First Inaugural Address by James Madison Vocabulary Study allotted (uh LOT) Definition: to distribut or parcel out Synonyms: allocate Derivatives: allott, allotting, allottment We allotted five days for our vacation. arduous (AR jew us) Definition: very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task) Synonyms: hard, toilsome, onerous, wearisome Derivatives: arduously, arduousness Early in the morning, the team began the arduous trip up Mount Everest. avail (un VAIL) Definition: to help, to be of use, to serve Synonyms: benefit, advantage Derivatives: availed, avails, availing It will not avail you to be disobedient. belligerent (buh LIJ er unt) Definition: waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness Synonyms: bellicose, pugnacious, combative, contentious, quarrelsome Derivatives: belligerence, belligerency, belligerently "I want to see your manager right now!" demanded the belligerent customer. benign (buh NINE) Definition: not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial Synonyms: amiable, complaisant, gentle, mild Derivatives: benignly, benignant, benignancy, benignantly, benignity Luckily, the tumor is benign and will not spread through the body to cause damage. candor (KAN dor) Definition: the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech or expression Synonyms: openness, frankness, honesty, truthfulness Derivatives: candid I was impressed by the candor of his response; I didn't expect such openness. edict (EE dict) Definition: any authoritative proclamation or command Synonyms: canon, command, decree, dictate, directive, mandate, precept, proclamation, writ Derivatives: The king passed an edict that called for even greater taxation. enhance (en HANS) Definition: to make better, to improve Synonyms: aggrandize, appreciate, augment, complement, elevate Derivatives: enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enhancer, enhancive We can enhance this photo so that the objects are better defined. impel (im PEL) Definition: to urge or to drive forward (usually with moral pressure) Synonyms: boost, compel, drive, incite, oblige, prompt Derivatives: impelling, impellment, impeller, impelled The expectations of his family impelled him to make the right decision. induce (in DOOS, in DYOOS) Definition: to bring on or to bring about; cause, effect, influence Synonyms: persuade, prevail Derivatives: induced, inducing, inducement, inducer The scientist tried to induce an effect in the experiment that would prove his point. posterity (pah STER uh tee) Definition: future generations, all descendants of a person Synonyms: brood, descendants, lineage, offspring, progenitor, progeny Derivatives: posterities The dying man left his property to his children, hoping their posterity in generations to come would be sensible. profundity (pruh FUN deh tee) Definition: profound knowledge, intellectual depth Synonyms: acumen, depth, erudition, perspicacity, sagacity Derivatives: profound, profoundly, profoundness Einstein had a profundity that was admired by all. rendering (REN der ing) Definition: a drawing or likeness; an interpretation Synonyms: interpretation, manifestation, portrayal, representation Derivatives: The artist quickly drew a rendering of the scene before him. repose (reh POSE) Definition: to lie or to be at rest; the state of being at rest; absence of movement Synonyms: inaction, leisure, quietude, relaxation, requiescence, respite Derivatives: reposal, reposed, reposing, reposedly, reposedness, reposeful, reposefully, reposefulness After a hard day at work, the man sought some solitude and repose. scrupulous (SKROO pyuh lus) Definition: very principled, very careful and conscientious Synonyms: meticulous, punctilious Derivatives: Her scrupulous attention to detail saved the company from a million-dollar mistake. suffrage (SUF rij) Definition: right to vote Synonyms: assent, attestation, franchise, right, voice Derivatives: suffragette, suffragettism, suffragism, suffragist Susan B. Anthony led the fight for women's suffrage in the United States. tranquil (TRANG kwul) Definition: peaceful, calm Synonyms: placid, serene Derivatives: tranquilization, tranquilize, tranquility, tranquilness, tranquilizer The lake house is the most tranquil spot I can imagine, so I go there to rest and meditate. vicissitude (veh SIS eh tood) Definition: a passing from one thing to another, change of luck Synonyms: alternation, fluctuation, permutation, transposition Derivatives: vicissitudinous The woman was so distressed that she could not deal with the vicissitudes of daily life. virtuous (VIR choo us) Definition: having excellent morals; righteous Synonyms: ethical, noble Derivatives: virtuously, virtuousness, virtue Sarah was recognized for her virtuous behavior even in the midst of an immoral environment. warranted (WAR un ted) Definition: justified Synonyms: affirmed, empowered, licensed, sanctioned, vindicated Derivatives: warrant, warrantable, warrantableness, warrantably Her reaction was completely warranted; almost anyone would behave the same. First Inaugural Address by James Madison Vocabulary Test 1 Directions: Match the vocabulary word to its definition. Practice 1 _____________1. allotted a. not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial _____________2. arduous b. very difficult to accomplish or to achieve _____________3. avail c. to make better, to improve _____________4. belligerent d. to distribut or parcel out _____________5. benign e. the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere _____________6. candor f. very principled, very careful and conscientious _____________7. edict g. to help, to be of use, to serve _____________8. enhance h. any authoritative proclamation or command _____________9. impel i. waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness j. to urge or drive forward usually with moral pressure _____________11. posterity k. future generations, all descendants of a person _____________12. profundity l. right to vote _____________13. rendering m. to bring on or to bring about; cause, effect, influence _____________14. repose n. _____________15. induce o. profound knowledge, intellectual depth _____________16. suffrage p. justified _____________17. tranquil q. to lie or to be at rest; the state of being at rest _____________18. vicissitude r. a passing from one thing to another, change of luck _____________19. virtuous s. peaceful, calm _____________20. warranted t. a drawing or likeness; an interpretation _____________10. scrupulous Practice 2 having excellent morals; righteous First Inaugural Address by James Madison Vocabulary Test 2 Directions: For each definition, select the best answer from among the choices given. ________ 1. not causing harm, of gentle disposition, beneficial (A) posterity (B) scrupulous (C) benign (D) belligerent (E) repose (D) suffrage (E) vicissitude (D) repose (E) induce (D) suffrage (E) profundity (C) arduous (D) posterity (E) vicissitude (C) avail (D) enhance (E) scrupulous (C) posterity (D) belligerent (E) edict (C) edict (D) candor (E) avail (D) profundity (E) suffrage ________ 2. distributed or parceled out (A) allotted (B) candor (C) induce ________ 3. to bring on or to bring about; cause, effect, influence (A) enhance (B) avail (C) allotted ________ 4. future generations, all descendants of a person (A) belligerent (B) posterity (C) edict ________ 5. very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task) (A) benign (B) scrupulous ________ 6. to make better, to improve (A) allotted (B) repose ________ 7. very principled, very careful and conscientious (A) scrupulous (B) benign ________ 8. to help, to be of use, to serve (A) enhance (B) induce ________ 9. waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness (A) scrupulous (B) belligerent (C) repose ________ 10. to lie or to be at rest; the state of being at rest; absence of movement (A) avail (B) allotted (C) repose (D) enhance (E) induce ________ 11. any authoritative proclamation or command (A) posterity (B) suffrage (C) profundity (D) edict (E) vicissitude (B) vicissitude (C) scrupulous (D) posterity (E) profundity (B) enhance (C) avail (D) edict (E) candor (D) scrupulous (E) candor ________ 12. profound knowledge, intellectual depth (A) repose ________ 13. right to vote (A) suffrage ________ 14. a passing from one thing to another, change of luck (A) induce (B) profundity (C) vicissitude ________ 15. the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech or expression (A) scrupulous (B) candor (C) benign (D) belligerent (E) edict First Inaugural Address by James Madison Vocabulary Test 3 Directions: Find the correct word from the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Part A 1. ________________ allotted arduous avail belligerent benign candor edict enhance impel induce My parents tried to ________ a change in my behavior by increasing my allowance, but it didn't bring about the effect they had hoped. 2. ________________ I know you really want to help, but your presence is of no _______________. 3. ________________ In order to distribute the pieces evenly, we ______________ five pieces to each person . 4. ________________ We were relieved to discover that the tumor was ____ and was not really harmful. 5. ________________ New speakers will _____ your music by improving the sound quality. 6. ________________ The _____ work of editing is the most demanding task of the writing process. 7. ________________ Because he was so frank and forthright, his comments were full of _____________. 8. ________________ My dad tried to _____ me to attend a state college; his urging was based on a financial matter. 9. ________________ My _____ neighbor has been waging war against the Greens ever since they moved in. 10. _______________ To form his own laws, the king passed an _________ regarding a new form of taxation. Part B posterity profundity rendered repose scrupulous suffrage tranquil vicissitude virtuous warranted 11. ________________ Why not seek a moment of _______ and think peacefully on the issue. 12. ________________ We were amazed by his intellect and the _________ of his explanations. 13. ________________ She was very tired and quickly sank into a _____ sleep untroubled by dreams. 14. ________________ The grandfather set up an estate to pass on his wealth to his _______. 15. ________________ However _______ his punishment, the way he was outcast from the group was unjustifiable. 16. ________________ When he broke his leg, he was ___________ helpless and could not walk. 17. ________________ The fifteenth amendment granted _____ to former slaves, who never could have voted before. 18. ________________ That preacher has a _____ wife who exemplifies righteousness and high morals. 19. ________________ A meticulous accountant will pay ______ attention to every transaction. 20. ________________ The young couple was unprepared for the ___________ they would face when moving to another country. First Inaugural Address by James Madison Answers Voc. Test 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. d b g i a e h c j f k o t q m l s r n p Voc. Test 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. e 9. b 10. c 11. d 12. e 13. a 14. c 15. b Voc. Test 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. induce avail allotted benign enhance arduous candor impel belligerent edict repose profundity tranquil posterity warranted rendered suffrage virtuous scrupulous vicissitude