Summer Reading 2014 – History Department Grade 10 April

Summer Reading 2014 – History Department Grade 10 Directions: Use the Note Taking Form that follows the book description to take notes on your summer reading. In September, teachers will collect your notes and provide further instructions. April Morning by Howard Fast This is the story of 36 hours in the life of fifteen‐year old Adam Cooper, a farm boy in Massachusetts leading a placid life with his domineering father and sweet mother. One day something shocking and unexpected happened; Adam is thrown forever out of the ordinary world and into the nightmarish beginning of war—the Battle of Lexington and Concord. In the course of the next few hours, Adam is forced to confront the realities of a war he never asked for and a world that is forever changed. This is a great read for the purpose of learning about the beginning of the American Revolution and understanding that modern people are not so very different from their forefathers. Nashoba Valley Technical High School
Summer Reading Note Taking Form
Book Title: ______________________________________________________________________
Book Author: ____________________________________________________________________
Name of Protagonist (main character): _________________________________________________
List three adjectives which describe the main character:
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
List and describe other important characters below:
Identify the main setting: ___________________________________________________________
Identify and describe other important settings below:
Identify and describe the protagonist’s primary conflict below:
Identify the main theme of the book below:
Give 2 examples from the story which identify the theme:
List five key events in the book: