Ohio University Zanesville Campus to Muskingum University Course

Ohio University Zanesville Campus to Muskingum University
Course Transfer Guide*
A H 211 History of Art
A H 212 History of Art II
AH 213 History of Art III
Art History 251 Art History I
Art History 351 Art History II
Art History 451 Art History III
Acct 101 Financial Accounting
Acct 102 Managerial Accounting
Acct 201 Financial Accounting
Acct 202 Managerial Accounting
Anth 101 Intro Cultural Anthropology
Anth 202 Intro to World Archaeology
Anth 201 Cultural Anthropology
LL Anth elective OK LAE IP
Art 110 Seeing & Knowing Visual Art
Art 112 Photography
Art 113 Three Dimensional Studies
Art 115 Intro to Painting
Art 116 Descriptive Drawing
Art 125 Intro to Ceramics
Art 151 Intro to Graphic Design
Art 221 Intro to Ceramics II
Art 151 Intro to Art
Art 141 Photography
Art 131Sculputure I
Art 241 Painting I
Art 112 Drawing I
Art 121 Ceramics I
Art 170 Graphic Design I
Art 221 Ceramics II
Biol 101 Prin of Biology
Bios 130 Human Anat & Phys I
Bios 131 Human Anat & Phys II
Bios 170 Intro to Zoology
Bios 171 Intro to Zoology
Bios 201 Elem Microbiology
Bios 225 Genetics Human Soc
Biol 105, 107 Issues in Biol, Lab
Biol 121 Anatomy and Physiology I
Biol 122 Anatomy and Physiology II
Biol 111, 107 Organismal Biology I
Biol 112, 107 Organismal Biology II
Biol 312 Microbiology
LL Biol elective
Busl 255 Law and Society
Busi 360 Business Law
C S 190 Workshops in Computer Apps
Cpsc 120 Computer Applications
Chem 115 Prep for College Chemistry
Chem 121, 122 Prin of Chemistry I, II
Chem 151 Fund of Chem I
Chem 151, 153 Fund of Chem II, III
LL Chem elective
Chem 105 Issues in the Chem Sciences
Chem 111 General Chemistry I
Chem 112 General Chemistry II
Clwr 181 Intro to Religion
Relg 153 World Religions
Coms 101 Fund of Human Comm
Coms 103 Public Speaking
Coms 110 Comm Between Cultures
Coms 205 Techniques Group Discussion
Coms 215 Argument Analy & Adv
LL Comm elective
Comm 200 Fund of Speech Comm
LL Comm elective
Comm 335 Small Group Comm
Comm 315 Argumentation
Coms 304 Interviewing
Coms 342 Comm and Persuasion
Comm 345 Interviewing
Comm 325 Persuasion
Ctch 125 Intro to Computers
Cpsc 100 Intro to Computing
Dsi 111 Sign Lang I
Dsi 112 Sign Lang II
Dsi 113 Sing Lang III
LL Modl elective OK LAE CW
LL Modl elective OK LAE CW
LL Modl elective OK LAE CW
Econ 103 Prin of Microeconomics
Econ 104 Prin of Macroeconomics
Econ 215 Prin of Microeconomics
Econ 216 Prin of Macroeconomics
Edct 203 Tech Apps Education
Educ 335 Educational Technology
Edte 150 Intro to Teacher Ed
Edte 200 Learning & Human Dev
Edte 201 Char Learnr w/ Exceptionalities
Educ 110 Intro to Educ
Psyc 208 Lifespan Development
Educ 330 Serv Ind with Exceptionalities
Eng 150 Developmental Writing
Eng 151 Writing & Rhetoric I
Eng 200 Intro to Literature
Eng 201 Crit Approach to Fiction
Eng 280 Expository Wrt/Rsch
Eng 306 Women & Writing
Eng 308J Writing and Rhetoric II
Engl 110 Fundamental English
Engl 121 Composition
Engl 123 Masterpieces of Literature
LL Engl elective
LL Engl elective
UL Engl elective
Engl 201 Adv Writing
Film 201 Intro to Film I
Film 202 Intro to Film II
LL Thea elective OK LAE WHc
LL Thea elective OK LAE WHc
Fr 111 Elem French
Fr 112, 113 Elem French II, III
Fren 111 Beg French I
Fren 112 Beg French II
Geog 101 Physical Geography
Geog 302 Meteorology
LL Geog elective
Geog 321 Weather and Climate
Geol 101 Intro to Geology
Geol 130 Geol Natl Parks
Geol 211 Intro to Oceanography
Geol 215 Env Geology
Geol 221 Earth & Life Hist
Geol 101 Intro to Geology
LL Geol elective
Geol 200 Oceanography
Geol 110 Env Geology
Geol 104 Earth History
Ger 111 Elem German
Ger 112, 113 Elem Germ II, III
Ger 211 Interm Germ
Germ 111 Beg. German I
Germ 112 Beg German II
Germ 211 Inter Germ I
Hccf 160 Intro to Child Dev
Psyc 205 Child Development
Hcfn 128 Intro to Nutrition
He 200 Nutrition and Phys Fit
Hist 101 West Civ Ren to 1648
Hist 121 West Heritage Class Age
Hist 122, 123 West Heritage: Medieval, Modern
Hist 132 Non-West Hist before 1750
Hist 133 Non-West Hist since 1750
Hist 200 U.S. 1600-1865
Hist 201 U.S. 1865 – present
Hist 300 Rev Era 1763-1789
Hist 302 Amer Indians
Hist 305 U.S. & Vietnam War
Hist 310C America 1945 – Present
Hist 334 Arab-Israeli Dispute
Hist 361 French Revolution
LL History elective OKLAE Wha
Idis 150 Arts and Hum of West Culture
Hist 112 Emerg of Mod Wrld II
LL Hist elective OK LAE IP
LL Hist elective OK LAE IP
Hist 211 U.S. Hist to 1877
Hist 212 U.S. Hist since 1877
UL Hist elective OK LAE Am Ex
UL Hist elective OK LAE Am Ex
UL Hist elective
Hist 383 The Emerg of Mod America since 1933
UL Hist elective
UL Hist elective
Hlth 202 Intro Hlth & Life Choices
Hlth 204 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs
Hrm 320 Human Resource Mgt
Pe 101 Concepts of Wellness
LL He elective
Busi 415 Human Resource Mgt
Hum 107 Great Books: Ancient
Engl 123 Masterpieces of Lit
Jour 133 Precision Language
Jour 350 Radio Broadcast News
Engl 209 News Story Types
UL Comm elective
Math 101 Basic Mathematics
Math 102 Elem Algebra
Math 109 Consumer Mathematics
Math 113 College Algebra
Math 115 Pre-Calculus
Math 120, 121, 122 Elem Topics in Math
Math 163A Intro to Calculus
Math 211 Elem Linear Alg
Math 250 Intro to Prob & Stat
Math 263A Calculus I
LL Math elective
LL Math elective
LL Math elective
Math 170 College Algebra
Math 175 Trigonometry
Math 120 Math for Elem School Teachers
Math 190 Beg Calculus
Math 230 Linear Algebra and Vectors
Math 140 Statistics
Math 190 Beg Calculus
Mgt 202 Management
Mgt 340 Organizational Behavior
Busi 321 Org Management
UL Busi elective
Mkt 202 Marketing Principles
Mkt 358 Prof Selling
Busi 341 Marketing
Busi 416 Prof Selling
Mus 100 Intro to Music Theory
Mus 120 Exploring Musical Styles
Mus 124 History of Rock Music
Mus 141A Class Piano
Mus 253B Choral Union
Mus 340 Voice
Mus 358 Percussion
Musc 121 Intro to Music
LL Musc elective
LL Musc elective
Music 190 Piano Class I
Musc 157 Choral Society
Musc 141 Voice
Musc 137 Percussion
LL Elective
Pbio 103 Plants & People
Pbio 115 Plant Struct and Dev
Pbio 333 Restoration Ecology
LL Biol elective
Biol 221 Vascular Plant Sys
UL Biol elective
Ped 103-196
Pe activity
Pess 227 First Aid
Pess 228 CPR
Pe 310 First Aid
LL Pe elective
Phil 101 Fundamentals
Phil 120 Prin of Reasoning
Phil 130 Intro to Ethics
Phil 235 Business Ethics
Phil 330 Moral Prob Med
Phil 101 Intro to Philosophy
Phil 202 Logic and Crt Thinking
Phil 203 Intro to Ethics
Busi 414 Business Ethics
Phil 305 Bio Medical Ethics
Phys 201 Intro to Physics
Phy 251 General Physics
Phen 101 Intro to Physics
Phen 121 Class Physics I
Pols 101 American National Govt
Pols 102 Issues in American Pol
Pols 210 Prin of Public Administration
Pols 150 Current World Problems
Pols 406 Elections & Campaigns
Pols 111 Amer Pol Systems
LL Pols elective
Pols 321 Public Administration
LL Pols elective
Pols 319 Political Parties and Elections
Psy 101 General Psychology
Psyc 120 Elem Statistic Reasoning
Psy 221 Stat for Behavior Sc
Psy 233 Psy Personality
Psy 273 Child & Adol Psyc
Psy 304 Hum Lern & Cog Process
Psy 312 Phys Psychology
Psy 332 Abnormal Psychology
Psy 351 Clinical & Counseling
Psy 374 Psyc of Adult & Aging
Psyc 101 Intro to Psychology
LL Psyc elective
LL Psyc elective
Psyc 232 Behavior Statistics
Psyc 290 Theories of Personality
LL Psyc elective
Psyc 305 Cognitive Psychology
Psyc 281 Phys Psychology
Psyc 363 Abnormal Psychology
Psyc 390 Counseling Theory and Process
Psyc 309 Adulthood and Aging
Soc 101 Intro to Sociology
Soc 220 Intro to Family
Soc 260 Criminal Justice
Soc 261 Deviant Behavior
Soc 329 Race & Ethnic Relations
Soc 365 Soc of Mental Illness
Soci 101 The Soci Perspective
Soci 345 Sociology of the Family
Crmj 101 Intro to Criminal Justice
LL Soci elective
Soci 320 Racial & Cultural Minorities
UL Soci elective
Span 111 Elem Span I
Span 112, 113 Elem Span II, III
Span 111 Beg Spanish I
Span 112 Beg Spanish II
Span 211 Inter Span I
Span 212, 213 Inter Span II, III
Span 211 Inter Span I
Span 212 Inter Span II
Thar 113 Acting Fund I
Thea 151 Intro to Theatre
UC 100-190
LL Idis elective
Course evaluations are subject to change. Please refer to the Muskingum University
catalog 2010-2011 and the Transfer Guide for details on policies and procedures in the
transfer process.
Students who have completed the RN program may be eligible to enroll in the RN to
BSN program. For further information, please contact the Muskingum Adult Program at
LL = Lower Level (100-200 courses) UL = Upper Level (300-400 courses)
OK LAE = A course not offered at Muskingum College, but one which will fulfill a
Liberal Arts Essential (General Education) requirement.