DIVERSITY POEM RUBRIC NAME: _________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ CONTENT • _____ 10 PTS • CREATIVITY • • _____ 10 PTS • CONVENTIONS • • 9-10 You included information from the reading Your information is relevant to the topic • • Your poem is unique and in your own words You have colored your poem neatly You have included three pictures with your poem Your poem has less than 2 spelling errors Your poem makes sense • You have followed the correct poem format You have completed the CUCC for the directions • • • • • _____ 10 PTS FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS • • _____ 10 PTS TOTAL: _____ 40 PTS • 7-8 Some of your information is from the reading Your information is somewhat relevant to the topic Your poem is not all in your own words You have colored your poem but it could be neater You included two pictures Your poem has 3-5 spelling errors Your poem doesn’t always make perfect sense Your format is not entirely correct You have partially completed the CUCC • • • • • • • • • 6 & below Your information did no come from any of the readings Your information did not relate completely to the topic You did not write an original poem Your poem has little or no color You included one or less pictures Your poem has more than 5 spelling errors Your poem is hard to understand You did not follow the correct format You have not completed the CUCC DIVERSITY POEM: DIRECTIONS Now that you have studied DIVERSITY, you should have some idea of some of the important ideas we discussed and read in the articles titled, “Different is Good” & ”Diversity: Advantages and Disadvantages”. Procedure: Write an acrostic poem about the important aspects of your studies. To create the acrostic, you will use the first letters of DIVERSITY. You will write a line, based on the readings, about DIVERSITY that begins with each letter. For example, here is an acrostic about school: Such a friendly place. Coming here helps me learn reading, math, and science. Hallways are where we catch up with our friends. Out of my lessons come homework so I can practice what learned in class. Our teachers help us understand what we are supposed to learn. Lastly, school can be a lot of fun! Write an acrostic poem about DIVERSITY using this same format. I