Living on Campus Handbook - Louisiana State University

Living on Campus
Welcome to your new home on the beautiful campus of Louisiana State University. It’s an
exciting time to live on campus, and you’re a part of it!
Living on campus lets you focus on what matters as you transition into and through
college - academic success and personal development. All of our residential communities
are purposefully designed to support you throughout your college career. Whether it’s
entertaining community programs or engaging study groups, take advantage of all the
services and support staff your community provides.
I hope you will get involved, influence your living environment, and truly get connected to
LSU. Your involvement is the key to your success and will only enhance your experience
at LSU.
This handbook presents important information you need to know about the services,
policies, and procedures for residential communities at LSU. Familiarize yourself with
the information in this handbook and contact a Residential Life staff member with any
questions or concerns. You can also connect with us online at
or tweet us @LSUResLife.
Again, welcome and best wishes for a successful year!
Geaux Tigers!
Steve Waller
Executive Director
Residential Life & Housing
Table of Contents
Mission, Vision, and Values 2
Commitment to Community 3
Inclusive Communities
Community Living
Important Phone Numbers 24
Updated 12-23-2015
Provide dynamic student-focused learning communities that support development and academic success in clean, safe, and
sustainable facilities that meet the needs of the campus community.
Be a premier residential life program that embodies the highest standards of campus housing
Mission Statement
Department of Residential Life
Mission Statement, Vision and Values
Community - Create spaces for residents to be connected, comfortable, and empowered through a transformational
Courage - Exhibit confidence and tenacity to make bold decisions despite challenges or difficulties and accept full
responsibility for the outcomes
Inclusivity - Establish a respectful community that seeks multiple perspectives and embraces individual differences
Integrity - Abide by the highest standards of our profession to instill trust with community members by creating an
environment of mutual respect, openness, and truthfulness
Stewardship - Utilize resources responsibly and creatively to benefit present and future members of the community
Teamwork - Collaborate to achieve common goals through communication, commitment, and support
Commitment to Community
Louisiana State University is an interactive community in which students, faculty, and staff together strive to pursue truth, advance
learning, and uphold the highest standards of performance in an academic and social environment.
It is a community that fosters individual development and the creation of bonds that transcend the time spent within its gates.
To demonstrate my pride in LSU, as a member of its community, I will:
Accept responsibilities for my actions;
Hold myself and others to the highest standards of academic, personal, and social integrity;
Practice justice, equality, and compassion in human relations;
Respect the dignity of all persons and accept individual differences;
Respect the environment and the rights and properties of others and the University;
Contribute positively to the life of the campus and surrounding community;
And use my LSU experience to be an active citizen in an international and interdependent world.
The continued success of LSU depends on the faithful commitment by each community member to these, our basic principles.
Adopted as a Statement of University Position on behalf of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
Community on the fifth of May in the year 1995.
Inclusive Housing
The Department of Residential Life is committed to providing
a community that is accepting of students and staff of different
backgrounds, racial and ethnic identities, religious beliefs,
sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical abilities
or other aspects of identity. We shall serve as an advocate
for diverse interactions of our residents, guests, and staff. All
members of our community are responsible for supporting
an atmosphere that appreciates individual differences and
recognizes each person’s unique contribution to the university.
We believe that our students can only achieve their full
development as citizens with an environment that supports
and promotes the ideas of an inclusive community. Residential
Life takes a proactive approach to protect our diverse
community by providing educational programming that
addresses topics of diversity and social justice.
We partner with you and other campus offices like the Office
of Disability Services, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the
Dean of Students, the Student Health Center and more to meet
students’ needs and connect them with appropriate resources.
Visit for more
information about inclusive housing.
Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a
comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination
based on the gender of students and employees of educational
institutions that receive federal financial assistance.
In accordance with Title IX and other applicable law,
Louisiana State University (“LSU”) is committed to providing
a learning, working, and living environment that promotes
integrity, civility, and mutual respect in an environment free
of discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual misconduct
which includes sex discrimination, sexual harassment, dating
violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and
retaliation. LSU prohibits sex discrimination and sexual
misconduct. This policy applies to all persons without
regard to sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender
Inclusive Communities
Inclusive Communities
Sex discrimination and sexual misconduct violate an
individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity. LSU
considers sex discrimination and sexual misconduct in all
of its forms to be serious offenses. This policy has been
developed to reaffirm these principles and to provide recourse
for individuals whose rights have been violated. This policy
establishes a mechanism for determining when rights have
been violated in employment, student life, campus support
services, LSU programs and/or an academic environment.
Visit for more
information about reporting a violation.
Community Living
Know your responsibilities and rights as a resident in your community.
Being a member of a community brings a set of rights as well
as responsibilities. We encourage you to seek active roles in
your community as a leader, student, and peer.
Community Standards
LSU’s residence halls and apartments have established
community standards, which are intended to promote the
well-being and rights of all community members as well as
maintain the facilities and physical surroundings in which
the community exists. Resident Assistants (RAs) lead their
communities in upholding community standards within the
residence hall and apartment communities.
The Department of Residential Life is committed to enhancing
your total college experience. The purpose of programming is
to promote your personal and academic growth. We provide a
variety of opportunities for you to get the most from the time
you spend outside the classroom. The overall goal is to help
you succeed academically and personally while in college and
to prepare you for life after graduation.
Programming in the residential communities offers you
several opportunities to meet people, expand your cultural
and educational horizons, and have fun. In the residential
colleges and Honors House, we connect curricular studies to
the residential living experience. For more information on
programs in your community or information on how to get
involved with programming in your community, contact your
Roommates / Suitemates
Making the most of living in your new residence hall or
apartment community starts with getting settled in and getting
to know your roommate. Begin by discussing with your
roommate your ideas, feelings, backgrounds, and opinions
on sharing responsibilities in the room. Be clear about what
you want and work on compromising. Establishing healthy
roommate relationships is the first step in becoming part of the
larger residence hall or apartment community. Roommates are
required to complete a Roommate Agreement during the first
week of classes each semester. Roommate Agreement forms
are provided by your RA who will assist you in the process.
These agreements serve as a conversational starting point
and should be revisited frequently as relationships with your
roommate grow.
Residential Life is committed to being good stewards of all
resources. As one of the department’s core values, stewardship
guides decisions to use resources responsibly and creatively
to benefit present and future members of the community.
Through promoting stewardship of resources, the department
seeks to support global environmental sustainability, reduce
the students’ own personal carbon footprint and, consequently,
increase the university’s contribution to conservation of
resources and energy efficiency.
For your convenience, recycling bins have been provided
in residence hall common areas and the apartment activity
centers. Please rinse out all recyclable items before depositing
them in the recycling bin. These recycling bins are managed
and emptied by the custodial staff in the halls.
The Department of Residential Life employs many full-time
and student employees who work to provide a comfortable
and pleasant living environment. Staff members help you
in your personal and academic endeavors by providing
opportunities for growth and development, mentoring, and
support. The staff directory and organizational chart may be
viewed at
Resident Assistants (RAs)—These students are assigned to
individual floors/buildings/stacks. RAs serve as leaders and
focus on individual and community goals as they relate to
academic, social, and community growth. RAs are the primary
contact for discussing resident questions and concerns,
addressing problem resolutions, and establishing community
atmospheres. RAs hold floor/building meetings, distribute
information, help plan programs, work at the front desk, and
enforce policies.
Graduate Residence Directors (GRDs)—These are
graduate students who assist the RLC within the daily
operations of the community. GRDs are available as resources
for personal and group concerns. GRDs support the RLC in
his/her management of the community and often serve as the
main contact when the RLC is unavailable. GRDs may also
assist in the advisement of the Community Council. Office
hours vary; contact the front desk to set up an appointment.
Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs)—Full-time
professionals that reside in each community. The primary
responsibility of each RLC is to oversee all daily operations
of the community, including but not limited to community
building, assignments, facilities, business operations, and
resident communication. RLCs supervise Graduate Residence
Directors (GRDs), Resident Assistants (RAs), and Desk
Assistants (DAs). RLCs are available as resources for personal
and group concerns. Office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Desk Assistants (DAs)—These individuals work at the
front desk. DAs provide customer service to residents through
general desk duties, such as entering work orders.
Custodians—These individuals maintain the clean facilities
including the hallways, common areas, and restrooms.
Custodial Supervisors—These individuals supervise
building custodial staff and coordinate maintenance and
Tiger Bridge Coordinator—The Tiger Bridge program is
collaboration between Baton Rouge Community College
(BRCC) and LSU. The Tiger Bridge Coordinator is
responsible for supporting the academic success and the social
integration of Tiger Bridge Students at both institutions. This
is done through the coordinated collaboration of multiple
departments at both institutions in conjunction with direct
student support. The Tiger Bridge Coordinator also supervises
the Tiger Bridge Community Council. Office hours are 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.
Faculty-In-Residence—These two faculty members are
engaged and motivated LSU faculty members who are
invested in directly impacting students’ residential experiences
through interactions that promote social and intellectual
development, academic support, and advising in the
residential setting. They live in specially designed apartments
within or adjacent to on-campus residence halls to share the
on-campus experience with residents and seamlessly blend
student learning and development inside and outside the
Faculty Friends—The Faculty Friends program brings
together students and faculty outside the typical teaching
experience in the classroom. These faculty are involved
in various ways, including discussion groups, eating with
residents in the dining halls, attending hall programs, holding
study sessions, and participating in campus events.
Community Living
Meeting the Staff
LSUPD Adopt-a-Hall—These are officers that volunteer to
be in the halls getting to know residents and maintaining a
positive visibility through informal settings in the community.
Through regular interaction, students may feel more
comfortable approaching and utilizing officers as resources.
Policy and Process Coordinator—The Policy & Process
Coordinator (PPC) is a full-time professional staff member
that oversees the department’s advocacy processes, including
the C.A.R.E. Team, Academic Intervention Team and Beacon
Alert Team. The PPC acts as a hearing officer for the student
conduct process, advises the Student Conduct Board, and
provides residents with the resources that may best serve them
while promoting student success and empowerment. Office
hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
Associate/Assistant Directors—These full-time
professionals are responsible for the administration of
residential areas. Associate/Assistant Directors supervise the
RLCs and may be reached at their offices, which are located
in Grace King Hall. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Central Office Staff—These university employees serve
under the executive director of the Department of Residential
Life and are responsible for management, administration,
and support functions of the department. Some of these
functions include room assignments, budget, payroll and
personnel management, renovation and repairs, and computer
Getting Involved
Getting involved in your community is a great way to meet
new friends, learn valuable skills, and contribute positively to
your living environment. Here are a few available leadership
Residence Hall Association -
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) represents all students
living in residence halls and campus apartments. RHA acts as
a governing body by reviewing and recommending changes
in regulations, policies, and physical facilities pertinent and
beneficial to students living on campus. RHA also organizes and
sponsors educational, social, and leadership activities of benefit
and interest to on-campus residents. RHA is composed of
student officers elected by on-campus students. The president,
vice president, and elections commissioner are elected at the
end of the spring semester, and the president and vice president
appoint an executive staff, which serves a term that spans one
calendar year. On-campus residents are automatically general
members of the RHA and are entitled to cast one vote in all
general elections.
Community Council
Community Councils reflect the interests and concerns of
residents by planning and implementing social and educational
programs. Each residence hall and apartment complex is
represented by a Community Council, which is comprised
of a representative from each hall and a number of officers.
Volunteers are always needed to help with these programs and
leadership opportunities within the community councils. No
matter what your interest or talents, community council will
help you use them to make your community your own. The
officers are elected at the beginning of the fall semester by
residents of the community. Any resident, including freshmen,
may run for Community Council positions. To learn more about
your Community Council and how you can get involved visit
What makes the Community Council so successful is that a
group of volunteer student leaders takes initiative to make
a difference for the community by lobbying for change
and offering creative activities. Community Councils, with
assistance by the Residence Hall Association, conduct their
annual fund raiser at the beginning of the year with their
Activity Card sale.
Activity Cards - When residents move into their community in
the fall semester, they are asked if they would like to buy a
Community Council Activity Card. The funds are then used
by the Community Council to hold community activities
and enhance the living environment. This card identifies
that the resident is a stakeholder in the Community Council
account; and, depending on the community, the resident
will be able to use various items when they present their
activity card at the front desk (e.g. vacuum, board games,
pool table, etc.). By purchasing a Community Council
Activity Card, a resident takes their first step in supporting
their living experience.
National Residence Hall Honorary -
The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is an honorary
student organization made up of the top 1% of student leaders
in the residence halls. NRHH focuses on four main aspects
- recognition, leadership, service, and scholarship. To be
considered for NRHH, a student must have lived on campus
for at least one academic year, maintained a 2.5 GPA, and
contributed in excellent ways to your residential community.
Each semester students are nominated and inducted into NRHH
at a special ceremony in their honor.
Of The Month - One of the main recognition programs
coordinated by NRHH is the “Of the Month” or
“OTM” program. Throughout the year, students, faculty,
and staff nominate outstanding programs or individuals for
an “Of the Month” award. To submit a nomination, visit These nominations compete at the
campus level and have the opportunity to be considered for
both regional and national awards in a variety of categories.
University Hearing Panel -
The University Hearing Panel exists to provide students with
the opportunity to be actively involved in the University
Accountability Process. Through the University Hearing Panel,
violations of LSU policies (academic, behavioral, Residential
Life) may be addressed by students, faculty members and staff
In the event that a student is transported, voluntarily or
involuntarily, to a medical or behavioral health treatment
center, the student will be required to provide information
to Residential Life in order to return to his/her on-campus
housing assignment.
Residential Life reserves the right to deny permission to return
to campus housing at the sole discretion of the department.
The student will be fully responsible for his/her own living
arrangements and expenses off-campus, including all financial
obligations, until all review actions are completed by LSU
and the student is approved by LSU to return to on-campus
Student Accountability Process
The mission of the student accountability process for the
Department of Residential Life is:
• To provide an accountability process that holds students
accountable for unacceptable behaviors that occur within
an on-campus residential community or that involve oncampus residents
• To protect the rights of all members of the university
• To educate students regarding the responsibilities inherent
in an on-campus residential community, including
abiding by policies that are established for the safety and
welfare of the community
• To provide students serving on the University Hearing
Panel with an opportunity for leadership and service to
the on-campus residential community and university
Documented is the term used by most people in the university
community when they are referring to the process that occurs
when a staff member or resident witnesses and reports an
alleged violation of university/housing policies, as outlined in
the LSU Code of Student Conduct, housing contract, and this
handbook. In some instances law enforcement may become
In most cases when a student is observed potentially violating
a university policy, a Residential Life staff member will
identify himself or herself, communicate which policy has
been violated, and request identification from the student. If
you find yourself in such a position, you should remember
that the conduct system is part of the total educational process
and is protective of your rights. Always cooperate, be honest,
and produce your LSU ID immediately upon request.
When writing an incident report, the Residential Life staff
member will include every detail that was observed before,
during, and after the incident. The incident report is reviewed
by staff members and makes the best educational decision as
to the next course of action. If it is decided that the incident
warrants follow-up, a meeting will be scheduled with you
by appropriate university staff. At this meeting, you will be
allowed to present your side of the story. You will also be
allowed to review the incident report when appropriate.
When a resident’s behavior endangers the life of a person,
threatens the functionality of a safe and comfortable
community, or a resident has a history of conduct violations,
the Department of Residential Life may review the resident’s
contract for housing. During this process, a decision to
terminate the housing contract, relocate to another on-campus
location, or allow the resident to remain in his/her current
location is made.
Community Living
Return to Housing from Medical or
Behavioral Treatment or Care
A copy of the LSU Housing Application and Contract may
be obtained either online at or from the
receptionist in Grace King Hall, and is also provided in
Appendix A of this handbook.
Students with questions about the conduct or contractual
process should contact the Residential Life Student Conduct
Office, or their RLC.
Safety: A Shared Responsibility
Annual Security and Fire Safety
Per the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher
Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the annual Clery Act security
report is available on the LSU Police Department web site.
Go to, click on “Jeanne Clery Act/Crime
Information,” click on “Annual Reports,” and then click on the
“Annual Security and Fire Safety Report” link.
Personal Safety
What can you do to protect yourself?
Emergency Preparation
Save the numbers in the yellow box below in your cell phone
now in case you ever need them. Also, post them in a convenient
and visible location at your residence. By saving a few minutes
during an emergency, you could save a life.
LSU Police Department—225-578-3231
B.R. Police Department—225-389-2000
Campus Transit—225-578-5555
(5:30 p.m. – 3:00 a.m.)
Don’t feel safe walking at night? Call Campus Transit at
225-578-5555 from 5:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. every day. If you
are coming in late to your residence and do not want to park
in the remote lots and walk by yourself, stop by the Public
Safety Building on South Stadium Drive and come inside. A
driver will follow you to your lot and pick you up and bring
you to your residence hall or apartment. You can also call the
LSU Police for an escort after 3:00 a.m.
Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
When walking, keep to well lit, commonly traveled routes.
Familiarize yourself with campus. Avoid taking shortcuts and
dark, isolated areas, especially at night. Walk purposefully,
know where you are going, and project a confident image.
If you feel threatened, locate an emergency phone or enter a
store or place of business even if you have just left it.
Have your room and car keys ready; carry them in your
pockets or have them easily accessible.
Lock your doors and windows when you are not in your
room or are sleeping.
Do not post personal contact information such as phone
numbers or your on-campus address on public web sites.
Community Safety
Emergency Communication
In the event of an emergency, LSU’s Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) will be activated. The university has multiple ways
of communicating emergency situations to students, faculty, and
If you have not already done so, sign up for the
university’s emergency text messaging system by visiting
BROADCAST VOICE MAIL – Anyone with voice mail
capability on their on-campus phone will receive broadcast
voice mails.
BROADCAST E-MAIL – Anyone with a university e-mail
address will receive broadcast e-mails.
LSU WEBSITE – Access the university web site at for information.
What can you do to protect our residence hall and apartment
If you see suspicious persons in or around your residence
hall or apartment or feel threatened at any time, contact the
LSU Police Department (225-578-3231) immediately and
report it to the front desk of your residence hall or apartment.
Never prop open a door.
Never let someone you do not know into a building.
Observe all policies and procedures.
Report any security concerns to a residence hall or apartment
staff member.
In case of severe thunderstorms or tornados, you should
immediately move to the interior of their residence hall or
apartment, away from windows. In the event of a hurricane,
the university will provide instructions via the LSU website,
emergency text messaging system, and the Residential Life
staff. In all severe weather situations, be sure to stay in
contact with and follow the instructions of Residential Life
staff members.
During emergencies, such as severe weather, the Department
of Residential Life works with the EOC to determine
evacuation procedures. Once the EOC has been enacted, all
members of the LSU on-campus community are required
to abide by EOC directives. Prior to an emergency, such
as severe weather, you should determine your personal
evacuation plan.
Call Boxes
Emergency telephones have been added to some parking
areas and at the entrance of most residence halls. To operate
the emergency phone, simply press the red emergency
button. It will connect you directly to LSUPD. Speak into
the speaker. You may call other on-campus numbers from
the phone by pressing the black call button and dialing the
telephone number.
Acadian Hall
Blake Hall
Blake Hall
Field south of Acadian
Acadian Hall
Broussard Hall
Pentagon Courtyard
WCA Activity
Cypress Hall
Hart parking lot
Kirby Smith Hall
East Laville
Southeast corner of
Evangeline Hall
Evangeline Hall
Parking lot/ECA
Activity Center
ECA Activity
Behind Evangeline
ECA Activity
Herget Hall
Herget parking lot
Miller Hall
Highland Hall
Green space between
Louise Garig Hall &
Highland Road
Hart parking lot
Evangeline Hall
Annie Boyd
Kirby Smith
McVoy Hall
The following locations will be used in the case of an
evacuation, such as a fire alarm. Please find the nearest exit
and stand at your community’s assigned meeting area and
wait for further instructions. Outside evacuation locations
are also listed. If weather or other circumstances are not
favorable for assembly outside, residents and staff will go to
the indoor location listed.
When a fire alarm or evacuation alarm is activated, you
are required to immediately evacuate the building.
Field south of Acadian
Behind Evangeline
Louise Garig
Evacuation Procedures
Grassy area between
Louise Garig Hall &
Highland Road
Parking lot west of
McVoy Hall
Evangeline Hall
WCA Activity
Center / Broussard
Evangeline Hall
Blake Hall
Miller Hall
Miller parking lot
Herget Hall
Pentagon Halls
Pentagon Courtyard
Broussard Hall
College One
- Faculty in
College One North Hall
College One South Hall
College One West Hall
Broussard Hall
Broussard Hall
Broussard Hall
Broussard Hall
Kirby Smith parking
lot/WCA Activity
Southeast corner of
Evangeline Hall
WCA Activity
Evangeline Hall
West Laville
Severe Weather Procedures
This symbol indicates the information only applies to
residence halls. The residence hall information also has
gold shaded boxes behind the information.
This symbol indicates the information only applies to
apartments. The apartment information also has purple
shaded boxes behind the information.
The rationale for all policies is that every student has the
opportunity to take advantage of the academic and
co-curricular opportunities offered at LSU. In order to ensure this
basic right for all residents, we need cooperation. Rules - whether
they are state and federal laws, city ordinances, university
regulations, or departmental policies - are created for the purpose
of clarifying the rights and responsibilities of each individual.
Residents are expected to become familiar with their rights and
responsibilities (outlined in the LSU Code of Student Conduct)
so the on-campus experience will be of greatest benefit to all. By
assuming joint responsibility for these policies, we are able to
work together as a community to build a great place to live.
The Department of Residential Life is committed to maintaining
an academic and social environment that promotes the intellectual
and personal development of students. Only those residents
who have attained the legal drinking age of 21 can possess and/
or consume alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their own
assigned room. When alcohol is present, all persons present in
the room must be 21 or older. Possession and/or consumption
of alcohol is limited to resident rooms and is not permitted in
hallways, balconies, lounges, stairways, courtyards, community
bathrooms, parking lots, activity centers or any public area
within the residential community. Alcohol is not permitted in any
of the residential colleges, the Honors House, or Tiger Bridge,
regardless of age. All alcohol transported through public areas
must be unopened. Beer kegs and other common source alcohol
containers are not permitted.
The Department of Residential Life allows residents to have
fish in aquariums of a 20-gallon capacity or less. Visiting pets
are not permitted in the residence halls or apartments. Residents
found with animals other than fish in a 20-gallon capacity or
less aquarium must remove the animal immediately and will be
assessed a fee for the cleaning and/or flea treatment of all areas
where the animal was present within the on-campus community.
Service and Assistance Animals
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, service
animals are allowed in all parts of residential communities on
campus. Assistance animals, in accordance with the Fair Housing
Act, are only allowed in a student’s dwelling. Both service and
assistance animals must be registered with the Office of Disability
Services and Residential Life. Contact the Office of Disability
Services at 225-578-5919 or for more
information and the registration process.
The following items are not allowed in residence halls and
• 2.4GHz cordless phones
• Air-conditioning units
• Candle/wax warmers
• Ceiling fans that are not already installed
• Coffee makers without automatic shut-off
• Dishwashers that are not already installed
• Halogen lamps and lava lamps
• Items with an open heating source, such as soldering irons
• Microwaves over 1,000 watts
• Multi-headed lamps or Medusa lamps
• Refrigerators larger than 5 cubic feet
• Space heaters
• Toasters, convection toaster ovens, or any other appliance
with an exposed heating element
• Washers and dryers that are not already installed
• Wireless Internet routers
a Appliances for Apartments Only
Residents are expected to keep all provided appliances clean and
in good condition. If a problem arises at any time with provided
appliances, please contact the front desk in the activity center to
report the problem.
Residents are permitted to bring the following items in the
apartments, provided they are used properly. These items are
not allowed in the residence halls:
• Hot plates
• Indoor grills with automatic shut-off
• Rice cookers
• Toaster ovens and Toasters
• Waffle irons
Balconies & Porches - Apartments
Residents are welcome to place small plant containers on balcony
and porch areas, so long as the items do not impede ability to
safely exit the apartment building. A 36-inch clearance should be
maintained from doorways, on breezeways and stairs. In general,
balconies and porches are not to be used as storage areas.
Baton Rouge city law requires bicycles to be registered.
This will assist law enforcement officials with recovery
should a bicycle be stolen. Visit the LSU Police Department
on South Stadium Road to register your bicycle, or find more
information at
Bicycles are to be parked in established bike racks located
outside each residential area. A resident may store bicycles in
his/her room but first must make certain his/her roommate
agrees to this. Per fire regulations, bicycles may not be
attached in any way to any part of a building. This includes
trees and other plants within a community. Throughout the
year, if a bicycle is left attached to or within a Residential
Life building or stairwell, it will be removed and impounded
by Parking & Transportation Services. Please walk or carry
bicycles when transporting the bicycle in a residential
At the end of the semester, please remember to take all
bicycles home. If a bicycle is left attached to a bike rack, or
attached to or within a Residential Life building at the end
of the spring semester, it will be removed and impounded by
Parking & Transportation Services.
Candles & Incense
Candles, incense, and/or candle/wax warmers are not
permitted in the residence halls and apartments.
Potpourri, oil scented reed diffusers, room sprays, and scented
electrical plug-ins are examples of items that are allowed
within residence halls and apartments. Please contact your RA
to determine if an item is allowed within your community.
Cleaning your Room or Apartment
Residents are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of
his/her room or apartment. Custodial staff cleans only the
suite-style bathroom areas once a week. If the custodians
are unable to enter the bathrooms due to clutter, the resident
will opt out of the provided cleaning for that week. Regular
vacuuming and general cleaning are expected of all residents
to maintain the room or apartment.
When cleaning the vinyl wood and tile floors, never use wax;
instead, use a clean mop, warm water, and a mild detergent.
Never use a bleach product or a tile cleaner with a bleaching
agent. Be careful not to splash water onto the carpeted areas
and be cautious as wet areas quickly become slick. Any
major stains or damages should be reported to the front desk
Students are authorized to cook in the following areas on
Residence halls – Personal rooms with microwaves, hall
kitchenettes, and grilling areas (see Grills & Grilling section).
Apartments – Apartment kitchen, personal rooms with
microwaves, and grilling areas (see Grills & Grilling section).
For fire safety reasons, all cooking with grease, such as frying,
is not allowed in on-campus residential areas. Residents are
responsible for maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of
the cooking areas.
All residents are encouraged to decorate their living space.
While decorating, remember to follow the guidelines to
ensure that any creative efforts do not cause hazards. State
Fire Code Regulations must be adhered to at all times.
Door Decorations
When decorating room doors, residents are not allowed to
cover the room number or peephole. Decorations should allow
residents access to the locking mechanism and doorknob.
Exterior doors are public space. If decorations do not comply
with Residential Life’s mission or values they may be
removed at the discretion of the university.
Food and Beverage Containers as Decorations
Empty food and beverage containers may not be used as
decorations within on-campus communities due to the fact
that they pose a health and safety risk by attracting insects,
animals, and mold.
Hanging Decorations
When hanging decorations on the walls, doors, or other
surfaces remember to use only reusable, non-adhesive putty.
Glue, nails, screws, duct tape, carpet tape, or double-sided
tape will damage surfaces and residents will be responsible
for repair costs. Mounting televisions or other electronics is
also not permitted. Stickers, wallpaper, or adhesive-backed
shelf paper cannot be affixed to any university property
for the same reasons. Nothing should be hung on or
around sprinkler system heads or windows. Residents are
responsible for damages incurred by hanging items in their
room or apartment.
Holiday Decorations
All holiday decorations must be in compliance with the
policies outlined in this handbook. Live trees and wreaths are
not allowed in on-campus residence halls and apartments.
Contact the community’s staff for questions.
It is not permissible to hang or place anything in or on the
windows that may be viewed from outside the building other than
blinds or curtains.
Distribution of Advertisement
Only university departments and LSU registered student
organizations may present items to be posted within the residence
halls and apartments. If a student organization would like to
present items for posting, those items must be brought to Grace
King Hall room 210 for review and approval. The name of the
department or registered student organization must be on the
advertisement. Please visit for more details about advertising in the halls.
Tampering with, forcing or disabling a door’s locking
mechanism, or propping open a main entrance or locked door and
leaving it unattended, is prohibited.
Illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs or controlled
substances is not permitted in the residence halls or apartments.
Possession or use of drug related paraphernalia, including but not
limited to bongs, grinders, and pipes is prohibited in and around
the adjacent property of the residence halls and apartments.
Suspected violations will be reported to campus police.
all university provided furniture must remain in the room or
apartment during the school year. Room dimensions can vary.
For more information on the specific layout of your residence hall
room or apartment, visit
Use care when adjusting or moving any of the furniture in your
room. Residents are responsible for all furniture and its condition
upon checkout of their space. Water beds are not allowed in the
residence halls or apartments. Furniture in public areas such
as lounges, lobbies, and activity centers is for the use of all
community members. Furniture located in common areas may not
be removed.
Lofts/Bunking of Beds
Lofting of beds is raising or lowering a bed utilizing the provided
bed frame within a residence hall room or apartment. Beds are
allowed to be lofted in all communities on campus.
Bunking of beds is to stack one bed on top of another bed
utilizing the bed frame provided by the Department of Residential
Life. Bunking of beds is allowed in all of the residence halls,
except for Annie Boyd, Blake, Cypress, Herget, McVoy, Miller,
East & West Laville Halls and Residential College One - South,
West, and North Halls. (The beds in the aforementioned halls are
designed to be lofted between 12” – 57”, but are NOT designed
to be safely bunked.) Residents wishing to bunk their bed, should
contact their community’s front desk for assistance.
Bed risers are not allowed within on-campus communities.
Tampering with elevator safety systems, placing furniture in the
elevators, or engaging in activities that may damage or interfere
with the operation and safety of the residence elevators is
If you would like your bed raised or lowered or would like a bed
rail, contact your community’s front desk for assistance during
normal business hours, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Department of Residential Life utilizes the LSU e-mail
system for communicating with residents. Residents are
responsible for all material sent to their LSU e-mail account by
Residential Life, and should check it at least once every 24 hours.
Extension Cords
With the many personal items residents bring to campus today,
we understand that residents may need to use extension cords.
For safety concerns, use caution and adhere to the manufacturer’s
instructions. All extension cords must have the UL label approval,
have a minimum conductor size of 16 AWG copper, and be
three-pronged (three-conductor). There is a limit of one extension
cord per electrical outlet. Do not plug in multiple extension cords
together. Residents may not run cords under rugs or mattresses,
over sinks, through doorways, or through windows.
All rooms have beds, desks, desk chairs, and closet space.
Residents are welcome to bring in extra furniture, however
Beds are not allowed to be bunked in the apartments.
Bed Rails
Raising or Lowering of Beds
Garbage Removal
Residents are responsible to place their garbage in trash barrels
available on each floor or in the dumpsters located outside of the
residence hall and apartments. Large items must be taken outside
to the dumpsters. Garbage may not be kept in the hallways,
stairwells, or balconies.
Grills & Grilling
Residents may grill on university grounds outside residential
areas. Grills are required to be at least 25 feet away from the
building. Residents are responsible for cleaning and clearing all
debris and trash utilized for grilling, and ensuring that flames
and embers are extinguished completely. Storage of flammable
materials (including charcoal and lighter fluid) is not permitted
anywhere inside or near a residence hall or apartment. Grills may
be stored inside of a residence hall room or apartment only if they
Guests & Guest Visitation
The privilege to have guests in a residence hall, room, or
apartment is based upon mutual respect and balance between
and among roommates/suitemates. It is expected that students
who live in shared living spaces will be respectful and
courteous to one another, communicate with one another,
show willingness to compromise, and act in good faith in
the matter of guests. The presence of a guest in a residence
hall, room, or apartment must not compromise the personal
or academic well-being of roommates, suitemates or other
building residents. Guests are welcome in a resident’s room,
suite or apartment only upon agreement of all roommates/
suitemates. A roommate/suitemate has the right to ask a
guest to leave at any time. Guests may be present in common
areas within a community as long as they are escorted by a
resident of the community and it is within visitation hours.
Guests will be asked to leave the building or community
by Residential Life staff members if they are found to be
disrupting the community or in violation of Residential Life or
LSU policy. Consequences for violating the guest policy for
LSU students range from Disciplinary Probation to removal
from on-campus housing.
r Guest Visitation Hours – Residence Halls
10 a.m. – 1 a.m. Days class is in session
10 a.m. – 3 a.m. Days class is not in session
a Guest Visitation Hours – Apartments
24-Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Guest Type
LSU Student Guest: Guests who are LSU students must be
escorted to the room/apartment by the resident host. Guests
must be escorted at all times within the community. LSU
students must provide LSU ID to University staff members
(including RAs) upon request of the staff member.
Non-LSU Student Guest: The host is expected to come to
the lobby to meet their guest at the front door, sign in their
guest, and escort their guest at all time. The visitor will
present identification (state or federal issued ID) to the front
desk. Guests must be escorted by their hosts at all times. At
the end of the visit, the host must escort the visitor back to the
front desk for check out.
Apartment Guest: Guests may proceed directly to the
apartment door of the host they are visiting and wait for them
to be escorted inside the apartment.
Escort Policy
All guests are required to adhere to visitation hours and to be
escorted by their resident hosts/hostesses at all times while
in the residence halls and apartments. Guests must also use
the gender appropriate restrooms in the community; these
facilities may be located in the lobbies. Bathrooms located
within suites are designated to the gender of the occupants of
the suite. Guests cannot be left in the building, residence hall,
or apartment when host is not present. In all residential areas,
residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Cohabitation exists when a person who is not assigned to a
particular residence hall room or apartment uses that room
or apartment as if he or she were living there. Cohabitation
is a violation of the housing contract and is not permitted.
Examples of this may include, but are not limited to,
accessing the room or apartment while the assigned residents
are not present, utilizing a key to enter a room or apartment
to which one is not assigned, keeping clothing and/or other
personal belongings in the residence hall or apartment,
sleeping overnight in the room or apartment on a regular
basis, and using the bathroom and shower facilities as if they
lived in that room or apartment.
have been properly cleaned and cooled down. We recommend
single-use grilling materials and utilize grilling stations
provided in the residential or apartment community.
Overnight Guest Registration
Overnight guests must be registered with the community’s
RLC and all roommates/suitemates must consent to the
overnight guest. Guests must be the same gender as the
resident and must be 13 years of age or older. Guests are
allowed to stay for a maximum of three (3) consecutive
nights, limited to five (5) nights per semester. Due to the high
stress nature of the final exam period, residents are strongly
encouraged not to host overnight guests during that time.
Overnight guest forms are available for residents from the
a Guest Policy for Apartments
Residing within East Campus Apartments and West Campus
Apartments provides residents with slightly more privileges
yet additional responsibilities. All roommates are required
to complete and adhere to a Roommate Agreement. This
agreement allows roommates to share their limitations and
areas of comfort with one another. Although visitation hours
in the apartments are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the
Cohabitation and Overnight Guest Registration policy remains
consistent throughout all residential facilities. It is imperative
that the host escort the guest at all times. Guests should not be
left in the residential community or apartment when the host
is not present.
Activity (verbal, written, graphic, and/or physical) that is
threatening in nature or any form of harassment is prohibited.
This can include, but is not limited to: posting or distributing
material and/or behaving in a manner that is offensive and may
contribute to a hostile environment; putting offensive posters/
pictures in areas available to public views, including windows or
common areas; using e-mail or other electronic messaging, voice
mail, message boards, mail, computer networks or other mediums
to convey obscene or otherwise objectionable messages or
materials; writing graffiti in residence buildings or encouraging or
engaging in offensive acts or behavior; and repeatedly following
or attempting to make unwanted contact with another person.
Any resident who directly witnesses or experiences harassment
(or finds evidence of or hears about past harassment) in an LSU
residence hall or apartment community should file a report with
a member of the Residential Life team; the team member will
complete an incident report and will provide a list of offices that
can give support and guidance to anyone who has experienced or
witnessed the harassment. The resident filing a report may elect
to keep his/her identity confidential.
Keys and Locks
For the safety of all residents and their personal belongings,
residents must lock the doors to their rooms when not present.
Students are not permitted to install their own locks in their
rooms and apartments.
Picking Up Your Keys
Keys are issued to a student upon completing the check-in
process. The key to a resident’s room is to be used only by the
resident. The proper use of keys and locks helps to insure a safer
residence hall environment. Failing to lock one’s room, leaves
both the resident’s and their roommate’s belongings at risk of
theft or vandalism. Residents will be responsible for all keys
issued to them upon check-out.
Residents of Annie Boyd Hall, Blake Hall, Cypress Hall, East
Laville Hall, West Laville Hall, or Residential College One South, West, and North Halls, will not be issued a traditional key
for their room. These halls utilize the resident’s LSU Tiger Card,
along with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to unlock the
room door. Residents should not share their PIN with others.
Lost and Damaged Keys
Immediately report a lost or damaged room key to the front desk
for proper replacement. A lock and key replacement charge will
be billed directly to the resident’s fee bill. Residents will be liable
for fees to replace any key not turned in at check-out.
Lock Out Policy
Residential Life strongly encourages residents to keep their
key(s) and LSU ID on their person at all times. Sometimes
residents may find themselves accidentally locked out of their
room or apartments. If this occurs, residents may speak to
Residential Life staff at their front desk or activity center to gain
access to their room. Repeated lockouts may result in a charge to
a resident’s fee bill.
Suite Bath Lock Outs
For residents living in suite-style residence hall rooms, remember
to keep the bathroom door unlocked when not in use. Per Fire
Marshall regulations, the bathroom doors may not be locked from
the bedroom.
Copies of Keys
Copying keys or key cards issued by Residential Life is
Please help us maintain clean and well maintained facilities.
Residents and visitors to the residence halls and apartments
are required to keep hallways, public areas, stairwells, and
landscaping clean and free of trash.
Trash left outside of living areas (in hallways, balconies, outside
of front doors, in stairwells, etc.) will incur charges.
The Department of Residential Life supports the mission
of LSU and in those efforts aims to create academicallysupportive environments for all residents. All residents are
expected to respect the rights of other residents to sleep and
Courtesy hours are in effect 24-hours a day. This means
stereos, radios, TVs, musical instruments, and all noise must
be kept to levels that will not interfere with the study or
sleep of other residents. Sound carries easily throughout a
residential community, and even activities such as stomping
or bouncing balls on the floor can often be heard by other
members of the community. It is each resident’s right as well
as responsibility to let others being disruptive know when
their noise levels and activities are disruptive. First contact
that resident to lower the volume level; if the resident is not
responsive to the request, contact the RA or the front desk for
assistance. Residents should also be considerate and flexible
with their own noise level.
Residents and non-residents are not to cause disturbances
around buildings or in lobbies. Disturbances caused by
residents and their guests may be considered loitering;
loitering is defined as remaining in an area for no obvious
reason. If a staff member determines that loitering is
occurring, the staff will ask the involved parties to leave.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours are observed from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
Quiet is defined such that sound cannot be heard in another
room with the door and windows closed.
Concentrated Study Hours
At the end of each semester, the university concentrated study
period takes place before and during final exams. During
this time, 24-hour quiet time is maintained to support the
academically intensive period during finals. Stress levels often
peak during these times so be considerate and flexible when
asked to lower volume levels.
Personal Safety Items
Residents are allowed to possess items such as pepper spray
and mace for personal safety within on-campus residential
communities. These items may only be used for personal
protection. Items may not be used to intimidate or harm
another person within on-campus residential communities or
on the LSU campus.
Private Enterprise
Residents are not permitted to operate a business from their
room or in any residential area. Doing so is considered
private enterprise and is not permitted. Personal solicitation
for tickets, apartments, books, etc. is prohibited.
Property Misuse & Damages
Vandalizing university property or other residents’ personal
property is prohibited. Please respect fellow community
members as well as the facilities so that everyone can have
an enjoyable living experience. Residents experiencing
vandalism of any kind, should contact Residential Life staff
members immediately.
Residents are responsible for damages incurred accidentally,
carelessly, or maliciously to their room and apartment.
Appropriate damage charges will be assessed.
Room/Apartment Entry by Staff
Residential Life staff members make every reasonable
effort to respect the privacy of all residents. There are times,
however, when authorized personnel may enter a room or
apartment. This occurs under the following circumstances:
• When either student in a room provides permission when
there is an immediate threat, or reason to believe that
there is a threat, to the health and/or safety of residents or
• When it is necessary to preserve campus order, security,
or discipline.
• During fire drills, alarms, or severe weather evacuations
for purposes of routine maintenance repairs or
• To shut off unattended loud stereos, radios, persistently
ringing alarm clocks or telephones, or other noiseproducing devices, after attempting to contact the
residents of a room.
• To open doors for suite-style bath lockouts.
• To conduct semester health and safety inspections after
receiving at least 24-hour notice.
• To conduct quarterly pest control treatments.
• To conduct end of the semester room inspections.
• To conduct room inspections after a resident moves out
of a space.
• By search warrant issued by a university official pursuant
to the LSU Code of Student Conduct or agency of the
Noise & Quiet Hours
Please be advised that Residential Life staff members will
lock any unsecured doors (front doors only in the apartment
communities) found during the room/apartment entry
process. Please review the Key and Locks policy for further
information regarding room or apartment lock-out procedures.
Custodial staff members will enter rooms to clean bathrooms
within communities and apartments with private or suite
bathrooms, and to change air filters in heating/cooling units
once per month. Maintenance staff members will enter rooms
to make requested or needed repairs when needed.
The Department of Residential Life may conduct periodic
unannounced safety inspections of rooms to ensure that
fire-safety equipment is operational and that smoke detectors
have not been covered or disengaged. If a resident has reason to
believe that his/her room has been entered, inspected, or searched
under conditions not consistent with the above statements, the
resident should contact their RLC and/or assistant director of
their community.
Safety Equipment
Safety equipment including sprinklers, smoke detectors, heat
sensors, fire exit signs, fire extinguishers, pull stations, hoses,
alarm bells, and any other safety equipment is necessary to
safeguard residents. Activating, handling, using, or interfering
with any fire or safety equipment for any reason other than an
emergency is prohibited at all times. Examples include but are
not limited to discharging fire extinguishers, touching fire alarm
pull stations or fire hoses, hanging objects from sprinkler heads,
tampering with EXIT signs, or striking safety equipment with an
Residents are required to immediately evacuate buildings in
the event of a fire alarm or other emergency.
For the safety of all residents, commercial solicitation is
prohibited. No one is allowed to solicit door-to-door. This policy
applies to vendors and organizations seeking funds, services, or
membership. For on-campus groups wanting to advertise in the
residence halls or apartments, visit for details.
Sprinkler System
All rooms in the residence halls and apartments have a sprinkler
system. Do not tamper with the heads protruding through the
ceiling or wall. If the red glass cylinder is broken, a large amount
of water will flow through this head and damage everything in
the area, possibly including other rooms. Do not hang anything
on the sprinkler head, as it could cause the glass to break and
start the water flowing. If a sprinkler head is broken from resident
negligence, the resident is responsible for all damages incurred.
The sprinkler system is also tied into the LSU central system,
which notifies the police that there is a fire in the building and
activates the building alarm. If a resident notices any leaking
from the sprinkler system contact the front desk immediately to
report the problem.
Student Privacy Rights
Information regarding LSU policy about disclosure of student
information can be found in Policy Statement 30/FERPA.
Subleasing /Extra Residents
Individual rooms may be occupied only by the residents assigned
to that space by the Department of Residential Life. Residents
who allow people to move into their room may face removal
from campus housing and disciplinary action. Subleasing/
contracting is not permitted. See the Guest & Guest Visitation
section for more information on cohabitation.
To support the rights of all residents and in compliance with
university policy, residential communities are tobacco-free,
including cigarettes as well as smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes
(electronic cigarettes). The use of tobacco products is prohibited
in both individual rooms and in public areas within the halls
and apartments. The use of tobacco and tobacco related items is
also prohibited on campus. Students must move to off-campus
locations or a personal vehicle with closed windows for the use
and storage of tobacco products.
Personal Transportation
Skateboards, Skates
Residents who want to use roller skates, in-line skates or
skateboards are asked to use the designated recreational trails
around campus for these activities. These activities are not
permitted in and/or around Residential Life property and
communities. These items must be stored within a resident’s
room or vehicle.
Electronic Skateboards
Electronic skateboards, including self-balancing boards/scooters,
and any other similar equipment are prohibited from being
used, stored and/or charged in any Residential Life building/
community due to a potential fire hazard.
Scooters, Motorcycles
Scooters and motorcycles must follow parking and traffic rules
and are not permitted on sidewalks. Scooters must be stored
at the bike racks/motorcycle parking area and are not allowed
to be stored inside or immediately outside of Residential Life
Within each community, there are areas that residents are not
allowed to enter such as the roof and maintenance closets/
hallways. Please contact the RA, GRD, or RLC for questions
regarding which areas are off-limits in each community.
Possession of firearms (including but not limited to air pistols,
BB guns, and paint guns), facsimile weapons, ammunition,
explosives, fireworks, knives (other than kitchen utensils),
or dangerous weapons is prohibited in the residence halls
and apartments and may result in immediate termination of a
resident’s housing contract.
The only buildings with windows that open are:
• Beauregard Hall*
• Broussard Hall
• East Campus Apartments
• Evangeline Hall
• West Campus Apartments
• Jackson Hall*
• LeJeune Hall*
• Louise Garig Hall
• Taylor Hall*
• Highland Hall*
*Only bathroom windows are able to be opened
Residents are not allowed to throw anything from their window.
Screens must stay on windows at all times. Please see the
Decorations section for information about window decorations
and coverings.
All residents must properly check-in and check-out of the
residence halls and apartments. Check-in occurs when
residents pick up their room key. At that time residents will
be issued a room key and a room inventory. Residents will
also be asked to verify the room inventory within 48 hours of
moving into their assignment.
Check-out is held at the end of each academic year or when
a resident moves out of their residence hall or apartment.
To check-out residents must return their key and complete
an inspection of their room with an RA. Damages incurred
between check-in and check-out may be assessed after
check-out inspections have been completed.
During the check-out process, residents must remove all of
their personal property. Residents who fail to remove their
property will be charged and their property will be disposed
of by the Department of Residential Life.
r Closing Procedures for Fall Semester
Residence halls close at the conclusion of the fall semester.
Prior to the end of the fall semester, residents will be informed
of closing procedures through community meetings conducted
by RAs and by e-mails sent by the Department of Residential
Prior to leaving campus for the fall semester, residents are
required to complete the following steps:
• Secure belongings/valuables being left in the room for
the break
• Move all belongings in the room off the floor
• Clean room and remove all trash
• Close and lock all windows
• Close window blinds
• Set thermostat to 72 degrees or place window air
conditioner on medium cool
• Leave ceiling fans on
• Unplug, defrost, and clean personal refrigerators
• Unplug all electrical devices, except fish tanks
• Make arrangements for the care of your fish and plants
during the break; take fish and plants home
• Turn off all lights
• Lock door(s)
• Turn in Department of Residential Life-issued key(s) to
front desk as required
Residents who fail to properly follow the fall semester closing
procedures may be charged for improper check-out and/or
lock change.
Closing Procedures for Spring Semester
Prior to the end of the spring semester, residents will be
informed of closing procedures through community meetings
conducted by RAs and by e-mails sent by the Department
of Residential Life. Residents must vacate their spring
assignments within 24 hours of their final exam, unless
other arrangements have been made with the community’s
Residence Life Coordinator.
Graduating seniors should contact Residential Life for more
information about spring check out.
Check-In/Check-Out ­Procedures
Contract Release Request for Severe
The Department of Residential Life Academic Year Contract
states, “The terms of this contract is the academic year.”
Exceptions may be made for those students who have a
significant and documented medical reason. One of the more
common medical problems presented for consideration for
release is allergies. Students, as well as family physicians,
make the assumption that the residence halls or apartments
aggravate allergies (i.e., “the halls are dirty”). In addition,
almost every person has some form of allergy, even though
it may be minor. For the department to recommend living off
campus, the allergies must be significant and documented.
There are three methods used to treat allergic respiratory
disease: (1) environmental control procedures;
(2) management of symptoms with drug therapy; and
(3) immunotherapy (allergy shots).
Drug therapy and immunotherapy are not in any way related
to where a person lives. An environmental control procedure
is the condition that many students believe prevent them
from living in the residence halls or apartments. Therefore,
it is the opinion of the staff physicians at the LSU Student
Health Center that allergies are not adequate reasons to live
off campus. However, those individuals who have significant
and documented allergies (i.e., those who are under the care
of a physician or an allergist, have significant sensitivities
to appropriate allergens, and are on an appropriate medical
regimen) will be reviewed. If an individual has not seen
a physician or an allergist and undergone allergy testing
and been diagnosed with allergies, the allergies will not be
deemed to be significant. All other requests for living off
campus for medical or other reasons will be reviewed on a
case-by-case basis.
Payments for Housing
Residents are charged on a semester basis for residence hall and
apartment space. Housing payments are due along with all other
charges at the university fee bill deadline. Rental rates are set for
each academic year and must be paid by the appropriate deadline
to avoid removal from university housing. Fee bills are not
mailed by the university and are to be accessed online through
the myLSU portal.
Rates increase on an annual basis due to utility increases,
increase in costs of services, and maintenance of facilities.
Student representatives from RHA assist the Department of
Residential Life in determining the amount of the annual
standard increase. Visit for a list of current
Reapplication Process
The housing contract is an academic year contract for the
fall and spring semesters. Students who are interested in
returning to campus housing for subsequent years are invited
to participate in our online housing contract renewal process
(Campus Housing Contract Renewal or CHCR). This process
occurs during the spring semester and allows students to renew
their housing contract for an on-campus assignment (residence
hall or apartment), with the option to invite others to share a
room or apartment. Information regarding this process will be
made available via the Residential Life website closer to the
reapplication process dates. For more information about this
process, please contact a Residential Life staff member.
Room Changes
Based on space availability, residents will be given the
opportunity, during a specified time frame at the beginning of
each semester, to request an assignment to another residence hall
or apartment room. After this period, all students must meet with
an assignments staff member in Grace King Hall or their RLC to
discuss their requests for room changes.
Standard digital cable service, provided by Cox
Communications, is included in the room rates of all
Residential Life communities. Standard service includes
75 Cox programming channels and six LSU channels. The
standard service will be activated before you arrive. You will
be responsible for providing the cable cord to connecting
the incoming line to your television set. A converter must
be provided by the resident if his/her television is not digital
Cox expanded service cable is available at an additional
cost. To order Cox expanded service cable or to report any
cable-related problems, call 225-615-2005, or visit the Cox
representatives stationed on the first floor of the LSU Student
Card Access
The card-access security system operates in all residence halls
and in the activity centers. It is a system designed to help limit
access to those buildings. Your LSU ID card is used to gain
access to your residence hall, activity center or living area.
All card-access components are supported by battery and
emergency generator backup; therefore, you should be able to
enter and exit the building when there is a power failure.
You will only have access to your assigned residential area.
The card-access system functions 24-hours a day except at
specially designated times. Necessary university staff (e.g.
maintenance personnel, custodians, and LSUPD) has access as
needed. The card access system permits all residents access to
computer labs but you may have to call the desk for entrance
into the lobby of the building if it is not the your primary
If you lose your LSU ID card immediately report it as lost
to the front desk so your access can be deactivated. This will
prevent unauthorized entry by another person. You will also
need to go to the TigerCard office in the LSU Student Union
to receive a new LSU ID.
If you find that your LSU ID card is not working properly, go
to the front desk and have your account checked. If you notice
any damage to the card swipe machine itself, please report this
damage to the front desk immediately so the problem can be
fixed. A temporary card will be issued to you from the front
desk in the event that your LSU ID card does not work or is
lost. The temporary card will provide you access until the next
business day to allow you time to visit the TigerCard office.
Computer labs are available in all on-campus. As an oncampus resident, you may use the computer lab by logging
in with your PAWS ID. Most labs are open 24 hours. Laser
printing is free, but residents must supply their own paper.
E-mail stations are available in the lobbies of most residence
halls. This allows priority to be given to students using the
computer labs for academic purposes.
Ethernet data ports are available in each room for you to
connect a personal computer directly to the campus network.
Additionally, all residence halls and apartments have highspeed wireless Internet connectivity. High-speed data
connections, both wired and wireless are included in the room
Personal wireless routers, regular routers, hubs and switches
are prohibited because they cause interference to the LSU
wireless network. Please visit for more
For problems related to computer labs/e-mail stations in
Residential Life areas or any personal computer, call the
Residential Life Computer Support Office at 225-578-0560
or e-mail
Cable Television Services
For questions or problems related to central campus labs, or
general computing issues, contact the Computing Services
Help Desk at 225-578-DESK (578-3375).
Dining Services
All first and second-year students living in on-campus
residence halls are required to participate in one of the
university meal plans offered by LSU Dining. LSU Dining’s
flexible meal plans offer a combination of meals which are
served in the all-you-care-to-eat dining halls and Paw Points
which can be used like dining dollars at any retail LSU
Dining location around campus. There are two dining halls on
campus, one on the east side of campus and one on the west
side of campus. For more information regarding meal plans,
visit or call LSU Dining at 225-578-4300.
Facility Reservation
Any registered student group/organization wishing to
reserve space in or around the residence halls and apartment
complexes must complete a Residence Halls Facilities
Reservation form. The agreement may be obtained from
the front desk or online and is not valid until signed by
Residential Life. The request must be completed at least one
week in advance.
Front Desk
A front desk services all residence halls and apartments, although
some may be housed in a building other than your own. Front
desk locations are noted in the “Important Numbers” section
at the end of this publication. Temporary key rental is serviced
at the front desk. In addition, all maintenance requests should
be reported to the front desk. An RA will be present at each
desk every day between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. All desks are staffed
24-hours a day.
Heating & Cooling
Heating and cooling equipment operate on a system of heated
and chilled water. Because the system cannot be switched back
and forth quickly, LSU Facility Services evaluates the weather
patterns to determine when to switch on and off heating and
cooling systems. Residents who have university installed window
units are required to keep the air-conditioner plugged into the
proper electrical outlet. Personal and/or privately owned
air-conditioning units are not allowed in the residence halls and
LSU assumes no responsibility for any loss or damage to your
personal property. If your belongings at school are not covered by
a parent’s homeowner’s policy, you may obtain personal effects
coverage through a university-approved company. Information on
this topic is available on the Residential Life website.
Interim Housing
r Residence Halls
All residence halls are open during fall holiday, Thanksgiving
break and spring break, and closed during the semester break.
You are not permitted to remain in the halls during semester
breaks or return until the halls are officially reopened. Hall
opening times will be announced in the fall. You may sign up for
summer interim housing in the Department of Residential Life. A
fee will be charged for housing during this time frame.
a Apartments
The Residential Life Housing Contract is for one academic year.
While you are permitted to stay in their apartments during the
break between fall and spring semesters, interim housing for
the summer months is not included in the regular contract. You
may sign up for summer interim housing with the Department
of Residential Life. Interim housing is in WCA only. A fee will
be charged for housing during this time frame. For more details
contact the Department of Residential Life in
Grace King Hall or call 225-578-8663.
Laundry Facilities
r Residence Halls
Washers and dryers can be found in residence hall laundry rooms,
which are located either in or near all residence halls. You are
responsible for your own laundry items and for following the
proper procedures in washing and drying. The university does not
offer a linen service and washers and dryers are not permitted in
residence hall rooms. All laundry facilities are equipped to
accept either coins or TigerCash. You can check the availability
and status of washers and dryers by logging on to and entering the password LSU3733. You
can also have an e-mail sent telling you when the laundry cycle is
complete or when a machine becomes available.
a Apartments
A washer and dryer are included in each apartment. You are
responsible for your own laundry items and for following the
proper procedures in washing and drying. The university does
not offer a linen service. It is your responsibility to learn the
proper operation and care of the items by reading the appliance
For the most up to date information on mailing procedures,
refer to the University Auxiliary Services website at
All on-campus residents will be assigned an LSU Box at
Ricoh Mail & Printing Services in the LSU Student Union,
and the charge is posted on the student fee bill.
To claim a box and key, visit Ricoh in room 101 in the LSU
Student Union. This box will be able to receive both regular
mail and packages. Your name and mailbox number must
be on all mail and packages. You will receive a pick up
notification via e-mail when a package arrives and should
bring a picture ID to claim packages.
To send mail and packages to an LSU Box, please follow
this address format:
Student’s Name
101 LSU Student Union Bldg.
LSU Box # _ _ _ _
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Residential communities will accept deliveries (from local
businesses only) of fresh cut flowers, cut fruit bouquets, or
cookie bouquets. For the safety and security of residents,
the residential front desk staff is unable to verify, identify,
or disseminate the contact information (including phone
numbers) of specific residents. If the delivery agency requires
a signature or direct contact with the receiving resident, the
aforementioned student’s phone number must have already
been provided with the order by the ordering party. After
receiving delivery, the front desk worker will notify the
resident through their LSU e-mail account that they have
a package to pick up at the front desk. The Department of
Residential Life is not responsible for lost packages.
Use the following address format when receiving perishables
(ONLY those mentioned above):
Student’s name
Room number and building name
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
The Department of Residential Life staff provides safety
equipment inspections, general maintenance (painting,
plumbing, electrical maintenance, and carpentry), and
custodial services. Residential Life custodians clean all public
areas of residence halls and apartments, including lobbies,
hall and suite bathrooms, corridors, study rooms, kitchens,
and laundry rooms. However, you are responsible for cleaning
your own room. If you have maintenance needs or damages,
report them to the front desk. If the problem is not resolved,
the RLC should be contacted. Maintenance personnel are on
duty from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. weekdays. If emergency repair
work is needed after 4 p.m. on weekdays or anytime on
weekends, consult the front desk.
Medical Supplies
If you must use hypodermic needles and syringes or other
biohazardous materials for medical reasons must dispose of
these items properly. Contact your RLC for more information.
Mail Delivery
Selection of your parking tag occurs when you register for
classes. You are responsible for following all university
parking regulations. A copy of these regulations may be
obtained from Parking & Transportation Services, located in
the Public Safety Building or by calling 225-578-5000.
Pest Management
The Department of Residential Life manages a proactive
program to eliminate pests (roaches, ants, spiders, etc.).
All residence halls and apartments are treated quarterly.
Additionally, there are perimeter treatments designed to
eliminate unwanted pests from our residence halls and
apartments. However, poor housekeeping in your room can be
an attraction for a pest looking for a new home or for food. A
pile of clothes and food crumbs on the floor offers a home and
a meal for an unwanted guest. If you discover a pest in your
room, notify the front desk immediately.
Local phone service is not automatically provided in student
residence hall rooms or in apartments (ECA and WCA). If you
want local phone service in your room, you will still be able to do
so at a monthly rate. You will need to contract directly with the
LSU Information Technology Services (ITS) department. You can
use your myLSU account to activate the local service, or go to the
ITS offices in the Fred Frey Computing Services Center. Once
you have contracted for the service, it will be added to your fee
bill, and the phone jack located in your room will be activated.
If you have made arrangements for phone service in your room,
follow the below procedures to use your phone. To find your
on-campus telephone number, dial 4-1000 from your telephone
and an automated service will read back your campus extension.
On-campus residences use phone numbers with the following
format: 225-334-XXXX. To call on-campus numbers, dial the
last five digits of the telephone number. To call an off-campus
number, dial 9 first then the number that you would like to call.
Information Technology Services offers a long-distance service
(TigerCall) that bills participants monthly without a connection/
sign-up charge. Information on TigerCall and how to apply
for an authorization code is available at the front desk or from
Information Technology Services, 225-578-3375.
Vending / Ice
For your convenience, there are vending and ice machines located
in most residence halls. Please see your RA for location.
Vending machines are also located in the ECA and WCA activity
centers. There are not ice machines located at the apartment
Important Numbers
All numbers listed below begin with area code 225.
Department of Residential Life...........................................................................................578-8663
Residence Hall Association (RHA).....................................................................................578-8420
Important Phone Numbers
Front Desk Numbers for LSU Residential Communities
Acadian Hall........................................................................................................................ 334-2277
Annie Boyd/Evangeline/Highland/Louise Garig Halls....................................................... 334-2645
(desk located in Evangeline Hall)
Blake Hall............................................................................................................................ 578-3336
Broussard Hall..................................................................................................................... 578-8639
Cypress Hall......................................................................................................................... 578-3435
East Campus Apartments..................................................................................................... 334-4248
Herget Hall........................................................................................................................... 334-5510
Jackson/Taylor/Beauregard/LeJeune Halls.......................................................................... 578-0041
(desk located in The Pentagon Community’s Activity Center)
Kirby Smith Hall.................................................................................................................. 578-6881
McVoy Hall.......................................................................................................................... 334-2764
Miller Hall............................................................................................................................ 334-1134
Residential College One (North, South &West Halls; Faculty-in-Residence Building) .... 334-1084
(desk located in Residential College One - Faculty in Residence Building)
West Campus Apartments.................................................................................................... 334-3600
East & West Laville Halls.................................................................................................... 578-8171
Emergency Numbers
Emergency................................................................................................................................... ..911 •
LSU Police Department.......................................................................................................578-3231
Baton Rouge Police Department.........................................................................................389-2000
Crime Stoppers..................................................................................................................... 344-7867 •
Crisis Intervention Center (24-hour crisis line—The Phone)..............................................924-3900
The Lighthouse Program (Sexual Assault Support and Services).......................................578-5718
Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response Center (STAR)......................................................383-7273
Academic Support
Office of Undergraduate Admissions............................................................................578-1175
Center for Academic Success..............................................................................................578-2872
First Year Experience...........................................................................................................578-1188
LSU Libraries.......................................................................................................................578-5652
Olinde Career Center............................................................................................................578-2162
University College (UCFY).................................................................................................578-6822
Student Services
Campus Life (Leadership, Student Organizations, Programs & Volunteerism).................578-5160
Dean of Students.................................................................................................................578-9442 •
Division of Student Life & Enrollment..............................................................................578-8607
Office of Disability Services...............................................................................................578-5919 •
Mental Health Services.......................................................................................................578-8774 •
Office of Multicultural Affairs............................................................................................578-4339
Records and Registration....................................................................................................578-1686
Residential Life Conduct Office.........................................................................................578-5387
Office of Student Advocacy & Accountability...................................................................578-4307
Student Aid & Scholarships................................................................................................578-3103 •
Student Health Center.........................................................................................................578-6271
Appointment Desk.......................................................................................................578-6716
The Lighthouse Program (Sexual Assault Support and Services)......................................578-5718
University Recreation.........................................................................................................578-8601
Office of Health Promotion................................................................................................578-5718
Campus Services
Campus Information...........................................................................................................578-3202
Campus Transit...................................................................................................................578-5555
Cable TV (Cox Communications)......................................................................................578-5141
Computing Services Help Desk..........................................................................................578-3375 •
Computing Support Office (Residential Life Labs)............................................................578-0560 •
LSU Dining Services..........................................................................................................578-6642
Parking & Transportation Services.....................................................................................578-5000
Student Union......................................................................................................................578-5141 •
University Auxiliary Services.............................................................................................578-5141 •
Ricoh Mail & Printing Services..........................................................................................578-6756
Appendix A
Housing Contract
Louisiana State University Department of Residential Life Academic-­‐Year Contract CONTRACT TERMS This contract governs the residence halls and East and West Campus Apartments. All references to “residence halls” or “rooms” apply to East and West Campus Apartments as well. Dates are based on the LSU regular academic calendar published in the LSU General Catalog. 2.
ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT. Provide your signature, age, and date in the designated blanks at the end of this contract. If you are less than 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must also sign and date the form. By signing this contract you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth below. ELIGIBILITY FOR AND DURATION OF CONTRACT. You must be a full-­‐time LSU student or participant in an LSU approved program and shall live in an LSU residence hall for both fall and spring semesters. Dropping to part-­‐time status after a semester starts, however, shall not terminate this contract. If space is available, Residential Life at its sole discretion may permit a part-­‐time LSU student to live in a residence hall. a. The term of this contract is the academic year. The residence halls, except the East and West Campus Apartments, will close for the break between the fall and spring semesters when classes are not in session. b. If your academic program operates on a different calendar from that of the regular Baton Rouge campus (such as programs offered through the Paul M. Hebert Law Center), be aware that residence halls (excluding the East and West Campus Apartments) may be closed during some periods in which you are enrolled in classes. c. Moving out of the residence halls before the end of spring semester is a violation of this contract, and you shall pay charges and penalties as outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 below. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE. This contract is for space within the residence hall system and not for a specific building or room. Assignment and/or subleasing is prohibited. No provision of this contract shall be transferred or assigned. LSU reserves the right to reassign you to a different room or building. ROOM CHANGES. If for any reason you are required or allowed to move to a different residence hall room, you will be charged or refunded the difference between the two rates (prorated for the remainder of the term). If for any reason you are required or allowed to move to an Edward Gay or Nicholson apartment as the renting student, the remaining prorated portion of your residence hall rent will be credited toward your apartment rent. If for any reason you are required or allowed to move to an Edward Gay or Nicholson apartment but not as the renting student, charges related to the application fee, advance rent and rent shall be as outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 below. CANCELLATION/WITHDRAWAL. You shall submit any cancellation or withdrawal in person, online, in writing, via email or via fax to the Department of Residential Life. Charges for cancellation/withdrawal and any refund shall be determined as outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 below. ADVANCE RENT/APPLICATION FEE. A $250.00 non-­‐refundable advance rent payment and $50.00 non-­‐refundable application fee shall be paid to the University when a housing application is submitted. RENT. The amount will be as established and published by the Department of Residential Life for the assigned room. Rates will be posted in the Department of Residential Life, located in 99 Grace King Hall, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803. Payment shall be made or d eferred no later than the first day of class for the fall and spring semesters, respectively. After payment or deferral of rent for fall, if you cancel or withdraw, you will be charged or refunded rent as follows: a. Before classes begin for the fall semester: Your rent will be refunded. b. On or after classes begin for the fall semester but during the fall semester: If you resign from LSU, you are responsible for 25 percent of the remaining rent for the fall semester and will be charged a rent penalty for the s pring semester (75 percent of the lowest priced room offered). After the 14th class day of the spring semester, if you have not registered for classes at LSU, the rent penalty for the spring semester will be deleted. c. On or after classes begin for the fall semester: If you move out without resigning, you are responsible for 75 percent of the remaining fall rent for the lowest priced room offered and will be charged the rent penalty for the spring semester. After the 14th class day for the spring semester, if you have not registered for classes at LSU, the spring rent penalty will be deleted. d. If you move to a fraternity or sorority house and notify the Department of Residential Life before classes begin for the fall semester, then all fall rent will be refunded. If you notify the Department of Residential Life on or after classes begin for the fall semester, then charges will be calculated as in 7c, 7e, 7f, or 7i. e. If you graduate in the fall semester or are academically ineligible to return for the spring semester, you will not be charged rent for the spring semester. f. If you lived in a residence hall for the fall and are eligible to return to LSU but do not live in a residence hall for the spring semester, you will be charged the rent penalty (75 percent of the lowest priced room offered) for the spring. After the 14th class day of the spring semester, if you have not registered for classes at LSU, the rent penalty for spring will be deleted. g. If you did not live in a residence hall for the fall semester, and cancel/withdraw before classes begin for the spring, your rent will be refunded. h. On or after classes begin for spring, but during the spring semester: if you resign from LSU, you are responsible for 25 percent of the remaining spring rent for your room. Appendices
On or after classes begin for spring, but during the spring semester: If you move out without resigning from LSU, you are responsible for 75 percent of the remaining spring rent for the lowest priced room offered. j.
If you are required to move out of the residence halls as a result of disciplinary action, your charges will be calculated as in 7c or 7i. k. If you are required to move out of the residence halls for the convenience of the University, you will be refunded all of the remaining rent for the current semester and shall not be charged rent for any future term so long as you do not live in the residence halls. PARTIAL OCCUPANCY. Residence hall rental rates are based on your room being occupied at its normal capacity. During fall and spring semesters, if your room becomes occupied at less than normal capacity, you may be asked to exercise one of the following choices: a. Request assignment to another room. b. Choose another room of the same type and price in your building from a list supplied by Residential Life c. Find an eligible roommate to move into your room so that it becomes fully occupied. d. Pay the additional rent for a private room. When this policy affects your room, you will be sent a letter outlining these choices, and you will be given a specified amount of time to complete one of the options above. After seven days, you will automatically be billed for a private room. RATE CHANGES. Rental rates are subject to change at the beginning of any academic term. CABLE SERVICE. Basic cable service is included in all rooms. Additional cable services are obtained by contacting Cox Communications. INTERNET SERVICE. RESNET, a high-­‐speed data connection and wireless high speed internet are included for each student in his/her room. LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES OR LOSS. You are liable and shall pay for any damage you or your guests cause to University property. You may also be held liable for and shall pay a share of damages to your residence hall. LSU assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to your personal property and you agree to hold LSU harmless for any such loss or damage. IMPROPER OR LATE CHECKOUT. If you fail to follow the proper procedure to check out of your room, you will be assessed a service charge of $50. In addition, if you fail to check out by the date and time announced for the closing of your hall or the end of your occupancy period, you will be assessed an additional service charge of $25 for each hour or portion thereof from that announced time until the time you complete a proper checkout. This is in addition to any other damage charges or service fees for which you may be liable. Any items left in your room are subject to a $300 item removal and disposal charge. ROOM ASSIGNMENTS AND INSPECTIONS. LSU reserves all rights in connection with assignment of rooms. LSU shall have the right to inspect rooms. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT. LSU, at its sole option, may terminate this contract for violation of the terms and conditions of this contract or for any violation of LSU policies, regulations, the law or the Code of Student Conduct. Failure to strictly or promptly enforce any of the terms and conditions of this contract by LSU shall not operate as a waiver of any of LSU’s rights as provided herein. You must advise LSU immediately if you are arrested for, convicted of, or plead guilty to a crime other than a minor traffic offense. LSU, at its sole option, may terminate this contract if you complete, withdraw, or are removed from the approved LSU program which enables you to live in LSU housing. TOBACCO FREE. All halls and apartments are tobacco free. Use of any tobacco product or electronic cigarette is not permitted inside any residence hall and apartment rooms, lobbies, hallways, bathrooms, or any other area inside the building. PETS, GUNS (including but not limited to firearms, BB guns, pellet guns, air pistols, and paint guns), EXPLOSIVES, AND ILLEGAL DRUGS are not allowed in LSU residence halls and/or apartments under any circumstances. Any violation of this provision shall result in immediate termination of this contract, and you shall not be entitled to any refund for rent or advance rent or application fee. SAFETY HAZARD. LSU, at its sole discretion, may terminate this contract without prior notice if it reasonably believes that your continued occupancy presents a safety hazard to yourself or others or that it is detrimental or disruptive to others. POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES in LSU residence halls shall be in accordance with Residential Life, LSU, state, and federal regulations, statutes, and policies. BREAKS BETWEEN SEMESTERS. LSU does not guarantee temporary or interim housing during breaks between semesters for students in residence halls closed during these periods. EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS. In the event of a malfunction of mechanical equipment in your residence hall, University personnel shall make an effort to restore operations. Partial refunds of rent are not made for suspension of services caused by equipment malfunctions. If suspension of service is prolonged, Residential Life at its sole option may terminate this contract and refund the remaining part of the semester rent. If a particular malfunction continues for more than 10 days, you have the option to request to be moved to another room and you will be reassigned, provided space is available. In that case, if you exercise the option to request assignment to another residence hall, you shall be charged or refunded any difference in rates. INELIGIBLE OCCUPANTS. Rooms may only be occupied by residents assigned by Residential Life. If you allow anyone else to move into or stay in another room or bed in your apartment, suite, or room, you may be removed from campus housing. To have an overnight guest, you must obtain prior approval from the Residence Life Coordinator after submitting a written request stating the name, address, and s ocial security number of the guest and the day(s) you want him/her to stay. Guests must be of the same sex as the resident, must be 13 years of age or older, and are not permitted to stay more than three (3) consecutive nights or more than five (5) total nights per semester. CONDUCT. You shall abide by the terms and conditions of the Code of Student Conduct and all rules and policies of the Department of Residential Life and LSU. LSU, at its sole option, may terminate this contract if you violate any of the terms and conditions of the Code of Student Conduct or departmental rules and policies by engaging in any misconduct, academic or otherwise, as defined in the Code of Student Conduct or departmental rules and policies. PROPERTY. Upon termination of this Agreement, all personal property and refuse belonging to you or others must be removed from LSU property. If you fail to do so, you will be charged $300 for removal and disposal of any such property or refuse. Further, you hereby agree to hold the University, its agents, employees and contractors harmless for any loss or damage of personal property remaining on LSU property after termination of this contract. Further, you agree to indemnity and defend the University, its agents, employees and contractors as to any suits, claims, or demands alleging loss or damage of property of others that was left in your room or apartment or in your possession, custody, or control. i.
25. ONLINE RENEWAL. You may be given the opportunity to renew this contract via the Internet to live in the residence halls or the East or West Campus Apartments. If you choose to renew online, you will be bound by and subject to all the terms and conditions of this contract and any additions, deletions, or modifications contained in the online version that you accept, authorize, or agree to electronically in the manner prescribed online in lieu of a handwritten signature. A non-­‐refundable $250 advance rent payment is required for renewals. 26. VACATING PREMISES. Upon expiration or termination of this contract, you agree to vacate the premises, as instructed, upon notice of same, removing all personal items and refuse and leaving the premises clean and in good condition, normal wear excepted. STUDENT NAME (PRINT): ______________________________________ STUDENT ID NUMBER: _______–_________–___________ I agree to abide by the contract terms listed above. ____________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE AGE DATE ____________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE (If applicant is under 18 years of age) ACCEPTANCE BY LSU. This contract is accepted by LSU, Department of Residential Life, by signature of a duly authorized representative below. _____________________________________________________ Appendices
Steven D. Waller, Executive Director, Residential Life & Housing 28
Academic Support 24
Activity Card 7
Activity Center 21
Advertisements 13
Alcohol 11
Allergies 18
Animals 11
Appliances 11
Associate Directors 6
Bed Risers 13
Bunking of Beds 13
Lofting of Beds 13
Behavioral Treatment or Care 8
Bicycles 12
Broadcast E-mail 9
Broadcast Voice Mail 9
B.R. Police Department 9
Cable Television 20
Call Boxes 10
Campus Services 25
Campus Transit 9
Candles 12
Card Access 20
Central Office Staff 6
Check-In 18
Check-Out 18
Cleaning 12
Closing Procedures 18
Cohabitation 14
Commitment to Community 3
Community Council 7
Community Living 5
Community Safety 9
Community Standards 5
Computers 20
Concentrated Study Hours 16
Conduct Process 8
Contract 18, 26
Cooking 12
Custodial Supervisors 6
Custodians 6
Damages 16
Decorations 12
Deliveries 22
Desk Assistants 6
Dining Services 20
Distribution of Advertisement
Diversity 4
Doors 13
Drugs 13
Elevators 13
E-mail 13
Emergency 10
Emergency Numbers 24
Emergency Text Messaging
System 9
Entry by Staff 16
Evacuation Procedures 10
Executive Director, Steve Waller
Laundry 21
The Lighthouse Program 24, 25
Littering 15
Lock Out Policy 15
Locks 15
Loitering 16
Lost Keys 15
LSU Police Department 9
Facility Reservation 20
Faculty-In-Residence 6
Fire Safety 9
Front Desk 21
Front Desk Phone Numbers 24
Furniture 13
Garbage Removal 13
Getting Involved 7
Graduate Resident Directors 6
Grills & Grilling 13
Guest Visitation 14
Overnight Guest Registration
Hanging Decorations 12
Harassment 15
Health Promotion 25
Heating & Cooling 21
Housing Contract 18, 26
Important Numbers 24
Incense 12
Inclusive Communities 4
Inclusive Housing 4
Internet 20
Insurance—Property 21
Interim Housing 21
Involvement 7
Keys & Locks 15
Copies 15
Lockouts 15
Lost Keys 15
Picking up your Keys 15
Semester Check-Out 15
Tiger Cards 15
Mail 22
Maintenance 22
Medical Supplies 22
Medical Treatment or Care 19
Mission Statement 2
National Residence Hall
Honorary (NRHH) 7
Residence Hall Association
(RHA) 7
Residence Life Coordinators 6
Resident Assistants 6
Return to Housing 7
Roommates / Suitemates 5
Safety 9
Annual Security and Fire
Safety 9
Community Safety 9
Emergency Procedures 9
Equipment 17
Evacuation Procedures 10
Semester Check-Out 18
Service Animals 11
Services 20
Sexual Assault Support &
Services 24, 25
Sexual Misconduct 4
Skateboards, Skates 17
Smoking 17
Solicitation 17
Staff 6
Student Accountability 8
Student Privacy Rights 17
Student Services 25
Studying 22
Subleasing 17
Substance-Free Communities 11
Suite Bath Lockouts 15
Sustainability 5
Of The Month 7
Overnight Guest Registration 14 T
Tiger Bridge Coordinator 6
Title IX 4
Packages 22
Tobacco 17
Deliveries 22
Transportation 17
Parking 22
Trespassing 17
Payments for Housing 19
Personal Safety Items 16
Personal Transportation 17
University Hearing Panel 7
Pest Management 22
Picking up your Keys 15
Policies & Procedures 11
Policy & Process Coordinator 6 Values 2
Privacy Rights 17
Vending / Ice 23
Programming 5
Vision 2
Quiet Hours 16
Concentrated Study Hours 16
Reapplication Process 16
Weapons 17
Windows 12, 17
99 Grace King Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone 225-578-8663
Fax 225-578-5576