EE 207 ELECTROMAGNETICS I Electromagnetics (EM) - the study of electric and magnetic phenomena. A knowledge of the fundamental behavior of electric and magnetic fields is necessary to understand the operation of such devices as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, transformers, motors, relays, transmission lines, antennas, waveguides, optical fibers and lasers. All electromagnetic phenomena are governed by a set of equations known as Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell’s Equations E - electric field intensity H - magnetic field intensity D - electric flux density B - magnetic flux density J - current density Dv - volume charge density EE 207 Electromagnetics I Static fields and applications, Introduction to Maxwell’s equations. EE 307 Electromagnetics II Time-varying fields and applications. Vector Algebra The quantities of interest appearing in Maxwell’s equations along with other quantities encountered in the study of EM can almost always be classified as either a scalar or a vector (tensors are sometimes encountered in EM but will not be covered in this class). Scalar - a quantity defined by magnitude only. [examples: distance (x), voltage (V ), charge density (Dv), etc.] Vector - a quantity defined by magnitude and direction. [examples: velocity (v), current (I ), electric field (E), etc.] Note that vectors are denoted by boldface. The magnitude of a vector may be a real-valued scalar or a complex-valued scalar (phasor). Vector Addition (Parallelogram Law) Vector Subtraction Note: (1) (2) The magnitude of the vector A!B is the separation distance d between the points a and b located by the vectors A and B, respectively [d = *A!B* = *B!A*]. The vector A!B is the vector pointing from b (origination point) to a (termination point). Multiplication and Division By a Scalar Coordinate Systems A coordinate system defines points of reference from which specific vector directions may be defined. Depending on the geometry of the application, one coordinate system may lead to more efficient vector definitions than others. The three most commonly used coordinate systems used in the study of electromagnetics are rectangular coordinates (or cartesian coordinates), cylindrical coordinates, and spherical coordinates. Rectangular Coordinates The rectangular coordinate system is an orthogonal coordinate system with coordinate axes defined by x, y, and z. The coordinate axes in an orthogonal coordinate system are mutually perpendicular. By convention, we choose to define rectangular coordinates as a right-handed coordinate system. This convention ensures that the three coordinate axes are always drawn with the same orientation no matter how the coordinate system may be rotated. If we position a right-handed screw normal to the plane containing the x and y axes, and rotate the screw in the direction of the x axis rotated toward the y axis, the direction that the screw advances defines the direction of the z axis in a right-handed coordinate system. Component Scalars and Component Vectors Given an arbitrary vector E in rectangular coordinates, the vector E can be described (using vector addition) as the sum of three component vectors that lie along the coordinate axes. The component vectors can be further simplified by defining unit vectors along the coordinate axes: ax, ay, and az. These unit vectors have magnitudes of unity and directions parallel to the respective coordinate axis. The component vectors can be written in terms of the unit vectors as Thus, using component scalars, any rectangular coordinate vector can be uniquely defined using three scalar quantities that represent the magnitudes of the respective component vectors. To define a unit vector in the direction of E, we simply divide the vector by its magnitude. where the magnitude of E is the diagonal of the rectangular volume formed by the three component scalars. Example (Unit vector) Given , determine the unit vector in the direction of E at the rectangular coordinate location of (1,1,1). Note that the component scalars are functions of position (the direction of the vector changes with position). At the point (1,1,1) [x = 1, y = 1, z = 1], Example (Vector addition) An airplane with a ground speed of 350 km/hr heading due west flies in a wind blowing to the northwest at 40 km/hr. Determine the true air speed and heading of the airplane. Dot Product (Scalar Product) The dot product of two vectors A and B (denoted by A @ B) is defined as the product of the vector magnitudes and the cosine of the smaller angle between them. The dot product is commonly used to determine the component of a vector in a particular direction. The dot product of a vector with a unit vector yields the component of the vector in the direction of the unit vector. Given two vectors A and B with corresponding unit vectors aA and aB, the component of A in the direction of B (the projection of A onto B) is found evaluating the dot product of A with aB. Similarly, the component of B in the direction of A (the projection of B onto A) is found evaluating the dot product of B with aA. The dot product can be expressed independent of angles through the use of component vectors in an orthogonal coordinate system. The dot product of like unit vectors yields one ( 2AB = 0o ) while the dot product of unlike unit vectors ( 2AB = 90o ) yields zero. The dot product results are The resulting dot product expression is Cross Product (Vector Product) The cross product of two vectors A and B (denoted by A× B ) is defined as the product of the vector magnitudes and the sine of the smaller angle between them with a vector direction defined by the right hand rule. Note: (1) the unit vector an is normal to the plane in which A and B lie. (2) ABsin2AB = area of the parallelogram formed by the vectors A and B. Using component vectors, the cross product of A and B may be written as The cross product of like unit vectors yields zero ( 2AB = 0o ) while the cross product of unlike unit vectors ( 2AB = 90o ) yields another unit vector which is determined according to the right hand rule. The cross products results are The resulting cross product expression is This cross product result can also be written compactly in the form of a determinant as Example (Dot product / Cross product) Given E = 3ay + 4az and F = 4ax!10ay + 5az, determine (a.) the vector component of E in the direction of F. (b.) a unit vector perpendicular to both E and F. (a.) To find the vector component of E in the direction of F, we must dot the vector E with the unit vector in the direction of F. The dot product of E and aF is (Scalar component of E along F) The vector component of E along F is (b.) To find a unit vector normal to both E and F, we use the cross product. The result of the cross product is a vector which is normal to both E and F. We then divide this vector by its magnitude to find the unit vector. The negative of this unit vector is also normal to both E and F. Coordinate and Unit Vector Definitions Rectangular Coordinates (x,y,z) Cylindrical Coordinates (D,N,z) Spherical Coordinates (r,2,N) Vector Definitions and Coordinate Transformations Vector Definitions Vector Magnitudes Rectangular to Cylindrical Coordinate Transformation (Ax, Ay, Az ) Y (AD, AN, Az ) The transformation of rectangular to cylindrical coordinates requires that we find the components of the rectangular coordinate vector A in the direction of the cylindrical coordinate unit vectors (using the dot product). The required dot products are where the az unit vector is identical in both orthogonal coordinate systems such that The four remaining unit vector dot products are determined according to the geometry relationships between the two coordinate systems. The resulting cylindrical coordinate vector is In matrix form, the rectangular to cylindrical transformation is Cylindrical to Rectangular Coordinate Transformation (AD, AN, Az ) Y (Ax, Ay, Az ) The transformation from cylindrical to rectangular coordinates can be determined as the inverse of the rectangular to cylindrical transformation. The cylindrical coordinate variables in the transformation matrix must be expressed in terms of rectangular coordinates. The resulting transformation is The cylindrical to rectangular transformation can be written as Rectangular to Spherical Coordinate Transformation (Ax, Ay, Az ) Y (Ar, A2, AN ) The dot products necessary to determine the transformation from rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates are The geometry relationships between the rectangular and spherical unit vectors are illustrated below. The dot products are then and the rectangular to spherical transformation may be written as Spherical to Rectangular Coordinate Transformation (Ar, A2, AN ) Y (Ax, Ay, Az ) The spherical to rectangular coordinate transformation is the inverse of the rectangular to spherical coordinate transformation so that The spherical coordinate variables in terms of the rectangular coordinate variables are The complete spherical to rectangular coordinate transformation is Coordinate Transformation Procedure (1) (2) Transform the component scalars into the new coordinate system. Insert the component scalars into the coordinate transformation matrix and evaluate. Steps (1) and (2) can be performed in either order. Example (Coordinate Transformations) Given the rectangular coordinate vector (a.) transform the vector A into cylindrical and spherical coordinates. (b.) transform the rectangular coordinate point P (1,3,5) into cylindrical and spherical coordinates. (c.) evaluate the vector A at P in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. (a.) (b.) P (1, 3, 5) P (1, 3, 5) (c.) Y x = 1, y = 3, z = 5 Y P (3.16, 71.6o, 5) Y P (5.92, 32.3o, 71.6 o) Separation Distances Given a vector r1 locating the point P1 and a vector r2 locating the point P2, the distance d between the points is found by determining the magnitude of the vector pointing from P1 to P2, or vice versa. Volumes, Surfaces and Lines in Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates We may define particular three-dimensional volumes in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates by specifying ranges for each of the three coordinate variables. Rectangular volume (2×2×5 box) (1 # x # 3) (2 # y # 4) (0 # z # 5) Cylindrical volume (cylinder of length = 5, diameter = 2) (0 # D #1) (0 # N # 2B) (0 # z # 5) Spherical volume (sphere of diameter = 4) (0 # r # 2) (0 # 2 # B) (0 # N # 2B) Specific lines and surfaces can be generated in a given coordinate system according to which coordinate variable(s) is(are) held constant. A surface results when one of the coordinate variables is held constant while a line results when two of the coordinate variables are held constant. Surface on the Rectangular volume (front face of the box) x=3 (2 # y # 4) (0 # z # 5) (x ! constant) Surface on the Cylindrical volume (upper surface of the cylinder) (0 # D #1) (0 # N # 2B) z=5 (z ! constant) Surface on the Spherical volume (outer surface of the sphere) r=2 (0 # 2 # B) (0 # N # 2B) (r ! constant) Line on the Rectangular volume (upper edge of the front face) x=3 (2 # y # 4) z=5 (x ! constant) (z ! constant) Line on the Cylindrical volume (outer edge of the upper surface) D =1 (0 # N # 2B) z=5 (D ! constant) (z ! constant) Line on the Spherical volume (equator of the sphere) r=2 2 = B/2 (0 # N # 2B) (r ! constant) (2 ! constant) Differential Lengths, Surfaces and Volumes When integrating along lines, over surfaces, or throughout volumes, the ranges of the respective variables define the limits of the respective integrations. In order to evaluate these integrals, we must properly define the differential elements of length, surface and volume in the coordinate system of interest. The definition of the proper differential elements of length (dl for line integrals) and area (ds for surface integrals) can be determined directly from the definition of the differential volume (dv for volume integrals) in a particular coordinate system. Rectangular Coordinates Cylindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates Example (Line / surface / volume integration) Using the appropriate differential elements, show that (a.) the circumference of a circle of radius Do is 2BDo. (b.) the surface area of a sphere of radius ro is 4B ro2. (c.) the volume of a sphere of radius ro is (4/3) B ro3. (a.) (b.) (c.) Example (Surface / volume integration in spherical coordinates) A three-dimensional solid is described in spherical coordinates according to 0 # r #1 0 # 2 #B/4 0 # N #2B (a.) Sketch the solid. (b.) Determine the volume of the solid. (c.) Determine the surface area of the solid (a.) (b.) (c.) Line Integrals of Vectors Certain parameters in electromagnetics are defined in terms of the line integral of a vector field component in the direction of a given path. The component of a vector along a given path is found using the dot product. The resulting scalar function is integrated along the path to obtain the desired result. The line integral of the vector A along a the path L is then defined as where dl = al dl al ! unit vector in the direction of the path L dl ! differential element of length along the path L Al ! component of A along the path L Whenever the path L is a closed path, the resulting line integral of A is defined as the circulation of A around L and written as Differential Lengths on Arbitrary Paths Line integrals on paths in arbitrary directions may be defined using general differential lengths or differential displacements. The general differential displacements in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates are These differential lengths are valid for integration in any general direction but the resulting integrands must be parameterized in terms of only one variable (the variable of integration). Example (Line integral) Given , evaluate the line integral of H along the path L made up of the three straight line paths shown below. Surface Integrals of Vectors Certain parameters in electromagnetics are defined in terms of the surface integral of a vector field component normal to the surface. The component of a vector normal to the surface is found using the dot product. The resulting scalar function is integrated over the surface to obtain the desired result. The surface integral of the vector A over the surface S (also called as the flux of A through S) is then defined as where ds = an ds an ! unit vector normal to the surface S ds ! differential surface element on S An ! component of A normal to the surface S For a closed surface S, the resulting surface integral of A is defined as the net outward flux of A through S assuming that the unit normal an is an the outward pointing normal to S. Example (Surface integral / net outward flux) Given , determine the net outward flux through the closed hemispherical surface defined by (0 # r # 5), (0 # 2 #B/2), and (0 # N #2B). S = S1 + S2 S1 ! hemispherical surface (ro = 5) S2 ! circular surface (2o = 90o) Line, Surface and Volume Integration using MATLAB The evaluation of line integrals (1D integrals), surface integrals (2D integrals) and volume integrals (3D integrals) can all be performed using the simple 1D integration tools within MATLAB assuming that the 2D or 3D integrand of interest is separable into a product of functions which are each dependent on only one variable. For example, given the general volume integration in rectangular coordinates of a function F(x,y,z), this 3D integration reduces to three 1D integrals if the function F can be written as MATLAB provides three distinct 1D integration tools which employ different types of integration schemes. The 1D integration defined by the “trapz” command employs the trapezoidal rule. In order to evaluate the integral the MATLAB command syntax for this technique is result = trapz(xvec,yvec) xvec yvec vector containing the evaluation points for the integration from xmin to xmax used in the integration. vector containing the values of the integrand f (x) at the evaluation points defined in xvec. The xvec and yvec vectors are easily generated using the linspace command in MATLAB: vec = linspace(xmin,xmax,N) which creates a vector vec containing N equally spaced points from xmin to xmax. Example (Numerical integration using MATLAB) Evaluate the integral using the trapezoidal rule in MATLAB. » theta=linspace(pi/4,pi/2,100); » f=cos(theta).*(sin(theta)).^3; » result=trapz(theta,f) result = 0.1875 theta cos(theta) sin(theta) f = = = = [0.7854 [0.7071 [0.7071 [0.2500 0.7933 0.7015 0.7127 0.2539 » plot(theta,f) » xlabel('\theta') » ylabel('f(\theta)') 0.8013 0.6958 0.7182 0.2578 ... ... ... ... 1.5708] 0.0000] 1.0000] 0.0000] In addition to the trapz command, MATLAB provides two other 1D integration tools: quad and quad8. These quadrature-based integration schemes use higher-order approximations than the trapezoidal rule. The formats of these MATLAB commands are quad(‘f’,xmin,xmax) quad8(‘f’,xmin,xmax) where the function f to be integrated must be defined within MATLAB. The quad8 integration scheme is simply a higher-order version of the quad scheme. MATLAB will also perform a two-dimensional integration using the dblquad function. To evaluate an integral of the form the function F(x,y) must be defined in a separate m-file. For example, to evaluate the integral an m-file named fxy.m is generated which contains the following. function z=fxy(x,y) z=cos((x.^2+1).*y); The following command line determines the integral result » dblquad('fxy',-1,1,0,2) ans = 0.7875 The 2-D integrand in the previous example can be plotted (in 3-D) using the following commands. » » » » » » x=linspace(-1,1,50); y=linspace(0,2,50); [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y); zz=fxy(xx,yy); mesh(xx,yy,zz) xlabel ('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('f(x,y)') Electrostatic Fields Electrostatic fields are static (time-invariant) electric fields produced by static (stationary) charge distributions. The mathematical definition of the electrostatic field is derived from Coulomb’s law which defines the vector force between two point charges. Coulomb’s Law Q1, Q2 point charges (C) F12 vector force (N) on Q2 due to Q1 r1, r2 R12 = r2 vectors locating Q1 and Q2 r1 R = R12 = r2 aR12 = R12 /R o vector pointing from Q1 to Q2 r1 separation distance (m) between Q1 and Q2 unit vector pointing from Q1 to Q2 free space (vacuum) permittivity [8.854×10 12 F/m] Coulomb’s law can also be written as Note that the unit vector direction is defined according to which charge is exerting the force and which charge is experiencing the force. This convention assures that the resulting vector force always points in the appropriate direction (opposite charges attract, like charges repel). The point charge is a mathematical approximation to a very small volume charge. The definition of a point charge assumes a finite charge located at a point (zero volume). The point charge model is applicable to small charged particles or when two charged bodies are separated by such a large distance that these bodies appear as point charges to each other. Given multiple point charges in a region, the principle of superposition is applied to determine the overall vector force on a particular charge. The total vector force acting on the charge equals the vector sum of the individual forces. Force Due to Multiple Point Charges Given a point charge Q in the vicinity of a set of N point charges (Q1, Q2,..., QN), the total vector force on Q is the vector sum of the individual forces due to the N point charges. F total vector force on Q due to Q1, Q2,..., QN Electric Field According to Coulomb’s law, the vector force between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of the two charges. Alternatively, we may view each point charge as producing a force field around it (electric field) which is proportional to the point charge magnitude. When a positive test charge Q is placed at the point P (the field point) in the force field of a point charge Q located at the point P , the force per unit charge experienced by the test charge Q is defined as the electric field at the point P. Given our convention of using a positive test charge, the direction of the vector electric field is the direction of the force on positive charge. A convention has been chosen where the source coordinates (location of the source charge) are defined by primed coordinates while the field coordinates (location of the field point) are defined by unprimed coordinates. Q - point charge producing the electric field Q - positive test charge used to measure the electric field r - locates the source point (location of source charge Q ) r - locates the field point (location of test charge Q) From Coulomb’s law, the force on the test charge Q at r due to the charge Q at r is The vector electric field intensity E at r (force per unit charge) is found by dividing the Coulomb force equation by the test charge Q. Note that the electric field produced by Q is independent of the magnitude of the test charge Q. The electric field units [Newtons per Coulomb (N/C)] are normally expressed as Volts per meter (V/m) according to the following equivalent relationship: For the special case of a point charge at the origin (r = 0), the electric field reduces to the following spherical coordinate expression: Note that the electric field points radially outward given a positive point charge at the origin and radially inward given a negative point charge at the origin. In either case, the electric field of the a point charge at the origin is spherically symmetric and easily defined using spherical coordinates. The magnitude of the point charge electric field varies as r 2. The vector force on a test charge Q at r due to a system of point charges (Q1 , Q2 ,..., QN ) at (r1 , r2 ,..., rN ) is, by superposition, The resulting electric field is Example (Electric field due to point charges) Determine the vector electric field at (1, 3,7) m due to point charges Q1 = 5 nC at (2,0,4) m and Q2 = 2 nC at ( 3,0,5) m. Charge Distributions Charges encountered in many electromagnetic applications (e.g., charged plates, wires, spheres, etc.) can be modeled as line, surface or volume charges. The electric field equation for a point charge can be extended to these charge distributions by viewing these distributions as simply a grouping of point charges. Charge Distribution Charge Density Units Total Charge In general, the various charge densities vary with position over the line, surface or volume and require an integration to determine the total charge associated with the charge distribution. Uniform charge densities do not vary with position and the total charge is easily determined as the product of the charge density and the total length, area or volume. Uniform Charge Distributions Uniform line charge ( L = constant) (Lo = total line length) Uniform surface charge ( S = constant) (Ao = total surface area) Uniform volume charge ( V = constant) (Vo = total volume) Electric Fields Due to Charge Distributions Each differential element of charge on a line charge (dl ), a surface charge (ds ) or a volume charge (dv ) can be viewed as a point charge. By superposition, the total electric field produced by the overall charge distribution is the vector summation (integration) of the individual contributions due to each differential element. Using the equation for the electric field of a point charge, we can formulate an expression for dE (the incremental vector electric field produced by the given differential element of charge). We then integrate dE over the appropriate line, surface or volume over which the charge is distributed to determine the total electric field E at the field point P. Point Charge Line Charge ( L dl Q) Surface Charge ( S Volume Charge ( V ds Q) dv Q) Example (E due to a line charge) Evaluate E at P = (x,y,z) due to a uniform line charge lying along the z-axis between (0,0,zA) and (0,0,zB) with zB > zA. The integrals in the electric field expression may be evaluated analytically using the following variable transformation: For the special case of a line charge centered at the coordinate origin (zA = a, zB = a) with the field point P lying in the x-y plane [P = (x,y,0)], the electric field expression reduces to (E-field in the x-y plane due to a uniform line charge of length 2a centered at the origin) To determine the electric field of an infinite length line charge, we take the limit of the previous result as a approaches . (E-field due to a uniform line charge of infinite length lying along the z-axis.) Note that the electric field of the infinite-length uniform line charge is cylindrically symmetric (line source). That is, the electric field is independent of due to the symmetry of the source. The electric field of the infinite-length uniform line charge is also independent of z due to the infinite length of the uniform source. In comparison to the electric field of a point charge (which varies as r 2), the electric field of the infinite-length uniform line charge varies as 1. If L is positive, the electric field points outward radially while a negative L produces an electric field which points inward radially. Infinite-length uniform line charge ( L >0) Infinite-length uniform line charge ( L <0) Example (E due to a surface charge) Evaluate E at a point on the z-axis P = (0,0, h) due to a uniformly charged disk of radius a lying in the x-y plane and centered at the coordinate origin. The unit vector a , which is a function of the integration variable , can be transformed into rectangular coordinate unit vectors to simplify the integration. The first two integrals in the electric field expression are zero given the sine and cosine integrals with respect to over one period. The electric field expression reduces to (E-field on the z-axis due to a uniformly charged disk of radius a in the x-y plane centered at the origin, h = height above disk) The electric field produced by an infinite charged sheet can be determined by taking the limit of the charged disk E as the disk radius approaches . (E-field due to a uniformly charged infinite sheet) Note that the electric field of the uniformly charged infinite sheet is uniform (independent of the height h of the field point above the sheet). Electric Flux Density The electric flux density D in free space is defined as the product of the free space permittivity ( o) and the electric field (E): Given that the electric field is inversely proportional to the permittivity of the medium, the electric flux density is independent of the medium properties. The units on electric flux density are so that the units on electric flux density are equivalent to surface charge density. The total electric flux ( ) passing through a surface S is defined as the integral of the normal component of D through the surface. where an is the unit normal to the surface S and Dn is the component of D normal to S. The direction chosen for the unit normal (one of two possible) defines the direction of the total flux. For a closed surface, the total electric flux is Gauss’s Law Gauss’s law is one of the set of four Maxwell’s equations that govern the behavior of electromagnetic fields. Gauss’s Law - The total outward electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by the surface. Gauss’s law is written in equation form as where ds = an ds and an is the outward pointing unit normal to S. Example (Gauss’s law, point charge at origin) Given a point charge at the origin, show that Gauss’s law is valid on a spherical surface (S) of radius ro. Gauss’s law applied to the spherical surface S surrounding the point charge Q at the origin should yield The electric flux produced by Q is On the spherical surface S of radius ro, we have Note the outward pointing normal requirement in Gauss’s law is a direct result of our electric field (flux) convention. By using an outward pointing normal, we obtain the correct sign on the enclosed charge. Gauss’s law can also be used to determine the electric fields produced by simple charge distributions that exhibit special symmetry. Examples of such charge distributions include uniformly charged spherical surfaces and volumes. Example (Using Gauss’s law to determine E ) Use Gauss’s law to determine the vector electric field inside and outside a uniformly charged spherical volume of radius a. k = constant S spherical surface of radius r = a S+ spherical surface of radius r > a S spherical surface of radius r < a Gauss’s law can be applied on S to determine the electric field inside the charged sphere [E(r <a)]. By symmetry, on S (and S+), Dr is uniform and has only an ar component. or Gauss’s law can be applied on S+ to determine the electric field outside the charged sphere [E(r >a)]. or Electric Field for the uniformly charged spherical volume of radius a Divergence Operator / Gauss’s Law (Differential Form) The differential form of Gauss’s law is determined by applying the integral form of Gauss’s law to a differential volume ( v). The differential form of Gauss’s law is defined in terms of the divergence operator. The divergence operator is obtained by taking the limit as v shrinks to zero (to the point P) of the flux out of v divided by v. Gradient operator The divergence operator in rectangular coordinates can be determined by performing the required integrations. The electric flux density within the differential volume is defined by while the electric flux density evaluated at the point P is defined as The total flux out of the differential volume v is The electric flux density components can be written in terms of a Taylor series about the point P. For points close to P (such as the faces on the differential volume), the higher order terms in the Taylor series expansions become negligible such that The flux densities on the six faces of the differential volume are front face back face right face left face top face bottom face The integrations over the six sides of the differential volume yield The divergence operator in rectangular coordinates is then Note that the divergence operator can be expressed as the dot product of the gradient operator with the vector The same process can be applied to the differential volume element in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The results are shown below. Cylindrical Spherical Example (Divergence) Given , determine . V Divergence Theorem The divergence theorem (Gauss’s theorem) is a vector theorem that allows a volume integral of the divergence of a vector to be transformed into a surface integral of the normal component of the vector, or vice verse. Given a volume V enclosed by a surface S and a vector F defined throughout V, the divergence theorem states Gauss’s law can be used to illustrate the validity of the divergence theorem. Example (Divergence theorem and Gauss’s law) Using the divergence theorem, calculate the total charge within the volume V defined by 2 r 3, 0 /2, 0 2 given an electric flux density defined by by evaluating (a.) (b.) S1 - outer hemispherical surface (r =3, 0 /2, 0 2 ) S2 - inner hemispherical surface (r =2, 0 /2, 0 2 ) S3 - flat ring (2 r 3, = /2, 0 (a.) 0 0 2 ) (b.) 0 Electric Scalar Potential Given that the electric field defines the force per unit charge acting on a positive test charge, any attempt to move the test charge against the electric field requires that work be performed. The potential difference between two points in an electric field is defined as the work per unit charge performed when moving a positive test charge from one point to the other. From Coulomb’s law, the vector force on a positive point charge in an electric field is given by The amount of work performed in moving this point charge in the electric field is product of the force and the distance moved. When the positive point charge is moved against the force (against the electric field), the work done is positive. When the point charge is moved in the direction of the force, the work done is negative. If the point charge is moved in a direction perpendicular to the force, the amount of work done is zero. For a differential element of length (dl), the small amount of work done (dW) is defined as The minus sign in the previous equation is necessary to obtain the proper sign on the work done (positive when moving the test charge against the electric field). When the point charge is moved along a path from point A to B, the total amount of work performed (W) is found by integrating dW along the path. The potential difference between A and B is then The potential difference equation may be written as where VA and VB are the absolute potentials at points A and B, respectively. The absolute potential at a point is defined as the potential difference between the point and a reference point an infinite distance away. The definition of the potential difference in terms of the absolute potentials at the starting and ending points of the path shows that the potential difference between any two points is independent of the path taken between the points. For a closed path (point A = point B), the line integral of the electric field yields the potential difference between a point and itself yielding a value of zero. Vector fields which have zero-valued closed path line integrals are designated as conservative fields. All electrostatic fields are conservative fields. Example (Potential difference) Determine the absolute potential in the electric field of a point charge Q located at the coordinate origin. The electric field of a point charge at the origin is The potential difference between two points A and B in the electric field of the point charge is If we choose an inward radial path from r = rA to r = rB, the vector differential length is which yields The absolute potential at point B is found by taking the limit as rA approaches infinity. Potentials of Charge Distributions The previous formula can be generalized as the absolute potential of a point charge at the origin (let rB = r). (Absolute potential for a point charge at the origin) Note that the potential distribution of the point charge exhibits spherical symmetry just like the electric field. The potential of the point charge varies as r 1 in comparison to the electric field of a point charge which varies as r 2. Surfaces on which the potential is constant are designated as equipotential surfaces. Equipotential surfaces are always perpendicular to the electric field (since no work is performed to move a charge perpendicular to the electric field). For the point charge, the equipotential surfaces are concentric spherical surfaces about the point charge. The absolute potential of a point charge at an arbitrary location is (Absolute potential for a point charge at an arbitrary location) The principle of superposition can be applied to the determine the potential due to a set of point charges which yields (Absolute potential of a set of point charges) The potentials due to line, surface and volume distributions of charge are found by integrating the incremental potential contribution due to each differential element of charge in the distribution. Point Charge Line Charge ( L dl Q) Surface Charge ( S Volume Charge ( V ds Q) dv Q) Example (Potential due to a line charge) Determine the potential in the x-y plane due to a uniform line charge of length 2a lying along the z-axis and centered at the coordinate origin Even integrand Symmetric limits (Absolute potential in the x-y plane due to a uniform line charge of length 2a lying along the z-axis centered at the coordinate origin) Example (Potential due to a square loop) Determine the potential at the center of a square loop of side length l which is uniformly charged. The uniformly charged square loop can be viewed as four line charges. The total potential at the center of the loop is the scalar sum of the contributions from the four sides (identical scalar contributions). Thus, the potential at P due to one side of the loop is Electric Field as the Gradient of the Potential The potential difference between two points in an electric field can be written as the line integral of the electric field such that From the equation above, the incremental change in potential along the integral path is where is the angle between the direction of the integral path and the electric field. The derivative of the potential with respect to position along the path may be written as Note that the potential derivative is a maximum when = (when the direction of the electric field is opposite to the direction of the path). Thus, This equation shows that the magnitude of the electric field is equal to the maximum space rate of change in the potential. The direction of the electric field is the direction of the maximum decrease in the potential (the electric field always points from a region of higher potential to a region of lower potential). The electric field can be written in terms of the potential as where the operator “ ” (del) is the gradient operator. The gradient operator is a differential operator which operates on a scalar function to yield (1) the maximum increase per unit distance and (2) the direction of the maximum increase. Since the electric field always points in the direction of decreasing potential, the electric field is the negative of the gradient of V. The derivative with respect to l in the gradient operator above can be generalized to a particular coordinate system by including the variation in the potential with respect to the three coordinate variables. In rectangular coordinates, (Gradient operator in rectangular coordinates) The gradient operator is defined differently in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The electric field expression as the gradient of the potential in these coordinate systems are Example (E as the gradient of V ) Given (2, /2,0). (a.) find E(r, , ) and (b.) E at (a.) (b.) Summary of Electric Field / Potential Relationships Electric Dipole An electric dipole is formed by two point charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign (+Q, Q) separated by a short distance d. The potential at the point P due to the electric dipole is found using superposition. If the field point P is moved a large distance from the electric dipole (in what is called the far field, r d ) the lines connecting the two charges and the coordinate origin with the field point become nearly parallel. (Dipole far field potential, r d) The electric field produced by the electric dipole is found by taking the gradient of the potential. (Dipole electric field, far field, r d) If the vector dipole moment is defined as the dipole potential and electric field may be written as Note that the potential and electric field of the electric dipole decay faster than those of a point charge. V E point charge ~r 1 ~r 2 electric dipole ~r 2 ~r 3 For an arbitrarily located, arbitrarily oriented dipole, the potential can be written as Energy Density in the Electric Field The amount of work necessary to assemble a group of point charges equals the total energy (WE) stored in the resulting electric field. Example (3 point charges) Given a system of 3 point charges, we can determine the total energy stored in the electric field of these point charges by determining the work performed to assemble the charge distribution. We first define Vmn as the absolute potential at Pm due to point charge Qn. 1. Bring Q1 to P1 (no energy required). 2. Bring Q2 to P2 (work = Q2V21). 3. Bring Q3 to P3 (work = Q3V31 +Q3V32). WE = 0 + (Q2V21) + (Q3V31 +Q3V32) (1) If we reverse the order in which the charges are assembled, the total energy required is the same as before. 1. Bring Q3 to P3 (no energy required). 2. Bring Q2 to P2 (work = Q2V23). 3. Bring Q1 to P1 (work = Q1V12 +Q1V13). WE = 0 + (Q2V23) + (Q1V12 +Q1V13) (2) Adding equations (1) and (2) gives 2WE = Q1(V12 +V13) + Q2(V21 +V23) + Q3(V31 +V32) = Q1V1+ Q2V2 +Q3V3 where Vm = total absolute potential at Pm affecting Qm. WE = ½(Q1V1+ Q2V2 +Q3V3) In general, for a system of N point charges, the total energy in the electric field is given by For line, surface or volume charge distributions, the discrete sum total energy formula above becomes a continuous sum (integral) over the respective charge distribution. The point charge term is replaced by the appropriate differential element of charge for a line, surface or volume distribution: L dl, S ds or V dv. The overall potential acting on the point charge Qk due to the other point charges (Vk) is replaced by the overall potential (V) acting on the differential element of charge due to the rest of the charge distribution. The total energy expressions become Total Energy in Terms of the Electric Field If a volume charge distribution V of finite dimension is enclosed by a spherical surface So of radius ro, the total energy associated with the charge is given by Using the following vector identity, the expression for the total energy may be written as If we apply the divergence theorem to the first integral, we find For each equivalent point charge ( V dv) that makes up the volume charge distribution, the potential contribution on So varies as r 1 and electric flux density (and electric field) contribution varies as r 2. Thus, the product of the potential and electric flux density on the surface So varies as r 3. Since the integration over the surface provides a multiplication factor of only r2, the surface integral in the energy equation goes to zero on the surface So of infinite radius. This yields where the integration is applied over all space. The divergence term in the integrand can be written in terms of the electric field as such that the total energy (J) in the electric field is The total energy in the previous integral can be written as the integral of the electric field energy density (wE) throughout the volume. Thus, the energy density in an electric field is given by Example (Energy density / total energy in an electric field) Given V = (x y +xy +2z) volts, determine the electrostatic energy stored in a cube of side 2m centered at the origin. The electric field is found by taking the gradient of the potential function. The energy density in the electric field is given by The total energy within the defined cube is found by integrating the energy density throughout the cube. 0 0 (Odd integrands / symmetric limits) Electric Fields in Material Space The charges considered up to this point have been assumed to be stationary and located in free space (vacuum) or air. If we place charge within a gas, solid or liquid material, the charge associated with the material atoms will be affected. Also, under the influence of the applied electric field, charges not bound by other forces (free charges) may be set in motion (electric current). Current (I ) - net flow of positive charge in a given direction (vector) measured in units of Amperes (Ampere = Coulomb/second). Note that, mathematically, the negative charge moving in the opposite direction constitutes a positive component of the overall current flowing in the ax direction. Conductor - current carrying medium. Insulator - non-conducting medium. Material Classification Based on Conductivity The conductivity (F) of a given material is a measure of the ability of material to conduct current. Conductivity is measured in units of S/m or ®/m. The inverse of conductivity is resistivity (Dc = 1/F). For elements, the structure of the element atom dictates the conductivity of the element. Specifically, the element conductivity is related to the strength of the bonds between the outer (valence) electrons and the atom nucleus. Positive nucleus charge = Total negative electron charge Centroid of the nucleus charge - atom center Centroid of the overall electron charge - atom center @ The atom is electrically neutral. (DV = 0, V = 0, E = 0) If under the influence of an electric field, the bond between the valence electron and the atom nucleus is broken, the electron becomes a free electron or conduction electron. Materials are classified as conductors, insulators, or semiconductors based on the strength of these bonds between the valence electrons and the atom nucleus. The stronger the bond between the valence electrons and the nucleus in a particular material, the fewer free electrons are available for conduction. The values of conductivity designated at the boundaries between material types are defined differently by many authors. Since conductivity is, in general, a function of temperature, comparisons of conductivity are made at a constant temperature (reference temperature, usually To = 20oC). The dependence of resistivity on temperature may be expressed as where Dco is the material resistivity at the reference temperature To and " is the temperature coefficient for the material. Certain conductors and oxides exhibit superconductivity at temperatures near absolute zero (0K = !273oC) where the resistivity of the material drops abruptly to zero. Examples (Conductivity in S/m at T = 20oC) Insulators Porcelain (10!12) Glass (10!12) Mica (10!15) Wax (10!17 ) Semiconductors Silicon (4.4×10!4 ) Germanium (2.2) Conductors Silver (6.1×107 ) Copper (5.8×107 ) Gold (4.1×107 ) Aluminum (3.5×107 ) Carbon (3×104 ) Ideal Models Perfect Insulator (F = 0) Perfect conductor (F = 4) Current Types Currents that flow in conductors are only one of three different types of currents. The three types of currents are: (1) (2) (3) Conduction current (current in a conductor) Example - current in a copper wire. Convection current (current through an insulator) Example - electron beam in a CRT. Displacement current (time-varying effect to be studied later) Example - AC current in a capacitor. Separate equations are necessary to define each of these three types of currents given the different mechanisms involved. For a current density J (A/m2) associated with any type of current, the total current I passing through a given surface S is defined as where ds = dsan, an is the unit normal to the surface and Jn is the component of the current normal to the surface . The scalar result of this integral is the magnitude of the total current flowing in the direction of the unit normal. For the special case when the current density is uniform over the surface S, where A is the total area of the surface S. The total current in Amperes (Coulomb/second) represents the amount of charge passing through the surface per second. A total current of 1 mA means that a net charge of 1 mC is passing through the surface each second. Convection Current Convection current is a flow of charged particles through an insulating medium (example: an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube). Thus, the equation defining convection current density is independent of the conductivity of the medium since the medium characteristics (insulator) do not affect the current. The medium through which the convection current flows is typically a very good insulator (very low conductivity). Convection current is defined in terms of the free charge density in the current (DV) and the vector drift velocity (u) of the charge in the current. The drift velocity is the average velocity at which the charge is moving. The convection current density is defined as The total convection current is found by integrating the current density over the cross section of the convection current. Conduction Current Conduction current is different from convection current in that the current medium is a conductor rather than an insulator. A simple example of conduction current is the current flowing in a conducting wire. If a voltage V is applied to a cylindrical conductor (conductivity = F, length = l, cross-sectional area = A), a conduction current results. The potential difference between the ends of the conductor means that an electric field exists within the conductor (pointing from the region of higher potential to the region of lower potential). The conduction current can be defined in the same way as convection current using the free charge density (DV) and the vector drift velocity (u). In a conductor, there is an abundance of free electrons. The drift velocity in a conductor may be written as the product of the electric field (E) and the conductor mobility (:). The mobility of a material is a measure of how efficiently free carriers can move through the material. Since typical conductors (metals) are dense materials, the free electrons accelerated under the influence of the electric field frequently collide with atom nuclei and other electrons. The resulting particle motion looks somewhat random but has a net component of motion in the direction opposite to the electric field (average velocity of all like carriers = drift velocity of that carrier). Inserting the drift velocity formula into the current density equation yields the conduction current density in terms of the electric field: such that the conductivity is If the current density in the conductor is uniform, the corresponding electric field is also uniform (J = FE). The voltage between the ends of the wire can be expressed as the line integral of the electric field. Thus, the voltage and the uniform electric field may be written as The uniform current density is then where Resistance of a cylinder (length = l, crosssectional area = A, conductivity = F) carrying a uniform current density If the current density is not uniform, the resistance formula becomes The power density inside the conductor is found by forming the dot product of the vector electric field and the vector current density. The total power dissipated in the conductor is found by integrating the power density throughout the conductor. Example (Conduction current) A copper wire (F = 5.8 × 10!7 ®/m, DV = !1.4 × 1010 C/m3, radius = 1 mm, length = 20 cm) carries a current of 1 mA. Assuming a uniform current density, determine (a.) the wire resistance. (b.) the current density. (c.) the electric field within the wire. (d.) the drift velocity of the electrons in the wire. Perfect Conductor (F = 4) R=0 E=0 @ Equipotential volume Perfect Insulator (F = 0) R=4 J=0 Polarization in Dielectrics Nonconducting materials are commonly designated as insulators or dielectrics. When an electric field is applied to a dielectric atom, an effect known as polarization results. With no electric field applied, the centroid of the (negative) electron charge is coincident with the centroid of the (positive) nucleus charge such that the atom is electrically neutral. When an electric field is applied to the atom, the positively charged nucleus is displaced in the direction of the electric field while the centroid of the negative electron charge is displaced in the direction opposite to the electric field. The dielectric atom is thus polarized and may be modeled as an equivalent electric dipole. If a voltage V is applied to a cylindrical insulator (conductivity = F, length = l, cross-sectional area = A), the insulator is polarized. If the electric field is assumed to be uniform, then the electric field within the insulator is E = V/l. The polarization within the dielectric produces an additional electric flux density component which is included in the electric flux density equation as the vector polarization P. The polarization P is defined as the dipole moment per unit volume such that where n is the number of dipoles in the volume v. Assuming that the polarization vector P is proportional to the electric field E, we may write where Pe is defined as the electric susceptibility (unitless). Inserting this definition of P into the electric flux equation gives where Note that the electric susceptibility Pe and the relative permittivity ,r are both measures of the polarization within a given material. The larger the value of Pe or ,r for the material, the more polarization within the material. For free space (vacuum), there is no polarization such that P=0 Y Pe = 0 or ,r = 1 The amount of polarization found in air is extremely small, so that we typically model our atmosphere with the free space permittivity. The magnitude of the polarization in a dielectric increases with the magnitude of the applied electric field (the equivalent dipole moments grow with the electric field magnitude). For a good insulator, the bonds between the atom nuclei and the valence electrons are very strong and can withstand very large electric fields. The electric field level at which these bonds are broken, and the insulator begins to conduct (breakdown), is designated as the dielectric strength. Some typical values of dielectric strengths for some common insulators are: Mica Glass Air 70 MV/m 35 MV/m 3 MV/m The total charge density (DT) in an insulating material consists of the free conduction charge density (Dv) plus the bound polarization charge density (Dvp). From our previous definition of the differential form of Gauss’s law, we see that the divergence of the electric flux density yields the free charge density. If we insert the expression for the electric flux density in terms of the polarization and the free charge density in terms of the total charge density, we find Equating terms yields The divergence of the polarization vector gives the negative of the bound polarization charge density. Media Classifications The electrical properties of a given medium are defined by three constants: conductivity (F), permittivity (,), and permeability (:). The permeability will be defined later when we study magnetic fields. The following media classifications are made based on the characteristics of the medium constants. Linear medium - electrical properties do not vary with field magnitude. Homogeneous medium - electrical properties do not vary with position. Isotropic medium - electrical properties do not vary with field direction. Otherwise, the medium is nonlinear, inhomogeneous, or anisotropic. Continuity Equation The continuity equation defines the basic conservation of charge relationship between current and charge. That is, a net current in or out of a given volume must equal the net increase of decrease in the total charge in the volume. If we define a surface S enclosing a volume V, the net current out of the volume (Iout) is defined by where ds = dsan and an is the outward pointing normal. If the current I is a DC current, then the net current out of the volume is zero (as much current flows out as flows in). For a time-varying current, the net current out of the volume may be non-zero and can be expressed in terms of the change in the total charge within the volume (Q). The previous equation is the integral form of the continuity equation. The differential form of the continuity equation can be found by applying the divergence theorem to the surface integral and expressing the total charge in terms of the charge density. The second and last terms in the equation above yield integrals that are valid for any volume V that we may choose. Since the previous equation is valid for any volume V, we may equate the integrands of the integrals (the only way for the integrals to yield the same value for any volume V is for the integrands to be equal). This yields the continuity equation. The continuity equation is given in differential form and relates the current density at a given point to the charge density at that point. For steady currents (DC currents), the charge density does not change with time so that the divergence of the current density is always zero. The continuity equation is the basis for Kirchhoff’s current law. Given a circuit node connecting a system of N wires (assuming DC currents) enclosed by a spherical surface S, the integral form of the continuity equation gives The integral form of the continuity equation (and thus Kirchhoff’s current law) also holds true for time-varying (AC) currents if we let the surface S shrink to zero around the node. Relaxation Time If some amount of charge is placed inside a volume of conducting material, the Coulomb forces on the individual charges cause them to migrate away from each other (assuming the charge is all positive or all negative). The end result is a surface charge on the outer surface of the conductor while the inside of the conductor remains charge-neutral. The time required for the conductor to reach this charge-neutral state is related to a time constant designated as the relaxation time. The relaxation time can be determined by inserting the relationship for the current density in terms of electric field into the continuity equation which yields The divergence of the electric field is related to the charge density by Inserting this result into previous equation yields or The solution to this homogeneous, first order PDE is where Tr is the relaxation time given by. The relaxation time is a time constant that describes the rate of decay of the charge inside the conductor. After a time period of Tr, the charge has decayed to 36.8 percent (1/e) of its original value. Example (Relaxation time) Determine the relaxation time for copper (,r = 1, F = 5.8×107 ®/m) and fused quartz (,r = 5, F = 10!17 ®/m). Copper Fused Quartz Electric Field Boundary Conditions A knowledge of the behavior of electric fields at a media interface between distinct materials is necessary to solve many common problems in electromagnetics. The fundamental boundary conditions involving electric fields relate the tangential components of electric field and the normal components of electric flux density on either side of the media interface. Tangential Electric Field In order to determine the boundary condition on the tangential electric field at a media interface, we evaluate the line integral of the electric field along a closed incremental path that extends into both regions as shown below. The closed line integral of the electric field yields a result of zero such that If we take the limit of this integral as )y = 0, the integral contributions on the vertical paths vanish. The integrals along the upper and lower paths on either side of the interface reduce to where the electric field components are assumed to be constant over the paths of length )x. Dividing the result by )x gives or The tangential components of electric field are continuous across a media interface. If region 1 is a dielectric and region 2 is a perfect conductor (F2 = 4), then Et 2 = 0 and The tangential component of electric field on the surface of a perfect conductor is zero. Normal Electric Flux Density In order to determine the boundary condition on the normal electric flux density at a media interface, we apply Gauss’s law to an incremental volume that extends into both regions as shown below. The application of Gauss’s law to the closed surface above gives If we take the limit as the height of the volume )z = 0, the integral contributions on the four sides of the volume vanish. The integrals over the upper and lower surfaces on either side of the interface reduce to where the electric flux density is assumed to be constant over the upper and lower incremental surfaces. Evaluation of the surface integrals yields Dividing by )x )y gives where the charge density DS is assumed to be uniform. The difference in the normal component of electric flux density across the media interface is equal to the charge density on the interface. On a charge-free interface (DS = 0), such that The normal components of electric flux density are continuous across a charge-free media interface. If region 1 is a dielectric and region 2 is a perfect conductor (F2 = 4), then Dn2 = 0 and The normal component of electric flux density on the surface of a perfect conductor equals the surface charge density. The following statements describe the characteristics of a perfect conductor under static conditions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) E = 0 inside the conductor. Dv = 0 inside the conductor [free charge, if present, lies on the outer surface of the conductor (Ds)]. The conductor is an equipotential volume. Tangential E on the surface of the conductor is zero. Normal D on the surface of the conductor equals Ds. The electric field lines are normal to the surface of the conductor. Example (Polarization/Boundary conditions) A dielectric cylinder (region 1) of radius D =3 and permittivity ,r1=2.5 is surrounded by another dielectric (region 2) of permittivity ,r2 =10. Given an electric field inside the cylinder of determine (a.) P1 and Dvp1 (b.) E2 and D2. (a.) (b.) Example (Boundary conditions) Determine E and D everywhere for the charge-free boundary shown below given E1 (or D1). In general, we may determine the relationship between the electric field and electric flux vectors in the two regions in terms of the two angles 21 and 22 measured with respect to the normal to the interface. According to the geometry of the field and flux components, we see that Dividing the first equation by the second gives The electric field and electric flux density boundary conditions on the charge-free boundary are such that Given both media characteristics and the direction of the field in one of the regions, the direction of the field in the other region can be determined using this formula. Electrostatic Boundary Value Problems Many problems in electrostatics take the form of boundary value problems where the charge density or potential is known in certain regions or at certain boundaries. The governing partial differential equation defining potential in terms of its source (charge density) is Poisson’s equation. The derivation of Poisson’s equation begins with the differential form of Gauss’s law. Inserting the relationship between electric field and electric flux density gives Assuming a homogeneous medium, the permittivity may be treated like a constant and brought outside the divergence operator. Substituting the electric field definition in terms of the gradient yields Dividing both sides of the equation by the permittivity yields Poisson’s equation: The divergence of the gradient of a scalar is defined as the Laplacian operator and designated by L 2 in operator notation. Using the definition of the Laplacian operator, Poisson’s equation can be written as A special case of Poisson’s equation is Laplace’s equation in which the source term (charge density) is zero. Thus, Poisson’s equation governs the potential behavior in regions where free charge exists, while Laplace’s equation governs the potential behavior in regions where no free charge exists. Uniqueness A unique solution to a given boundary value problem in a specific region is ensured if (1.) We use the proper governing D.E. (there are an infinite number of solutions to the D.E.). (2.) We use the proper boundary conditions (there are an infinite number of solutions to the boundary conditions). There is only one (unique) solution to the governing differential equation that also satisfies the given boundary conditions. By defining the proper physics in the problem (proper boundary conditions), we ensure a unique solution to the governing differential equation. Laplace / Poisson Equation Solutions The techniques used to solve Laplace’s and Poisson’s equation are dependent on the dimensional complexity of the problem. For onedimensional (1-D) problems [potential is a function of one variable only], where the governing partial differential equation (PDE) reduces to an ordinary differential equation (ODE), we can simply integrate once to determine the electric field and twice to determine the potential. For 2-D and 3-D problems, procedures such as the separation of variables technique are necessary. Example (1-D solution / Poisson’s equation / semiconductor junction) p-n junction NA - acceptor dopant concentration ND - donor dopant concentration Depletion region (wp # z # wn) n-type silicon p-type silicon A Homogeneous medium (silicon permittivity ,=11.8,o) We assume no variation in the p-n junction potential and electric field in the x or y directions (1D problem) Y V(z), Ez(z) Poisson’s equation is the governing differential equation that relates the charge density in the p-n junction depletion region to the potential distribution in the p-n junction. Assuming a 1D solution (no variation in the x or y directions), Poisson’s equation reduces to or The regions away from the depletion region are charge neutral (E = 0 and V = constant). Thus, the p-n junction boundary conditions are The electric field within the p-n junction is found by integrating Poisson’s equation with respect to z. where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. The first derivative of V(z) with respect to z is equal to !Ez (z) according to The integral of Poisson’s equation may then be written as Application of the electric field boundary conditions at the edges of the depletion region determines the unknown constants. To determine the potential within the p-n junction, we integrate a second time with respect to z. Application of the potential boundary condition [V(0)=0] gives Separation of Variables The direct integration technique used in 1-D problems (ODE’s) is not applicable to 2-D and 3-D problems (PDE’s). The separation of variables technique is applicable to certain separable coordinate systems including rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Example (Separation of variables technique) The 3-D potential in a charge-free region in rectangular coordinates is characterized by Laplace’s equation: Note that Laplace’s equation is a 3-D, 2nd order PDE. The separation of variables technique is based on the assumption that the solution to the PDE may be written as the product of functions of only one variable. Thus, the 3-D solution for the potential is assumed to be Inserting the assumed solution into Laplace’s equation yields Dividing this equation by the assumed solution gives The three terms on the left hand side of the equation above are each dependent on only one variable. Thus, we may write The individual functions must add to zero for all values of x, y, and z in the 3-D region of interest. Thus, each of these three functions must be constants, such that and Note that the original 3-D 2nd order PDE has been transformed into three 1-D 2nd order ODE’s subject to the separation equation. The general solutions to the three separate ODE’s are of the following form: or linear combinations of these Once each of the three individual functions is determined according to the boundary conditions of the problem, the overall solution is simply the product of these three functions. Capacitors and Capacitance A capacitor is an energy storage device that stores energy in an electric field. A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an insulating medium. If the capacitor conductors are assumed to be initially uncharged (neutral), the application of a voltage (potential difference) between the conductors causes a charge separation (+Q on one conductor and !Q on the opposite conductor). This charge separation produces an electric field within the insulating medium between the conductors (permittivity = ,) such that energy is stored in the capacitor. The magnitude of the charge stored on either conductor is proportional to the voltage applied between the conductors. The ratio of the total charge magnitude on either conductor to the potential difference between the conductors defines the capacitance. The capacitance of a capacitor depends only on the geometry of the conductors (conductor shape, separation distance, etc.) and the permittivity of the insulating medium between the capacitor conductors. According to the definition of capacitance, the charge on a capacitor conductor increases at the same rate as the capacitor voltage (e.g., if the capacitor voltage is doubled, the charge on each conductor is doubled). Example (Capacitor) Determine E and V between two perfectly conducting plates of infinite extent in a homogeneous dielectric (F =0, , = ,r ,o ). The plates are separated by a distance d with a potential difference of Vo between the plates. Due to symmetry, the charge distribution on the plates must be uniform. The electric field can be determined by superposition using the electric field expression for a uniformly charged plate of infinite extent. Between the plates (0 # z # d), Above the plates (z > d ), Below the plates (z < d ), Thus, the electric field is uniform between the plates and zero elsewhere. The potential between the plates varies linearly given a uniform electric field according to the definition of the electric field as the gradient of the potential. The potential between the plates is a function of z only (1-D problem) such that Integrating this equation gives Assuming that the bottom plate is used as a voltage reference (ground), then the absolute potentials on the capacitor plates are such that the potential between the plates is given by and the electric field between the plates is Note that the magnitude of the electric field between the plates is simply the ratio of the voltage between the plates to the plate separation distance. This capacitor problem can also be solved as a boundary value problem. The governing differential equation is Laplace’s equation given the ideal dielectric between the plates of the capacitor (Dv =0). With no variation in the potential in the x or y directions (by symmetry), Laplace’s equation in rectangular coordinates reduces to the following 1-D form: The boundary conditions on the potential are Integrating both sides of Laplace’s equation with respect to z gives Integrating again gives Application of the capacitor boundary conditions yields The potential between the plates is then which is the same result found before. Note that the result of the first integration was the electric field between the plates. Ideal Parallel Plate Capacitor A commonly encountered capacitor geometry is the parallel plate capacitor. The parallel plate capacitor is formed by two large flat conducting plates of area A separated by a small distance d. The volume between the plates is filled with a homogeneous insulating medium of permittivity 0. The charge and electric field characteristics in an actual parallel plate capacitor can be approximated using the ideal parallel plate capacitor model. Assumptions for the ideal parallel plate capacitor model: (1) The plate surface charge densities are uniform (Ds =±Q/A). (2) The electric field between the plates is uniform (E=V/d). (3) The electric field outside the volume between the plates is zero. In an actual parallel plate capacitor, the surface charge densities are not uniform since the charge density grows large at the edges of the plates. This crowding of charge at the conductor edges causes an effect known as electric field fringing (nonuniform electric field). The amount of fringing in the electric field near the edges of the capacitor plates is small for closely-spaced large plates so that the ideal parallel plate capacitor model is accurate for most capacitors. The ideal parallel plate capacitor model becomes more accurate as the capacitor plate area grows larger and the capacitor plate separation grows smaller. The equation for the capacitance of the ideal parallel plate capacitor is determined by starting with the capacitance definition in terms of charge and potential. The uniform electric field in the ideal parallel plate capacitor means that the electric flux density within the capacitor is also uniform. According to the electric flux boundary condition on the surface of either plate, the electric flux density component normal to the plate surface is equal to the uniform charge density on the plate. The uniform electric field within the capacitor may be written in terms of the potential V using Inserting the equations for Q and V into the capacitance equation yields Note that the capacitance of the ideal parallel plate capacitor is directly proportional to the plate area and the insulator permittivity and inversely proportional to the plate separation distance. The total energy stored in the capacitor may be found by integrating the energy density associated with the capacitor electric field. Given the uniform electric field in the volume between the plates of the ideal parallel plate capacitor, the energy density is also uniform, such that The total energy results above can be rearranged into the normal circuits equation for the total energy of a capacitor. The last three equations on the right hand side of the total energy equation above are valid for any capacitor. Coaxial Capacitor A coaxial capacitor is formed by two concentric conducting cylinders (inner radius = a, outer radius = b, length = L) separated by an insulating medium (,). Uniform charge distributions on both capacitor conductors are assumed for the idealized model of a coaxial capacitor (just like the ideal parallel plate capacitor). In an actual coaxial capacitor, the charge densities grow large close to the ends of the conductors (sharp edges) where electric field fringing is seen. The ideal coaxial capacitor model is accurate for an actual coaxial capacitor which is long and has a small cross-sectional area (fringing is negligible). Assuming a voltage V is applied to the initially uncharged conductors of the coaxial capacitor (from the inner conductor to the outer conductor, using the outer conductor as the voltage reference), a total charge of +Q is produced on the surface of the inner cylinder and a total charge of !Q is produced on the inside surface of the outer cylinder. The uniform surface charge densities on the inner and outer capacitor conductors (Dsa and Dsb, respectively) are Note that the surface charge density on the inner conductor is larger than that on the outer conductor. This produces a nonuniform electric field (ED) within the coaxial capacitor. By symmetry, ED is a function of D only. To determine the capacitance of the coaxial capacitor, we (1) determine the electric field E in terms of the charge Q using Gauss’s law, (2) find the potential V in terms of Q by evaluating the line integral of the electric field, and (3) determine the capacitance using the capacitance definition. (C=Q/V ). Applying Gauss’s law on a closed cylindrical surface S of radius D such that (a #D# b) yields The closed surface includes the endcaps on either end of the cylindrical surface, but there is no electric flux component normal to the endcaps so that Gauss’s law gives The voltage V across the capacitor conductors is found by evaluating the line integral of the electric field along the contour C from the outer conductor to the inner conductor. The ratio of charge to potential for the capacitor gives the capacitance: A convenient parameter is the per-unit-length capacitance for the coaxial capacitor. The per-unit-length capacitance is found by dividing the capacitance C by the capacitor length. This yields The units on per-unit-length capacitance are F/m. The overall capacitance of a particular length coaxial capacitor is found by multiplying the perunit-length capacitance by the length L. Spherical Capacitor A capacitor can also be formed using two concentric spherical conductors (inner radius = a, outer radius = b) separated by an insulating medium (,). The ideal spherical capacitor is characterized by uniform charge densities on the surfaces of both the inner and outer conductors. The uniform surface charge densities on the inner and outer conductors of the ideal spherical capacitor (Dsa and Dsb, respectively) are The surface charge density on the inner conductor is larger than that on the outer conductor given the larger surface area of the outer conductor. This produces a nonuniform electric field (Er) within the spherical capacitor which is a function of r only, by symmetry. The process used to determine the capacitance of the ideal spherical capacitor is the same as that used for the ideal cylindrical capacitor. Applying Gauss’s law on a closed spherical surface S of radius r such that (a #r# b) yields Inserting the spherical capacitor electric flux density (D= ,Er ar) gives The voltage V across the capacitor conductors is found by evaluating the line integral of the electric field along the contour C from the outer conductor to the inner conductor. The ratio of charge to potential for the capacitor gives the capacitance: Resistance, Capacitance and Relaxation Time If the medium between the conductors of a capacitor is not a perfect insulator, there is a finite resistance between the conductors (the resistance between the conductors is infinite when the medium is a perfect insulator). Assuming the medium between the capacitor conductors is a homogenous medium characterized by (,, F), the capacitance between the conductors is given by while the resistance between the conductors is given by If we take the product of the resistance and the capacitance, we find where Tr is the relaxation time. Thus, given the capacitance for a particular capacitance geometry, the corresponding resistance can be determined easily according to For the previously considered capacitors, we find the following resistance values: Ideal parallel plate capacitor Ideal coaxial capacitor Ideal spherical capacitor The equivalent circuit for these capacitors is shown below. Capacitors with Inhomogeneous Dielectrics Each of the previously considered capacitor geometries has contained a homogeneous insulating medium between the capacitor conductors. For some geometries with inhomogeneous dielectrics, the capacitance can be shown to be a simple series or parallel combination of homogeneous dielectric capacitances. We may use the analogies of total current in a resistor and total electric flux in a capacitor to identify series and parallel combinations of capacitors. The equations for the total current I in a resistor (in terms of current density J) and the total electric flux R in a capacitor (in terms of electric flux density D) follow the same form. Thus, the total current I in a resistor and the total electric flux R in a capacitor are analogous quantities and can be used to visualize the series and parallel combinations in capacitors with inhomogeneous dielectrics. Series (common current/flux, distinct voltages) Parallel (common voltage, distinct currents/fluxes) Example (Equivalent series capacitances) Boundary condition Y D1 = D2 (normal D is continuous) The common electric flux through the two dielectric regions denotes a series capacitance combination. Even though no conductor exists on the interface between the dielectrics, this configuration can be viewed as two capacitors in series by placing two total charges of +Q and !Q (net charge = 0) on the interface. The overall capacitance of the inhomogeneous dielectric capacitor (C) is found using the homogeneous dielectric capacitance equation applied to the two dielectric regions. The series combination of these two capacitances is Example (Equivalent parallel capacitances) Boundary condition Y E1 = E2 (tangential E is continuous) Since the electric field is equal in both regions, the electric flux density is distinct in the two regions (parallel capacitors). The capacitances of the individual regions are The overall capacitance (C) of the parallel combination is Conductors in Electric Fields (Induced Charges) When a conductor is placed in an applied electric field, charges are induced on the surface of the conductor that produce a secondary electric field (induced electric field). The total electric field is the superposition of the applied electric field and the induced electric field. For a perfect conductor (F = 4, PEC - perfect electric conductor), the induced electric field exactly cancels the applied field to yield a total field of zero inside the conductor. The applied electric field separates the charge on the conductor (positive charge forced in the direction of the applied field, negative charge forced in the direction opposite to that of the applied field). Thus, the charge distribution induced on the surface of the PEC produces an induced electric field that exactly cancels the applied electric field inside the PEC. The total field outside the PEC is the sum of the applied electric field and the induced electric field due to the induced surface charge. Image Theory (Method of Images) Given a charge distribution and/or a current distribution over a PEC ground plane, image theory may be used to determine the total fields above the ground plane without ever having to determine the surface charges and/or currents induced on the ground plane. Image theory is based on the electric field boundary condition on the surface of the perfect conductor (the tangential electric field is zero on the surface of a PEC). Using image theory, the ground plane boundary condition is satisfied by replacing the ground plane by equivalent image currents or charges located an equal distance below the ground plane. Example (Image theory / point charge over ground) The total electric field at some arbitrary point P located on the ground plane is The vectors pointing from the point charges +Q and !Q to the field point P (r+ and r!, respectively) are The corresponding unit vectors r+ and r! are where The total electric field on the ground plane due to the original point charge and its image charge is The corresponding electric flux density on the ground plane is According to the boundary condition on the ground plane surface, the surface charge density on the ground plane is The procedure for handling a point charge over ground may be expanded to line, surface or volume charge distributions over ground using superposition. Each differential element of charge in the charge distribution may be “imaged” point by point.