EAS 44600 Groundwater Hydrology Lecture 4: Porosity and Permeability Dr. Pengfei Zhang Porosity of Earth Materials The porosity of earth materials is defined as the part of rock or soil that is void space, often expressed as a percentage: V n= v (4-1) VT where n is the porosity, Vv is the void volume, and VT is the total volume. Porosity has the units L3 of 3voids . LR. E .V . To describe porosity, or any other aquifer parameter, it is useful to first define the concept of representative elementary volume (R.E.V.). The R.E.V. is a volume of aquifer over which the porosity, for example, is describable by a single value. This concept is necessary because a volume smaller than the volume that fits the definition of a representative elementary volume will yield different aquifer parameters depending upon where one “places” the R.E.V on the sample. To illustrate, let us take a look at Figure 4-1. Both diagrams represent the same porous media. In the diagram on the left, the squares, which represent a poor choice for a R.E.V., delineate volumes for which very large differences in porosity would be obtained. In the diagram on the right, the R.E.V.’s are sufficiently large that an equivalent porosity is obtained for both of the R.E.V.s. Figure 4-1. Representative elementary volume (R.E.V.). Some typical kinds of porosity associated with various rocks are shown in Figure 4-2. The interstitial porosity of rocks (Figure 4-2 a through d) is referred to as primary porosity, whereas the fracture or solution porosity (Figure 4-2 e and f) is called secondary porosity. 4-1 Figure 4-2. Relation between texture and porosity. (a) Well-sorted sedimentary deposit having high porosity; (b) poorly sorted sedimentary deposit having low porosity; (c) well-sorted sedimentary deposit consisting of pebbles that are themselves porous, so that the deposit as a whole has a very high porosity; (d) well-sorted sedimentary deposit whose porosity has been diminished by the deposition of mineral matter in the interstices; (e) rock rendered porous by solution; (f) rock rendered porous by fracturing (Meinzer, 1923). Porosity can be determined in a couple of ways in laboratory. One method is to take a known volume of sediment and dry it in an oven at 105 °C until it reaches a constant weight. This removes moisture in the sample, but not water in the mineral structure. The dried sample is then added to a known volume of water, and the resulting increase in volume as determined by the increased water level represents the volume of the sediment itself (no voids). The volume of sediment plus voids is determined from the height of the sediment and the cross-sectional area of the chamber to which the sediment is added in the previous step. The volume of the voids is then found by difference. This method of determining porosity is called volumetric method. Alternatively, if one determines the bulk density of the sediment, one can calculate its porosity. The bulk density (ρb) represents the density of the sediment including its voids. Recall that density is mass over volume, and the volume used in bulk density is the volume of sediment plus voids, or R.E.V.: M ρb = 3 sed (4-2) LR.E .V In contrast, the particle density (ρs) does not include the voids, but represents the density of the rock itself: M ρ s = 3sed (4-3) Lsed For most rock and soil, the particle density is 2.65 g⋅cm-3. Looking at the units above, one can see that ρb/ρs gives the volume of sediment per volume of R.E.V.: 4-2 ρb M sed L3sed L3sed = ⋅ = ρ s L3R.E .V . M sed L3R.E .V . (4-4) Therefore, the porosity (n) is easily calculated: n = 1− ρ b L3R.E .V . L3 L3 = 3 − 3 sed = 3voids ρ s LR.E .V . LR. E .V . LR. E .V . (4-5) This method of determining porosity is called gravimetric method. The porosity of a sediment depends on a number of factors including the roundness of the grains, the packing of the grains, and the size distribution of the grains. For a sediment of perfectly round grains of a single diameter (an impossibly narrow size distribution), the porosity will depend only on the packing, with n= 0.48 for cubic packing, and n= 0.26 for rhombohedral packing. For sediments consisting of a number of differently sized grains (wider size distribution), the smaller grains will sit in the pores between the larger grains, and so the porosity will be lower than it would be in a sand made of only one of the grain sizes. Likewise, angularity of the grains will tend to cause them to pack less efficiently, and so will increase the porosity of the sediment. Typical ranges in porosity for a variety of earth materials are given in Table 4-1 below. Table 4-1. Range in values of porosity. Material Porosity (%) SEDIMENTARY Gravel, coarse 24-36 Gravel, fine 25-38 Sand, coarse 31-46 Sand, fine 26-53 Silt 34-61 Clay 34-60 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Sandstone Siltstone Limestone, dolomite Karst limestone Shale 5-30 21-41 0-40 0-40 0-40 CRYSTALLINE ROCKS Fractured crystalline rocks Dense crystalline rocks Basalt Weathered granite Weathered gabbro 0-10 0-5 3-35 34-57 42-45 4-3 Grain-Size Distribution The grain-size distribution expresses the percent of the sediment mass that is finer than a given grain size, as shown in Figure 4-3 below. Figure 4-3. Grain-size distribution curve of a silty fine to medium sand. Hence, in the format shown above, the less steeply the curve drops, the greater the grain size distribution, and the wider the variety of grain sizes in the sediment. An important parameter used to describe the grain size distribution is the uniformity coefficient, Cu, which is the ratio of the grain size for which 60% of the sediment is finer by weight, to the grain size for which 10% of the sediment is finer by weight. Cu = d60 d10 (4-6) A sediment with Cu less than 4 is well sorted. If Cu is more than 6, the sediment is poorly sorted. Specific Yield Specific yield (Sy) is the volume of water that drains from a saturated rock or sediment by gravity, relative to the total volume of the rock: 4-4 Sy = L3yield L3R. E .V . (4-7) The water retained by the rock or sediment is called pendular water, and the ratio of this volume to the total volume of the rock is called the specific retention (Sr). L3yield L3pendular L3voids Sr = n − S y = 3 − = 3 LR. E .V . L3R. E .V . LR. E .V . (4-8) Greater specific yields are obtained from medium to coarse sediments. Ranges of specific yield for a variety of sedimentary rocks are given in Table 4-2 below. Table 4-2. Specific yields in percent for sedimentary rocks. Specific Yield Material Maximum Minimum Average Clay 5 0 2 Sandy clay 12 3 7 Silt 19 3 18 Fine sand 28 10 21 Medium sand 32 15 26 Coarse sand 35 20 27 Gravelly sand 35 20 25 Fine gravel 35 21 25 Medium gravel 26 13 23 Coarse gravel 26 12 22 Permeability The porosity of earth materials is known to vary, for example, clays have high porosity relative to mixtures of sand and gravel (Table 4-1). Although porosity is an important parameter in terms of characterizing void space in an earth material, the porosity does not describe the ability of the rock or sediment to transmit water. The ability of water to be transmitted through a rock or sediment is termed permeability. Permeability depends on the interconnectedness of the pore spaces rather than the porosity itself. For example, clays have high porosity, but the pores in clays are not well connected. As a result, clays do not transmit water well, and hence have low permeability. In contrast, sand and gravel mixtures may have lower porosity than clays, but the pores in the mixtures are well connected and can transmit water easily. Therefore, sand and gravel mixtures have high permeability. 4-5