Outlined below are the steps required for students to register for and complete a course at VCU.
1. Course Identification
2. Communicate with
HOME Faculty
Student identifies course/s at www.winnexus.org
Course selections should be approved by the student’s advisor .
3. Contact HOME
4. NEXus Tracking
5. HOME Institution
Agreement form
Institution Contact
7. Course
8. Apply to TEACHING
9. Student Account
The Campus Faculty Coordinator (CFC) and the Campus Staff
Coordinator (CSC) at the student’s institution need to be contacted about the student’s plan to enroll in a NEXus course.
Submit completed NEXus Tracking Form http://www.winnexus.org/student-forms to HOME Campus Staff
If you are receiving financial aid, complete and route your HOME
Institution Consortium Agreement Form to have funds applied towards
NEXus courses. (see consortium agreement for routing information)
Campus Staff Coordinator (CSC), PhD Program Administrator, Fonda
Neal, (804) 828-0836, sonnexus@vcu.edu
For current course registration deadlines visit http://www.winnexus.org/registration-deadlines
Follow the instructions on the VCU Information document.
After the CSC receives the NEXus Student Enrollment Form, the CSC will send the student their V# (student’s identification number). The student is then able to obtain their VCU eID . The eID gives the student the ability to gain access to their online E-services account, myVCU (the
VCU Portal), the academic email system, Blackboard, and library applications. E-services makes it possible for the student to review records online, register for classes, and review and print bills and unofficial transcripts.
To access your eID : Go to www.vcu.edu
, click on the myVCU link towards the top of the page. Click on the link “ Don’t know your eID ?”
10. Student
11. Course enrollment
12. Platform
13. Payment
14. Teaching Faculty
15. Course materials/
Library access
16. Course
17. Add/Drop
You will need your V number and date of birth to access your eID.
To set up your email account : Go to www.ts.vcu.edu/kb/2248.html
. It is essential that you set up your VCU email account as soon as possible, since it is the official means of university communication with students. Your email address will be your eID@vcu.edu
The CSC will inform the student of the course number and section to register for.
Go to the VCU Home page: www.vcu.edu
, click on myVCU and log in.
Click on the eServices/VCU Self Service link under General Resources to the left. On the Main Menu, choose the Student tab (it may be the only option). Then choose Registration and then Add or Drop
Classes . The drop down window will automatically default to the current semester. Use the drop down menu to select another semester, if needed. Click Submit.
The CSC will send the student instructions on obtaining access to
Once the student is enrolled in the course, a bill is generated and sent to the student’s Eservices account. Students can pay online with a credit card or can mail a check. For instructions on paying by check or by a third party, go to www.enrollment.vcu.edu/accounting/.
The CSC will notify the instructor(s) once a student is enrolled and the instructor may/may not contact the student directly prior to classes beginning.
Textbook can be ordered through Eservices. Follow the steps in #11 above to get to the Registration area, then click on Order Textbooks and then click on Go to Barnes & Noble @ VCU MCV Campus. Instructors may send out readings prior to the start of classes via email, but all other course materials will be posted in Blackboard; please note students will be able to see the course in Blackboard prior to the first day of the term but it will vary whether there is material in the course prior to the first day.
Student completes course.
The student must notify the VCU CSC before planning to drop a course.
18. Transcript
19. Other http://www.winnexus.org/student-forms none
Glossary of terms
CSC – Campus Staff Coordinator HOME – Institution student will obtain degree from
CFC – Campus Faculty Coordinator TEACHING – Institution student is taking course from