2 Nephi 9 Marking Guide - The Red Headed Hostess

Marking Suggestions
At the beginning of this chapter write “Jacob is
teaching”. He started teaching in chapter 6 and will
continue through chapter 10.
2. In verse 1, circle “these things”, and draw a line
out into the margin and write: “In chapters 6-8
Jacob quotes Isaiah”
3. Write this cross-reference next to verse 1:
2 Nephi 6:4-5
4. To understand verses 2 and 3, come to my
website at http://www.theredheadedhostess.com/and
then in the “search” area at the top of the page
type in “Understanding the House of Israel”.
There you will find an e-book I have written that
explains this verse, as well as the previous
chapters where Jacob has focused on this
5. Next to verse 4, write “Our Resurrection”
6. In verse 5, circle the following words, and either
in the margin, on a sticky note, or in your
scripture journal, write the following definitions:
Expedient: suitable for achieving a
particular end
 Behooveth: Necessary, proper or
 Subject: To be under control
7. Next to verse 6, write: “All men experience
physical and spiritual death”
8. In verse 7, circle “saved it should be”, then draw
a line into the margin and write “if there were
9. In verse 7, circle “infinite atonement”, then draw
a line into the margin and write “endless and
eternal, and will never expire (not like the
animal sacrifices)”.
10. Either in on a sticky note or in your scripture
journal, write down, or cut out and glue in this
quote by Elder Russell M. Nelson:
“His Atonement is infinite—without an end. It was also
infinite in that all humankind would be saved from neverending death. It was infinite in terms of His immense
suffering. It was infinite in time, putting an end to the
preceding prototype of animal sacrifice. It was infinite in
scope—it was to be done once for all. And the mercy of the
Atonement extends not only to an infinite number of
people, but also to an infinite number of worlds created by
Him. It was infinite beyond any human scale of
measurement or mortal comprehension.
“Jesus was the only one who could offer such an infinite
atonement, since He was born of a mortal mother and an
immortal Father. Because of that unique birthright, Jesus
was an infinite Being” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1996,
46; or Ensign, Nov. 1996, 35)
11. Also in verse 7, circle “this corruption” and
“incorruption”, draw lines from them and in the
margin write:
Corruption: My body
Incorruption: A resurrected, perfect body which
will never die
12. In verse 7, circle “the first judgment”, then draw
a line into the margin and write “The
consequences of the Fall”
13. At the end of verse 7, put a square around the
“And if so, this flesh must have laid down to rot
and to crumble to its mother earth, to rise not
By this box, write:
What would happen to my BODY if there were
no Atonement
14. Now next to verses 8 and 9 write:
What would happen to my SPIRIT if there were
no Atonement
15. Now go through verses 8 and 9 and mark what
would happen to your Spirit if you could not be
16. In verse 10, circle both of the words “death” and
“body” and connect those two words with a line,
and then connect another line and write in the
margin “physical death”
17. In verse 10, circle both of the words “hell” and
“spirit” and connect those two words with a line,
and then connect another line and write in the
margin “spiritual death”
18. Take a moment and read the cross-references in
verses 8-10 and mark the ones that especially
stand out to you.
19. On a sticky note, or in your scripture journal,
draw the following diagram:
Fallen Man
Subject to Phusical
Subject to Spiritual
Death (separation of the
Death (Separation from
spirit and body)
Heavenly Father)
No Atonement
My body will rot
and crumble in
the earth and
will never rise
Atonement made
My spirit and body
will be reunited in
a perfect,
resurrected body
No Atonement
Atonement made
I will be forever
separated from
Heavenly Father
and will become
subject to the
devil and be
miserable like
I have the ability to
repent and
overcome my fallen
or sinless nature. I
can not only return
to Heavenly Father,
but I can become
like Him.
20. As you can see, these are pretty serious
consequences. Look down at the date of Jacob’s
sermon in the bottom right hand corner and
consider the date – it was over 500 years before
Christ! These people had faith in the Atonement
that had not yet happened. Take a moment and
look up, Revelation 12:7,11. Those scriptures
talk about the war in heaven. In verse 11, mark
what our weapons were. You, too, had a
testimony of the Christ and the Atonement
before it actually occurred.
You may want to take a moment and
write about this in your scripture journal
21. Next to verse 11, write “physical death
22. Next to verse 12, write “spiritual death
23. If you have a Hymn book around, take a
moment and open up to the Sacrament hymns.
Notice the wording and how many of them
express the doctrine you have just studied and
how we sing about how much we need Christ
and His atonement.
24. In your scripture journal, consider writing about
the following questions:
How does this doctrine help me
understand why I need Christ?
He has also saved those that I love so
dearly, if he hadn’t had completed the
Atonement, what would be their fate?
How can I best show my gratitude
towards Him for what He has done for
me and my loved ones?
Why is this doctrine essential for the
world to know?
What are some lines from various
Sacrament Hymns that properly express
how I feel?