LSU Nicholson Gateway

Issued: July 24, 2015
Baton Rouge, LA
The LSU Property Foundation is soliciting responses from interested parties to enter into a unique public-private partnership
agreement to design, build, finance, and maintain new on-campus student residence facilities and other amenities on LSU’s flagship
campus in Baton Rouge, LA, as further specified herein.
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) contains statements, descriptions and analyses of LSU and other project background
information. Such statements, descriptions and analyses are for informational purposes only. The LSU Property Foundation does
not guarantee or represent and warrant the completeness or accuracy of such information, and any respondent to this RFQ should
complete its own due diligence with respect to such information.
If you are interested in submitting a response to this RFQ, please note that the response must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m.
CT, August 21, 2015.
Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc. and CSRS, Inc. have been engaged as a collaborative team to serve as the Development Advisor
(Development Advisor) for the LSU Property Foundation. Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed in writing to the
Development Advisor at the email address
1. Request for Qualifications
1.1. Overview of the Opportunity
Overview of the Selection Process
2. Project Team
2.1. LSU Property Foundation
Intent to Lease Agreement Between the LSU Property Foundation and Louisiana State University
Project Management Committee
Development Advisors
3. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
3.1. Louisiana State University Background
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Flagship 2020 and Additional University Information
4. LSU Residential Life
4.1. Residential Life Vision Statement
Residential Life Mission Statement
Department Goals
Existing LSU Housing Inventory
Themed Housing
Rental Rates
5. Description of the Development Opportunity
5.1. Project History
Nicholson Gateway Master Plan & Addendum
Overall Project Goals & Objectives
Student Housing Program
Non-Housing Program
Site Description
Design Objectives
Maintenance & Operations Objectives
5.10. Financial & Credit Impact Objectives
Overview of the RFQ Process
RFQ Schedule
Optional Pre-Submittal Conference Call
Qualification Requirements
Background & Team Information
Technical Capability
Maintenance Experience
Student Services
Capital Improvements
Financial Capability
Relevant Experience & References
Required Submittals
Quantity of Proposals
Submittal Instructions
3 of 26 1.
Overview of the Opportunity
The LSU Property Foundation (Property Foundation) is issuing this Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) to solicit responses from interested parties (Private Entity or Private Entities) to enter into
a public-private partnership with the Property Foundation to develop mixed-use residential
communities (Project) on Louisiana State University’s (LSU) flagship campus. The Property
Foundation is seeking a Private Entity to design-build-finance-maintain (DBFM) the Project in a
manner consistent with the Property Foundation’s objectives, which are described further within
this document. The Project includes mandatory development at the Nicholson Gateway site and
the option to redevelop some existing residence halls (Residence Hall Project) on other parts of
the LSU campus, as described herein.
The Nicholson Gateway portion of the Project includes residential housing units and retail space
on the west side of LSU’s flagship campus along Nicholson Drive, in close proximity to Tiger
Stadium, the LSU Pete Maravich Assembly Center, and a key roadway linking LSU to the
Louisiana State Capitol and the Baton Rouge downtown area. Preliminary plans for the Project
include approximately 1,640 student housing beds and between 30,000 to 50,000 square feet of
retail space, all with associated parking. The Project is primarily aimed at meeting the needs of
LSU students and visitors. The Project will address some portion of the related infrastructure
needs, including removal of hazardous materials from and demolition of approximately 200
existing apartments located on the development site.
The Residence Hall Project is an optional development opportunity. In December 2014, LSU
issued a Request for Information (RFI) to developers to analyze the opportunity to use a publicprivate partnership to accelerate its housing master plan. The RFI provided specific parameters
for the replacement of six (6) 1960s-era residence halls (Miller, Herget, McVoy, Acadian,
Broussard and Kirby Smith Halls) with approximately 2,100 new beds. Renovating the Pentagon
Barracks (comprising 400 beds in Jackson, Lejeune, Taylor and Beauregard Halls) was also
analyzed by LSU during the RFI process. LSU reported to the Board of Supervisors that, per the
specifications in the RFI and the corresponding developer responses, a public-private partnership
for accelerating these projects would not provide favorable terms for the University. A copy of the
RFI can be found on the website:
The Property Foundation is interested in determining if there may be a different configuration that
supports the acceleration of the housing master plan by combining the development from the
Nicholson Gateway Project and the replacement Residence Hall Project. In an effort to drive the
best overall outcome for the LSU community, the Property Foundation will allow Private Entities
to offer creative solutions for addressing these housing objectives.
4 of 26 1.1.3.
Submitting a solution for the replacement Residence Hall Project will not be a requirement. The
decision to submit on the Nicholson Gateway project exclusively, to propose on the Nicholson
Gateway project and the Residence Hall Project collectively, or to submit on the Project in both
configurations, will be at the sole discretion of the Private Entities.
Overview of the Selection Process
Through this RFQ process, the Property Foundation is seeking to identify Private Entities with the
best qualifications, experience, financial capacity, and proven track records of executing similar
projects. Following a review of submittals, the Property Foundation will establish a shortlist
of the most qualified Private Entities for invitation to a Request for Proposals (RFP) process
to further develop the framework and structure for a public-private partnership with the
Property Foundation. A response to this RFQ is a prerequisite to participate in subsequent
Two (2) or more Private Entities may collaborate in submitting a response to this RFQ, however,
a single Private Entity must be designated to contract with the Property Foundation and be
responsible for performance under any future contract.
Private Entities should not contact any officials of the Property Foundation, the LSU Foundation,
the University, the Department or Residential Life, or advisors of the University with regard to this
opportunity, other than the Development Advisors (Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc. and CSRS, Inc.)
through the channels described within. Private Entities are advised that unauthorized contact with
officials, related parties, or advisors of the Property Foundation may result in elimination of a
Private Entity from this RFQ process.
5 of 26 2. PROJECT TEAM
LSU Property Foundation
The Property Foundation is a private, nonprofit, Louisiana corporation, exempt from federal
income tax under Section 501(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, as an organization described in
Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, affiliated with the LSU Foundation and established for the purpose
of providing private financial support for the flagship campus of LSU and the LSU AgCenter.
The Property Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors composed of business and
professional leaders interested in fostering private support for LSU. Over the past several years,
the Property Foundation, in association with the LSU Foundation, LSU, and others, has privately
financed, planned, and constructed numerous facilities benefitting LSU and its academic
programs, including: the University Laboratory School Gym and Performing Arts Facility; the
Petroleum Engineering Research and Technology Transfer Lab; the LSU Rural Life Museum
Visitors Center; and the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Equine ICU.
Intent to Lease Agreement between the Property Foundation and LSU
The LSU Board of Supervisors and the LSU Property Foundation have entered into an Intent to
Lease Agreement, through which the Foundation will select a Private Entity to implement the
master plan for the Nicholson Gateway Development which the LSU Board approved in March
2013 and October 2014. As an Agreement is being drafted with a Private Entity (Private Entity
Agreement), LSU and the Property Foundation will simultaneously draft a Ground Lease
Agreement to lease the affected property to the Property Foundation. In the end, LSU will lease
the land to the Property Foundation, who will then sublease, with LSU’s express approval, to the
Private Entity pursuant to the Private Entity Agreement. The Property Foundation will form a
single-member limited liability company or other special purpose entity for this project, in which
case the Private Entity Agreement and the Lease from LSU will be with the limited liability company
or other special purpose entity.
Project Management Committee
The Project will be steered by a Project Management Committee of the Property Foundation
(Committee), consisting of seven (7) members appointed by the Property Foundation and six (6)
members appointed by LSU.
The Committee will be responsible for making final
recommendations to the Property Foundation and to LSU regarding all contracts, designs, and
other issues relating to the Project.
Development Advisors
The Committee has engaged the collaborative services of Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc. and CSRS,
Inc. to serve as the Development Advisor and Program Manager (Development Advisor) for the
Project. The Development Advisor will help the Property Foundation engage and monitor the
development partnership.
Louisiana State University Background
Louisiana State University (LSU or the University) is the flagship institution of the Louisiana State
University system and the premier research university in the state of Louisiana. Since 1860, LSU
has served the people of Louisiana, the region, the nation, and the world through extensive,
multipurpose programs encompassing instruction, research, and public service.
LSU is:
The flagship institution of the State of Louisiana;
One of only 25 universities nationwide holding both land-grant and sea-grant status;
A provider of annual research expenditures of more than $145 million, a significant
factor for the Louisiana economy;
Home to a community of more than 34,000 faculty, staff, and students from every state
and more than 120 countries; and is
A contributor of more than a half-billion dollars to the Baton Rouge economy annually.
The University offers degrees in 12 different academic schools, including 69 baccalaureate, 74
masters, and 50 doctoral degree programs.
LSU’s fall 2014 enrollment consisted of 25,577 undergraduate students and 4,574 graduate
students for a total enrollment of 30,451 students.
7 of 26 3.3
Vision Statement
As the flagship institution of the state, the vision of Louisiana State University is to be a leading
research-extensive university, challenging undergraduate and graduate students to achieve the
highest levels of intellectual and personal development. Designated as a land-, sea-, and spacegrant institution, the mission of Louisiana State University (LSU) is the generation, preservation,
dissemination, and application of knowledge and cultivation of the arts.
Mission Statement
In implementing its mission, Louisiana State University is committed to:
Offering a broad array of undergraduate degree programs and extensive graduate
research opportunities designed to attract and educate highly qualified undergraduate
and graduate students;
Employing faculty who are excellent teacher-scholars, nationally competitive in
research and creative activities, and who contribute to a world-class knowledge base
that is transferable to educational, professional, cultural, and economic enterprises;
Using its extensive resources to solve economic, environmental, and social
Flagship 2020 and Additional University Information
LSU is dedicated to excellence and accountability to pursue a path grounded in decades of
tradition and guided by the foundation of the initial Flagship Agenda. With its latest strategic plan,
Flagship 2020, LSU focuses on the goals of learning, discovery, diversity, and engagement. The
Flagship 2020 plan can be found at the following website -
Additional information about the University is available at
Residential Life Vision Statement
The department strives to be a premier residential life program that embodies the highest
standards of campus housing.
Residential Life Mission Statement
The mission of Residential Life is to provide dynamic student-focused learning communities that
support development and academic success in clean, safe, and sustainable facilities that meet
the needs of the campus community.
Department Goals
The Department of Residence Life focuses on five goals, as described below.
Learning: Strengthen and further integrate Living-Learning components in residential
Communication: Communicate the value of our people, programs, facilities, and
services to our stakeholders
Sustainability: Promote stewardship of resources within our community in support of
global environmental sustainability
Development: Seek creative alternatives for funding and support of residential
programs and services
Improvement: Use assessment, evaluation, and implementation for continuous
improvement of our people, programs, facilities, and services.
Existing LSU Housing Inventory
LSU’s housing system currently consists of 6,254 beds (non-Greek-affiliated) in a total of 21
residence halls and 4 apartment complexes. The number of revenue-generating beds fluctuates
by academic year as a result of the rotational building and facility improvements conducted by the
LSU Department of Residential Life. Within the existing inventory, LSU provides a spectrum of
unit-type configurations, including traditional units and suite units available in single- and multipleoccupancy (double, triple, and quadruple) bedrooms and apartment units available in single
The Department of Residence Life at LSU is continually enhancing its existing inventory. The
number of available revenue-generating beds is adjusted each academic year in accordance with
an improvement schedule, resulting in some residence halls being fully or partially offline. Within
the last 10 years, the following residence halls have been newly constructed: Residential College
9 of 26 One Complex (North, South, and West) and Cypress Hall.
The following properties have
undergone significant renovation in the last 10 years: Kirby Smith Hall, Annie Boyd Hall, Blake
Hall, Pentagon, and East and West Laville Halls. Below is a chart of the current Housing Master
Plan’s progress in improving the housing system.
Themed Housing
Themed housing comprises a significant portion of LSU’s housing. Discipline-based themed
housing accommodates students of the same major, college, or program. Interest-based themed
housing accommodates students of different majors or colleges that are interested in a specific
living experience.
Residence Hall
Blake Hall
Evangeline Hall
Residential College West
Residential College North
Residential College South
Cypress Hall
Broussard Hall
Herget Hall
Lejeune Hall
East Laville Hall
West Laville Hall
Acadian Hall
East Campus Apartments
Agriculture Residential College
Science Residential College
Business Residential College
Engineering Residential College
Mass Communication Residential College
Global Connections Residential College
Human Sciences & Education Residential College
Career Discovery
Freshmen Residential College
Leadership & Service Learning
Tiger Bridge Program
Sophomore Gold
Note: Cypress Hall is currently under construction and is scheduled to be open in the Fall of 2015.
10 of 26 4.6
Overall, the LSU housing system had an occupancy of 95.9% for the 2014-15 academic year. On
average, the occupancy of the undergraduate housing components was above 96.3%, while
graduate housing averaged an occupancy of 89.9%.
LSU has maintained a high level of
occupancy throughout the past 15 years, as demonstrated by the Residence Hall and Single
Student Apartment occupancy numbers listed below, despite that it does not have a “live-on
campus” requirement.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005* 2006* 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
95.7% 96.7% 94.8% 97.2% 98.9% 100.2% 83.9% 98.3% 97.8% 97.6% 99.4% 95.5% 98.3% 96.2% 96.3%
*2005 and 2006 were impacted by Hurricane Katrina
The majority of the current on-campus residents are freshmen. The chart below shows occupancy
levels for the Fall of 2014.
Living on Campus
Please note that the Property Foundation does not make any representations or assumptions
regarding future occupancy levels.
11 of 26 4.7
Rental Rates
Residence Halls
Demonstrated below are the per-student, per-semester residence hall rental rates for the 201415 academic year.
Blake Hall
Blake Hall Residential College
Miller Hall
McVoy Hall
Kirby Smith Hall
Beauregard Hall
Jackson Hall
Taylor Hall
LeJeune Hall
Louise Garig Hall
Annie Boyd Hall
Highland Hall
Evangeline Hall
Res. College West
Res. College North
Res. College South
Broussard Hall
Herget Hall
East Laville Hall
West Laville Hall
Hall/Community Bath
2‐student 3‐student
Suite Bath
2‐student 3‐student
Private Bath
2‐student 3‐student
Apartment Rental Rates
Demonstrated below are the per-student, per-semester apartment rental rates for the 2014-15
academic year.
East Campus Apartments
West Campus Apartments
Edward Gay Apartments
Nicholson I
Nicholson II
Project History
The Project began in 2012 with a Nicholson Gateway Master Plan, which included several public
forums and a market analysis. As was the case then, the Project is expected to be a mix of
primarily student residential space (geared toward sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate
students) with student-centric retail. A revised master plan for the area, prepared in 2014 at LSU’s
request, includes more housing and less retail than was originally proposed, but the primary goal
of addressing housing needs and creating a new gateway district remain intact.
Nicholson Gateway Master Plan & Addendum
The Nicholson Gateway Master Plan was issued in March 2013 and revised via addendum in
October 2014. Full volumes of the Master Plan and the Addendum can be found within the RFQ
portion of the project website:
Overall Project Goals & Objectives
The goal of the Nicholson Gateway Master Plan is to transform the Nicholson Drive corridor into
a Gateway district. Underlying goals are to:
Establish a coherent public face that defines LSU’s presence along Nicholson Drive;
Provide an appropriate vista for a major campus entrance that reinforces the LSU
Define a recognizable entrance that introduces the unique and transformative LSU
Provide a sufficient scale to create a comprehensive gateway that establishes a sense
of place;
Establish a district, or sense of place unto itself, with a distinct albeit familiar
architectural style;
Embrace the timeless aesthetics consistent with the beauty of campus and prominence
of the institution;
Utilize exterior materials that are consistent with existing campus facilities; and
Extend the LSU environment to the edge of the campus.
As summarized in the Master Plan, the Nicholson Gateway Development will turn what has
traditionally been a secondary entrance to campus into a primary gateway district. It will become
a place that feels like a part of campus, rather than a service-oriented bypass. This site and other
underutilized sites in the precinct will accommodate new campus facilities and an improved
13 of 26 landscape that will create a sense of arrival. The change will be dramatic. Upon entering the
campus a visitor will be struck with a powerful impression, a sense of entry, and a feeling of “Wow,
I have arrived.”
Student Housing Program
The Property Foundation has completed market and financial research to create marketresponsive programs and to confirm the feasibility of the Project. The Project’s competitive
advantage is the location, LSU’s communities, and the overall campus experience. A detailed
program will be provided to Private Entities invited to the RFP process.
Current plans for the Project at the Nicholson site are to provide approximately 1,640 beds of
student housing along Nicholson Drive, including approximately 870 beds in apartments for
undergraduates, 400 beds in a residence hall that will be used to accommodate some of LSU’s
undergraduate student athletes, and 370 beds in apartments for graduate students. Should
Private Entities also decide to pursue the development of the Residence Hall Program, current
plans are to provide the replacement of 2,700 beds of on-campus residence halls.
The Project will provide amenities to the extent that amenities generate positive developmental
outcomes, but providing amenities for the sole purpose of competing with the high-end off-campus
market is not required. The Project should utilize a balanced approach that responds to the
importance of quality and the sensitivity to affordability, meaning that the Project quality should
not be reduced to drive pricing down and rental rates should not be increased in order to add
unnecessary amenities to compete with the off-campus market.
Non - Housing Program
To enhance the student experience within the community, as well as the broader area of this
portion of the flagship campus, the Property Foundation is seeking to provide additional qualityof-life services such as parking, retail, and associated infrastructure.
These additional
components are to be delivered as part of the Project and will be further defined in the RFP.
Parking: An appropriate amount of parking, as specified by the Property Foundation, is expected
to be provided by the Private Entity. Parking will be inclusive of replacement of any displaced
parking due to the development of the Project.
Retail: The Property Foundation has conducted market research to determine the viability of the
retail program. The Project’s retail space is expected to total approximately 30,000 to 50,000
square feet and to be allocated for convenience-based campus retail spaces. The Private Entity
will be responsible for lease-up, operations, and maintenance of any retail spaces.
14 of 26 Existing Structures: Abatement and demolition of existing facilities on the site will be the
responsibility of the Private Entity. Additionally, the Private Entity will be responsible for the
provision of utilities to the site.
The Property Foundation has conducted detailed site
investigation, and a detailed “site package” will be provided to Private Entities invited to
participate in the RFP.
Public Funded Infrastructure / Garage: A five-level, cast-in-place parking garage sized at 298,855
square feet and designed to accommodate 983 spaces will be provided at the Nicholson site
through a publicly-funded improvement project. Construction on the garage is scheduled to
commence in March 2016 with an anticipated completion date of April 2017. Expansion of the
parking garage will be possible as part of the Project. A new gravity sewer line along the west
side of the site draining south to a new pump station anticipated to be completed March 2016 is
also included through public funding. Lastly, improvements to the Nicholson Drive roadway
complete with repositioning of vehicular travel lanes and the addition of pedestrian crossings and
amenities will be provided through public funding. More detail on the publicly-funded projects
will be provided in a “site inventory package” as part of the RFP.
Site Description
The overall Nicholson site is approximately 28 acres situated in the northwest quadrant of the
flagship campus. The site is bounded by Nicholson Drive (LA Highway 30) on the east, Skip
Bertman Drive on the south, a single rail track (Canadian National Railway) on the west, and
West Chimes Street on the north. The site is owned by the State of Louisiana.
There are three new buildings in varying stages of design/construction on the site:
A. LSU Foundation Building (LSUF) at the southeast corner of the site;
B. Tiger Athletic Nutrition Center (TANC) at the southwest corner of the site; and
C. Nicholson Gateway Parking Garage (NGPG) on the west side of the site.
Other projects in varying stages of design/construction on or near the site include:
D. An access drive on west side of site connecting Skip Bertman Drive to the new parking
E. A surface parking lot on south side of site, serving the LSUF and TANC buildings;
F. Improvements to the Nicholson Drive roadway corridor, including new pedestrian
crossings; and
G. A gravity sewer line on the west side of the site draining south to a new sewer pump
station (by others).
15 of 26 The parking garage (C) is part of an in-progress “infrastructure project” that includes items D
through G above. Each of these projects are located on assigned parcels within the overall site;
the residual parcel comprises the “Private Entity site.”
Detailed information regarding these projects will be provided to Private Entities that are invited
to participate in the RFP process. Please note that the image below is a master plan level
rendering of the site.
There are currently buildings on the site totaling approximately 230,000 square feet (13 two-story
apartment buildings and accessory buildings) that will be removed by the Private Entity as part of
this Project. Information regarding required hazardous material abatement and demolition of
these buildings will be provided to Private Entities that are invited to participate in the RFP process.
Lastly, there are other existing features remaining on the site including subsurface foundation
elements of a previously-demolished baseball stadium, concrete slabs of previously-demolished
apartment buildings, parking lots, drives and walks, site lighting fixtures, fencing and limestonesurfaced temporary parking lots. Detailed information related to the disposition of these items will
be provided to Private Entities that are invited to participate in the RFP Process.
16 of 26 5.7
Design Objectives
The expectation is that this Project will demonstrate the design tenets adopted by the Association
of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) 21st Century Project
focused on sustainability, flexibility, community, and technology. The Project should be configured
in a “village-style” concept incorporating unified architectural themes and materials throughout
each building and in outdoor common areas. The village-style concept will be realized with vibrant,
centrally located community spaces that will serve as hubs of residential and campus life. In
keeping with optimal community design and institutional criteria from ACUHO-I 21st Century
Project standards, the buildings will likely be a mid-rise development with ample green space and
pedestrian connections.
The Project will be expected to be designed in accordance with LSU’s design standards, including:
OFS Standards
Wayfinding Standards
Exterior Architecture Standards
Site Standards
Sustainability Standards
IT Standards
Retail Standards
Residential Life Standards
LSU’s design standards, as listed above, will be provided during the RFP process. LSU’s design
standards are intended to be guidelines for development, but unless expressed as requirements,
the design standards are not intended to be prescriptive. Provided that the Property Foundation’s
objectives are satisfied, the Private Entities will have some design flexibility towards programming
the amended master site plan and its buildings. The selected Private Entity should recognize
that the Project’s final designs will be negotiated with the Property Foundation through a
rigorous plan review process, including a review for approval of Schematic Design
performed by LSU’s Board of Supervisors.
The Project at the Nicholson site is scheduled to be completed and opened in one phase by the
Fall of 2018. Should the Private Entity determine to develop the Residence Hall Project, the
schedule and phasing for these 2,700 beds will be determined in coordination with the Property
Foundation and the LSU Department of Residential Life.
17 of 26 5.9
Maintenance & Operations Objectives
In alignment with the stated objectives, the delivery of operations and maintenance for the Project
must be consistent with services currently provided on campus. There are four (4) options that
the Property Foundation will consider from Private Entities for the delivery of operations and
1. Property Foundation will maintain and operate the Project and will be reimbursed for
all costs by the Private Entity;
2. Private Entity will self-operate the development in alignment with LSU standards;
3. Private Entity will outsource to a third-party operator at the sole cost of the Private
Entity. The third-party operator will provide a level of service consistent with LSU
standards; or
4. A combination of any two (2) options listed above.
If maintenance and operations are to be delivered by the Private Entity or third-party operator, the
Property Foundation will work with the Private Entity to develop an agreement that delineates the
standards for the operations and maintenance responsibilities within and around the Project.
Additional coordination will be required to ensure that the delivery of services is consistent with
the Property Foundation’s vision for the Project.
It is important to note, however, that the Property Foundation seeks to retain the responsibility for
custodial services, residence life and programming, marketing, student billings, collections and
room assignments for the Project through LSU’s Department of Residential Life. Therefore, these
duties will not be included in the operations delivery approach provided by the Private Entity in
response to this RFQ.
5.10 Financial & Credit Impact Objectives
Respondents to this RFQ should understand that the University’s credit ratings and credit
condition are important to the Property Foundation. The Property Foundation expects that any
agreement for the development of the Project will be structured with the priority of minimizing and
ideally eliminating any credit and financial impact to the Property Foundation and the University.
Overview of the RFQ Process
The purpose of the RFQ is to identify interested parties that demonstrate the best qualifications,
experience, and financial capacity necessary to assume the responsibilities of the Private Entity.
The Property Foundation’s evaluation of each RFQ response will be based upon the information
provided, additional information requested by the Property Foundation, information obtained from
references and independent sources, and formal presentations, if requested.
Private Entities that are deemed the most qualified by the Property Foundation in the RFQ process
will be invited to participate in the RFP process and will be provided with additional information
concerning the proposed development and provided an opportunity to conduct due diligence.
RFQ Schedule
Release of RFQ
July 24, 2015
Optional Pre-Submittal Conference Call
August 4, 2015
Deadline for Questions
August 7, 2015
Response Addendum Posted
August 14, 2015
RFQ Responses Due
August 21, 2015
Optional Pre-Submittal Conference Call
An optional pre-submittal conference call will be conducted. Topics to be covered during the
conference call will be:
A general description of the Project;
An overview of the selection process; and
Questions and answers.
The call is scheduled on August 4, 2015 at 1:00pm central time.
Conference Call-In Number: (630) 424-2334
Passcode: 8885664#
19 of 26 6.4
The Property Foundation, through its Development Advisor, may issue written addenda prior to
the RFQ submission date, supplementing, modifying or interpreting any portion of this RFQ. No
verbal or written information from any source other than the Development Advisor is authorized
as representing the Property Foundation.
It is solely the Private Entity’s responsibility to check the Nicholson Gateway website at forty-eight (48) hours before the closing time of this solicitation
process to verify that the Private Entities have received any addenda that may have been issued.
Qualification Requirements
This RFQ is open to all prospective parties who seek qualification to pursue the development of
the Project at the flagship campus. Qualification will be based on a determination by the Property
Foundation at its sole and complete discretion. The Private Entity must meet the requirements
highlighted in Section 7 – Submittal Requirements.
Upon receipt, all RFQ submissions will be reviewed for completeness in accordance with the
submission requirements and assessed in the areas of technical and financial capability, relevant
project experience, and references, with respect to the standards set forth in this RFQ.
After reviewing all submissions, the University intends to issue a shortlist of the most
qualified Private Entities to be invited to the RFP process.
The Property Foundation will not consider any response to the RFQ that does not completely fulfill
these requirements. The Property Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all
20 of 26 7.
The following constitutes the submittal requirements and evaluation criteria for the Property
Foundation to evaluate the RFQ responses. The RFQ response must follow the order provided below
to facilitate evaluation of the responses. In addition, the RFQ response must provide tabs correlating
to each of the following criteria numbers below. It is critical that responses to the RFQ are consistent
in order to ensure accuracy in the Property Foundation’s review process. Failure to submit proposals
in the requested order poses risk that all Submittal Requirements may not be included and may hinder
the Property Foundation’s ability to accurately compare submittals.
Your proposal must respond to each criterion in the following order:
Cover Page
Cover Letter
Table of Contents
Tab 1.1: Background and Team Information
Tab 1.2: Technical Capability
Tab 1.3: Financial Capability
Tab 1.4: Relevant Experience
Tab 1.5: Approach
A description of Tabs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 is included below in further detail.
Tab 1.1 - Background and Team Information
Description of Private Entity:
Provide a description of the Private Entity or Private Entities and the anticipated legal relationship
(governance and capital structure) for the proposing Private Entity or Private Entities. Include in
the description of the Private Entity or Private Entities the year founded, description and
approximate value of real estate developed and currently under control, number of employees by
function, and an organizational chart. All equity investors should be identified.
Role of Private Entity’s Key Personnel: Briefly outline the roles of the key personnel for each
Private Entity proposing.
Contact Person: Provide a single contact person for all future communication with the Property
Foundation. Disclose the contact person’s name, title, organization, address, telephone number,
and email address.
Controlling Interest: Identify the individuals or companies who hold a major or controlling interest
in each Private Entity proposing.
Expected Advisors: Identify the companies and individuals who are expected to act as legal,
financial, or other advisors for each Private Entity proposing.
21 of 26 7.2
Tab 1.2 - Technical Capability
Maintenance Experience
As noted in Section 5.9 Maintenance and Operations Objectives, Private Entities may have
four (4) options available regarding the delivery of maintenance and operations for the
Project. The four (4) options are as follows:
1. Property Foundation will maintain and operate the Project and will be
reimbursed for all costs by the Private Entity;
2. Private Entity will self-operate the development in alignment with LSU
3. Private Entity will outsource to a third-party operator at the sole cost of the
Private Entity. The third-party operator will provide a level of service consistent
with LSU standards; or
4. A combination of any two (2) options listed above.
If the Private Entity would consider self-maintaining the Project, submittals must include
evidence demonstrating the Private Entity’s ability to maintain a project of this nature and
Specifically, if the Private Entity would consider self-maintaining, the Private Entity or Private
Entities should demonstrate that it possesses:
a. Substantial university facility maintenance experience;
b. Advanced knowledge of campus facilities maintenance, repair, construction,
and practical application of equipment and materials;
Demonstrated understandings in facility aging behavior to assess and
determine the applicability of remedial maintenance action and lifecycle
management; and
d. All capabilities necessary to successfully operate and maintain the campus
project including routine maintenance, operations and management.
Regardless of the maintenance delivery option selected by the Private Entity, the proposal
must indicate the option envisioned for this Project.
Student Services
The Private Entities must demonstrate their commitment to achieving the highest standards
of student service and satisfaction. Specifically, the Private Entities must highlight its
experience and qualifications for providing excellent customer service to university students.
The Private Entities may, at their option, include additional information concerning its
experience in maintaining productive ongoing relationships with universities.
22 of 26 7.2.3
Capital Improvements
Teams must demonstrate their ability to efficiently undertake required capital improvements to the
Project during the term of the proposed ground lease and/or concession agreement.
Tab 1.3 - Financial Capability
Proposing Private Entities must demonstrate their financial capacity to complete and maintain the
Project over the term of the agreement.
To demonstrate their financial strength and evidence that funding can be provided, proposing
Private Entities must provide copies of audited financial statements for the past three (3) years
together with any other relevant financial information. If audited financial statements cannot be
provided, proposing Private Entities should provide sufficient financial information to demonstrate
that they have the financial resources to successfully execute a project of this nature and scope.
Except as required by applicable law, materials marked as proprietary or confidential will be
considered as such.
Proposing Private Entities must provide specific evidence that they have available the appropriate
financial resources to complete all aspects of the Project, or demonstrate their capability to raise
financing for a project of this nature and scope.
Factors that must be provided, in addition to the requested financial audited statements, include:
a. Available financial resources;
b. Capability of raising capital (public placement debt, private placement debt, equity,
other) in the current capital market;
The number and size of past relevant university transactions; and
d. Specific experiences on past relevant university transactions.
Note: The Property Foundation will not approve any financing proposal which the Property
Foundation believes in its sole discretion will result in the selected Private Entity’s financing being
considered indirect debt of the University by any national rating agency currently rating University
Tab 1.4 - Relevant Experience & References
Provide a list, in order of relevance to the Project, of at least four (4) recent comparable housing
projects that include public-private partnerships in which the proposing Private Entities have
participated, preferably projects that were developed within the past ten (10) years.
Private Entities should specify how each of these comparable housing projects relates to the
proposed Project outlined in this RFQ. If possible, Private Entities should specify housing projects
23 of 26 that include 1,000 or more beds developed in either a single or multiple phases. Alternative case
studies may be submitted for consideration if Private Entities do not have representative projects
with more than 1,000 beds, but public-private partnership experience must be exhibited. Include
information on the proposing Private Entity’s role, the size of the project, and which proposing
Private Entity’s key personnel worked on the project. Evidence should include brief project
descriptions, a statement regarding the duration of your financial and operational involvement with
each such project following completion, and the name, address, and telephone number of a
primary contact with knowledge of the project. Project examples should include capital budget
information and number of beds to allow comparison of the cost of various levels of student
housing quality.
Relevant projects will demonstrate an ability to design, build, finance, and maintain the project
while maintaining a long-term relationship with the institution. Project examples should
demonstrate familiarity with on-campus student housing development. Private Entities should
demonstrate that their role in the project added substantive value to the institution. Examples
should also include the project’s performance including and any other factual indications of
success (facility operating standards, housing occupancy, operating performance, lifecycle
management, alignment with financial requirements, etc.). Except as required by applicable law,
materials marked as proprietary or confidential will be considered as such.
Tab 1.5 - Approach
Realizing that the Project approach will be solidified during the RFP process, please include a
description of your anticipated Project approach. Discuss how you will advance the Project’s
requirements, build on work completed to date, or otherwise add distinctive value to the University.
With your approach, include a preliminary and conceptual Project schedule depicting major
milestones, durations, and dependencies that would lead to a delivery date of the Nicholson
portion of the Project in the Fall of 2018.
Required Submittals
It is the Private Entity’s sole responsibility to submit information in fulfillment of the requirements
of this RFQ. If pertinent information or required submittals are not included within your submittal,
it may cause your submittal to be rejected or have an adverse impact on evaluation.
Quantity of Submittals
Please submit thirteen (13) hard copies of your submittal plus one (1) original hard copy with no
holes punched in it. The hard copies should be submitted on 8.5” x 11” sized paper to make
reproduction feasible as needed by the University and should not exceed 40 single-sided pages,
including pictures, charts, graphs, tables, and text that the Private Entities deem appropriate to be
part of the review of the response. Additionally, please submit one (1) electronic copy of your
submittal on a thumb/flash drive.
24 of 26 Resumes of key personnel should be appended to the end of your response. Resumes of key
personnel along with the cover letter, table of contents, front and back covers, and blank
section/numerical dividers, etc. will not be counted in the 40-page limit. No supplemental
information to the 40-page RFQ submittal will be allowed.
The original hard copy should contain an original signature of an officer of the Private Entity or
Private Entities with authority to commit the firm(s), and should be marked “Original” on front cover.
As noted above, submittal contents should be presented in the same order as the requirements
listed in Section 7 – Submittal Requirements of this RFQ.
Submittal Instructions
RFQ submittals should be addressed to the Property Foundation and delivered to the address
shown below no later than 3:00 pm CT on August 21, 2015.
6767 Perkins Road, Suite 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed in writing to the Development Advisors at
Private Entities should not contact any officials of the University, its Student Housing program, or
advisors of the University with regard to this opportunity, other than the Development Advisors as
previously stated. Private Entities are advised that unauthorized contacts with officials, related
parties or advisors of the University may result in elimination of a Private Entities from this RFQ
Any representations or statements made within this RFQ shall not be considered a contractual
obligation by the Property Foundation and the Private Entities shall not be entitled to rely upon
them. The Property Foundation reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to identify
and select the Private Entity which the Property Foundation, in its sole and absolute discretion,
deems most qualified.
The Private Entity shall be solely and totally responsible for all costs associated with responding
to this RFQ, and the Property Foundation accepts no responsibility with regard thereto.
Submissions will become the property of the Property Foundation.
The Property Foundation reserves all rights available to it by law in administering this RFQ,
including without limitation, the right, in its sole discretion, to:
Reject any or all submittals at any time;
Terminate evaluation of any or all submittals at any time;
Suspend, discontinue and/or terminate negotiations with any Private Entities at any
time prior to the actual authorized execution of Private Entity Agreement;
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Negotiate with a Private Entity without being bound by any provision in its submittal;
Accept and review a nonconforming submittal;
Request or obtain clarifications, revisions or additional information from any source;
Issue addenda to and/or cancel this RFQ;
Issue a new request for qualifications;
Decline to financially participate in a proposed Project;
Extend any deadline or time and waive or permit the correction of minor deficiencies
or irregularities in a submittal and minor or technical violations of this RFQ;
Change the scope and the range of services from what is defined in this RFQ at any
time; and
Select any submitted P3 structure.
This RFQ does not commit any of the Property Foundation to enter into a contract. In no event
shall any of the Property Foundation be bound by, or liable for, any obligations with respect to a
Project until such time (if at all) as a Private Entity Agreement, in form and substance satisfactory
to the Property Foundation, has been executed and properly authorized, and then only to the
extent set forth therein.
Under no circumstances shall any of the Property Foundation be liable for, or reimburse, the costs
incurred by Respondents, whether or not selected for negotiations, in developing submittals or in
negotiating agreements.
Each Respondent, by submitting qualifications, thereby accepts all risk of adverse public notice,
damages, financial loss, criticism or embarrassment that may result from any disclosure or
publication of any material or information required or requested by any of the Property Foundation
in connection with the submission of qualifications. In submitting qualifications, the Respondent
expressly waives, on behalf of itself, its partners, joint venture members, officers, employees and
agents, any claim against any of the Property Foundation, and their respective officers and
employees, for any damages that may arise therefrom.
Any and all information any of the Property Foundation makes available to Private Entities shall
be as a convenience to the Private Entity and without representation or warranty of any kind.
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