STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Checklist Application for SMU Vice President & Controller All portions of application must be submitted by the below due dates or your application will not be considered valid or complete By Friday March 6th at 3:00pm: The following must be submitted hard copy to the AS/SMU Office: ● ● ● ● ● ● Applications Questions Resume Sealed character reference form Training and Meeting Agreement (signed) Community Standing Form (signed) Academic Standing Forms (signed) BIOLA UNIVERSITY JOB DESCRIPTION Student Missionary Union Title of Position: Student Missionary Union Vice President (2nd year) Student Missionary Union Controller (1st year). Basic Duties and Responsibilities: The Student Missionary Union (SMU) Vice President serves as the chief financial officer for SMU, the overseer of human resources and information technology, and the main reference point for Board of Directors operation. The SMU Vice President is responsible to train the SMU Controller in SMU protocol, financial matters, and leadership roles, who will serve as the Vice President in the following year. The Controller works alongside the Vice President in fulfilling his/her duties and will serve as the Vice President the following year. The Controller acts as a member of the Board of Directors (observation role in the Fall semester and participating member in the Spring semester). This position is a two-year commitment. The SMU Financial Controller is responsible to the SMU Vice President and under their supervision to train for the next year’s duty as SMU Vice President. The SMU Controller is also the point person for Short Term Missions’ financial status and communication. The SMU Controller works with the Vice President and under his or her authority with the intention of assuming those duties the following year. Vice-President 1. Oversee overall state of the SMU finances and budget. 2. Maintain good relationships with Biola’s accounting, purchasing, human resources, and information technology departments. 3. Work with STM leaders on all financial matters related to their teams. 4. Advise President and Board of Directors on financial and organizational matters. 5. Keep computers and software up to date. 6. Oversee human resources and payroll for the SMU staff. 7. Attend weekly Board of Directors meetings and act as a voting member during both semesters. 8. Attend weekly SMU staff meetings. 9. Train Controller to complete all responsibilities of SMU Vice President. 10. Act as a mobilizer for the Great Commission on Biola’s campus. 11. Remain spiritually engaged in the SMU community. Controller 1. Assist the Vice President in fulfilling his/her duties 2. Oversee human resources contact 3. Fulfill the responsibilities of the Vice President in his/her absence or if the Vice President assumes the role of President (in the case of the President vacating his/her position before the end of the term). 4. The Controller is responsible to learn from the Vice President the duties that he or she will assume the following year. 5. Write the SMU budget for the second year in this position in the spring of the first year of service, under the guidance of the Vice President. 6. Attend the Board of Directors meetings and act as a voting member of the Board of Directors in the spring semester of the first year as Controller. 7. Attend weekly SMU staff meetings. 8. Process and maintain the Human Resources and timecards of the SMU staff. 9. Work with STM leaders on all financial matters related to their teams. 10. Act as a mobilizer for the Great Commission on Biola’s campus. 11. Remain spiritually engaged in the SMU community. Supervision Received Vice President Supervision of Others: STM leaders SMU Staff Qualifications: General: Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Working knowledge with human resource and accounting concepts. Familiar with word processing and spreadsheet software. Fast learner. Willing to ask questions. Flexible. Problem-solving skills. Critical thinking. Demonstrate a passion for the completion of the Great Commission. Display a strong personal commitment to following Jesus and serving Him through the ministry of SMU. Education and Experiences: At the time of appointment, have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on a scale of 4.00. Failure to maintain this GPA requirement will result in immediate forfeiture of this position. In addition, have completed at least one semester at Biola University with a full time student status, and be currently enrolled as a full time student. Experience with accounting concepts, either through prior classes or work experience are necessary. Hours Worked: Vice President a. 18 hours a week, 9 months Controller a. 15 hours a week, 9 months Communication The SMU Controllers are in constant communication with a lot of different people throughout the year. Be willing to ask questions, search for information, and compile that information into an effective answer. Do this well and your job will be significantly easier. Within SMU, the controllers are in communication with everyone, to a certain extent, and in particular with the BOD and the office assistants. Outside of SMU, the controllers will always be working with the accounting and purchasing offices, human resources, as well as the cashier’s desk, for any purchases, reimbursements, cash advances, timecards, compensations, and anything that involves the spending or receipt of SMU funds. To a lesser degree, the controllers will also be in communication with development services (regarding donations), the print shop (formerly known as the duplicating center), facilities services (regarding charges), computer store (purchasing new equipment), Biola bookstore (purchasing supplies), Inter-cultural Studies (for signatures and budget approval), and IT (for any computer/printer issues). There may also be contact with other departments, such as the provost’s office, AS, risk management, campus safety, etc. Problems come up, and the controllers are often the ones who end up contacting someone to find an answer, even if they have never had any contact with that department before. The Controller is to be active in learning his/her role, communicating with the Vice President regarding any problems or questions that come up. The Vice President is typically the person responsible for seeking out answers, though he/she may delegate to the Controller. Within the SMU Board of Directors, the controllers are seen as the primary source of sound advice on all matters having to do with human resources, organizational structure, finances, and technology. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION SMU STAFF REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS To qualify for candidacy for SMU Staff: ● One must be at Biola at full-­‐time status or, if having transferred from another college or university, have completed at least one semester at Biola with full-­‐time status and be currently enrolled as a full-­‐time student. ● One must be in good academic standing and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale upon hiring and throughout term. ● One must maintain full-­‐time status throughout serving in the position unless graduating after the Spring Semester of his or her term of office, in which case he or she must take at least six units during the Spring Semester. ● One must hold and maintain good standing with Biola’s Community Standards. Violations of these requirements may result in termination at any point throughout one’s term in office. Questions may be directed to AS VP of Administrative Services Rebecca Gallacher at STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Application for Vice President & Controller Please include a resume with your application. Name ________________________ Ext_______ Cell _________________ Mailbox # _________________ Class Status __________________________ I plan to carry _____ units next fall semester; __________ spring semester Major __________________Vocational Objective ______________________ Anticipated Graduation Date _______________________________________ Positions applying for in order of preference (if applying for multiple positions): 1. 2. 3. Please list all other extra-­‐curricular activities/employment possibilities in which you may participate next year. You must have one character reference complete the reference forms included in this packet. Please list their names below. You may choose from a pastor, mentor, current or former professor, employer, advisor or supervisors. Do not choose a friend, peer or family member. Return the reference form in sealed envelopes to the AS Office or via e-­‐mail to the AS VP of Administrative Services by the application deadline. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Name of Reference; his/her relationship to you 1. __________________________________________________________ Please provide typed answers to the questions below. 1. Why are you interested in this position? 2. What do you think most uniquely qualifies you for this position? 3. What is your understanding of the purpose of SMU? 4. What role do you usually play on a team? 5. Please list 2 of your strengths and 2 of your weaknesses and how they might affect you as a leader in AS. 6. Explain your understand of Biola’s Community Standards and comment on your willingness to model those standards as a servant leader in SMU. Questions may be directed to AS VP of Administrative Services Rebecca Gallacher at STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Employer or Professor Reference _____________________________________________(APPLICANT’S NAME) is applying for the position of _____________________________________________ within the Student Missionary Union at Biola University for the 2015-­‐2016 academic year. Please be as candid, objective, and honest as you can about the applicant's readiness to work with Biola's Student Missionary Union. The assessors will hold your feedback in confidence. References need to be submitted by Sunday, March 16th. Please note: It is preferred that references are not to be filled out by family members Reference Name: _______________________________ Reference Email Address: _______________________________ Your role in the applicant's life _______________________________ How well do you know the applicant's spiritual life? How long have you known the applicant? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please rate the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the characteristics below on a scale of 1-­‐5. Feel free to make comments if necessary. Poor (1) Below Average (2) Average (3) Above Average (4) Excellent (5) ______Humility ______Servant-­‐mindedness ______Flexibility ______Self-­‐awareness ______Dependability ______Follow-­‐through ______Ability to listen ______Ability to manage stress ______Team-­‐oriented ______Organization ______Ability to relate ______Leadership skills to different types of people If you have any additional comments please state them here: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the following questions: 1. Many positions in SMU require students to supervise their peers. This can often be uncomfortable or even lead to conflict among staff members. How well do you believe the applicant could handle supervising his or her peers? 2. How does the applicant handle responsibility and follow-­‐through when he or she is not closely supervised? 3. In what ways has the applicant demonstrated leadership ability? In what ways (s) has the applicant taken initiative or has shown responsibility. 4. Please take the time to make some specific comments about the applicant and why you would personally recommend them for a position on SMU staff. We've found that such information proves especially helpful in making final decisions. Overall, how would you recommend the applicant for this position? ______I would strongly recommend. ______I would recommend with reservations. ______I would not recommend. Your name___________________________________________ Position/Title ________________________ Email Address ______________________________________ Phone number _______________________ Please return form to applicant in a sealed envelope or directly to the SMU office at: Biola University Associated Students, 13800 Biola Ave, La Mirada, CA 90639; Box # 14. You may also email this form directly to STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION (Take this form to the Registrar’s office to be completed and stamped) Academic Standing –Office of the Registrar Yes No [ ] [ ] The following student, _______________________, has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. [ ] [ ] This student has COMPLETED ____ semesters at Biola University. This student is currently in good academic standing at Biola University. Official Signature ____________________________ Date __________ STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Community Standing Form for SMU Board of Directors Due to the SMU Office by Friday, March 6th at 3:00pm. I ____________________________ waive the right for the Director of Student Programming to check my community standing with Student Development. I understand that I am not an eligible applicant until my good community standing has been confirmed. I further understand that my appointment to office is conditional upon meeting the requirements for both good academic and community standing at the conclusion of the Spring 2015 semester. Applicant’s Signature _____________________________ Date 2015-­‐2016 TRAINING & MEETING AGREEMENT I, ____________________________________ understand that I am to be available for ALL of the following dates: 1. New SMU Staff Meet and Greet – 9:00pm, Tuesday, April 21st 2015, AS Conference Room 2. SMU Passing the Baton Dinner – 5:00 pm Friday, May 1st 2015, Library Courtyard 3. SMU New Staff Retreat – May 1st-2nd, 2015 (Directly following the Passing the Baton Dinner) 4. New Student Orientation Week and SMU Training—Friday, 8/21/15 – Tuesday 8/25/15 5. Fall Training– Wednesday, August 19 – Tuesday, August 26, 2015 6. Fall Retreat—Friday, August 21st – Saturday, August 22nd 2015 7. SMU Meetings - each Monday 9:30 - 10:30pm during the 2015 - 2016 School Year. YOU CANNOT ENROLL IN A CLASS THAT WOULD MEET DURING THIS TIME. 8. Spring Retreat – January 29th – January 30th, 2016