Worksheet — 2 Nephi

Worksheet — 2 Nephi
Items to study:
2 Nephi 1-33
Manual, Chapters 7-14.
Ezra Taft Benson, “To the Humble Followers of Christ.” (See hyperlink on html version.)
2 Nephi 1
1. 2 Ne 1:21 alludes to the situation that exists in Zion
(note the cross-reference).
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 2
2. 2 Ne 2:10. What is the real opposition of which Lehi
speaks in this verse?
a. light vs darkness
b. good vs bad
c. punishment vs blessing
d. righteousness vs wickedness
2 Nephi 4
6. 2 Ne 4:34. This is a great verse that contrasts trusting
in God (faith) with trusting in the arm of flesh. Flesh
includes people in the world and ourselves. Sometimes
people use the latter (trusting in self) when they think
they are teaching the former (faith—trusting in God).
Which of the following is the best cross-reference to
this verse?
a. 1 Ne 17:50
b. Alma 58:11
c. Proverbs 3:5-6
d. Alma 32:26
e. Hebrews 11:1
3. Lehi taught that all things organized in the creation
would have remained in that paradisiacal state if there
would not have been a fall.
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 5
7. Laman & Lemuel and their followers packed up and
moved away from Nephi and his followers.
a. true
b. false
4. Adam and Eve would have had children whether the
fall occurred or not.
a. true
b. false
8. What did God cause to come upon the cursed
brethren of Nephi?
a. No priesthood
b. No chance for repentance
c. Enticing qualities
d. Skin of blackness
e. Inability to mix with Nephi’s offspring.
2 Nephi 3
5. How many Joseph’s are alluded to in 2 Ne 3?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
2 Nephi 6
9. Nephi quotes Isaiah because he specifically wrote
about the Nephites and Lamanites and the Jews, but
says that Isaiah did not write about all of the house of
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 9
10. Christ allowed himself to become subject to men in
the flesh and be crucified so that it would be just for all
men then to become subject unto him.
a. true
b. false
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11. If there was a fall, but no atonement, all of us, even
children under age 8, would become subject to the devil
and become devils.
a. true
b. false
12. According to 2 Ne 9:10-14, the phrase “spiritual
death, ” as contrasted to physical death or death of the
body, refers to:
a. spirits dying or ceasing to exist
b. being cut off from God
c. hell
d. the grave
13. 2 Ne 9:15-16. Even after the resurrection when
everyone is immortal, there will still be some exmortals who will be filthy still and therefore unable to
go into any of the three degrees of glory.
a. true
b. false
14. 2 Ne 9:25-26. Those who do not have the law of the
gospel are held accountable before the law and
punished the same as those who do have the law.
a. true
b. false
15. 2 Ne 9:41. Who greets us at the “Pearly Gates”?
a. Saint Peter
b. Jesus and our relatives
c. Only Jesus
d. Our ancestors
16. What word does Jacob use to describe how God
feels about the unrepentant proud, wise, and learned? 2
Ne 9:42.
a. He loves them unconditionally
b. He forgives them unconditionally
c. He weeps for them
d. He scolds them and then warmly greets them into
e. He despises them
17. Whose teachings are found in 2 Ne 9?
a. Nephi’s
b. Lehi’s
c. Jacob’s
d. Joseph’s
e. Sam’s
2 Nephi 10
18. What theme appears in 2 Ne 10:7–8?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
2 Nephi 11
19. Both Nephi and Jacob saw the Redeemer.
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 23
20. (Isaiah 13). Which of God’s personal attributes is
not a major theme in this chapter?
a. love and forgiveness
b. anger and wrath
c. cruel and destructive
2 Nephi 25
21. Jerusalem will be destroyed at least twice from the
time Nephi wrote.
a. true
b. false
22. Where will the Jews be scattered?
a. Babylon
b. Assyria
c. All nations
d. The USA and Canada
e. Poland
2 Nephi 26
23. 2 Ne 26:24. God does things for his saints, not for
the world. He invites an exclusive group to come unto
him and plays favorites.
a. true
b. false
24. “But the laborer in Zion shall labor for Zion; for if
they labor for money they shall …”
a. get rich
b. perish
c. fall away
d. return
e. not labor for Zion
2 Nephi 27
25. What is the best cross-reference to 2 Ne 27:15–20?
a. Ether 12:23–27
b. 2 Ne 9:1–6
c. JS–H 1:63–65
d. D&C 17:1–6
e. 1 Ne 2:15
26. 2 Ne 27:32 can refer to someone who is trying to
teach the truth and his hearers are hard-hearted.
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 28
27. 2 Ne 28:6-9. These verses apply to and describe the
days of Joseph Smith far better than they do our day.
a. true
b. false
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28. Which of the following would be the weakest or
most opposite cross-reference to 2 Ne 28:31?
a. Prov 3:5–6
b. 2 Ne 4:34
c. Alma 7:23
d. Alma 30:17
e. Alma 36:3
2 Nephi 32
33. “… the words of Christ will ____ you all things
what ye should do.”
a. reveal unto
b. tell
c. show
d. not conceal unto
2 Nephi 30
29. What will the Lord cause to happen among the
people? 2 Ne 30:10.
a. A division
b. A series of wars
c. Forgetfulness
d. Remembrance
e. Pestilence
34. “… the Holy Ghost, it will ____ you all things what
ye should do.”
a. reveal unto
b. tell
c. show unto
d. not conceal unto
2 Nephi 31
30. The word “doctrine” never appears in the plural in
the standard works when applied to true doctrine or the
doctrine of Christ. The only times in which the word
“doctrines” appears is in reference to false doctrines or
doctrines of men, not of God. (Search the Topical
a. true
b. false
XX. 2 Ne 31:10-12. Christ invites us to follow him. He
is our example in all things. Joseph Smith said: “If a
man gets the fulness of the priesthood of God he has to
get it in the same way that Jesus Christ obtained it, and
that was by keeping all the commandments and obeying
all the ordinances of the house of the Lord.” (Teachings
of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 308.) In order for us to
obtain the fulness of the priesthood we have to enter
into the holy order of marriage in the temple (see D&C
131:1-4). It was against the law at the time of Christ to
preach religion as a single man. What are the implications, then, about Christ’s status? Something to think
about—no answer required.
31. 2 Ne 31:1-13. Which one of the following would
NOT be true about Jesus’ baptism.
a. He had to follow the rules like anyone else—he had
to fulfill all righteousness.
b. He set an example for us to follow.
c. To have the remission of sins.
d. To enter the celestial kingdom.
32. 2 Ne 31:20. What additional qualification is needed
for eternal life (God’s kind of life) besides having a
perfect brightness of hope, a love of God and of all
men, and enduring to the end.
a. Obedience
b. Fasting
c. The Holy Ghost
d. Feasting upon the word of God
e. Prayer
35. The evil spirit encourages us to pray, too.
a. true
b. false
2 Nephi 33
36. The best explanation for Nephi’s using of the word
“unto” instead of “into” in 2 Ne 33:1 is
a. Agency
b. Methodology
c. Revelation
d. Force
37. Nephi says he has charity towards the Gentiles, but
that he cannot hope for any of them unless they should
a. repent
b. be baptized
c. receive the Holy Ghost
d. be reconciled to Christ
e. have faith in Christ
38. People who claim to believe in Christ but reject the
Book of Mormon, really do not believe in Christ.
a. true
b. false
39. “For what I seal on earth, shall be brought ____ you
at the judgment bar …”
a. unto
b. by
c. against
d. for
e. under
Student Manual, Chapter 7
40. President Kimball said that we had no idea in our
pre-mortal existence of the kinds of difficulties we
would face in mortality.
a. true
b. false
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41. Orson Pratt quoted by James E. Talmage points out
in an excerpt that “whether they repent or remain
impenitent, whether they are baptized or unbaptized,
whether they keep the commandments or break them,
whether they fare righteous or unrighteous …” both the
spiritual death and the physical death caused by Adam
and his fall will be taken care of automatically, as it
were, by the redemption of Christ.
a. true
b. false
42. “No Death Before the Fall” by Joseph Fielding
Smith. In our Bible Dictionary (LDS edition of the
Bible), there are two articles “Death” and “Fall of
Adam.” These articles disagree with what Joseph
Fielding Smith has written and give another point of
a. true
b. false
Student Manual, Chapter 8
43. What priesthood did Lehi hold?
a. Deacon
b. Teacher
c. Priest
d. Melchizedek
e. Lower, Levitical, or Aaronic
44. The majority of the Jews will convert to the true
gospel when
a. we send missionaries to the Holy Land
b. they are surrounded by enemy forces and need our
c. Christ has accomplished the 2nd coming
d. the Jerusalem Center becomes a temple
e. when hell freezes over
45. Bruce R. McConkie says “that people … get
dimension to their life,” that “There’s an increase in
faith and a desire to do what’s right and a feeling of
inspiration and understanding” that comes through what
“that can’t come in any other way”?
a. Attending Church meetings, particularly Sacrament
b. Fasting & testimony bearing
c. EFY
d. Scripture study
e. Obedience
Student Manual, Chapter 9
46. Joseph Fielding Smith lists several things which the
infinite atonement of Christ overcomes. Which of the
following does he NOT mention?
a. Need for repentance
b. Mortal conditions
c. Undesirable condition of death
d. Banished from the presence of God
47. According to Joseph Smith, a person who does not
believe or accept the fact that God has knowledge of all
things really cannot excise the faith in God that is
necessary to be saved, because God could not be able to
save any portion of his creatures if He did not have all
a. true
b. false
48. “This generation is as corrupt as the generation of
the Jews that crucified Christ; and if He were here today, and should preach the same doctrine He did then,
they would put Him to death”—Joseph Smith.
a. true
b. false
Student Manual, Chapter 11
49. The names of Isaiah’s two sons were symbolic of
the scattering and gathering of Judah, the Southern
a. true
b. false
50. “We recognize the fulfillment of that prophecy in
the founding of this Church by Joseph Smith, a ____
descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob …”
a. direct
b. non-direct
c. figurative
d. lineal
e. literal
Student Manual, Chapter 12
51. Spencer W. Kimball taught that grace and the gift of
salvation was based on
a. the atonement of Christ
b. the condition of obedience
c. the principle of repentance
d. belief alone
e. faith alone
Student Manual, Chapter 13
“Constrained” means
a. to be held back
b. to be strained
c. to be stressed
d. to be compelled
e. to be unnecessary
53. Joseph F. Smith—Which of the following is NOT
mentioned as one of the 3 dangers that threaten the
Church from within:
a. apostasy
b. sexual impurity
c. false educational ideas
d. flattery of prominent men in the world
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54. Marion G. Romney. What is the equally pernicious
doctrine to God being dead?
a. That he has no body, parts, or passions
b. That he is uninvolved in human affairs
c. That there is no devil
d. That there is no good or evil
e. That God and the Son are the same person
55. Ezra Taft Benson. Which one of the following
things is NOT mentioned that the Book of Mormon
exposes and combats:
a. organic evolution
b. humanism
c. socialism
d. rationalism
e. pragmatism
56. Ezra Taft Benson. Which of the following was not
listed as converts who will not survive under the heat of
the day.
a. cultural
b. ethical
c. social
d. educational
e. financial
Student Manual, Chapter 14
57. J. Reuben Clark declared _____ to be condemned
by the Savior as much as any other sin.
a. immorality
b. lying
c. hypocrisy
d. hatred
e. procrastination
58. Joseph Fielding Smith said that there was “a great
many members of this Church who have received a
manifestation through the Holy Ghost” and that “a great
many members of the Church have [the] guidance” of
the Holy Ghost.
a. true
b. false
59. President Joseph F. Smith instructed us that we
must always have the gift of the Holy Ghost with us to
perform priesthood duties and that we are not often left
to our own spirit and judgment.
a. true
b. false
The following questions come from Ezra Taft Benson’s
talk “To the Humble Follower of Christ,”
60. “It is well that our people understand this principle
[of some in the Church only having “temporary”
membership), so they will not be misled by those ____
within the Church who have not yet repented or been
cut off.
a. members
b. leaders
c. apostates
d. people
e. saints
61. The first specific tare-like doctrine that Elder
Benson exposes is
a. organic evolution
b. sensitivity training
c. degrees in the social sciences
d. birth control
e. abortion
62. Which excuse for not having children is NOT in the
list Elder Benson gives?
a. need schooling
b. poor health
c. not wealthy enough
d. once we have 4 children
e. when there’s peace on earth
63. The major reason why there is famine in the world
a. politics
b. overcrowded population
c. lack of produce
d. lack of industry
64. “… in many cases a higher degree today in the socalled social sciences, can be tantamount to a major
investment in ____”
a. stupidity
b. error
c. finance
d. economics
e. brilliance
65. Even the Church Educational System is infiltrated
with some who prefer to teach the doctrines of men so
that they can spread falsehoods.
a. true
b. false
66. The First Presidency and the Church has taken a
stand in favor of sex education in the schools.
a. true
b. false
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67. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., way back in 1952,
referred to much of modern art, literature, music, and
drama as
a. trash
b. innovative
c. directed at man’s innermost feelings
d. utterly demoralizing
e. irrelevant
68. Some modern music has been deliberately designed
to promote revolution, dope, immorality, and a gap
between parent and child. And some of this music has
invaded our church cultural halls.
a. true
b. false
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