Analyzing Montresor - Lemon Bay High School

Analyzing Montresor
NAME: ___________________________________________ PERIOD: ______
Based on your reading of The Cask of Amontillado, decide whether Montresor is
sane or insane. Your decision/claim will be based on your analysis of his motive
for revenge, dialogue, actions, and thoughts. Complete the following list by
providing a reason and evidence from the text for each topic.
Motive for Revenge
Evidence: (include page #)
Evidence: (include page #)
Evidence: (include page #)
Evidence: (include page #)
The Situation
Montresor is on trial for the murder of Fortunato. You have been hired as a
psychiatrist, a doctor dealing with the diagnosis of mental and emotional disorders, to determine whether or not he is sane to stand trial. Based on the
story as your source of information, you will psychoanalyze Montresor and his
state of mind.
The Assignment
Use Proper Letter Writing Format and write in the persona of a psychiatrist.
You are to use three quotes (one for each body paragraph) from the story to
support your diagnosis of the patient.
The Five Paragraph Letter
Paragraph 1 – Introduction of your observations and CLAIM
Paragraph 2, 3 and 4 – Chose three topics from the Analyzing Montresor
worksheet as support (REASONS & EVIDENCE) for your diagnosis
Paragraph 5 – Conclude your reasons for diagnosis and provide your final
Diagnosis (CLAIM)
MLA Quotations from a Short Story
Montresor demonstrates his mental insanity with his constant proclamations
of concern for Fortunato’s health. Montresor gained Fortunato’s trust by saying, “Come, we will go back; your health is precious” (Poe 235).
Montresor’s motive for revenge indicates the premeditation of the murder.
Montresor explained his motive with the claim, “The thousand injuries of
Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon insult, I
vowed revenge (Poe 233).