How to Study (and Succeed!) on the Romeo and Juliet Quiz/Tests

Name ________________________________________
9-CPI English
Mrs. Todd
How to Study (and Succeed!) on the Romeo and Juliet Quiz/Tests
Quiz format:
multiple choice
speaker identifications
Test format:
multiple choice (wow!)
speaker identifications
open response
Your tasks:
♦ Know key plot points
♦ Identify the speakers of quotations
♦ Paraphrase selected lines (put in Modern English)
♦ Recognize literary/language devices and explain how they fit the context
♦ Explain the significance of quotation(s)
o What crucial do we learn from the quotation?
o What does the quotation reveal about character, plot, setting, theme, etc.
Know thy characters! (Consider their names and personalities. Who is angry?
Who is philosophical? Who makes crass jokes? Why? etc.)
Review lines we have gone over in class, lines on handouts, and lines in the
reading guide. Find and organize all handouts well in advance of the test.
Revisit lines that raise questions/confusion for you. Ask about them during the
quiz/test review!
For better comprehension, paraphrase sentences not line-by-line. A sentence is a
complete thought, so paraphrase based on complete thoughts.
Think about how the LANGUAGE fits the occasion, character(s) and purpose.
(Who rhymes with whom? Why? Who speaks in meter? Why? Who does not
rhyme or use meter? Why not? Why would characters use oxymora? Who puns?
Why? etc.)
Select your own quotations and practice writing about the language and about how
they are significant (good study buddy project).
If you study well, your stars will align (and not cross as those of the ill-fated lovers do…).
Over →
Review Plan for Act I quiz
1. Gather your resources:
 book
 reading guide
 class notes
 prologue handout with analysis
 “Meeting Romeo” handout
 “I Dreamt a Dream” handout
 “Love Connection” handout/notes
 “Ultimate Pick-Up Lines” handout
2. Character Review:
Make a list of major characters.
Bullet point a list of characteristics and examples for each.
Answer: how do their names fit their characters?
3. Review the handouts above. Write down any questions this produces. Can you find the answers to
the questions? If not, ask in class.
4. Find a study partner, explain the answers to the handouts above to your partner. Write down any
questions this produces. Can you find the answers to the questions? If not, ask in class.
Review Plan for Test on Acts I and II
1. Gather the same resources as for Act I quiz plus:
 Act II Close Reading handout
2. Update your character review (from Act I quiz review). Add the friar, for example
3. Predict at least ten quotations from Acts I and II that will be on the test.
Line #s
Basic description
Romeo uses one oxymoron after another
4. Choose at least three of the quotations you predict will be on the test and practice
in WRITING (on separate paper you staple to this page):
a. Paraphrasing
b. Identifying literary devices and explaining how they fit your interpretation
c. Analyzing and explaining how the quotations are significant
What does the quotation reveal about character or plot or setting or theme, etc.?
Why is that important?
Note connections/changes between these lines and the rest of the play so far.
Why are those important?)