HEADACHE DISABILITY INDEX SCORES ________ E ____ F ____ (100) NAME _____________________________________________ Please mark the correct response: I have a headache… My headaches typically are… (52) (48) DATE __________ AGE _____ 1x per month 2-4x per month Mild Moderate More than 1x per week Severe The purpose of the scale is to identify difficulties that you may be experiencing because of your headache . Please check-off “Yes”, “Sometimes”, or “No” to each item. Answer each question as it pertains to your headache, only. Yes E1 Because of my headaches I feel handicapped. F2 E3 Because of my headaches I feel restricted in performing routine daily activities. No one understands the effect my headaches have on my life. F4 I restrict recreational activities (sports, hobbies) because of headaches. E5 My headaches make me angry. E6 Sometimes I feel I am going to lose control because of my headaches. F7 Because of my headaches, I am less likely to socialize. E8 My spouse (significant other) or family and friends have no idea what I’m going through because of my headaches. E9 My headaches are so bad that I think I am going to go insane. E10 My outlook on the world is affected by my headaches. E11 I am afraid to go outside when I feel that a headache is starting. E12 I feel desperate because of my headaches. F13 I am concerned that I am paying penalties at work or at home because of my headaches. E14 My headaches place stress on my relationships with family or friends. F15 I avoid being around people when I have a headache. F16 I believe my headaches make it difficult to achieve my goals in life. F17 I am unable to think clearly because of my headaches. F18 I get tense (muscle tension) because of my headaches. F19 I do not enjoy social gatherings because of my headaches. E20 I feel irritable because of my headaches. F21 I avoid travelling because of my headaches. E22 My headaches make me feel confused. E23 My headaches make me feel frustrated. F24 I find it difficult to read because of my headaches F25 I find it difficult to focus my attention away from my headaches and on other things. Sometimes Jackson GP, Ramadan NM, et al. The Henry Ford Hospital headache disability inventory (HDI). Neurology 1994; 44:837-842 No Special Notes | Headache Disability Index | HDI Yeomans, S; The Clinical Application of Outcome Assessment, Condition-Specific Outcome Assessment Tools; 7(79); Appleton & Lang, Stamford CT, 2000. 1. Use HDI as a stand-alone outcome assessment tool (OAT), or in conjunction with the Neck Disability Index (NDI) outcome assessment tool. 2. Originally HDI consisted of 40 questions, but has been reduced to 25 questions. 3. HDI has two subscales consisting of 12 emotional (E) questions and 13 functional (F) questions. Question type is identified on HDI form next to each number. 4. Scoring HDI Yes = 4 points 5. Total Score Potential 100 points 6. Jacobson et al; 1994 Reports Ave. Scores Sometimes = 2 points Subscale F Potential 52 points Mild 32.33 No = 0 points Subscale E Potential 48 points Moderate 33.72 Severe 60.73 7. Calculate total score and then F & E subscales as a percentage of total score. For example: Total Score = 78; F = 32 or 24.96%; E = 29 or 22.62% 8. Initial score should be above 29 points for HDI to be considered a reliable OAT to evaluate positive effects of treatment.