Untitled - E2 Effective Elders

Is ‘now’ the time to develop our vision,
mission and values?
1) What is the "state of the church"? Are we
growing numerically? Are people being converted
to Christianity and is there actual evidence that lives
are being transformed into the likeness of Christ?
Have we reached a plateau?
2) Have we brought closure to the history of the
church? Have we mourned failures from the past?
Celebrated victories? Reconciled differences?
3) Have we developed a mission or vision
statement? Is it known? Is it visible? Is it "owned"
by the people?
4) Have we identified the core values of the church?
Do we see these as being non-negotiable to the
5) Is the Holy Spirit moving on the hearts of our
leaders to spur our people forward?
A Working Definition of Vision…
A Working Definition of Vision…
Vision is a picture of the future that produces
excitement within you.
In 1774, John Adams said, "Someday I see a
new nation - a union of 13 states - being born a nation independent from the Parliament and
separate from England."
In 1907, Henry Ford said, "We're going to make
automobiles affordable for every American
In the 1940s, Billy Graham said that
someday there would be evangelistic crusades
in stadiums across our nation and around the
When writing a vision statement…
When writing a vision statement…
• It should be short, specific (measurable), and
scriptural. "Transforming lives…one at a time."
When writing a vision statement…
• It should be short, specific (measurable), and
scriptural. "Transforming lives…one at a time."
• List a few of the most influential ministries that
you know well.
When writing a vision statement…
• It should be short, specific (measurable), and
scriptural. "Transforming lives…one at a time."
• List a few of the most influential ministries that
you know well.
• What traits do you admire in those ministries?
When writing a vision statement…
• As a church, define what you want to be, do, and
When writing a vision statement…
• As a church, define what you want to be, do, and
• Describe how you want your community to
describe your church.
When writing a vision statement…
• As a church, define what you want to be, do, and
• Describe how you want your community to
describe your church.
• Just as Jesus had something to say about the
seven churches in Revelation, what would you
want Him to say about your church?
When writing a vision statement…
• As a church, define what you want to be, do, and
• Describe how you want your community to
describe your church.
• Just as Jesus had something to say about the
seven churches in Revelation, what would you
want Him to say about your church?
• Begin drafting your vision statement.
The mission reflects how you will accomplish
your vision.
The mission reflects how you will accomplish
your vision.
To develop your mission statement,
determine by what means your “dream”
(i.e., vision) can come true.
• sought the lost
• sought the lost
• made disciples
• sought the lost
• made disciples
• showed compassion
Think of core values as the internal operating
system of a computer.
Disney’s four rank-ordered core values are…
Disney’s four rank-ordered core values are…
1) Safety
Disney’s four rank-ordered core values are…
1) Safety
2) Courtesy
Disney’s four rank-ordered core values are…
1) Safety
2) Courtesy
3) The Show
Disney’s four rank-ordered core values are…
1) Safety
2) Courtesy
3) The Show
4) Efficiency
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
Our Core Values
By God’s Grace, …
The Bible is our final authority
We are a holy people
We are culturally relevant
We are faithful stewards
Excellence is evident in all things
“I want to live life in the fast lane - but I’m
married to a speed bump.”