Chemistry Ch 3 Guided Notes p. 88 - 89 Name: Sketch an example block representing an element on the periodic table similar to the one in figure 3.21. Label the atomic number, mass number, symbol and name. Definitions The atomic number (Z) represents: The mass number represents: Isotopes are: 1 Chemistry Ch 3 Guided Notes p. 88 - 89 Name: Sketch Figure 3.20 Explain the hyphen notation of designating isotopes, and include the example for uranium ore on page 89. Write the symbol notation for isotope designation. Using the same uranium example, label what each number is and what it tells you. Work through practice problems 1 – 3 below. 1. How many protons, electrons and neutrons are in an atom of bromine-80? 2 Chemistry Ch 3 Guided Notes p. 88 - 89 Name: 2. Write the nuclear symbol for carbon-13. 3. Write the hyphen notation and nuclear symbol for the element that contains 15 electrons and 15 neutrons. How does average atomic mass differ from the mass number? What is the unit for the average atomic mass of one atom? What is a mole? 3 Chemistry Ch 3 Guided Notes p. 88 - 89 Name: What is Avogadro’s number? Define molar mass and give the unit used for molar mass. What is the mass in grams of 3.50 mol of Ca? 4