F. J. Mathien) The Isotopic and Trace Chemistry of Source: Tracing
Turquoise in the Southwest USA and Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 62nd annual
meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville.
The Archaeology of Elephant Butte Dam. Invited paper presented to the symposium on
“Reclamation’s Imprint on the Western Landscape,” Society for Historical Archaeology,
Washington, D.C.
(with Thomas N. Motsinger) Predicting Locations of Prehistoric Ak-Chin Farms: An Example
from Southern Arizona. Paper presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Anaheim.
Rethinking Chaco. Paper presented at the symposium on "Diversity of Complexity in the
North American Southwest," 26th Chacmool Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary.
A. V. Kidder's Goals for the Pecos Conference: An Evaluation and Proposal. Paper presented
in the symposium on "History and Accomplishments of the Pecos Conference," 66th Pecos
Conference, Showlow.
Interpreting Surface Artifact Scatters: An Example from Southeast Arizona. Paper read at
58th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis.
Mesoamerican-Northern Mexican Relationships: An Intellectual History. Invited paper read at
47th International Congress of Americanists, New Orleans.
Arqueología de la Sierra Madre de Chihuahua, México. Paper read at II Congreso de Historia
Regional Comparada, Ciudad Juárez.
A re-evaluation of the Robles Phase of the Casas Grandes Culture, Northwest Chihuahua.
Paper read at the 55th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas.
Areas arqueológicas de Chihuahua. Paper read at I Congreso de Historia Regional
Comparada, Ciudad Juárez.
Soils and States: Comments Towards a Non-equilibrium Theory of Social Process. Paper read
at the 46th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Diego.
(with William L. Rathje) Streets Ahead II. Paper read at the 44th annual meeting, Society for
American Archaeology, Vancouver.
Ethnographic Resource Strategies: A Commentary on the Central Arizona Ecotone. Paper
read at the 39th annual meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C.
(with William L. Rathje and Jeremy A. Sabloff) The 1973 Cozumel Archaeological Season:
Buena Vista. Paper read at the 42nd International Congress of Americanists, Mexico City.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 28
National Register Nominations
Caballo Dam. Prepared for USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office.
Elephant Butte Irrigation District Canal System, Sierra and Doña Ana Counties, New Mexico.
Prepared for USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office.
(with Neal W. Ackerly) El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1. Prepared for USDI Bureau
of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office.
Elephant Butte Historic District, Sierra County, New Mexico. Prepared for USDI Bureau of
Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office.
Phantom Lake Spring Site, Jeff Davis County, Texas. Prepared for USDI Bureau of Reclamation,
Albuquerque Area Office.
Arch Hurley Conservancy District Office Building, Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico. Prepared
for USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office.
Public Lectures and Forums
Casas Effigy Pots: Portraits of Individuals? Individual Potters? Lecture for the Albuquerque
Archaeological Society. Repeat lectures: Florence Hawley Ellis Museum, Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu
(2010), Torrance County Archaeological Society, Estancia (2010), Santa Fe National Forest Site
Stewards, Santa Fe (2011).
Pottery Mound: A Pueblo IV Village in Central New Mexico. Lecture and field trip for ASNM annual
conference, Albuquerque. Repeat lecture and field trip: Friends of the All Indian Pueblo Cultural
Center, Albuquerque (2008). Repeat lectures: National Active and Retired Federal Employees
Association, Albuquerque Chapter, and Los Lunas Museum (2009); UNM continuing education
evening class (2011).
Casas Grandes 101: Background for Visiting Paquimé, Mexico. Lecture to Torrance County
Archaeological Society, Albuquerque.
Pottery Mound. Lecture to Friends of Tijeras Pueblo, Tijeras.
Informal presentation on Pottery Mound, to Taller Internacional de Conservación y Restauración de
Arcquitectura de Tierra, Bernalillo, June 9, 2006.
Montaño Widening’s Big Problem: It’s Against the Law (guest op-ed piece). Albuquerque Journal,
January 20, 2006.
Pottery Mound: An Update. Lecture to Albuquerque Archaeological Society, Albuquerque.
Maxwell Museum Casa Corral Excavations, Albuquerque. Glyphs: The Monthly Newsletter of the
Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society 55(10):5.
The Real Meaning of “No Reasonable Alternative” (guest op-ed piece). Alibi, July 15–21, 2003.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 29
Public Lectures and Forums, continued
Want traffic relief? Extend Unser instead of Paseo (guest op-ed piece). Albuquerque Journal, May 17,
Mesoamerica and the Southwest: The Unsolved Puzzle. Lecture to the El Paso Archaeological Society,
El Paso.
Prehistoric Influences from Mexico. Lecture in Prehistoric Legacies series at Museum of Indian Arts
and Culture, Santa Fe.
(with Susan Perlman) Paseo del Volcan: Rights of Way and Traditional Communities (presentation);
Paseo del Norte Right of Way at Petroglyph National Monument (field trip). International Right of
Way Association, 45th Annual International Education Seminar, Albuquerque
Non-Native American Easement Issues. Natural Resources Workshop, Edison Electric Institute,
Reroute Paseo Around Courts and Down Unser (guest op-ed piece). Albuquerque Journal, Jan. 9,
1998, p. A15.
(with Ray Montes) Guide for Recursos de Santa Fe popular tour of Mimbres and Casas Grandes areas,
New Mexico and Chihuahua.
Appreciating Archaeological Sites. Lecture for City of Albuquerque Open Space Division, Elena
Gallegos Fireside Chat Series, Albuquerque.
(with Sarah Schlanger) Guide for Recursos de Santa Fe popular tour of Mimbres and Casas Grandes
areas, New Mexico and Chihuahua.
Repatriation: An Archaeologist’s Viewpoint. Lecture to Albuquerque Archaeological Society,
Northwest Mexico: The "Other Half" of the Southwest. Lecture at Maxwell Museum, Albuquerque.
Panelist, American Bar Association forum on Repatriation, Santa Fe.
Predicting the Location of Prehistoric Sites: A Case Study from Southern Arizona. Lecture at Museum
of Indian Arts and Culture, Santa Fe.
Museum Facing Issue of Human Remains [guest op-ed article]. The Albuquerque Journal, Journal
North, p. 4, August 5, 1989.
Statement and Testimony. In Management of Archaeological and Paleontological Resources on
Federal Lands, pp. 32-37. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Public Lands, Reserved Water and
Resources Conservation of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate, 99th
Congress, 1st Session, Albuquerque, N.M., 10/14/85. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington.
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 30
Professional and Related Associations
Albuquerque Archaeological Society
Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society
New Mexico Archaeological Council
Society for American Archaeology
Professional Offices and Honors, Volunteer Projects, and Miscellaneous
Member of the local organizing committee for the 2008 Conference of the Society for
Historical Archaeology, Albuquerque.
Certificate of Appreciation from Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement
Program, University of New Mexico.
Organizer, New Mexico Archeological Council annual fall conference
Vice-president, New Mexico Archeological Council
Legislative chair, New Mexico Archeological Council
Chair, Membership Development Committee, Society for American Archaeology.
Volunteer, “Windows into Albuquerque’s Past” archaeology outreach event, City of
Albuquerque and SRI Foundation, Albuquerque.
(with Todd VanPool and Christine VanPool) Co-organizer, symposium on “Religious
Movements in the Greater Southwest,” 67th annual meeting of the Society for American
Archaeology, Denver.
Organizer, “Symposium Honoring the Work and Career of Robert Euler,” Pecos Conference,
Volunteer exhibitor, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Villa Linda Mall, Santa Fe.
Volunteer logistics coordinator and exhibitor, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Winrock Mall,
Volunteer exhibitor, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Carlsbad Mall, Carlsbad.
Chair (1998-2000) and member (2000-2002), Legislative Committee, New Mexico
Archaeological Council
Organizer and chair, ”Council of Councils,” 63rd–66th annual meetings of the Society for
American Archaeology, Seattle, Chicago, and Philadelphia.
Corporate certificate and cash award for employee performance, SWCA, Inc. Environmental
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 31
Professional Offices and Honors, Volunteer Projects, and Miscellaneous, continued
Volunteer exhibitor, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Mesilla Valley Mall, Las Cruces.
N.M. Historic Preservation Division: grant award to SWCA for activities in support of 1998
New Mexico Heritage Preservation Week.
Volunteer logistics coordinator, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Cottonwood Mall, Rio
President-elect (1995) and president (1996–1997), New Mexico Archaeological Council\
Volunteer exhibitor, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Salmon Ruins Museum, Bloomfield.
Volunteer tour guide, Oxford V Conference Chaco Canyon field trip, Aug. 10–12.
Co-organizer, Conference on the Archaic Prehistory of the North American Southwest,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
(with John A. Ware) Co-organizer, "Theory and Practice in the Southwest and Micronesia:
Symposium in Honor of George Gumerman," 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for
American Archaeology, Minneapolis.
Volunteer logistics coordinator, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Albuquerque Museum.
Co-instructor, "Project Archaeology: Intrigue of the Past" teacher training workshop, February
4–5, Tijeras, New Mexico.
Chief organizer, Durango Conference in Southwestern Archaeology, Durango, Colorado.
Volunteer logistics coordinator, New Mexico Archaeology Fair, Albuquerque.
Smithsonian Institution: Short Term Visitor stipend award, for survey of northwest Mexican
archaeological collections at the National Museum of Natural History.
Museum of New Mexico, Committee on Excellence: award for conference travel.
New Mexico Archaeological Council: awarded certificate of appreciation for support of
ceramic workshops; served on Committee on Professional Standards; served on nomination
committee for 1990 slate of council officers.
Museum of New Mexico, Committee on Excellence: award for conference travel.
National Science Foundation: Dissertation Improvement Grant.
Small grant awards for X-ray fluorescence studies of Maya obsidian, from: Wenner-Gren
Foundation; Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society; Graduate Student Program
Development Fund, University of Arizona; Educational Fund for Archaeology, University of
David A. Phillips, Jr., RPA, Page 32
Professional Offices and Honors, Volunteer Projects, and Miscellaneous, continued
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Honors on graduation (voted by Prescott College faculty).
Revised March 12, 2014