POST-DOCTORAL 1/06-present! Private Psychotherapy Practice in Wenham, MA Cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy with adolescents, adults and couples 3/05-present ! Private Psychotherapy Practice in Cambridge, MA Short- and long-term psychotherapy with adolescents, adults and couples. ! ! 9/03-7/05! Child and Family Therapist, Boundaries Therapy Center, Acton, MA School-based consultation involving brief cognitive-behavioral individual therapy and anger-control groups and social skills groups with elementary and middle school children. ! 9/02-9/05! Program for Psychotherapy, Cambridge Hospital, MA Individual psychotherapy with children and adults with chronic mental illness in outpatient mental health setting. DOCTORAL 7/01-7/02! Somerville Mental Health Clinic, Child Services, Somerville, MA Family therapy and individual psychotherapy and assessments with children and adolescents with chronic and severe mental illness. 7/01-7/02! Central Street Health Center, Cambridge Health Alliance, Outpatient Adult Services Somerville, MA Conducted individual and family therapy with adults with chronic and severe mental illness. 8/00-6/01! Northside Child and Family Counseling Center, Orange Person Chatham Mental Health, Chapel Hill, NC Individual cognitive-behavioral therapy with children and adolescents. Co-led child group therapy and multifamily group therapy. 8/99-6/00! Student Psychological Services, UNC-CH Brief individual psychotherapy with students. Led stress management workshop and developed bereavement support group. 8/98-6/99 Center for Development and Learning, UNC Memorial Hospital Conducted cognitive, emotional, and behavioral assessments of children in an outpatient clinic. 8/97-6/98! Adolescent Services, John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC Provided biweekly individual therapy for adolescents with severe and chronic mental illness and led biweekly ward group in a state psychiatric hospital. 8/96-6/97! Cognitive-Behavioral Marital Therapy, Davie Hall Psychological Services, UNC-CH Cognitive-Behavioral Marital Therapy (BMT) with couples. 8/96-6/97! C.W. Stanford Middle School, Hillsborough, NC Individual psychotherapy with school age children and adolescents. Conducted family therapy focusing on parental divorce and parent-child interaction. Co-led anger control group. ! ! 12/96-6/96! John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC/C. A. Dillon Training School, Butner, NC Intellectual and personality assessments of chronic and acute mentally ill inpatient adolescents in a state psychiatric hospital and a training school.