Project Lead the Way - Introduction to Engineering Design Course


Project Lead the Way - Introduction to Engineering Design

Course Description TEC 151/152

Instructor Information

Mr. Michael Anderson

Mr. Frank Radostits

Mr. Justin Zummo

Course Website

Course Overview

Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school level course that is appropriate for students who are interested in design and engineering. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. IED gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.

Introduction to Engineering Design is one of three foundation courses in the Project Lead

The Way high school pre-engineering program. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

● Demonstrate an understanding of the engineering design process and how engineers use it to solve problems.

● Discuss the different fields of engineering and their roles.

● Use measurement and statistics to analyze the creation of a product.

● Calculate area, volume, and weight of three-dimensional solids.

● Generate and document ideas through brainstorming.

● Use different types of sketches to share and document ideas.

● Create sketches and solve problems using Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) software.

● Work effectively in a team to solve a design challenge.

Required Supplies

Engineering Notebook


Pencil and Pen

Flash Drive

School Google Account


Specific Course Activities

All students will be expected to:

● Maintain an engineering notebook based on the Project Lead the Way standards.

● Complete assignments in their notebooks and using our Autodesk Inventor software.

● Maintain a course long portfolio showcasing assignments from each unit.

● Work alongside classmates to complete a variety of design challenges.

Course Outline

● Unit 1 - Design process

● Unit 2 - Technical Sketching and Drawing

● Unit 3 - Measurement and Statistics

● Unit 4 - Modeling Skills

● Unit 5 - Geometry of Design

● Unit 6 - Reverse Engineering

● Unit 7 - Documentation

● Unit 8 - Advanced Computer Modeling

● Unit 9 - Design Teams

● Unit 10 - Design Challenges


All students are expected to follow the guidelines as set in the Stevenson High School

Student Guidebook, as well as ones set in each individual class.



At the end of the semester each student’s final grade will be a composite ranking in each of the course standards. The teacher will use the double majority matrix to make a professional decision based on evidence for the final grade of each standard:

Standards Grading Matrix

Exceeding Mastery Mastery Approaching


Still Developing










The composite rankings and following course mastery grade calculation rules will be used to determine the student’s semester grade: (Note: rankings of “EM” and “SD” are used to determine “+” or “-“ within each grade level).

A Mastery in 4 standards




Mastery in 3 standards

Mastery in 2 standards

Mastery in 1 standards

F Mastery in 0 standards

Course Standards and Objectives

Science and Math


1.1 I can calculate the density of objects.

1.2 I can calculate the weight of objects.

1.3 I can calculate the area of shapes.

1.4 I can make linear measurements of an object.

1.5 I can calculate statistics of different data sets.

1.6 I can convert units using the SI and the US Customary measurement systems.


2.1 I can use CAD software to create basic shapes.

2.2 I can use shape features CAD software to create shapes.

2.3 I can use model features in CAD software to create shapes.

2.4 I can use CAD software to create professional quality models.

2.5 I can use CAD software to create working drawings.

2.6 I can use CAD software to create animated presentations of my design.

2.7 I can use CAD software to analyze the physical properties of shapes.


3.1 I can identify and analyze the responsibilities of different engineering disciplines.


3.2 I can use sketching techniques to create and document solutions to a given problem.

3.3 I can use isometric drawing techniques to create and document an object.

3.4 I can use perspective drawing techniques to create and document an object.

3.5 I can use multiview drawing techniques to create and document an object.

3.6 I can use an engineering notebook to document the design process.

3.7 I can use modeling techniques to create potential solutions to a problem.

3.8 I can use the design process test, evaluate, and improve my design.

3.9 I can use the design process to solve a given problem.


4.1 I can manage my time in Introduction to Engineering Design.

4.2 I can critique review and evaluate engineering designs.

4.3 I can present my finished design.

4.4 I demonstrate commitment to team goals.


