January—June 2016
Course Catalog #62
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education: 715-688-6200/ Online at: bwsd.k12.wi.us/community
Community education classes are taught
January 15—Coffee Hour 10:30-11:30 a.m. people who have particular knowledge of a
Join other mentors for discussion at
the Hazelnut Tree. Coffee and treats
will be provided.
May 12—Mentor Potluck 5:30-6:45p.m. This event primarily by individuals who live in the
Baldwin-Woodville area. These instructors are subject and a desire to share this knowledge with others. They do not have to have formal training.
Some of the benefits of teaching a Community Education class are: building connections in the community, creating an outlet to share someis for all kids with mentors, their families and all mentors. Socialize, share a great meal and wrap up the school year together. BWHS Cafeteria. thing that is a personal passion, developing skills in teaching, organization, and networking. For most instructors, the biggest reward is meeting
Please RSVP by calling 715-688-6200.
Join a group that matters.
Studies show that children who have mentors:
Are LESS likely to use drugs or alcohol like minded individuals who have a desire to try new things.
Community Education instructors are compensated and have flexible scheduling. This means that instructors need not be retired individuals or those who are currently not working
Are LESS likely to engage in violence
Are LESS likely to skip school
(though it is a great fit for such folks as well).
Community Education instructors have a passion
Are MORE likely to have good grades
Are MORE likely to graduate
Are MORE likely to have good relationships for sharing a particular skill or interest that they enjoy and a commitment to provide a quality educational experience to community members.
Contact Jennifer at 715-688-6200 or commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us for more information.
For more information about becoming an instructor, please contact Jennifer at 715-688-6200 or email commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us.
S.T.E.P. Workers:
Are Senior
Citizens Age 62
and older
Pay property
taxes in the local school
Volunteer their
time and talent to benefit a variety of
The S.T.E.P. Program is administered through the Office of Community Education and Mentorship. Call to make an appointment to fill out an application learning and receive a S.T.E.P. Handbook. After an application and background check are successfully processed, volunteers will receive an assignment that meets their criteria for availability. The success of the program de-
Are positive role models and pends on matching the experience of volunteers to the identified opportunities in the district. It takes time to thoughtfully place volunteers. Please call
Receive if you are wondering about the status of your application.
Office of Community Education & Mentorship property tax
715-688-6200 credits commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us
ONLINE PAYMENTS: Payments can be made online by going to: bwsd.k12.wi.us Click on the tab on the right .
Families who already have an e-Funds account for such things as paying lunch or other fees will be able to use the same account. Simply click on the ‘General’ tab and select the sport or community education class that you wish to pay for. An adult who does not have an account will simply need to create a new account and will then be able to select payments. Please see instruction page for account set up. There is a $1.00 convenience fee for using the service.
Important Note: Registrations are not taken online. This means that Registration Forms must still be submitted to Community
Education via phone, mail, email, or dropped off. If payment is made online, registration will not be complete until the Regis-
tration Form is received by Community Education. Call or email Community Education with payment/ registration questions.
ALL OTHER PAYMENTS: Cash and checks can be used to pay total amount due in person or by mail. Make checks payable to: Baldwin-Woodville Community Education. Credit card payments are only available online.
REGISTER BY: Registration and payment must be received on or before the ‘REGISTER BY’ date for each course.
Late registration opportunities cannot be guaranteed. Registration is complete upon receipt of your payment and Registra-
tion Form on a first-come, first-served basis. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY!
CONFIRMATION: Please call Community Education if you would like to confirm your registration.
CANCELLATION: Cancellation of courses may become necessary at times. Reasonable attempts will be made to
inform you of a cancellation. Include complete contact information, including phone and email, to ensure that you will
be able to be contacted.
REFUND POLICY: Full course refunds can be requested before the ’REGISTER BY’ date listed for each class.
No refunds will be made after that date unless initiated by Community Education. If a class is cancelled by Community
Education, you will be notified and your payment will be returned in full.
YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION : See pages 14-17. Forms on pages 16 & 17.
FORMS: Additional registration forms can be accessed online at: bwsd.k12.wi.us/community.
CONTACT: Call: 715-688-6200 Email: commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us Website: bwsd.k12.wi.us/community
(if under 18)
________Amount Enclosed ________Check Number________Cash (circle)________e-Funds
Please use a separate form for each participant. One check may be written for all classes.
Additional Registration Forms may be printed from bwsd.k12.wi/community.
Make checks payable to: Baldwin-Woodville Community Education
Mail to : 1000 13th Ave., Baldwin, WI 54002
Registration, Building, Parking, Info…….Pages 4-5
Arts & Expression….…………...…………..…Pages 6
Stained Glass Dragon Fly
Stained Glass Cross
Stained Glass Hummingbird
Beginning Quilting
Day Trip: Junk Bonanza
Arts & Food….…….……………..…………..…....Page 7
Wire Wrapped Stone Jewelry
Viking Knit Chain
Interested in Pinterest
Introduction to Home Cheese Making
Lifelong Learning/CPR/First Aid……………Pages 8-9
A Closer Look At Social Security Benefits
Women and Money
First Aid for Community and Workplace
CPR&AED For The Community & Workplace
Learn The ABC & Ds Of Medicare
Golf Fundamentals For Adults
Child & Babysitting Safety
Essential Oils
Intro. To Resiliency Training
Call 715-688-6200
Healthy Living.…………………...……..…...….Page 10
Pain Pain Go Away
Fighting Fatigue
Kickboxing Circuit Training
Fitness…………………...……………..…….......Page 11
Aqua Zumba
Zumba Toning
Tae Kwon Do
Fitness………………………...…..………………Page 12
Beginner Dance
Fitness Stretch And Tone
Recreational Sports………………..……...Pages 14-16
T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Softball, Baseball
Girl’s Basketball
Boy’s Basketball
Recreational Sports Registration Form…………….17
Community Resources..…….…….…......Pages 20-23
Family & Senior Resources……………..….…Page 24
Religious & Community Resources….….…...Page 25
Local Directory…………..……………..….…….Page 26
Local Sponsors………..…..…Pages 13, 18, 19, 25-28
Contact Community Education: 715-688-6200
Email: commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us
Online At: bwsd.k12.wi.us/community
Facebook: Baldwin-Woodville Community Education
Date: Saturday, April 16
Time: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $20 with registration
Materials Fee:$20 to be paid at class
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 11
Date: Saturday, April 23
Time: 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $20 with registration
Materials Fee: $20 to be paid at class
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 18
Date: Saturday, April 30
Time: 9:00 p.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Fee: $20 with registration
Materials Fee: $15 to be paid at class
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 25
In this class students will learn basic quilting skills while making a baby quilt. Class meets 4 times and students will have the opportunity to work closely with the instructor to learn the skills necessary to begin quilting. Supplies needed: portable sewing machine, 6x12 quilting ruler and cutting mat, medium size rotary cutter, small fabric scissors, beige thread. Material needed 1 and 1/4 yd. of white tone on tone,1/4 yd. each of red, green, yellow, blue, orange, gold, purple, light blue small prints. 1 1/2 yd. of light small print for back , and crib size batting.
Instructor: Susan Patterson
Dates: Tuesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22
Time: 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $25
Location: BWHS Room 215
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, February 23
Do you have a unique or even an old fashioned craft or art that you would like to share with others?
Community Education is looking for artists and crafters to teach.
Call:715-688-6200/ email: commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us
*Host: Betsy Ganz, Hudson Community Education
The Junk Bonanza is a special shopping experience for those who thrill to the hunt! Attendees can browse spectacular displays of exceptional and wonderfully priced vintage and antique wares from handpicked vendors. No reproductions allowed! The Bonanza is a powerful junking and networking experience, and offers special giveaways, prizes and more! This event is indoor and takes place rain, snow or shine. Attendees will travel on a Motor coach bus from Hudson to the event. For those purchasing large items, too large to fit in the bus storage areas, shipping can be arranged through the vendors or on your own. Food and beverages are available from several on site venues. Join the party and indulge your inner junker! Check out the event at: http://junkbonanza.com/
Date: Friday, April 22nd (Lucky Friday – hourly give
aways all day!)
Time: Bus departs Hudson Park & Ride at 8:30 am
Bus returns to Hudson by 3:30 pm
Fee: $30.00 (includes event ticket and transportation)
*This trip is being offered by Hudson Community
Education. Please register by filling out the form found at www.hudson.k12.wi.us - Questions: 715.377.3722
Wire Wrapped Stone Jewelry
The history of wire wrapped jewelry can be dated back to 1446 BC.
Researchers have found elements of wire jewelry in ancient pharaohs' tombs and the pyramids in Egypt. In this class, students will learn how to wire wrap a cabochon
(polished stone) using a
Viking Knit Chain
T h e V i k i n g K n i t
(trichinopoly chain) is a
Norse invention that originated
9 th in the
century. Discoveries of the earliest examples of Viking Knit jewelry have been found in archaeological sites in
Scandinavia and the
British Isles. In this class, students will learn basic cage wrap. Chose from a wide selection of cabs to wrap and end up with a finished piece of jewelry. The class will cover: types and sizes of how to “knit” wire around a simple mandrel, splice, and finally pull to achieve the final result. Students will use copper wire to form a bracelet, attach an end cap, and add a clasp.
The Viking Knit Technique can be can be to create a chain for bracelets, pendants, or wire to use, wire requirements, and where to
Students will leave with an elegant wire wrapped cabochon suitable for hanging from any metal or leather necklace. even earrings. This craft is so simple that even a beginner can achieve beautiful results the very first time. Students will leave class with a finished bracelet complete with embellishments of their choice and the mandrel tool needed to design more Scandinavian styled
Instructor: Jerry McDougall
Date: Monday, April 11
Time: 6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $25 to be paid at registration
Materials Fee: $10 to be paid to instructor
Location: BWHS Room 215
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 4 jewelry at home.
Instructor: Jerry McDougall
Date: Tuesday, March 29
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Fee: $20 to be paid at registration
Materials Fee: $8 to be paid to instructor
Location: BWHS Room 215
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, March 22
Interested In Pinterest
If you are interested in Pinterest but just don’t feel like you ‘get it’, this class is for you. The class will begin with a quick tutorial on what Pinterest is, then each student will create an account and username. Students will begin building their own boards, ‘pinning’, and learning about the fun features of Pinterest that make this site unique. After class, you will be able to continue on your own to create a personalized system for organizing and sharing Pinterest subjects that inspire you!
Instructor: Nicole Kriener
Date: Monday, April 4
Time: 6:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $15
Location: Greenfield Elementary Library
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, March 29
Introduction to Home Cheese Making
Cheese making is considered an art all around the world, for Wisconsonites, maybe it should be a standard part of our education! This is an introduction to home cheese making and will include Mozzarella, Queso Blanco and fresh cheese curds. Participants should bring a wide-mouthed, pint-sized container with a leak-proof lid and 3 pint to quart sized Ziploc bags or similar sized covered containers. The cost will include recipes, informational handouts, milk, cultures, and rennet for making the cheese, plus some cheese to take home at the end of the day. A veggie tray and dessert will be provided, please bring along a dish to share with others for our lunch. No children under the age of 12, and no one under 18 without an adult.
Instructor: Karen King
Date/Time: Saturday, April 9, 9:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Fee: $40 to be paid with registration
Materials Fee: $5 to be paid to instructor at class
Location: BWHS Room 215
REGISTER BY: Friday, April 1
Karen King is a do-it-yourself homesteader, with fifteen years on the farm, but spent 30 years preparing for the day she could get out of town.
In this class, students will discuss Individual Benefits,
Spousal Benefits, and Social Security Maximization
Strategies. Learn about full retirement age, taking benefits early, working while collecting social security, taxation of social security benefits and more.
It’s important to make the right decision – for your own personal situation. Being better informed will help you maximize the benefit you receive.
Instructor: Scott Zoellner
Location: BWHS Room 100
Date/Time: Thursday, February 25
6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: No Cost (registration still necessary)
REGISTER BY: Monday, February 22
Because women often have MORE than a full time job - career, family, parents, siblings - they may struggle to look after all the things important to them. In this class, we will look to answer some of the more prominent questions around finances:
"How do I gain the confidence to make sound financial decisions for myself and my family"?
"How do the different money values we learn affect our behavior toward money"? Come and hear about the 5 steps to financial security.
Instructor: Scott Zoellner
Location: BWHS Room 100
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 15
6:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $5
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, March 8
To be scheduled on an as needed basis. Call Community Education for more information.
Fee: Call for current fee
Course: This nationally accepted program was reviewed by and satisfies the requirements of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the State of Wisconsin. This training includes first aid education pertaining to adults, children, and infants. Upon successful completion of a written test and a skills based scenario without assistance, the student receives a certificate of completion and nationally recognized student completion card with certification of up to two years.
2016 CPR Dates:
Jan. 5 & 28, Feb. 2 & 25, March 1 & 24, Apr. 5 & 26, May 2 & 26, June 7 & 23,
July 5 & 28, Aug. 2 & 25, Sept. 6 & 22, Oct. 4 & 27, Nov. 1 & 24, Dec. 6 & 22
Time: 5:00-9:00 p.m.
Fee: $22
Course: The CPR program is based on the most current scientific research and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults, children, and infants, and is consistent with other national CPR programs. Initial instruction is 4- hour course. Students receive a handbook and instruction. Upon successful completion of a written test and hands on scenarios without assistance, the student receives a certificate of completion and a nationally recognized student completion card that is good for up to two years.
2016 CPR/First Aid Combo Dates:
March 11, August 8, December 12
Time: 5:00-10:00 p.m.
Fee: $40
Course: This course will teach the principles and skills taught in the stand alone classes. Students will receive certification of completion cards that are good for up to two years.
BLS for Healthcare Providers–Contact Scott at (715) 684-3188, ext. 102 if you have questions or wish to schedule a CPR Pro course.
To be scheduled on an as needed basis. Call Community Education for more information.
Fee: $75
Call 715-688-6200 with registration questions.
New to Medicare, helping your parents with their Medicare, or just plain confused about
Medicare? You are not alone. Learn the ABC and
Medicare works, which will allow you to make informed decisions for your health care needs and manage your health care costs. Bring your questions.
Instructor: Brooke Roalson
Location: BWHS Room 100
Date/Time: Monday, April 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Fee: No Cost (registration still necessary )
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 4
The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) course is a community education program that covers child safety and basic care techniques developed
Academy of Pediatrics, for babysitters aged
11-18. All persons successfully completing the course will receive a 2-year certification card from the American Safety & Health Institute.
Please send a snack with your child.
Date: Saturday, March 5th OR September 24
Fee: $40 by organizations, a number including
Instructor: Baldwin Area EMS
Time: 1:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m. the
Location: EMS Station, 630 HWY 12 Baldwin
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, March 1
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Essential oils have become a very popular enhancement to one’s health. In this class, students will learn how essential oils can be used to improve the immune system, relaxation and sleep, stress relief, emotional balance, skin care, respiratory health, and muscle tension.
Students will even learn how to effectively clean with essential oils rather than the toxic store bought chemicals. Learn how to choose essential oils that are produced safely and how to use them for the purpose you have in mind.
Instructor: Pamela Handy
Date: Monday, April 25
Time: 6:30 p.m.– 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $15
Location: BWHS Room 100
REGISTER BY: Monday, April 18
Learn the basics of the game of golf so that you can get out on the golf course and start playing with your friends, family and co-workers. In this personalized Ds of Medicare through this presentation. Let’s misinformation about Medicare. You will leave this class with a clear understanding of how golf tutorial, participants will receive 4 individual training sessions with a varsity golf coach.
Instructor: Eric Holen
Dates/Time: Flexible Scheduling to fit your needs
Fee: $75 includes 4 private golf lessons
Location: Pheasant Hills Golf Course
REGISTER BY: Contact Community Education to
schedule your private lessons
715-688-6200 / commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us
for infants and children. This course was national
Dates: Thursdays, February 11-March 10
Time: 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Location: Baldwin Area Medical Center Mattison Conference Room
Fee: $100
This class is being offered by
Baldwin Area Medical Center.
Please call 715-684-6789 or healthybaldwin.org
9 with questions.
This class is back by popular demand! Do you suffer from chronic pain? Fibromyalgia? Joint pain? Wondering how to stretch or should you stretch? Need an exercise that will actually help your pain? Dr. Amy
Hietala will share proven strategies to assist you in overcoming common joint and muscle related pain.
Learn what you can do at home to ease your pain using simple techniques to restore your vitality without overstressing your body.
Instructor: Dr. Amy Hietala
Date: Thursday, April 7
Time: 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $15
Location: BWHS Room 100
REGISTER BY: Thursday, March 31
Tired of feeling tired? Tired of living on 2 pots of coffee a day? Do you feel like you are missing out in life because you need to rest? Find out what changes you can make to start taking your life back.
Instructor: Dr. Amy Hietala
Date: Tuesday, April 26
Time: 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
Fee: $15
Location: BWHS Room 100
REGISTER BY: Tuesday, April 19
Dr. Amy Hietala has been in clinical practice for almost 20 years and is board certified in Clinical Nutrition. She received her doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern Health Sciences University. Dr. Amy takes a special interest in helping families obtain optimum health naturally through good spinal and nervous system health, positive lifestyle changes, and proper nutritional supplements.
When she is not busy seeing patients, she stays active by helping her husband raise their five children .
Are you looking for a fun way to tone your muscles?
Looking for something new and different? Barre is the answer, this workout is inspired by ballet and pilates and is one of the trending new exercise experiences in the U.S. In this class, students will tone many muscle groups using the ballet barre as well as doing some floor work. All levels are welcome! Please bring a mat.
Instructor: Britta Manges
Dates/ Times: Wednesday, 6:00-6:45 p.m.
Session 1: June 8, 15, 22, and 29
Session 2: July 13, 20, 27, and August 3
Fee: $30 per session
Location: Happy Feet Dance Studio
105 E River Street in Woodville, WI
REGISTER BY: Wednesday, June 1 & July 6
Perfect for...
Those looking to make a splash by adding a low-impact, high-energy aquatic exercise to their fitness routine.
How it works...
Aqua Zumba miss!
Zumba ®
® blends the Zumba® philosophy with water resistance, for one pool party you shouldn’t
There is less impact on your joints during an Aqua
class so you can really let loose. Water creates natural resistance, which means every step is more challenging and helps tone your muscles.
Perfect for...
Everybody and every
All fun, no judgment!
How it works...
We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing lowintensity and high-intensity moves for an intervalstyle, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the
Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why
Zumba ® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check.
A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility,
Classes start February 1, 2016 and will be registered for on a month by month basis. Last class May 23.
Cost: 4 classes for $20, Walk ins $5 boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
Location: AmericInn Pool, Baldwin
Class size—15, Registration REQUIRED with C.E. or instructor.
Classes start Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Last Class Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Cost: Punch cards are $50/10 punches/ $7 Walk-in.
Location: B-W High School Cafeteria
Perfect for...
Those who want to party, but put extra emphasis on toning and sculpting to define those muscles!
How it works...
The challenge of adding resistance by using Zumba® Toning Sticks (or light weights), helps you focus on specific muscle groups, so you (& your muscles) stay engaged!
Lightweight maraca-like Toning Sticks enhance the sense of rhythm and coordination, while toning target zones, including arms, core and lower body.
Classes start Thursday, February 4, 2015. Last Class May 19.
Cost: Punch Cards are $50/10 Punches and can be used at both land classes/ $7 Walk-ins
Location: B-W High School Cafeteria
Licensed ZIN Instructor Michelle Calcagno teaches all ZUMBA® disciplines offered.
INSTRUCTOR CONTACT INFO: Email: minnesotamimi@hotmail.com or Cell 715-760-0244
For ZUMBA® land classes please wear fitness clothing that is comfortable and lightweight.
Zumba® recommends any shoe that has good cushion support, medial-lateral support (for side to side movements) and low-traction rubber (for easy sliding and turning). Usually court shoes or “aerobic” shoes are best . Running shoes are not ideal due to the heavy tread . You may purchase Toning Sticks online at www.zumba.com, use 1lb hand weights, or (2) 16oz. bottles of water will do. There are also 2.5lb Toning Sticks available. That is the maximum weight that may be used in ZUMBA®
TONING. (Lmited number of 1.2lb weights will be available at class.) BRING WATER BOTTLE AND TOWEL TO ALL CLASSES!
This Korean style martial art stresses using feet and hands as a means of self-defense. Since aggressive behavior is downplayed, there is little or no contact. As a student progresses in ability and self
-confidence, more physical challenges are offered. Participants age 5 and older are welcome. Students are encouraged to attend classes in Ellsworth as well at no additional cost.
We know it can be hard to decide if you like something before you try it. Your first two classes are free.
Instructor: Jerome Wittig and Pam Rathbun
Dates/Times: Mondays, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. year round
Fee: $30 for 6th grade to adult ( Uniforms are available for purchase from the instructor.)
$25 for K-5th per month
Family Rates: 1st person pays full price, 2nd gets $5 off. 3 or more pay $65 total
Location: Greenfield Elementary School Cafeteria September— May/ BWHS June—August.
REGISTER BY: First Monday of each month
Make checks payable to B-W Community Education.
Beginner Dance
Calling all girls and boys ages 3-7 that love to dance! This class is an introduction to Ballet, Jazz, and Tap. All three dance styles are included in this class and are specialized for young dancers. Students will also learn Ballet, Jazz and Tap vocabulary. Each week we will learn new moves and combinations until we have a little dance by the end of the session. No experience needed. Wear clothes that are easy to move in. Students are encouraged to take one or more sessions of Beginner Dance. Students will build their skills with each course taken. If students are in need of shoes, please contact Britta at 715-977-0226.
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 4:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Session 1: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 April 6
Session 2: April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18
REGISTER BY: Wednesdays, Feb 24 & April 6
Fee: $35
Location: Happy Feet Dance Studio, 105 E. River St
Woodville, WI
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 5:00-5:30
Session 1: June 8, 15, 22, 29
Session 2: July 13, 20, 27, & Aug . 3
REGISTER BY: Wednesday, June 1 and July 6
Fee: $25
Calling all boys and girls ages 3-7 that want to learn tumbling skills! This class is an introduction to basic tumbling movements. Students will learn a combination to show at the end of our session. No experience is needed. Students are encouraged to attend one or more sessions of tumbling. Please wear clothes that are easy to move in.
No shoes required.
Dates/Times: Thursdays, 3:30 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Session 1: March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7
Session 2: April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19
REGISTER BY: Thursdays, Feb. 25 & March 31
Fee: $30
Location: Happy Feet Dance Studio, 105 E. River St
Woodville, WI
Dates/Times: Wednesdays, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Session 1: June 8, 15, 22, 29
Session 2: July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3
REGISTER BY: Wednesday, June 1 & July 6
Fee: $25
Adults Only (18 and older)
Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball
BWHS West Gym
Contact: 715-688-6200
Contact: Jeremy Werner
Wednesdays, January 6 - March 30
6:30-8:30 p.m.
(Formerly titled Fitness Yoga)
All levels are welcome to experience the benefits of strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination.
Please bring a mat and a water bottle.
Instructor: Anna Davenport
Time/Date: Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Jan. 12, 19, 26
Feb. 9, 16, 23
March 1, 8, 15, 22
Fee: $50 / 10 classes
Drop in fee: $8/class (walk-ins welcome)
Student Rate: (13-18) Half Price
Ages 13-16 must be accompanied by guardian
Location: BWHS Library
REGISTER BY: On or before Tuesday, January 12
Please email Anna Davenport with any questions: becomingalivept@gmail.com or find her on Facebook at:www.facebook.com/becomingalive Anna has a degree in Exercise and Sport Science from UW-La Crosse and has been a certified personal trainer since 2001. She has been teaching Fitness Stretching and Pilates since 2003
(trained and certified through AAAI). She is also trained in
Prenatal and Postpartum fitness, TRX Suspension Training, and Stott Reformer Pilates.
Click on e Funds For Schools
See page 4 for details
Fitness fits so good when it is —rain, sleet, and snow free! (PLUS no fee)
Location/ Time: B-W High School 6:00-8:00 p.m.
*Greenfield Elementary 4:30-8:00 p.m.
*Viking Middle School 6:15-7:15 a.m. / 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Days: September—May
BWHS—Weekdays except game and concert nights
Viking—Monday, Wednesday, Fri day
Walking is cancelled when school is not in session. District
Calendars are available online at bwsd.k12.wi.us or at the district office. Watch weather reports for weather related cancellations.
Walkers with mobility issues, children/strollers should walk at
Greenfield or Viking for safety. Children must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times. Running is not allowed and proper foot wear is required.
Call Community Education with questions 715-688-6200.
Future Home of
Baldwin-Woodville’s Community theater
Hip Hop
Here is why St. Croix Valley Dance Academy
is the right choice for you!
Each family receives two free recital tickets
Student Appreciation Day – At the end of the year we take time to thank all of our dancers and their families with an evening of food, fun and games.
Large viewing windows to observe classes
All instructors are CPR & First Aid certified
Qualified and caring staff
Large waiting rooms
Small class sizes for younger dancers
Annual year end recital
Providing quality dance instruction in a positive and creative environment.
Play ball!! From Pre K to Grade 8, kids have the opportunity to learn skills and sportsmanship while having a great time playing recreational ball. All skill levels are welcome. Grades 3-4 play against
St. Croix Central. Grades 5-8 play local Wisconsin teams typically within a half hour travel time.
Each participant will receive a T-Shirt and hat. Grades 3-8 also receive socks. Pants (grey) and gloves are the responsibility of the players. PreK-Grade 2 wear shorts.
***Register By: Tuesday, March 21—Softball (Grades 5-6) & Baseball (Grades 5-8)
Friday, April 1 -T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Softball (Grades 3-4), Baseball (Grades 3-4)
Registration information is on page 4.Registration Form is on page 17.
*Coach Meetings: T-Ball, 8U Softball, Coach Pitch, Minor—Tuesday, April 5
Baseball & Softball Grades 5-8—Late March (date to be determined)
TEAMS (Register by your child’s 2015/ 2016 grade) FEES
T-Ball (Boys and girls) Grades Pre K – K (4-5 years old)
Coach Pitch (Boys) and 8U Softball (Girls) Grades 1 – 2
Minor Baseball and Softball 10U- Grades 3 - 4
Little League Baseball and Softball 12U- Grades 5 - 6
Babe Ruth Baseball 14U- Grades 7 – 8
T-ball Mon. June 6 6:30 p.m. Viking MS Monday
Coach Pitch Tues. June 7 6:30 p.m. Viking MS Tues & Thurs.
8U Softball Tues. June 7 6:30 p.m. Viking MS Tues. & Thurs.
Minor Baseball Grades 3-4 **See Below **See Below Tues. & Thurs.
Minor Softball Grades 3-4 **See Below **See Below Mon. & Wed.
Little League Baseball and Softball Grades 5-6 **See Below **See Below Mon.—Thurs.
Babe Ruth Baseball and Softball Grades 7-8 **See Below **See Below Mon.—Thurs.
*Volunteer Coaches—This program is coached by volunteers. We need you! Please fill out the volunteer registration and attend coach meetings. Coaches who attend meetings will have input into team rosters and scheduling (if you are unable to attend you are still able to coach—contact C.E.).
**Baseball and Softball players 3 rd grade and above—Coaches will contact the players to inform them of their first practice and give them a schedule for games. Games will take place Monday thru
Thursday. Coaches will determine practice days and times.
The Baldwin Woodville Youth Ball Association coordinates the traveling team schedules. These teams play against other teams in WI and MN. Team assignments will be made based on competitive try-outs, birthdate, and are open to players ages 9-16. Additional fees and apparel requirements will apply to travel team players. Check out www.freeteams.com/bwbya for more information. Players who do not make it onto travel teams may join a rec team.
Register By: Thursday, March 3rd
Try-Out Date: Sunday, March 13
Location: B-W High School
Fee: $75 (all levels)
Registrations will be accepted in person at Viking Middle School & Greenfield Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences on March 3rd for both recreational and travel teams. All others must register through Community Education. See Page 4 for details.
Checks for all teams and levels should be made out to Community Education. (Registrations left at school offices must say ‘Community Education’ on the envelope and will be sent to Community Ed through interoffice mail.)
If you are able to serve as a volunteer coach, please submit the following form.
Shirt Size Baseball/Softball Volunteers: (Adult) S M L XL XXL
Team (include level and your child’s name)___________________________________________
The tournaments will take place on four Saturdays during April-May, playing 3 to 4 matches per day. (All tournament dates will be determined by coaches and location will be announced the week prior to the tournament). Listed below is tentative practice schedule. Actual practice times will be determined at a later date. Practices will be held twice a week.
Additional mandatory forms (Medical Consent Form, Parent & Athlete Concussion Agreement) will be given to athletes at school and must be returned to: Amanda Burnap at
Viking Middle School. Registration forms and fees should be sent to B-W Community Education on or before the registration deadline. There will be a mandatory parent/player meeting on Feb. 19th at 6:00pm at Viking
Middle School to discuss the upcoming traveling season.
Spring Traveling Volleyball is a fun opportunity for 5 th & 6th grade girls. If you are new to the sport it is a great way to introduce you to the fundamentals, as well as gain higher level experiences. It is beneficial to those who have played before to expand their knowledge of the game and improve their skills through practices and games. 5th and 6th grade levels will work to improve their skills and build a better understanding of the game. Practices will be held twice a week. Practices will start March 1st.
Tentative schedule: Practices will be held at Viking Middle School
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3:15-4:45pm 6th grade 6th grade
5:00-6:30pm 5 th Grade 5 th Grade
5:30-7:00pm 6th grade 6th grade
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 19th
Fee: $75.00(includes tournament fees, equipment, coaches, practice t-shirt to keep, game jersey to be returned at end of season)
Contact: Amanda Burnap email: aburnap@bwsd.k12.wi.us phone: 1-715-698-2456 ext. 3115
Spring Traveling Volleyball is a fun & challenging opportunity for 7th -8th grade girls. If you are new to the sport, this is a great way to introduce you to the fundamentals as well as gain higher level experiences. If you have played before, it will expand your knowledge of the game and improve your skills through practices and games. 7th and 8th grade levels will be having a skills assessment. 7th and 8th grade players will be placed on teams based on their skill level, commitment, attitude and understanding of the game. The skills assessments will be Feb. 22nd-25th (times TBD). Practices will be held twice a week. Practice will start March 1st.
Tentative schedule: Practices will be held at Viking Middle School
8th grade
7th grade
Tuesday Wednesday
8th grade
7th grade
Thursday Friday
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 19th (Send registration form to B-W Community Education)
Fee: $75.00 (includes tournament fees, equipment, coaches, practice t-shirt to keep, game jersey to be returned at end of season)
Contact: Amanda Burnap email: aburnap@bwsd.k12.wi.us phone: 1-715-698-2456 ext. 3115
Volunteers are important to our program, without them we wouldn’t have one. We plan to host a 5th and 6th grade tournament and a 7th and 8th grade tournament. (Tournaments will be held April 9th and 16th.) Parents and players please plan to work at the opposite grade level tournament. If you are interested in coaching/ volunteering to help out with the traveling season please contact Amanda Burnap via email. Thank you.
Grades 3-8
This is a camp for girls in grades 3– 8 (2016/2017) school year. Camp will include instruction on basic skills, drills, and lead-up games. Participants will not receive a T-shirt. Coach: Amanda Burnap email: aburnap@bwsd.k12.wi.us phone: 1-715-698-2456 ext. 3115
Dates: Monday, June 20—Friday, June 24
Grades 3/4 Time: 8:00-9:30 a.m. Fee: $30.00
Grades 5/6 Time: 10:00-11:30a.m. Fee: $30.00
Grades 7/8 Time: 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Fee: $30.00
Location: Viking Middle School
Grades 9-12 High School Summer Volleyball Camp
Dates: Monday, July 18-Friday July 22
Grades 9-12 Skills: 8:00-11:00 a.m. Fee: $60.00
Specialty: 12:00-2:00 p.m. Fee: $40.00
Additional mandatory forms available from Amanda Burnap aburnap@bwsd.k12.wi.us
Tennis is an outstanding lifetime sport! Tennis
Camp will introduce players to the game in a fun and informative way in this 5 day camp.
Dates: Monday—Friday, June 13-17
Time: 1:00-2:30 Grades 1-4 (completed grade 2015/2016)
2:30-4:00 Grades 5-8 (completed grade 2015/2016)
Fee: $20 per camper
Location: Baldwin-Woodville High School Tennis Courts
Registration Deadline: Preregister recommended. Registrations on the day of class WILL be accepted.
Registration is NOW OPEN – www.bwhawksoccer.com/register
Important Dates:
February 29, 2016 Registration closes for U10-U19
April Practice Begins for U10-U19
April 30, 2016 Registration closes for U6-U8
May Practice begins for U6-U8
Late June Baldwin Blast/Season Ends
We NEED Coaches. There is training planned.
All girls in grades Kindergarten through 4th (2015/2016 School year) can enroll in basketball camp. In this four day camp, each day will include instruction, drills, shooting, and ball handling. Ribbons are provided for individual events. Each participant will receive a camp t-shirt. Please wear tennis shoes, gym shorts, and t-shirt. Bring a water bottle each day. Coaches: Eric Harmon, Steve Jensen, (Varsity and JV coaches), Varsity Players
B-W High School Girl’s Basketball Camp
All participants will receive a basketball or t-shirt.
Ice cream on Friday - treats all week! Each day will include instruction, drills, shooting, learning plays, and ball handling. Camp Directors: Eric Harmon –
Varsity Coach , Steve Jensen – Assistant Coach, Jen
Nickowski – Assistant Coach
Dates/Time: Mon, June 27– Fri., July 1/12:30-3:30p.m.
Fee: $50 Late Fee: $25 Location: BWHS West Gym
Dates: Monday, June 6—Thursday, June 9
Time: 12:30-2:30
Fees: $50/ per student
$85/ 2 participants per family
$110/ 3 participants per family
Late Fee: $25
Location: West Gym, Baldwin-Woodville High School
In this 4 day camp, participants will improve their game skills by working on the basics of dribbling, passing, shooting, offense and defense. These camps build on skills year after year in a fun learning environment. Each participant will receive a camp t-shirt.Contact: Duane Jourdeans djourdeans@bwsd.k12.wi.us with camp questions.
Coaches: HS Coaching Staff and Varsity Players.
Dates/Times: Tuesday, May 31—Friday, June 3
Session Grades(2015/2016) Time_____
1 K-2 1:00-2:20
2 3-4 2:30-4:00
3 5-6 4:00-5:30
Fee: $50/per student
$85/ 2 participants per family
$110/ 3 participants per family
Late Fee: $25
Location: Greenfield Gym
Golf classes will introduce students to the game of a lifetime. We will experience golf through games, skills, drills, etiquette, rules, and more. Plan on learning the proper techniques, team building activities, and having lots of fun. Bring clubs if you have them or they will be provided. Coaches: Eric Holen and H. S. Golf Team Volunteers
Option 1:
Range Rats Summer Golf Camp
Who: Boys and Girls in PK-8th Grade
(2015-2016 School Year)
Dates: June 27 - June 30 (M. - Th.)
1:00-1:55 PM: PK-K
2:00-2:55 PM: 1st and 2nd Grade
3:00-3:55 PM: 3rd and 4th Grade
4:00-4:55 PM: 5th and 6th Grade
5:00-5:55 PM: 7th and 8th Grade
Where: Pheasant Hills Golf Course
Fee: $50 ( Includes a Range Rats Tshirt)
Option 2:
Pheasant Hills Saturday Golf Academy
Who: Boys and Girls in PK-8th Grade
(2015-2016 School Year)
Dates: June 11 - August 6th (Saturdays)
1:00-1:55 PM: PK-K
2:00-2:55 PM: 1st and 2nd Grade
3:00-3:55 PM: 3rd and 4th Grade
4:00-4:55 PM: 5th and 6th Grade
5:00-5:55 PM: 7th and 8th Grade
Where: Pheasant Hills Golf Course
$50 Includes
(Pheasant Hills Academy T-shirt)
Option 3:
Junior Golf Personal Training
Who: Boys and Girls in PK-8th Grade
(2015-2016 School Year)
Dates: Flexible scheduling
to meet your needs
Times: By appointment
In private or small group format
Where: Pheasant Hills Golf Course
Cost: $50 (Includes up to 10 golf lessons with a Varsity Golf Coach)
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Golf Registration Form
Check All That Apply: __Option 1 June ($50)__Option 2 Saturdays ($50)__Option 3 Private ($50)
______ Amount Enclosed_________ Check Number_______ Cash ______e-Funds
T-SHIRT SIZE: (Circle One) Youth Small Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult L Adult XL
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_________________________ _______________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to: Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Mail to: 1000 13th Ave,. Baldwin, WI 54002
Online payments are available at bwsd.k12.wi.us see Page 4 for details. Please use a separate form for each participant and each sport. Checks may be written for the total amount due for all registrations per family. Additional
Registration Forms may be printed from bwsd.k12.wi/community. Call: 715-688-6200 or Email:
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education T-Ball, Baseball, Softball Registration Form
Check Fee That Applies: __PreK-K T-Ball ($50) ___1st/2nd Coach Pitch ($60) ___1st/2nd 8U Softball ($60)
___3/4th Minor Baseball (10U) ($75)___3/4th Minor Softball (10 U) ($75)
Based on
_____Amount Enclosed_____Check Number_____Cash_____e-Funds
T-SHIRT SIZE (Circle One): Recreational T-Ball, Coach Pitch, 8U Softball, Minors, Little Leagues, Babe Ruth
Youth S (6-8), Youth M (10-12), Youth L (14-16), Adult S, Adult M, Adult L, Adult XL, Adult XXL
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:___________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE NO.:_____________________________________GRADE(15/16):_______Gender________ Birthdate______________
EMAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Tennis Camp Registration Form
Fee: ____ $20/per student _______Amount Enclosed_______Check Number_______Cash_______e-Funds
Check Camp: _____1:00-2:30 Grades 1-4 (completed grade 2015/2016)
_____2:30-4:00 Grades 5-8 (completed grade 2015/2016)
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_________________________ ________________________________________
PHONE NO.:________________________________________ GRADE:___________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Girl’s Basketball Registration Form
Check Fee That Applies: ____ $50/per student ____$85/ 2 participants per family___$110/ 3 participants per family
____ $50 High School Camp
____ K-4 Late Fee ($25) ____High School Late Fee ($25)
_____Amount Enclosed_____Check Number_____Cash_____e-Funds
Family rates do not cross over to Boy’s Basketball
Based on
T-SHIRT SIZE (Circle One): Youth S Youth M Youth L Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_________________________ _______________________________________
PHONE NO.:________________________________________ GRADE:___________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Boy’s Basketball Registration Form
Check Fee That Applies: ____ $50/per student ____$85/ 2 participants per family___$110/ 3 participants per family
____ Late Fee ($25)
_____Amount Enclosed_____Check Number_____Cash_____e-Funds
T-SHIRT SIZE (Circle One):
Family rates do not cross over to Girl’s Basketball
Youth S Youth M Youth L Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_________________________ ____________________________________________
PHONE NO.:________________________________________ GRADE:___________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________________
Based on
Baldwin-Woodville Community Education Volleyball Registration Form
Check All That Apply: __5/6 Traveling ($75)__7/8 Traveling ($75)__3-8 Summer Camp($30)
__9-12 High School Summer Camp Skills ($60)
__9-12 High School Summer Camp Specialty ($40)
_____Amount Enclosed_____Check Number_____Cash_____e-Funds
Camp Grade
Based on
Spring Traveling Practice T-shirt Size (adult sizes): Circle One XSmall Small Medium Large XL XXL
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:_________________________ __________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________________________________
Baldwin Area Medical Center Fitness Center
www.healthybaldwin.org or call 715.684.8665. Classes marked with an (*) denotes costs above Fitness Center Membership.
After Work 'Shake Up'
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 4:00pm to 4:30pm (ongoing) Looking for an easy but effective way to get in 30 minutes of exercise right after work? Come check out this fitness class that will mix your cardio and strength training for an overall body workout! We’ll get your heart rate up and build your body at the same time! This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels! Instructor: Melissa Johnson
Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
Beginning TRX Suspension Training 12-Week Boot Camp*
12-Week Session starts Thursday, January 14
Thursday: 6:15-7:00pm Increase your strength, cardiovascular fitness, and lower your body fat with a high energy suspension training workout. This 12-week program is perfect for those who have never tried TRX! BIA (body composition) measurements will be taken at the beginning and end of the session. Instructor: Anna Davenport Price: $120 for full twelve-week session plus two BIA (body composition) measurements.
Body Blitz: Wednesday
Wednesdays: 6:00pm to 6:30pm (ongoing) This class will give you a total body workout combining cardio and strength training segments.
This fast paced, 30 minute class is sure to get your heart rate up plus get in the muscle training at the same time. This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels! Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members Instructor: Alexis Warzon
Core Blast--Plus 5!
Thursdays: 5:30pm to 6:05pm (ongoing) Get the results you want! Sculpt your midsection as you improve your body's overall functional strength, posture, balance and coordination. Strengthen your abs, back, glutes and more in a workout focusing on core muscles. PLUS
5 minute cardio finisher at the end of each class! This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels! Instructor: Lisa Kostrzak
Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members.
Forever Active
Monday & Wednesday: 9:00am to 9:30am (ongoing) Forever Active is a combination of cardio and strength training for those individuals seeking an active lifestyle and a little socialization. This low-impact class is perfect for ages 60+ but any age is welcome.
Scott Sekelsky Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
Heated Gentle Yoga
New 6-week sessions starts Tuesday, January 12 Gentle Yoga provides a slow and gentle connection of postures and breath, emphasizing the connection of breath with movement. Learn proper alignment, reduce stress, get strong, gain flexibility and relax! Class is suitable & modifiable for all fitness levels! Please bring your own mat. NOTE: This class is held on the BAMC Therapeutic Pool Deck (air temperature is 92 degrees). Instructor: Molly Lindus Price: $40 for full six-week session or $10 drop in rate
Heated Power Yoga*
New 6-Week Session starts Thursday, January 14
Thursday: 5:30-6:15am A fitness-based approach to Vinyasa style flow. Students will focus on linking conscious breath with a vigorous and mindful flow. In a power yoga class, students will build strength, flexibility and concentration while cleansing the body and calming the mind. You can expect a great cardiovascular and strength building workout combined with breath work. This class is for intermediate to advanced fitness levels. Please bring your own mat. This class is held on the BAMC
Therapeutic Pool Deck (air temperature is 92 degrees). Price: $40 for full six-week session or $10 drop in rate. Instructor: Molly Lindus
Java Jumpstart
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 5:45am to 6:10am (ongoing) This class works out all areas of the body and focuses on arms, legs, glutes and core. This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels. Instructor: Darcy Geldmeyer (Monday & Wednesday), Scott Sekelsky (Friday) Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
Power Pilates/TRX Suspension Training Combo Class*
4-Week Session starts Thursday, December 3
Wild Card Workout
Tuesdays: 5:00 to 5:30pm
No boring, same old-same old workout routine! Each class offers a unique workout that features different equipment, timing, reps and routines to keep your mind alert and your muscles adapting. This class is for moderate to advanced fitness levels. Instructor: Melissa
Johnson Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
Thursday: Power Pilates 6:15-6:45pm, TRX Suspension Training 6:50-7:20pm
(Classes can be purchased separately or as a combo package) Pilates: Experience the benefits of training from the center of your body out! Pilates improves core strength, posture, coordination, muscle tone, strength, muscle endurance, coordination, and flexibility. This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels! Please bring your own mat. TRX: By utilizing your own body weight, the TRX suspension trainer provides greater performance and functionality than large exercise machines. TRX suspension training delivers a fast, effective total-body workout, helps build a rock solid core, increases muscle endurance and benefits people of all fitness levels. Instructor: Anna Davenport Price: $30 for four-week session or $20 for each individual class
Sweat Circuit
Mondays: 5:45pm - 6:15pm (ongoing) With both cardio and strength training in mind, this class will offer different stations at timed intervals that will emphasize a full-body workout. This class is suitable and modifiable for all fitness levels! Instructor: Bonnie Johnson
Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
Total Body Tuesdays
Tuesdays: 5:45pm to 6:30pm (ongoing) Come and enjoy a full body workout that will incorporate strength and cardio drills. A variety of fitness props will be used to make your workout complete and fun! This class is suitable and modifiable for all levels! Instructor: Lisa
Kostrzak Price: FREE for fitness center members, $5 drop in for non-members
TRX Suspension Training
New 6-week sessions starts Tuesday, December 8 By utilizing your own body weight, the TRX suspension trainer provides greater performance & functionality than large exercise machines. TRX suspension training delivers a fast, effective total-body workout, helps build a rock solid core, increases muscle endurance and benefits people of all fitness levels. Instructor: Scott Sekelsky-Tuesdays; Anna Davenport-Thursdays Price: $40 for full six-week session or $10 drop in rate
This 12 week program begins with a one on one health assessment that measures things like height, weight, BMI and anthropometrics.
The remaining 11 weeks is filled with nutrition and exercise classes covering an array of topics from portion size and emotional eating to core strength and circuit training and everything in between! This class also includes a 12 week membership to the Center for Personal
Wellness fitness center.
2016 Winter Sessions:
Monday Nights: January 11 – March 28 – Monday night 5-6:30 pm
Wednesday Afternoons: January 13 – March 30 Wednesday afternoon 1-2:30 pm
BFit Kids:
This four week after-school program is designed for students Grades Kindergarten through 4. (Session times- 3:15-4:30pm)
Cost: $135.00
Cheri Rott, RD at 715-684-3311 ext 194.
Winter Ignition Nutrition Health Challenge
Health Challenge runs (January 11 th through February 21 st )
Kickoff Night: January 6 th , 4-7pm
Learn more at healthybaldwin.org
Baldwin-Woodville: Mondays, Feb 1 – 22
St. Croix Central: Tuesdays, Feb 2 – 23
Baldwin-Woodville: Mondays, April 18 – May 9
St. Croix Central: Tuesdays, April 19 – May
Freezer Meal Class
Cheri Rott and Natasha Ward, Registered Dietitians, will demo the freezer meal recipes, and there will be a recipe to sample. Participants will then prepare 2 meals to take home, recipes pending that can be frozen for a later date. Each recipe serves 4-6 people.
Date: Thursday, January 28, 2015
Time: 5:00 -7:00 pm
Place: Baldwin Area Medical Center - West Wing Main Conference Room*
Cost:$20/person for two meals to take home.
Joint Pain Seminar
Don’t let joint pain hold you back from doing the things you enjoy. BAMC is hosting a free joint pain educational seminar featuring Dr.
Mark Romzek, Orthopedic Surgeon. He will provide the information you need about prevention, causes and treatment options for joint pain. He will also answer any question you may have.
Class information: Wednesday, January 20
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Mattison Conference Room
Call 715-684-8670 to pre-register.
Mindful Living (a mindfulness training class)
No matter what challenges you face, practicing mindfulness can help restore your natural state of well-being. Remembering and practicing mindfulness can help you discover a stability of mind and a lasting contentment even in the face of difficulty. Mindfulness, or bare awareness itself, can be a source of lasting contentment. To register go online or call 715-684-6783.
Class Information: Thursday, January 7-28 th **Week 3 is the retreat from 5:15-8:15p**
BAMC Mattison Conference Room
Time: 5:00-6:30pm (week 3 is 5-8pm)
Community Nutrition Classes
You may have been told to improve your diet to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure. However, there are many different diet recommendations related to heart health in the media which can be confusing. It may have led you to ask “What can I eat?!” Are fats okay to eat? How is sugar connected to heart health? What about salt? In this class, you will receive grocery lists, recipes, and meal planning ideas for a heart healthy diet. If you are wondering where to start, join this class to learn what a heart healthy diet really looks like.
Class info: 2nd Monday of each month
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Location: BAMC Mattison Room
Cost: $10
Prenatal Aquatics
The purpose of this class is to allow women who are pregnant to exercise while enjoying the added benefits of what a therapeutic aquatic environment can provide. Classes are designed to incorporate a combination of gentle stretching, aerobic exercise and strength training tailored to the needs of expectant mothers. This class is open to mothers in any stage of pregnancy. Permission from your healthcare provider is required. Fee Information. Please call for details 715-684-8665.
Cost: $40.00
Prenatal Classes
Prenatal classes will help you prepare for the birth of your baby and the changes that parenthood will bring to your life. This is an exciting time for you, but it may also be a time of uncertainty. These classes will give you current information on pregnancy and childbirth and the opportunity to talk with other expectant parents.
Topics covered include:
• Breathing and relaxation techniques
• Preparing for the unexpected
• First few weeks at home
• Tour the private birthing suites in our Life Begins Birth Center
Friday, January 15, 2016 7 PM to 9 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2016 9 AM to 3 PM
Monday nights from 7 PM to 9 PM
Monday, March 7, 2016 to Monday, April 11,
Friday, July 29, 2016 7 PM to 9 PM
Saturday, July 30, 2016 9 AM to 3 PM
Monday nights from 7 PM to 9 PM
Monday, September 12, 2016 to Monday,
October 17, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016 7 PM to 9 PM
Saturday, November 5, 2016 9 AM to 3 PM
400 C
715- 684-3813
Baldwin Library serves the community’s information and recreation needs. Stop by and browse; the staff would be happy to give you a tour! Visit our website to find out the latest activities and search the online catalog of the MORE system. www.baldwinlibrary.org
MORE is 50 libraries in west central Wisconsin that have combined their catalogs to serve you better. You can check out and return library items at any of the participating MORE libraries using one library card. You can also search online through more than a million books, CDs,
DVDs, and books on CD and have items from other MORE libraries sent to Baldwin Library for pick-up.
NEW: Check out our free e-books and audiobooks, downloadable from our system to your PC, e-reader, phone, or mobile device. Ask us how to find the tutorial on how to get started with this.
Five computers for public use with fast T-1 line to the
Internet, and public printers. We also have free wireless access, a meeting room, study tables, and reading area.
Story-time for children from infant to 5 years old:
Stories, crafts, and songs help develop early literacy skills which will help children do better through their lives. Ask about the various classes, held during the school year on Tuesdays.
Summer Reading Program for all ages. Help children maintain reading skills over the summer and have fun!
Special guests too.
Book Discussion Groups: Join our casual groups for lively discussion. Adults meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. The Teen Book Club meets on the last
Tuesday of each month at 3:45.
Basic Computer classes for beginners – Individuals or groups are welcome, by appointment. Word processing, Internet, and e-mail.
Job Searching help – State Workforce trainers come once a month or by appointment to work on job search ideas, online applications and resumes, and interviewing.
Third Thursday from 10am -12.
Equipment for Use and Loan: including an LCD projector (power point projector) and screen, copier, fax, overhead, etc.
Friends of the Library - Anybody is welcome who wants to help the library by increasing public awareness of the library’s resources and services and encouraging community support. The Friends group helps with special events and sponsors used book ales. Ask at the desk for more information.
Mon., Wed., Fri.—11-6 Sat., 9-1
Tues., Thurs.— 10-8 Sun. Closed
Director: Rebecca Dixen, MLIS
Search for Baldwin Library Wisconsin
124 Main Street, PO Box 204
Woodville, WI 54028
715-698-2430 (phone) 715-698-2441 (fax)
Visit our library web site at www.woodvillelibrary.org.
New items are always arriving at the Woodville Library!
Besides books, movies, magazines and audiobooks, we offer free wireless internet access as well as three free internet access computers. Make the Woodville Library a regular stop for you and your family!
Preschool Storytime: We offer a weekly storytime program with a special emphasis on development of early literacy skills for preschoolers throughout the school year. Call us for current dates and times.
Book Club: Interested in reading a good book and discussing it with others in a friendly, informal setting? The
Woodville Library sponsors a book club that meets monthly. Contact the library for more information.
“Joy of Needle Arts” Group: Our Woodville Library quilting group is open to folks who enjoy knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross-stitch, hardanger, hooking rugs, or any related arts! This lively, upbeat group meets one to two
Wednesdays each month at the library. Need some inspiration to start or finish a special project? Call the library for the date of the next session!
Mah Jongg Group: Interested in learning how to play Mah
Jongg? The Woodville Library’s group meets Mondays at
1 p.m. (Mah Jongg is a game usually played by four persons using domino-like tiles with various designs. The tiles are drawn and discarded until one player wins.) Both new and experienced players are welcome!
Friends of the Library: The Woodville Library has a
“Friends” group. Are you interested in helping with special events or fundraisers? Contact the library to learn more.
Career Development: The library has a wide variety of resources for jobseekers, including on-site classes to learn basic internet skills, regularly scheduled visits from a State Workforce Development representative to provide individual consultation and assistance, computer software for preparing or updating resumes, and a new “careers” library section.
Woodville Library is a MORE system library, giving you access to items from almost 50 libraries in
Western Wisconsin.
Toll-free automated renewal number: 1-866-MYRENEW
Website to place orders delivered to Woodville: www.more.lib.wi.us
Director: Karen Furo-Bonnstetter
Assistant: Maribel Hokanson
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12-5 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-noon
Sunday: Closed
Contact Joann Nelson joeub@baldwin-telecom.net
850 Davis Street
PO Box 120
Hammond, WI 54015
We take great pride providing outstanding services, such as
We need all of our community to participate in the Tuesday Community Supper to demonstrate love for each other. We need the fellowbook groups, story times, and craft evenings within our immediate community and the surrounding area. We offer many programs for people of all ages.
Please check out our website for information at www.hammondpubliclibrary.org or e-mail for more information hammondpl@ifls.lib.wi.us
You can also call the library for information: 796-2281
NEW HOURS: ship of families, seniors, singles, children, wealthy, lonely and homeless in order to move one step closer to realizing a world where all are comforted and cared about. Please invite a neighbor or friend and come from 5:00 -6:30 p.m. to Gethsemane Lutheran Church for a meal.
We ask that no money be offered the night of
10-8 Monday-Thursday
10-6 Friday
10-1 Saturday (Labor Day through Memorial Day) the meal to ensure the comfort of everyone. If you wish, send a contribution to: Tuesday
Community Supper, Joanne Nelson, 1028
Closed Sunday
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
220th St. , Baldwin, WI 54002
Book Groups
Morning book group meets the 4th Thursday of the month at
1960 8th Ave. Suite 140 Baldwin, WI
715-684-3301 extension #5
Meeting Location: St. Croix County Agricultural Service and Education Center
11:30 a.m.
Evening book group meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at
If you would like to join a book group please contact the library.
7:30 p.m.
The Food Resource Collaborative promotes access to nutritious food, resources and education for all St. Croix County residents.
New members are welcome. www.frcscv.org info@frcscv.org
857 Main Street, P.O. Box 2087, Baldwin, WI 54002
715-684-4440, fax 715-684-5122
Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley is a nonprofit organization and funded partner of
United Way St. Croix Valley. Programs are
FREE for any family with children from zero to six years of age in Pierce, Polk, or St. Croix counties.
1960 8TH AVE. SUITE 140
Wisconsin Association for Home and Community
Education provides educational programs on: family well-being; food & nutrition; young family issues; cultural arts; international study; public policy issues; environmental, health and safety leadership; activities; and friendship connections.
For more details on joining a HCE group, call 684-3301 ext. 5.
Membership options include club and individual membership.
Dues are $6.50 per year.
St. Croix Woodworkers
For men & women interested in woodcarving and creative fun. First and 3rd Thursdays from
6:30-8:00 p.m. at Norseman Manor in
Woodville. Bring your own tools and wood, we provide experience, advice and fellowship.
Contact Don Matysik 715-684-2878.
Windmill Piecemakers
Interested in quilting? Whether you are a beginner or a real pro, Windmill Piecemakers is the place for you. We meet at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in
Baldwin on the fourth Monday of each month at 9 a.m. unless otherwise specified. Dues are $20.00 per year. We have demonstrations of different quilting techniques, challenge quilt projects, service projects, and many other fun and interesting things to try, including a trip to several quilt shops in the area. "Show and Tell" time gives you lots of exciting ideas to try and to admire. You can be as involved as you have time and energy for. For more information call Rachel Van Someren 684-2782 .
Marie Witzel, UWEX 4-H Youth Development Agent
There are 21 4 H clubs throughout the county. To find the club nearest you, please contact the UWEX office at the above number.
At ADORAY we believe that people should leave this world the same way as they enter, surrounded by love, comfort and compassion. Hospice is a special kind of care designed to provide support for the terminally ill. Compassionate, caring men and women are needed to be ADORAY hospice volunteers.
Our volunteers give emotional support, practical help and provide much needed relief for those caring for a loved one. Volunteers are an integral part of ADORAY’s hospice team. For more information about how to become a hospice volunteer contact
Donna Karis 715-684-5020.
Sponsored by ADORAY, a not-for-profit home health and hospice agency, serving patients in St. Croix, Pierce, Polk, and Western Dunn counties for over
18 years.
Western WI Lyme Disease & Education
Support Group
Offering support and education to people on the devastation of Lyme disease and co-infections that often accompany Lyme. Open to anyone seeking information and help for Lyme disease. For information you may call – Paula 715-268-2035, Bonnie at 715-268-9557, Sue or Jacquie at 715-268-6687.
Meets 4th Thursday of each month from March through
October at 7PM at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 217
Deronda Ave. (County Rd. F), Amery, WI 54001.
Prediabetes Class
The Prediabetes class is designed for anyone who has been diagnosed by a health care provider with prediabetes, impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or metabolic syndrome.
Class info: 1st Thursday of every month
Time: 5:00-6:30pm
Location: BAMC Mattison Room
Cost: $20
Presented by: One of the BAMC Dietitians and Chris
Veenendall RN, CDE
Diabetes Support Group
Support group meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (no meetings held in June, July, August, or
December) in the Mattison Conference Room on the lower level of the Medical Center. Type 1 Diabetes Support
Group will meet at 5:30 PM and the Type 2 Support Group will meet at 7:00 PM.
For more information on the support groups, please call
(715) 684-8675.
Friendship Ministry for the
Developmentally Delayed
Christian Reformed Church
1 mile north of Baldwin
Meets every Monday at 7-8 p.m.
No fee
Safe Medication Drop Off Sites
The Woodville and Baldwin Police Departments accept old or unneeded prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications at their safe collection sites. This program is anonymous and there is no cost to drop off medications.
The program will not accept sharps, oxygen tanks, nebulizers, radioactive cancer medications or mercury thermometers. It is not safe to flush medications or throw them away. Use a safe disposal site. For More information contact your local police department.
Woodville Police Department 715-698-2169
Baldwin Police Department 715-684-3856
Giezendanner School Forest:
Baldwin-Woodville School District
The Giezendanner School Forest, located on the corner of Cty Hwy BB and 30th, is available
Activities such as hiking, skiing, snowshoeing and picnicking are encouraged. The site is
For more information
Call 715-688-6200. under development; if you or your group (Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc.) would like to participate in that process, please contact a member of the School Forest Committee
(Deb Rasmussen 684-2825/ Debby Walters
Viking Middle School Student Council’s
Cross Country Ski and Ice Skate Rentals
If you enjoy gardening (flowers and vegetable), flower arranging, tours and more, Botany
Belles and Beaus is the place to share that in-
See the Viking Middle School Website
For information including: skate and ski inventory, rental prices, and rental blackout dates
For more information and after hours rental contact:
Eric Becker 715-698-2456 ext. 110
Rob Skamfer 715-698-2456 ext. 156
terest and more. The club is also active in community beautification and gardening projects. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Baldwin Town Hall located at
2399 90th Ave. For more information find us on Facebook, or botanybellesbeaus.org bbbgardenclub@gmail.com or call 715-796-2786.
The Mission of the Woodville Historical Society is to locate, collect, preserve, exhibit, and disseminate materials and information that may help establish or illustrate the history of
Woodville. Contact 1-715-698-2382 for more information.
The Mission of the Baldwin Historical Society is too preserve, advance, and disseminate
Baldwin area history through the collection, conservation, and portrayal of historical records, structures, and physical objects relating to the area of and surrounding Baldwin, WI.
Contact baldwinhistory@baldwin-telecom.net or 1-715-222-9485.
TO CONTACT US: Phone 715-698-2878
E-mail: mwalthall@parkview-cc.com
Park View Community Campus, Woodville, WI
Brad Coplan, Site Manager
Home-cooked Meals: Mon. - Thurs. 12 p.m.
(Notify Senior Center one day ahead.)
Transportation available with one day
Cost: Donation for Seniors age 60 & up.
Van Transportation for Grocery Shopping:
Every Wednesday
Notify Senior Center one day ahead.
Cost: Donation for seniors age 60 & up
Dominoes: Mon., Wed. 10:00-11:30
Bingo: Tues., Thurs. 10:00-11:30
Table of Knowledge: 8:00-10:30 a.m.,
Monday - Thursday
Card games: Mondays 1:00 p.m.
Free Blood Pressure Check: Call for
Foot Care: once a month by appointment.
Bingo Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:45-11:30
Peace Lutheran Church
2084 County Rd N
Baldwin, WI 54002
Wednesdays - September through May 4
(excluding holidays)
1st - 12th grades
For further Information contact:
Peace Lutheran Church office 684-2770 or Joy Grognet 684-2704
Home-Style Meals: Mon. -Thurs. Served at
Noon. Donations of $4.00 per meal requested for Seniors 60+ and their spouses.
Bingo: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 a.m.
Wii Bowling/ Cards: Call for details.
Free Blood Pressure Check : 9:30 a.m. Last
Tuesday of Month.
Scheduled Guests, Entertainment & Trips
The best meal in town for the money! Join us
Mon.-Thurs. from 9:30-1:30 with lunch served at noon. The Senior Center is located in the
Pioneer Building on the corner of Main & River
Streets. Ramp entrance located on the back of the building next to Olson’s Meats. Please call
24 hours in advance to reserve your Homestyle meals. Transportation is available for a small fee.
Caregiver Support Programs
St. Croix County Dept. on Aging
Nancy Abrahamson, Support Coordinator
Dayaway Clubs: Dayaway clubs are designed to help meet the social needs of adults who are frail, or with memory loss, and at the same time provide “time away” (or respite) to the family members who care for them. Dayaway clubs provide a supervised program for participants in a safe and comfortable environment every Mon., Tues.,Thur., and Fri.
Caregiver Club/Sharing the Care: The caregiver club is an informational/support group for family caregivers of adults 60 years and older.
The meeting provides educational materials, speakers, legal/benefits resources, community resources, and a supportive environment with others in similar situations. Call the number above for specific meeting times and locations, and to have your name added to the caregiver mailing list. No fee, no registration required.
Interfaith Volunteers: Faith in Action is an interfaith volunteer program through the St.
Croix County Department on Aging, serving older adults in St Croix County. Trained volunteers from area faith groups and the community provide assistance and companionship so people over 60 can continue to live as independently as possible. Services provided include transportation, shopping, friendly visits, telephone reassurance, yard work, snow shoveling, meal preparation, delivery, repairs, chores, and advocacy. You do not need to belong to a faith group for assistance or to volunteer. Contact the ADRC at 1-800-372-2333 for more information.
Baldwin Christian School
Baldwin Christian School is a non-denominational school offering affordable classical Christian education to students from preschool through grade 12. The school is a member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools (asscedu.org). The school is owned and operated by members of the Society for Christian Instruction. For more information, call the school at 715
-684-2656 or send an email to info@baldwinchristianschool.org or visit our website at www.baldwinchristianschool.org
Christian Reformed Church Contact: Pastor Anson Veenstra, 684-2928
GEMS GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior and is open to any girl in 1st through 8th grade. The group meets every other Monday night from 6:00-7:45pm at Baldwin Christian Reformed Church from September through April. Activities include music, crafts, Bible lessons, badge earning, and snacks. Contact: Jenifer Lokker 715-684-5760
Church of God Contact: Daniel Monson, 698-2635
Faith and Family Worship Center (Baldwin Foursquare Church)
Contact: Pastors Jim and LaRae Crawmer, 684-7873
Faith Baptist Church Contact: Pastor Garry Thompson, 684-2727
First Baptist Church Contact: Pastor Dennis Tapp, 698-2624
First Reformed Church Contact: Pastor Timothy Sluiter, 684-2901 firstreformedbaldwin.org
First United Presbyterian Church Contact: Pastor Janet Rurak, 684-2924
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Contact: Pastor Carrie Anderson, 684-2984
Immaculate Conception Parish, Hammond
Contact: Father Gerald Harris, 796-2244
Diane Johnson, Faith Formation 796-2241
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church Contact: Pastor Wayne Hilgendorf, 698-2500
New Life in Christ Church Contact: Pastor Clarence Amundson, 684-3899
Peace Lutheran Church Contact: Pastor John Hanson, 684-2770
Trinity Lutheran Church Contact: Michael Briggs, 796-2788
United Methodist Church Contact: Pastor Steve Rice, 796-5558
The Village Church : Contact: Stu Dix dix.stu@gmail.org, www.thevillagechurchbaldwin.org
Worship gathering Sunday 10a.m. Performing Arts Center B-W High School
Zion Lutheran Church Contact: Pastor Keith Anderson 715-698-2707
ADORAY Home Health & Hospice Donna Karis….684
ADRC (Aging & Disability Resource Center)..1
800 372 2333
American Legion Baldwin Scott Husby……….
…684 3640
American Legion Woodville Keith Albrightson…....698
American Legion Auxiliary Baldwin
Jody Wolski ………...684
American Legion Auxiliary Woodville
Evelyn Wallesverd…...698
B W Basketball Camp Boys—Duane Jourdeans…...684
Ext. 135
Girls—Eric Harmon.……….684
3321 Ext. 129
B W Community Education Jennifer Smith.………688 6200
B W Youth Wrestling Club Dave Ramberg…….…..684
Terry Stone…………..698
Baldwin Ambulance Service Billing line & info……684 3188
Baldwin Area Chamber of Commerce………..……...684
Baldwin Area Community Foundation P.O. Box 352,
Baldwin, WI
Baldwin Area Medical Center Alison Page…………684 3311
Amanda Gustafson….684
Baldwin Area Medical Center Auxiliary …………...684
Baldwin Bulletin Thomas Hawley……...684
Baldwin Care Center Auxiliary Eileen LaFavor…….684
Baldwin Community Food Pantry ………………….684
Baldwin Fire Department Gary Newton………....684
Baldwin Public Library Rebecca Dixen……….684
Baldwin Senior Center Gina Evenson...……684 2979
B W H United Fire Department Reid Berger……….684
Best Press Woodville Leader Paul Seeling…...….….698
Blackhawk Hockey John Zevenbergen……684 5992
Botany Belles & Beaus Garden Club Elvera Jacot….684
Boy Scouts of America Matt Knegendorf………..688
Caregivers Support Programs Nancy Sailer…1 800 372 2333
Cub Scout Leader Roni Devlin………………...715
688 2566 jardevlin@baldwin telecom.net
Community Preschool……………………………….684
DNR Baldwin……………………………………...684
Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley
Patricia Draxler…………………684 4440
4 H of St. Croix County Marie Witzel…..684
3301 ext. 5
Gifts for Children
Girl Scout Council
Denise Monicken…….688
Pauline Wangen……...688
Junior Hawks Kids Club Dorene Stoffel………..684
Kids View Children’s Learning Center……………...698
Moms in Touch
Silent Messengers
Sue Wevers…………..684
Jenifer Lokker………..684
Sons of Norway Carmen Peterson……..698
St. Croix Riders Saddle Club Cindy Schultz……….796
St. Croix Valley Early Childhood Assoc.
Neda Larsen………….425
St. Croix Valley YMCA………………...…………...386
St. Croix Volunteer League Letty Sowman………..698
Teen Bowling Linda Paul……………684 3054
Treasures From The Heart Mary Holle…………...684
Village of Baldwin Tracy Carlson………...684
Village of Woodville Jan Nelson……………698 2355
Village of Woodville Fire Dept. Dan Peterson.…698 2222
Windmill Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Rachel Van Someren…684 2782
Woodville Housing Authority Penny Dittmann….….698
Woodville Leader Paul Seeling………...698
Woodville Lions Club Jeff Schneider……....698
Woodville Public Library Karen Furo Bonstetter …..698
Woodville Senior Center Lyn Larson………….698
Woodville Trail Committee Allen Stene…………...698
Woodville Women's Club Janet Aaby………...…698 2507
Nancy Hable
Margee Ott
Sue Lohmeier
Peter Lohmeier
Charlene Merritt
Suzie Helgeson
Don Hermanson
Jill Goodrich
Eric Russell, Superintendent, ex officio member
Jennifer Smith, C. E. Coordinator
Mark Roycraft
Betty Van Someren
Rochel Carlson
Courtney Hetzel
Kathy Manninen
Nichole Wenninger
Becky Eggen
Deb Rasmussen
Email: commed@bwsd.k12.wi.us
Photo by Suzanne Wynveen Photography
District Office
550 HWY 12
Baldwin, WI 54002
High School
1000 13th Ave
Baldwin, WI 54002
Viking Middle School
500 Southside Dr.
Woodville, WI 54002
Greenfield Elementary
1160 14th Ave
Baldwin, WI 54002
Community Education
1000 13th Ave
Room 121
Baldwin, WI 54002