Fall 2013 - ARLIS/NA Southern California Chapter

ARLIS / Southern California Newsletter
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From the Chair
41st Annual
News &
Meetings &
It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as Chair of the Southern California Chapter of ARLIS/
NA for 2013. It has been an exciting and unique year with the chapter hosting the 2013 ARLIS/NA
Conference in Pasadena, April 2529.
The ARLIS/NA Conference in
Pasadena was the chapter’s primary focus this year. Our members
served as the Conference CoChairs (Alyssa Resnick, Lynda
Bunting, Cathy Billings, and Sarah
Sherman), Conference Committee
Chairs (see the committee list at http://www.arlisna.org/
pasadena2013/contacts.html), active members of numerous committees, workshop leaders, conference presenters and moderators,
as well as registrars, tour guides
and more. After hundreds of
hours of planning and preparation
the 2013 ARLIS/NA Conference
was a tremendous success with the
highest number of attendees on
record, the most exhibitors ever
participating in an ARLIS/NA conference and over $71,000 raised
through sponsors to underwrite
costs. Congratulations and thank
you to everyone involved and to
the chapter as a whole for a job
well done!
At the annual ARLIS/SC business
meeting, held during the conference in April, the new members of
the Executive Board were introduced - Derek Quezada ViceChair/Chair-Elect, and Antoinette
Avila, Secretary. Derek and Antoinette are welcomed additions to
the board and their efforts have
been vital to the success of the
chapter this year. It was also announced that chapter treasurer,
Teresa Soleau’s term on the board
will end this year. Teresa has been
an excellent chapter treasurer and
has managed chapter memberships
with grace and finesse.
The 2013 ARLIS/SC Travel Awards
were presented at the business
meeting in Pasadena. Michele
James, a student in the MLIS program at UCLA and an active chapter student member received the
2013 ARLIS/SC Student Travel
Award. I was the grateful recipient
of the Judith A. Hoffberg Travel
Award for 2013. Both awards provide financial assistance to recipients, which enable them to attend
the ARLIS/NA annual conference.
Since the conference ARLIS/SC
has continued to offer members
excellent programs and activities. Vice-Chair, Derek Quezada
was responsible for planning this
year’s programming - choosing
locations, arranging for speakers/guides, organizing meals, etc.
This year an effort was made to
locate events outside the Los
Angeles area and to include
more non-traditional art library
venues. The goal was to increase
attendance by members from
areas such as San Diego and
Orange County as well as to
attract interest in membership
from art librarians working in
Continued on page 11.
Save the Date!
The 42nd ARLIS/NA Annual Conference will be held from May 1 – 5, 2013
in Washington D.C.
Visit the conference website for more information on registration, sessions, tours,
and more!
From the
Board Chapters Liaison
Hello Southern California Chapter Members!
As the new Executive Board Chapters Liaison, I look forward to working with your Chapter during my twoyear term.
At the 2013 annual conference in Pasadena, the Executive Board had a series of meetings in addition to gathering for two days in Washington D.C. at the end of September for the mid-year Board Meeting. I wanted to
share some highlights with you:
Pasadena Conference: It was a record-breaking success! We welcomed just over 710 registrants during a week
of perfect weather -- warm with sunshine. The fundraising efforts totaled $71,250. Thank you for all your efforts as the conference’s host chapter!
Future Conferences: The Washington DC Conference planning team is hard at work. It will be a fantastic conference from May 1-5, 2014. For information visit their conference website. We come back to the West to
meet in Forth Worth, Texas in 2015. The Executive Board is working to finalize the 2016 location.
Virtual Conference: I look forward to seeing many of you in-person at the future conferences. However between DC and Fort Worth in Fall 2014, we will have the opportunity to meet online. A Virtual Conference is in
development under the leadership of Executive Board Education Liaison, Sarah Falls. An implementation team is
being formed.
Chapters have generously sponsored the Welcome Party at the annual conference. The donations have been
greatly appreciated. I hope all Chapters will consider contributing a minimum of $200 to the DC conference.
Get creative with your chapter fundraising throughout the year to support “The Reception at Dumbarton
Oaks” the welcoming event of the conference.
ARLIS/NA Website (AWS)
The redesign is on track. The website content has migrated to the new platform. The new website release is
coming soon along with a newly designed ARLIS/NA logo.
New Association Manager
In April 2013, Robert Kopchinski was hired as the ARLIS/NA Association Manager. He has over 24 years of
association management experience. Robert’s contact information is on the ARLIS/NA Website. His email is
The Executive Board will continue to have our monthly meetings. As usual, with every meeting we will have a
lot to discuss toward the advancement of ARLIS/NA. I will keep you posted!
If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you all the best for a festive fall!
Sarah Sherman
ARLIS/NA Executive Board, Chapters Liaison
Reference Librarian
Getty Research Institute
41st Annual ARLIS/NA Conference
ARLIS/NA members gathered in Pasadena, CA from April 25—29, 2013 for
the 41st annual conference. Colleagues from Southern California institutes contributed to the program in the following ways:
Anne Blecksmith, Tracey Schuster, and Teresa Soleau (Getty Research Institute) workshop instructors, Photographing Photographs? Considerations When Taking
Digital Images of Images
Pasadena City Hall. Photo courtesy of Jurriaan Persyn’s
Flickr Photostream.
Lea Whittington (Academy of Motion Pictures) workshop instructor, Postcards
from the Edge VI: Television & Media Industries
Manuel Urrizola (University of California, Riverside) workshop instructor, The Art of Public Speaking: A Studio for Art Librarians
Jocelyn Gibbs (University of California, Santa Barbara), Rita Gonzalez (LA County Museum of Art), John Tain (Getty Research Institute) plenary presenters, Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945-1980
Nina Schneider (University of California, Los Angeles) panel presenter, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Enabling Discovery of Artists’ Books
Kathleen Saloman and Joe Shubitowski (Getty Research Institute) panel presenters, Building Collective Solutions: The Future of Art Bibliography Initiative (FAB) 4th Annual Update
L.Chizu Morihara (University of California, Santa Barbara) panel presenter, RDA for Reference Librarians
David Frantz (University of Southern California), Angela Briskele (University of California, Los Angeles), and Marti Pike (Woodbury
University) panel presenters, Queering Our Collections: Three Important LGBTQ Archives
Mary-Michelle Moore (University of California, Irvine) Emerging Technology Forum presenter, Crowdsourcing Projects, from Start to Finish
Shannon Lane (MLIS candidate, University of California, Los Angeles) Emerging Technology Forum presenter, Pinterest as More Than a
Collection of Images
Gina Solares (Art Center College of Design) poster presenter, DIY – Zines, Minicomix, and More at the Art Center College of Design
Pauline Wolstencroft (LA County Museum of Art) poster presenter, Surveying Users and Setting Goals at the LACMA Research Library
Murtha Baca (Getty Research Institute) and Vickie O’Riordan (University of California, San Diego) panel presenters, Doing Data Together: Engaging End-Users in Building Richer Resources, More Efficiently
Christian Huemer (Getty Research Institute) panel presenter, Patterns of Collecting: InfoVis for Art History
Anne Coco (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) and Bobi Garland (Western Costume Research Library and Archive) panel
presenters, Character through Costume: Production Research and Costume Design for Film and Television
Sue Maberry, Debra Ballard, and Parme Giuntini (Otis College of Art and Design) panel presenters,
Librarian/Faculty Collaboration in Teaching and Assessing Information Literacy Across the Cirriculum: Successes and
Jennifer Martinez Wormser (Laguna College of Art + Design) panel presenter, Turning Patrons into Teammates: Collaborating with Faculty and Students to Describe Images in Shared Shelf
Barret Havens, Cathryn Ziefle (Woodbury University), and Caitlin Plovnick (University of California,
Irvine) panel presenters, To the Front! Bringing Collections and Librarians Expertise into User Communities and the
Gloria Kondrup (Art Center College of Design) workshop instructor, Hands-on Letterpress Broadside Printing
Workshop at Archetype Press
Support the Travel
Awards by renewing
your membership or
becoming an
ARLIS-SC member!
Membership runs January
to December.
To join, simply fill out the
form on our website:
The 41st Annual ARLIS/NA Conference in Pasadena
Kudos to ARLIS/SC for an Outstanding Conference!
ARLIS/SC can take pride in the Pasadena
conference, which was a huge success by
all measures: most attendees ever (710)
from the most countries ever (19), record number of exhibitors (70), and a
record amount of sponsorship ($71,250).
Perhaps the most rewarding is the positive feedback from attendees via ARLIS-L
or the post-conference survey. Here is just a taste of those comments:
Watch the
ARLIS-CA listserv
for information
about the 2014
ARLIS/SC Student
Travel Award
and the
Judith A. Hoffberg
Travel Award to
attend the 42nd
conference in
Washington D.C.!
Overall Organization and Program:
 From the sessions and workshops to the exhibits and special events, the care and planning was evident.
 This was definitely one of the best conferences of the many great ones I have had the pleasure of attending.
 The sessions were the best. Out of the 5 conferences I've been to I found them to be the best ones I've
attended as a whole.
 It was a very well organized conference (maybe my best so far) in a lovely location.
 What a great conference – the best ARLIS conference I have ever attended!
 Great job by all the people who put the Pasadena Conference together! So well organized and staffed. A
great introduction to the organization.
On the Convocation and Reception (we even got compliments on the ceremony!):
 Terrific!!! Great speaker. Entire ceremony was perfect length.
 So fabulous to have it outside!
 Beautiful evening with fabulous nibbles and drinks. Lots of fun!
On Publicity:
 The publicity was some of the best I've seen… there was always important and essential information.
 Publicity was so helpful and personal. Social media was fun, the e-mails were the best.
On Exhibits:
 These were some of the best exhibits we have ever had.
 Diversity of exhibitors!
 The location was great because it was central to other conference activities.
 Open, airy, light-filled. Nice to see several new faces.
 Addition of light drinks and snacks here and there was a great idea!
On Tours:
 Thought the tour offerings were outstanding.
 They were amazing!
 Great locations and hosts from the places we toured!
On the Welcome Party at the Autry:
 Loved the live music, unique setting and great food.
 Very fun! The setting was great. I appreciated it being in a museum Café Press items sold at conference. Photo
courtesy of Patricia Peregrine.
most of us wouldn't have gotten to otherwise.
The 41st Annual ARLIS/NA Conference in Pasadena (cont.)
There were innovations and highlights that the planning team was especially proud of.
 We had the strongest social media presence of any conference to date, making use of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and a
WordPress blog. We recruited tech-savvy people to Tweet throughout the conference so that there would always be conversations
 The Emerging Technology Forum was developed by the Program Co-chairs and the Professional Development Committee, with help
from ArLiSNAP. We wanted to go beyond the “petting zoo” model and were able to give people more in-depth experiences of new
and relevant technologies through staffed booths and short talks on the various technologies being covered. It (and the ice cream
bars) were a big hit!
 The Program Committee made an effort to experiment with non-traditional programming models by introducing an “unconference”
session and “Topic Talks” that took place as part of SIG and Division business meetings. The experiments were generally successful
and feedback will help future conference planners to implement more of this dynamic programming.
 A free public speaking workshop sponsored by ARLIS/NA was offered twice during the conference in support of the ARLIS/NA
Strategic Plan goal related to developing new leaders in the profession. The idea was developed by the Program Co-chairs and supported by the Executive Board.
 ARLIS/NA President Deborah Kempe secured a $69,000 grant from the Getty Foundation to bring 15 librarians from across Latin
America to participate in the conference. ARLIS/NA also received funding from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation to support the
participation of ten prominent European art information specialists. We hope this sets a precedent for encouraging future collaboration and cultural exchange at ARLIS/NA conferences.
The Team
So many people contributed to the success of the conference, including the members of the local planning team as well as all those who
volunteered for shifts at the hospitality desk. The amount of hard work put in by all involved is remarkable! Kudos to all who lent a
hand, especially the members of the local planning team! For the full list please visit the conference website at: http://www.arlisna.org/
Chapter Awards
This year’s ARLIS/SC Student Travel Award went to Michele James. Below, Michele describes what winning the
award meant to her:
I attended my first ARLIS conference this
year, in Pasadena, thanks to receiving the
ARLIS/SC Student Travel award. It was a
fantastic opportunity to meet librarians
from around the country and learn about
the projects they are working on as well
as to develop my skills in new areas. Because of the travel award, I was able to
attend the workshop “The Art of GLAMWiki” during the conference. As an MLIS
graduate student at UCLA, my focus was
on collections management and access. I
think the idea of collaborative projects
between Wikipedia and cultural institutions is a great fit for libraries of all types
hoping to provide access to collections.
The workshop was a good introduction to
editing Wikipedia, and it gave me a lot of
ideas about ways to use this tool in my
future career.
The rest of the conference was equally
beneficial. One of my favorite sessions was
Maureen Whalen’s “Copyright and Images”, which included an overview of recent
applicable court decisions. Copyright is a
topic that I always find interesting, and this
session was no exception. I also enjoyed
learning about the Your Paintings Project
during the “Doing Data Together” session
on Sunday. In the “Growing and Reviving
Museum Audiences” session, I was really
interested in the idea of Friends of the
Library groups for museum libraries and
the difficulties and benefits that come with
that. Sessions like “Forward Into the Past:
Crafting a Digital Future” connected with
my coursework at UCLA and gave me a
much better idea of the tools, standards,
and vocabularies that are currently being
used for digital projects.
The opening reception was held at the
beautiful Autry museum in Griffith Park,
which is one of my favorite places in Los
Angeles. While there, I had a chance to
reconnect with other UCLA MLIS graduates as well as to meet librarians from the
LA area and around the world. I also met
fellow librarians in the exhibit hall, volun-
teering at the hospitality desk, and on a
walking tour of historic Pasadena. I feel
like the ARLIS conference was a great
bridge for me from graduate school into
my professional career. At a time when I
was finding myself overwhelmed by the
process of preparing my final portfolio,
the conference was a rejuvenating professional experience that allowed me to head
into my last quarter at UCLA even more
excited about the possibilities for my
-Michele James
Member Spotlight:
ARLIS/NA New Member
Claire Kennedy joined ARLIS after becoming personal librarian
and archivist to artist John Baldessari in Venice Beach. She was hired by
Baldessari in 2012.
Have you always worked in Art Libraries?
No. My current position is my first experience working exclusively with
collections relating to art. My professional background and training is in
manuscripts and rare books. I have previously worked at the Huntington Library and the Charles E. Young Research Library Department of
Special Collections at UCLA.
What made you want to join ARLIS?
Now that I work in the private sector, I find that ARLIS allows me to connect with a network of colleagues.
This is very important to me being a “lone arranger” of sorts. Its nice to be in contact with art librarians at
research and educational institutions to stay informed on the current trends and ideas circulating in the profession.
What is it like to work as a librarian and archivist for a single client in the private sector?
I really enjoy the work. I oversee an archive of a variety of archival and art collections in addition to a library
of just over 3000 books. The preservation concerns and processing timelines are still very much a concern
in a private library. I have also developed my records management skills in this position. I have established
record retention schedules and organizational schema for the operational records of the studio. Being in
close proximity to the creative endeavor of a great artist has really been an amazing experience.
What is a typical day for you?
As one of only five full-time employees at the studio, I am often asked to lend a hand with non-library related studio operations. In my job, I wear many hats. In addition to being the archivist and librarian, I am the
information manager of the studio. I record data relating to artwork, exhibitions and primary and secondary
sales information. I find that working with the archival collections at the studio take up more of my time than
working with the book collections. Any given day I typically assemble and process production files that document works of art and manage the studio databases and inventories. I field reference inquiries from galleries
and auction houses and answer them based on the studio archives.
What projects are you most proud of since your time there?
When I was hired, I was the first full-time professionally trained information professional ever employed at
the studio. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the studio had a cold-storage facility and that most of the
material housed there was well organized and preserved. Soon I discovered, however, that none of the archival material had been documented in any sort of centralized database and that there were no retrieval
tools created for locating anything. It was my first task to rigorously inventory every piece of paper, slide,
photograph and drawing housed in the archive. It was a huge endeavor but I completed it and now, all the
archival holdings can be located and accounted for.
Derek Christian Quezada is a reference librarian at the Getty Research Institute and also the Vice
-Chair/Chair-elect of ARLIS/SC. He previously worked at the Getty in the digital services department helping
to coordinate the digitization of the Julius Shulman and Leonard Nadel archives as part of an NHPRC grant.
He graduated with his MLIS from UCLA with an emphasis in Informatics, and from UCI with a bachelor’s
degree in both Comparative Literature and Religious Studies. He is passionate about art, technology and all
things strange and mysterious. Continued on next page.
Member Spotlight: ARLIS/NA New Member (cont.)
Have you always worked in Art Libraries?
To be honest the Getty is the first “art library” I have ever worked at. And its only recently that I
developed a concrete vision of myself as an “art librarian.” I think for me the secret appeal of working
at any of my previous library jobs, be they public, special collections, digital, whatever, was working
with visually striking material (and they all had it in some capacity.) This same draw is probably what
got me into religious studies as an undergraduate. I really enjoyed feasting on iconography and powerful imagery and there was plenty of that to go around. So its no surprise that I’m at the Getty. Sometimes I’ll find myself going through album after album of Italian opera stage designs looking for a particular use of Pierrot on a donkey with dancing satyrs and think, “this is great!”
What made you want to join ARLIS/SC?
Frankly I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but I didn’t actually know about ARLIS/SC until a few weeks into my new position as a reference
librarian. I got into a conversation with a colleague about wanting to reach out and connect with other professionals and she said she had
the perfect opportunity for me, join ARLIS/NA and become the vice-chair/chair elect of ARLIS/SC! I said, sure why not, and here I am. I
have to say that its been a very rewarding experience. I have met a lot of wonderful people and really gained a sense of community with
other art librarians. It was a little difficult working in a new position and embracing my role as vice-chair but I think people appreciated a
little down-time after the Pasadena conference. But a couple of events later I feel like I really have a feel for things and I am very excited
about the coming year and the ways we can energize the chapter.
What is it like to work at the Getty Research Institute?
The Getty is, of course, the Getty. It may seem like an impenetrable fortress high on the hill but it actually feels like an oasis (especially in
contrast to the serpentine nightmare of the 405 that wraps around it.) Everyday something special is happening; either new initiatives are
being announced, or world-renowned exhibitions are opening or closing. There is certainly a lot of rigorous research, but its also filled
everyday with tourists who are just hanging out and enjoying the gardens and the views. It is both very international and so quintessentially
Southern California. Maybe the contradiction is what makes it feel so very LA? The people there are just fantastic though, everyone is really
great at what they do and everyone is very interesting in their own right. I’ve worked with and become close friends with the founder of
the LA Zine fest, a platinum process photographer, a performance/installation artist, etc., the list goes on. I think the Getty just tends to
attract (and thankfully hire) remarkable individuals. Its not to say that it doesn’t have its faults. I think because its a much larger and more
formal institution than other places, making things happen from the ground up can be very difficult. Its taken me quite some time to figure
out how to work “within” the system and even now I am still learning what will fly and what won’t.
What is a typical day like for you?
Coffee comes first. And then two or three more times after that. I need to stay well caffeinated because a majority of my work is hustling
to get people the information, resources, and knowledge they need to do their work successfully. I suppose that makes me a bit of an information sherpa? Everyday I’ll typically spend an hour or two on the reference desk fielding phone calls from people while simultaneously
processing new readers. It sometimes feels like I’m directing traffic but its the most exciting part of the day. You never know what kinds of
questions you get or who will come in. Often I will have to take some of that work from the reference desk back with me to my own and
follow up with people by doing some snooping in the catalog or in special collections and then firing off a couple of emails. After that I
might have a meeting or two depending on what new initiative is taking place departmentally or GRI wide. I like to have a power lunch with
a colleague I might not usually get a chance to work with/talk to and then I will usually start working on the email requests that make up the
majority of my workload. I need to request the material they are referring to, consult it, and often make some visual references for them. I
tend to receive a lot of questions about stock/account books. Many of the larger auction houses consult us regularly to trace provenance of
art pieces and their prices. Recently I have begun working with an graduate intern from UCLA’s MLIS program in order to design and hopefully develop an ipad app that can help register and orient news readers to the library and its services. I tend to meet with him a couple
days per week and brainstorm, go over design docs/specs or talk about how other libraries are implementing new technologies. And then
of course there are the hallway conversations!
What projects are you most proud of working on since your time there?
Even though the vast bulk of this wasn’t accomplished while I was a reference librarian I think my proudest moment I’ve had was in finally
seeing Series IV of the Julius Shulman Photography archive go live in our discovery system. Both the Shulman and the Leonard Nadel negative archive were digitized as part of a grant we received from the National Historical Publications Records Commission (NHPRC). As a
coordinator for the grant, a position I received straight out of graduate school, the sheer number of images in both collections was staggering to think about (something like 55,000?) and it felt like I would never see the thing complete. Its taken over two years from the beginning
of the project to its ingestion into our new system to be able to stand back and think, alright, we are finally finished and now anyone anywhere in the world can have a look. There is some really incredible stuff in there, not only in regards to aesthetics (the architecture, photography etc. is amazing of course) but also Southern California history.
News and Notes
Betsy Galloway’s Retirement
After 35 years of devoted service, Betsy Galloway retired from her position as Vice President of the Library
and Art Center College of Design. During her tenure, she oversaw the introduction of the Library’s mobile
application, international student
research tutorials, use of social
media, video tutorials for remote
learning, and library orientation
programs. Provost Fred Fehlau
praises, “Through Betsy’s leadership and management of the Library and her collaboration with
her remarkable staff, she has ensured that the Library is a professional and social community resource that enhances the rich and
full educational content that the
College offers.” Photos from her
retirement party can be viewed
here: http://www.flickr.com/
Betsy Galloway at her retirement party. Photo by Chuck Spangler
Content taken from the Art Center blog Dotted Line.
Rachel Rohac Accepts Position as Assistant Librarian at SCI-Arc
After graduating from UCLA’s MLIS program in 2012, I was fortunate
enough to be offered an Assistant Librarian position at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (commonly referred to as SCI-Arc), located
in downtown Los Angeles’s burgeoning Arts District. SCI-Arc is a top
ranking architecture school, and one of the few independent architecture
schools in the nation. Founded in the 1970’s as an alternative to traditional
architecture training, SCI-Arc ‘s focus is on creating architects who are
able to challenge traditional ideas about architecture and design.
The Kappe Library and Gallery, located in the school’s main building (a
quarter-mile long former freight depot), focuses on developing a collection
specific to the school’s unique pedagogy and diverse student body. Our
print collection is made up of over 20,000 monographs, primarily in the
fields of architecture, art, design and technical works, as well as histories of
California and Los Angeles. Our database and ebook subscriptions provide students and faculty access to additional works in a wide variety of
disciplines. We are one of the few academic libraries in Southern California focused on architecture, and are utilized not only by our own students
and faculty, but by architectural researchers from around the world.
SCI-Arc library. Photo courtesy of
Rachel Rohac.
News and Notes (cont.)
We want your photos!
In addition, our library also has a dozen private student study areas, a conference/media
room in the where classes are often held, and a gallery space which features work by both
students and faculty. The library is also responsible for maintaining the school’s media
archive http://sma.sciarc.edu; available to the public, it contains over 1000 hours of architecture and design lectures, as well as school events and exhibitions held over the past 40
years. We hope to soon expand this online archive to include still images, and are in the
process of digitizing materials currently held in our off-site storage.
In my role as assistant librarian, I am primarily responsible for cataloging new materials,
aiding in collection development, training and supervising our work-study students and
assisting students with research. The relatively small size of our school and the library
enable me to not only take on a wide variety of tasks, but leads to a closer relationship
with students and faculty creating a unique collaborative environment. I feel fortunate to
be able to work alongside so many creative people in an environment that encourages out
of the box thinking and problem solving. I encourage all members of ARLIS/SC to come
visit SCI-Arc, and check out our collection and gallery spaces.
Do you have photos from recent or past
ARLIS/SC events? Please consider contributing your photos to our flickr site!
Just email Cathryn Ziefle for the password.
In the meantime, enjoy our newly restored
flickr stream:
Brand Library to Reopen in March 2014
After nearly two years, the Brand Library renovation is entering the home stretch! Brand Library is the art and music section of the
Glendale Public Library and is notable for the quality and depth of its collections, its gallery exhibitions and dance and music series, as
well as its location in a historic 1904 Saracenic mansion modeled after the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition’s East India Pavilion.
Highlights of the renovation include improved ADA accessibility, seismic bracing, new HVAC, electrical wiring, plumbing, a new entry
that integrates the 1904 mansion and 1969 addition, a new outdoor plaza for events, improved organization and access to the collections, and restoration of historic features of the mansion rooms. During the renovation process we discovered the original Victorian era
wall colors as well as the original hand-painted ceilings. While the ceilings were not able to be restored, they have been painstakingly
recreated by the Spectra Company, known for its work on landmarks like the Catalina Casino, the Pantages Theater, and the Biltmore
Hotel. Over the next few months we will be busy installing all new shelving and furnishings and moving over 110,000 items back into
place. We look forward to the possibility of hosting a chapter meeting in our wonderful new setting sometime in 2014!
-Cathy Billings, Art Librarian, cbillings@ci.glendale.ca.us
Before and after photos from left to right: Dining Room, Reception, Drawing Room. Photos courtesy of Cathy Billings.
Chapter Meetings and Day Trips
On July 13 chapter members were invited on a joint exhibit tour with SLA-SCC and the California
Black Librarians Caucus at the California African American Museum and the Natural History
Museum in Exposition Park. The CAAM exhibit explored African presence in Cuba through photographs by Roberto Chile. Topics covered included religion, music, dance, work and play, and everyday
life. At the Natural History Museum members were welcomed to a new 14,000-square-foot exhibit on
Los Angeles’ land, people, and the city today.
Next, on August 16 the chapter visited the Laguna College of Art + Design. Members were treated to a campus tour and peak inside the library with Director Jennifer Wormser. Following the tours
everyone gathered at the House of Big Fish and Ice Cold Beer for happy hour and good conversation.
Visit http://arlissc.org for more
details about this
year’s meetings
and for business
meeting minutes.
Laguna College of Art + Design. Photos by Simon Lee.
Then, on September 13 chapter members were given a behind the scenes look at thatgamecompany, the creators of the flOw, Flower, and the Playstation 3 hit Journey. Members engaged in conversations about video games as art and the role of librarians at video game studios. Following the event,
people gathered for drinks at the Daily Pint.
Finally, the chapter hosted its annual
versity of California, Irvine. Memcial Collections, enjoyed presentations
PechaKucha open forum. Following
of the UCI campus and architecture
people headed to the Steel Head
The day was topped off with an openfeatured artists who combine sound
fall meeting on October 3 at the Unibers were given a tour of the UCI Spefrom chapter members, and a
lunch, the chapter was treated to a tour
guided by Alan Hess. After the tour
Brewing Company for food and drinks.
ing reception of Sounds/Sculptures that
with sculpture or video.
Sounds/Sculptures exhibition.
Photo courtesy of Teresa Soleau.
From the Chair (cont.)
non-traditional settings.
In August we visited the Laguna College of Art & Design in Laguna Beach. This event included a tour of the library given by Library
Director and ARLIS/SC member, Jennifer Wormser; an art exhibition, lunch and optional socializing at the House of Big Fish. September’s event was a visit to thatgamecompany a video game design company located in Santa Monica. Thatgamecompany is known for the
art created for their games, flOw and Journey. This digital media company is an example of the new settings where art librarianship skills
and principles can be applied to enhance and preserve a product, increase creative productivity and maintain an artistic legacy.
The chapter’s annual Fall meeting was held in early October at the University of California, Irvine. The success of the conference was
reported at the business meeting along with a call for nominations for board members in 2014. Positions to be filled are chapter treasurer and vice-chair/chair elect. Teresa Soleau, current ARLIS/SC treasurer, reported that there was no decline in membership after
chapter dues were raised last Fall and that the chapter was able to donate, $1,567.00 to the cost of the conference Welcome Party.
Other activities at the October event included a tour of UCI’s Special Collections, lunch at the University Club, a walking tour of the
campus’ architecture given by author and architect, Alan Hess and an opening reception for the art exhibition, Sounds/Sculptures. This
event drew members from across Southern California.
Thank you to the 2013 ARLIS/SC board members for all of their hard work this year. A special thank you to all of the leaders, committee members, volunteers and participants in the ARLIS/NA Conference in Pasadena. Thank you all for making 2013 an extraordinary
year for the chapter. I look forward to serving as ARLIS/SC Past-Chair in 2014.
-Patti Peregrine
ARLIS/SC 2013 Executive Board
Patricia Peregrine, Chair
Derek Quezada, Vice Chair/Chair Elect
Getty Research Institute
Antoinette Avila, Secretary
University of California, Irvine
Teresa Soleau, Treasurer
Getty Research Institute
Janine Henri, Past Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
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ARLIS/SC Board members left to right: Janine Henri (Past Chair), Patti Peregrine
(Chair), and Teresa Soleau (Treasurer), Derek Quezada (Vice Chair/Chair Elect), and
Antoinette Avila (Secretary) at the University of California, Irvine meeting in October