How do I know what courses are required for my major?

How do I know what courses are required for my major?
A list of course requirements for every major at USCB is available online on the Registrar’s website as well as in
the Academic Bulletin.
On the Registrar’s website, you can view both Programs of Study and Degree Audit Forms.
Programs of study provide a basic roadmap to completing degrees. They provide suggestions that help
answer the question "How do I know which required courses to take when?"
Degree audit forms are a great way to keep track of your progress. They are the checklist of required courses
for your degree.
To visit the Programs of Study/Degree Audit Forms on the Registrar’s website, go here:
To view program requirements in the Academic Bulletin, go here:
If you are interested in pursuing a pre-professional track, take a look at the recommended courses on the next
page. Please keep in mind that these pre-professional recommendations are based on USC (medical and
pharmacy), MUSC (dental), and UGA (veterinary) requirements & recommendations and are only
recommendations. Requirements for other schools may vary. Also, we cannot guarantee transfer of our
credits to other schools; therefore, it is always best to talk to someone from the school you’re interested in
attending to find out more about the transfer process.
English composition and literature - two semesters or three quarters
General inorganic chemistry* with laboratory- Work in qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, or physical chemistry is acceptable. Two
semesters or three quarters
General organic chemistry* with laboratory - This course work should include studies of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Two
semesters or three quarters
Strongly Preferred - Physics, Histology and Biochemistry. Clinical experience.
Biology with laboratory - Work in general biology, general zoology, or botany is acceptable. No more than four semester hours may be
botany. Two semesters or three quarters
Additional recommendations include Cell and Molecular Biology and mathematics through Calculus II.
General Chemistry (Qualitative Analysis)
Organic Chemistry
Biology or Zoology
Science Electives (Microbiology, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Genetics, etc.)
8 hours
8 hours
8 hours
8 hours
6 hours
6 hours
8 hours
Students may be admitted into pharmacy school after completing two years (66 credits) of undergraduate work:
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
English Composition
English Literature/Composition
Verbal Skills
Liberal Arts Electives
Human Anatomy/Physiology
8 hours
8 hours
6 hours
3 hours
3 hours
8 hours
3 hours
3 hours
3 hours
3 hours
3 hours
9 hours
6 hours
Additional suggestions: Calculus I & II (instead of Calculus for Business/Social Science) because an understanding of Pharmacokinetics requires calculus.
6 hours of English;
14 hours of humanities or social studies;
8 hours of inorganic chemistry (full year with laboratory);
8 hours of organic chemistry (full year with laboratory);
8 hours of physics (full year with laboratory);
3 hours of biochemistry;
8 hours of general biology (for science majors; full year with laboratory;
8 hours of advanced biology courses (recommended: comparative anatomy, microbiology, cell biology, and genetics).
Note: These pre-professional recommendations are based on USC (medical and pharmacy), MUSC (dental), and UGA (veterinary) requirements/recommendations.
Requirements for other schools vary; be sure to check the requirements at their program!