This guide sheet has been prepared after careful review of MCC and Rutgers University’s course offerings. Since courses may be modified and transfer policies change, it is impossible for MCC to “guarantee” that Rutgers University will accept each and every course listed below as stated. This is particularly true if the student leaves MCC before receiving an associate degree or goes into a major different from that specified below. Aug 2007 MIDDLESEX COUNTY COLLEGE ~ RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY Suggested Plan of Study SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND LIBRARY STUDIES Coordinating With THE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IN NEW BRUNSWICK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND INFOMATICS MAJOR MCC - LIBERAL ARTS COMMUNICATIONS or GENERAL OPTION A.A. REQUIREMENTS Semester I ENG 121 HIS 121 _______ CSC 106 _______ English Composition I History of Western Civ I Modern Language - see note* Interm. PC Applications & Prog. Social Science Semester II ENG 122 English Composition II HIS 122 History of Western Civ II _______ Modern Language _______ Social Science COM 105 Intro to Communication Stds RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY COURSE EQUIVALENTS / TRANSFERABILITY (3) (3) (3) (4) (3) 355:101 Expository Writing I 510:101 Develop. of Europe I - Hum Elect Foreign Language - Humanities 198:110 Intro to Computers & Their Applic. Social Science Core / Elective (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 355:102 Expository Writing II 510:102 Develop of Europe II - Hum Elect Foreign Language - Humanities Social Science Core / Elective 189:101 Intro to Comm & Info Sys & Proc (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) Semester III ________ Science Elective MAT ____ MAT 123 or MAT 129 SPE 121 Public Speaking PED/HED Physical Edu or Health _______ Liberal Arts or COM Elective (4) (3-4) (3) (1-3) (3) Science Core Req / Elective 640:104 El Comb & Prob/ 640:115 Precalc 192:220 Fund of Speaking & Listening PED/ no crd <-> HED/free elective crd Core / Elective (4) (3-4) (3) (0-3) (3) Semester IV ________ Science Elective MAT ____ MAT124 or MAT 131 COM 121 Mass Communication Studies ________ Liberal Arts or COM Elective ________ Humanities ________ Divisional Elective (3-4) (3-4) (3) (3) (3) (3) Science Core Req / Elective 960:212 Stat II / 640:135 Calc I 189:102 Intro to Media Systems Core / Elective Core / Elective Core / Elective (3-4) (3-4) (3) (3) (3) (3) * Modern Language note: Credit will not be granted for elementary language courses if the same language was studied in high school. Elementary language courses in a new language are acceptable. * Divisional/ Diversity note: It is recommended you choose 1 course which can fulfill BOTH the Divisional and Diversity LA requirement as well as apply toward the program at Rutgers. Rutgers will transfer a maximum of 60 credits, so you’ll want to make careful choices. Consult for elective course suggestions. Remember…courses may transfer as major credit, minor credit, core credit and/or elective credit, and it takes a combination of all of these of kinds of credits to make up the 120 which make up a Bachelor's degree.