SPECIFICATION OF ADS GRY-OnLine Unacceptable elements in creatives In creatives prepared for GRYOnline website it is unacceptable to present logotypes of third party and presence of the direct GRYOnline’s competition. Eventually, presenting logotypes of third party needs acceptance from GRY-Online S.A each time. GRY-Online S.A. has the right to refuse emitting an ad, the profile or contents of which are incosistent with the GRY-Online S.A. websites profile, or which violates the polish law, or when the ad includes a false information. GRY-Online S.A. has as well the right to refuse emitting an ad which from the point of view of GRY-Online S.A. could violate essential interests or the image of the GRY-Online.pl service. 2 Table of Contents 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Screening GRY-Online.pl (Main Site) ………..…………………………………........................................…4 Screening GRY-Online.pl (Sections) ……………………………………..……………………...……………..……….5 Screening TVGRY ………………………………………….……………………………………..………….……..…………….6 Welcome Screen FULL/Interstitial/Splash……………………………………………………………….………….…7 Home Midboard (Main Site) ……………………………..………………………………………………………….………8 Halfpage..………..…………………………………………………………………….……………………………….…….……….9 Rectangle …..…..………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………...9 Widebillboard ….…………………………………………………………….…………………………………….……………….9 Doublebillboard ……...………………………………………..…………………………………………….……………………9 Preroll………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 HTML5 creatives………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………..11 12) Contact………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 3 Screening GRY-Online.pl (Main Site) Combination of clickable banner with a non-clickable static wallpaper, which together form a unified composition. A big part of our users use a smaller resolution (below 1600x1050), that is why the most important elements of the wallpaper should find themeselves not further than ca. 300 px from the site’s main body. Width of the website’s main body is 1070 px. Please remember that the width of the Main Site’s main body is different form the width of Sections’ main body. Screening Main Site • • Wallpaper - 1920x1080 px; non-clickable area; available format: .jpg; max. weight: 250 KB; bottom and side ended with one colour; Screening banner - 970x200 px; clickable area; place for logo, „call to action” objects, etc; available formats: .png,.jpg; please send as a separate object; max. weight: 70 KB; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB 4 Screening GRY-Online.pl (Sections) Combination of a themed wallpaper with a large clickable billboard on the top of the wallpaper. Please remember that our users use mainly lower resolutions (1600x1050), so the most important visual elements of wallpaper should be placed not further than 300 px from the main content of the site. Width of the website’s main body is 980 px. Please remember that the width of the Main Site’s main body is different form the width of Sections’ main body. Screening Sections • • Wallpaper - 1920x1080 px; non-clickable area; available format: .jpg; max. weight: 250 KB; bottom and side ended with one colour; Screening banner - 970x200 px; clickable area; place for logo, „call to action” objects, etc; available formats: .png, .jpg; please send as a separate object; max. weight: 70 KB; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB 5 Screening TVGRY Combination of a themed wallpaper with a clickable banner, which together form a unified composition. TVGRY Screening • • Wallpaper - 1920x1080 px; non-clickable area; available format: .jpg; max. weight: 250 KB; the most important elements of the wallpaper should find themeselves not further than ca. 300 px from the site’s main body Wallpaper has to be delivered in 2 coloristic options: * bottom and sides ended with dark colour (#00000) * bottom and sides ended with light colour (#d2d2d2) Billboard - 966x100 px; clickable area; place for logo, „call to action” objects, etc.; available formats: .png, .jpg; send as a separate object; max. weight: 70 KB; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB 6 Welcome Screen FULL/Interstitial/Splash Incredibly attractive advertising space, popular among clients due to high rate of user interaction. It’s displayed to every visitor, who opened our site and proceeded to next page. Creative can be send in 2 forms: • • Static background, size 1200x900px, which has to be on the bottom and on the sides ended with one color (we need this number of color, for example #000000 for black). HTML5 creative – more details on page 11. Max. weight of both elements: 250 kb. Time of emission: 45 sec. HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 250 KB 7 Home Midboard (Main Site) Visually attractive creative placed on the Main Site right below the main content of website in a new shape. „Home Midboard” will have emission independently from the other form – „Screening”. Home Midboard • Size: 970x200px, max. weight: 75KB, supported formats: jpg, png on a transparent background, HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB 8 Halfpage Size: 300x250px, max. weight: 50KB, supported formats: jpg, png; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB Rectangle Size: 300x250px, max weight: 50KB, supproted formats: jpg, gif, png; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB Widebillboard Size: 970x300px, max. weight: 75KB, supported formats: jpg, gif, png; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB Doublebillboard Size: 970x200px, max. weight: 75KB, supported formats: jpg, gif, png; HTML5 on transparent background; max weight: 150 KB 9 Preroll It is a video ad, shown to our users right before they watch a video material on our website. (preview, review, trailer). Video format should be mp4 or f4v, resolution: 640x360 px, maximum weight: 5MB. Length of video is determined in purchase order. 10 HTML5 creatives HTML5 creatives consist of assets (gif, png, mp4 etc.) and a main html file, which references the assets. These files have to be bundled into a ZIP file. When creating the ZIP file, please respect the following rules: - Name the main html file "index.html" (without the quote characters) - Place the index.html file into the root of the ZIP file (do not place it in a sub-folder) - Place the assets into sub-folders or into the root of the ZIP file; if you choose sub-folders, do not compress them - Only use assets used by the HTML5 creative (do not use "orphan" assets) - Keep the ZIP file as light as possible (read about best practices here) In HTML creatives, you can use file formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, swf, flv, mp4, zip, webm, mp3, m3u8, aac, m4v, m4a, wmv, avi, 3gp, ogg, ogv, txt. More details about HTML5 creatives: http://www.iab.net/media/file/HTML5DAv101.pdf Click counting in HTML5 creatives In the case of properly click counting in HTML5 creatives, more details can be found here: https://support.smartadserver.com/hc/en-us/articles/204433791-Click-counting-in-HTML5-creatives. All advices are important to correctly made a HTML5 creatives for the needs of ad server. 11 Contact If you have any questions, please contact: izabela.budzynska@gry-online.pl katarzyna.konopnicka@gry-online.pl 12