Procedures for Accidents and Medical Emergencies

Central University Libraries
Procedures for Accidents and Medical Emergencies
Detailed information and all online forms for reporting accidents are available on the Risk
Management/Environmental Health and Safety website at:
Forms are also available in the CUL Human Resources office. These procedures apply to all building
employees, students and outside visitors.
When an accident occurs and after the injured/ill employee has been helped, the manager completes
the First Report of Accident/Incident form, . The manager will send this form
directly to Risk Management and a copy sent to the CUL Assistant Dean of Human Resources. NOTE:
due to insurance requirements, this form must be turned in to Risk Management within 24 hours. Since
timing is critical, the form can be faxed to Risk Management (214-768-4138) before mailing the original
to Risk Management (campus box 231).
An injured/ill employee should contact a supervisor immediately. If the immediate supervisor is not
available, employees should contact their Assistant Dean or the Assistant Dean for Human Resources.
The CUL Human Resources office will maintain a file for all injury reports. This same procedure applies
to non-emergency injuries.
All incidents, whether medical emergency or non-medical emergency, have to be recorded on a
Department Incident Log form by the department manager/supervisor.
( ) These forms
should be submitted to the CUL Human Resources Office on a monthly basis, only when there is an
incident occurring that month. CUL Human Resources Office will forward these forms to Risk
Management. The purpose for this form is to help Risk Management and the department track
accidents and be aware of potential hazards.
Medical Emergencies
Contact 911 and give the specific location and address. Identify yourself as a staff member. If
calling from an SMU phone, the call goes to SMU PD. If calling from a cell phone, dial 214-7683333. Dialing 911 from a cell phone could send the call to several municipalities, but will not go
to SMU PD. The individual calling 911 should stay on the line with SMU dispatch until instructed
to hang up. Note: Staff need to be cautioned to limit noise and disruptions near the person on
line with the 911 dispatcher. Such noise is distracting to the person calling for help and also
potentially frightening or upsetting to the sick/injured person.
1 – 2 people should stay with the individual. Provide immediate care if appropriate.
Send staff to the building entrances (east, west and south) to help in directing emergency
personnel to the incident site.
Notify the Circulation Desk staff in case the emergency personnel go there first or miss the
person waiting to take them to the location of the incident.
Notify CUL HR Office and your Assistant Dean. One of the Assistant Deans will notify the Dean of
All other staff members need to give the individual privacy and move to their own work areas or
to another area away from the location of the incident. Individuals have a right to privacy and
emergency personnel need clear access and privacy to perform any needed medical procedures.
After the emergency, CUL HR and the staff member’s Assistant Dean will take responsibility for
notifying confidential emergency contacts as appropriate. If CUL HR staff are not available, the
supervisor should contact SMU HR, 8-3311.
For worker’s compensation job injuries, the supervisor should follow the SMU standard
For Non-emergency Accidents
For minor or non-emergency accidents (e.g. minor cuts), staff can go the SMU Health Center, 6211
Bishop Blvd, 214-768-2141, for treatment. Staff members must take a completed copy of the Medical
Treatment Authorization form, , with them to the SMU
Health Center. If Health Center staff determine they cannot provide treatment, they will refer the staff
member to an appropriate facility.
Note: Individuals have the right to privacy on any medical related information. Staff are cautioned not
to discuss private medical information. If an individual chooses to share personal medical information
with someone, that is his/her right.
Always call 911, if unsure of the type of emergency.
Emergency Numbers:
FLC Circulation:
Health Center
From SMU landline, 911. From cell phone, 214-768-3333
Bill Dworaczyk, 8-3140
Carolyn Keenon, 8-1850