OST 573 Endocrinology Spring – 2014 Revised 2/28/2014 asl Table of Contents Course Description and Goals .................................................................................................. 2 Course Coordinator .................................................................................................................... 2 Course Faculty ............................................................................................................................ 2 Curriculum Assistants ................................................................................................................ 2 Course Web Site ......................................................................................................................... 3 Textbooks and Reference Materials .......................................................................................... 3 i>Clicker Use in Course .............................................................................................................. 3 Course Schedule......................................................................................................................... 4 Specific Procedures for the Histology Laboratory .................................................................. 6 Exams/Assessments .................................................................................................................. 8 Course Grades ............................................................................................................................ 9 Student Evaluation of the Course ............................................................................................. 9 Academic Honesty and Professionalism ................................................................................ 10 Attendance/Excused Absence ................................................................................................. 10 i>Clicker Policy ......................................................................................................................... 11 Remediation Policy ................................................................................................................... 11 Academic Accommodations .................................................................................................... 11 Philosophy of Instruction ....................................................................................................... 112 Notice to Students: Although course syllabi at MSUCOM have a consistent format, vitally important details differ by course. For this reason, you must read the syllabus thoroughly at the onset of each course to know what the course will provide and what is expected of you. 1 Section 1 – Course Information Course Description and Goals OST 573 is a 3 credit course designed to provide information regarding the anatomy, biochemistry and physiology of the endocrine systems. The learning objectives included in this course will build on your understanding of normal function of endocrine system and introduce principles of clinical diagnosis and management of endocrine abnormalities. Course Coordinator Name: Keith Lookingland, Ph.D. (PHM) Phone: 517-353-8971 Email: lookingl@msu.edu Address: B432 Life Science, East Lansing, MI 48824 Course Faculty Name: Peter Gulick, D.O. Dept: (OMS) Phone: 517-353-3211 Email: gulick@msu.edu Site: EL Frances Kennedy, DVM MS Name: (ANTR) Dept: Phone: 517-432-0467 kennedyf@msu.edu Email: Site: EL Ralph Otten, D.O. Name: (OMS) Dept: Phone: 517-353-3211 otten@msu.edu Email: Site: EL Carol Wilkins, Ph.D. Name: (BMB) Dept: Phone: 517-353-4927 mindockc@msu.edu Email: Site: EL Curriculum Assistants EL Name: Amy Lockwood (LEAD) Phone: 517-432-7295 Email: lockwoam@msu.edu Mary Hughes, D.O. (OMS) 517-353-3211 hughesm@msu.edu EL Sarah McCaskey, MS, RD (COM) 586-263-6066 mccaske7@msu.edu MUC Janice Schwartz, Ph.D. (PSL) 313-578-9671 schwa317@msu.edu DMC DMC Rose Shubeck 517-884-9667 shubeck@msu.edu 2 Laryssa Kaufman, M.D. (OMS) 517-353-3211 lkaufman@msu.edu EL L. Karl Olson, Ph.D. (PSL) 517-884-5116 olsonla@msu.edu EL Carrie Tatar, Ph.D. (ANTR) 586-263-6743 tatarcar@msu.edu MUC MUC Katie Schorling 586-226-4788 schorlin@msu.edu Course Web Site The URL for the Course web site is http://angel.msu.edu The course Angel site has these MAIN sections: Announcements – Course-related communication to the class will be made here. You should check for announcements on a daily basis. Syllabus - Information about textbooks, exam dates, grading system, rules and regulations, etc. as well as information on the instructional team. Course Content – Lecture recordings, tutorials (TT), self-study modules (SSM), and all other scientific material will be deposited here. Discussion Board – List of “asked" questions. It is highly recommended that you check the discussion board prior to sending a question to faculty as it is very likely that you are not the only student with a given question and it may already have been answered. Textbooks and Reference Materials Required OST 573 Course Pack Rhoades RA and DR Bell, Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine 4th ed.(2013) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins [ISBN# 9781609134273] MH Ross and W Pawlina, Histology: A Text and Atlas 6th ed. (2011) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins [ISBN# 9780781772006] Kumar, V et al., Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th ed. (2010) Saunders Elsevier [ISBN: 9781416031215] Sadler, TW, Langman’s Medical Embryology 12th ed. (2012) Lippincott Williams and Wilkins [ISBN: 9781451113426] Ferrier D., Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 6th ed. (2013) Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins [ISBN: 9781451175622] Recommended Bruton, L.E., Goodman and Gilman’s : Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th ed. 2011 McGraw-Hill [ISBN# 9780071624428] Available online: www.accessmedicine.com or www.statref.com Electonic Medical Books listed by subject can be found at: http://libguides.lib.msu.edu/medicalebooks i>Clicker Use in Course For the Histology Labs in this course, you must have a functional i>Clicker that is registered in accordance with MSUCOM instructions in order to submit your answers to the quizzes that will be given at the beginning of each histology laboratory. 3 OST 573 Endocrinology - Course Schedule Date 3/10/14 3/10/14 3/11/14 Time 7:45am 9:00am 8 am Origin ONLINE DMC EL Conrad 3/12/14 10am EL Conrad 3/12/14 3/13/14 11am 8am EL Conrad EL Conrad 3/13/14 9am EL Conrad Fri Fri 3/14/14 3/14/14 10am 11am EL Conrad EL Conrad Title Introduction 1. Endocrine Physiology Overview 2. Cholesterol and bile salt synthesis, Lipid soluble vitamins 3. Lipid digestion / absorption / transport Lipoproteins 1 4. Lipoproteins 2 5. Integration of metabolism: Hormones Insulin and Glucagon 6. Integration of metabolism: Epinephrine, Cortisol and Growth Hormone 7. Biochemistry of Fed / Starved States 8. Starved State vs. Diabetes Mon Mon Tues 3/17/14 3/17/14 3/18/14 3/18/14 8am 9am 8am 9am EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad 9. Physiology of the Pancreas 10. Physiology of Diabetes 11. Beta Cell Physiology 12. Pathophysiology of DM Complications 3/19/14 3/19/14 3/19/14 8am 9am 1-7:30p Thurs Thurs 3/20/14 3/20/14 10am 11am EL Conrad EL Conrad EL DMC MUC EL Conrad EL Conrad 13. Insulin and Glycemic Control Agents 14. Diabetes Diagnosis & Management 1 Endocrine Histology Lab (2hr, 3 sections) 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm; 5:30-7:30pm i>clicker quiz 15. Diabetes Diagnosis & Management 2 16. PSL of Mineralocorticoids, Catecholamines Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed 3/24/14 3/25/14 3/25/14 3/25/14 3/25/14 3/26/14 3/26/14 MUC EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad EL, DMC, MUC 17. Diet and Diabetes 18. Diabetic Comas (DKA, lactic acidosis) 19. Diabetic Comas (HHS, hypoglycemia) 20. PSL of Glucocorticoids, Adrenal Androgens 21. Pharmacology of Adrenal Steroids 22. Clinical Adrenal Diseases Quiz #1 (prior to small group session) McCaskey Otten Otten Kaufman Lookingland Kaufman EL, DMC, MUC Small Group #1 – (EVOLVE Clinic – Endocrine Focus) (2-hr, 2 sections) IM Faculty 3/27/14 3/27/14 10am 8am 9am 10am 11am 11am 1:00-1:15p or 3:00-3:15p 1:15-3:00p or 3:15-5:00p 11am 5:15-6:00pm EL Conrad 23. Thyroid Physiology Histology Help Session (LOCAL-NO MEDIASITE) 3/28/14 3/28/14 3/28/14 9am 10am 11am Kaufman Kennedy Schwartz Tatar Lookingland Otten Otten Mon Mon Tues Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Tues Wed Wed Wed Wed 3/26/14 Wed Thurs Thurs Fri Fri Fri EL E105 DMC G031 MUC UC4-211 EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad 24. Thyroid Hormones & Antithyroid Agents 25. Clinical Thyroid 1 26. Clinical Thyroid 2 4 Presenter Lookingland Schwartz Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Kaufman Kaufman Olson Kaufman Olson Lookingland Kaufman Kennedy Schwartz Tatar Kaufman Kaufman Date Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Fri Mon Mon Tues Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Wed EL, DMC, MUC EL Conrad EL Conrad EL Conrad DMC Unit Exam 8 (Lectures 1-22) 27. Clinical Thyroid 3 28. Endocrine Control of Growth & Develop. 29. PSL of GH, Prolactin, Pituitary Adenomas 30. Physiology of Reproduction – Fundamentals 31. Physiology of Male Reproductive 1 32. Physiology of Male Reproductive 2 Male Reproductive Histology Lab (2hr, 3 Sections) 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm or 5:307:30pm i>clicker quiz 33. Physiology of Calcium Regulation 34. Hypercalcemia, Hypocalcemia; Osteoporosis 7:30-9:50a 4/1/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 4/1/14 8am 9am 10am 11am 4/2/14 4/2/14 4/2/14 10am 11am 1:00-7:30p 4/4/14 4/4/14 10am 11am DMC DMC EL DMC MUC EL Conrad EL Conrad 4/7/14 4/7/14 4/8/14 4/8/14 4/8/14 9am 10am 8am 9am 10am DMC DMC DMC DMC EL Conrad 4/8/14 11am EL Conrad 4/9/14 4/9/14 4/9/14 4/9/14 9am 10am 11am 1:00-7:30p 4/10/14 4/11/14 1:00-1:15p or 3:00-3:15p 1:15-3:00p or 3:15-5:00p 12-12:50p ONLINE ONLINE EL Conrad EL DMC MUC EL, DMC, MUC 4/14/14 7:50-9:50a Wed Thurs 4/10/14 Thurs Fri Mon Title 3/31/14 Wed Fri Origin Otten Lookingland Kaufman Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Kennedy Schwartz Tatar Kaufman Kaufman 35. Reproductive and GU Embryology 36. Physiology of Female Reproduction 1 37. Physiology of Female Reproduction 2 38. Physiology of Female Reproduction 3 39. Clinical Reproductive & Embryology Cases1 40. Clinical Reproductive & Embryology Cases2 41. Endocrine Manifestations of HIV Infection 42. Endocrine Emergencies 43. Pharmacological Control of Fertility Female Reproductive Histology Lab (2hr, 3 Sections) 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm or 5:307:30pm i>clicker quiz Quiz #2 Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Schwartz Kaufman EL, DMC, MUC Small Group #2 – Endocrine Emergencies Cases (2-hr, 2 sections) IM Faculty EL Conrad DMC G031 MUC UC4-211 Histology Help Session (LOCAL-NO MEDIASITE) Kennedy Schwartz Tatar EL, DMC, MUC Unit Exam 10 (Lectures 23-43; Comprehensive) Totals: 43 h lectures; 6 h lab*; 4 h small group cases* lab sessions and small group case discussions include quiz questions 5 Presenter Kaufman Gulick Hughes Lookingland Kennedy Schwartz Tatar Specific Procedures for the Histology Laboratory Access Locations of histology teaching labs EL – Room E200 Fee Hall DMC – Room G031 MUC – Room 211 of the UC-4 Building At all campus sites, the lab is computer-based; it uses virtual slides (digitized microscope slides) as well as images from other designated web sites. Students will team up (in groups of 2-3) to share the laboratory workstations. At each lab session, you will need your lab manual (contained within the coursepack), your required histology text (Ross and Pawlina) and your i>Clicker. Assigned lab times For each lab topic in this course, you have been assigned to a specific 2-hour histology lab session (lab section assignments will be posted on the OST573 Endocrinology Angel website). Space and instructional support are limited in the histology lab, so it is essential that you attend only the 2-hour lab section to which you have been assigned. Also, answers that you submit during lab i>Clicker quizzes will earn course credit only if you are attending the lab session to which you are assigned. Pre-lab preparation To make your time in histology lab productive, it is essential that you prepare beforehand. For each lab session your Study Guide (coursepack) includes detailed, step-by-step instructions, objectives, and study questions. To prepare for a lab session, carefully read the “Introduction” to the session in your Study Guide, and work through the instructions that are entitled “Be sure to review and understand the following.” You should also skim through the detailed directions for the lab session (lab objectives) in order to get an idea of what you will be expected to accomplish during the lab session. Resources to bring to each laboratory session i>clicker – In order to receive Individual Readiness Quiz (IRQ) credit, you must personally attend the lab session to which you are assigned, and you must submit answers using your personal i>clicker, which you have web-registered in accordance with directions provided by MSUCOM. IRQ answers submitted in another way (e.g. written on paper) will not be accepted. Having your personal i>clicker registered in your name and in good working order (with fresh batteries) is your responsibility! Study Guide (coursepack) – This is an essential guide to the structural features you are looking for during lab and to their significance. Histology textbook – Both the Study Guide (coursepack) and online lab material will refer frequently to pertinent figures in the required histology textbook (Ross and Pawlina), so bring your histology textbook with you to lab! 6 Histology Lab Individual Readiness Quizzes (IRQs) As further reinforcement for advanced lab preparation, we will begin each histology lab session with a brief Individual Readiness Quiz (IRQ), to be administered via the i>Clicker system (the i>Clicker system is described under the “College and Course Policies” section of this syllabus). Course credit will be awarded for answering IRQ questions correctly (see Exams/Assessments sections of this syllabus). The IRQ questions should not be difficult for students who have completed the pre-lab preparation, as described above. No make-ups are offered for missed IRQs. Making the most of your time in histology lab Being well prepared for each histology lab session (as directed above) and staying for the full lab time will allow you to take full advantage of the opportunity that each lab provides to work collaboratively with your classmates. Lab sessions provide students with excellent opportunities for face-to-face conversations with faculty about lab material, other course content, or ancillary matters of interest. Furthermore, participating in the interactive review of questions (carried out in the last half hour of each lab session) will provide valuable preparation for the integrative questions on course exams. Protecting the laboratory work stations Do not consume food or drink while seated at a computer station. Do not touch the computer monitor screens with anything other than the pointers that are supplied. No finger prints! No ball-point pens! During histology lab sessions, do not use the lab computers for activities unrelated to lab work (i.e., no personal e-mail, downloads, or web surfing).” 7 Exams/Assessments There will be a total of 2 exams given in OST573 Endocrinology this year. Your accumulated score on these exams will determine your grade in the course. The examination schedule is as follows: Projected Points Material to be Covered Endocrine Histology Lab Quiz Wed., 3/19/14 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm; or 5:30-7:30pm 2 i>clicker quiz Quiz Wed., 3/26/14 1:00 – 1:15 pm or 3:00-3:15pm (prior to small group session) 8 Lectures 1-22 Unit Examination #8 Mon. 3/31/14 7:30 am – 9:50 am 72 Lectures 1-22 (3/10/14 through 3/26/14 and Endocrine Histology lab and Evolve Clinic case Male Reproductive Histology Lab Quiz Wed., 4/2/14 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm; or 5:30-7:30pm 2 i>clicker quiz Female Reproductive Histology Lab Quiz Wed., 4/9/14 1-3pm; 3:15-5:15pm; or 5:30-7:30pm 2 i>clicker quiz Quiz Thurs., 4/10/14 1:00 – 1:15 pm or 3:00-3:15pm (prior to small group session) Unit Examination #10 Mon., 4/14/14 7:50 am – 9:50 am 8 Lectures 23-43 75 Lectures 23-43 (3/27/14 through 4/11/14) and Male and Female Histology labs, and Endocrine Emergencies Small Groups, and all other course materials/activities TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 169 POINTS Each Histology Laboratory session will begin with a brief Individual Readiness Quiz (IRQ), which will be administered via the i>Clicker system. No make-ups are offered for lab quizzes (IRQs). 8 Course Grades P-Pass—means that credit is granted and that the student achieved a level of performance judged to be satisfactory by the instructor. To obtain a “P” grade for this course, a student must obtain 70% or greater or a total of at least 118 points. N-No Grade—means that no credit is granted and that the student did not achieve a level of performance judged to be satisfactory by the instructor. A student who accumulates less than 118 points or an accumulated score below 70% will receive a “N” grade. Remediation - Since all of the courses in the MSUCOM curriculum are required, any student receiving an “N” grade must remediate the course. If eligible, a written exam will be given and a score of 70% or higher of the total points possible will be needed to receive a “P” grade for remediation. Please refer to the remediation policy information provided in Section 2 of this syllabus for information on College requirements and eligibility determination. Student Evaluation of the Course We want your feedback on how to make this course better for yourself and also for the students who come after you. Informal Feedback: Feel free to approach the Course Coordinator, Keith Lookingland, or any of the other course faculty with your reactions and suggestions. Or write out your comments and email them to the Course Coordinator or Faculty Formal Evaluation: In addition to the above, we ask every student in the class to complete formal on-line course evaluation upon conclusion of the course. Student Course Evaluations are REQUIRED. Student feedback provides Course Coordinators with valuable information regarding their performance, the performance of their colleagues, and the quality of the course. The information gained from these evaluations is used to continuously improve future offerings of this course. Students can access the evaluation system at: http://kobiljak.msu.edu/Evaluation/UnitI_II.html and it will be available from 4/14-4/19/13. Your assistance in this important process is greatly appreciated. 9 Section 2 – Policies Academic Honesty and Professionalism http://www.com.msu.edu/ss/professionalism.html Each individual student is responsible for their behavior and is expected to maintain standards of academic honesty and professionalism. If any instance of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) is discovered by an instructor, it is his or her responsibility to take appropriate action. Such action may include giving a failing grade to the student in the course and/or referring the student for judicial review and possible disciplinary action, which may include disciplinary suspension or dismissal from the College. Attendance/Excused Absence In accordance with the MSU All-University Policy on Attendance, MSUCOM does not have a regulation requiring class attendance. However, the College understands and supports the need and the right of the faculty to expect student attendance and participation in many curricular components with consequences if the student is not attending. In the spirit of professional behavior, MSUCOM students are expected to attend required class sessions (e.g., lectures, laboratories) and take all examinations during their originally scheduled times. If this is not possible, the student must obtain an excused absence. To obtain an excused absence, you need to make the following contact, as appropriate, prior to the scheduled administration of the examination(s). Personal Emergencies: (e.g., death in family, serious illness (acute), hospitalization, automobile difficulties). EL Dr. Falls, Associate Dean for Student Services (517) 353-8799 DMC Dr. Willyerd, Associate Dean (313) 578-9600 MUC Dr. Hortos, Associate Dean (586) 263-6731 Where there is advance notice of absence: To obtain an excused absence, you need to make one of the following contacts as appropriate: EL Dr. Falls, Associate Dean for Student Services (517) 353-8799 DMC Dr. Willyerd, Associate Dean (313) 578-9600 MUC Dr. Hortos, Associate Dean (586) 263-6731 For advance notice absences, a student must submit his/her excused absence request at least one week in advance of the scheduled mandatory class session(s) or examination(s). Wedding, family celebrations, vacations, conferences, etc are not considered acceptable excuses. If an examination or other required experience is missed due to medical reasons, an attending physician’s written confirmation will be required in order for the absence to be excused. 10 Changes in lab assignment: Any change in your lab time assignment must be based on compelling need and negotiated in advance with MSUCOM Academic Programs. If you seek such a permanent lab reassignment, contact the Curriculum Assistant for your campus (as listed earlier in this syllabus). Individual Readiness Quizzes (IRQs) in Histology Lab – Expected conduct The expectations regarding professional behavior and academic honesty that apply to examinations are to be applied during IRQs as well. An IRQ will be administered at the beginning of each lab session. It is your responsibility to be on time. You may be assigned to a specific seat for an IRQ, and you may be asked to change seats during an IRQ. All IRQs are “closed book.” You must not consult notes, books, electronic devices, or other reference material during an IRQ. During an IRQ, you must not communicate answers to IRQ questions to another student or attempt to copy answers from another student. Moreover, you are not to reveal the content of an IRQ to a student who is assigned to a subsequent lab section and therefore has not yet taken the IRQ. Answering quiz questions on behalf of another student is considered to be an act of academic dishonesty and may result in dismissal from MSUCOM. “ i>Clicker Policy http://www.com.msu.edu/ss/iClicker.html You are expected to have your i>Clicker registered prior to the beginning of this class. You are responsible for bringing your i>Clicker to every class with you. Class will proceed as planned, even if you have forgotten to bring your i>Clicker with you. Paper completion of i>Clicker activities will not be accepted as a substitute for the i>Clicker response. Please make sure that your i>Clicker is always in working order. As a matter of professionalism, please note that under no circumstances should you loan your i>Clicker to another student. Nor should you ever be in the possession of an i>Clicker other than your own. Answering questions or checking in for attendance on behalf of another student by using their i>Clicker is considered to be an act of dishonesty and may result in dismissal from the college. Remediation for OST573 Endocrinology Remediation will be determined on an individual basis and may include re-enrollment in the course. Not all students will be eligible for remediation. A final decision regarding the remediation format is at the discretion of the course coordinator. The remediation exam is comprehensive for the course. Passing is 70%. Remediation Policy http://www.com.msu.edu/Students/Policies_and_Programs/Policies_Programs.htm College Policies Remediation of an “N” grade will be governed by the MSUCOM Policy for Retention, Promotion and Graduation 5.1.4 Remediation of “N” Grades, and by the remediation section of each course syllabus. It is the responsibility of each student in the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine to verify his/her eligibility, with the Office of Student Services, prior to the administration of the remediation examination/experience. 11 Academic Accommodations Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Requests for accommodations by persons with disabilities may be made by contacting the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities at 517-884-RCPD or on the web at rcpd.msu.edu. Once your eligibility for an accommodation has been determined, you may be issued a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodation (VISA) form. Please present the VISA to Cheryl Luick, luick@msu.edu, A-331 East Fee Hall at the start of the term and/or two weeks prior to the assessment event (test, project, labs, etc.). Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible. It is the responsibility of the Student with Accommodations to contact the Course Coordinator and the Curriculum Assistant in your location, two weeks prior to the start of the term, or two weeks prior to the scheduled assessment event. Requests received after this date will be honored whenever possible. It is the responsibility of the student to submit or have submitted an updated version of their accommodations to Cheryl Luick each semester that a student plans to use their accommodations. Philosophy of Instruction In this course, the successful achievement of learning objectives will require knowledge and skills acquired in other portions of the overall MSUCOM educational program. Students will be expected to apply concepts and vocabulary learned in other courses to problem-solving for exams/assessments in this course 12