Reprinted from Science, July 19, 1963, Vol. 141, No. 3577, pages 277-278 Copyright O 1963 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science of melatonin daily for 10 days, the normal diurnal variation. When estrous increments in thyroid-cell height and rats, exposed to constant light, were I''l uptake produced by methylthioura- given melatonin (10 ug subcutaneously), the incidence of estrus was reAbstract. Daily injection of micro- cil were diminished (8). duced to 45 percent, while animals gram amounts of rielatonin in rats degiven diluent alone showed no change. creased the incidence of estrus and 2. Effect of melatonin on the estrous cycle This effect was observed for only the reduced ovarian weight. Circulating Table of the rat. Animals received 0.2 ml of diluent melatonin was selectively taken up and or 20 jg of melatonin, intraperitoneally. Vaginal first day after injection; subsequently, retained by the ovary and pineal gland; smears were taken daily after vaginal opening animals that received melatonin re14 to 19 smears were taken from each ani- turned to a normal estrous cycle. It this effect was reduced by exposure of and mal. Results are expressed as the percentage of rats to constant light. A single injection the total number of smears indicating estrus was not possible to inhibit the onset were taken from each animal. The inci- of light-induced persistent estrus by of melatonin lowered the incidence of which dence of estrus in rats receiving melatonin means of daily injections of 10 ag of to constant estrus among rats exposed differed significantly (p < .01) from that of melatonin. animals receiving placebo. light. Thus, melatonin appears to satisfy Smears Rats (No.) ndcSmears classical criteria for a hormone. (i) the indicating Many observations have linked the Control Melatonir estrus produced by a specialized glanduIt is funcmammalian pineal gland to gonad ,ar structure: only the pineal gland has tion. Human males with tumors which 3 0 0-20 the enzyme required for its synthesis destroy the pineal gland have a high 5 2 21-40 (7, 10). (ii) It is released into the incidence of' precocious puberty (1). 3 7 41-60 circulation: melatonin is endogenously Pinealectomy has resulted in an increase 0 2 61-80 present in peripheral nerve, a tissue in ovarian weight (2), while pineal ex0 0 81-100 which does not make it but can take tracts decreased ovarian weight and it up from the circulation. (iii) It has the rat ovary. melatonin on The effect of Table 1. Our experiments show that some of an effect on a distant target organ: it The diluent was 0.48 percent KCI and 0.18 percent NaCI. S., serotonin; M, melatonin; the effects of the pineal gland on gonad alters such gross factors as ovarian i.p., intraperitoneally; s.c., subcutaneously. function might be mediated by melaweight and the estrous cycle. (iv) It tonin. Immature female rats were given Ovary weight - S.E. Dose Treatis not synthesized by the target organ; (mg) (mg) Route ment placebo, 50 ftg of serotonin, or 1 to 20 and'hydroxyindole-O-methyl transferase /g of melatonin, intraperitoneally or Groups of II rats (85 to 95 g) could not be detected in rat or human 67.3 - 3.6 Control subcutaneously, daily for 28 days. In ovary. (v) It is taken up by the target 4.4 71.4 i.p. 50 S* rats receiving melatonin, there was a 0.001) (p < 3.2 42.6 i.p. 20 M organ from the circulation. Melatonin delay in spontaneous vaginal opening, Groups of 10 rats (45 to 55 g) is taken up by the brain, and concenand a highly significant decrease in 49.0 - 2.8 Control trated by the pituitary and ovary; thus, 2.6 46.0 i.p. I M ovarian weight (Table 1) and in the its effects on ovarian weight and func0.05) (p < 2.0 41.3 i.p. 10 M incidence of vaginal estrus (Table 2). tion could result from an action at any 39.1 - 2.9 (p < 0.05) s.c. I M As little as I pkg of melatonin, admin- of these sites. *As serotonin creatinine sulfate. istered subcutaneously, caused a sigThere is considerable evidence to nificant decrease in the weight of the show that the state of the pineal is produced anestrus in aged rats with ovary. Larger doses of serotonin, the related to environmental changes. Varispontaneous persistent estrus (3). When precursor of melatonin, produced none ations in day length produced changes rats were exposed to constant light the of the vaginal and ovarian effects but in pineal cytology and serotonin content ovaries became enlarged and the in- caused a significant increase in adrenal (11); exposure to constant light altered cidence of estrus increased; both effects weight. Neither compound altered body pineal size, cellular morphology, and are inhibited by the administration of or uterine weight. chemical content. It is possible that the Tritiated melatonin (9); when ad- physiological disposition and actions of pineal extracts (4). Exposure to light produced a decrease in pineal weight, ministered to four cats intravenously, melatonin might be influenced by light serotonin content, and nucleolar size was selectively taken up in endocrine (12). (5). Thus, some of the effects of light and peripheral nervous tissues, espeRICHARD J. WURTMAN on the gonads may be mediated by the cially in the ovary and the pineal gland. JULIUS AXELROD One hour after administration, the conpineal gland. ELIZABETH W. CHU Melatonin (5-methoxy-N-acetyltryp- centration of H-meiatonin in the ovary Laboratory of Clinical Science, tamine) is highly localized in the mam- was 5 to 25 times that in the peripheral National Institute of Mental Health, malian pineal gland (6), and small tissues, 2 to 3 times that in the thyroid, and Department of PathologicAnatomy, amounts also occur in peripheral pituitary, and adrenal glands and the Clinical Center, National Institutes nerves (6). An enzyme, hydroxyindole- peripheral nerves, and one-third that in of Health, Bethesda, Maryland O-methyl transferase, required for the the pineal gland. References and Notes When 100 rats were kept in constant synthesis of melatonin is present exthen 4 weeks and light for or normal 1. J. I. Kitay, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 14, clusively in the pineal gland (7). Very 622 (1954). small amounts of melatonin produce a given H3-melatonin intravenously, the 2. Y. Izawa, Trans. Japan. Pathol. Soc. 16, 72 (1926); H. Simonnet, L. Thidblot, T. Melik, lightening effect on amphibian mela- uptake by the pineal gland and ovary Ann. Endocrinol. 12, 202 (1951); J. I. Kitay, nocytes (6), but melatonin has not been was significantly reduced. Vaginal Endocrinology 54, 114 (1954). 3. R. J. Wurtman, M. D. Altschule. U. Holmstudied in that class. Recently, Ba- smears of these animals showed an 85 gren, Am. J. Physiol. 197, 108 (1959); C. J. schieri et al. have reported that when percent incidence of estrus, as compared Meyer, R. J. Wurtman. M. D. Altschule, E. A. Lazo-Wasem, Endocrinology 68, 795 (1961). rats were given large doses (150 jug) with 50 percent in animals exposed to Melatonin, a Pineal Substance: Effect on the Rat Ovary 1 4, V. M, Fke. Ihlil. 29. 17 (1941): W. Jochle. Eil¢okrinioluglth 33. 2X7 (1956: J. . IlTt. Endocrinolot, 71. 1l (1962): R. J. 'turtman. W, Roth. M. D. Altsehule. J. J. Wurtm:an, Alet Erlrol. 36, 617 (1961). 5. V. M Fiske. J. Pound. J. Putnam. Eldtocrldtology71. 130) (1962); W B..t Q'y nd A. Halcvy, Phytlol. Zol. 35, I (1962): W. ). Roth, R. J Wulrtmuan, h D. Altschule. F'ntocrlnlovey 71. 88 (1962). 6. A. B. Lrner. J. 1). Cse. R. V. Heinzelmn, J. Am ( lhentm. Sc. 81. 60(84 (1959). 7, J. Alrod. P. D), MacLean. R. W. Albers. H. Weissb:ch. ill Regiool .iNetirochepmlstry. S. S. K;e'y nd J. Elkes. Eds. (Pergamon,. Nw York,. 19611. p)p, 3107-31 1. 8, I.. I;nschricrl F. )l.uca. .. Cramarossa. C. I)eNlarlin A. Oliverlo, N1. Ncgri. xperlentit) 19. 1 (1963).), 9. .Mc Ilnonin-aclityl-t prepared by thie method of I. J. Kopin. C, . B. Pare, J. Axelrod. H. \VWisslanch. J. lot, ('lhem. 236, 3(172 (1961). 10, HydroxyIndolc-O-methyl transferase wvauexamined n 11 human pineal glandm obtained at ;lutopsy by the method of Axelrod landWeissbach J. Blol. Chem. 236. 211 (1961)]. The enzyme uctlivlty wans suillicint to synthesize 2411 ' 31ql of melatonin per gram of tissue per hour. Calcified glands from aged suhjects have a s muIch enzyme activity as uncalclfied Ia ndi. 11. W, B,. Quay. J. Morphol. 98, 471 (1956); perlsonal com nmunicalion. 12, We thalnk L. Strloud for technical asslstancc. 2 April 1963 Reprinted with permission by the U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DUCATION, AND WLFARE Public Health Service ___ ___111 __