Cask of Amontillado NOTES


NAME _______________________________________ DATE __________

English 9 Mr. Goatseay

“The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

Vocabulary: revenge (noun) – the act of paying back injury for injury warmly (adverb) – in a kind manner cask (noun) – a barrel used for storing liquids, such as wine or beer storage, usually underground uncertainly (adverb) – without confidence excitement

Comprehension Questions:


Why was Montresor so intent on seeking revenge against Fortunato?

Fortunato had laughed at Montresor’s proud family name. Montresor also says that he had been hurt “a thousand times.”


How did Montresor succeed in getting Fortunato into the wine cellar?

He told him that he had a barrel of

Amontillado, a rare wine.


Who is the protagonist ? Who is the antagonist ? Why?

Protagonist – Montresor (the story follows him)

Antagonist – Fortunato (he is Montresor’s enemy)

You might also say the opposite because Montresor is a villain and Fortunato is wrongly hurt.


How did Montresor finally get his revenge?

He lures him into a hole in the vault, chains him to the wall, and builds a wall to trap him.

Mood & Tone


What type of mood does Poe create in “The Cask of Amontillado?”

Ominous, suspenseful, frightening, threatening

Copy three quotes from the story that help show the mood. a.

“The earth which formed the floor was cold and hard.”

“…trying to see through the thick darkness which b. pushed in around us.”

“We could see the bones of the dead lying in large piles along the walls. The stones of the walls were c. wet and cold.”

“We went on, deeper and deeper into the earth.”

“I heard only a soft, low sound, a half-cry of fear.”

Literary Elements: Narration & Point of View


What type of point of view does Poe use?

First-person point of view


Why is Montresor an unreliable narrator ?

He might be lying about the story - no one can back up what he says. He also seems crazy because of his abnormal desire for revenge.

Literary Analysis

7. Do you think Montresor should have killed Fortunato? Why or why not?

Yes – He was making up for a wrong against his family name. // No – He could have found another way to make things right.


Montresor gives Fortunato several chances to turn back. Why might he give his enemy these opportunities if he just plans to kill him?

He was being ironic (saying something opposite of what he means). He wants to feel better about what he’s doing by saying he gave Fortunato a chance to turn back.


In your opinion, did Montresor have to kill Fortunato? Is there any other way

Montresor could have handled this situation? Explain.

Answers will vary.

Ex: Montresor did not have to kill Fortunato because he could have ignored his insults. He could have tried discussing the problem.


Do you think Montresor's crime will ever be discovered? Why or why not?

Answers will vary.

Ex: Montresor will be caught because people will wonder what happened to Fortunato.

He won’t be caught because the body is hidden.

JOURNAL RESPONSE 3 Due Date ______________

Consider the following quote:

“Don't get mad, get even.” ~Robert F. Kennedy

In a well-organized paragraph in your journal , answer the following questions:

How does this quote relate to “The Cask of Amontillado?”

Do you agree with the quote? Why or why not?
