Spring 2016 - Brown Library

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IL 600
In this issue…
Spring 2016:
Vol. 6Fall
Vol 2(1),
Your Online Library
New Resource: RefWorks
Department News
Welcome !
 From the Director
 LibGuides
 staff
a Student
The USF Library
to extend
a warm welcome back to all returning students and welcome to all
the new students for the 2016 spring semester! We are looking forward to assisting you with not only research
for your academic endeavors but also a comfortable place to hang out while on campus.
We look forward to helping you out with looking for books and articles as well as research questions. But we
also have lots of other things to offer! Have you checked out our DVD section? Popular titles such as The Godfather Series and Games of Thrones Series are available. Please come take a look or check out the library catalog, https://vufind.carli.illinois.edu/vf-usf/.
Did you know that we have a 3D printer in the Library? Also we are excited to have a Voter Registration event
in February! Library Game nights with the Justice League are still happening once a month. Please watch our
website (http://library.stfrancis.edu) for more information about these events.
We would love to hear your comments and feedback. You can contact us at http://library.stfrancis.edu/ask.html.
Here’s to the new semester!
In spirit and service,
Shannon N. Wenzel
Director of Library Services
swenzel@stfrancis.edu / 815-740-5061
Now the Library is On the Radio!
In conjunction with the Radio Station, WCSF 88.7 FM, the Library now has a radio show! Gloria Hendrickson, Archivist, and Shannon Wenzel, Library Director, talk about a particular topic
each month. Some of the topics that have been covered so far are the USF Library Archives and
the book, Searching for Marquette: A Pilgrimage in A rt, by our own resident librarian, Ruth D.
The radio show also has book talks and new trends happening in the library and literature world.
Music and games are even thrown in. Gloria and Shannon are very excited to reach out to a
whole new audience to not only share what the USF Brown Library has to offer but also what
libraries in general have to offer.
The Library radio show is normally broadcast the first Saturday of the month. But just in case,
it is missed by listeners, the shows are also uploaded to the USF Brown Library blog:
and on the USF Brown Library Facebook page:
The Library would love to hear what you think about the radio show. Please tune in!
To Our New Periodicals
Gail Gawlik, Assistant Director
Library Technical Services
Ever think that journals could be exciting and down-right fun?
No? Well then, think again! Your library has started subscribing
to two new journals that are just that. As part of our effort to support the new Media Arts & Broadcasting program, we are now
getting Mojo, which calls itself “the world’s best music magazine”
and whose most recent issue focuses on the great David Bowie,
and Uncut, a journal that concentrates on the hip and trendy, along
with classic rock, while also including articles on movies and
Add to that the fact that both publications come with CDs that
illustrate that month’s articles and you have a winning combination.
The New York Review Children’s Collection
Looking for something to read to that class that you are student teaching? Or maybe you have a special little
one with whom you would like to share a book. Why not try out this new series? Started in 2003, its purpose
is to reintroduce titles that are either out-of-print or simply forgotten. Examples include:
The Box of Delights by John Masefield. Kay Harker is minding his own business, riding the train on
his way home for Christmas, when he notices two suspicious men watching him. As soon as he disembarks, another old man warns him that “the wolves are running” and hands him a magic box. Can
Kay escape the criminal wizard and save Christmas? There is only one way to find out!
Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf. In this Caldecott Honor Book of 1939, we meet Wee Gillis, a Scottish orphan who is passed between relatives in the Lowlands and those in the Highlands. Poor Gillis tries to
get along with all, but what will he do when the time comes that he must choose one side or the other?
The House of Arden by E. Nesbit. Edred, Elfrida, and Aunt Edith are the last of the Ardens and live
alone in a broken-down castle. Although the family fortune has been missing for many years, Edred
learns that it can be his, but only if he can find it before he turns 10.
More from Technical Services: New DVDs
The Fabric of the Cosmos. Physicist Brian Green explores time, space, and reality in this new
science series, asking such questions as is space really empty; does time flow in a straight line
or is it just an illusion; and is our universe unique or is it just one of many multiverses?
Silicon Valley. Focusing on the story of Robert Noyce, one of the inventors of the Fairchild
Semiconductor, this film describes the early years of the technology industry and shows how
Silicon Valley came to be.
When Marnie Was There. Based on the young adult novel by Joan G. Robinson, this Studio
Ghibli film tells us the story of Anna, who is visiting her relatives by the seaside, and the mysterious Marnie, who lives in the crumbling Marsh House.
That’s all from the Tech Services Department. Have a great semester and don’t forget to come visit us at the
Voter Registration Day
When: Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
Where: Library Lobby
Who: Anyone who would like to register to vote. You must be at least 18 years old.
What: Those wishing to register MUST bring 2 forms of identification. At least one of those must list
a current address.
Will County Clerk Nancy Schultz-Voots and her staff will be in attendance, and this event is a Passport
event for USF students.
If you would like to register to vote and cannot attend this event, please contact Brigitte Bell (x3447)
during the day and Georgia Clark (x3448) during the night to set up a time to get registered.
The last day to register to vote for the March Primary Election is February 16, 2016.
Brigitte Bell
Instruction Librarian
USF Library Publishes
Student Dissertations in
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database
Are you a doctoral student working on your dissertation? If so, we would love to publish it!
The USF Library is very excited to have acquired a subscription to ProQuest’s Dissertations & Theses database.
Access to this database not only allows USF the exciting opportunity to showcase our own students’ scholarly
works; it also allows our students the opportunity to search for examples of doctoral dissertations published by
students in similar programs at other universities.
Doctoral candidates - Once you have completed your dissertation and it has been approved by your committee,
please fill out the Submit a Dissertation form on the USF Library website and send a copy of your dissertation
to dissertations@stfrancis.edu.
Further questions regarding dissertation submissions can be sent to Brigitte Bell, Instruction Librarian, at
Gloria Hendrickson
Archives Librarian
Happy Spring Semester from the Archives!
A Brief Recap
2016 will be my second year as USF’s Archives Librarian, and I hope to make it as productive as the first. Last
year we created 18 individual collections relating to the University’s rich history, including:
The Student Life Records relates to the University of St. Francis student population that resides on campus,
by including: academics/honor societies and student organizations/clubs administrative papers, proposals, policies and
The Institutional Diversity collection contains board meeting minutes from the President's Council and Diversity
Board, as well as, an affirmative action plan, and information on the Student African American Brotherhood.
The Marketing Services collection contains marketing proposals, task force committee meeting minutes, marketing
plans, and demographic information about the USF student population.
We also participated in Chicago Open Archives by showcasing the Barbara A. Cooke Musical Theater
Collection, implemented our records management system ArchivesSpace, and continued to fill requests from
faculty, students, alumni, and the public.
There are also a few new forms, making contact with the Archives easier. The Appointment Request Form can
set up a time to meet with me individually or for a class session. The USF Records Transfer Form and
USF Student Group Records Form should be used when individuals or departments wish to transfer records to
the University Archives.
New Goals
Over the next few months, my
focus will be cataloging the
1,000+ books of the Barbara A.
Cooke Musical Theater Collection. We will start with biographies, which focus on influential people in the musical
theater world, including: Fred
Astaire, Marilyn Monroe, Bing
Crosby, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and many more.
My student worker, Adjo
Tameklo, and newest intern,
Madison Bowie, will be tasked
with adding over 500 images to
our Sharing Our Past: A Visual
History online collection. The
work includes writing descriptions for each photograph, and
finding corresponding names and
dates. Sometimes the names and
dates are difficult to come by, so
any input from faculty and staff
would be appreciated!
If you have any questions regarding USF archival collections and/or have a donation, please contact Gloria Hendrickson, Archives Librarian, at ghendrickson@stfrancis.edu or x3539.
LibGuides: Your One-Stop Library Resource
What are LibGuides? Library staff have created subject LibGuides as your one-stop library subject resource. LibGuides save you time and effort by directing you to information, resources and links relevant to sixty subjects, courses,
or general topics.
To find the subject guides, visit the Brown library website at: http://library.stfrancis.edu/ and click on the
“Subjects” tab near the top of the page. You can enter a search term, click on the subject headings featured below,
or enter the LibGuides site directly.
Would you like to try an iPad?
The Library has 35 iPads to loan so if you are looking to try one out or use a set for a
class activity, now is the time! The iPads have many useful apps such as Khan Academy, Dropbox, Evernote, iMovie, and many others. If there is an app that you would
like to see that Library add to the iPads, please let us know. We are happy to add any
apps that increase the functionality of the iPads. So why would you want to use an
IPad? As tablets and other hand held devices become more prevalent, it can be beneficial to learn how to use this technology.
So how long can they be used for? Individually, students can check out an iPad for 3
weeks while faculty and staff have a 6 week check out period. This allows people to have a good length of time to
learn how to use all the functions of the iPad. The iPads come in a pouch that contains a charging cord and plug.
So how does someone get the classroom set? At this time, the classroom set is only available to professors and
staff. The classroom set can be checked out for 2 days but this is flexible depending on the needs of the class. We
have a rolling trunk that can carry many iPads if needed so portability can been taken care of. In order to check
out a classroom set, we request that the circulation desk be contacted to reserve the set. This helps the Library
make sure there are enough sets for everyone and get them ready to be picked up when needed. The circulation
desk can be contacted at circulation@stfrancis.edu or 815-740-3690.
Spotlight on a Student Worker: Brenda Carbajal
Hometown: Manhattan, IL
Year/Major: Sophomor e/ Biology with a focus in Pr e-Med
Career goal: I have yet to decide, but I would like to be an ophthalmologist or a
plastic surgeon.
Favorite book: So many to choose fr om, but I’m going to have to say T he Perfect
Chemistry trilogy.
Favorite movie: My favor ite movie is T he Fault in Our Stars.
Favorite band/music: My favor ite type of music to listen to is r ap, pop, and some countr y. I do not have a
favorite band, but I do like listening to Ed Sheeran.
Favorite quote:
“Many of the things you can count, don’t count. Many of the things you can’t count, really count.”
–Albert Einstein
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going”-Jim Rohn
Favorite hobbies: Reading, playing soccer , watching movies, and spending time with my family.
Job duties as a student worker in the library:
As a student worker at the library, my main duty is to check-out and renew books requested by a patron. In
addition, I am in charge of looking for a requested book through a call slip or the personal request of a student. It
is also my duty to ensure the printers are loaded with paper.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned at USF: One of the biggest things I’ve lear ned as a
student at USF is the importance of giving back to your community. We don’t realize the impact we can have on
an individual by taking some time to help those in need.
What advice would you give to new students: Don’t pr ocr astinate and stay up to date with all your classes!
Also, you may think a class is hard, but don’t give up. Everything is achievable, even though it may take some
hard work. I would also tell them to live in the moment because these next few years are going to fly by.
Activate Your
Library Account
the online
Use the
online form
form or
visit the circulation desk.
Amy Chellino, Editor
the library
Please visit
visit the
web site for our hours.
Contact Us
Circulation Desk
Reference Desk 740-5041
free 1-800-726-6500
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Email Ask-a-Librarian: