Because of you

Conversation Guide and FAQ for
Workplace Campaign Coordinators
Because of you
This guide is designed to help you answer frequently asked questions about giving to United
Way, and to respond to objections or concerns about giving. Questions and concerns are a
natural part of the process of asking people to give, so they should be regarded as signals that
you are doing your job.
To respond well when concerns are raised, you need to first really understand what prompts the
objection. The purpose of these ideas is to give you some practical insight into the psychology
of objections, and a simple system for handling them.
Keep the following points in mind:
1. It’s Not Personal. An objection is directed at the idea you are presenting. It is not aimed
at you.
2. Be Sympathetic. Listen carefully to what the person says. You can sympathize even if you
don’t agree.
3. Don’t Argue. Argument will force the person into defending the objection and cause
resentment. Remember the old adage about winning the battle but losing the war? As
a workplace campaign coordinator, you may win an argument, but lose your contributor.
4. Encourage Employees to Talk. Ask questions, and invite people to voice their concerns
or raise objections. The more you understand about their perspective, the better you can
address the issue.
5. Above All, Be Yourself. Relax. You shouldn’t feel that your job is to engage in a battle.
Neither is it necessary to overwhelm a person with rhetoric. You have an important idea to
present, and you should be absolutely straightforward in doing so.
Every concern should first be acknowledged. After the objection has been raised, you can
oftentimes neutralize the concern by restating it, and providing information in the FAQ below to
address the concern. Best of all, this method makes it completely unnecessary for you to argue
with your prospect, or “counter” all objections. Instead, you show that you are in your prospect’s
corner. That means there is never a need to choose sides.
I have heard of United Way, but I don’t know what you actually do. What do you do?
United Way for Southeastern Michigan brings people together to solve complex problems that
affect us all by focusing on three community impact areas: Education, Income and Basic Needs.
United Way believes we can affect the greatest change by partnering with agencies and other
nonprofits who focus on this work holistically. For example, when we meet families in our Little
Steps hospital initiative (where new mothers are given literacy kits and parenting resources)
we can also give them information to access basic needs, like food, or financial help with job
training through our Greater Detroit Centers for Working Families. And when we meet parents
at a Meet Up and Eat Up summer food sites, we can give them information about parenting
classes at our Early Learning Communities.
This work is making a difference.
Our Turnaround Schools have increased graduation rates in historically low performing schools
to 80 percent (and increase of 16 percentage points). More than 1.45 million meals have been
served at Meet Up and Eat Up sites. And thousands of families are increasing their net worth
through financial coaching.
Why should I give to United Way?
United Way is tackling the toughest issues in our community: Education, Income and Basic
Needs. United Way is focused on the big picture and on creating solutions to a complex array
of challenging problems.
United Way shows results: partnering with local agencies to serve more than 1.45 million
meals to children at no cost through Meet Up and Eat Up, increasing graduation rates to 80%
in historically low performing schools and by helping families increase their net worth.
When we ask you to give to United Way it is because we truly need your help, and we will
make your dollars count by taking on tough issues and getting results. But we can’t do it alone.
It takes all of us working together to transform communities.
Where does my contribution go?
With your gift, United Way is helping parents and caregivers build nurturing, literacy-rich
environments for the children in their lives. And United Way Turnaround Schools across
the region that used to graduate fewer than 60% of students are being transformed into
high-achieving schools where at least 80% of kids graduate on time.
United Way’s Centers for Working Families are getting people into good, living wage, jobs and
helping thousands of families become more financially independent and secure.
And, United Way is increasing the use of food assistance program for people who need help.
It is targeting schools to increase the utilization of school breakfast programs and securing
federal funding for food assistance so families can meet their basic needs so that they can f
ocus on building a brighter future.
What are United Way’s administrative costs?
United Way’s administrative costs are 14.5% (9.8% fundraising and 4.7% administration).
That is below the national average for nonprofits, which is 17%.
United Way also helps hundreds of other non-profits maintain low overhead rates.
Is my gift really important? Would my contribution be missed if I did not give?
Yes, your gift would be missed. The economic reality confronting our region has left more
people needing help, many of whom have never had to ask for assistance. At the same time,
local agencies and programs are faced with dwindling resources as they try to help a growing
number of families and individuals.
I would like to help, but just can’t afford it.
Any amount, even if your gift seems small, makes a difference. A payroll deduction pledge
allows you to make a generous contribution in manageable portions each pay period. The
impact of your contribution is magnified exponentially when combined with the contributions
of your co-workers, friends and neighbors.
My spouse gives for both of us.
Each person’s gift to United Way is critical. If each of us gives what we can, we can meet the
growing needs in the region.
Does United Way condone pressure in giving?
No. United Way does not condone pressured giving. Everyone should contribute voluntarily.
I have given generously in the past. Why should I increase my gift?
Your prior generosity is greatly appreciated. However, with alarming increases in hunger,
joblessness and homelessness, as well as an education system in crisis, your contribution
does not go as far as it may have a year or two ago. People all across Greater Detroit who
never sought help before are doing so now. In fact, you probably know someone who has
turned to United Way for help. With needs of community residents’ steadily rising, and service
organizations struggling to keep pace, increased contributions are needed to stem the tide.
I pay my own way. I’m not going to use these services, so why should I support them?
Maybe you’ve never needed help, but statistics show that you or a member of your family
probably have or will rely on United Way or one of our community partners at some point in your
lives. Giving to United Way ensures that there is a place to turn in times of need – whenever
that might be! And look at the big picture: When more individuals and families are stable —
our community as a whole thrives.
If I don’t like one of United Way’s programs or partner agencies, why should I give during
the campaign?
When you give to United Way, we use your dollars to address the greatest needs. A major
advantage of giving to United Way is that it ensures funding to programs and services that
address current and emerging community issues. You may find that an organization you don’t
like or may be unfamiliar with is a partner of United Way. However, by failing to support United
Way as a result, many other partners and critical programs suffer. In fact, because many
agencies rely on one another, withholding support because of dislike of one agency ends
up hurting many other agencies.
Can I designate where my contribution goes?
Your contribution makes the largest impact when it is undesignated and can support all of
United Way’s work. If you prefer to give your money directly to one of our partner agencies, you
are free to do so. You may also designate your gift to one of our three focus areas: Education,
Income or Basic Needs.
I don’t support United Way because you support the Boy Scouts
United Way has followed closely the issues pertaining to the Boy Scouts of America and the gay
and lesbian communities and has tried to make decisions that best serve all of the children and
youth in our area. We have chosen to keep one Boy Scouts council as a designation-only
partner for the simple reason that this region’s need for youth programs far exceeds the
programs available.
Each United Way in our network is locally governed, and local volunteer boards determine
funding policies reflective of that community’s priorities. As an organization, we recognize that
there is much to be done to address the concerns raised by the gay and lesbian communities.
United Way is committed to diversity and inclusion, and we encourage our members to adopt
inclusive policies that create opportunities for everyone. We are taking a leadership role in
developing a community-wide agenda that supports the needs of the gay and lesbian
Our message to LIVE UNITED is an invitation for all people to give, advocate and volunteer.
Your office recently relocated to the heart of Downtown Detroit. Wasn’t that move
When United Way for Southeastern Michigan moved from Griswold to Campus Martius, we
moved from a 13 story building into a 2 floor office space. This downsizing has allowed us to
save over $300,000 in annual operating expense. We welcome you to visit the new space and
witness firsthand how this new space has allowed us to be more collaborative and maximize
results. Please call 313.226.3000 to arrange a tour.
Aren’t all United Ways the same? There was controversy in the news about my old United
Way that concerns me.
United Ways are independent organizations governed at the local level. Funds raised stay in the
community and are allocated by local community members. We are a transparent organization
focused on community impact in the areas of Education, Income and Basic Needs. We welcome
your review of our annual report and financial statements.
Please visit